Review of Wild strawberry seeds Prestige “White Soul”

White strawberries are a fairly old variety. It began to be grown in Europe about three hundred years ago. Now its origin is known: it was formed from the crossing of wild species that grew on the American continent - Chilean and Virginia. As a result of evolution, berries have completely or partially lost the gene that caused the formation of red pigment. At the same time, garden strawberries and wild strawberries have not lost any of their taste and benefits. On the contrary, it can be eaten by people who are allergic to the red pigment in vegetables and fruits.

History of selection

Strawberries, unusual in color, appeared in Europe almost three centuries ago.
This phenomenon was known due to the crossing of two varieties of wild strawberries that grew on the American continent. These were the southern Chilean white berry and the northern Virginia one. But by the beginning of this century, these berries had almost disappeared. Thanks to the efforts of a group of farmers from Holland, who did not allow this to happen, a few years ago the hybrid strawberry was recreated. It was called “Pineberry” - a white strawberry with a pineapple flavor. Particular credit for this goes to Hans de Jong.

A publication published in German on April 1, 2009, about the appearance of Ananaserdbeeren - pineapple strawberries - was then considered an April Fool's joke. But when this wonder went on sale in the UK, doubts dissipated.

Over the following years, new varieties of white berries with excellent taste and good characteristics were developed in England, Holland, Japan and France - winter hardiness, drought resistance, immunity to many specific infections, and others. But due to the high cost of planting material, these varieties are not yet very widespread. They are just beginning to be introduced into domestic gardening.

Primary colors and their characteristics

Skeptics! Of course, the test will not tell you all the shades of your soul, but will only give you an idea of ​​​​its basic color, which is why the method is not considered too accurate. If you want to get a more accurate description of your character from an astrological point of view, make a natal chart , on our website it is completely free and will not take more than 5 minutes. If you are a follower of numerology, try making a Pythagorean square , this is a classic and very interesting technique that also gives good results.

Red color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a red soul?

Red is the strongest color of the soul, but also the most aggressive. Such people from birth have enormous energy potential. They are decisive, set clear goals for themselves, and “at the speed of a locomotive” strive to achieve it, often sweeping away everyone and everything in their path. The universe has endowed such people with excellent charisma, everyone pays attention to them, and they themselves love to be in the center of events, arousing the admiration of others and towering above them. As a rule, people with a red soul work where continuous communication with other people is necessary. They easily occupy high leadership positions and hold them for a long time.

  • Advantages. Purposefulness in everything, natural leadership, they quickly find friends, all the solutions they propose are creative and effective. Most often, these are extraordinary people with gushing energy, they have a sharp mind, and they have an excellent sense of humor. In romantic relationships, these are loving and passionate partners.
  • Flaws. Assertiveness, the desire to take everything in stride, sometimes leading to aggression. They experience severe irritability and nervousness, even psychosis, when something does not go as planned. Occupying a high position, they do not make much distinction between requests and orders, as a rule, reducing communication with subordinates to “manual control.” Unable to control your emotions, especially at maximum tension. In their personal life they can be very jealous.

Orange is the color of the soul

What is the character of a person with an orange soul?

Adventurers and travelers - their soul is most often orange. They cannot live without movement, they move all the time, looking for new experiences, new people, new feelings. They very easily change their environment, place of work and move from place to place, not only within the same city, they are ready to go even to another country, just for a “change of scenery”. They never lose heart and are always confident in the future. They make every effort to have a certain material wealth, as they say, “with their feet on the ground.” But in family relationships they can show emotional detachment and coldness towards their partner.

  • Advantages. Proud, independent, very sociable, they always know how to win over others. They enjoy undeniable authority among friends. They try to lead in the team, they always know how to organize the work process with maximum efficiency or motivate other people to achieve accomplishments. They are very inventive, able to analyze what is happening around them and their own actions from the point of view of ethics and morality. They have good physical health.
  • Flaws. Restlessness and general anxiety make others nervous. People with an orange aura are constantly looking for something, and not finding it, they start searching again. Vanity drives all their actions, in some cases they are very arrogant and selfish. They do not hesitate to achieve their goals by any means, they are ready to go over their heads. They do not recognize rules and restrictions; their own “I” always comes first, and then everything else. They can resort to cunning, covering it up with logic and calculation. But at the same time, they can be lazy from time to time, and combined with a complete lack of intuition, they find themselves in unpleasant situations.

Yellow is the color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a yellow soul?

People with a yellow soul and all shades close to it have enormous energy and creative potential. They are always creating something, inventing or making discoveries, no matter if they are significant or not. As a rule, these are people of creative professions: musicians, artists, designers-inventors, scientists in various fields. They are endowed with high intelligence, and develop it, study, learn new things throughout their lives. Self-expression - they strive for this throughout life, in all works and actions. In their personal life they are distinguished by kindness and love for loved ones, and cannot stand loneliness.

  • Advantages. Always confident in their actions, educated and tactful. They are very religious, but without fanaticism. They move towards their goal inevitably and unconditionally. It is important for them to become the center of a certain social group. They are very educated and do not hesitate to show off their intelligence, they are very diligent, they always finish what they start.
  • Flaws. It can be difficult for people with a yellow aura to be in society and communicate closely in a team. This is due to innate conflict, or rather, hypersensitivity, which often puts not only themselves, but also others in very unpleasant situations. Because of this, not everyone finds it easy to communicate with them. Having a large supply of energy from birth, he is not averse to feeding off the energy of those around him.

Blue color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a blue soul?

Blue is the color of the souls of wise people who live in harmony with themselves and the world around them. They constantly dream about something and expect miracles. As a rule, these are people of creative professions: fine arts, choreography, dance, ballet, music, cinema, theater. From early childhood they try to help others: both relatives and strangers, they are always the first to rush to help, completely forgetting about themselves. They always find the good in everything and try not to give in to despondency. Most often, religious leaders of various faiths are endowed with a blue soul.

  • Advantages. They are constant in their desires and feelings, the main goal of life is to create a family, support close and dear people, and always provide friendly assistance, no matter what. They have a strong will and self-discipline, and are very prudent. Endowed with sensitive intuition, good manners and taste. They are prone to self-sacrifice, for the benefit of loved ones they absolutely cannot stand lies, and they strictly adhere to their life principles. In their personal life they are very calm, constant and reliable, worldly wise and treat everything with understanding.
  • Flaws. They are characterized by strong mood swings and can go to extremes, renouncing the whole world and falling into asceticism. If this is not related to religion, it often harms communication with others, and they are said to be “not of this world.”

Blue color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a blue soul?

People with blue souls always choose the path of self-improvement and learning. Morality and spirituality come first for them. All their aspirations are aimed at learning the unknown and bringing benefit to humanity. In order to achieve perfection, we are always ready to look for new hobbies, experience new emotions, and also radically change our occupation. In general, there are no conflicts, and they are very sociable. They find themselves well in professions that require flights of fancy and a rich imagination. They are in constant search, in pursuit of new knowledge and skills. They are confident in their exclusive destiny, always stand up for the truth, and expect the same from others. In their personal life they are loyal and sincere.

  • Advantages. The blue soul gives its carriers peace and spiritual silence. Such people always take everything seriously and are truthful to the core. Easily ready to learn everything new, receive and apply new knowledge. They love freedom very much, so that no one and nothing interferes with their self-knowledge, they do not accept frameworks and restrictions.
  • Flaws. Inconstancy is their main drawback. Unfortunately, it is often difficult for people with a blue soul to be focused on one thing for a long time; if the result is not immediately visible, then they become bored with the chosen activity. They abandon him and rush in search of something new and unknown. They are straightforward and always say what they think to their face, regardless of the consequences.

Green color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a green soul?

Reasonable and compassionate people have green souls. They always think about the people around them: family members, acquaintances and strangers, often with such care, they forget about their desires and needs. They always make effective decisions, carefully thinking and weighing them in advance. This takes a certain amount of time, and therefore creates the impression that their actions are unhurried and slow. They easily adapt to external circumstances, they instantly navigate critical situations, and cope well with stress. They can find themselves in rescue and assistance services. No matter what happens, they will always find a way out of a difficult situation, and will not forget to help other people who find themselves in the same situation. In their personal life, harmony and inner peace are very important to them.

  • Advantages. Most often they have a high level of intelligence, since the green soul is constantly in search of new knowledge. They are always demanding of themselves and those around them, and know how to win someone over when meeting a new person. They successfully achieve their goals, I can be good organizers. But if they cannot attract others to do quality work, they are guided by the principle “if you want to do it well, do it yourself.”
  • Flaws. Unfortunately, the green soul takes life a little frivolously, shifting “to tomorrow what can be done today.” Because of this, it is difficult for such people to find a suitable life partner, business partner, and it is difficult to maintain good relationships with parents and relatives. They can be very self-critical and regularly condemn themselves for past misdeeds.

Purple color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a purple soul?

Purple is a bright magical color; people with such a soul are prone to everything mysterious and inexplicable. These are very spiritual and sensual people; in the foreground they have intellectual, but not physical development. The desire for wisdom and knowledge overrides other needs. People with such a soul are very changeable and fickle. Their fate is characterized by many ups and downs, but their soul gives them the strength to rise and continue to move on. These are strong-willed people who lead the way. In your personal life, instability and sexual uncertainty are possible.

  • Advantages. Undoubted leadership qualities, the ability to captivate others. High mental abilities and incredibly developed intuition. He is always looking for his calling, and the search continues until a person feels in his place. In any circumstances, he defends freedom and justice and does not accept spiritual depravity.
  • Flaws. Physical weakness leads to numerous chronic diseases, but the violet soul stubbornly fights all diseases. These people do not accept even the slightest psychological pressure or restrictive framework, therefore they often change the type of their professional activities and rush from one to another. To achieve high goals, they are ready to make any sacrifice.

Pink color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a pink soul?

Tolerant, calm and caring people have pink souls. They are often characterized by a certain duality - on the one hand, they have a calm disposition, on the other, they strive to achieve the impossible. On the one hand, they are ready to devote their entire lives to family or work, taking care of other people, on the other hand, they set too high standards for everything and inflate their self-esteem. They are capable of idealizing others, and at the same time subjecting their own personality to violence. Very suspicious and suspicious. They hesitate to make a decision, trying not to leave their comfort zone. People with pink souls have a unique perception of the world, but at the same time they doubt everything. In personal relationships they are very sensitive and understand their partner very well.

  • Advantages. They can occupy high leadership positions in stable conservative organizations. They defend their opinions with logic and persuasion, they never act harshly, they speak softly but persistently. They are very purposeful, demanding of themselves, and are always constantly working on themselves.
  • Flaws. Due to the duality of nature, pink souls can easily become victims of adventurers and ill-wishers. They dream quite a lot, but do not always do everything possible to achieve their goals. People with pink souls are often dreamers and mystics.

Golden color of the soul

What is the character of a person with a golden soul?

“A man with a golden soul”—this is said precisely about such people. Although in reality, meeting a person with a golden soul is very rare and lucky. They have enviable willpower, perseverance and love of life. From early childhood they show interest in learning about the world and demonstrate excellent academic success. Usually they are subject to both the exact sciences and the humanities. At any age, they have well-defined leadership qualities, set serious goals and actively move towards achieving them. They can become excellent leaders in technical areas where their abilities are maximized. In their personal life they do not waste time, setting priorities correctly, and value home comfort.

  • Advantages. Increased efficiency and determination, constantly wanting to “sort everything out” and get to the bottom of it. They organize work superbly and motivate colleagues. For the people around them, their extensive knowledge in a variety of fields is very attractive. Most often, these are very insightful people with developed intuition.
  • Flaws. It happens that feelings rise above the mind, then complications in relationships with loved ones are inevitable. They are extremely demanding of themselves; they begin to experience discomfort and anxiety if the set goal becomes unattainable, even for an objective reason. From time to time they need to take a break and relax alone.

Why does a person actually need to know the color of his soul? The ancient Greek philosopher said: “You cannot treat the body without treating the soul.” Among other things, esotericism not only helps to understand the inner nature of a person, but also deals with the healing of various ailments, dividing them into physical and mental.

  • When healing physical illnesses, one must turn to the human aura , influencing its color, shape and general condition.
  • Mental illnesses, various disorders, fears, phobias - need to be treated through the impact on the human soul.


If earlier strawberries with berries of this color were considered exotic, now they grow among summer residents in different regions of Russia. Similar in shape and taste to ordinary wild strawberries, the White Soul variety differs in color and aroma. Creamy berries with clearly visible achenes are sweet, with a pleasant pineapple aftertaste.

On a note! Alpine strawberry White soul (White soul) was bred in the Netherlands. Breeder: Hans de Jong.

The description of the variety will seem attractive to many. The bushes are small, up to 18-22 cm, grow well in sunny places, in partial shade. The leaves are bright green, with a jagged edge and slightly pubescent. 8-10 plants are planted per 1 square meter, although thickened plantings (up to 12-14 bushes) are allowed.

Popular varieties of white strawberries and wild strawberries

There are several varieties of white strawberries and strawberries, which are bred through selective breeding. It is recommended to buy their seedlings first, as they produce more berries, bear fruit longer and do not get sick.

Pineapple Strawberry (Pineberry)

The most common type. Its pulp is reminiscent of a southern fruit in taste and aroma, but the texture remains the same as that of an ordinary berry. The weight of each is from 1.5 to 2.5 g - small. The variety was imported from Holland. The yield is low, but it takes root well and does not suffer from fungal diseases. Ripe berries are strewn with red seeds.

Anablanca is of French origin. This is a relatively young variety, so it is still rarely found in garden plots. The berries are small, but a lot of them are set - with proper care, you can collect more than 1 kg from the bush. Ripe berries can be recognized by the slightly pink tint of the pulp, which appears from the sun's rays. A special feature is the very rapid reproduction on the site due to the large number of whiskers.

White Swan

White Swan is a Japanese variety that is twice the size of the previous two berries - from 2.5 to 4 g each. They bear fruit all summer long. If anyone is familiar with the taste of linden honey, then this variety is very similar to it in taste and aroma. White lotus - also imported from Japan, but has small berries. They rather resemble large garden white strawberries. It differs from the previous type in the oblong shape of the fruit and sweet taste.

White Swede

The White Swede variety is a large strawberry. The taste can simultaneously detect notes of pineapple, strawberry and mulberry. The advantage is that the bushes winter well even at very low temperatures. It is often bought and grown in the northern regions of Russia, where winter frosts drop below 30 degrees. According to reviews, they grow without shelter and greenhouses. In the southern regions, with frequent droughts, the quality of the berries does not decrease. The bushes are also resistant to pests and fungal diseases.

White soul (White soul)

Garden strawberries with white berries of the White Soul variety were artificially bred in Holland. It bears fruit all summer long and each bush bears more than 0.5 kg per season. Strawberries are sweet, grow well in partial shade, tolerate drought and are disease resistant. It is harvested when the pineapple aroma spreads throughout the garden - this means that the berries are fully ripe.


The strawberry variety White Soul has a medium-early ripening period. Flowering begins in May, harvest begins in June, and ends only in October, with the appearance of the first frosts. Although such strawberries are small-fruited, up to 0.5 kg of crop is harvested from one bush per season, which indicates the high productivity of the variety. The average weight of berries is 5 g.

Strawberry White Soul is quite unpretentious. Her care is minimal. Resistant to drought, as well as common diseases and pests. For the winter it requires covering with a layer of mulching material or agrofibre.

The White Soul variety is grown by amateur gardeners in their summer cottages. Strawberries of this variety have not found commercial use. They are consumed fresh and made into homemade preparations: jams, preserves, compotes.

Distinctive features

White strawberries: description, its features

In size, white strawberries are inferior to almost all red varieties, but there is an exception - strawberries of the White Swede variety. The berries can be even larger than the larger red types.

In terms of their development cycle, white strawberries differ little from their red relatives, but if you can try to propagate the latter by seeds, then in the case of white varieties this will not work - they reproduce only with mustaches.

The advantage of these varieties is that they are resistant to diseases. This allows for some errors in fertilizing, pruning, timely removal of contaminated mulch and other activities.

There are several varieties that differ in color:

  • white;
  • yellowish tint due to the large number of seeds;
  • pink.

Fruiting is not as abundant as that of red varieties, but some species are capable of producing up to 1 kg of berries per bush per season. Remontant white strawberries and strawberries bear fruit from spring until autumn.

Common to all varieties is care and timely removal of the tendrils so that the bushes continue to bear fruit. Developing “babies” take away nutrients and the quality of the berries deteriorates, or even stop setting fruit altogether.

The disadvantage of all white varieties is that they are not suitable for transportation, as they quickly deteriorate, so they can rarely be found on store shelves.

Summer residents who grow white berries have noticed that birds rarely notice them, while the red ones are seen and stolen.


The strawberry variety White Soul is planted in mid-May. Strawberries love sunny places, and the White Soul variety is no exception. On the site, choose a place well lit by the sun, with fertile soil and deep groundwater. Before planting, prepare the bed 2 weeks in advance. They dig up, remove weeds, apply organic and mineral fertilizers. From organic matter, add humus or compost (10 kg per 1 sq. meter), from minerals - wood ash (200 g per sq. m).

The following planting scheme for White Soul strawberries is recommended:

  • between seedlings – 20 cm;
  • between rows – 30 cm.

Water each bush abundantly. Watering is continued every other day until the strawberries take root.

Diseases and pests

Red varieties of strawberries are partially protected - each type has its own immunity to certain diseases. Although white varieties are less susceptible to them, still in a rainy summer, if the bushes are not mulched, mold may appear on the berries. To do this, it is recommended to remove old mulch in a timely manner and add compost under the bushes annually. Soil bacteria prevent pathogenic flora from developing. In case of mass destruction, chemicals must be used.

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Strawberries of the White Soul variety do not require careful care. The variety is quite unpretentious and drought-resistant. To obtain the best harvest, you should follow simple rules of agricultural technology:

  • Moderate watering.
  • Weeding.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Application of fertilizers.

White Soul strawberries should be watered moderately; you should not overwater them. The optimal frequency of watering in hot summers is once a week. After watering, the next day, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the bushes, breaking the earthen crust, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the root system.


The White Soul strawberry is remontant and bears fruit throughout the season, giving a lot of strength and energy during fruiting. To replenish growth energy and a good harvest, it is necessary to nourish the plants by applying fertilizers. Nutrient supplements are applied in the following order:

  • In early spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied (diluted infusion of chicken manure, infusion of green mass).
  • Before flowering, it is recommended to feed strawberries with mineral supplements, including potassium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, and zinc.
  • After fruiting and before preparing for winter, plants are fed with mineral fertilizers without nitrogen additives.

Protection from diseases and pests

Strawberries of the White Soul variety are resistant to all types of diseases that can affect strawberries. The variety is also quite resistant to pest attacks. Only preventive measures are required to prevent the development of diseases and protect against pests. Traditional methods used:

  • Spraying the bushes with iodine solution (40 drops per 10 liters of water).
  • Treatment of plantings with garlic infusion (2 medium, chopped heads of garlic per bucket of water).
  • Planting garlic, onions, calendula, and marigolds nearby.
  • Spreading tobacco dust on the beds.


Since the white-fruited berry is a hybrid variety, it cannot be grown from seeds. The culture is propagated by means of a mustache. For rooting, choose the first spring tendril, which is considered the strongest. It is attached to the ground with a staple, and after 2-3 weeks it takes root.

Subsequently, the whiskers that appear on the adult plant during the year are removed at the bottom. The top ones are left as they lay buds for the next year.

White-fruited strawberries: how to grow

In terms of their agricultural technology, white varieties are practically no different from ordinary strawberries. It is cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. Some gardeners plant white-fruited varieties in containers.

White strawberries tolerate shading relatively calmly, and are also not too demanding of abundant watering. If there is too much moisture, the fruits will be watery. However, the berry will retain its bright taste.

Strawberries reproduce exclusively with the help of tendrils; the seed method is not suitable here. To do this, root the tendrils in a plastic container and then separate them from the bush.

Where and how to plant

White strawberries prefer warm weather conditions, so the best solution would be to plant them in greenhouses. But in a good warm climate, open ground is also suitable. Good predecessors of white garden strawberries will be corn, as well as the legume family. A plot where potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers were previously grown will not work.

Before planting seedlings, you need to remove all weeds and roots. Dig up the soil to a depth of approximately thirty to thirty-five centimeters and feed the soil with minerals (potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are suitable). Planting holes should be about ten to fifteen centimeters deep. Sprinkle them with water a little, and then, straightening the root system of the plants, place them in the holes. The distance between plants should be twenty to twenty-five centimeters. This is necessary for the bushes to grow correctly.

Seasonal care

Bushes need to be pruned every season. Once a year will be enough. Aged foliage and tendrils will take a lot of nutrients away from your strawberries, thereby reducing the quality and quantity of your harvest. Pruning can be done in the spring or in the autumn.

For the winter you need to cover your white strawberries. In this case, it is necessary to prune the bushes in the fall, and also remove the tendrils. Also make sure there are not too many mustaches. In the summer, the leaves that are at the bottom “work” the most. Therefore, it is them that should be cut off subsequently. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the upper foliage. It already has buds for next year.

Since you have trimmed the strawberry tendrils and leaves, your plants are not afraid of various harmful insects and diseases. If for some reason you did not prune the plant in the fall, then be sure to correct this situation in the spring. Don’t forget to remove damaged, yellow and aged leaves.

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