Is it worth buying Fasco fertilizer for violets?

All plants on earth need energy to grow.

They get it by processing minerals found in the soil. But soil reserves are not unlimited and are gradually depleted.

To prevent this from happening and the plant not to die, various fertilizers are applied.

Fertilizer Fasco for violets

This is a specialized plant food containing a complex of macro- and microelements.

Description and packaging

Liquid fertilizer for violets from the “Flower Happiness” series is available in a plastic container with a volume of 250 or 285 ml.

Fasco in different packaging.

The fertilizer is characterized by:

  • a balanced composition of nutrients, which allows you to provide the plant with all the necessary substances;
  • easy solubility in water;
  • affordable price and long shelf life.

The drug contains the following basic nutrients:

  • Nitrogen is an essential element of protein molecules and is necessary for the normal growth of violets. A lack of nitrogen is indicated by dull leaf color and weak shoot growth;
  • phosphorus – part of protein, accelerates the onset of flowering;
  • potassium - increases stress resistance and immunity to diseases; with a lack of this element, the leaves turn pale and die off at the edges.

The influence of basic elements on the plant.

In addition to the main mineral elements, Fasco fertilizer for violets contains microelements:

  • sulfur – takes part in the synthesis reactions of sulfur-containing amino acids;
  • iron – necessary in the processes of chlorophyll formation and the normal course of cellular respiration reactions;
  • manganese - necessary in the reactions of photosynthesis, as well as the biosynthesis of proteins and fats. Its deficiency causes variegated leaf spot and chlorosis;
  • copper – stimulates metabolic processes, increases plant resistance to infections. A lack of copper is manifested in weak growth of the root system and, accordingly, slower growth of the plant, light spots on the leaves;
  • boron - a lack of this element leads to a delay in the development of various parts of the plant (roots, buds, leaves);
  • zinc – necessary in the reactions of biosynthesis of proteins and carbohydrates. A lack of zinc causes leaf shrinkage, lightening of the top of the leaf blade and areas between the veins, and death of the lower leaves;
  • molybdenum – participates in nitrogen metabolism in plants. The deficiency of this element manifests itself in yellowing or spotting of the leaf blade, death of the growing point;
  • cobalt – promotes the activation of various enzymes. With its deficiency, poor development of the root system is observed.

What is it used for?

Universal feeding is especially necessary when caring for potted plants , where there is no natural supply of beneficial elements and microorganisms.

Often the plant itself gives a signal about the need for replenishment, this can manifest itself in:

  • slowdown in growth rates;
  • pale color and reduced leaf size;
  • the appearance of yellowness or spots on the leaf blade;
  • lack of flowering, etc.

The lack of nutrients can be judged by the appearance of the violet.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates that the flower needs additional nutrition.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the drug are:

  • ease of use;
  • stimulating effect on the immune system of violet;
  • lush and long-lasting flowering after regular fertilizing;
  • improving the characteristics of all types of soils;
  • activation of root system growth.

The effectiveness of Fusco has been confirmed by tests in specialized scientific laboratories.

Necessary substances

Since the volume of the pot in which the violet grows is not large, the supply of nutrients is used up quickly .

For the normal functioning of Saintpaulia, it is necessary to apply the fertilizers it needs. Namely:

  • Phosphorus-potassium (for flowering);
  • Nitrogen (to increase green mass);
  • Vitamins and amino acids (stimulation of roots to absorb macro and microelements from the soil).

Mode of application

The effectiveness of fertilizing directly depends on the correct preparation of the drug and processing of the plant. The work does not require special training or equipment.
Here's what the instructions tell us about using this drug:

  • Root feeding: during flowering, violets are watered at the root. Dilute 10 ml of the drug / 1 liter of water, use every 10-14 days;
  • during the rest of the period, monthly, watering is carried out with a solution of the drug - 10 ml of the drug / 1 liter of water.
  • Foliar feeding:
      during flowering, prepare a solution - 10 ml of the drug / 2 liters of water, spray the plant every 10-14 days;
  • during the rest of the period - 10 ml of the drug / 2 liters of water, used monthly.
  • Is it possible to use fertilizer:

    For feeding children?

    Immediately after transplantation, you should not feed the children:

    • they begin to apply fertilizer a month after the baby grows independently in a separate container, when the root system develops and gets stronger;
    • the concentration of the drug in the finished solution when feeding a baby should be halved compared to feeding an adult plant;
    • Do not exceed the dosage of fertilizers, as this may poison the plant.

    Only older and stronger children can be fertilized.

    If the soil under the violet is dry, you should also not apply fertilizer. First, the soil is slightly moistened and only the next day fertilizing is applied.

    After the transplant?

    They begin feeding violets after transplantation no earlier than 10-14 days , when the root system has taken root a little and has become stronger.

    What to use for abundant flowering

    In order for your plant to form buds and then bloom profusely, use fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus (P). If you add them constantly, the flower stalks develop faster and their number increases.

    If you want to apply fertilizers with each watering, then their concentration should be 5 times less than the norm.

    Recommended for use:

    • Agricola - for flowering plants
    • Uniflor (flower, bud)
    • FERTImix - lush flowering

    If your Saintpaulia does not bloom, most likely there are problems with its care. Read more about them in the material at the link.

    Fasco fertilizer for violets instructions for use


    Previously, I did not attach importance to fertilizers for indoor flowers. I thought, what's so special about it? They stand in a warm place without drafts, drink water. You should be happy) But no! The begonia Elatior once told me and refused to bloom. For three years I was ready to be puzzled by this issue and purchase a complex fertilizer for hydrangeas and azaleas. The next vitamin I purchased for flowers was a bottle of “Fasco” for violets. It is intended for violets.

    His price was small - 70 rubles. The product is a white plastic bottle sealed in film. The film contains all the information about the fertilizer: from the expiration date (in the form of markings on the lid) to the composition and recommendations for feeding plants.

    There is a lot of information on the packaging. Mainly, the composition of the fertilizer is selected in such a way as to combine the macro and microelements necessary for Uzambara violets (Saintpaulias). Such a unique recipe should provide violets with bright and long-lasting flowering. “Flower happiness” is promised by the manufacturer of this complex fertilizer to its customers. Plant feeding is possible both by the root method (through watering) and non-root method (by spraying the foliage). In this case, it is recommended to use both of these options. It's better to alternate them. The only thing is that it is not recommended to fertilize indoor plants immediately after replanting them; you need to wait about 10-14 days. In winter and during the rest of the violets (until they bloom), you can feed them with fertilizers once a month. More often there is no need. but with the arrival of spring (when the flowers gain color) you can increase these efforts 2-3 times.

    Any fertilizer should be kept away from children and animals. That's not news. The consumption of the product is moderate: 1 cap is diluted with 1-2 liters of water. This bottle will last for a year with regular (according to the instructions) use. In total, the product can be stored for up to 5 years. This information will please those who do not have many violets in their arsenal and still want them to live comfortably in their home.

    This is the wide neck of the fertilizer bottle. You need to pour carefully, calculating the force so as not to overdo it. In appearance, the concentrate has a transparent liquid consistency with a greenish tint. Without a pungent and rich odor. It is there, but it is not pronounced, and I cannot describe it by comparing it with something familiar. when diluted, the fertilizer in diluted form has a slightly cloudy, colorless appearance. There are a lot of violets in my house, therefore, having once experienced all the benefits of such active fertilizing additives, for me the question of purchasing fertilizers is no longer worth it. The main thing is to choose the appropriate composition. Since, in this case, I bought fertilizer specifically for violets, the effect was also immediate. Life was not bad for them before, but now they have begun to bloom more actively. Someone is blooming, so bright buds constantly decorate the windowsill. Now, in spring, of course, the laziest ones have woken up from their sleep and I expect vigorous flowering in the next six months. The flowers are bright and large in size. I think they were more modest last year. Still, they like the fertilizer and they say it with all their gratitude. The composition contains iron, cobalt, zinc, copper, sulfur, boron.

    I have not used fertilizer for violets before, so I cannot compare this recipe for “Flower Happiness” with other formulations. But I can appreciate the results of using “Fasco”! It also exists for a short period of time. And I used it 3-4 times.

    Fasco Flower happiness for Violets mineral liquid fertilizer (285ml)


    Flower happiness Violet is a specialized complex liquid fertilizer with microelements. Contains a balanced set of nutrients necessary for active plant growth.


    • Ensures harmonious growth and development
    • Lush and long flowering
    • Increases resistance to adverse environmental factors
    • Contains trace elements in chelated form


    Total nitrogen – 4, phosphorus – 3, potassium – 1.5, sulfur – 0.1, iron – 0.06, manganese – 0.06, boron – 0.006, copper – 0.006, zinc – 0.006, molybdenum – 0.0012 , cobalt - 0.0006.


    For root feeding of all types of Uzambara violets (Saintpaulias), gloxinias, streptocarpus, columnas, episcia, chirits, aeschinas.


    Start feeding no earlier than 10 - 14 days after transplantation, alternating root and foliar feeding. During the flowering period - once every 14 days; the rest of the time - once a month.

    Root feeding: dilute 1 cap (10 ml) in 1 liter of water. Water the plant until the earthen ball is completely moistened.

    Foliar feeding: dilute 1 cap (10 ml) in 2 liters of water. Spray the surface of the leaves until completely wet.

    Tip: The best time to feed plants is in the morning.


    Shelf life: 5 years.


    The fertilizer is produced packaged in 285 ml polymer bottles.

    Factory fertilizers - Fasco, Peters, Etisso

    In the following table we have collected for you modern fertilizers for violets that have the most positive reviews.

    NameCompoundFor what purposes is it used?Price
    AllianceNKP; Microelements;


    Used for flowering plants;
    Increases resistance to disease.
    From 65 to 110 rub.
    Bevel for violets , series “Flower Happiness”Universal fertilizerImproves the appearance of the plant.A 250 ml bottle costs from 120 to 140 rubles.
    Peters – Peters ProfessionalNKP;
    Universal complex M77
    Root and foliar feeding;


    For hard water;

    With a lack of calcium;

    Winter feeding

    A 250 ml bottle costs from 300 to 350 rubles.
    Etisso for flowering plantsNKP;
    Vitamins B1;


    Maintaining flowering;
    A 250 ml bottle costs from 250 to 290 rubles.

    Methods of using these fertilizers are described in detail on the packaging of each of them.

    Fertilizing for violet flowering at home

    Violet is the most common house flower. Beautiful multi-colored violets (Saintpaulias) can be found on almost every windowsill, and not only in private homes. However, the flower does not always please with its blossoming inflorescences, since active flowering requires minerals and vitamins. Let's consider the topic: feeding violets at home. How should you fertilize the soil in flowerpots so that the flowers are pleasing to the eye throughout the growing season?

    Features of caring for violets

    For the rapid flowering of this home beauty, appropriate conditions are required:

    • illumination minimum 12 hours;
    • moderate air humidity (minimum 50%);
    • timely watering;
    • balanced soil mixture composition;
    • constant air temperature 22-24C.

    In addition to the listed conditions, Saintpaulia requires nutrients in the form of balanced organo-mineral fertilizers:

    1. nitrogen compounds are necessary for the active development and growth of green mass;
    2. phosphorus and potassium are necessary for the root system and bud formation.

    Saintpaulia also needs other mineral components, but the ones mentioned above are the basis for the life of any plant.

    All types of fertilizers for Saintpaulia can be divided into 3 groups:

    1. organic;
    2. inorganic simple;
    3. inorganic compounds.

    Everything is clear with organics: these are ash, plant infusions, and other dietary supplements of organic origin. Inorganic simple fertilizers are those preparations that contain only one substance. These include ammophoska and nitroammophoska (contain nitrogenous compounds), potassium salt and others.

    Complex nutrition for violets contains a balanced composition of various minerals and vitamins, which is designed to achieve a specific goal: to enhance the growth of green mass, enhance flowering, etc.

    Signs of micronutrient deficiency:

    • the leaves have become weak and thin, stretching upward;
    • the violet stopped blooming;
    • the plant has stopped growing or is developing very slowly;
    • leaves often fall off and turn yellow;
    • the violet looks “sick”.

    It is advisable not to bring the plant to this state, feed it and give it vitamins on time.


    There are two types of fertilizers:


    Of these, the most significant are: N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), K (potassium).

    If you use complex ones containing NPK, then you should focus on a higher concentration of nitrogen or in the same ratio.

    If you take simple ones containing one component, you can add them alternately or mix them.


    These include: compost, manure, peat, straw, etc.

    They contain a complex of substances necessary for plants.

    However, use it with caution, as it contains a lot of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of the rosette, but inhibits flowering.

    Work calendar

    Fertilizing violets at home is carried out in accordance with certain periods of fertilization. The starting point for fertilizing is the beginning of the vigorous growing season and the formation of buds of the home beauty. From this moment on, the flower needs constant care and attention. The growing season lasts from spring to autumn; in winter, the flower needs rest.

    Some gardeners force their violets to bloom all year round, but intensive work quickly wears out the plant.

    As soon as the violet begins to bloom new leaves and form buds, it is necessary to add nitrogen complexes. Nitrogen stimulates the growth of green mass and activates all life processes. But during flowering, nitrogen is not needed for feeding: it interferes with flowering. Nitrogen only promotes greening of the plant, but not flowering.

    As soon as the first buds appear on Saintpaulia, the violet needs feeding for flowering. These are potassium-phosphorus complexes that will ensure the splendor of flowers.

    Saintpaulia needs regular feeding, but not more than twice a month. The working solution is poured into a tray or carefully irrigated with it into the soil mixture, being careful not to get on the leaves.

    Prohibition on fertilizing:

    • within a month after transplanting to another pot (transshipment is not taken into account);
    • within a month after changing premises (bought at a flower shop and brought home);
    • the room temperature is not normal;
    • if the earthen ball is too dry;
    • if the violet is sick or has been attacked by harmful insects.

    After transplantation, pelargonium receives the necessary nutrition from the new soil mixture, so additional fertilizing will be unnecessary and excessive. If you bought a flower in a store and brought it into your home, it must acclimatize. During the period of violets getting used to new conditions of existence, fertilizing can be harmful.

    Feeding mode

    They begin feeding 1-2 months after transplanting the plant. If violets are placed on a windowsill, they are fed from February to November once every 15 days.

    Violets kept on racks with artificial lighting are fed all year round once every 2 weeks or with each watering (the concentration of the solution is then reduced by four).

    When using wick irrigation, fertilizer is applied each time, but its concentration is reduced by 4 times (8 times from what was originally recommended on the packaging).

    You cannot fertilize plants if:

    • less than a month has passed since the transplant;
    • the soil is completely dry - water the plant in advance to avoid burning the roots;
    • the plant is weakened by disease, pests;
    • too hot or too cold;
    • the bright sun is shining.

    Types of fertilizers for violets

    How to feed violets so that they bloom magnificently? To do this, they need phosphorus and phosphorus compounds. You need to purchase preparations containing phosphorus compounds in any combination at the flower shop. But products specifically designed for pelargoniums are of particular value. The Uniflor and AVA complexes perform well. With regular use of these drugs, plant flower stalks develop much faster, and the flowers delight with lush flowering.

    Agrochemical fertilizers for violets are produced in the form of concentrated solutions, tablets and sticks. The last two types are very convenient to use, as they do not require dilution in water. The tablet is simply placed in the ground and the sticks are inserted into the pot. When watering, dry substances dissolve and feed the roots with useful components.

    Complex fertilizers

    Complex fertilizers for violets include the following preparations:

    • Etisso;
    • Bona Forte;
    • Master;
    • liquid phosphorus fertilizer;
    • Fertika;
    • Fusco;
    • Good power;
    • Peters;
    • Topaz;
    • Schultz;
    • Vermicompost;
    • Cytokinin paste;
    • other.

    The listed preparations are convenient for home use, do not require special conditions for preparing the working solution, and effectively solve the issue of feeding Saintpaulia. Feeding violets for flowering improves the appearance of the plants and the color of the leaves.

    Cytokinin paste promotes the formation of children, stimulates plant development and lush flowering. To propagate violets by children, scratches are made at the bottom of the stems with the tip of a needle. After this, the wounds are covered with paste and they wait for the babies to appear. They are budding and planted in separate containers with fertile soil mixture. Young violets require a lot of nitrogenous substances to develop. As soon as the plant gets stronger, feed it with a phosphorus-potassium mixture.

    In terms of the content of phosphorus compounds, the drug Schultz is the leader; it is used to activate the formation of buds and the formation of buds. The complex also contains nitrogenous substances, but in minimal quantities. The drug has a gentle effect on the plant, without burning the root system and leaves. The downside is its low availability: not sold in all flower stalls and stores. However, Schultz can be ordered from the online store.

    Organic fertilizers

    Tea brewing

    Among organics, the first place in use is taken by sleeping tea. Tea leaves should not contain any additional additives or flavor enhancers. The leaves from the tea leaves are poured directly onto the soil mixture in an even layer. The frequency of fertilizing is once every half month. You need to make a feeding calendar so as not to get confused.

    Coffee grounds

    Also a leader among organic ways to feed violets at home. In addition to fertilizing with valuable nutritional components, the grounds help loosen the soil and structure it. Experienced gardeners recommend stopping watering the plant after adding coffee grounds for 2 weeks: the ground underneath remains moist. However, if Saintpaulias grow in clay pots, you do not need to follow this recommendation: in ceramics the soil dries out much faster than in a plastic pot.


    Baker's yeast is a common top dressing for amateur and experienced gardeners: plants grow by leaps and bounds. However, yeast feeding is more about growth stimulants than nutrients. But yeast does a good job of strengthening the root and immune systems, providing the plant with everything it needs. To prepare the topping, fresh or dry yeast is diluted in lukewarm water with added sugar (as for dough). After 3 hours, the solution can be used for watering at the root. In spring and summer, the yeast mixture is given to Saintpaulia every 10 days, and in winter - once a month.

    Plain sugar

    Glucose is very important for flowers for full development and well-being. Sugar water is made at the rate of tbsp per liter. If you use pharmacy glucose tablets, then take one piece per liter of water. The leaves are sprayed with a sweet solution and the earthen ball is watered once a month.


    It is used to strengthen the root system, because it contains a lot of calcium. In addition to feeding, the shell alkalizes the soil mixture and serves as a drainage system. A solution with eggshell powder (dried and ground in a coffee grinder) is prepared for 3 weeks. For one part of the powder, take 5 parts of water. When infusing, it is recommended to shake the container regularly. Water the pots with infusion once a month.

    Garlic infusion

    This product is used to protect flowers and leaves from fungal spores. Approximately 100 g of garlic cloves need to be crushed in a garlic press and filled with cool water in a volume of one liter. The mixture is placed in a dark place, covered with an airtight lid. After 5 days, the solution is filtered. For watering and spraying, prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of tincture and two liters of water. The frequency of violet processing is three times a month.

    Aloe juice

    Helps weakened plants lacking immune protection. The juice is squeezed from the leaves and diluted with water. This mixture is watered at the roots of violets.

    Banana peel

    The washed peel is dried until brittle (with the oven open or simply on a radiator) and ground in a coffee grinder. The ground is powdered with powder after replanting or simply for feeding. You can also make an infusion from banana peels. To do this, put the thoroughly washed peel into a three-liter jar (about a third full), add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and fill it with boiled water. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking the container regularly. Then filter and store in the refrigerator. For irrigation, the infusion is diluted with water: part of the infusion to 20 parts of water. Water no more than once a month.

    Onion peel

    Onion dressing is also popular among gardeners. This is not only food for plants, but also the prevention of various diseases. To prepare the solution, use the husk. The active components of onion peels not only fight diseases, but also strengthen the immune system. The infusion also activates the development of the plant and promotes active flowering.

    Take a handful of husks per liter of water. The composition is boiled for 5 minutes, cooled for about three hours and filtered. The leaves are sprayed with the decoction once every 30-40 days if flies appear. If the earthen lump is covered with a white coating (acidification has occurred), then it is also watered with this decoction. The onion solution cannot be stored, so it is consumed on the day of preparation.


    Igor. “Everyone knows that our violets also need nutrients. They grow in small pots where the soil becomes depleted quickly. Therefore, in the summer I fertilize very often. I have been trusting my violets with Fasco fertilizer for years now, and the result is noticeable: the plants do not get sick, look beautiful and bloom for a long time. This is the optimal feeding for violets.”Olga. “After winter, I started watering my flowers with Fusco for violets. They just outlived their life, finally began to gain color and even put out buds. In general, my flowers are happy. This year I planted a lot of children and also began to water them with this preparation, but I diluted it twice as much so that the roots did not burn. The children have grown stronger and are regularly sprouting new leaves. I definitely recommend this fertilizer!” Love. “The label clearly states how and when it is best to feed the flowers. I did just that, taking turns watering the ground and then spraying the leaves. I spray it on both sides, since microelements are better absorbed on the bottom side. The air in my apartment is very dry, so spraying is beneficial.

    Previously, I did everything according to the instructions, but with experience I began to do what I think is better for the plants. One violet categorically did not want to bloom, but here it bloomed for the first time, it was a real miracle. We can conclude that the drug really works.”

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