About ways to fight moles in a greenhouse: folk recipes for how to remove the pest

Harm from moles in a greenhouse

A cute animal - a mole, settling in the greenhouse of garden plots, can bring benefit and harm at the same time. Since it is a carnivore, eating various larvae of plant pests, it brings invaluable benefits to summer residents.

But, while making his underground tunnels, he inadvertently damages the roots of young seedlings. Heaps of earth that appear on the soil surface as a result of the active activity of the mole spoil the appearance. In addition, by feasting on earthworms, the animal reduces their numbers. This leads to a decrease in soil fertility.

Harm and benefits of moles

Moles are insectivorous animals that live underground. Representatives of the species have an elongated, streamlined body covered with shiny fur. The vertical arrangement of the villi helps individuals quickly move under the ground in any direction in the area. The color of the animals is brown and black.

Moles dig underground passages using paws with huge claws on their toes. Feeding branches run at a depth of 5 cm from the surface, and permanent ones - up to 0.5 m. The owner regularly walks around the property, collecting bugs and worms. The perimeter of the site is covered with multi-meter tunnels and separate rooms. In one day, one adult can build a system 30 m wide.

Farmers are often convinced that moles gnaw on plants, thereby destroying the crop. All representatives of the species feed on insects:

  • pest larvae;
  • sleeping pupae;
  • earthworms.

Large males can eat a frog, mouse or lizard that gets into a hole. Animals underground use a lot of energy, so during the day they consume food equal to their weight. Rodents often hide in underground passages and feed on the root system of plants.

If moles appear on a summer cottage, then the surface of the earth is covered with rubble. Animals can accidentally damage crops that cross their path. Plants left without support sag and die. Often voracious representatives of the species destroy not only pests, but also beneficial earthworms.

How to get rid of a mole in a greenhouse

Since moles pose a danger to greenhouse plants, gardeners try to get rid of them in different ways. It would be a pity to destroy it, but driving it away or preventing its appearance on your territory is quite possible. What methods are used for this:

  • folk;
  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • vegetable;
  • ultrasonic.

Plants against moles

The herbal method is very simple and quite affordable. For this purpose, repellent plants are used, which repel moles with their bright aroma. These are:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • peas;
  • daffodils;
  • elder;
  • gooseberry;
  • tansy and other plants.

Note! It is enough to plant one of them around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse and selectively inside it to avoid their proximity. Fresh bird cherry and elderberry branches are dug into the holes, and chopped gooseberry branches are dug into the animal’s holes for this purpose.

Mechanical method

There are several mechanical ways to get rid of moles:

  • Store traps that are installed at the entrances of underground burrows. The animal will not be able to avoid such a device and will definitely fall into it. After which you just need to take the mole to a distant forest and release it.
  • A three-liter glass jar can serve as a homemade trap. It is installed in a dug hole in one of the passages made by moles. The top is covered with a light sheet of paper and sprinkled with earth. Once caught in such a trap, the animal will no longer be able to get out of it.
  • Mole punches are effective against moles. They can be purchased at a specialty store or made yourself. Moles are very sensitive to odors, so it is necessary to rid the devices of characteristic odors. To do this, it is recommended to boil the prepared devices in water with juniper branches. Having caught an unfamiliar aroma, the animal can bypass the trap by digging a new hole in the ground. After installing the structure in the hole, it must be thoroughly secured using metal rods. The animal is very strong - a solid set of muscles, so such a prudent step is necessary. As a result of the reliable fixation of the trap, the animal will not be able to move it from its place if it falls into it. Then a cardboard or any board is placed on the dug channel and sprinkled with earth on top. This should be done to ensure that sunlight does not fall on the structure, otherwise the mole will not use its move.
  • Propellers or turntables are equipped with motors powered by batteries. It is known that moles are frightened by soil vibrations. This is the basis for the use of such devices. Having installed the pole and secured the turntable with the motor on it, turn on the mechanism. The result will not be long in coming - the mole has no choice but to escape from the vibrations in the greenhouse to another, quiet place.
  • A regular radio can easily replace propellers. To do this, attach a small battery-powered or mains-powered radio to the installed pole. All that remains is to connect the wire to the radio and turn it on. Vibration signals in the soil will create unbearable conditions for the small animal and it will escape from the greenhouse.

An ultrasonic mole repeller is the most effective method in the fight against animals. The Antidote device will allow you to get rid of them for a long time or forever. A person will not feel ultrasonic vibrations in a greenhouse, but the animal will have to leave this place.

Important! When purchasing such a repeller, a summer resident needs to know exactly the area of ​​the greenhouse or greenhouse, because its vibration signals have a limited range of action on the mole.


Using the chemical method of removing moles from a greenhouse, it will not be possible to destroy the animal, and this is good. Modern means are not aimed at aggressive action on the part of humans on animals, because the mole also brings benefits.

To remove moles from a greenhouse, they use the simplest folk chemical remedy - tar. Moles cannot stand its specific aroma and will try to quickly move away forever from such a “fragrant” area. Small pieces of fabric are soaked in tar, placed in the entrances of the burrows and lightly sprinkled with earth (this preserves the smell longer).

Tar from moles

The store-bought chemical Antikrot allows you to get rid of animals due to its unpleasant odor. This environmentally friendly supplement contains diatomaceous earth and vegetable oils. When the drug permeates the soil in a greenhouse or garden, the resulting aroma repels moles. He won't come to this area again. And Antikrot only benefits greenhouse plants, because it is natural and allows them to develop better.

Traditional methods

Another way to get rid of moles in the country using folk remedies. Many plants have a pungent odor that repels moles.


It has long been known that moles do not live where there are strong odors. The use of spicy plants with a persistent aroma to clear the area of ​​shrews is based on the use of this characteristic property of underground pests.

Along the contour of the garden they plant: mint, lavender, marigolds, daffodils, lemon balm. The smells of these herbs do not cause discomfort to people, and moles move their nests away from the source of strong aromas.

Herring heads

The product is widely used by summer residents and effectively repels moles. To prepare such a repeller, you need:

  • Separate the herring heads from the carcass and wrap them in paper or breathable fabric;
  • place the package in the wormhole.

After a few days, an unpleasant odor will appear. Moles cannot stand this “aroma” and leave the territory.

Rotten food

Many people use spoiled food to remove underground animals from the garden. The method works similarly to “herring” repellers.

The inconvenience of this method is that it creates forced discomfort for the farmer: he will have to endure the unpleasant smell spreading throughout the garden. After 10–12 days, when the pests leave the area, the repellent “knots” can be removed.

Tear gas

Many gardeners use a simple method of scaring away underground animals - “smoking”. The most commonly used sulfur bombs are “FAS”. To remove moles from a site, you need:

  • dig a hole a little;
  • place a checker there;
  • set it on fire, cover with an old plastic bucket.

The gas spreads inside the passages, forcing the moles to escape. Destruction of the animals is not required; “smoking out” discourages them from visiting the site for many years.

Household chemicals

An effective method of pest control is to scare away animals with strong odors of synthetic compounds. Such products should be handled with rubber gloves.

Substance nameHow to use
KeroseneDissolve 100 ml of the product in water (10 l.). Find a rag, wet it with the resulting mixture, and place it in the hole.
NaphthalenePlace pieces of rags sprinkled with the product into the underground labyrinth. Moles cannot stand the strong smell of mothballs and move to another territory.
Castor oilPour the product into small containers and place them in different places around the area. The smell of castor oil is a good deterrent.
TobaccoPour shag into the underground passages. Sometimes farmers moisten tobacco with gasoline, this enhances the effect of the product.
BleachingPour the powder into the molehill. Many gardeners use lime together with bleach.
BleachingPour the powder into the molehill. Many gardeners use lime together with bleach.
Vinegar essenceMoisten a rag with the product and place it in the mole tunnel.
Chlorine bleachesFind fresh soil emissions on the site, pour liquid into the hole. It is necessary to process at least 10 fresh “dumps” at the same time.

Sometimes underground pests do not respond to pungent odors and continue to actively dig up beds and destroy plants. Many gardeners in such a situation begin to alternate haphazard attempts to remove the “bullies” from the site. Various methods are being tried, but they do not bring real benefit.

Experienced farmers advise acting on the principle of complexity. It is better to start with a combination of simple repellents, then, if the results are unnoticeable, move on to physical methods of controlling underground pests.


The most effective way to finally resolve the question of how to get rid of moles in a greenhouse is prevention! But it is also the most labor-intensive. As preventive measures, they use unique physical barriers in the path of moles. For this purpose, an underground fence is created. Along the perimeter of the greenhouse or vegetable garden, dig a ditch 500-700 cm deep and lay old roofing felt or mesh with small cells in it.

On a note! The mesh can be either metal or plastic. After which the groove is covered with earth. It is unlikely that a mole will be able to penetrate such a serious barrier.

It is unpleasant when, as a result of the active activity of moles in the greenhouse, the roots of the cucumbers are damaged and the strawberries are undermined. But it’s not his fault, because he simply feasted on the larvae of the cockchafer in the roots of the strawberries or other worms operating around the cucumbers. If moles are a nuisance, you should use humane methods to repel them.

After many years of war with moles on the site, it became clear that it was impossible to get rid of them. The moles won this war. We have moved on to effective defense.

You can read about our war against moles and its results HERE

The first step was to protect the young seedlings. Make sure that the mole does not throw it away or bury it. To do this, we decided to use plastic boxes in which vegetables are sold in markets. Quite a lot of boxes were collected from nearby garbage dumps, but unfortunately, most of them were very shallow, although they also found use on the farm.

10 boxes did not help the situation; something else was needed that could replace these boxes. Plastic water bottles caught my eye. There were a lot of bottles, among them were bottles of 8-9 liters. But there are no holes in bottles! No? They will!

The “Crazy Hands” circle worked for a week. Armed with a soldering iron, I made holes in 56 bottles. There weren’t so many bottles of our own, so we had to go collect them again.

Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins were planted in bottles and boxes and dug into the beds.

Carrots and beets were left without protection.

During the summer, moles ran around the bottles without injuring the main root.

The result exceeded all expectations. The yield per plant has increased dramatically. This was especially noticeable on cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage. The next year we had to change the planting schemes, since not only the yield increased, but the leaves and tops of all the plants became simply huge.

In the fall, it turned out that burying bottles and boxes was much easier than digging them up. Especially the boxes. They have completely grown into the ground. The excavation activity was very labor-intensive. But experience has shown that plant roots easily pass through the holes.

Let's go on the offensive

Pest control

If the “preventive” measures did not work, and folk remedies failed to remove the moles from the site, and you are still tormented by the question of how to get rid of the shrew and its “relatives,” we hasten to upset you - it will not be possible to avoid bloodshed. You tried but they didn’t understand you, it’s time to act radically. We’ll have to poison and kill, no matter how sorry the animals are...

The use of chemical weapons is prohibited by the world community, but in the war against moles it is often impossible to do without them. Many gardeners claim that moles do not eat poisonous baits offered by manufacturers. However, anything can happen - suddenly he tries... poison, which is sold in stores as a remedy against moles, often works more effectively than any other methods. Apparently, moles also have their own “gourmets” for every “taste” - you can use this method.

Mole trap-pipe

And yet, “physical” extermination will be more effective. You won’t have to think about what your “enemy” is eating and worry that his “nose will be stuffy” and he won’t feel the “smell of danger.” Various mole traps and mole busters can be found in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself - on the Internet you can search for step-by-step instructions for creating them (from pipes, plastic bottles, wire, etc.) One way or another, and the most important thing is to install them correctly:

  • Choose only existing “working” passages and tunnels;
  • Install traps at a depth of no more than 15 centimeters;
  • The diameter of the trap must match the diameter of the mole passage;
  • Check and change traps regularly.

As sad as it is, the animal will have to... be eliminated. Otherwise, the mole will settle in the garden again (if you really can’t raise your hand, take it further into the forest and don’t think that it will die there).

Yes, I feel sorry for them. Yes, they may seem cute. Yes, this animal does not eat your crops. But it threatens your plantings, which means you need to fight it. Start the fight on your site with preventive measures, use an integrated approach to remove the insidious pest from your “acres”. Perhaps in your case it will be possible to scare off with smell or noise and you won’t have to resort to more radical actions.

Don’t forget also that sometimes it’s easier to catch and get rid of moles collectively than alone - talk to your neighbors, because for you the plots have boundaries - the animals don’t have them, if they settled in your garden, most likely in your neighbor’s garden they also live. Perhaps together you will be able to find an effective way to solve the problem.

Mole protection - plastic mesh

The solution was found by chance. In the store we saw a mesh with a 1.5 cm cell made of thick plastic! In this case, the cell is in the shape of a diamond. The plastic was much thicker than on the mesh that was laid the first time.

A mole will not tear such a net and it will not rot.

Over the course of several years, we gradually put nets under all the beds.

I would like to dwell on one point. The mesh should extend beyond the area of ​​the bed on 4 sides.

The bottles that I once burned through with a soldering iron have found a use. With their help, I get a tomato harvest in mid-June - HERE How to grow 100 kg of potatoes in a mole-proof bed with an area of ​​5 sq.m - HERE

About how to make a box bed and what the materials used for construction turned into - HERE

Moscow © Natalya Smorchkova. (2016) - author's page

The mole is one of the most famous underground inhabitants, whose presence in a suburban area causes a lot of trouble for its owner. By constructing underground passages in the ground next to young seedlings, the animal quite often damages their root system. What causes plants to subsequently die. In addition, when constructing labyrinths, the underground inhabitant leaves behind furrows and large earthen heaps, which spoil the appearance of the site. And the destruction of earthworms, which are the animal’s favorite delicacy, helps reduce soil fertility. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of a mole in a greenhouse remains one of the most pressing today.

Changes in habitat conditions

We must keep in mind that especially many moles move into our gardens and orchards at the height of summer. Where do they come from? Most often from the forest. The thin soil horizons of the forest dry out in the summer, and the number of soil animals in them, primarily worms - the food of moles, sharply decreases. You cannot put off fighting a mole that has just appeared on your site. It begins as soon as the alien is discovered.

Lovers of trimmed lawns should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later a mole will come and settle in, because trimmed grass has shallow roots in moist and soft soil. Watering your lawn can attract soil invertebrates and moles closer to the soil surface, making molehills more visible. Reducing the time and frequency of watering may help temporarily. Reducing the amount of turf on the site also reduces the visible effects of mole activity. In the long term, converting your lawn into a garden and having well-trodden paths, hedges or other natural features in the garden (which act as a barrier to moles) can save you time and stress.

moles do not like to dig into the dense trampled soil of walkways and turn back

If a mole gets into a vegetable garden or flower garden, into a bed with loose soil, then it goes through it in zigzags, uprooting all the plantings. The use of permanent beds and passages between them (as in the Mitlider method, in which the beds and passages between them are permanent, located in the same place) helps: moles do not like to dig into the dense soil of passages. The soil of the path around the garden should be well compacted! It seems that this is one of the simplest and quite effective ways to protect your garden from moles. But if the path is paved, then moles can easily dig passages under tiles or other paving. (However, compacted soil in walkways between beds should sometimes be dug, forked, or otherwise aerated to prevent excess CO2 buildup in the soil.)

A radical means of protection against moles is a stainless steel mesh or other sheet material buried around the perimeter of the site

However, compacted paths are not a guarantee against the penetration of moles - during rains the soil softens and moles can enter the garden. A radical means of protection is a stainless steel mesh or other sheet material buried around the perimeter of the area to a depth of 40-50 cm.

There are permanent trampled paths around the garden and between the ridges. A wooden slat separates the lawn for the convenience of mowing the lawn and processing paths - “shaving off” germinating weeds (instead of slats, it is better to use flat border strips buried to a depth of 20 cm or more). There are permanent trampled paths-passages around the garden and between the ridges - you can see in the photo that the mole tried to enter from the side of the lawn, but he did not like digging the dense soil of the trampled path and turned back. However, this method does not provide a complete guarantee.

Harm caused

Many gardeners, having discovered dug up clods of earth on their plot, indicating the presence of an underground inhabitant, are lost and do not know what to do in such situations. However, in addition to the harm caused to young crops, the animal mole also brings some benefits, using harmful insects such as moths, click beetles and cockchafers as food. But still, if you weigh all the pros and cons, then the mole poses a serious threat in relation to greenhouse crops. You can fight moles in a greenhouse:

  • mechanically;
  • using chemicals;
  • through ultrasound;
  • folk remedies.

Methods for scaring away uninvited guests

In addition to traps, there are other, no less effective methods. They help fight not only moles in greenhouses, but also wild mice. Let us now consider several of the best ways to prevent the appearance of these animals on the site or drive them out if they have already settled in the greenhouse.

  1. You can buy a special device in the store called “Anti-Crote”. It should be installed in the greenhouse according to the instructions. It will create ultrasonic vibration, invisible to humans, which will gradually drive harmful animals away from the area. Please note that Anti-Crote operates within a certain radius. Therefore, for a large greenhouse, it is more advisable to purchase several of these devices, depending on the area of ​​the territory.
  2. As a rule, small animals cannot tolerate soil vibrations. Therefore, experienced gardeners have invented an excellent method. Simply place a radio in the middle of the greenhouse and connect an electrical wire to it. It is necessary to turn on the radio periodically to vibrate the soil. This will create unfavorable conditions for moles and will help drive the animals out of the greenhouse.
  3. Vibration can also be created using small propellers. To do this, it is recommended to buy several small propellers in advance from the store and secure them to low posts, which must first be dug into the ground over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse. The wind will cause the propellers to spin, which will create vibration in the soil. It will not be noticeable to humans, but animals sensitive to this phenomenon will immediately sense it and will soon leave the territory.
  4. Since moles have a wonderful sense of smell, you should put foods in their holes that they cannot stand the smell of. Great options include herring heads, garlic, or fresh pig manure. It is best to give preference to manure, as it will simultaneously fertilize the soil. Over time, the herring will spoil in the heat and begin to emit a very unpleasant odor throughout the entire greenhouse. Usually moles leave places where there is a constant smell that is unpleasant to them.

Mechanical method

  • Spinning propellers. They must be equipped with a battery-powered motor. Such devices are attached to a pole dug into the ground. The vibrations generated as a result of the operation of the propeller will be transmitted along the pole into the soil, which will alert the “uninvited guest” and force him to leave the greenhouse area.
  • You can replace the spinning propellers with a regular radio, to which you connect an electrical wire. When the device is turned on, vibration signals are transmitted to the soil, which will force the animals to go in search of a new habitat.
  • Ventilation. If there are favorable climatic conditions, it is necessary to regularly open the greenhouse doors.
  • Special traps, which can be purchased at gardening stores, will also help to remove moles from the greenhouse. It is enough to install such devices on both sides of the underground entrance of the hole. Thus, no matter what direction the animal moves, it cannot escape the trap.
  • An ordinary three-liter glass jar can serve as a homemade trap. It is placed in a hole dug in the ground, covered with paper and sprinkled with earth. An animal that falls into a container will no longer be able to get back out.

Using Traps

Today, the most effective method of combating moles is the use of special traps. They are usually sold in garden centers and even small flower shops. In the greenhouse you need to find the largest hole where the mole is most active. After this, you need to install one trap on each side of the hole. Wherever the animal enters, it will still fall into the trap.

In order for the trap to accurately catch the mole, it should be securely fixed. To do this, it is recommended to tie a trap and tie it to a peg, put a thin board on top and sprinkle the whole thing with earth. The animal will try to dig this place and will certainly fall into a trap.

Under no circumstances should you release the animal immediately outside the fence. There is a high probability that within a few days the mole will return to the same place and will continue to dig holes underground. It is best to take him further into the forest and release him there.

Instead of traps, you can use ordinary glass jars. This is a budget option for gardeners who have little money, and moles constantly attack greenhouses. You need to dig a small hole near the hole and bury the jar there. Cover it all on top with a thin board or piece of paper and lightly sprinkle with earth. The mole will have to fall into the jar, from which he will no longer be able to get out on his own.

Folk remedies

It is easy to get rid of moles in a greenhouse using folk remedies.

Plant repellents

It is enough to plant onions, garlic, daffodils, beans, lentils or peas around the greenhouse, and if possible inside it, and the moles will avoid this area. Bird cherry, tansy and elderberry have similar properties. The animal will leave the greenhouse area if you dig fresh plant branches into a hole. Gooseberries also have similar repellent properties. Shredded branches of the plant are buried in mole holes.

Plant repellents should be used repeatedly, as they lose their properties over time.


You can drive out the “uninvited guest” from the greenhouse if you insert pieces of fabric soaked in tar into the entrances of the burrow. And in order for the sharp, specific smell of the product to last longer, it is necessary to sprinkle them with earth on top.

Chemical method

Pesticides have been used in the war against rodents for a long time. This method has a significant drawback - you cannot use it if you have cats or dogs roaming freely around the dacha.

Summer residents who are not burdened with domestic animals can choose any means:

  • “Zookoumarin”, “Graincide”, “Rat Death”.
  • “Efa”, “Chopping”, “Storm”.
  • "Ratobor".

Geosynthetics will block the entry of rodents and at the same time prevent stones from migrating from the depths of the soil into the fertile layer of your greenhouse

Products based on brodifacoum (Ratobor series) are considered fast-acting and the most effective.

Solid briquettes remain effective for a long time, and dough briquettes do not lose their shelf life for a long time, exuding an “aroma” that attracts rodents.

Baits are placed where “guests” can easily penetrate - near the entrance to the greenhouse, in its secluded corners, on the compost heap.

Keep in mind that rodents have an excellent sense of smell, and they can smell a person even from poison, so be sure to wear gloves when laying it out.

Products based on brodifacoum (Ratobor series) are considered fast-acting and the most effective


If the methods described above for controlling moles do not give the desired result, some gardeners rush to resort to the help of pesticides against moles. However, we should not forget that it is important not only to catch the enemy of greenhouse crops, but also not to harm the seedlings. Therefore, before using a toxic composition, you must carefully study the instructions and when using it, be sure to follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Still, it is preferable to use compounds that are safe for plants, and therefore for human health.

Antikrot drug for pest control

An example of an effective and safe mole repellent is the drug Antikrot. It is a natural, environmentally friendly supplement based on vegetable oils mixed with the natural mineral diatomite. When the composition comes into contact with the soil, the earth is saturated with plant aromas that are unattractive to the animal. Why is the animal forced to avoid such areas? In addition, the natural composition of Antikrot promotes the growth and development of plants.

Using Antikrot is quite simple. It is necessary to scatter the powder in places where traces of the vital activity of an underground inhabitant were found, paying special attention to the holes in the hole. The composition is applied at the rate of 1 measuring spoon per 1 square meter. m. area. After which the treated surface is thoroughly watered.

It is important to periodically monitor the situation. When new holes are discovered, their holes must be filled with Antikrot. The control with the drug must be continued until the animals leave the greenhouse area.

Animal control methods

It is quite simple to determine that a mole has settled on the site. A careful inspection of the soil surface can reveal piles of freshly dug earth in the form of small granules. Along with the negative aspects of the presence of an insectivore, it is worth noting some of its positive qualities. The inhabitant eats moths, click beetles and chafers. Despite this, if such an inhabitant is detected, the necessary measures should be taken to eliminate it in order to preserve the crop. There are several ways to fight:

  1. Mechanical method;
  2. Exposure to chemicals;
  3. Eviction using ultrasonic waves;
  4. Folk remedies.

Mechanical method

If there is a mole in the greenhouse, the use of special traps and various types of repellers will help to evict it, for example:

  • propeller - turntable. This device requires batteries. Installation is carried out on a dug-in post. After switching on, the device transmits a kind of vibration to the ground. The mole does not like this effect at all, and he independently removes himself from the greenhouse;
  • trap. You can purchase the device in special gardening stores. It is installed near the burrows in such a way that when the animal comes out, it gets caught in a trap;
  • using a three-liter glass jar. A homemade trap involves placing a jar in a hole up to the neck. A sheet of paper is placed on top and sprinkled with earth for camouflage. Having stepped on the trap, the animal will fall through and will not be able to get out. In this way, the occupant can be physically transferred from the greenhouse to another location.

Please note! After catching a mammal, you should not release it immediately outside the site. The mole will return to its original habitat

It is recommended to take the animal to the forest.

Folk remedies

If a mole has settled in a greenhouse, you can use traditional methods to evict it. Garden onions have a fairly simple but effective effect. It is necessary to plant several bulbs around the greenhouse. In this case, the animal will not approach the greenhouse. Alternatively, you can use garlic, beans, lentils, peas or daffodils. Buried branches of plants such as tansy, bird cherry and elderberry in the greenhouse have a deterrent effect. Crushed gooseberry branches buried in mole holes have a repellent property. A rag soaked in tar can quickly eliminate an uninvited animal. It is necessary to bury the fabric in the hole and sprinkle it with earth. The pungent smell will force the insectivore to leave the greenhouse area in a short time. When using traditional methods, you should periodically replace branches or rags, since over time their properties disappear and fresh material is required.


If a mole has settled in a greenhouse, and mechanical methods of catching or folk remedies do not have a positive effect, then you can use radical methods - use chemicals. When using pesticides, you should carefully act on the mole without damaging the seedlings. After purchasing a toxic product, carefully study the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer. Only the indicated dosage is used. Do not forget that these chemicals not only help to catch the animal, but also have a negative effect on planted crops and humans. Antikrot has proven itself well. This product is a natural environmental additive. It is based on vegetable oils mixed with diatomaceous earth. The composition is intended to soak the soil. After applying it, the soil begins to emit an unattractive odor for the mole. The animal does not appear in places where it is used. The positive property of this drug is that it promotes the growth and development of plants. Antikrot is presented in stores in powder form. It is used by pouring soil in the places where the animal lives. Special treatment is carried out around the minks. Then, the soil is well watered. Recommended dose: 1 measuring spoon per 1 square meter of land.

As a repeller, you can use special devices that emit ultrasound. Their range of action is limited, so to achieve the desired effect, the area of ​​the greenhouse should be taken into account. Various methods of mole eviction will save the harvest. As a preventative measure to prevent an animal from appearing inside the greenhouse, a ditch is dug and filled with bitumen or crushed stone. The presence of these materials will not allow moles to get inside the room. Careful inspection and care of your garden plot will eliminate various pest problems.

What should not be done in the fight against a mole

On the Internet you can find a lot of ways to expel and destroy these visually impaired underground animals. However, not all of them are effective.

  • According to reviews from experienced gardeners, manual destruction of an animal will not lead to the desired result. Starting with the fact that this method is not entirely humane, and ending with the fact that this type of hunting will require a lot of time.
  • It is not the best option to use gasoline or other flammable liquid, the specific smell of which will be present in the greenhouse for a long time. And the animal will not go far, but will only dig a new loophole.
  • In a situation where mole holes are found in a greenhouse, it is useless to attract a dog or cat to catch it. It should also be taken into account that the underground inhabitant does not live in single quantities in the soil layers.
  • You should also not cause a flood by trying to fill the animal’s holes with water. This procedure will only make the soil too wet.

Types of moles

In nature, there are more than 40 species of moles, which are distributed into 15 genera. Animals are common in Europe, Asia and North America, but are not found in hot Africa. Representatives of 6 species live in Russia.

The European or common mole has a spindle-shaped dense body, ranging from 12-15 cm in length. The elongated flat muzzle has small eyes and membrane-covered ears. The massive hands with large clawed fingers have a bristly edge. Short thick fur stands upright and helps the animal move in burrows. Representatives of the species love solitude and settle in areas within a radius of 4 km from their relatives.

The common Caucasian mole looks like the European variety. Distributed from western Ciscaucasia to the Black Sea parts of Turkey. Prefers to live in deciduous forests.

The small blind mole is the smallest in the family - from 8 to 12 cm. The body is covered with dark brown fur. The eyes are hidden under a thin film. Settles in forest and mountain meadow areas. If it has to live next to a common Caucasian species, it digs deeper holes.

The Siberian mole is widespread in the Altai Territory and southern Yakutia. Representatives have pronounced sexual dimorphism. In males, the body size reaches 20 cm, and in females - no more than 17 cm. On the head there are open eyes with movable eyelids. The color of the silky coat is found in both gray and dark brown.

The Far East is inhabited by narrow-area endemic moles from the genus Moger - Japanese and Ussuri. Representatives of the species completely lack visual organs, even in a rudimentary state. They lead an underground lifestyle and can inhabit fields and meadows.

Preventive actions

The use of a special metal mesh or geotextile will help prevent the appearance of a mole in a greenhouse. To lay the protective material, remove a half-meter layer of soil around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse. A layer of sand and crushed stone is laid on the compacted bottom, after which a geogrid is laid out. Another layer of crushed stone and sand is placed on top, after which everything is covered with the removed soil.

To prevent a mole from appearing in a greenhouse, you can follow this advice. It is necessary to dig a ditch around the greenhouse structure, which is then filled with bitumen, crushed stone or broken glass. Such materials will prevent underground inhabitants from entering the greenhouse area.


1.1. Smell repellent

​my father filled the hole with carbit and installed ratchet-​

​To combat moles, the following methods do not work well:​ ​. The advantage of this method is that moles are not just repelled, but destroyed. Some However, the likelihood of solar panels charging is highly dependent on the climate. In the northern regions, it is better to buy an ultrasonic mole repeller using regular AA batteries.​

​In the visible segment between the two mounds that the mole made, we remove the soil in a small area until a move appears.​ ​One

​One of these remedies is the German drug

​But, despite the inconvenience they cause, moles are useful animals, capable of loosening the soil just as well as modern tools, making it more suitable for planting. Therefore, it is advisable to use more humane methods of catching them. For example, you can independently make special equipment called the Solomon trap. The trap is made of iron and tin, representing a thin cylinder with a width of up to 40 cm, which can fit into a tunnel dug by moles. At the end of the cylinder there are small doors that open only inwards.​

A similar method is to bury glass champagne or wine bottles or reed stalks in the soil. For containers, it is advisable to choose a place that is well-ventilated - they are buried at an angle of 45 °. When there is wind, the bottles will make an unpleasant sound, which in most cases will force them to leave their holes and move to another place.​

​Get a cat or a cat. I guarantee an effective remedy)​ ​The​ ​We fill the hole with water

​Filling holes with water. The moles move for a while to the neighboring area, but after the holes dry out they return.​

The mole trap is installed across the mole tunnel so that the tunnel itself passes between the uprights of the device. The knives must be raised up under the cocked spring and secured with a safety catch.​

​When choosing this method, you should take into account the characteristics of the soil on your site. If the soil is sandy or quite dry, the range of the device is reduced. This device will work most effectively on moist clay soil.​

  1. ​In this move we place moistened granules of the drug (1 - 2 tablespoons).​
  2. Another deterrent is the drug
  3. ​Detia​
  4. ​After creating the trap, it is placed in the tunnels and carefully closed with earth. Don't forget to mark the installation location so you don't lose the equipment. After the mole goes for a walk through his labyrinths, Solomon's trap will cut off his path. You can use another method, which is also effective, but requires a lot of your time.​


From the piles of earth that formed in the greenhouse, it became clear that there was a mole. A neighbor advised me to use tar. I cut the foam sponge into small pieces, which were moistened with a specific composition. Then I placed 1-2 blanks in each hole. The animals left within a few days. Both safe and very effective. I recommend.

Especially to ensure that moles leave the greenhouse, I purchased an Ecosniper ultrasonic repeller. I was very pleased with the results of the device. The animals disappeared quite quickly.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Reasons for appearing on the site

Moles eat a lot and often; if they stop doing this, they can die within 24 hours. They most often live alone, but can also live in family groups, so several hundred meters of underground roads can be laid under a garden plot or vegetable garden in just a few days. Molehills are located not only parallel to the plane of the earth. The mole's lair, in which the female gives birth to her cubs, is usually located at a depth of 1.5 m to 2 m.

Moles will not be able to live where they cannot provide themselves with food and water. In garden plots where organic farming is practiced, there is always an abundance of earthworms - the main food of moles. After all, cultivated garden and garden plants are regularly fertilized and watered, that is, people provide the necessary conditions for soil fertility and nesting of worms. Behind the worms, moles appear on the site. Nearby streams or other sources of water are the second reason for populating a fertile vegetable garden.

Mesh price: approximate estimate for purchase and installation

Approximate prices for a roll of mole netting were indicated above. Let's now figure out how much the total cost of installing such a grid on the site will cost. We will carry out calculations based on the price of the Italian Syntoflex - this mesh is quite economical and reliable.

If you fence a plot of 10 acres (25x40 m) around the perimeter, then the main costs will be:

  1. Roll of mesh - 13,000 rubles;
  2. Digging a trench - 14,000 rubles (the price indicated is for a full shift of work, although usually a soil cutter makes a trench of this length in 4-5 hours);
  3. The payment for workers who will cut the mesh, install and fill the trench is 10,000 rubles.

In total, it turns out 37,000 rubles for all the work. In this case, 70 meters of mesh 1 m high will still be left on hand. The specific price of installing the mesh will be 300 rubles per meter of the border of the site, the price of the mesh alone is 65 rubles per meter of the protected border.

You can save money if you lay the mesh and fill the trench yourself, and also negotiate with the soil cutter on an hourly payment or payment per meter of the trench. In addition, these works can be combined with the installation of foundation posts for a mesh or slate fence, which will save money on both works in total.


“We have been fighting moles for so long, it has already begun to seem that this fight will be endless. We catch them, but they still climb. We poison, and then new ones come, nothing works to scare them away. In the end, they decided to fence themselves off. In the spring, we dug trenches along three fences (we dug them by hand, a tractor cannot enter the site), bought a mesh to protect against moles, G-9, installed it, and buried it. The overlap was made in such a way that the mesh rests directly on the fence and the mole cannot get through on the ground above it. This was the first year when moles did not harm the site. That's all, the long-term saga is over. I remember what happened before, and I understand that we spent more money on all these repellers and traps than on the net. And there were so many nerves, so many damaged flowers!”

Tatyana, Minsk

If the mole net is laid horizontally, then the cost of the work will depend on the cost of lifting the soil and laying it on top of the net. The mesh itself costs 65 rubles per square meter of protected surface. If you lay it on top of the lawn without burying it, then this, in general, will be the unit cost of all materials per square meter.

Is it possible to replace the mesh with slate, roofing felt or other barrier means?

A household summer resident may immediately have questions: is it possible to replace the mole net with something more economical?

Let's see which options are the most popular:

  1. Slate - a sheet of wave slate costs 190 rubles, its dimensions are 1.12 x 1.75 m. If you cut each sheet in the middle, you will get 2 sheets with a total length of 2.2 m and a height of 87 cm (in principle, sufficient for protection against moles). The price per meter of protection will be 86 rubles. - more expensive than the Italian mesh, but cheaper than the domestic one;

  2. Roofing felt - suppose we use rolls 1 meter wide and 10 meters long, the price of such a roll is approximately 500 rubles. The price of 1 m will be 50 rubles. It is important to understand that roofing material does not provide reliable protection against moles, since the animal can tear it with its strong clawed paws and crawl into the hole.

Other options - boards, crushed stone, metal sheets, strip foundation - are always more expensive than mesh, both in cost and installation cost. They are convenient to use when a summer resident has large old stocks of such materials or cheap illiquid goods.

It is important to remember that all means, except for the net, complicate the migration across the boundaries of the site not only of moles, but also of other soil inhabitants, which are often very useful and necessary on the site (and earthworms are far from the only example). If the area is large (more than 10 acres), then this is not critical, since the soil biocenoses on it are restored on their own, and migration also occurs along the soil surface, above the fence. But in small areas, such continuous barriers can lead to a noticeable depletion of the diversity of soil organisms.

In some cases, it is impossible to discount the deterioration of moisture removal from the site if it is fenced on all sides with slate sheets. After heavy rainfall or melting snow, the entire area can turn into a swamp, the boundaries of which are outlined by slate or roofing felt protruding above the ground.

How to protect your summer cottage from moles: drive them away or scare them away?

A mole is a fairly smart and cunning animal, so it is usually very difficult to catch it. It is much easier and faster to drive it away from the site with the help of various repellers and similar devices.

Physical barrier

You can protect your property from moles by creating an underground fence.

Bury old sheets of slate or roofing felt around the perimeter of the borders of your land at a depth of about 0.5-0.7 meters, or even better, take a metal or plastic mesh with small cells.

Thus, the animal simply will not be able to enter your dacha if you create such a protective barrier.

However, you can do it easier by making a special protective bed against moles, namely by placing a metal mesh on the bottom and installing high wooden sides.

Video: how to make a mole-proof bed

In order for the mole to leave your area forever, you can try to bury a stinking fish head from a herring in a mole hole or put a skin from a smoked fish, just try to push the “rotten stink” deeper inside, additionally helping yourself with a stick. Then close the entrance by covering it with a stone, and then cover it with earth and trample it with your feet.

Creolin, ammonia, tar

Similar to rotten fish, you can bury a rag soaked in tar, ammonia or creolin solution in a mole hole.

Using used cat litter to fight moles from Evgeniy Klyuev

In war, all means are good. Evgeniy Klyuev, for example, uses used cat litter (a good owner, as you know, never wastes anything, even used cat litter).

In a bucket of water, mix a lump of litter with cat waste. Fill the mole holes with the resulting solution, and then cover them with earth. Take a piece of reinforcement and use it to make many holes in the ground near the molehills. The animals will then move to a safe distance and stay away from your area.

Mole traps (traps for moles)

​. It contains natural essential oils, including lavender extract. It is thanks to the smell of lavender, which moles cannot tolerate, that the product can protect plants on the site from mole rats and moles. To The gap is a little in one of its tunnels, wait for the animal at the surface. To speed up the process, you can use earthworms, which will lure moles with their scent. As soon as the animal appears at the surface, we carefully pry it with a shovel and quickly throw the animal into a container prepared in advance. After this, he can be taken further outside the site and released.​

Pouring water into holes is considered an effective, but not economical, method. True, experienced summer residents say that after the water dries up, moles in most cases return. You can plant imperial hazel grouse on your plot - this is a flower with a very unpleasant-smelling bulb for moles.​

​I’ve been using them for about five years now to protect greenhouses, where these bastards constantly climbed without them due to abundant watering. . The actual protection radius is no more than 4-5 meters. Outside their range of action, I persecute “Molebreaker” and others like him. This needs to be done constantly. A couple of times I came across the corpses of moles while digging. On permanent passages, plastic bottles buried flush with the passage, cut to 15-20 cm, are effective.

​Now I’m thinking: kick him out or let him live.​ ​A device for sale battery-powered - it burrows into the ground, buzzes with some kind of waves and scares away within a radius of 50 meters. Price - about 300 rubles. I bought it at OBI.​

​Planting rags soaked in kerosene or ammonia into holes does not help. Moles simply dig new holes.​

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