Cabbage Parel - variety description, photo, cultivation in Russia

Parel f1 cabbage is considered to be a hybrid variety of white cabbage that was developed by a Dutch seed organization. In 1990, the variety was included in the State Register. Parel f1 gained popularity due to the fact that it can be grown not only at home, but also used for large-scale production. At the same time, you can get high yields even if the planting is thickened. Recommended for cultivation in Russian regions: Central, Central Black Earth, Ural, Eastern Siberia, Far East, Volga-Vyatka, Western Siberia and North Caucasus.

Features of Parel F1 cabbage variety

The variety was registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in the early 90s of the last century. He quickly earned recognition due to the combination of a number of positive qualities. The variety is adapted for areas with cold and short summers.

The short growing season makes it possible to conveyor grow several waves of crops during one season. This makes Parel cabbage attractive for industrial cultivation. Uniform ripening allows you to harvest the entire crop in one go.

The high content of ascorbic acid, fiber, proteins and complex sugars makes cabbage ideal for inclusion in dietary nutrition.

Advantages and disadvantages

The list of benefits of the variety is quite long:

  • stable level of productivity;
  • high percentage of seed germination;
  • when harvesting is delayed, the heads of cabbage remain intact for 1.5-2 weeks;
  • possibility of conveyor cultivation with short intervals;
  • attractive external data allowing the variety to be used for commercial sale;
  • high level of transportability;
  • resistance to shooting;
  • instant ripening of forks;
  • genetic resistance to major diseases;
  • resistance to changeable unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • resistance to short-term frosts.

However, despite the impressive list of strengths, the Parel F1 variety also has disadvantages :

  • the variety is not suitable for pickling;
  • the small weight of mature heads of cabbage affects the overall yield;
  • lack of long-term storage;
  • impossibility of independently procuring seed;
  • imminent loss of marketability.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of Parel f1 cabbage, according to Russian reviews, is:

  • stable annual vegetable yield subject to recommended growing conditions. Ripe heads of cabbage do not crack for another 10-15 days after ripening, making it possible to harvest the crop completely;
  • conveyor growing of cabbage at intervals of 2 weeks provides the family with tasty and healthy food for the entire spring-autumn period.
  • aligned cabbage heads have a small stalk with a fairly good density of the rest;
  • during transportation, the forks retain their presentation and useful qualities;
  • the hybrid is tolerant of flowering;
  • The plant's resistance against major diseases is genetically determined. When leaves are damaged by insects, it is recommended to respond by spraying with natural or chemical preparations;
  • The white cabbage hybrid is resistant to adverse weather conditions and can withstand short-term frosts in open ground.

Among the disadvantages of Parel hybrid cabbage are the following:

  • it is not suitable for fermentation;
  • has a relatively small weight of heads of cabbage, which is why the yield indicator suffers;
  • the hybrid has a short consumption period;
  • unsuitable for winter storage;
  • need to buy seeds every year since it is a hybrid.

Description of Parel cabbage variety

Vertically located heads of cabbage of a light green hue have high taste. Resistance to major diseases allows you to minimize the cost of preventive pest control treatments.

The versatility of the variety in relation to the region of growth and climatic conditions, the ultra-short growing season provide the possibility of obtaining several waves of harvest in one season. The high concentration of dry matter, vitamins and microelements allows the variety to be used in cooking for preparing children's and dietary dishes.

Ripening period

Heads of Parel F1 cabbage reach technical maturity in 60 days. Such a short ripening period classifies the variety as an ultra-early crop. When planting seeds in March, harvesting should begin in June.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The moisture-loving cabbage variety does not tolerate drought well. When the hot season begins, plants need additional watering.

Resistance to unfavorable conditions allows you to guarantee the preservation of productivity.

Young plants are not afraid of spring frosts down to -2-5 degrees. When prolonged cold weather sets in, the beds will need shelter. The optimal temperature is +12-18 degrees.

Appearance of plant and fruit

According to the originator's application, the variety is ultra-early ripening white cabbage. Leaf rosettes are located parallel to the ground or raised at an angle. The leaves are light green, intensely covered with a waxy coating. The leaf blade is on the border of medium and small in size, with smooth edges.

Dense, compact heads of cabbage are characterized by an even spherical shape. The inner and outer stalks are small. The average weight of a head of cabbage varies between 1-1.8 kg.

The pulp is whitish-yellow when cut, with a dense structure. The juicy, crispy leaves have a sweetish taste.


With a modest mass of heads of cabbage, the variety has a fairly high yield. From 1 sq. m of plantings, you can harvest 4.6-6 kg of cabbage.

When cultivated on an industrial scale, the yield ranges from 150-450 centners per 1 ha. It is noted that thickening of plantings does not affect the quality or quantity of the harvest.

What is an F1 hybrid?

The Parel variety is purposefully bred for early harvest. During the short growing season, which is 52-56 days, large bright green heads of cabbage are formed. The average weight of one head of vegetable is 0.8 - 1.4 kg. And what is important, cabbage is distinguished by its massive, uniform ripening.

The hybrid is distinguished by compact round heads of dense structure, formed by large rosette leaves with a waxy coating. The edges of the leaves are smooth. The inner stalks are short or medium-sized, resulting in little waste during the cooking process. The taste of the vegetable fully satisfies the needs of a larger number of customers.

In cooking, Parel is used fresh for preparing salads, added to first and second courses, and also fermented for the winter. Hybrid F1 has increased immunity to diseases and pests. The variety rarely blooms and cracks. After ripening, cabbage can stand in the beds, maintaining its integrity, for about two weeks.

"Parel" is resistant to sudden changes in temperature and grows equally well both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground.

Parel cabbage has won the love of farmers due to its advantages. Among which:

  • ultra-early maturation
  • beautiful presentation
  • transport resistance
  • high yield
  • uniform mass ripening
  • immunity to diseases
  • high seed germination
  • crack resistance

In order for the body to receive the maximum amount of nutrients, it is recommended to eat the vegetable fresh.

Features of planting and growing

It is possible to grow Parel F1 cabbage both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. In this case, it is allowed to use seedling and non-seedling methods, depending on weather conditions.

Seedling method in a greenhouse

Despite the high germination rate, preference should be given to fresher seeds. Prolonged idle time of seed leads to a decrease in its viability.

To obtain an early harvest, seeds should be planted in greenhouse conditions in early March. The soil needs to be dug up and disinfected from possible pests and sleeping larvae. To do this, water the soil generously with a solution of manganese.

Seed preparation

Seed preparation includes disinfection and culling measures. Incubation for half an hour in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, in addition to disinfection, ensures a selection of suitable seeds. Floated specimens must be removed because they are not able to produce viable sprouts. Cleaned and discarded seeds should be germinated in a damp cloth for several days.

Soil requirements and seed planting algorithm

The soil for future plants should contain equal parts of peat, turf and sand. For seeds to form roots, conditions of high humidity are required, so the soil must be abundantly moistened. The seeds should be buried no more than 2 cm, then sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil.

Seedling care

When seedlings reach 2 weeks of age, they should be planted less frequently. During the growing season, seedlings need two fertilizings with nitrogenous fertilizers or sifted wood ash.

To obtain healthy plants, it is necessary to provide intense lighting, similar in duration to natural light. Hardening of seedlings is carried out by ventilating the greenhouse.

Transplantation into open ground

Over time, the stem of young plants will acquire a bluish-lilac color. Seedlings are suitable for transplanting into open ground when they reach 3-4 weeks of age, when 3-4 true leaves have been formed. For 1 sq. m there should be no more than 4-5 bushes.

It is unacceptable to plant plants in areas where beets, tomatoes, radishes and turnips grow. The possibility of cross-contamination persists for 1-2 seasons. The optimal predecessors are carrots, potatoes, legumes and cucumbers.

Transplantation should be carried out in the morning or in cloudy weather. Young plants need to be buried on the first 2 cotyledon leaves and the soil around them must be compacted to avoid the formation of voids.

Seedling method at home

When growing seedlings at home, seeds should be sown in early March in wooden or ceramic seedling containers. Using peat cups eliminates the need for picking.

The soil should contain equal parts of turf, peat and river sand. The filled container should be watered abundantly and holes should be formed at a distance of 5-8 cm. The seeds should be buried no more than 1.5-2 cm and covered with polyethylene or glass. Before emergence, the cover should be removed for a few minutes for ventilation. Watering is carried out using a spray bottle as the top layer of the substrate dries.

As soon as the seedlings appear, the cover must be removed and pruning done when 2-3 true leaves are formed. Transplanted plants are cultivated for another 2-3 weeks and transferred to open ground conditions.

Seedless method

The seedless method is characterized by later ripening of heads of cabbage, but such plants are less susceptible to diseases and have more developed roots. Preparation for direct sowing of seeds begins in the fall. The area is subject to digging and fertilization. After that, ridges should be formed in the form of small elevations. The finished beds should be insulated with mulch and covered with opaque agro-fabric.

With the onset of spring, the insulation must be removed and the seeds must be planted. Seeds are located in separate holes, with a frequency of no more than 4-5 units per 1 square meter. m. With the emergence of seedlings, the soil should be loosened and weeds removed.

Growing the variety

To obtain early production, the June cabbage variety is planted in seedlings. In central Russia and the Moscow region, early varieties are sown from late February to late March. In the Urals and Siberia, they are sown for seedlings no earlier than mid-April. Residents of the southern regions can sow them from mid-February.

Preparation of planting material

Your own seed or purchased by weight should be calibrated in a 3% saline solution. Hollow seeds will float, and normal ones will sink down. Then they should be kept for disinfection for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the seeds are washed well and dried on a napkin.

Seeds can be stratified to improve their germination and resistance to cold. To do this, the seed material, wrapped in a damp cloth, is kept in the refrigerator for one day.

If you purchased seeds in a bag, you should read the information about their processing or lack thereof.

Did you know? Humanity has been growing cabbage since the Stone Age. This crop was cultivated in Ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks and Romans counted up to 10 varieties of it.

Even before processing the seeds, you should stock up on containers for seedlings. These can be boxes, peat tablets, individual pots (peat or plastic), cassettes. You can buy soil for seedlings in a store or make it yourself. For example, mix 3 parts peat, 1 part turf soil and add a little sand. The homemade mixture must be disinfected (calcined in the oven or poured with potassium permanganate). In any case, it should be loose, nutritious soil with neutral acidity.

Growing seedlings

First, the soil is watered before sowing the seeds. Plant 2 cabbage seeds in separate containers. If picking is planned and a seedling box is used, then grooves 1 cm deep are made in it at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Then the seeds are distributed over them, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm between them.

Video: Planting June cabbage seeds for seedlings

The containers are covered on top and placed in a warm place (+18…+20°C). At this temperature, cabbage sprouts will appear in about 5 days. When they appear, the seedling containers are transferred to the most illuminated place with a temperature of +10...+12°C. After a week, the temperature is increased to +15…+17°C. Daylight hours should be between 12–15 hours. The seedlings are watered regularly, but without waterlogging. The picking is done 2 weeks after emergence, if it was planned.

Three feedings are done:

  • a few days after the pick;
  • 2 weeks after the first feeding;
  • a couple of days before planting in the beds.

Did you know? Cabbage contains only 24 kcal per 100 g and is recommended in diets for weight loss, and cabbage juice also reduces blood sugar levels.

For fertilizing, dilute ready-made complex fertilizer or make the mixture yourself. For the first feeding, 4 g of superphosphate, 2 g of ammonium nitrate and 1 g of potassium salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water. For subsequent feeding, the concentration of these fertilizers is doubled. During the third feeding, the dose of potassium fertilizer is adjusted to 7-8 g, since this element promotes the survival of seedlings.

2 weeks before planting, cabbage seedlings begin to be taken out onto the balcony for hardening. First, they keep it there for a couple of hours during the day, and then gradually increase the time the cabbage spends in the fresh air to constant.

Technology of planting seedlings in open ground

First of all, you should take care of the landing site in advance. It should be smooth and well lit by the sun.

Cabbage loves fertile loamy soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You should not plant this plant crop where cabbage and root vegetables grew. Good predecessors are grains, onions, legumes, cucumbers, and zucchini.

Important! The acceptable acidity for white cabbage is 6.3–7.8 pH. Soils that are too acidic are limed. At the time of planting, seedlings should be 30–45 days old from emergence and have 3–5 true leaves.

The air should warm up to +15°C. Planting usually occurs at the end of April or beginning of May. The plant is not placed deep into the prepared holes, up to the growth point.

At the time of planting, seedlings should be 30–45 days old from emergence and have 3–5 true leaves. The air should warm up to +15°C. Planting usually occurs at the end of April or beginning of May. The plant is not placed deep into the prepared holes, up to the growth point.


Caring for growing cabbage consists of:

  1. loosening the soil;
  2. weeding;
  3. applying fertilizers according to the recommended scheme;
  4. regular inspection for the presence of parasites or their eggs and larvae;
  5. carrying out regular preventive measures against fungal and bacterial infections;
  6. systematic watering, with its volume increasing as the forks develop.

Routine care is divided according to plant growth phases. In the first phase, the first leaves are formed. It is necessary to dust with tobacco dust or wood ash to avoid infection of young plantings with cruciferous flea beetles or slugs.

The moisture-loving crop does not tolerate drought well. Water is added once every 1.5 weeks directly under the root or irrigation trench. Sprinkling leaves is a risk factor for the spread of fungal diseases and sunburn.

After each watering, it is necessary to break the compressed earthen crust. Lack of aeration leads to stagnation of water and rot of the root system. To increase ground mass, plants require nitrogen fertilizers in the form of ammonium nitrate.

The second phase is the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage. The same fertilizers are used. Watering and loosening are maintained at the same level. As the forks begin to form, the application of nitrogen should be stopped and potassium nitrate should be used at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water.

With the beginning of the third phase - thickening of row spacing with leaves, fertilizing should be stopped. Watering and loosening of the soil are maintained.


When fighting insects and pests, they focus on the seasonality of their reproduction.

Conventionally, there are 3 phases when cabbage is susceptible to pests:

  • When growing seedlings, leaves are eaten by leaf beetles, cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage flies.
  • During the formation of the ovary, cabbage whites are activated.
  • Ripe heads of cabbage are eaten by cutworms and cabbage aphids.

When the first insects appear, you can use folk decoctions: ash or tobacco solution. If traditional methods do not help, they switch to chemicals (insecticides).


Harvesting begins in June, with seeds planted in the ground in March. After a two-week break, new seeding is allowed to obtain a second wave.

Having dug up the cabbage bush, it should be removed from the ground. Chop the stalk with a sharp ax to a stump of 2-3 cm. A delay in harvesting is allowed, not exceeding two weeks. Next, the forks begin to crack and lose their useful properties.


The variety is not suitable for long-term storage. The thin structure of the forks does not allow them to be stored for more than a couple of weeks. After the expiration date, the presentation of the heads of cabbage is lost along with their taste.

You can store the forks for a short period of time in the vegetable section of the refrigerator or in a shallow underground.

A special feature of the variety is its unsuitability for pickling. Therefore, it is not possible to preserve the crop in the form of conservation. Freezing helps save the crop from spoilage. Frozen cabbage is stored until next summer and does not lose its beneficial properties.


As already mentioned in the introduction, this is an early ripening hybrid. The incomplete growing season (after planting the seedlings in the exhaust gas) lasts about 60 days.

The leaf rosette is small, the leaves are directed vertically.

The heads of cabbage are round and light green in color. There is a small or medium poker inside. A fully matured “head” weighs approximately 0.8-1.8 kg. The structure of the Parel head is very dense. The taste is good. Dry matter in vegetables is up to 7%. It is recommended to grow this hybrid exclusively for fresh consumption.

Regions for growing Parel cabbage

According to the State Varietation Commission, the listed cabbage variety Parel F1 is zoned for cultivation in the northern regions and central part of Russia. The list of regions includes:

  • Central and Central Black Earth;
  • Ural, Western and Eastern Siberia;
  • Far East;
  • North Caucasus;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.

However, growing experience among farmers shows that cabbage grows successfully throughout the country, with the exception of the hot southern regions.

Planting Parel cabbage without picking in cassettes - video

Procedure and rules for planting Parel cabbage seeds in cassettes. Soil treatment with Fitosporin. Brief description of the variety. We recommend viewing!

The cabbage variety Parel F1 has gained popularity and is firmly holding its position. The combination of extremely early ripening, friendly fork tying, and resistance to major diseases make it possible to grow this cabbage on an industrial scale.

For commercial sales, a positive aspect will be the fact of high transportability, the ability to harvest 2 waves of crops in 1 season, and resistance to cracking. Private gardeners are attracted by the variety due to its rapid ripening and the possibility of obtaining fresh, early cabbage.

Unpretentiousness in care, with the exception of maintaining soil moisture, allows even beginners to get a rich harvest of sweet and strong heads of cabbage.

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