Decent tomato - productive Fancy F1 tomato: variety characteristics and growing tips

The Fancy F1 tomato will definitely not go unnoticed by gardeners. What is attractive about the hybrid is its high productivity, excellent product and taste characteristics, and ease of care. The neat fruits are perfect for canning and fresh consumption.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyRedsAverageHybridPlum-shaped or oval

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Fancy F1 is a compact determinant. Grows in small bushes with little foliage. What characteristics distinguish plants of this hybrid:

  • height no more than 55 cm;
  • the ability to do without a garter;
  • there are 8-10 fruits on the clusters;
  • the number of fruiting clusters is within 8-9.

Ripening occurs in the mid-early period. The harvest begins within 110-116 days from the start of germination.

Tomato features:

  • average weight 75-80 g;
  • elongated, oblong shape;
  • color bright red;
  • the flesh is fleshy, dense;
  • seed chambers 2-3;
  • the taste is wonderful, harmoniously combines sourness and sweetness;
  • the skin is durable.

Tomatoes are easily transported and retain their presentation.

Hybrid characteristics

This hybrid is characterized by such a feature as short stature. This variety of tomato can be called superdeterminate. Even under the most favorable growing conditions, tomato bushes stretch only up to 55 cm. On average, the height of the plant is 50 cm.

These sizes make tomatoes completely unpretentious. The bushes are low, so they do not need to be tied up. Moreover, the tomato also does not need special shaping. Even if the gardener does not remove the stepsons, this will not affect the yield.

Many summer residents do not like low-growing varieties, as they consider them unprofitable. But the Fancy F1 tomato differs from most determinate hybrids, since this tomato produces a large number of tasty fruits. You can grow tomatoes both in open ground and under film. For low-growing tomatoes, both a regular greenhouse and a small greenhouse are well suited.

Tomato bushes are quite compact, so they can be planted close to each other. Plants will still not experience a deficiency of sunlight.

10 fruits appear on each cluster. Their mass is small, but the total weight from 1 bush is about 3 kg. If the plants are planted according to the 6 pcs. per 1 m², then the total yield from such a plot will be 24 kg.

The Fancy tomato is very fond of fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers or organic matter should be applied at least 4 times during the growing season. This will greatly affect the quality and quantity of the fruit.

Preventative spraying of tomatoes against diseases will not be superfluous. But the manufacturer assures that the hybrid is resistant to fusarium, bacterial spot and verticillium. Also, tomato is not afraid of nematodes.

Not only the application of fertilizers, but also weeding and loosening the soil have a positive effect on productivity. These are mandatory stages of caring for any tomatoes. With proper agricultural technology, the gardener can expect a good harvest.

See also

Description and cultivation of tomato variety Orlets F1


Features of cultivation and storage

On the site, bushes are planted 5-6 pieces per 1 m2.

Choose well-lit beds; to increase fertility, add the following components per 1 m2:

  • superphosphate 25 g;
  • wood ash 1 cup;
  • potassium sulfate ½ tbsp.

To reap the maximum harvest, tomatoes are watered regularly and in a balanced manner. They do not allow drought, but do not exceed the watering rate of 6-7 liters per bush.

Fertilizers include phosphorus-potassium base, saltpeter, diluted solutions of mullein and manure, and bioinfusions.

Tomato Fancy characteristics and description of the variety, cultivation and opinion of gardeners with photos

Fenda tomato growing technology

The height of the bushes reaches 2 meters; in greenhouses, growth is unlimited. The growing season of the variety is 70-80 days. The main stem is straight and strong, the leaf blade is quite large, and the rhizome is well developed.

6-10 ovaries are formed on one bunch. A ripe tomato weighs from 250 g to 400 g, the shape of the tomato is round with a pink color. The increased sugar content gives the fruit a sweet taste with a slight sourness. Inside the dense vegetable there are 6 chambers containing seeds. The pulp is fleshy and juicy.

One plant can have 40-50 fruits. Up to 25 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one square. Thanks to its early ripening period, the Fenda variety can be grown twice per season: from spring to summer, from summer to autumn.

The sugary taste and fleshy pulp are suitable for preparing a variety of tomato sauces, ketchups and juices. Fresh tomatoes are added to salads, and tomatoes can be preserved in pieces.

  • tomatoes are transportable;
  • the skin is dense, the fruits do not crack;
  • bushes can be grown under film or without it;
  • excellent taste and attractive appearance;
  • The variety is resistant to many diseases.
  • tall bushes require constant garters;
  • The variety is demanding on fertilizing.

The indeterminate hybrid prefers greenhouse conditions. It is better to germinate seedlings yourself in early spring. Seeds should be purchased from trusted suppliers, and do not forget to look at the expiration dates on the label. Small and damaged seeds are removed, the rest are dipped in a light manganese solution for 20 minutes, washed and slightly dried.

The temperature for sowing should be no lower than 21-25 degrees. Prepare an earthen mixture for seedlings (garden soil, peat and sand: 2:1:1), seedlings can be grown in peat tablets.

The seeds are sown in prepared containers, covered with a layer of soil on top and watered. After the sprouts appear (7-10 days), the temperature in the room is reduced to 15 degrees, this is done so that the plant can independently synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, and also does not grow rapidly.

After a week, the temperature gradually begins to increase until it reaches 22-24 degrees. The container needs to be moved to a lighted place; if there is not enough light, connect daylight lamps. The soil should be moistened 1-2 times every 7 days.

The plants are picked into a separate container when the first leaves appear on the mature seedlings. At the time of transplanting into the garden, the plants reach 25-30 cm in height and have approximately 6-9 leaves. Ovaries are formed every 5 leaves.

A few days before planting seedlings, the soil in the garden should be dug up to a depth of 12-14 cm. Complex fertilizers (NPK-15-20 kg/ha) are applied to the soil. Seedlings are planted in holes in rows according to a pattern of 50 cm by 40 cm, 3-4 bushes are placed per square meter.

The soil around the holes is compacted and watered, and the top is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of mulch. The seedlings should be left alone for 10 days. The bushes form 1-2 stems; with a bush height of 2 meters, at least 8-10 brushes develop on one specimen. A support for the garter is immediately placed near the bushes.

Every 4-5 days, moderate watering is done (500 ml of water per plant), water the bushes at the root in the morning until the seedlings take root, the soil moisture should be 80% NV.


A rich tomato harvest is achieved with timely feeding. Potassium supplements synthesize vitamin C, increase root growth, and store carbohydrates. Potassium is added during seedling growth, then from the beginning of ovary formation and during fruit ripening.

Phosphorus supplements (superphosphate, precipitate) are necessary for the ripening of fruits and seeds; phosphorus is added twice during the growing season.

Nitrogen gives plants their green color. But an overdose of nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of abundant foliage, and the plant will not have any strength left for the fruits. Nitrogen (ammonium sulfate, manure, urea, ammonium nitrate) is added twice during the growing season: the first time - with the main additives during planting of seedlings, the second time - from the beginning of the formation of ovaries. Since nitrogen fertilizers make the soil acidic, limestone must be added.


The first tying is done 2 weeks after planting, subsequent tying of bushes is done every 3 weeks.

We must not forget to weed weeds, remove dry leaves, and spray bushes to prevent diseases and combat pests.

If tomatoes are cared for incorrectly and poorly, especially if the soil moisture is high, diseases may occur:

Sick plants need to be removed and destroyed to avoid infecting neighboring bushes. Mineral supplements increase the immunity of tomatoes and protect the crop from late blight. Insecticides are used to control pests (cutworm, aphids, Colorado potato beetle).

At the end of April, seedlings are transferred to open soil in the southern and southeastern regions of the Russian Federation; in the western and northwestern regions of the country, tomatoes are planted in greenhouses at the beginning of May.

Basic ideas about the variety

For summer residents, detailed characteristics of the variety provide a lot of useful information. They help you choose the right place on the site or form a plant.


  • Indeterminate.
  • Height up to 2 m.
  • There are 3–5 tomatoes in one bunch.
  • Ripens within 85–110 days.


  • Large from 350–500 g, if conditions are favorable they reach 1 kg.
  • The shape is flat-round or heart-shaped, various specimens are found.
  • Yellow color.
  • High density, fleshy. Large fruits are often without seeds.

Summer residents advise leaving 2-3 fruits for collecting seeds, because 1 may turn out to be empty.

  • The skin is thin.
  • They last up to 1 month.

A description of the main characteristics allows the gardener to understand whether such a variety is needed on his site or not.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmers highlight the advantages of the variety:

  • drought resistance;
  • undemanding to weather conditions (lighting);
  • unusual shape and color;
  • excellent taste;
  • marketability;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to viral diseases;
  • ease of marketing;
  • ease of growing large crops.

But enjoying tomatoes is hampered by the disadvantages of the Wonder of the World:

  • high bush size (difficult to grow in greenhouses);
  • difficulty in growing in regions with strong winds: bushes break;
  • the need for pinching and gartering.

Description of the hybrid tomato variety Torquay and recommendations for growing the plant


The advantages of the variety outweigh the disadvantages: farmers easily obtain good harvests of unusual fruits.

Use in home cooking. Harvest volume

Universal Fancy tomatoes are used for all types of processing, drying, and canning. Particularly suitable for pickling whole fruits. Fresh salads, holiday table decorations, and this is not the entire list of herbal uses.

The yield of the variety is 12 kg per 1 m2.

The declared volume of harvest can be obtained only after performing the necessary agrotechnical practices.

How to plant and care for a plant

Growing Fancy tomatoes is no different from any other variety. The method of growing a seedling is the most common, since a bush planted in this way forms ovaries faster. Seeds are sown early. About 55-65 days. The sowing time is calculated taking into account the climatic characteristics of the growing region.

Mandatory agrotechnical techniques for growing seedlings:

  • Dive into the second phase of the real leaf.
  • Light and warmth. The temperature 5 days after germination is + 15–17, then rises to + 20–22.
  • Hardening 1-2 weeks before soil transfer.
  • Feeding that stimulates seedling growth.

5-6 plants per 1 m2 are planted in a permanent place. A stepson is not required, a garter is required. It is recommended to feed the plants with organic fertilizers and mineral compounds.

Weeding is carried out as needed, since beds overgrown with weeds will be affected by pests.

Loosening, felling and mulching the plantings will help retain moisture longer and prevent the development of diseases.

What summer residents say about Fancy tomatoes

An important role in making the final decision is played by the reviews of those gardeners who have encountered this variety. You can also get tips on growing or caring for them.

  • Igor. It turned out that I planted it very late, but the plant still grew. It gave a good harvest. Fancy didn't steal the tomatoes; he barely cared about them. The harvest was excellent, almost 8 kg per bush. The taste is excellent, I especially liked the fact that the fruit has thick walls.

Tomatoes are mid-season, more common in many areas. All that remains is to choose the size, color and other necessary characteristics. The Fancy Tomato satisfies many needs.

Source –

Harvest and storage

The first harvest can be harvested in August (this depends on the climatic conditions of the region). Basic Rules:

  • Pick the first fruits every 5 days; in the second half of August, harvest every 2-3 days.
  • Collect tomatoes in the evenings, always in dry weather. When plucking, do not injure the shoots.
  • Eat ripe tomatoes first or immediately process them, since they have a shorter shelf life.
  • Collect unripe fruits. They will reach the boxes faster, but soon new brushes will appear on the bushes.

Summer Garden tomatoes are distinguished by long-term storage and ease of transportation. The main thing is to follow simple rules, and then the tomatoes will last from 1 to 3 weeks and will retain their presentable appearance:

  • Do not wash fruits before storing.
  • Choose a dry box, preferably wooden.
  • Place tomatoes in layers, but no more than 3.
  • Sprinkle each layer of vegetables with dry peat or sawdust.
  • Store the box of tomatoes in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 20-23 degrees.
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