Athlete for seedlings: cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers, instructions, reviews

Application of Atlet fertilizer for tomato seedlings

Among most farmers and gardeners, means that promote the growth and development of agricultural crops are widely used.
The drug Atlet not only has a stimulating effect, but also controls the process of stem extension. Thanks to the regulator, the size of the green part of the plant does not exceed the length of the root system. As a result, the bushes become stronger and can withstand cold and dry periods more easily. Atlet is used for seedlings of tomatoes, vegetable and flower crops. It replaces organic fertilizers well.

Composition and release form

Athlete is sold in a hermetically sealed bag. The trade name is indicated on the front side, and instructions for use are on the back. It describes how to properly process different crops.

The main active ingredient of the product is the organochlorine plant growth regulator chlormequat chloride, which is 600 grams per liter of the drug.

Atlet fertilizer is available in liquid form, packaged in 1.5 ml ampoules. When used, the container is opened and the contents are mixed with a certain amount of water to create a solution of the required concentration.

Operating principle

Typical growing times for tomato seedlings are in the winter-spring period, which is characterized by short daylight hours. A lack of sunlight has a bad effect on the condition of young plants. The growth hormone gibberellin, contained in excess, is actively used to elongate the stem. At the same time, the root system slows down its development, which negatively affects the quality of the seedlings.

You can evaluate the condition of tomato seedlings after a course of treatment with the regulator in the video.

Areas of application

The drug is available in the form of a light yellow liquid packaged in an ampoule. Volume: 1.5 ml.

An aqueous solution of the drug, prepared according to the instructions for use, is sprayed on the leaves of young plants or watered at the root. The solution is used only in freshly prepared form. The prepared solution cannot be stored.

The drug can be used to treat seedlings of the following crops:

“Athlete” for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Tomato seedlings are processed in the phase of three to four true leaves. One ampoule of the Atlet preparation is dissolved in 500 - 1000 ml of water to spray on the leaves. The consumption of the working fluid is small (300 - 500 ml of solution is enough for 10 square meters), so for its preparation you can not take the entire contents of the ampoule. To achieve the desired effect, you need to carry out 3, maximum 4 sprayings with an interval of 5-8 days. For watering at the root, the ampoule is dissolved in 1 liter of water, and the solution consumption in this case is different - from 30 to 50 ml per 1 plant. One watering is enough to form a squat, compact plant with a strong root system. Processing of seedlings of peppers and eggplants is also carried out in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. The dosages are the same as for tomatoes, only the frequency of spraying is less.

Flower seedlings

An athlete can spray flower seedlings on the leaves if they have grown and stretched out. Treatment is carried out twice, with an interval of 5-7 days. The consumption and dosage for preparing the solution are the same as for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

It is recommended to water and spray flowers (as well as ornamental shrubs) with a solution of the drug in the budding phase.

Attention! Before use, read the precautions and specifics of using the drug.

How to use Atlet for seedlings

After using the drug, vegetables tolerate drought conditions more easily, and ornamental plants increase their flowering period and improve their varietal qualities. The manufacturer regulates the use of Atleta for the following plants:

  • tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, eggplants;
  • ornamental shrubs;
  • indoor flowers.

Before use, Atlet for seedlings is diluted with water according to the attached instructions. Afterwards, the resulting mixture is applied directly to the soil or sprayed onto the plants. The drug is packaged in ampoules of 1.5 ml. The amount of liquid is calculated individually, depending on the type of plant.

Important! First of all, it is necessary to process seedlings that grew in heifers, in humid, warm conditions and in the absence of adequate lighting.

Athlete for tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings can be treated with Atlet root fertilizing 1 time or foliar fertilizing 4 times. The main requirement is the presence of 3 true leaves. First of all, you should make a solution: 1 ampoule is diluted in 1 liter of water. The consumption for one plant when watering at the root is 40–50 ml.

When spraying the vegetative part, the concentration of the solution increases. It is necessary to dilute 1 ampoule in 0.5–0.6 liters of liquid. It is important to adhere to the frequency of procedures. No more than 7–8 days should pass between treatments. That is, after the first procedure, a week later they begin the next one, and after another 7 days, the third spraying is performed. If the seedlings were not planted after the third procedure, perhaps due to bad weather conditions, then proceed to the fourth treatment. If you do not follow this scheme, but limit yourself to one spraying of the drug with Atlet, as a result, the tomato seedlings will not slow down their growth, as expected; on the contrary, they will actively grow upward.

How to process pepper and eggplant seedlings

For these vegetable crops, one treatment is sufficient. The solution is prepared in the same proportions as for tomatoes: dissolve 1.5 ml of the chemical in 1 liter of water. Eggplants require root feeding, and peppers are sprayed with a spray bottle. The procedure is effective if the seedlings have at least 3-4 leaves. To treat one sprout, up to 50 ml of solution is needed.

Preparation Atlet for cucumber seedlings

There are no indications in the recommendations for the use of the drug Atlet for cucumber seedlings. That is, treatment with this product may not give the desired result or lead to crop loss.

Processing cabbage seedlings

To water cabbage you will need: 1.5 ml of agrochemical and 1 liter of water. The solution consumption is 1 liter per 1 sq. m of landing area. The required number of procedures is 3. The interval between treatments of cabbage seedlings is 7 days.

Ornamental plants

For ornamental shrubs, foliar spraying is applicable, mainly during the budding period. Dilute the mixture according to the standard scheme: 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. 2 procedures are required, with an interval of a week. The buds and leaves should be treated generously so that the liquid drips onto the soil.

Is it possible to feed petunia seedlings?

Ornamental garden crops, which include petunia, are watered with a chemical solution. Using the same proportions as for ornamental plants. If the seedlings begin to stretch, then use root and foliar feeding with Atlet. Two procedures with an interval of 7 days will be enough.

Athlete for seedlings of indoor flowers

It is worth using the product for potted plants when the seedlings outgrow. The Athlete ampoule is diluted per 1 liter. Spray the leaves 2 times a week apart.

Important! To prepare the solution, you must use distilled or filtered water at room temperature.

Rules for using the “Athlete” product

Fertilizer "Athlete" is contained in ampoules of 1.5 ml.
Before use, the product must be diluted in a liter of water. But if we are talking about tomatoes and indoor plants, then the concentration will be higher and about 300 ml of liquid will be required per ampoule. Plants are treated with Atlet, as already mentioned, in two ways - by watering the soil where the seedlings grow or by spraying. There are some requirements regarding the number of treatments for certain plants, since they all have different characteristics.

For example, vegetable crops are processed by Atlet as follows:

  • Eggplants are watered or sprayed when at least 3 leaves appear on the seedlings. One plant requires up to 50 ml of product;
  • Cabbage seedlings are treated using a liter of diluted product per square meter of land. It needs to be processed three times with a break of a week;
  • Tomatoes need to be watered at the root once when 3 leaves appear, or seedlings should be sprayed up to 4 times. To treat the plant you need 50 ml of the finished product.

And if we talk about using the Atlet product for indoor and ornamental plants, here everything is done like this:

  • potted flowers and plants are treated if necessary if the seedlings are overgrown. There should be two treatments in total with a break of one week;
  • ornamental shrubs are processed twice after flower buds appear on them. The interval between treatments is also 7 days.

Strengthening seedlings with the help of the drug "Athlet"

Composition and features of the fertilizer

The instructions for the drug "Atlet" indicate that the active ingredient in it is chlormequat chloride in an amount of 600 g/l. It is a white crystalline substance that quickly absorbs moisture. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. Opened in the 50s of the last century in the USA. Experimentally, scientists have found that wheat treated with chlormequat chloride slows down its growth and thickens its stem. It turns out that the substance stimulates the production of gibberellins by plants, which are phytohormones of growth.

In agriculture, the growth regulator Atlet and its analogues are used as retardants. Treatment of plants with these agents leads to the following results:

  • wheat and forage grasses stop lodging at high humidity;
  • apple and pear trees begin to bear fruit earlier;
  • Strawberries bear fruit more abundantly by limiting the growth of mustaches.

In general, crops after using the Atlet preparation bear fruit better and are more resistant to drought and low temperatures.

In vegetable growing and greenhouse farming, this pesticide is used to improve seed germination and seedling survival after transplantation, strengthen the root system of young plants, and increase productivity.

How to properly use the drug “Athlet” on vegetables and ornamental crops

Seedlings of vegetables and flowers do not always need to be treated with growth regulators.

The use of the drug "Atlet" is justified in cases where the seedlings:

  • it outgrows, but the weather does not allow planting in a permanent place;
  • insufficiently lit and stretched out;
  • has a weak root system;
  • susceptible to root rot and blackleg.

Garden and indoor flowers are processed to obtain a strong, squat bush that holds flower stalks well, and to develop a powerful root system. Developed roots nourish plants better, hold the bushes more confidently during strong winds and absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil more quickly.

But “Athlet” for plants cannot be used as a microfertilizer, simply by watering or spraying seedlings with it from time to time. This pesticide has a very specific effect. It slows down the growth of the above-ground part, shortens internodes, and increases the flowering period. Even a slight overdose or a slight increase in the frequency of treatments can lead to a negative result.

Seedlings overfed with Atlet may be stunted in growth for a long time, and then bloom for a long time without setting fruit.

According to the observations of gardeners, tomato seedlings after an overdose of a growth regulator slowed down their growth until they stopped completely and produced leaves that were variegated in color, irregular in shape, pale green or yellowish. Subsequently, such bushes lagged behind in growth compared to plants that were not treated at all.

The Atlet seedling product must be used strictly according to the instructions. Exceeding the dose leads to growth and development retardation.

The drug is available in 1.5 g ampoules. The contents are diluted with distilled or filtered water according to the instructions and used immediately. The shelf life of diluted “Athleta” is zero - unused remnants of the product are disposed of as household waste.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants

Tomato seedlings are treated with Atlet three times, the first time in the phase of 3–4 true leaves. For spraying, the pesticide is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. The product is used very economically - per 10 square meters. m. account for no more than 300–500 ml. Repeat the procedure a week later. For irrigation, 1.5 ml of Atleta is diluted in 1 liter of water. For each plant, use 30 to 50 ml of the prepared solution. To achieve the desired effect, a single watering is sufficient.

Seedlings of peppers and eggplants are treated according to the same scheme, but triple spraying is replaced with a single spray.


Seedlings of white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and other types of cabbage are not sprayed, only watered three times, at weekly intervals, starting from the cotyledon leaf phase. The ampoule is diluted in 0.5 liters of water. Water at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 sq. m. landing.

Indoor flowers

Potted plants are also not sprayed. 1.5 ml of the drug is dissolved in 150–300 ml of water and watered at the roots of the plants. For each pot, use about 50 ml. The first treatment is carried out at the beginning of the buds opening. The second – after 5–6 months.

Ornamental shrubs

Popular and beloved mock orange, buddleya, tree peonies, rhododendrons, broom, jasmine, viburnum, euonymus, cotoneaster, bladderwort, euonymus, barberry and other garden decorations to increase decorativeness and prolong flowering are sprayed with Atleta solution, diluting the ampoule with 1 liter of water . The first treatment is carried out during budding, the second (and final!) - after 5-7 days. For each bush, use 100–300 ml of the prepared solution.

Precautionary measures

The product is classified as hazard class 3. To work with it, you must use rubber gloves and a respirator. If you are going to spray plantings in protected ground, it is advisable to wear closed work clothes, which are then washed. At the end of all actions, wash your face and hands with hot water and soap, and rinse the spray nozzles.

The drug "Athlet" is an excellent tool for preventing the overgrowth and stretching of seedlings of vegetable and ornamental crops. When used strictly according to the instructions, the result will please any gardener - strong, healthy seedlings will take root well in the garden bed and bring a rich harvest.

Recommendations for the number of treatments

Based on many years of experience, the manufacturer recommends observing the number of treatments to obtain a guaranteed result. For example, tomatoes are sprayed three to four times, if between the 3rd and 4th treatments the plant is not planted in open ground or a greenhouse. After all, when a drug diluted with water gets on the green leaves and stems of plants, active chemical processes begin in them, which have their own period of action.

He also draws the buyer’s attention to the possibility of white spots and dots similar to burns - there is no need to be afraid, they will go away after a while. And lastly, after spraying, seedlings are not watered for 24 hours, and after watering - for 2-3 days.

This is the “working” time of the drug, during which it is almost completely eliminated from the plant.


If you constantly feed seedlings of vegetable and flower crops with this stimulant, then when replanting you don’t have to worry that the plant will not take root. In the new location, the seedlings will quickly take root and begin to grow intensively. Even in open ground, uniform development of roots and upper leaf mass occurs.

“Athlete” used for seedlings makes them drought-resistant. If used when feeding flowers, the drug improves the quality of flowers and prolongs the flowering period.

"Athlete" is recommended for:

  • bushes;
  • decorative flowers;
  • vegetable crops.

Watering seedlings with Athlete - how to do it

Due to the risk of white spots appearing, many gardeners practice watering. To water peppers and eggplants, Atlet is diluted with 1 liter of water and 30-50 ml of solution is carefully poured under the root (not on top of the plant). For cabbage seedlings, a more concentrated dilution is used - an ampoule per half liter of water.

It is a rare case when the instructions and reviews coincide - those who use the growth stimulator Atlet note changes in the appearance of the plant, and when transplanted into the ground, an excellent root system. Potted plants respond gratefully to watering at the highest concentration - a 300 ml ampoule in the phase when buds have already formed. Flowering will be much longer and brighter. Dose – 50 ml per pot. After this, do not water the seedlings and plants for 2 to 3 days, so that the solution is completely distributed over the leaves, stems and roots and begins to actively “work.”

Review of the use of Atleta for tomato seedlings

Reviews about Atlet fertilizer

When purchasing a mineral complex, summer residents try to choose a product that is suitable for feeding different types of vegetable crops and ornamental plants. You can learn about the effectiveness and features of the use of Atleta from numerous reviews left on the pages of magazines for gardeners and gardeners, on the manufacturer’s website.

“I grow seedlings for tomatoes myself, but for a long time the seedlings constantly stretched out, the stems turned out thin. The use of many drugs for feeding was of little use. I bought Athlete for tomato seedlings on the advice of a store salesperson, used it strictly according to the instructions, and the tomato seedlings straightened out and became stronger, quickly took root in a new place, and withstood a sharp cold snap.”

Anna Abramova,” 45 years old, Kirillov

“The first acquaintance with the growth stimulant Atlet cannot be called successful. To spray home flowers, I used the drug in a higher concentration than indicated in the instructions, believing that it would be better. As a result, the plants received burns. At first I decided to refuse to use Atleta, but then I changed my mind and I don’t regret it. The flower bushes became lush, the color of the leaves changed, and many buds appeared.”

Evgenia Petrakova, 34 years old, Arkhangelsk

“We breed eggplant and pepper seedlings both for growing in our own garden and for sale. Usually the blue ones turned out strong and did not disappoint in appearance, but this year spring did not please with either warmth or sun. I read reviews about Atlet fertilizer and decided to buy the drug to normalize the growth of seedlings.

The method of application and dosage for diluting the concentrate were chosen according to the instructions. I diluted the contents of the ampoule with a liter of water and added 2 tbsp under the bushes. spoons of diluted fertilizer. After one feeding, the stems of the seedlings began to straighten, and the shade of the leaves changed.”

Andrey Stepanko, 62 years old, Voronezh

“I use Atlet to feed the gooseberries and currants that I planted at the dacha. Treated plants do not suffer from pest attacks and produce large berries.”

Viktor Ivanovich, 40 years old, Kineshma


In addition to Athlete, other means inhibit stem growth:

  • "Anti-legal";
  • "Stocky";
  • “TSE TSE TSE.”

The product “Chunky” is a Russian development from Orton LLC. Helps avoid pulling vegetable and flower seedlings, increases immunity, promotes rapid rooting of seedlings and cuttings.

The Antivylegach retardant from Adama also contains chlormequat chloride. Used mainly on cereals. It is used to stop growth (against stem stretching), thickening the ear, developing side shoots, and increasing yield.

The biological product “TSE TSE TSE” is produced in Germany (BASF company) and is used on cereals. Slows down stretching, prevents lodging, enhances tillering, and increases plant resistance to adverse factors. The last two drugs are produced for processing on an industrial scale.

Who produces this growth regulator and why?

Growth regulators on the market for horticultural products are widely represented by organic and synthetic compounds of various hazard classes. The Athlete growth regulator in question is created by chemical synthesis of two substances similar to natural ones. As a result of the work, a drug appears from the group of retardants - organic substances that reduce the rate of growth without reducing the number of buds and leaves on the stem. Strong seedlings take root better and are not prone to lodging. The advantage of the athlete's growth stimulator is also its danger class. In the instructions it is listed as third (3) - low toxic. The drug has a permit from the Ministry of Health stating that it can be used on private farms, as well as a conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

In fact, Athlete is not such a new thing. It has been known on world markets since 1962. Only previously it was used and was available only to state agricultural enterprises and corporations, but now every gardener can buy it.

The solution was successfully used in agriculture for growing vineyards. By reducing the stretching of the vine, he increased flowering and, as a result, yield. There are studies and dissertations about the application and the results achieved. Massive use for a long time - more than half a century! has proven its safety and effectiveness.

  • 1
    Fertilizers for petunia
  • 2
    Yellow leaves on tomatoes
  • 3
    Remedy against aphid
  • 4
    Grapes Fungicides

How to water seedlings with Zircon?

For a more convenient calculation of the dosage, you can easily remember: in 1 ml of Zircon - 40 drops of the drug; 0.1 ml is 4 drops. If a clear dosage is not indicated, two to four drops should be added to 1 liter of water.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Enthusiastic reviews from gardeners about the drug “Athlet” confirm its effectiveness. Among the “advantages” of use:

  • obtaining healthy and stocky seedlings;
  • no problems with pulling seedlings;
  • rapid adaptation of plants after diving and transplanting;
  • crops move faster to the flowering and fruiting stage;
  • protection against infections is created;
  • affordable price.

Atlet fertilizer is suitable for most vegetable, garden and flower crops and is easy to use. Improves the decorative appearance of garden and potted plants, promotes long and abundant flowering.

The consumption is economical, the price is affordable for all categories of buyers. Detailed instructions with a plate describing crop treatments will help even novice summer residents understand spraying and watering schemes.


It is necessary to work with the drug in special clothing; It is important to comply with deadlines and deposit funds in the recommended ways. Violations will lead to undesirable results; cannot be used simultaneously with fungicides, pesticides, fertilizers.

Phytotoxicity and hazard class

Do not forget that any fertilizer in one way or another poses a danger in case of overdose or improper use.

“Athlete” is classified as hazard class 3 (moderately dangerous).

If “Athlete” is used during extreme heat or at elevated air temperatures, then white spots may appear on the leaf plates. Also, the appearance of spots can be caused by an overdose of the drug.

There is no need to worry, as the spots quickly disappear, and the plant itself does not suffer significant harm from this.

When using the drug, you should use gloves, goggles and a respirator for personal protection. If the solution gets on the mucous membrane, then the affected area should be washed with plenty of warm water. In case of contact with skin, in addition to warm water, you need to use soap.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that Atlet for seedlings is a chemical that can be dangerous if used or stored incorrectly.

  1. During the processing process, it is necessary to monitor the air temperature in the room; it should not be higher than +25 °C.
  2. Use personal protective equipment: respirator, gloves, goggles.
  3. If the chemical gets on the skin or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected area with warm water.
  4. Before use, check the expiration date on the packaging.
  5. At the time of work with the Athlete, there should be no children or animals nearby.
  6. Do not use containers for personal use to prepare the solution.
  7. While spraying seedlings, you should not eat or drink, as chemicals can enter the body with food or drink and cause poisoning.
  8. After completing the process, wash your hands and face with soap.

The athlete belongs to danger class 3.

Composition and features of Atlet fertilizer

In order for the seedlings to grow into a full-fledged, healthy plant, it is necessary to provide it with maximum care. The main rule is proper feeding. The most popular among all gardeners is Athlete. It is used to fertilize seedlings of garden and home crops. Athlete for seedlings helps regulate plant growth, monitors hormonal levels, and helps develop lateral roots.

Thanks to this, the sprouts will not stretch, and all the strength will go into the development of the roots. The seedlings will develop strong stems and large, healthy leaves.

Atleta has more budget analogues. However, they differ in efficiency, concentration of useful substances, and also cannot stop the upward growth of seedlings.

Most often the drug is used in the following ways:

As a top dressing for cotyledon leaves. Foliar feeding of vegetables and flowers

Please note that cabbage leaves should not be treated with this drug. The drug is available

The package contains 1.5 ml ampoules with a special liquid. For industrial cultivation, you can purchase the drug in large containers

The drug is released. The package contains 1.5 ml ampoules with a special liquid. For industrial cultivation, you can purchase the drug in large containers.

Cytokinin is aimed at stimulating the growth of healthy kidneys and also controls their development. Ethylene, also called the aging hormone, is responsible for fertility. In combination, these three substances support the normal development of culture throughout life.

The concentrate must be mixed with water, the proportions are chosen independently. It all depends on the type of plant, as well as the desired result.

Most often, the drug is used for the following symptoms:

  • pulling seedlings;
  • protection from pests, infections, and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • lack of seedlings.

The drug is aimed at slowing down the production of phytohormones. That is why the development of the ground part will slow down, and the emphasis will be on thickening the stem and growing leaves.

Thanks to fertilizer, the seedlings become stronger, the roots develop better, and the green part becomes more massive. In this case, the seedlings will be resistant to temperature changes and lack of certain nutritional components. If the plant does not outgrow, then the result will be a good harvest, large fruits, and the decorative part of the planting will also be preserved.

The statistics on the use of the drug are as follows: growth becomes better by almost 30%, and the risk of infection is reduced by almost 3 times.

Tips for use and dosage

"Athlete" is diluted in water according to the instructions. To achieve a positive result, you need to follow the instructions and not adjust the dosage yourself. The resulting product is used for watering seedlings and other crops. It can also be used for foliar feeding, that is, for spraying.

It is recommended to treat seedlings only that can still be saved. What signs will indicate the correct use of the product?

If the dosage is calculated and applied correctly, according to the specified time frame, then:

  • the stem will become thicker;
  • the foliage is larger and more vibrantly saturated in color;
  • the root system will strengthen and grow.

After treatment with this preparation, the amount of harvest increases by 2-3 times.

Many are afraid that seedlings may overgrow when using any stimulants, but this does not happen if the dosages have been followed. “Athlete” is a remedy for overgrowing crops, as it is popularly called – the drug stopprost.

Do overgrown plants need to be treated? As for already overgrown seedlings without stimulants, it is better not to treat them until the plant is transplanted into open ground and adapts.

This growth stimulator is contained in 1.5 ml ampoules. Immediately before use, the drug is diluted in 1 liter of liquid. For tomato seedlings and indoor flowers, you will need to dilute a concentrated solution - 1.5 ml per 0.3 liter of liquid.

Below is a table showing the dosage for different crops and the favorable treatment period.

PlantProcessing methodWhen is it carried out?How many timesPreparation of the solution
TomatoesSprayingThe first treatment is carried out during the formation of 3-4 leaves on the plant, then with increasing concentration of the solution3 times every week1 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid, concentrated solution – 1 ampoule per 0.5 liter of liquid
WateringRoot feeding during the formation of 3-4 leaves11 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid. One plant may require up to 30-50 ml of ready-made solution
Pepper, eggplantSprayingProcessing of seedlings is carried out during the formation of 3-4 leaves11 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid
WateringRoot feeding during the formation of 3-4 leaves11 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid; one plant may require up to 30-50 ml of the finished solution.
CabbageWateringCarried out after planting seedlings in open ground after 10-14 days3 feedings every week1 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid, solution consumption per 1 m2
Indoor flowersWateringRoot edge during bud formation2 feedings every 5 months1 ampoule per 0.3 liter of liquid. No more than 50 ml of the prepared solution is poured into each pot
Country flowersSprayingIf the plant begins to outgrow2 feedings every week1 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid
Decorative bushesSprayingDuring the formation of buds2 feedings every week1 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid

If, with the required 3-4 treatments, only one is carried out, then the plant will only increase in growth, and the root system, foliage and stem will remain without nutrients, and development will stop. Spraying is best done in cloudy, rainy weather in the morning or evening.

Useful properties of fertilizer

This optimal combination, familiar to everyone, is fully confirmed by the composition of the Atlet drug. The fertilizer, which causes the plant to grow not only in length, but also in width, the instructions for which we will consider below, is quite inexpensive - from 10 to 15 rubles and is sold throughout the former CIS. The liquid contained in a small transparent glass ampoule acts in a complex manner:

  1. Slowing down the growth of the upper part of the plant, redistributing nutrients in the “tops and roots.”
  2. The stem becomes thicker and the leaves become wider.
  3. Pale green gives way to a rich, healthy emerald color.
  4. The root system begins to develop intensively.

The last point gives the seedlings strength and life, which means the opportunity to get a good harvest. Branched and powerful roots will more easily withstand transplanting and picking; they will easily absorb nutrients and minerals from the soil.

When using Atleta, it is necessary to alternate the nutrient solution with water: after watering with the preparation, the water can be used to saturate the soil with moisture no earlier than 2-3 days later. 5 days before planting seedlings in open ground, the use of Atleta is stopped.

Attention! In case of an overdose of the drug, small white spots may appear on the leaves of plants, but you should not be afraid of this: they will disappear over time without causing harm to the plant. In order for the plants not to start growing rapidly, but to develop harmoniously and fully, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions included with the drug

It is also important to use the drug more than once, since its single use will have the completely opposite effect: the seedlings can rapidly grow

In order for the plants not to start growing rapidly, but to develop harmoniously and fully, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions included with the drug

It is also important to use the drug more than once, since its single use will have the completely opposite effect: the seedlings can rapidly grow

Here are all the subtleties you should know about Athlete for Seedlings. Use it wisely and in moderation, and then you can grow a healthy, generous crop. Good luck!

In order for the plants not to start growing rapidly, but to develop harmoniously and fully, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions included with the drug

It is also important to use the drug more than once, since its single use will have the completely opposite effect: the seedlings can rapidly grow

"Athlete" is recommended to be used for fertilizing seedlings of vegetables and ornamental crops. This helps them better withstand the transplantation process, accelerates the growth of seedlings and helps the root system develop. Also, the preparation for seedlings prevents the upper part of the plant from overgrowing and outstripping the development of the root system.

Thanks to Atlet, vegetables can better withstand periods of drought and produce a better harvest, and when used for ornamental plants, their quality improves and the flowering period is extended.

recommends using it for the following plants:

  • ornamental shrubs;
  • flowers that are grown at home;
  • vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.).

The third, fairly low hazard class, is interpreted by agricultural experts as “moderately dangerous.” At the beginning of the article there was a mention that it was previously used only by professional agronomists, in compliance with all requirements. Therefore, compliance with personal safety rules is necessary.

  1. do not use dishes for cooking that will subsequently be used for food and drinks;
  2. spraying and watering should be carried out when there are no children or pets nearby, and away from the aquarium/terrarium;
  3. be sure to use personal protective equipment, rubber and latex gloves, a respirator and safety glasses;
  4. You should not eat food, drink drinks or smoke during treatment, so as not to apply a potentially dangerous substance to the skin and mucous membranes.

About changes in immunity

Vegetable growers have been growing cucumbers and eggplants for a long time; fertilizers for seedlings are diluted according to the instructions, because they know that when using a solution with a concentration less than the norm, the effectiveness decreases, and exceeding the dose ends in the death of the seedling. Leaves become stained both when sprayed with fertilizer in the heat, and when plants are treated with a preparation diluted in cold water.

It is not recommended to start watering seedlings with Atlet before moving to a new place; it is better to do this 5 days before the procedure. It is not recommended to irrigate seedlings and adult plants when applying a diluted preparation at the root.

When using the drug Atlet in accordance with the instructions, the seedlings not only develop roots more actively, the stems become straightened, but also the immune system is strengthened. After moving to open ground, all young eggplant and tomato bushes are accepted and do not suffer from late blight.

When treating cabbage seedlings according to Atlet's instructions, it is possible to avoid damage to adult plants by the keel. The use of a drug based on chlormequat chloride for spraying and watering helps to increase the resistance of flowers and ornamental shrubs to attacks by whiteflies, aphids, and cutworms.

Features of application

To obtain high-quality seedlings of vegetable or flower crops, a lot of time and effort is required. The situation is especially difficult with lighting, creating a certain microclimate and fertilizing. The fact is that different crops require an individual approach, and it is difficult to do this in one room where seedlings are grown.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners resort to growth stimulants. One of them is Atlet for seedlings; the instructions, according to reviews from gardeners, are written clearly.

The manufacturer of the product is , which has its own mark - a green drop on a dark burgundy package. It also provides clear and detailed instructions on how to dilute seedling fertilizer for specific crops. A small ampoule is dissolved in a large amount of water. As for the number of treatments, this indicator depends on the crop.

Let's look at the instructions in more detail.


Manufacturers recommend treating seedlings with Atlet:

And now about how to use the product for tomato seedlings. These plants are very demanding of light, so they quickly begin to stretch out. It is necessary to dissolve 15 grams of the substance in 10 liters of water. You can water it at the root or spray it on the leaves.

To prevent seedlings from stretching, they are treated no more than three times. Tomatoes are sprayed for the first time when the plants already have 3 true leaves. Then twice more with a break of seven days. When watering at the root, one procedure is enough.

It is necessary to understand that a single use of a growth regulator will not give the desired effect. The plant will begin to grow rapidly in height, but the root system, stem and leaves will not develop properly.

Eggplants and peppers

These vegetable crops also tend to overgrow. For treatment, you will need to dilute the Atlet drug in the following proportion: pour one ampoule of the drug into 1 liter of water.

Eggplants and peppers are processed only once. When 3-4 leaves appear on the plants, water the pepper seedlings at the leaves, and the eggplants only at the roots.

This vegetable is watered three times with an interval of seven days, only at the root! 15 grams of the product are dissolved in ten liters of water. This solution is enough for 10 square meters.

When processing peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants, use no more than 50 ml of solution per plant.

After foliar treatment, white spots remain on vegetable seedlings. This is not dangerous, since Atlet does not burn the foliage. After some time, the leaves will turn green again.

Atlet product for growing strong seedlings:

Ornamental plants

Ornamental plants, both garden and indoor, are watered with a standard solution: one ampoule of the drug is diluted in a liter of water. Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to feed petunia seedlings with Atlet. The answer is yes. Petunia is watered at the root or sprayed with a solution if the plants begin to stretch. Feeding is carried out twice with a break of a week.

Instructions for use

The annotation included in the package describes in detail the options and frequency of plant treatment, dosage for propagation, and indicates how to use Atlet for seedlings of different types of crops.

For foliar feeding, to which the shoots and leaves of vegetables and flowers react positively, it is convenient to use a special sprayer; if you do not have a garden device for spraying liquids, a spray bottle is suitable.

How to breed Atlet depends on the method of application, type of plant and is described in the instructions. To prepare the composition that is planned to be used for foliar feeding of seedlings, the contents of one 1.5 ml ampoule are dissolved in 1.5 liters of water at a temperature of 18 to 25°. The resulting product is sprayed onto branches and leaves.

To stimulate root development, treatment of the above-ground part is alternated with watering the seedlings. To dilute the concentrated liquid from the ampoule, use 1 liter of warm water.

The instructions for use of the drug describe how to dilute Atlet for feeding flowers. To stimulate the growth of indoor varieties, the contents of the ampoule are combined with water, which is taken in a volume of 200 to 300 ml, which depends on the variety of ornamental crop.

It is recommended to start feeding seedlings with Atlet by treating specimens grown indoors with high humidity, poor lighting, and also in greenhouse conditions. Feeding begins when 3 to 4 leaves appear on the seedlings.

How to use Athlete for tomatoes

Tomatoes react positively to watering with a solution prepared from the drug and to spraying the above-ground parts.

External treatment

For the development of tomato seedlings, it is preferable to use foliar feeding. For the procedure, which is carried out every 2 weeks in the form of spraying, up to 8 ml of a solution prepared according to the instructions is taken for one specimen.

Applications at the root

To water each bush of tomato seedlings with Atlet, 30 to 50 ml of liquid preparation is required. One feeding with a growth stimulator is enough to root tomatoes.

Processing peppers and eggplants

The use of Atleta as a fertilizer helps accelerate the development and strengthen seedlings of various types of nightshade crops grown in country houses and vegetable gardens. Spraying the aerial parts of peppers with Athlete seedling agent begins when at least 4 leaves are formed on the bush.

In accordance with the instructions, the contents of the ampoule are combined with 1 liter of water and the stems and green mass of the peppers are treated. Blue seedlings respond better to another method of using the drug. To water eggplant seedlings, the product is diluted in the same concentration as for tomatoes.

Cabbage processing

Vegetable seedlings from the Cruciferous family react negatively to leaf spraying with a plant growth regulator. To speed up the development and rooting of cabbage, seedlings are watered with Atlet seedling agent. When carrying out the first procedure, which is started when 2 leaves appear, for one bush, according to the instructions, the use of 15 ml of solution is required. For the next two feedings, which are carried out at intervals of 1–2 weeks, 40 to 50 ml of liquid product is applied under the root of the seedling.

Fertilizer for cucumbers

Studying the instructions for use of the drug Atlet, summer residents do not find what concentration of the drug is required to feed pumpkin representatives and are trying to find out whether it is possible to water cucumber seedlings. The effectiveness and safety of the organochlorine complex as a fertilizer and growth stimulant for the crop has not been tested, so it is unknown whether Atlet can harm cucumbers.


During the period when buds are being laid, the need of flowers for micro- and macroelements increases; the use of Atleta is recommended to replenish nutrients in indoor plants. The concentration of the product for seedlings when used for flowers is determined according to the instructions; to water one plant, take 70 ml of the diluted product. The next feeding is done when the corollas fade.

When transplanting bulbous varieties into another pot to improve rooting, Atleta's ampoule is mixed with 1 liter of distilled or settled water and watered over the flower.

Ornamental shrubs

To decorate a dacha or suburban area, fragrant jasmine, hydrangea, tree peonies, and rhododendrons are planted. In order for ornamental shrubs to delight with lush flowering, fertilizers are applied during the period of swelling of the buds.

To stimulate growth and saturate ornamental crops with nutrients, it is recommended to use Atleta in the form of foliar feeding. Leaves and buds are generously sprayed with a solution diluted according to the instructions, flowing into the ground, the product reaches the roots. A week later, the following treatment is carried out; fruit-bearing bushes are watered with fertilizer at least 3 times.

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Is it possible to feed petunia seedlings?

In dachas and suburban areas, they grow tulips and peonies that bloom in the spring, and phlox and marigolds that bloom all summer. Lush and elegant petunia bushes delight with delicate corollas until September. To propagate this ornamental crop, seedlings are grown; if they begin to stretch, Atlet is diluted in the same ratio as for indoor flowers - 1.5 ml of the drug is dissolved in a liter of water, and the petunia is watered. Before transplanting to the flowerbed, the flowers are treated twice at intervals of a week.

Why are fertilizers used?

Many gardeners and gardeners are well aware that it is impossible to select ideal temperature conditions for all plants at the same time. Some need more light, some need shade; some plants need warmth and dryness to grow, while others need coolness and moisture.

As a result, many of them are stunted in terms of growth or grow too quickly, causing problems with yield and flowering. In order to bring this process into some order, you need to use special stimulants for seedlings. Many people use products of organic origin, but they do not have a very pleasant smell and are not so easy to find in urban areas. Therefore, it is better to use factory fertilizers like Atleta.

Description of the drug

"Athlete" is a stimulating agent for the full development of seedlings of fruit and ornamental plants. One package contains 1.5 ml of the substance, which is placed in a glass ampoule.

In what cases are such stimulants needed:

  • no shoots;
  • seedlings stretch out greatly;
  • protection from insects, fungus or ultraviolet radiation is required.

The stimulant is also used to get more yield, larger and higher quality fruits, and to maintain the decorative appearance of the planting.

"Atlet" is successfully used for growing a wide variety of crops. Most often fertilizer is used:

  1. For growing vineyards.
  2. Growing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbage and other vegetables.
  3. For flower seedlings, including in pots.

“Athlete” will come to the rescue when the gardener does not have enough time or experience to meticulously create ideal conditions for plants. The composition of the drug "Athlet" is obtained by chemical synthesis of analogues of natural substances. It is safe when used correctly and works 100 percent.

Areas of application

The drug is available in the form of a light yellow liquid packaged in an ampoule. Volume: 1.5 ml.

An aqueous solution of the drug, prepared according to the instructions for use, is sprayed on the leaves of young plants or watered at the root. The solution is used only in freshly prepared form. The prepared solution cannot be stored.

The drug can be used to treat seedlings of the following crops:

  • Tomatoes,
  • Peppers and eggplants
  • Cabbage,
  • Flowers.


Effect of the drug

The Atlet product must be diluted in water strictly according to the instructions on its packaging.
Then it is applied to the soil or sprayed directly onto the plants themselves. It is recommended to treat seedlings that grew in greenhouses in a humid, warm and poorly lit environment with this stimulant. Thanks to this effect, plant growth will begin to accelerate and consume more nutrients. However, this will not negatively affect the growth of roots, leaves and trunk of the plant.

As a result, after processing we see the following:

  • the stem thickens;
  • the foliage becomes larger;
  • The plant's root system develops faster.

As a result of all this, the vegetable yield increases by more than a third, since the plant begins to grow earlier and the number of ovaries also increases.

"Athlete" is good because it is not harmful to bees, which actively pollinate plants. It also does not pose any danger to humans upon contact.

Purpose of use and principle of action of the drug

“Athlet” is used to stimulate the growth of vegetable seedlings and flowers. This drug helps strengthen the immune system of the crop, thereby reducing the chance of contracting infectious and fungal diseases.

Using Atlet, you should not worry that the plant will outgrow, as this is completely excluded, especially if you follow all dosages and recommendations prescribed on the package. The product promotes the formation of the root system, which has a positive effect on the nutrition of the fertilized crop.

In most cases, Atlet is recommended specifically for growing seedlings of the following crops:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage and other vegetables.

Used in different climatic latitudes. Used for root and foliar feeding. The plant develops, gains green mass, and nutrients are evenly distributed, as a result of which the foliage, rhizome and stem become much more resilient.

Using “Athlet” for seedlings, you can be sure that the flowering will be abundant and of high quality, as well as the harvest. It is worth understanding that the drug acts specifically on the root, and not on the stem. Another plus of the product is that it is harmless to bees.

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