Tomato Server F1: characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photos

Tomato “Family F1”: incredible yield guaranteed

The hybrid was brought to the market by NPF Agrosemtoms LLC, Kirov.

After passing the test in 2007, “Family” was entered into the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation under number 9610095.

The tomato is recommended to all vegetable growers and gardeners of the country in the Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Chernozem, North Caucasus, Middle Volga regions for growing in film shelters of private farms as early ripening and use in salads. Vegetable growers tried this variety in their gardens and were very pleased.

Characteristics and description

The plant form of tomato is determinate. The height of “Family” rarely exceeds 100 cm. The bush is powerful, spreading with thick shoots and medium-sized leaves. Such a bush can easily and simply bear a good yield load, however, provided that the soil is highly nutritious.

The fruits of the hybrid tomato are round. When they ripen, they scare vegetable growers with their huge green spot near the stalk, but having reached biological maturity, the spot slowly resolves and the tomato acquires a beautiful, even, scarlet color.

The fruiting of the hybrid is extended over time and this property cannot be added to the list of disadvantages, since the tomato provides the grower with large and tasty fruits throughout the entire season.

Tomato skin is tender and at the same time dense enough to protect its contents well from cracking. When cooked for salad preparation, the skin peels off evenly, leaving velvety pulp underneath.

Tomato is extremely responsive to fertilizing. Those vegetable growers who have already grown the hybrid say that it is quite possible to grow fruits weighing up to 350 g. However, this cultivation has a number of its own characteristics.

Vegetable growers process surplus produce into tomato products, which are of very high quality due to their high content of dry matter and sugars.

Disease resistance

Breeders are working intensively to develop varieties and hybrids that could resist pathogens of bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
Family tomatoes F1 have absorbed all the best qualities in terms of disease resistance and have excellent resistance to fusarium, root-knot nematode, tobacco mosaic virus, and cladosporiosis. When planting a hybrid in greenhouse shelters, you can be sure that the plant will not suffer even during an extreme attack by pathogenic pathogens. Those who grew the hybrid in open ground also talk about the tomato’s sufficient stability.

The hybrid is also highly resistant to external environmental factors. Whatever the weather conditions, tomatoes set fruit perfectly. The hybrid perfectly tolerates low temperatures and very high, as well as sudden temperature and humidity changes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Breeding achievements of the 21st century have more and more advantages. Old and even very beloved varieties, unfortunately, fade into the background. They already fall short of even half the yield of new and promising ones, and “Family F1” is no exception.

Among the advantages of the hybrid are the following indicators:

  • Early fruiting. The hybrid lays the first bunch after 5-6 leaves and this speeds up the eating of the first fruit by 2-3 weeks;
  • Large fruit;
  • Excellent taste of fresh products and the possibility of processing into tomato delicacies;
  • Resistance to external factors, allowing the hybrid to be planted in all regions of the country, both indoors and outdoors;
  • Resistance to contagious diseases of tomatoes;
  • High yield, capable of producing a marketable yield in the range of 17-19 kg per square meter of greenhouse area;
  • High product yield. All hybrid products are leveled, homogeneous and of high marketability;
  • High transport properties;
  • Long storage period after collection.

As a disadvantage, we can say that the tomato is large-fruited and several pieces are attached to one inflorescence. This property entails the need to regularly and thoroughly tie up fruit inflorescences from the beginning of their growth until the moment of harvesting.

Nuances of cultivation

The “Family F1” tomato is very high-yielding. In order for the hybrid to fully reveal its genetic potential, it is necessary to grow powerful, stocky seedlings.


Since “Family F1” is a hybrid, gardeners will not learn how to use their seeds. By purchasing professional seeds, there is no longer any need to treat them with growth stimulants. There is also no point in soaking the seeds, since the growth regulators used to treat the seed by the manufacturer can be washed off. Therefore, the best sowing method is to sow dry seeds in nutrient soil.

Selection of soil mixture

It is best to use a universal soil mixture for seedlings, created by professional agrochemists, which is offered in a chain of agriculturally oriented stores. Such soils are selected specifically for seedlings; they are;

  • lungs;
  • nutritious;
  • disinfected;
  • water-permeable;
  • enriched with minerals;
  • balanced in acidity (pH).

Since the tomato is very productive, it is impossible to do without additional fertilizing. To avoid unnecessary hassle, when preparing the soil, you can combine it with mineral nutrients. To do this, add two tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate to a bucket of the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Sowing technology

In order for the seedlings to be friendly, you must adhere to the following methodology:

Shoots will appear in 6-8 days.

Caring for seedlings

To grow high-quality seedlings you need:

  • compliance with temperature conditions;
  • timely watering;
  • regular ventilation.
  • fertilizing, in case of sowing in unprepared soils.

As soon as the seedlings reach the stage of two true leaves, they must be picked into individual containers. Further departure will consist of the same points as before the dive.

Features of outdoor care

Considering the “Family F1” tomato reviews, photos, and productivity, it becomes clear that the basis of a large commodity volume is fertilizing.
They should be carried out 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings, starting with nitrogenous ones, and then every 15-20 days. From the moment the ovaries form, potassium fertilizers are added to the nutrient solutions.

The “Family F1” tomato is worthy of the attention of vegetable growers and remains a favorite for a long time.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

Features of cultivation

For planting activities, it is necessary to prepare a container. For this you can use plastic or wooden containers. Before sowing, disinfect the box and make drainage holes. If this is not done, the plant may be affected by blackleg.

Planting seedlings

To successfully grow seedlings, ensure adequate lighting, temperature conditions and air ventilation.

As for the substrate, a universal mixture purchased in a store or prepared independently is suitable for the Rio Fuego tomato. If the second option is chosen, it is necessary to combine sand and peat in equal proportions. There is no need to sow the seeds too thickly, as the seedlings will stretch out and become thin and weak.


  1. Before sowing, water the soil thoroughly.
  2. Pre-soak the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them. Keep them there for 39 minutes. After this, rinse them under running water.
  3. Sow the grains in the ground, lightly cover with soil and cover with film to maintain soil moisture.
  4. Keep seedlings at a temperature of 23 degrees. and as soon as the first shoots appear, remove the film every day for 20-30 minutes.
  5. With the appearance of 2 leaves on the seedlings, carry out a pick, planting the plants in separate containers.

Planting seedlings in open ground


  1. Site preparation. It needs to be done in the fall. If the acidity of the soil is increased, then during the autumn digging, add 0.9 kg of lime, 5-7 kg of organic matter, 40-60 g of superphosphate per 1 m2.
  2. Plant tomato seedlings in the first half of June, when the danger of frost has passed.
  3. Plant plants in rows, maintaining a distance of 30-40 cm between them, and 30-50 cm between rows.
  4. Sprinkle with soil and place a layer of mulch on top to maintain moisture. Peat or sawdust is suitable for these purposes.

Features of care

Caring for the Rio Fuego variety is easy if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Loosening. Between the rows the soil needs to be loosened. Do this every 10-12 days, but at least once throughout the summer. If cultivation occurs on heavy soil, then deep loosen in the first 2 weeks after planting the seedlings.
  2. Hilling. Hill up tomatoes for the first time 9-11 days after planting. Water before starting, as hilling up wet soil will speed up the formation of new roots on the stem of the crop. The second time the manipulation is carried out 16-20 days after the first.
  3. Watering. The Rio Fuego tomato needs regular moisture. Water directly into the holes. One plant requires 0.7-0.9 liters of water. It is best to moisten the soil in the evening. Watering is especially important during the flowering of the first and second clusters, before loosening the soil and applying fertilizers.
  4. Air humidity. The variety is not particularly demanding on humidity, but when it is too high, it is fraught with late blight and brown spot.
  5. Feeding. Throughout the summer, regularly feed tomatoes using mineral and organic compounds.

Tomato Server F1 characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photo

Tomato “Debut” F1: description of the variety

Variety namePremium
general descriptionEarly maturing, determinate, low-growing hybrid
Ripening period85-95 days
FormFruits are round with a small spout
Average weight of tomatoes110-130 grams
Productivity of the variety4-5 kg ​​per bush
Features of cultivationGrown only from seedlings
Disease resistanceLate blight prevention is needed

This is a low-growing, early-ripening hybrid; only 85-95 days pass from the first shoots to harvest. The plant is determinate, not standard, about 70 cm high. Like any hybrid, “Premium F1” grows well in open ground, but can also be grown in film greenhouses and greenhouses.

The best varieties of tomatoes for 2022: photos and descriptions

When choosing tomatoes for their plot, gardeners, first of all, rely on varietal or hybrid characteristics. Productivity is the most important criterion on which the quantity and quality of the harvest depends. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right option from the rich variety of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. Then varieties are selected depending on the growing region, ripening period, degree of disease resistance and other factors.

Varieties for open ground

A huge number of species with excellent yields are intended for growing vegetables in the open air. Low-growing bushes with large fruits are one of the advantages of tomatoes for the soil. Such heat-loving plants are easier to care for and do not require complex agricultural practices.

According to ripening period

Tomatoes, like other vegetable crops, are characterized by different ripening periods, from early to late.

Ripening periodRipening of fruits after the appearance of the first shootsgeneral characteristicsThe most productive tomatoes (2020)
Ultra-early ripeningOn day 80-85The fruits are small, juicy, and low in sugar. The height of the bush is no more than 50 cm. Not suitable for preservation. Little Red Riding Hood, Pride of Russia, Benito, Superstar, Valentina, Marisha, Maksimka
Early ripeningFor 90-95 daysSmall, delicate fruits, average yield. Suitable for canning and salads. Bushes grow up to 70 cm Agatha, Riddle, Augustine, Lyana, Sanka, Buyan, Lakomka, Amur standard, Grandmother's kiss
Mid-earlyOn days 100-103The fruits are juicy, small, aromatic. The purpose is universal. Bush shape - compact Openwork, Babushkino, Pulka, Red Giant, Russian Soul, Cardinal, Flamingo
Mid-seasonOn day 100-115High taste, excellent yield. There are both low-growing and tall varieties Scarlet Candles, Hybrid Basket, Stresa, Intuition, Black Baron, Pudovik, Pink Honey
Late ripeningOn day 120-130Excellent fruit taste, high yield, universal purpose. Good keeping quality and transportability of fruits Giraffe, Cosmonaut Volkov, Titan, Rio Grande, Russian size, King of Kings, Rocket, Premier

Review of tomato variety F1: characteristics and yield

What are these tomato varieties with the ending F1? In this way, hybrid tomatoes specially bred by breeders by crossing other varieties are marked. Scientists have worked hard to ensure that newly created plants have the best qualities of their ancestors. As a rule, hybrids have good characteristics - they are resistant to many diseases, are not afraid of cold weather, and are undemanding to soil fertility.

Features of hybrid tomatoes

F1 varieties can belong to a low-growing species, a tall one, and may have different ripening periods. The characteristic indicates the different size, color and weight of the fruit. For sale to summer residents they offer a wide variety of hybrids, for every taste and for any purpose - these are red and orange tomatoes, small and large, for pickling and for fresh consumption. Characteristics and descriptions of F1 tomato varieties indicate the properties of a particular variety.

The main feature of hybrids is that the seeds obtained from the harvest cannot be used for sowing seedlings for the next year. Seeds of hybrid tomatoes retain the attractive properties of their parents for only 1 season. Next season, no one can guarantee that a vegetable with the same properties will grow from the seeds of tomatoes collected on the plot. Every year you need to buy new hybrid seeds from a specialty store.

Breeders note that the greater the difference in characteristics between the tomato varieties being crossed, the stronger the hybrid can be obtained.

The main advantages of hybrid varieties are as follows:

  • resistance to common vegetable diseases and pests;
  • undemanding to the growing soil;
  • early fruit ripening;
  • increased productivity.

Hybrid varieties may be somewhat inferior to pure tomatoes in terms of fruit taste, but this drawback is not too noticeable.

Which hybrid varieties to choose?

In the conditions of central Russia, it is better to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. The following hybrid varieties are recommended for cultivation:

  1. VerliokaF This is a tall early variety. Its fruits are suitable for use in culinary dishes and for winter preparations. The fruits have a classic round shape, bright red color, and weigh up to 100 grams. The characteristic also notes the disadvantage of the variety - the demands of tomatoes on the composition of the soil and the need to periodically feed the plants with fertilizers. In cool weather, warm the water until warm before watering.

Search companies have known F1 varieties for a long time. She successfully sells hybrid seeds in specialized stores and large supermarkets. Characteristics and descriptions of F1 tomato varieties can be found on the package with seeds. The photo shows fruiting bushes of hybrid tomatoes. In reviews, experienced gardeners advise which varieties of tomatoes are best to plant in certain climatic conditions.

Pure variety or hybrid, what to choose?

A pure variety represents a selected group of plants with certain characteristics that preserve them from one generation to the next.
The hybrid retains its quality characteristics only for one season when it was planted. Seeds from crossed crops should not be collected. It is impossible to get a good harvest by planting them. The set of parental qualities that were originally laid down is lost. Of the collected seeds, only 20-30% will retain the set of parental characteristics. When planting and growing tomatoes, gardeners make mistakes:

  1. They do not follow the recommendations for the place where the crop is planted. That is, the manufacturer indicated that it was grown in a greenhouse, and you planted it in open ground.
  2. Other vegetables that require different climatic conditions for development are planted next to the tomatoes in the greenhouse.
  3. Overgrown seedlings are planted, which then take a long time to take root and are delayed in development.
  4. Tomato stems are pulled, which leads to poor sap flow.
  5. They do not pay enough attention to care, assuming that hybrids should grow well on their own.

A hybrid crop is an ideal option for obtaining a stable harvest. You will have to buy seeds every year. The result will definitely not disappoint you if the planting material is certified.


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