- Is it worth growing low-growing tomatoes - 8 arguments in favor Do you doubt that low-growing tomato varieties can become worthy rivals to giants? We will present arguments that will convince you.
- watering 2 times a week;
- loosening and weeding;
- conducting in 2-3 barrels.
- until germination, containers are kept under film;
- water with settled water;
- hardened for 1 week at 14 degrees.
Features of the fruit
Tomatoes are collected in clusters of 15-20 pieces. The weight of 1 berry is 40-60 g, the ovaries, which are the last to form on the cluster, often lag behind the rest in size. The shape of the tomatoes is ovoid, slightly elongated, finger-type. The skin is very durable, the berries do not crack when ripe, even in conditions of excessive humidity. Tomatoes can be transported at the stage of full ripeness; they can retain their presentation for a long time. Unripe tomatoes ripen easily in room conditions. The Red Fang variety is recommended for fresh consumption. Early and tasty tomatoes make good summer salads. Small fruits are suitable for decorating dishes and creating portioned snacks for a buffet table. Elongated tomatoes are convenient to preserve whole. They look beautiful in a jar, and when served, their ability to maintain a dense pulp structure when marinated and salted becomes noticeable. From fully ripened tomatoes you can make juice or a filling for lecho and tomato-based snacks. The consistency of the pulp and its sweet taste make it possible to use the Red Fang variety for making sun-dried tomatoes. Up to 5-6 bushes are placed per 1 m2.
Ripe fruits are stored for up to 1 month.
Agricultural technology varieties
Sowing of early ripening varieties begins 50-60 days before they are planted in a permanent place. For sowing, prepare a substrate from equal parts of humus, garden soil and fine sand, adding 2 tbsp for every 10 kg of mixture. l.
You can prepare tomato seeds yourself if your first acquaintance with the Red Fang tomato was successful. But these seeds will have to be neutralized in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin. The grains are soaked in warm liquid for 30-40 minutes, and then dried until free-flowing. You can sow them as soon as the soil cools down.
Place for germination in a warm place (25°C). Under such conditions, tomato seedlings appear within 4-5 days. After this, the film should be removed. The tomatoes can remain warm for the first few days, but after about 1 week they can be moved to cooler conditions (about 20 °C during the day and not lower than 16 °C at night).
Seedlings need to be watered as the soil dries to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. When watering, use slightly warm water with potassium permanganate. To prevent blackleg, pollinate seedlings with sifted wood ash after each watering.
After the formation of 2-3 leaves, plant the seedlings in common boxes according to a 10x10 cm pattern or in separate pots with a capacity of about 0.5 liters, using the same soil as for sowing the seeds. Further care consists only of timely watering of the growing bushes. They do not need feeding, but do require good lighting.
For planting Red Fang tomatoes, it is recommended to set aside a sunny area. Bushes are planted in groups of 4. per 1 m². If the seedlings have stretched out, it is convenient to plant horizontally, placing the tomatoes in a groove 20 cm deep. Leave the top with 4-5 leaves above the surface.
When inflorescences appear on the plants, feed the tomatoes with complex mineral fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus (Signor Tomato, Tomato Crystal, Kemira Lux, etc.). Repeat the same feeding after 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers and organic matter cannot be applied during flowering and fruiting.
Planting and care
Seeds are sown from the end of February and throughout March.
Recommended region on the map:
Application for admission No. 54875, registered 2010-11-09. The Red Fang Tomato variety was included in the register of those approved in 2011. Approved for use in regions: All regions.
The originator of the Red Fang Tomato variety is:
Patent holder of the Red Fang variety:
Application for protection of the Red Fang variety No. 54876, registered 2010-11-09.
Patent No. 6194, registered 2011-11-23. Estimated patent expiration date 2041-12-31.
Authors of the Red Fang Tomato variety
- Myazina Lyubov Anatolevna
- Kudryavtseva Elizaveta Romanovna
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Greenhouse care: what to pay attention to
It was already indicated above that the Cone variety is a tall tomato that needs supports and a garter. The ideal option is to make trellises in the greenhouse, and then gradually, as they grow, tie the stems and branches of the plant to them.
The trellis method is very convenient:
- all bushes in the greenhouse receive uniform lighting;
- Tomatoes are easy to care for: feed, water;
- stems and branches do not bend under the weight of fruits, plant breakdowns are avoided;
- there are drafts in the greenhouse, minimizing the risk of infections.
It is also recommended to make grooves or holes in the greenhouse for watering tomatoes. This will allow you to water the plants exactly at the root, the soil will be well moistened, and moisture will not get on the leaves and flowers of the tomatoes.
Water the Cone depending on the weather, rarely and abundantly. If the days are hot, then you need to water at least 2-3 times a week; in cloudy and cool weather, you can limit yourself to one watering every 5-7 days. Be sure to ventilate the shelter, open all doors and windows after watering. In a closed greenhouse, air humidity immediately rises sharply, and such conditions are unfavorable for tomatoes. If it is not possible to leave the greenhouse open, then you need to take care of mulching the soil. Mown grass, peat, humus, and sawdust are suitable for this.
ON A NOTE! Be sure to control the water temperature - not lower than +20ºC.
Watering is very often combined with the application of fertilizers, since in this case the absorption of the necessary elements by the plant is more effective. The Cone variety is “fed” at least 4-5 times per season, taking into account the condition of the tomatoes, the weather, and also observing the dose of fertilizers.
In the first weeks of the growing season, organic matter is suitable - manure (horse, cow), poultry droppings, as well as ash (infusions). Manure must be diluted with water (1:10), and bird droppings are diluted in the same way (1:20). Wood ash saturates plants with potassium, but it is advisable to use an infusion for fertilizing.
Tomatoes are very fond of green infusions - from nettle, dandelion, and other weeds, which usually grow in abundance at the boundaries of the plot. The grass is mowed, a barrel or tank is filled halfway, filled with water and infused for about 5-7 days. Water the tomatoes with this “tea” strictly at the root, diluting with water (1:10).
From the moment of flowering, and then during the formation of fruits, plants need other elements, so nitrogen is limited, and the dose of potassium and phosphorus in fertilizing is increased. Ash, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate are added. Tomatoes respond well to fertilizing with special compounds, which are sold in variety in specialized stores - Ideal, Kemira, Agricola. Complex fertilizers, for example, nitrophoska, are also suitable.
ATTENTION! All fertilizing with ready-made formulations is applied strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the recommended norms and taking into account the growing season (flowering, fruit formation, ripening of tomatoes). Spraying is used as a preventive measure against diseases and various pests:
Spraying is used as a preventive measure against diseases and various pests:
- Bordeaux mixture;
- copper-containing preparations;
- garlic infusion;
- composition with whey.
Gardeners are also in demand for compounds that can significantly increase the yield of tomatoes. Among them are iodine, boric acid, baker's yeast. Also, for better pollination, it is recommended to lightly shake their branches during the flowering period of tomatoes so that the pollen falls freely. It is better to do this between 9 and 11 am, and very carefully.
Don't forget about removing stepchildren. The procedure is carried out in the morning, removing all shoots in the sinuses, but leaving a small “leg” (up to 1.5 cm). It is better to break out the stepsons, but you must be careful not to damage the stem of the plant.
When forming into two trunks, only one stepson is left on the tomato, under the first flower cluster. In the Cone variety it is very powerful and almost similar in thickness to the main stem. All other shoots are removed.
If you want to grow large fruits, you will need to remove some of the inflorescences from the plant's raceme, leaving no more than 4 flowers. But usually the Cone does not form clusters; the fruits grow even and large.
Tomatoes are harvested after about 115 days, when they reach the desired size and weight. Their skin is still green, but the fruits can ripen at home. Such harvesting will increase the overall yield from the bush, while the fruits ripening on the plant will slow down the formation of tomatoes on other clusters.
If you want to collect your own seeds from the Cone fruits, leave the best and most beautiful tomatoes on the bush until they are fully ripe. The seeds are then fermented from them, dried and used the next year for sowing.
The best varieties of tomatoes
Tomato Fang pink is a semi-determinate medium-growing variety. Description of bushes:
- shoot height is within 60-80 cm;
- foliage and branching are moderate;
- 5-7 tomatoes are tied on a brush.
Ripening time is average - 112-124 days from germination.
Features of the fruit:
- average weight 80-100 g;
- length 8-15 cm;
- the skin is strong;
- The flesh is fleshy, dense.
The taste has a harmonious combination of sweetness and sourness.
Rose, Lyubasha, Katya, Gina and Ogorodnik
Sounds like “Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya.” More precisely, four sisters. And Uncle Vanya is a gardener. Let's go!
Ripe Rosette
It turns out there are a lot of tomatoes named Rose. Starting with the female names Rose, Rosalina and Rosanna, we also find Wild Rose, Tea Rose and even Wind Rose. And all these are the names of varieties, which are all resistant to heat or drought, generally tolerate temperature fluctuations calmly, and are willing to put up with poor soil and insufficient awareness of novice tomato growers.
At the same time, they will delight with consistently high yields of pink and pink-red fruits with excellent taste in almost any region of our vast Motherland.
Each region will definitely have its own Rose, tall or small, and not susceptible to tomato diseases. It is very convenient that the “apples” can be collected unripe in the amount of 6 kg. from the bush and wait for them to ripen at home.
Or you can take them to your relatives - they are perfectly transported, both fresh and in jars with marinade. Very resilient Rose!
Our Lyubasha is good!
The F-1 hybrid is also an extremely unpretentious hybrid, and also ultra-early (70-75 days) and productive. Perfect for open ground if the bush is formed into 3 stems and allowed to grow up to 1 m.
Fruits of 100-130 g in a friendly family of 7-8 berries ripen on a simple inflorescence. Once ripe, they acquire a rich, sweet and iridescent red color.
They are not prone to whims - they do not crack and are easily transported due to their thick skin. We add here resistance to disease and drought and give it an “excellent” rating.
Katya in a red sundress
Another F-1, and since no more than 80 days pass from germination to maturity, it also belongs to the ultra-early variety.
The formation of fruits is also similar - small red tomatoes are kept in a family of 8-9 pieces, ripen together, each weighs 110-130 g, and the yield is up to 10 kg. in open areas and up to 15 kg. under the film.
Excellent taste, aroma and transportability. Good both for the table and in processed form. Of course - “excellent”!
This “sister” is a complete pleasure for the owner of the plot: it is not susceptible to diseases, does not require molding, does not require pinching or thinning, it grows and bears fruit equally well, both in a greenhouse and under a film or in open ground. Height – 60-65 cm.
Gina's fresh red tomato weighs up to 260-280 g, in total there are from 3 to 6 of them on a brush.
The balanced combination of acid and sugar makes pomo d'oro taste excellent.
Two “caps” of Petrusha the gardener
Apparently, out of respect for the hard work of a villager or dacha resident, they bred a beautiful, grateful in the yield for care, type of red, like a dying flame, tomatoes for open ground – Petrusha the gardener. These are salad “apples” with an affectionate name, early ripening (90-100 days), capable of producing up to 10 kg. juicy fruits from a square. And this is without shelter!
Under a film cover and even in an unheated polycarbonate greenhouse, the Gardener will rise to 120-150 cm, and the harvest from 1 sq.m. (3-4 bushes) will be 11-14 kg. Harvesting is from July until frost.
Among the advantages: there is no thickening of the leaf, it responds gratefully to any little feeding, it is indifferent to drought, it is resistant to diseases, it is good both fresh and in pickling marinades. A worthy neighbor for the “sisters” on the site!
In our beds there are also “French” and “Prussians”! No, not French tomatoes and German cockroaches! These are Truffle and Koenigsberg tomatoes.
Here it is, either a “pumpkin” or a “potato mushroom”!
- red
- pink
- black
- yellow
- orange
It can also be Sweet or Japanese.
The truffle is not French or Japanese, it was bred by Russian breeders, it is Russian! And very quickly it fell in love with gardeners for its excellent taste, excellent keeping quality, amazing resistance to tomato diseases, minimal reaction to weather changes, and the ability to grow under or without film. And, of course, the fruits have an unusual elongated shape, weighing 100-130 g each.
This shape and fairly dense skin make it possible to use Truffle tomatoes in salads and winter preparations, especially since 7-8 kg can be harvested from one bush in 105-110 days. The bush is quite tall - 1.5 m, very leafy, so for 1 sq.m. no more than 2 bushes!
The downside is cracking of ripe tomatoes. But this can be easily eliminated by not frequent but abundant watering. The second way to preserve fruits stretched into a “pumpkin” is to pick them unripe and let them “stay” with others, for example, with Pink honey. And they are not at all suitable for making juices and pastes!
“We can it and use it to make vegetable salads. Well, a very good variety for the middle zone!”
There are must-have varieties that I always plant every year. I like them not only for their taste and unpretentiousness, but also for the way they look on the bush. I’ll paraphrase one bearded joke: “I don’t really like tomatoes... But the process itself...”. I love going into the greenhouse and admiring the tomato plantations. And I don’t hesitate to show off my particularly spectacular huge tomatoes to my neighbors, and then post photos on the forum. It’s a shame to hide it – we all love it!
The following varieties are among the favorites also because they do not need to be fanatically cultivated and shaped. And they will always give a harvest: small, large, and a lot, depending on the variety and what I grow them for - for salads, for preparations, or, the smallest and sweetest ones, so that “like seeds, they click.” .
The “Rocket” variety is suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are identical in shape and sweet. We love to eat them by the handful. Look good in blanks. The bush requires garter, despite the fact that the package says the opposite. This is because a lot of fruits grow, and the bush bends from the weight. Its height in open ground is about 40 cm, and in a greenhouse it can reach up to 60 cm. This is a mid-season variety; it does not need to be pinched.
Rice. 1. “Rocket” matures smoothly and is well stored in both technical and biological maturity.
I got the “Big Man” variety from a neighbor. During a tour of her greenhouse, I really liked the way it looked on the bush. The neighbor said that she has been planting it for a long time, that it is unpretentious and always sets fruit, even if the ventilation regime in the greenhouse is not followed. Of course, I took one fruit for seeding. “Zdorovyak” can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is better to grow it in a greenhouse, although it produces large tomatoes in open ground.
Rice. 2. There is almost no need to pin the “Big Man” wrist.
Rice. 3. It ripens in batches, gradually, which is very convenient.
Among the vigorous-growing tomatoes with large fruits, I singled out the “Red Giant” variety. This amateur variety was bred by simple gardeners. Despite the fact that it grows a lot of leaves, it does not have to be pruned too often. The fruits on the lower tiers are the largest. If I had not been lazy and plucked out the inflorescences, leaving no more than 3-4 in the brush, the fruits would have been even larger. It is fleshy inside and contains few seeds.
Rice. 4. “Red Giant” in mid-July.
Rice. 5. You can take your own seeds, but the fruit must ripen on the bush and come from the second cluster from the bottom.
Rice. 6. The fruits are slightly ribbed, quite transportable, there is never a yellow-pink top from unbalanced care, as in pink-fruited varieties.
Rice. 7. Both the side of the stalk and the reverse side always have a marketable appearance.
Rice. 8. The only drawback of the “Red Giant” is that the largest fruits require a garter.
However, almost all large-fruited tomatoes require additional tying of the brushes. Except for my next favorite, Bull's Heart. I also always grow it year after year, as my grandmother advised me. “He will never let you down!” - she said, and every year I am convinced of this. Even if I took my own seeds and not factory ones, “Bull’s Heart” invariably bears fruit and does not require pinching at all, although it is vigorous.
Rice. 9. The hands grow in such a way that they do not need to be additionally secured with a garter to prevent them from falling.
Rice. 10. There is one feature of the “Bull’s Heart” - a predisposition to the formation of such gnarled fruits.
Therefore, if you see a bud or flower that is too large, feel free to cut it with scissors, it will still take a long time to ripen, even though it will be large, the skin will be hard and gray, you cannot take seeds from it.
Rice. 11. But the bulk of the “Bull’s Heart” fruits are very beautiful, tasty and fleshy. By the way, this variety comes in both orange and red.
Characteristics of early ripening tomato Red Fang, cultivation and care
The early-ripening tomato Red Fang appeared on the seed market not too long ago, but has already been tested and appreciated by gardeners. Over the course of several years, the country's vegetable growers managed to try to grow it in open and closed ground and in different climatic conditions of Russia.
Features of the fruit
Tomatoes are collected in clusters of 15-20 pieces. The weight of 1 berry is 40-60 g, the ovaries, which are the last to form on the cluster, often lag behind the rest in size. The shape of the tomatoes is ovoid, slightly elongated, finger-type.
The skin is very durable, the berries do not crack when ripe, even in conditions of excessive humidity. Tomatoes can be transported at the stage of full ripeness; they can retain their presentation for a long time. Unripe tomatoes ripen easily in room conditions. The color at technical ripeness is uniform, light green. As the fruits ripen, they turn red.
The pulp is dense, elastic even in a state of biological ripeness. Seed chambers 2 pcs. The walls are thick, up to 1 cm. The flesh is uniformly colored and red. The taste qualities are rated as high: the fruits are sweet, sometimes with a slight piquant sourness. The aroma is classic, tomato.
Elongated tomatoes are convenient to preserve whole. They look beautiful in a jar, and when served, their ability to maintain a dense pulp structure when marinated and salted becomes noticeable.
From fully ripened tomatoes you can make juice or a filling for lecho and tomato-based snacks. The consistency of the pulp and its sweet taste make it possible to use the Red Fang variety for making sun-dried tomatoes.
Agricultural technology varieties
Sowing of early ripening varieties begins 50-60 days before they are planted in a permanent place. For sowing, prepare a substrate from equal parts of humus, garden soil and fine sand, adding 2 tbsp for every 10 kg of mixture. l. chalk or dolomite flour. To disinfect, soak the soil scattered in boxes with a hot dark solution of potassium permanganate.
You can prepare tomato seeds yourself if your first acquaintance with the Red Fang tomato was successful. But these seeds will have to be neutralized in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin. The grains are soaked in warm liquid for 30-40 minutes, and then dried until free-flowing. You can sow them as soon as the soil cools down.
Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil in a box, and cover them with dry sand on top with a layer of 0.5 cm. There is no need to water the crops. Cover the box with film and make 2-3 holes in it for air exchange.
Place for germination in a warm place (+25°C). Under such conditions, tomato seedlings appear within 4-5 days. After this, the film should be removed. The tomatoes can remain warm for the first few days, but after about 1 week they can be moved to cooler conditions (about +20 °C during the day and not lower than +16 °C at night).
Seedlings need to be watered as the soil dries to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. When watering, use slightly warm water with potassium permanganate. To prevent blackleg, pollinate seedlings with sifted wood ash after each watering.
After the formation of 2-3 leaves, plant the seedlings in common boxes according to a 10x10 cm pattern or in separate pots with a capacity of about 0.5 liters, using the same soil as for sowing the seeds. Further care consists only of timely watering of the growing bushes. They do not need feeding, but do require good lighting.
For planting Red Fang tomatoes, it is recommended to set aside a sunny area. Bushes are planted in groups of 4. per 1 m². If the seedlings have stretched out, it is convenient to plant horizontally, placing the tomatoes in a groove 20 cm deep. Leave the top with 4-5 leaves above the surface.
When inflorescences appear on the plants, feed the tomatoes with complex mineral fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus (Signor Tomato, Tomato Crystal, Kemira Lux, etc.). Repeat the same feeding after 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers and organic matter cannot be applied during flowering and fruiting.
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Description and characteristics of the variety
You can grow the Red Fang tomato in open ground or in film shelters. It has determinate bushes reaching 80-90 cm. The fruits ripen quickly - 85-100 days after the first shoots.
Tomatoes grow in large clusters of 15-20 pieces. The shape of the fruit is oval, elongated, and may be slightly curved. The weight ranges from 40-60 to 80 g. The skin is dense and durable, not prone to cracking. The pulp is sweet with a slight sourness, there are 2 seed chambers inside the fruit, the walls are thick. Tomatoes are used to decorate dishes, preserve food, eat in salads and add to dishes.
There is also a variety called Red Fang from, the stated characteristics of which differ from those described above. The variety from “Aelita” has indeterminate bushes 1.5-1.8 m long, small fruits 10-15 g each, which are collected in clusters of 5-10 pieces.
Cultivation is carried out in the traditional way through seedlings. Planting material is placed in small containers and covered with film. After the formation of 2 or 3 leaves, a dive is made. To form strong shoots, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light, with a deficiency of which the seedlings become elongated and thin.
Description of the Trans Rio tomato, characteristics and cultivation of the varietyRead
Seedlings are planted in a place of permanent cultivation after there is no threat of return of frost. The area must be protected from strong gusts of wind. The soil is prepared in advance and enriched with mineral complexes.
Picking seedlings
The first shoots will begin to appear within 4-6 days, this moment is very suitable for picking seedlings. If you do this later, you can significantly slow down plant growth.
After the first shoots appear, the film must be removed. Ripe seedlings of the Brave General tomato acquire a purple tint to the stems. We choose neat, healthy sprouts with one or two leaves. Carefully transplant them into a separate container.
After this, it is necessary to compact the soil so that the plants “grab the ground.” Therefore, do not forget to water the tomatoes and turn the cups from time to time.
The soil in containers must be loosened to provide maximum oxygen to the tomato roots. Thanks to this, the plant will strengthen perfectly and develop evenly.
Advice! To get a good harvest, it is recommended to plant sprouted seedlings 60-65 days after their appearance. To grow early fruits, it is best to plant seedlings in the second half of March. About one to two weeks before, the finished seedlings should be hardened off. To do this, it is taken out into the open air. It is advisable to avoid drafts.
Let's start with the yellow-orange pomo d'oro, the color "pommel de Peru"!
Honey Saved, Persimmon and Oxheart Orange and Gold. Golden heart
Honey saved
Filled with honey to the brim...
Typically, orange-colored tomatoes are considered more acidic than those with a “skin” of a different color. But these three have an excellent sweet taste! Especially Honey saved!
Bred by such a breeding luminary as V.N. Derenko, Honey Spas, registered in 2004 as a “variety for greenhouses and open ground,” quickly won its place in each region of Russia.
Growing freely in a greenhouse up to 2 m in height (in open ground - up to 170 cm), this nightshade forms on one cluster up to 6 large, round orange or deep yellow, rich berries covered with large green leaves. Berry weight up to 250 g.
Ripe pomo d'oro keeps well in the refrigerator until winter.
“I sowed the seeds in mid-March, since I don’t use lighting. The seedlings grew well and strong (spring brought us plenty of sunny days). I planted my tomatoes already in mid-May. I grow a lot of different ones in order to select the best ones for myself.
But the weather in the summer of 2014 was not on the side of gardeners; heavy torrential and prolonged rains were followed by heat. Many died, but Honey saved us, and the first babies on it had already matured by July 20, although it was declared as average, while the well-known Riddle gave nothing at all.
My Honey Spa fruited the longest and lasted until the last and survived the fight against late blight. The last tomatoes were picked clean and healthy, although not very ripe. Honey Spas showed its best side even in not very favorable conditions. Sow this variety and you won’t regret it!”
It even looks sweet!
The Persimmon tomato is not so tall - only 70-90 cm in open ground and 120-140 cm in a greenhouse. It needs a garter. This nightshade has good yields, but is susceptible to frequent diseases.
The shape of the Persimmon berry resembles a persimmon, weighing 350-400 g. Ripe Persimmon is very sweet and fleshy, but overripe ones begin to sour. Excellent for both salads and canning.
There is no exact definition for ripeness. Judging by the reviews, some believe that ripeness is in a bright, orange-yellow color, others argue that this color is a sign that the Persimmon is already overripe.
Red-red F-1, Siberian precocious, King of kings, Babushkino
Let's skip ahead to the classic hybrid.
Red-red F-1
Like a bright light in the garden
This is not just a red tomato, this is a pure scarlet tomato! And despite the fact that this “spark” still does not feel very comfortable among the established types of tomatoes, it is stable enough to recommend it for private greenhouses and plots - it is reproduced from the seeds that its berries contain without changes.
The berry size is average (at least 150 g, but not more than 500).
Number of scarlet balls up to 7 pcs., early ripening. The pulp is very juicy, classic tomato taste with a slight sourness, when broken it is sugary, loose, crystalline. The height of the stem does not exceed one and a half meters.
Everything for your beloved grandchildren!
But this is not a hybrid at all and, contrary to widespread rumors, the F-1 does not have any hybrids! Grandmother's Basket, Grandmother's Happiness, Grandmother's Kiss or Grandmother's Secret are separate varieties of “grandmothers”.
And Grandma’s Secret generally applies to pink tomatoes! True, this does not prevent Secret from growing sunny fruit weighing up to 700 g, but to be honest, the normal weight of the fruit is 350-400 g.
But let's return to the blush-red Babushkino. Their weight is 300-800 g. Outwardly, the skin of the flat-round, smooth, dense “granddaughters” may have a faint pinkish tint, but when scrapped you can see how bright red their flesh is. “Apple” can be stored for a long time, but its puree tastes simply excellent! Salads and marinades are also good. There are usually 12 of these red-cheeked “granddaughters” on the hand.
Grandmother's mid-early plant can be planted not only with seedlings, but also with seeds in open ground, because These sprouts tolerate low temperatures well and are resistant to common tomato diseases. So Babushkino tomatoes can be grown in any region of Russia!
Turns red right before our eyes...
This Peruvian fruit especially pleases the residents of the Urals and Siberia. It can be sold under different names: Siberian Tiger, Siberian Giant, Siberian Trump, Siberian Malachite, Siberian Bear and even Siberian Pirouette or Cossack. These are all varieties of an early, productive, low-growing variety of Siberian early ripening bunch tomato.
The name speaks for itself - a pleasant red color with yellow-green “streaks” or an orange-yellow tint, weighing 100-120 g, with a yield of up to 7 kg. from an open bush and up to 9 kg. in the greenhouse.
Excellent pure tomato taste, ideal for juices and salads. The downside is that it is completely devoid of keeping quality, and when you try to fill it with marinade, it bursts.
But it is absolutely resistant to brown spot and tobacco mottle virus (TMV). It is resistant to other nightshade diseases with a solid “4”.
King of Kings
A royal product - definitely!
This is another giant among tomate, the favorite “tomatl” of Ukraine and Moldova.
Bushes with medium foliage reach 1.80-2 m in height, so it is worth forming them into 2 stems and be sure to tie them up, otherwise round, dense, heavy tomatoes weighing 1 kg (and more!) will easily break the fragile support, and the entire harvest will be destroyed. 5-6 kg. from the bush will end up on the ground.
One can sing songs of praise about the taste qualities of the mid-late King, they are so good fresh, in salad delights, and in tomato pastes and juices. This is when the berry has already turned deep red, and while it is still yellow-green, it is readily used as an ingredient for interesting winter salads and as individual twists.
Nobleman or Budenovka?
How to distinguish and is there a difference?
And so - Nobleman.
Noble berries
The powerful stem grows up to 80 cm in height. Formed from 2 initial ones.
In order for the plant to become as fruitful as possible, only 1 stepson is left at the bottom under the very first flower cluster, the rest are pinched.
Somewhat similar to the Bull's heart - elongated, heart-shaped (sometimes adjacent to rounded, robust ones), weighing up to 500 g, fleshy, sugary at the break, excellent sweet, slightly sour taste of freshly squeezed juice. A whitish spot remains on the cut near the stalk.
Ideal for table consumption. Unfortunately, it cannot be stored for a long time.
Now - Budenovka.
The nobleman, having changed color, becomes... Budenovka!
A powerful bush grows up to 80 cm in height... And so on.
The description is one to one with the Nobleman. So why are they still separated by name? There is a difference - the color of the berry.
Velmozhi has red-burgundy fruits, while Budenovka has bright pink-scarlet fruits.
Both tomatoes have common related roots, hence their identity. The only difference is the color!
“I grew Budenovka for many years and was very pleased. This year I replaced her with Nobleman. It is more productive, it seems to me, although the varieties are very similar. The fruits grow by leaps and bounds, are very fleshy and sweet. The trouble is that they quickly lose their elasticity, but they don’t go into salads and are not processed – that’s just it!”
“This year I tried Velmozha. Didn't like it at all! The fruits quickly lose their elasticity, begin to leak, and become soft. Next year I will return to my beloved Budenovka!”
Selection of seeds and seedlings
Buy tomato seeds of proven varieties. Before planting, it is better to sort them, choose the largest ones with the correct shape; small seeds are not suitable for planting. When choosing a seed variety, rely on your personal taste preferences. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and then rinse with running water.
Shoots and seedlings
You can either grow seedlings yourself or purchase them in specialized places and greenhouses
When choosing seedlings, pay attention to the stem and foliage of the plant. The color of tomato seedlings should be uniform, light or dark (depending on the variety), leaves without damage, strong, elastic
It is better not to buy seedlings with brown or wilted leaves. Also, special attention should be paid to the root system of the tomato. The root should be developed, uniform in color, without damage.
A plant that will bring you a good harvest in the future must be healthy, without signs of insect attack or disease infection. When growing seedlings yourself, prepare soil enriched with organic fertilizers, approximately 2:1. The container for seedlings can be disposable cups or small pots. Make special holes to drain excess water at the bottom of the container and fill with prepared soil. Then plant the seeds at a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. Maintain the temperature of the seedlings at least +25 degrees and provide sufficient watering. After a week, with proper care, you should be pleased with the friendly shoots of tomatoes.
Description of the Red Fang tomato variety, its characteristics and yield
An increasing number of gardeners are guided by reviews of real people when choosing tomato varieties. Fans of low-growing, high-yielding varieties are advised to pay attention to the Red Fang tomato variety. Despite the small growth and compactness of the bushes, the garden crop is able to please with the yield of tasty tomato fruits of unusual shape.
Description of the variety
The Red Fang tomato variety is grown in open ground conditions. The plant belongs to the determinate species and is characterized by compact bushes with a small mass of greenery. Short ripening periods make it possible to obtain early fruiting.
- Tomatoes have a rich red color.
- Tomatoes are characterized by an elongated shape that looks like a fang, thanks to which the variety received its unusual name.
- On average, the weight of one fruit reaches 90 grams.
- The yield for low bushes is considered high and on average up to 10 vegetables are harvested from one bunch.
- Fruit yield indicators largely depend on the growing region and climatic conditions.
The pulp of the fruit is distinguished by good fleshiness and there are no notes of acid in the taste. Thanks to the thin skin, vegetables lend themselves well to cutting, after which they do not fall apart. Reviews from gardeners indicate that some specimens are up to 15 cm long and note a small number of seeds.
Red fang is consumed fresh, but due to its neat elongated shape, the fruit is often used as a canning material. The main direction for long-length fruits is to use them in salads, which acquire a rich, bright taste.
Vegetables of this variety withstand heat well and are able to maintain their proper appearance after processing.
Characteristics of early ripening tomato Red Fang, cultivation and care
The early-ripening tomato Red Fang appeared on the seed market not too long ago, but has already been tested and appreciated by gardeners. Over the course of several years, the country's vegetable growers managed to try to grow it in open and closed ground and in different climatic conditions of Russia.
Features of the fruit
Tomatoes are collected in clusters of 15-20 pieces. The weight of 1 berry is 40-60 g, the ovaries, which are the last to form on the cluster, often lag behind the rest in size. The shape of the tomatoes is ovoid, slightly elongated, finger-type.
The skin is very durable, the berries do not crack when ripe, even in conditions of excessive humidity. Tomatoes can be transported at the stage of full ripeness; they can retain their presentation for a long time. Unripe tomatoes ripen easily in room conditions. The color at technical ripeness is uniform, light green. As the fruits ripen, they turn red.
The pulp is dense, elastic even in a state of biological ripeness. Seed chambers 2 pcs. The walls are thick, up to 1 cm. The flesh is uniformly colored and red. The taste qualities are rated as high: the fruits are sweet, sometimes with a slight piquant sourness. The aroma is classic, tomato.
Elongated tomatoes are convenient to preserve whole. They look beautiful in a jar, and when served, their ability to maintain a dense pulp structure when marinated and salted becomes noticeable.
From fully ripened tomatoes you can make juice or a filling for lecho and tomato-based snacks. The consistency of the pulp and its sweet taste make it possible to use the Red Fang variety for making sun-dried tomatoes.
Agricultural technology varieties
Sowing of early ripening varieties begins 50-60 days before they are planted in a permanent place. For sowing, prepare a substrate from equal parts of humus, garden soil and fine sand, adding 2 tbsp for every 10 kg of mixture. l. chalk or dolomite flour. To disinfect, soak the soil scattered in boxes with a hot dark solution of potassium permanganate.
You can prepare tomato seeds yourself if your first acquaintance with the Red Fang tomato was successful. But these seeds will have to be neutralized in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin. The grains are soaked in warm liquid for 30-40 minutes, and then dried until free-flowing. You can sow them as soon as the soil cools down.
Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil in a box, and cover them with dry sand on top with a layer of 0.5 cm. There is no need to water the crops. Cover the box with film and make 2-3 holes in it for air exchange.
Place for germination in a warm place (+25°C). Under such conditions, tomato seedlings appear within 4-5 days. After this, the film should be removed. The tomatoes can remain warm for the first few days, but after about 1 week they can be moved to cooler conditions (about +20 °C during the day and not lower than +16 °C at night).
Seedlings need to be watered as the soil dries to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. When watering, use slightly warm water with potassium permanganate. To prevent blackleg, pollinate seedlings with sifted wood ash after each watering.
After the formation of 2-3 leaves, plant the seedlings in common boxes according to a 10x10 cm pattern or in separate pots with a capacity of about 0.5 liters, using the same soil as for sowing the seeds. Further care consists only of timely watering of the growing bushes. They do not need feeding, but do require good lighting.
For planting Red Fang tomatoes, it is recommended to set aside a sunny area. Bushes are planted in groups of 4. per 1 m². If the seedlings have stretched out, it is convenient to plant horizontally, placing the tomatoes in a groove 20 cm deep. Leave the top with 4-5 leaves above the surface.
When inflorescences appear on the plants, feed the tomatoes with complex mineral fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus (Signor Tomato, Tomato Crystal, Kemira Lux, etc.). Repeat the same feeding after 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers and organic matter cannot be applied during flowering and fruiting.
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Tomato Pink Fang: variety characteristics, yield, reviews
Many summer residents are faced with the question of which mid-season variety of tomatoes to choose for growing in their garden or greenhouse. One of the good options is the Pink Fang tomato.
It has excellent taste, good and stable yield. What characteristics are different, what can be expected from the harvest, how to properly plant and care for seedlings - experienced gardeners will tell us about this and other important points.
Main characteristics of the variety
Pink fang is a mid-season tomato variety. The bushes of the plant are quite tall - they grow up to 1.9 m in height. In view of this, the bushes must be systematically tied up. It is best to form a plant with 2-3 stems. The leaf blades are ordinary.
The fruits of the variety ripen in pink color. They have a small weight - about 90-100 grams, more often - less than 80. Their shape is oblong, they can reach up to 17 cm in length. Each ripe fruit grows fleshy, and there is practically no seed material in the chambers.
The variety is unpretentious in caring for itself; it can be grown both in open ground conditions in the garden and in greenhouses of any kind. It can grow in any region of the country if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology.
After planting the seedlings, the first fruits of the Pink Fang tomato can be harvested after 120-130 days. Technical maturity occurs a little earlier - in 80-90 days. The main purpose of the variety is preparing salads and canning.
The abundance of the harvest greatly depends on compliance with all the rules of cultivation and planting. The soil and quality of planting material also play a big role. So, from 1 square of soil you can collect an average of 3-4 kg. fruits of the Pink Fang.
That is, the yield of the variety is average, but you can achieve much better results if you systematically add various mineral and organic fertilizers and fertilizers to the soil under the bushes.
Advantages and disadvantages
All varieties have their pros and cons. For Pink Fang they are:
- Quite abundant yield;
- Easy to care and plant;
- Long keeping quality;
- Possibility of transportation over long distances;
- Good variety for commercial cultivation;
- Resistance to some tomato diseases.
- The need for garter and formation of stems;
- It is difficult to grow in the northern part of the country.
How to grow
It is best to plant seeds of this variety in February. First of all, you need to purchase high-quality soil suitable for tomato seedlings. You can prepare it yourself by mixing sand with soil and sawdust.
Seed preparation
To prepare planting material, you should use the following method:
- Soak the seeds in warm water - wet a bandage or gauze, put the seeds there, wrap them, leave for 24 hours;
- Pour the soil into small containers, water (lightly), and press with your palm;
- Place the seeds in the soil at a distance of 3 cm from each other, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, again press lightly with your palm;
- Water again, only more abundantly, and cover the containers with polyethylene to create a condensation effect;
- Place the container in a warm, dark place;
- After a couple of days, the first shoots should appear - then the seedlings can be placed on the windowsill.
Landing in the ground
As soon as the plant sprouts grow to 2-3 cm in height, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. It is important that it is already quite well warmed up, since this variety is heat-loving.
Since the Pink Fang bushes are tall, 1 sq. m. You can plant no more than 2-3 plants. Planting pattern – 40 by 40 cm from each other.
- Dig up the soil that you prepared back in February;
- Form small holes 5-6 cm deep;
- Carefully remove the seedlings and transplant them into the holes;
- Water lightly.
Rules of care
Basic care for tomatoes comes down to timely watering of the soil and keeping the temperature within 18-20 degrees. The lighting should also be good - the variety will develop more actively.
It is worth feeding tomatoes three times - after planting seedlings, after transplanting into open ground, and 20-30 days before ripening. More is not worth it, otherwise the plant will contain a large amount of chemicals.
Diseases and pests
Plants of this variety are susceptible to whitefly. This insect can seriously reduce productivity by spoiling plants. The methods of fighting are quite simple. First of all, all affected plants must be removed, and then weeds and debris must be removed from the garden.
The main disease that also harms the plant is nematode. This virus lives deep in the soil and can become active during the growing season of plants. To prevent this, you need to treat the soil with special fungicides before planting. You can find them in garden stores.
Arkady Nikiforovich, 56 years old, Astrakhan
“To prevent this variety from suffering from flies and other insects, before planting the seedlings and before planting in the soil, the plants can be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This is a gentle method, without the use of chemicals. It always helps me. Also, it’s worth buying soil rather than preparing it yourself if you don’t have experience.”
Helpful advice from a reader
Never water seedlings 2-3 days before planting. It is better to do this 12-24 hours in advance. This is necessary so that the soil gets wet and all plants are replanted without damage. If the soil is too dry, you can simply break any part of it or damage it.
A little history
The tomato is the fruit of a perennial nightshade plant called tomato.
This word and the plant itself came to Russia from France, and to France from Italy, presumably in the 16th century. In Italy, the plants were called pomo d'oro - “golden apple” and they were yellow-sunny in color, because this is how the Mays and Aztecs grew them, believing that “tomatli” were sent to them by the solar goddess of medicine, health and healing - Ishtilton (Ichtilton) .
The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as “pommel de Peru” - “apple from Peru.” The loving French gave the “apple” its name, which the Russians also used for a long time - “une pomme d 'amour' - 'love apple'.
Such a gift for anyone's heart! In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine the Second, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruit so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to plant this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian “love” berry took on unprecedented proportions.
Oh, the queen didn’t know that tomatoes had long been settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhan, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!
What varieties of tomatoes does the 21st century offer us?
Cultivation is carried out in the traditional way through seedlings. Planting material is placed in small containers and covered with film. After the formation of 2 or 3 leaves, a dive is made. To form strong shoots, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light, with a deficiency of which the seedlings become elongated and thin.
Description of the tomato variety Pani Yana, its characteristics and productivityRead
Seedlings are planted in a place of permanent cultivation after there is no threat of return of frost. The area must be protected from strong gusts of wind. The soil is prepared in advance and enriched with mineral complexes.
Pests and diseases
The tomato is resistant to most viruses and fungi. The crop ripens before late blight begins to spread.
To protect plants, the following preventive measures are sufficient:
- the greenhouse requires regular ventilation;
- watering should not be excessive;
- balanced feeding is required, containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus;
- calcium is needed to prevent blossom end rot;
- plants are periodically sprayed with Fitosporin or folk remedies to avoid diseases;
- Before planting, disinfect the soil and seeds;
- observe crop rotation.
The tomato is not resistant to pests; it is attacked by the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and other parasites. It is necessary to regularly inspect the plantings and, if signs of disease appear, treat them with folk remedies. This is a solution of laundry soap, whey, wood ash, tobacco infusion, onion peel, crushed garlic. If all else fails, insecticides are used.