Growing the Cyfomandra tomato tree in open ground

The world of nightshade crops is amazing and rich. Tomato is a favorite vegetable of gardeners. But, unfortunately, the crop is often “eaten up” by late blight. And probably, every summer resident wants to grow a tomato that would not be affected by any disease. “Dreams,” you say. But no, it exists! One of our rarest crops is the tsifomandra, or tomato tree. In our article we will talk about growing tomato tree cyphomandra.

Description of the tomato tree variety Cyphomandra

Cyphomandra is a shrubby tree belonging to the nightshade family. Otherwise it is called tomato or tammarillo. Attracts with its tart taste. The fruits have a red-orange hue and a hard peel that is unsuitable for food. Black varieties are available. The pulp itself is very juicy. The leaves reach 35 cm in length and have a pointed five-pointed shape. In our country, tammarillo is most often planted in greenhouse conditions or in tubs. Color and taste depend on the variety. The red and purple fruits are similar in taste to tomatoes, the rest have a sweet taste. They grow in clusters. There are up to 15 pieces on each of them.

general information

“Tsifomandra” or “tamarillo” belongs to the nightshade genus and has absorbed all the properties of this species. It grows quickly, taking on the appearance of a spreading tree, the leaves are large, up to 30 cm, slightly elongated, thin and unlike tomato leaves, most likely similar to an elongated heart.

Tamarillo flowers are exactly like eggplant and potato flowers: with five sharp petals ranging from soft pink to lilac, and collected in small inflorescences.

The plant is subtropical, heat-loving, and does not tolerate even light frosts. It can grow both in open ground and in greenhouses. “Cyphomandra” is an evergreen perennial that grows and bears fruit in warm climates for a long time, up to 6–8 years.

A tree grown from seeds begins to bear fruit only from the second year, so it is not suitable for planting in open ground in the middle zone, because it will have to be dug up for the winter.

Fruits of unusual taste, varied in color outside and inside. The taste of the fruit depends on the variety: it can be sour or sweet.

The harvest is good, can reach up to 30 kg per tree, at least three years old, but the return is gradual.

A tomato tree lives up to eight years and reproduces well by cuttings and seeds.

This exotic tree practically does not get sick, it is not afraid of even late blight, but in greenhouses it can become infected with whiteflies or thrips.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing tomato tree digitalis

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Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • excellent taste of the fruit; high productivity;
  • long ripening period;
  • good keeping quality;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • tolerance to weather changes;
  • resistance to diseases.

No deficiencies were found in the variety.

Our growing experience

What can you recommend from your own experience to those who want to conduct their own experiment on growing a tomato tree under normal conditions of one season?

We will omit the details of preparing for planting seeds; they are well known. We sow seeds for seedlings as early as possible - in the second half of January; for planting we use Terra Nova peat soil - a universal soil with a high content of perlite and vermicompost. We grow tomato tree seedlings in the same way as regular tomato seedlings, at a temperature of 20-25°C, according to Agro’s recommendations (for some reason, the temperature is strictly 25°C advertised on the Internet). From the moment of germination and further, until planting in the greenhouse, the automation illuminates the seedlings with fluorescent lamps every day for 15 hours (from 9.00 am to 24.00).

We carry out the picking after three weeks in a spacious elongated box (milk cartons). Such a package allows the plant to achieve unlimited root growth even at the earliest stage of tomato development. Regularly, once every 10 days, we feed the seedlings with liquid organomineral fertilizer “Biohumus” (for vegetables, with microelements).

In mid-April, we plant tomato seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse. By this time, the daytime temperature in such a greenhouse is kept at 20-25°C, and the earth ridges raised by 0.5 meters, bordered with sand-lime brick and thermally insulated from the floor level, have warmed up quite well. We take seedlings from prepared seedlings that are the strongest, thickest, and therefore the most resilient. We plant in holes 10-15 cm deep, to form additional roots we break off the two lower rows of leaves and bury the seedling to the remaining lower leaves. Before planting, add a little Azofoska and a handful of ash into the hole. Note that in the future place of planting the tomato tree, a layer of compost is laid to a depth of 20-25 cm in the fall. Before the onset of stable positive temperatures (without significant differences between day and night), we cover the planted seedlings with lutrasil on the arches.

During the entire period of growth of the tomato tree “F1 Octopus” it does not take stepson. On the contrary, the task is to form as many clusters with fruit ovaries as possible. Compost laid in the fall will ensure the initial growth and branching of the plant. By mid-summer, a real “tomato tree” will have formed; we tie its numerous branches to rows of wire stretched under the ceiling. The “tree” itself grows up to 1.8-2 m in height, its branches spread out in all directions up to 1.5-2 m.

The significant dimensions of the F1 Octopus tomato tree require that it be provided with appropriate space. This must be taken into account when determining the landing site. In addition, due to the large amount of foliage, it is necessary that it be located in a well-ventilated place (usually in the central bed, next to the window).

Such a powerful plant needs a lot of water. Since May, the tomato has been watered abundantly, daily in sunny weather. It is best to water in the morning, especially when the fruits are ripening. In the morning, the tomato skin expands; in the evening, when the temperature drops slightly, it contracts. And, if you water during the day or in the evening, the water entering the fruit breaks the skin and it cracks.

In addition to intensive watering, the plant needs fertilizing, which we do once a week with an aqueous solution of herbal infusion. Under favorable weather conditions, the first fruits ripen by mid-June, earlier than all other varieties of tomatoes. Fruiting continues until late autumn, when other varieties of tomatoes have long since given up their harvest, often to sub-zero temperatures “outside”.

In conclusion, we note that in the conditions of the North-Western region (as well as similar areas), where risky farming is carried out, growing the “F1 Octopus” tomato tree in open ground is impractical, since its full potential can be fully realized in the short and not always favorable summer does not work.

Text and photo: Mikhail and Tamara Tsurko, gardeners

Gardening matters No. 3 (65) March 2013

How does Cyphomandra tomato tree reproduce?

Cyfomandra tomatoes are most often propagated by seeds. However, there is another way - vegetative. The varieties that you especially like can be propagated from green cuttings. Already in the first year after such propagation, you can harvest the crop and even take the tomato tree to a greenhouse or garden for a while. After fruiting, many gardeners destroy most plants. For growing from cuttings, one-year or two-year-old branches no more than a centimeter in thickness and no more than forty-five centimeters in length are suitable. Cuttings help to grow a bushy but compact plant, its branches are located low, and varietal characteristics are preserved much better with this method. Even in simple boiled water they will take root perfectly.

Features of agricultural technology

Since digitalis belongs to the Solanaceae, it is grown according to the rules that are relevant for other crops of this family. Choose a south or southeast facing position. Prepare a wide, but not too deep pot, since the root system of Cyphomandra is superficial. A tray and drainage are required.

Advice. In winter, add additional lighting to the digital display and maintain the room temperature at +15...+18 °C.

The soil for a tropical plant should be light and fertile. For example, a mixture of humus, peat and sand (2:1:1) is suitable. Seeds are sprouted in early spring, planted to a depth of 1 cm. Sprouts with two leaves are planted, and after a couple of weeks they are first fed with a mineral composition. In the future, fertilizers are applied twice a month, alternating phosphorus and potassium mixtures. It is better to water the tsifomandra not at the root, but in the pan.

Tamarillo is planted in a permanent place in a pot or garden at the 7-8 leaf stage. If flowers appear on the plant in the first year, they should be cut off. This way you will form a strong tree. The fact that Cyphomandra is preparing to bear fruit is evidenced by the abundant branching of the crop.

Advice. To propagate tamarillo from cuttings, use the top shoots of the first two years. The thickness of the branches should be from 1 cm, and the length should be 40-45 cm.

How to grow a tomato tree Cyphomandra from seeds

Tomato, which has positive reviews, can be grown from seeds. This is the most reliable way. Especially if the planting material was purchased from a trusted place. The growing process itself is carried out in several stages: Before planting, the seeds of the plant must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and in water. After this, experts recommend drying the planting material at room temperature and only in the shade. To speed up the germination process, seeds should be placed for 24 hours in a place where the temperature will be maintained at a fairly low temperature. One of the shelves in the refrigerator is ideal for this. While the planting material is being prepared, it is worth mixing the soil. A mixture of river sand and peat is ideal for this type of tomato. The soil should be light and airy. Tomato seeds are sown in rows, with a gap of at least 60 centimeters between them. It is also recommended to leave space between planting materials. In this case, the distance between the seeds should be at least 30 centimeters. The seedlings should be transplanted into open ground at the end of May.

Agricultural technology for growing the Relic variety from Ussuriysk

Growing tomatoes of this variety and further care have their own characteristics.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Sowing of seeds is carried out 55-65 days before planting seedlings in open ground. In order for the seeds to germinate, they must be wrapped in a damp piece of cloth and left for several days. Do not wet the fabric too much with water, as this will lead to rotting of the seeds, and all your work will be in vain.

When the seeds germinate, it is advisable to keep them for about half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in other words, ordinary potassium permanganate. Such simple prevention will help avoid many plant diseases in open ground. Next, rinse the seeds with running water. At the final stage of preparation, keep them in a growth stimulator.

Sowing seeds

For sowing, prepare wooden or any other containers and fill them with soil. Make grooves 1.5-2 cm deep in the soil, lightly moisten them and sow seeds in them. Sprinkle the top with earth or sand (or vermiculite or peat chips).

To maintain moisture, the boxes are covered with transparent film or glass on top and placed in a well-lit and warm place

During this period, it is important not to allow large fluctuations in night and day temperatures, but it is advisable to even them out and make the average daily temperature within 23 degrees. The film or glass must be removed for a while every day and the soil must be ventilated.

Growing a tomato tree in a greenhouse

These tomatoes also grow well in greenhouses. Full cultivation and fruiting of the Sprut f1 variety is carried out only in hydroponics. This is how the tomato tree and its fruits will be protected from diseases and pests that can certainly appear during such a long growing period.

Considering the genetics of the plant for intensive growth and dense branching, this plant simply needs good lighting, proper care and nutrition. You can grow a tomato tree Sprut f1 in both an amateur and a professional greenhouse. This should be a year-round heated room with artificial lighting. To plant such a giant, it is recommended to take a larger container - with a capacity of 1 to 2 m2, with a height of at least 50 cm. Many gardeners use an old bathroom for this purpose. In addition, you will need a lid that will protect the nutritional components from overheating in the summer, as well as a spacious container for preparing nutrient solutions.

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Growing Basics

To get a good harvest of tomatoes, you need to pay attention to the tree and take into account some features when growing it. To do this, you need to fulfill the basic requirements:

  • Experienced gardeners recommend planting seedlings as early as possible. It is worth taking into account the lunar landing calendar. For this, mid-January is the best period. Soil should be used with an increased amount of vermicompost in its composition. The temperature should be maintained at 20-25°C. An adult plant also likes the same degree. Due to the darkness in winter and short spring days, seedlings need to be grown with lighting using special lamps. Picking for root development and watering is carried out in the usual way.
  • At this stage, you should prepare the place. The container is installed under favorable weather conditions on open ground in a sunny place or on the ground in a greenhouse. Considering that the crowns of tomato trees spread out on the sides with a diameter of up to 2 meters, you need to leave free space around the seedlings. The bottom layer of the container is filled with urgas 0.10-0.15 m thick. The second layer of mixed EM compost and turf soil should not exceed 1/3 of the barrel level. Cover the top a little with soil from the beds.
  • In the second half of April, you need to select the most powerful seedling and plant it in a container. You can easily grow in a greenhouse without worrying about heat. But without a greenhouse it is worth protecting it from night cold and frost. This is easy to do at first. After all, the top does not reach the edges of the barrel. You can cover it with film without damage. When the seedling begins to grow, you need to use arcs. In this case, the edges of the film should be pressed well, and one side should be sprinkled with earth.
  • 7 days after planting, pinching follows. Up to the top 2 rows you need to tear off the lower leaves. The wounds of the plant in places where the leaves are torn off will dry out within 2 hours. Next, the shoot should be covered with soil mixture to the level of the remaining greenery. To obtain it, equal parts of turf and ordinary soil are mixed with urgas. This will help grow, nourish and strengthen the plant's root system. The procedure is repeated again after a few days. When the top of the future tree is above the container, pinching should be stopped.

Attention! The pinching procedure is carried out for all varieties, with the exception of Sprut F1

  • It is necessary to water and feed the plant. By July, all nutrients will be used up. The optimal time interval between feedings is 4-7 days. An aqueous solution of herbal infusion is used as a fertilizer. Watering should be plentiful, all excess liquid comes out of the container, so you should not be afraid of spoiling the tree. In hot weather, watering is needed daily in the morning.
  • When the ovaries appear, they require special care. They grow and eventually hang down from the container. You can leave them like that if the tree grows small. The fruits are removed from the sagging clusters. The best option is to tie the branches to nets or supports. This gives the tree more air and space. Thus, there is a chance to get real crowns that grow up to 2 meters in height.
  • The fruits usually ripen in July. A tomato tree can bear fruit until October, when ordinary tomato bushes have already produced their entire harvest.

Caring for a tomato tree

The variety needs long daylight hours, so it is advisable to provide the plant with lighting at night. Systematic feeding with fertilizers that contain potassium and phosphorus will be useful. Watering needs to be moderate, it is advisable to use spray bottles and periodically spray the plants. Yellowing leaves need to be cut off. Stepsonning will also be useful. Caring for “Digital Mandra” will require some attention and effort.

Tomato Cyfomandra

Once you see such a miracle, it will be difficult to pass by. Anyone can grow a Tamarillo tomato tree. The massive bush brings a rich harvest. To do this, you just need to know some features and care tricks.


Cyphomandra and Tamarillo are one and the same plant. It is rightly called the tomato tree. And there is a reason for it. This variety is unique in its appearance. It has a trunk like a real tree with moderate branching, but without real wood and bark. The richly colored leaves are medium in size. The plant is characterized by indeterminate growth.

The tomato tree has many advantages, thanks to which even discerning gardeners love it. Its advantages:

  • excellent taste;
  • good yield;
  • long fruiting period;
  • endurance to temperature changes;
  • disease resistance;
  • good keeping quality.

No particular disadvantages have been identified in the variety, only one big plus.

History of appearance

Cyphomandra owes its origin to the homeland of many nightshades - Ecuador. It was here that an amazing plant was bred, outwardly similar to an ordinary tree, but with tomatoes instead of fruits. Lifespan 5-7 years. It is suitable for various climatic conditions. You can grow Cyphomandra:

  • in a greenhouse;
  • in closed beds;
  • in a greenhouse;
  • in open ground.

This variety does not need to be thrown away for the winter, like all other tomatoes. Bushes can be placed in spacious containers in a house or apartment. Tomatoes store well and do not spoil for a long time. If you pick them white, they quickly turn red at 20 degrees.

Features of fruiting

On each fruiting cluster, up to 6-8 ovaries are formed, from which tomatoes develop. The fruits on the lower branches are larger. The average weight fluctuates around 200g. With minimal expenditure of time and money, the yield is good - up to 20 kg per 1 m2. The period during which tomatoes ripen is extended. In closed ground with good light and warmth, it can last up to 7 months.

The shape of the tomatoes is round and slightly flattened. The pulp is dense and fleshy. The ribbing is slightly pronounced in the stalk area. There are about 6-8 seed chambers. The skin is delicate, but at the same time durable. It reliably protects tomatoes from damage and cracking. The taste is sweetish due to the sugar content, their amount is 2.3%. The seeds are slightly bitter, but not always.

In addition, tomatoes have a delicate, pleasant aroma. They are good to eat fresh, cut into bright juicy salads. They are excellent for preserving for the winter in various forms. You can use them to prepare sauce, tomato juice, puree, pasta, adjika and lecho. They are very tasty when marinated and salted.

Features of agricultural technology

The tomato tree can be grown in several ways:

  • plant seedlings;
  • propagate cuttings.

If you sow the seeds in the middle of winter, by the end of August a tree will grow a little more than a meter tall. Flowering occurs for the first time no earlier than 6 months after planting. The first color needs to be torn off. Digitomandra will grow stronger and form a powerful crown. Important attention should be paid to shaping. The principles of pruning any other tree are used here:

  1. Leave 4-5 skeletal branches, well-lit and symmetrical.
  2. Shoots of the 3rd order are cut off.
  3. Axillary shoots are used for replacement.

At the beginning of September it is time to transplant into pots for wintering. Tubs, boxes, and flowerpots are suitable for this. Cyphomandra winters excellently in an apartment at 18 degrees.

Soil mixture

The land is prepared so that the result is light, but at the same time fertile. To do this, mix:

  • soil;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • ash.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm from each other in long boxes. If you plant in independent peat containers, then picking will not be required. The planting depth is 1.5-2 cm. After sowing, the surface is sprayed. Cover with film. And transferred to a warm room for germination. For good development, seedlings require:

  • temperature 15 degrees;
  • moderate watering;
  • good lighting.

For watering it is better to use: a spray bottle or watering can. Diving is carried out in the phase of appearance of the first 3 true leaves. Each plant is planted in an individual pot.


In the second half of May, when all return frosts have stopped, you can transplant Cyphomandra. It can be planted in open beds, in larger pots or in a greenhouse. By this time, the seedlings should already have 6-8 leaves and the first ovaries with color.

To ensure a successful transplant, a number of simple rules are followed:

  • Make the optimal distance between plants 60 cm or more.
  • The soil in the holes is mixed with rotted humus or compost.
  • Superphosphate 10-12g is added to each cavity.
  • A 2-3 cm layer of soil is poured between the fertilizers and the roots.

For mulching, you can use fine expanded clay or chopped sphagnum moss.

Conditions for growing in an apartment

Cyphomandra grows excellently and bears fruit in an apartment. The most productive harvests occur before it reaches 5 years.

The pot for planting should be wide, but not necessarily very deep, with a volume of 5 liters. Tomato roots are located superficially and absorb nutrients and moisture at a depth of up to 30 cm.

For good ventilation of the root system, uniform moisture and air access, use:

  • deep pallets;
  • drainage holes.

Water stagnation should not be allowed, as the roots can rot very quickly.

One of the main conditions for successful growing is plenty of light. South-facing windows, balconies, loggias are suitable for this. Also, the optimal location is southeast.

In winter, natural solar flows are not enough, so artificial lighting is used, especially from December to March. This will allow the tree to retain all its leaves and shoots, despite the off-season.

Temperature fluctuations are permissible within 15-18 degrees. At lower temperatures, the tomato dies. Therefore, if you plan to keep the Digital Mandarin on a loggia or balcony, they must first be insulated.

Fertilizers for Cyphomandra, what is useful to know

It is advisable to fertilize tomatoes once a month. In total, 3-4 basic fertilizer applications will be required:

  • The first is held in early June. Per 10 liters of water add 0.5 liters of mullein and 2 tablets of microfertilizers. Plus boric acid 0.5 tsp. and nitrophoska 1 tbsp.
  • The second is performed in early July. The composition is similar to the previous one. In 10 liters of liquid, dilute 0.5 liters of mullein, 2 fertilizer tablets, and 1 tbsp. potassium sulfate.
  • The third and fourth are held in August: at the beginning and in the middle. The solution is prepared in the same way as for the second application of fertilizers.

Watering is carried out moderately, since waterlogging of the soil can provoke the appearance of rot or late blight. Remember that the tomato tree, like all tomatoes, loves warm, nutritious sprays.

Diseases: prevention and control measures

Cyphomandra is valued for its high resistance to pathogenic factors. It copes well with pathogens of fusarium, verticillium, and blight. To prevent fungal diseases, experts recommend:

  • use non-toxic biological products;
  • loosen the soil;
  • mulch the ground with hay, straw, grass cuttings.

This will make it more difficult for fungi to reach the stems and leaves.

In case of attack by aphids or whiteflies, spray with a solution of potassium permanganate. If the infestation is abundant, use more effective industrial insecticides.

Cyphomandra can grow safely in a pot for up to 5-6 years, regularly producing fruits. They are distinguished by their brightness and high taste.


Diseases and pests of tomato tree cyphomandra

The tomato variety Cyfomandra is resistant to most dangerous diseases: fusarium, verticillium, tobacco mosaic, leaf spot. For prevention, the soil is calcined or disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Loosening the soil and spraying the plantings with non-toxic biological preparations will help prevent fungal diseases. Plants can be affected by aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites. For prevention, you can spray the bush with a weak solution of potassium permanganate; in advanced cases, industrial insecticides will help. Tomatoes of the Tsifomandra variety are an interesting find for the garden, greenhouse or apartment. They are real champions in terms of productivity, and the extended fruiting period will help provide the family with vitamins for a long time.

Description and characteristics

The Tsifomandra variety is produced agro and acts as a determinate variety with a bush height of about one meter. The fruits are large, ribbed, can reach 800 g, but the average size is 300-500 g. The bush forms up to ten fruit clusters and up to seven fruits are tied in each of them. The color of the tomatoes is deep pink and the shape is heart-shaped. The peel is not prone to cracking during heat treatment. The pulp is juicy, slightly porous. Cyfomandra tomatoes are a mid-season variety, since the first fruits appear four months after germination. The yield is quite high - up to six kg of tomatoes are harvested from a bush.

What do you eat tamarillo-cyfomandra with?

Not a direct match for tomato, but something similar. And he doesn’t suffer from tomato diseases either! You can, of course, use the fruits like tomatoes, but you must admit that it’s just not interesting! Interesting recipes using tamarillo—that’s what the tsifomandra is called in retail chains—are found in South American cuisines, as well as in Australian and New Zealand. Moreover, different varieties work in different ways - both as fruit in dessert compositions, as components and independent side dishes for second courses, and raw materials for compotes and jams. That’s how you hear it: Pampering!.. And didn’t they say the same thing about potatoes three hundred years ago?

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