Description and pruning group of clematis Princess Diana, cultivation and care

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Kira Stoletova

Thanks to its unusual external characteristics, clematis Princess Diana is the favorite variety of millions of gardeners from different countries. It was bred in Britain through a long selection of Texas clematis. In 1984, the Peveril Clematis Nursery registered a new hybrid, naming it in honor of the beloved Lady Di.

Clematis Princess Diana photo and description

Description of the variety

This is a fast-growing herbaceous vine (clematis), the shoots of which reach 2-2.5 m in length. The leaves are dark green, small, rounded. They are located at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. They have long petioles, with the help of which they cling to any support - a net, a wall, trees and bushes.

The main pride and decoration of the Diana variety are its unusual tulip-shaped flowers. The petals are long, up to 8 cm, pointed, raised and closed together. The color of the buds is pink-red, with burgundy-brown anthers located inside, but they are almost invisible.

Clematis smells very tasty. The aroma is especially intensified in the evening and early morning.

The flowering period is not too long - from June to August. It does not bloom again even in southern latitudes, but the bush still looks attractive. Until the frosts, it is decorated with decorative fruits - bright berries. However, the seeds do not have time to ripen and are not suitable as planting material.

The best varieties of clematis for the Moscow region

When choosing beautifully flowering plants for your suburban area, you should pay attention not only to the bright coloring and splendor of flowering, but also to the ability to withstand the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. In the section you will find suitable varieties of clematis, photos with names, and general characteristics of flowering vines

Ballerina (lat. Balerina)

One of the longest-blooming clematis, the vine blooms from May to September. White clematis, variety Ballerina, is a real find for gardeners who prefer vines with large flowers, up to 15 cm.

White clematis varieties Ballerina are distinguished by large flowers

Flowering occurs on young annual shoots with single but frequent flowers. The height of the vine reaches three meters.

Variety Nadezhda (lat. Nadezhda)

A Soviet variety with light burgundy flowers of large size, reaching 14 cm. The petals have a pointed shape, so the open flowers resemble stars and are clearly visible.

Clematis variety Nadezhda blooms twice per season

The height of the vine reaches 2.5-3 meters. The flowering of the plant begins in May and ends in early June, then in mid-summer the clematis variety Nadezhda blooms again.

Nikolay Rubtsov (lat. Nikolaj Rubtzov)

The variety is distinguished by lilac flowers, on the petals of which the contour is repeated with streaks of the same color. The height of the plant does not exceed 2.5 meters, the flowers are large, up to 17 cm in diameter. Clematis varieties Nikolay Rubtsov bloom from May until the end of summer, continuously replacing one flower with another.

Clematis variety Nikolay Rubtsov

Clematis Ville de Lyon (lat. Ville de Lyon)

One of the brightest clematis, the flowers of which are painted in a rich red color with a fuchsia tint. The petals are ovoid and unevenly colored, giving the flowers an exotic tropical plant look.

Clematis variety Ville de Lyon reaches three meters in height

The height of the vine reaches three meters. It blooms from the end of May and all summer on the shoots of the current year.

Landing Features

The variety has high resistance to frost. With good shelter it can tolerate winters down to -45 °C.

Clematis princess diana reviews

Clematis is planted both in autumn and spring. In the second case, the seedling will have more time to take root, but it will bloom a year later.

Autumn planting is preferable, but only if the plant is healthy and has a good root system.

Selecting a location

Clematis loves bright places with occasional shading. For example, he will be comfortable under the shade of a large fruit tree or against the southern or southeastern wall of the house. The hybrid is afraid of strong winds, the bush must be protected from them, especially for the first 2-3 years.

In constant open sun, the roots will dry out and overheat. This is unacceptable, the Princess Diana variety is prone to diseases due to lack of moisture, and its delicate foliage can wither in the bright sun, and the buds may crumble or not set at all.

Preparation of planting material

Seedlings purchased in a store or sent by mail must be carefully inspected.

Cuttings with dormant buds are usually sold in special bags with peat or a clod of earth. They should be placed at the bottom of the refrigerator and kept there until new shoots begin to grow. From this moment the seedling is ready for planting in the ground.

Cuttings with branches and leaves are purchased 10-14 days before planting. They are stored in a cool place and then planted in the ground.

Immediately after purchase, you cannot assign the plant to a new place in the garden - it will be quarantined. During this time it will become clear whether it is healthy.

A healthy seedling is bright green, with clean bark without plaque, growths or spots. The leaves are uniform in color, smooth, without signs of insect activity. The root system consists of at least three roots; they are dense, even, with a white core. Only such seedlings are planted in open ground.

Landing technology

The hole for the bushes is prepared in advance. The Princess Diana hybrid has relatively developed roots, so the dimensions of the pit are approximately 70x70. Multi-layer drainage must be laid at the bottom, especially if groundwater passes under the bush.

Clematis texas princess diana

In this case, there is a high risk of rotting of the plant roots, so drainage consists of:

  • stones;
  • large expanded clay;
  • crushed clay shards;
  • river sand.

Nutrient soil from leaf soil, humus, compost, and peat is laid on top of the drainage. If the acidity is high, it is reduced with dolomite flour and ash. Ideally, the variety prefers neutral soil.

The seedling is placed on the ground. Straighten the roots and sprinkle on top. Planting depth depends on the season.

  • In spring, the seedling is buried more - 20-25 cm. This will prevent the roots from the sun and rapid evaporation of moisture.
  • In winter, it is buried 15 cm deep, but also so that the root collar is underground.

Planting clematis Princess Diana

For any plant, planting is a very important event. Liana "Princess Diana" is no exception. The intensity and duration of flowering of the variety depends on the conditions in which clematis is placed.

Landing dates

Princess Diana seedlings are planted in a permanent place in spring and autumn. The exact timing depends on the climatic conditions of the area.

North CaucasusOctober (beginning of the month)April (beginning of the month)
Krasnodar region
Leningrad regionAugust (end of the month), September (beginning of the month)May
Middle laneSeptember (until mid-month)April (end of the month), May (beginning of the month)
Moscow region

Selecting a location

It is best to plant clematis of the Princess Diana variety in the place that is most suitable for this variety. The liana needs a sunny place, where there are no gusts of wind and stagnant moisture. I really like the variety “Princess Diana” on the southern, southwestern and southeastern sides of the site. Especially if the sun illuminates the area for at least 6 hours a day. At noon, the flower should be in partial shade so that the leaves do not get burned.

It is advisable to plant the clematis variety on a small mound, natural or formed independently. This will protect the vine roots from exposure to groundwater.

Clematis "Princess Diana" is planted in warm regions in the fall (October), spring planting is suitable for areas with a cool climate. The landing algorithm in both cases is identical, but there are some differences:

At the time of planting the vine, fill the hole to the level of the ground surfaceFill the hole to the top gradually, over several days.
Mulch the planting site and coverShade the root system of the vine by planting ground cover without further loosening

Requirements for the site and soil

Places in lowlands and shade are not suitable for growing Princess Diana clematis. But the variety does not like areas that are exposed to the scorching sun all day. The ideal option would be an area in light partial shade, which falls from tall trees. It is necessary to provide the plant with protection from drafts and strong winds, which damage the delicate petals of the flower.

Loose, fertile soil with a neutral reaction and good water permeability will be a suitable solution for planting clematis. If the soil is very acidic, add purchased soil to the dug hole.

Preparing the site

The root zone of clematis should be in the shade, and the above-ground part should be illuminated by the sun for at least 5 hours a day. For Princess Diana, areas located in the lowlands, in a draft, or in the shade are not suitable. Perennials cannot be planted along the walls of a house if there is no drainage on the roof. The soil needs to be loose, fertile, neutral or slightly acidic.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

For a beginner, it is better to buy a seedling in a container. He will settle in well. Planting dates do not play a big role. When purchasing a Princess Diana cutting with open roots, evaluate:

  • condition of the roots;
  • appearance of the shoot(s);
  • the presence of dormant buds.

The absence of mechanical damage is an important condition. Planting material is stored in a cool room.

Planting process

To fill the hole, prepare a mixture of humus and garden soil in a 1:1 ratio. It is filled with superphosphate and dolomite flour. For 2 buckets they spend:

  • 150 g superphosphate;
  • 400 g dolomite flour.

The dimensions of the planting holes are 60 * 60 * 70 cm. They are dug no closer than 30 cm from the support or fence. The bottom is covered with crushed stone, broken brick or a mixture of both. To prevent water from stagnating, maintain a thickness of 20 cm.

Seedlings with an open root system are placed on a small mound, which is poured into the center of the planting hole. It is covered with the prepared fertile mixture. The root collar is buried. After planting, it should be at a depth of 10 cm. There should be a support next to the vine; its optimal height is 1.5-2 m.


The Princess Diana hybrid is unpretentious, tolerates cold well, but is not resistant to disease. Therefore, you need to care for the plant carefully, carefully monitoring the slightest changes.

Problems with the root system are not immediately visible, and the consequences can be disastrous.


The variety loves moisture and responds well to frequent watering, especially in the summer heat. In the first year, a young seedling needs to be watered every 3-4 days.

Clematis diana

If the summer is rainy, then it is important not to overdo it with watering. However, moisture during this period is very important for the growth of small roots, without which the plant will not be able to feed.

An adult bush is watered less often:

  • in summer - once every 5-6 days;
  • in autumn - once every 10-14 days.

It is better to take settled or rain water. In the summer, it is easy to collect it in a barrel on the site, placing it under the roof. Some gardeners water young bushes with warm water, but this is not necessary. On the contrary, seedlings need to be hardened off, then they will survive the winter more easily.


The Princess Diana variety is demanding in terms of soil nutrition and regular fertilizing. However, the seedling should not be fertilized for the first year.

They begin to fertilize in early spring, before the buds open. At this time, the plant needs nitrogen. Most of this element is found in urea, urea and saltpeter. They are sold both separately and as part of mineral complexes. One of them is UAN - a nutritious urea-ammonium mixture.

Before flowering, clematis needs phosphorus and potassium. Budding takes a lot of effort, so additional fertilizing during this period is necessary.

The main fertilizers for lush and long flowering are:

  • Superphosphate;
  • Potassium sulfate or chloride;
  • Ammophoska or nitroammofoska;
  • Potassium sulfate.

All these complexes are easily absorbed by the roots, give strength before flowering, and increase immunity. The main thing is to apply strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Ideally, you need to know exactly the acidity and composition of the soil in order to determine which substances the crop needs most.

In the fall, rotted manure is placed under the clematis bush. It is better if it is dry, mixed with straw, hay or sawdust. Such fertilizing will not only enrich the soil, but also improve its structure. The soil will become more loose, soft, and breathable. Organic matter promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the soil and helps clematis absorb beneficial microelements.

The variety is also fertilized with home remedies. For example, tea leaves or coffee cake. If you dig them into the top layer of soil, you will get an excellent mulch. Potato broth, which contains a lot of starch, is useful. Regular sugar is also suitable for feeding the plant - it is simply scattered under the bush or watered with sweet water.

It is very good to fertilize clematis with herbal infusion, especially nettle starter. It is prepared simply - cut nettles into a barrel, fill it with water and leave it to sour under the lid for a month. When the infusion begins to foam, water the plant with it. Sometimes yeast is added - it is also beneficial for flowers.

Loosening and mulching

The roots grow parallel to the surface, shallowly, and really need constant access of air.

Princess diana clematis

It is necessary to loosen the soil under the bush - this way it will be healthier and stronger, and flowering will last longer. The main thing is to do this carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Mulch the soil in the tree trunk circle to lighten the soil and also protect the roots from overheating and drying out. Most often, fresh hay or straw is used as mulch. Dry peat also works well.

Sawdust is allowed only in spring and summer; it cannot be placed under a bush for wintering. When wet, they are strongly pressed, become dense and heavy, and freeze in winter.

Low annuals are often used as mulch. They are simply planted under a bush and left there until autumn. Flowers will prevent other weeds from growing, protect the roots of the clematis, and also prevent pests from attacking it. For example, marigolds and calendula perfectly repel various insects that harm clematis.


The Princess Diana variety belongs to pruning group III - the most convenient for beginning gardeners. In autumn, the shoots are cut out completely, leaving small stumps with 3-4 buds above the ground. New vines will then appear from them in the spring.

Some clematis lovers do not cut them off completely for the winter, leaving a few shoots for the winter. This makes no sense - this variety produces buds only on fresh, young shoots.

The bush is pruned just before frost, when the bush has already completely lost its leaves. It is imperative to treat the cut areas with a fungicide (Fitosporin) and cover with activated carbon.

Cut shoots are used as a “cushion” to cover the plant for the winter. They should be dried a little first.

Shelter for the winter

Princess Diana is a frost-resistant hybrid. In southern latitudes it is not even always covered, and the plant overwinters well under the snow.

Clematis princess Diana

In the middle zone or more northern regions, the bush needs shelter. There are several ways to organize it:

  • After pruning, the stump sticking out of the ground is covered with spruce branches, non-woven material is placed on top and the whole thing is covered with film. Bricks or stones are laid along the edges to prevent them from being blown away by the wind.
  • The cut clematis is covered with dry manure, a layer of dry foliage is thrown on top and covered with sponbond.
  • The planting site of the bush is simply covered with dry straw and a sheet of slate on top.

Important! In spring, you should not be late in removing the cover from clematis. Its roots can rot from excess heat and moisture. This is especially true if a film was placed on top.

Selection and growing regions

Clematis called Princess Diana is the result of the work of English breeders. This variety is one of the most famous of the entire group of Texas clematis. For the first time, gardeners were able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Princess Diana in 1984. The long flowering and extraordinary beauty of the buds did not leave them indifferent. Almost any region is suitable for growing clematis of this variety, the only thing is that in areas with harsh winters, a good shelter is built for clematis, and in the middle zone it quietly overwinters under a small layer of mulch.


The hybrid is propagated in several ways. Each of them is simple and allows the new plant to retain all the varietal properties of the mother plant.

Clematis Diana photo

It is better to start the clematis propagation procedure in the spring, when the winter sleep is over and active growth of the bush has begun.

By layering

The outermost shoots are bent to the ground and dug in so that the top remains on the surface. To be sure, secure the branch with a stone or brick. Water the soil periodically so that roots form quickly. Some people build a greenhouse over the shoot, but this is not necessary.

The cuttings take root in about a month. Success depends on air temperature, watering regime, soil type and the age of the bush itself. Some old clematis produce root shoots on their own. Young shoots begin to grow next to the main bush. They are also planted, just like layerings that were forcibly rooted.


The most common method of propagation of clematis. Cuttings are cut in the spring, when young vines are just beginning to grow.

2-3 buds are enough for rooting. It is possible to do this in water, but it is better to place it in the ground. This way the plant immediately adapts to the growing conditions in the soil without the risk of dying during transplantation.

The cuttings are placed at an angle in light soil - this will make it easier for the roots to grow. At a temperature of +27 °C and with frequent watering, the cuttings will take root quickly - in 2-3 weeks. Then new leaves will begin to grow. Already in the fall, the young plant is transferred to a permanent place in the garden, or you can wait until next year.

Dividing the bush

Adult and old clematis bushes - older than 8 years - are subjected to this procedure. They are very thick, bloom poorly and need to be replanted.

The bush is dug up and cut into separate parts with a knife or shovel. One can produce up to 6 small plants.

After division, the main trunk is returned to its old place, having previously updated the soil. The rest are planted separately.

Planting in open ground

Planting clematis on the site is possible both in spring and autumn. And when grown in containers - at any time at room temperature.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, it requires high-quality fertile soil. Loamy soils with low alkali levels are suitable. To improve the composition, you can use superphosphate, ash, and humus.

Planting consists of several stages:

  • Dig a hole with a depth of 0.5 m and a diameter of 0.4 m.
  • Place crushed stone or broken brick there.
  • Add a layer of soil.
  • Plant a seedling and sprinkle it with fertilized soil.

Next, regular watering will be required - once a week. On hot days, irrigate every 5 days.

And also do not forget about regular fertilizing with organic fertilizers and frequent loosening.

The plant belongs to late-flowering hybrids, and therefore has special value. It has a beautiful appearance and a wonderful aroma, making it an excellent decoration for the garden plot. Even in winter, the culture pleases the eye with its inflorescences.

Diseases and pests

The Princess Diana hybrid is often susceptible to diseases, especially various types of rot. They develop with excess moisture and lack of lighting. For prevention, you should water the plant in the spring with a solution of the drug Fundazol. Azocene is also good in this regard.

Clematis pruning group Princess Diana

Rust can be easily cured by spraying with preparations containing copper. Copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture are the best means of combating fungus. Copper sulfate will help get rid of ascotychosis.

The most dangerous pests are root nematodes. It is impossible to save the bush from them if they have already multiplied in the roots. The plant must be disposed of. But it is possible to prevent the appearance of pests by carefully preparing and disinfecting the soil when planting.

Sometimes the shoots are eaten by caterpillars. It’s easy to cope with them with the help of the drugs Lepidocide and Biotlin. Every morning you need to inspect the plant and collect insects by hand. The same goes for slugs. If there are too many of them, you can sprinkle the ground around the bush with crushed bricks or shells. Slugs will not be able to crawl onto the bush.

Caring for clematis Princess Diana

Caring for clematis Princess Diana is not difficult, because this hybrid does not have any special care requirements. The whole complex of measures comes down to standard procedures: watering, fertilizing and shelter for the winter (Figure 4).

In order for clematis to delight you with abundant flowering, you must do the following:

  1. Feeding: in the first year after planting, the vine does not need additional feeding, since all nutrients are supplied to the roots from the fertile soil that you placed in the hole when planting. Starting from the second year of life, fertilizers begin to be applied to the soil, adhering to a strict scheme. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil to increase green mass, during the budding phase the plant is fed with potassium preparations, after flowering, phosphorus fertilizers are added to the soil, and after pruning and before preparing for winter, complex mineral fertilizers are added, which will help the plant to successfully overwinter.
  2. Loosening and mulching: covering the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch will protect the soil from weeds and drying out. If it is not possible to spread a layer of mulch, loosen the soil after each watering, while simultaneously removing weeds.
  3. Watering: Clematis Princess Diana is considered a moisture-loving variety. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, the buds will become small and pale. In the presence of natural precipitation, watering is carried out once a week, and in dry weather - every 5 days. If the tree trunk circle is not covered with a layer of mulch, the soil must be loosened after each application of moisture.

Use in landscape design

Clematis of the Princess Diana variety are used to decorate gazebos; high arches are built, on both sides of which these beautiful flowers are planted. They also cope with wall decor, quickly covering them with a green and then a floral carpet.

You can combine clematis with other climbing flowers. For example, with roses, grapes, hydrangea. By selecting different varieties of clematis and planting them side by side, you can achieve continuous flowering of these beautiful crops from early spring until the first frost.

Basic principles of agricultural technology

Like other clematis, “Princess Diana” prefers well-lit places that have protection from strong winds, but does not really like to be in direct sunlight all the time. It is best to plant a young bush so that it is shaded by tall fruit trees for part of the day.

For planting, it is better to choose well-lit places, partially shaded by trees or buildings.

In the southern regions, this variety is best planted in the fall, in early October, and in areas with colder climates - in the spring.

The planting technology is the same everywhere, but the owner of the site must take into account such a factor as the depth of groundwater. If the place is “damp”, it is necessary to protect the clematis roots from possible soaking by pouring a small artificial mound in advance at the site of the future hole


Gardeners respond mostly positively to the Princess Diana variety. Everyone likes the unusual flowering of the hybrid and its resistance to frost. Simple trimming also adds “pluses” to the reviews.

The main disadvantage is considered to be the instability of clematis to wilt and rot. However, you can prevent them by carefully observing the watering schedule and placing the plant in the right place.

With a good climate and care, the bush can grow and bloom luxuriantly for a very long time - several decades.

Location: where is the best place to plant clematis?

Clematis prefer a bright or slightly shaded location

. However, it is necessary to avoid excessive heating of the soil, because this can harm the plantings and disrupt normal development and growth.

When placed in an open sunny place, the soil should be shaded at the roots with annual or perennial plants. A delimiter for roots up to 30–40 cm deep is also useful. The soil needs nutritious sandy loam or loamy soil. Just without over-watering.


In areas where groundwater is located closer than 1.5 meters, clematis should not be planted.

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