Features of planting and caring for apple trees of the Daughter of Papirovka variety

Breeders have worked hard to create new varieties of apple trees that have many advantages over old varieties. Apple tree Daughter of Papirovka is a fairly well-known variety, which was bred in 1937, but is still popular among gardeners today due to its excellent taste and other advantages.

Apples Daughter of Papirovka.

What type does it belong to?

Summer variety of apples from the Central regions of the European part of Russia.

Summer varieties include: Yablochny Spas, Belyi Naliv, Yandykovskoe, Gornoaltaiskoe, Hornist, Malinovka, Yubilyar, Terentyevka, Serebryanoye Kopytse, Solntsedar, Yuzhny, Chudnoe, Yuzhny, Krasnoe earlier, Summer Striped, Druzhba Narodov, Daughter of Melba.


Malt Bagaevsky , Grushovka Moskovskaya, Borovinka , Iyulskoye Chernenko

are suitable as pollinators For effective pollination and a good harvest, apple trees are planted at a distance of no more than 50 m from each other.


Irina. “This is my favorite variety. I purchased it after seeing the description and photo. The apples are very tasty; we pick them in the middle of summer. Both adults and children love them.

Caring for trees is not difficult, but we try to adhere to the rules: we spray them so that the tree does not get sick, and we prune them in the spring. The apple tree responds to such care with an excellent harvest.”

Anton. “I have several of these trees growing in my dacha. When the harvest begins, there is enough for our family and for sale. The harvest is usually good.

The taste of apples is excellent, we eat them fresh, make jam, and even liqueur. I recommend everyone to plant such a tree. These are the very first apples, for which we especially value them.”

Michael. “Excellent variety. Papirovka also grows in my garden, but Papirovka's Daughter has surpassed it.

The apples are sweeter, juicier, and the trees tolerate frost better than the mother variety. It happens that the tree is attacked by scab, then I spray the leaves with Bordeaux mixture. The main thing is to comply with the technology and processing time. Then an excellent harvest is guaranteed.”

Description of the variety Daughter of Papirovka

Let us consider separately the appearance of the tree and the fruit.

The trees are medium to tall, reaching 7-8 m in height , powerful, with a dense, wide-pyramidal or broom-shaped crown . The uterine branches grow at large angles relative to the trunk and are gray-brown in color.

The shoots are straight, light brownish to gray-brown in color, medium pubescent. The leaf blade is wide, rounded-ovate, often has a heart-shaped notch at the petiole.

The leaves are dark green, folded along the center line and slightly curved. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled, with convex and concavity between the veins.

The edges of the leaves are slightly wavy, jagged, crenate. In appearance, the leaves are similar to Anise, but differ from it in their slightly larger size and the presence of shine. The petioles of the leaves are thick and relatively short.

The seedlings are not tall, the shoots are reddish-brown in color. The angle of departure of the upper shoots is 45-60º. The leaves grow at an angle of 90º to the stem. Seedlings are usually grafted onto a dwarf rootstock.

The fruits are medium-sized, closer to small (80-100 g) , rarely large, and can be round, conical, or flattened in shape. They have barely noticeable ribs on top.

On the surface of apples there is sometimes a longitudinal seam characteristic of Papirovka. The saucer is small, narrow, ribbed.

The funnel is narrow, the sepals are closed. The length and thickness of the stalk are average, the stalk protrudes above the funnel.

The seed nest is medium to large in size, placed in the center of the apple or slightly offset towards the top. Seed chambers can be either closed or semi-open.

The color of apples ranges from light green to yellowish. Fully ripened fruits are whitish-yellow in color. It is characterized by the presence of many clearly visible, rather large, light subcutaneous dots, reminiscent of Papirovka.

In bright sunshine, apples have a golden tan. There is no topcoat coloring. The skin of the fruit is dense. The pulp is white, slightly yellowish, soft and juicy, fragrant. Slightly loose, but denser than Papirovka. The taste of apples is pleasant sweet and sour.

Features of fruiting and yield indicators

The trees are medium-sized (5-6 m high) with a wide-pyramidal crown, which becomes rounded with age. The bark on the trunk and main branches is light gray, on young shoots it is light chestnut, then olive-brown, heavily pubescent, with sparse white lenticels. Vegetative buds are small, flattened (almost flat). The leaves are medium-sized, elliptical or ovoid, gray-green, with serrated (finely crenate) edges and tips raised upward. The leaf blade is also pubescent, especially below. The buds are pink, the flowers are large, saucer-shaped, with pinkish-white oblong petals that are closed or overlap each other. The stigma of the pistil is located slightly above or at the same level as the anthers.

Flower buds are characterized by high winter hardiness, flowering in spring is abundant, but often suffers from return frosts

“Papirovka” is self-fertile and serves as a good pollinator for apple trees of other varieties, such as “Mantet” and “Cinnamon Striped,” but to obtain stable harvests, it is recommended to plant “Borovinki” or “Scarlet Anise” trees nearby to improve cross-pollination.

The ovaries are formed on fruit formations - ringlets. Plants enter productive age quite early: two-year-old seedlings on a seed rootstock already produce a marketable harvest in the 4th-5th year . According to field tests in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, adult apple trees 36-40 years old are capable of producing more than 80 kg per season, and at 65 years old - up to 300 kg.

Unlike “White Nalivka”, in which there is a sharp periodicity in fruiting (which is why the overall yield is assessed as average), “Papirovka” bears fruit annually and is considered a high-yielding variety.


Region of growth

The variety was zoned in the Samara, Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions . Currently grown in the Middle Volga and Ural regions.

The apple tree Daughter of Papirovka is characterized by high winter hardiness and early fruiting and can be recommended for areas with a harsh climate, including the Leningrad, Vologda, Pskov and Novgorod regions , including the Valdai Upland.

In the southern regions, the variety is characterized by high yield and excellent taste; in the northern regions, the yield is somewhat lower, the fruits are smaller, the taste is from good to excellent.

The following apple tree varieties are suitable for planting in the indicated regions: Imrus, Antey, Cinnamon Striped, Utes, Young Naturalist, Cinnamon New, Quinti, Calville Snowy, Pepin Shafranny, Renet Simirenko, Uspenskoe, Renet Chernenko, Zhigulevskoe, Zvezdochka, Anis striped.

Results of selection based on “Papirovka”

Since “Papirovka” has a number of valuable characteristics, primarily winter hardiness and early ripening of fruits, it was actively used as a parent form by domestic specialists in breeding work to develop new varieties. Today there are several dozen of them, many have already been included in the State Register after successfully passing tests.

“Previously aloe” (pictured) bred by VNIISPK is considered one of the promising varieties of summer apple trees zoned for the Central Black Earth region

Here is a short list of modern varieties of culture created with the participation of Papirovka:

New varietyVarieties used for crossing with PapirovkaOriginator
"Papyroamber""Amber"Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station
“Alenushkino”, “Krasnoyarsk sweet”, “Mana”, “Lada”"Laletino"Krasnoyarsk Experimental Horticulture Station
"July Chernenko""Scarlet Anise"VNIIGiSPR
"Lomonosovskoe""Chinese saffron"VNIIS named after. I. V. Michurina
"Narodnoe""Bellefleur-Chinese"VNIIS named after. I. V. Michurina
"Papirovka's Daughter""Scarlet Anise"Kuibyshev Horticulture Experimental Station
"Early scarlet""Melba"All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding
"Ural liquid""Red Ranetka"South Ural NIIPOiK

You can get acquainted in detail with such popular daughter varieties as “Glory to the Winners” and “Candy” in separate articles on our website.


The variety is distinguished by early fruiting - in 3-5 years and good yield . Papirovka's daughter is one of the earliest summer apple varieties .

In the southern regions, the fruits ripen in the second half of July , in central Russia - in the first half of August . Both perennial and young two- and three-year-old branches and fruit twigs bear fruit.

Young trees (8-11 years old) on average over 4 years produce a harvest of 62 centners per hectare (50 kg per tree), and the maximum fruiting of apple trees occurs at the age of 15-16 years and reaches 150 centners per hectare in the southern regions.

Young trees bear fruit every year. The fruits ripen simultaneously and almost never fall off. The removal is carried out in one or two steps. The fruits are very delicate, easily damaged during picking and require careful handling.

Apples have a short shelf life of up to two weeks and are practically impossible to transport.

In industrial storages, fruits can last up to a month , but at home it is difficult to maintain the desired temperature.

Typically, summer apples are not stored, but are immediately eaten or processed. If you still want to preserve the harvest, you can roll the fresh apples into three-liter glass jars or loosely place them in plastic bags, tie them and place them in the cold.

Planting and care

Apple trees are planted in the spring according to the standard scheme .

You can plant trees in the fall, but no later than a month before the onset of frost . It is best to buy seedlings from nurseries near your place of residence.

This ensures that the apple tree is adapted to the local climate. The younger the seedling, the better. It is very good if the tree is dug up immediately upon purchase: this way you can make sure that it was grown in this nursery.

Before transportation, the roots should be wrapped in moss, damp cloth or paper, and wrapped in plastic wrap to retain moisture.

If you buy a seedling in a container, inspect it from below and make sure that young roots are sticking out.

The distance between trees in the garden should be at least 4-6 m.

For good growth and development of apple trees, planting on neutral, well-fertilized soils rich in potassium and organic matter is most favorable.

The soil must be sufficiently moist. The planting site for the seedling is prepared in advance; for spring planting, the site is prepared in the fall. If the soil on the site is fertile, trees are planted in holes.

On loams, sandy loams, and chernozems, it is enough to remove the top layer of soil and make a depression of 15-20 cm. On sandy soils, on the contrary, prepare a large square hole about 80 cm deep, put moss in it to retain moisture and nutrients and fill it with fertile soil.

In this case, the apple tree is planted the next year, with the obligatory application of complex mineral fertilizer (but mineral fertilizers, like fresh manure, cannot be added directly during planting, this can cause burns).

During planting, organic fertilizer is also added to sandy, sandy loam and podzolic soils - compost, humus or rotted manure. Clay, peat, as well as areas with groundwater closer than 1 m are not suitable for apple trees. In this case, apple trees are planted on a mound.

Planting is done using a peg , which is driven into the center of the planting hole. The seedling is placed on a peg, the roots are spread well over it and little by little covered with earth.

The tree should not be planted too deep, as this will impair its growth and may even lead to death.

The root collar should be 3-5 cm above ground level.

A high planting can be corrected by adding soil around the trunk in the form of a mound.

Immediately after planting, the seedling is loosely tied to a peg and watered with 1-2 buckets of water, regardless of weather conditions. For watering, a hole is made along the edges of the pit. After the soil settles, the tree is tied up carefully, preferably with three pegs.

Apple trees, especially in the first years of development, need to be provided with regular watering .

With a lack of water and a large number of fruits, apples of this variety can become small.

This primarily applies to arid regions. To retain moisture, mulch the soil with sawdust, bark, manure or black film.

In spring, apple tree trunks are whitened to prevent sunburn.

To obtain a good harvest, trees are regularly pruned.

During spring pruning, dry branches are removed. It is undesirable to severely injure the tree during this period, since the leakage of sap can cause the branches to dry out.

It is best to form the crown in the fall.

For this purpose, branches are shortened and thinned.

Remove dry branches and shoots that interfere with each other, and get rid of thickened areas of the crown.

The general rule when pruning is to remove vertically growing branches that compete with the central trunk, leaving horizontal ones.

The cuts are covered with garden varnish.

Excessive pruning is undesirable, as it leads to increased growth of young shoots.

Apple tree Paping - history, description, types, advantages and disadvantages + photos

Papirovka is a variety known to anyone who has ever tried growing apple trees. Even those who have nothing to do with gardening know him. Juicy fruits are a welcome decoration for any table.

History of selection

It is believed to have been produced by natural pollination in the early 19th century. Since the homeland of the variety is the Baltic states, it is perfectly adapted to the conditions of a temperate continental climate - warm, humid summers and winters with slight frosts.

In our country, many people know this variety under the name White filling. However, there is still debate about whether Papirovka and White Nalivka should be considered the same variety due to the significant similarities between them. After all, the fruits of the first are somewhat larger than the second. There is still no consensus on this issue.

Comparison with varieties Papiroyantarnoe and Daughter Papirovka

Papirovka is the source material for the Daughter Papirovka variety. The “daughter” surpassed its “parent” not only in the taste of apples, but also in the degree of resistance to frost and disease.

It is recommended to place apple trees at a distance of at least 50 meters from each other.

Apple variety Daughter of Papirovka

Papirovka's daughter has excellent early fruiting (fruiting in 3–5 years) and winter hardiness, which allows it to be successfully grown in regions with harsh climates. And although the size of apples in such regions is slightly smaller, their taste is practically no different from those grown in southern latitudes.

Another daughter variety is the Papiroyantarnoye variety. As can be seen from the name, in addition to Papirovka, Yantar served as the mother variety.

Papyroyantarnoye is a late-summer variety of medium-sized apple trees.

These trees have average early fruiting (fruiting occurs in 5–7 years) and resistance to frost. The fruits are superior in size and taste to Papirovka, and also last longer after picking. The average shelf life is 1.5–2 months, the maximum is up to 3 months. This is partly due to the higher density of apple pulp.

Apples of the Papiroyantarnoye variety are a worthy legacy of Papirova and Yantar


First of all, you need to remember that the Papirovka apple tree is susceptible to growing conditions, so the choice of location plays a very important role. It is best to find an open sunny place for planting, closer to other apple trees. Trees are planted at a distance of 4–5 meters from each other.

A week before planting, a hole up to 90 cm deep is dug for the seedling, and fertilizer is placed at the bottom. The fertilizer contains a bucket of humus, 700–800 g of wood ash and 1 kg of mineral fertilizer. Before filling, the bottom of the hole is sprinkled with soil from the top layer. Before planting, the soil in the hole is slightly loosened. All these actions are carried out from the end of March to mid-April.


Growing Papirovka in regions with a harsh climate should not slow down the ripening of fruits, but the taste qualities begin to deteriorate when apples are left on the tree. Therefore, try to timely harvest and remove fallen fruits from under the apple tree.

Apple trees of this variety do not adapt well to climate change, but the consequences of this change can be skillfully compensated by creating suitable conditions for the tree:

  • If growing in dry areas, periodic heavy watering will be required. The apple tree actively takes nutrients from the soil, so to normalize this process, the soil must be constantly moistened. Watering is carried out once a week, using two to three buckets per tree;
  • In order for the tree to better adapt to severe frosts, it needs to be fed with natural fertilizers (manure, coal, peat, ash, etc.). This event is held twice a year. In the spring, before flowering begins, 3–5 buckets of humus containing a large amount of nitrogen are laid out around the tree.

Pay attention to the tree's foliage, as it may indicate a lack of fertilizer.

All apple tree care activities are carried out in three stages: spring, summer and autumn.


In the spring, the apple tree is inspected for wounds and damage, they are treated, damaged branches are cut off and the apple tree is fed with mineral (nitrogen, potassium) and organic (compost, slurry, manure) fertilizers. When choosing them, they proceed from the type of soil: for sandy soils it is necessary to increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizers, but chernozem does not require their application.

  1. After the apple tree awakens from hibernation, only root feeding is used. A mixture of urea (500–600 g), ammonium nitrate and nitroammophosphate (30–40 g each), and humus (about five buckets) is added to the tree trunk circles (along the perimeter of the crown) for digging.
  2. During flowering, there are four buckets of the following mixture per tree: superphosphate (100 g), potassium sulfate (60-70 g), liquid chicken droppings (1.5–2 l), slurry (0.5 l) and urea ( 200-300 g).

It should be remembered that liquid fertilizers are applied only in dry weather. When it rains, they are scattered dry in a circle around the tree trunk.


In summer, care comes down to regular watering and spraying against pests. For spraying, preparations such as iron sulfate, karbofos and Bordeaux mixture are used.


In the fall, the apple tree is prepared for winter - it is fed, the trunk is whitened and, if necessary, sprayed against pests with urea, which helps to destroy insects hiding in the bark for the winter. A concentrated solution is used: at least 600-700 g of urea are used per 10 liters of water.

Pest Control

Apples of the Papirovka variety attract not only gardeners, but also insect pests, which usually appear due to the carelessness of the garden owner. That is why prevention is so necessary in the form of periodic inspection of trees and their treatment with biological products against pests (Fitosporin, Agat-25K, etc.).

The most common pests are green aphids, apple flower beetles and leaf rollers.

  1. If fungal diseases (scab, powdery mildew, milky sheen) are detected, it is necessary to carry out regular disinfection. It is useful to spray the tree with a solution of urea (500 g per 10 l) before flowering, and then with a solution of soda ash (75 g per 10 l of water).
  2. When affected by black cancer, bacterial burn or cytosporosis, the source of the disease is first localized. Damaged branches are removed, and the wounds are treated (they are smeared with drying oil or oil paint based on it, garden pitch, brilliant green, paint). Potassium fertilizers are used to prevent these diseases.
  3. When green aphids appear, the damaged bark is removed from the tree, thereby depriving the pest of its shelter. And an infusion of chamomile (100–200 g of flowers ground to a powder, infused in 10 liters of water for 10–12 hours and filtered) for treating wood will act as a preventive measure.
  4. When the apple blossom beetle appears, the tree is sprayed with a solution of enterobacterin (20–60 g per 10 liters of water + 1% flour paste - treated at a temperature of 20–25 degrees).
  5. A nitrophen solution for spraying will help in the fight against leaf rollers (200 g per 10 liters of water).

Diseases and pests (photo gallery)

The apple flower beetle is a pest of the apple tree. An apple tree fruit affected by scab. Bacterial burn of the branches and leaves of an apple tree. Green aphids and traces of its presence on the apple tree. Powdery mildew on the leaves of the apple tree.

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