Benefits of gnome tomatoes

According to its description and characteristics, the Thong tomato is included in the Gnomes variety series. It fully meets all the requirements for gnomes:

  • high and stable yield with excellent commercial yield;
  • super resistant to drought and temperature changes;
  • not susceptible to damage by pathogens of tomato diseases.

The main parameter is compactness. The gnome tomato should grow in:

  • small volume of soil;
  • crowded plantings;
  • with insufficiency of nutrients.

As can be seen from the description and basic requirements for gnomes, this tomato must be super resistant to everything. But its indicators of the habitus of the plant form and the fruit may be different. The gnome series may include:

  • tall;
  • low;
  • large-fruited;
  • cocktail

When choosing gnomes, you need to carefully study the characteristics of a particular variety.

Buy tomato seeds “Thongs”

If you decide to buy Thong dwarf , you can purchase high-quality planting material from us without any difficulties. Our website offers you only original seeds. You can be convinced of this after viewing the reviews of the “ Thong” tomato from customers who have tried this variety. The site has an impressive assortment of rare plants that are quite difficult to buy due to their novelty. To obtain excellent products and advice on cultivation, you should contact only specialists.

General characteristics of the tomato variety Thongs

The Thong variety can be found under the names The Thong, Dwarf The Thong, Gnome Strap, Gnome Thong. The authorship belongs to breeders from the USA and Australia.

Tomato has the following characteristics:

  • mid-season;
  • semi-determinate;
  • flat-round;
  • large-fruited.

Features of tomatoes gnome thong

An adult, fruit-bearing bush, according to those who planted it, grows up to 1.5 m in height. Its shoots end in a fruit cluster even then. When the ovary appears on 5-6 clusters.

The leaf is wide, powerful, but does not interfere with growth in crowded conditions. Thanks to its dense, wrinkled leaves, the tomato shows unprecedented resistance to pathogens and parasites. The tomato shoot is powerful, strong with short internodes.

Such features allow the variety to be grown in greenhouses and open ground. Those regions where nature does not indulge in mild temperatures can also afford to cultivate Thongs in the open ground.

Basic qualities of fruits

Tomato Tomato Thong:

  • large, weighing in the range of 150-300 g;
  • flat-round;
  • when ripe, dark green with a purple tint;
  • the ripe fruit is purple in color with blurry green stripes throughout the body;
  • a cut reveals dark cherry-colored pulp;
  • seed chambers are numerous, filled with pulp and seeds, juicy;
  • the walls of the fetus are strong and elastic;
  • The skin is dense, but not rough. Excellent retention of tomato pulp.

The fruits of the String variety are excellent in taste. They are meaty, sweet, juicy. The aftertaste of the fruit is clearly expressed. It resembles a distant mixture of oriental spices. The aroma is also very pleasant, tomato-inviting.

Attention! A feature of the variety is its heterogeneity of color. Even ripe tomatoes will have different colors.

Ripening time and yield

Thongs ripen by 110-115 days from the moment the seeds fully germinate. The first tomatoes are larger. They weigh 250-300 g. The remaining fruits in the cluster may be slightly smaller. Large fruit is preserved not only in the lower hands, but also in the upper ones.

Reviews from vegetable growers about Thong tomatoes indicate that the variety is very productive. It blooms tirelessly and sets fruit until late autumn. Each bush can show a yield of up to 10 kg.

Areas of use

Tomato Thong for salad purposes. Its delicious cherry-purple flesh can delight gourmets. The fruits are successfully used for:

  • preparing salads;
  • cutting into slices and slices;
  • processing into juices, sauces, pasta, adjika.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Despite the fact that gnomes are credited with special resistance to diseases, the Thong tomato has average performance. During the growing process, tomatoes must be treated with complex fungicidal preparations. The products are available, it is not difficult to purchase them, and the treatment will help protect the entire harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Thong variety

Vegetable growers speak well of the Gnome Thong tomato for its:

  • excellent productivity;
  • high taste qualities of fruits;
  • the ability to grow and bear fruit in crowded spaces.

One of the disadvantages is that it is difficult to buy pure-grade seeds. Even collectors sometimes sin with over-grading, which does not have the best effect on the reputation of Strings.

Reviews from vegetable growers who grew the variety indicate that the variety is capable of “catching” the pathogen even in a greenhouse and requires regular treatment with drugs.

Description of the variety

The bushes of the Gnome series are not small, as you might think when you hear the name - tomatoes grow up to 140 cm in height. But on poor soils their height barely reaches half a meter. The average weight of tomatoes is from 50 to 180 grams. Of course, the varieties of the series differ from each other, but they all have many common characteristic properties.

  • Gnome tomatoes are not grown;
  • the bushes are slightly spreading, but compact, do not require space;
  • early ripening fruits;
  • each bush with one trunk (occasionally – two trunks);
  • leaves with an emerald tint, and their surface is wrinkled;
  • stems are strong and thick;
  • You can grow Gnome tomatoes even on a balcony or loggia;
  • The variety is high-yielding and resistant to diseases characteristic of nightshades, which corresponds to the characteristics of the variety. Macrosporia and late blight do not affect bushes.

Another good thing about tomatoes from this series is that they don’t care about changeable weather. Even if the summer is not very hot, you will have “gnomes”.

Some subspecies of the series

As reviews from vegetable growers show, unfortunately, not all tomatoes classified as gnomes are worthy of admiration. Some varieties are strongly influenced by where they grow and this must be taken into account. When choosing a variety, you can consider the following:

  • Cheerful gnome. Variety produced by professional breeder L.A. Myazina. Early, standard, no more than 60 cm high. Determination is well expressed. The fruits are salad, cylindrical, weighing up to 90 g, red. Productivity up to 6 kg per square meter. meters. The taste of the fruit is good. Works well when processed into tomato paste;
  • Big gnome. The plant does not exceed 1 m. The fruits are large, up to 300 g. Flat-round in shape, smooth. The color is deep orange-red. Good taste, suitable for salads;
  • Purple heart. A very productive variety. Indicators reach 18 kg per meter of greenhouse area. Indeterminate, requires stepsoning. The fruit is heart-shaped, ribbed, red with a purple tint. Tomato weight up to 300 g.
  • Golden heart. A low-growing, compact, determinate variety producing fruits up to 100 g. Heart-shaped tomatoes have a rich, orange color and a very sweet taste. The yield in the garden reaches 10 kg per square meter.
  • Wild Fred. Medium ripening period. Bush height up to 60 cm. Fruits from 100 to 300 g. Does not require pinching.
  • Pink passion. Mid-season, up to a meter tall. The fruits are deep pink in color, from 100 to 180 g. The shape of the fruit is varied. One bush can bear heart-shaped and flat-round tomatoes. Universal purpose with good yield.
  • Dwarf. Round smooth red fruits 20-30 gr. The variety is very picky. Taste qualities are affected by the total amount of heat, sun, and moisture.

Of course, this is only a small part. There is no point in buying a lot of seeds at once; start with 1-2 varieties and take a closer look at them.

Description of tomato Bystrenok F1, reviews, photos

Early ripening (85-90 days from germination to ripening), productive, determinate tomato hybrid for open ground and film shelters.
The bush is not spreading, up to 0.8 meters high, requires tying to a support and pinching. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 3 stems. If the ripening period is not critical for you, you can plant the bush only up to the first cluster - in this case, the tomato will yield a harvest a little later.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are round, dense, smooth, dark pink in color at maturity, weighing 110-120 grams, good (for early varieties) taste. Not prone to cracking, transportable. These tomatoes have a universal purpose; when ripened on the bush, they are perfect for early fresh salads.

Advantages of the hybrid : high yield, uniform setting and fruiting, evenness of fruits, excellent taste, resistance to major tomato diseases. Due to its early ripeness, the hybrid manages to produce a harvest before the onset of late blight.

Features of planting and growing tomato gnome Thong

Growing gnomes has its own characteristics and should be taken into account. They genetically have short internodes, which guarantees compactness and low growth of the vegetative form. However, disturbances in temperature and light conditions allow them to “start out”, stretch out and become unlike gnomes. When purchasing seeds from this series, you must strictly observe the conditions for growing seedlings.

Planting seedlings

Mid-ripening thong variety. You can't sow it too early. The seedlings will stretch out. Moreover, there is no point in sowing early if the conditions for growing seedlings are not created. Push back sowing to April. The day will be longer, and the plant will absorb the power of light even without the help of a grower.

If there is a need to sow seeds in March, do not soak and do not allow the seeds to begin to germinate. In this case, they will sprout not in 10 days, but in 15-18.

The sowing process can be carried out as follows:

  • fill the tub with soil and compact it;
  • spread the seeds over the surface at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other;
  • sprinkle with soil and compact;
  • pour plenty of warm water from a sprayer;
  • cover with glass and place in a place where the temperature will not drop below 22 ᵒC for several days;
  • as soon as the shoots appear, remove the cover and place the tub on the lightest windowsill;
  • Adjust the temperature at night within 16-17ᵒC, during the day 22-23ᵒC.

When two true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in individual cups down to the cotyledon leaves. Initially, use a 200 g container, and after a month, transfer it to a 500 ml container and add soil until the first true leaves are reached.

Watering seedlings is carried out abundantly, but not often. The top layer of soil should dry out.

At the age of 60 days, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting into open ground. It should be hardened before planting. To do this, initially, for 10-12 days, the ventilation is increased, then the tubs are taken out into the fresh air. Before planting, the plants are left outside overnight.


Tomato Thongs are transplanted into open ground by selecting a place:

  • without prevailing winds;
  • with nutritious, light soils;
  • without stagnation of groundwater.

Attention! Remember what grew in the chosen place last year. If you have nightshade crops, then discard it.

It is better to transplant in the evening with plenty of watering. If the root system is closed, then the earthen ball is not destroyed, but the seedlings are slightly deepened. It is better to carry out a two-line landing. The distance between bushes is 40 cm, and between rows 50 cm.

Further care

Caring for Thong tomatoes is no different from other high-yielding varieties. It consists of:

  • weeding;
  • watering;
  • fertilizing;
  • stepsons.

When describing a variety, you can often find evidence that gnomes do not take stepson. This is partly correct. However, all varieties cannot be grown with many shoots. In this case, the large fruit will become smaller and the taste will change, not for the better. It is better to carry a thong in three shoots. To do this, do this:

  • they leave the very first, lower stepson;
  • then 2-3 stepsons clean up;
  • then the best of 4-6 internodes is selected and left.

If the soil is very nutritious and fertilizing is carried out every 15-20 days, then it is quite possible to leave the 4th stepson, but no more.

It is better to alternate feedings. Organic substances should not be combined with mineral ones. Tank mixtures were invented by those who are very busy and don’t have time to work with tomatoes. It is better to carry out the first fertilizing with organic matter, it has everything. Of these substances, preference is given to:

  • pig manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • horse or cattle feces.

Manure dilution is done at 1:10, but chicken manure is diluted at 1:20.

The first feeding is carried out 12-15 days after planting the seedlings. 0.5 liters of solution is poured under the bush after preliminary, abundant watering. The second feeding 15-20 days after the first in the same concentration and quantity. The last time the plant is fed is in the second half of August.

More frequent feeding is recommended if:

  • sandy soils in the fruiting area;
  • the lands are not fertile;
  • Frequent precipitation occurs.

In the absence of organic matter, mineral fertilizers are used. The first feeding is carried out with ammonium nitrate (15 g per 10 l of water), then monocalcium phosphate or superphosphate (15 g per 10 l of water). Alternating organic and mineral water will show a good effect.

Tomato watering should be carried out:

  • abundantly;
  • infrequently;
  • regularly;
  • after noon;
  • warm water.

Attention! You cannot feed tomatoes under stressful conditions. Wait until it warms up after the cold weather and only then fertilize. In extreme heat, water abundantly and only then fertilize.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Pathogens of tomato diseases are constantly trying to settle on nightshade crops and destroy the crop. They should not be allowed into the garden and greenhouse. Particular attention should be paid to treatments in those regions where the heat gives way to cool nights, and long, lingering rains are not uncommon. The greenhouse protects the crops, but Thongs are better processed indoors.

Take advantage of the experience of vegetable growers who constantly receive high yields. Highly effective preparations have long been available to amateur gardeners and small farmers. If you do not miss the moment and apply them in a timely manner, then diseases can be avoided. The following have proven themselves to be the most effective:

  • Quadris;
  • Speed;
  • Tomato Rescuer;
  • Topaz;
  • Revus;
  • Oxhom.

Attention! Do not use the same drug over and over again. Rotating the fungicides will make them more effective.

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