Square watermelons in Japan - how they are grown and how much they cost

Thanks to the achievements of genetics and selection, developed countries are experimenting with cultivated plants, changing color, taste, and shape. But, of course, Japan is ahead of everyone with its know-how. One of the interesting finds is square watermelons, the place of birth of which is considered to be the island of Shikoku, and the year of birth is 1960. It turned out to be a poor harvest; in order to improve the situation, farmers offered a new product - cubic watermelons, which went with a bang. Now a watermelon berry of this configuration does not surprise the Japanese and has already gained admirers in other countries.

Making a square shape with your own hands

Don't waste money on a mold for growing watermelons, but create one yourself. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • main material of the box (polycarbonate, plexiglass or plywood) – 1 sheet (panel) with an approximate thickness of 12 mm;
  • a metal corner with a width of at least 30 mm;
  • door hinges – 4 pcs.;
  • door latches – 2 pcs.;
  • fastening elements – bolts with nuts, self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • feather drill with a diameter of 0.25 cm.

Container creation process:

  • Cut 6 blanks from the main material of the box. At the same time, make one with dimensions of 25 × 25 cm, and the others a little larger. In this case, the diagonal of the container must be wider than the diagonal of the watermelon itself, otherwise it will not fit.

  • Prepare the workpieces for assembly. On the workpiece that will be the top cover, drill a 2.5 cm hole. From it to the edge, cut a strip about 2 cm wide.

  • Assemble the structure. Attach 2 door hinges to the side wall and lid. In this case, the ends of the walls on the sides should be covered with a lid. Next, connect the blanks with self-tapping screws with protruding caps. If necessary, reinforce the box joints with metal corners.

  • Make the finishing touches. Attach the 2 remaining door hinges to the bottom of the frame to create a second door. It will be needed when removing the fruit from the mold. Place locks on both doors. And in the corners of the structure, cut several small ventilation holes. For better heat perception, make the box black or transparent.

How square watermelons are born

For the first time, people started talking about quarrels, grown by Japanese breeders in Kagawa Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, at the turn of the 80s - 90s of the 20th century, and these conversations were tinged with condescending surprise - they say, what can people come up with. But gradually other countries around the world became interested in square watermelons, and now they are successfully grown not only in the Land of the Rising Sun, but also in Brazil and even in the UAE. And in Moscow you can already see such berries, which in turn causes a wave of genuine interest, a considerable amount of rumors and gossip, and a variety of questions - from “how much does it cost” to “how to grow it.”

To grow a square (or, more correctly, cubic) watermelon, you need little: at a certain moment, just place the developing ovary in a special container. The shape should be rigid plastic, plastic or glass cubic; you can also use, following the example of the Japanese, special steel blocks connected to each other. There are several methods for making such a form - for example, this:

  1. Prepare 6 durable polycarbonate sheets about 20 cm long and at least 8 mm thick. Drill a hole with a diameter of about 25 mm in one of the sheets - the future lid, then cut a piece of the sheet to the size of the hole from it to the edge and remove the sawn part.
  2. Attach the side sheets to the lid so that their ends overlap, and connect them with gate hinges.
  3. Measure the inside lengths of the sides, cut two insert sheets to these dimensions and, if necessary, adjust them so that they fit snugly in the container.
  4. Fasten them with screws (at least two at each end of the insert) to the sides of the box through the holes made in them. If the sheets are too thin, you can use a rectangular steel or aluminum corner cut into four pieces for fastening.
  5. Connect the bottom with gate hinges in the same way as you attached the walls to the lid.
  6. Opposite the gate hinges on the lid and on the bottom, fasten one loop with buckles.

This container can be used several times, but if you just want to experiment, you can create a simple disposable mold. To do this you need:

  1. Made from boards or plywood no more than 5 mm thick. knock down a box, a square box measuring 20x20x20 cm with one removable wall.
  2. Make a slot about 3 cm wide on one side and sand all sharp corners.
  3. Make holes in the corners for ventilation with a diameter of 5-8 mm.
  4. Paint the box black to help it trap heat (though this is not necessary).

You can prepare the form both in advance and after you plant your melon.

At first, the future square specimen is grown like an ordinary watermelon in the most ordinary beds by sowing healthy seeds of those varieties that are adapted to a specific climatic zone, or by seedlings, followed by planting the seedlings in open ground. The terms, conditions and requirements for growing watermelons at this stage are exactly the same as if you were growing watermelons of the usual round shape in your melon patch. The unusual begins when an ovary about the size of a tennis ball is formed on the watermelon loop (that is, up to 6 cm in height, sometimes up to 10). It should be removed from the bed and carefully placed in a box, threading a loop through the hole. Next, you just need to monitor how the berry grows, but this is not as simple as it looks at first glance. If you look at the experience of Japanese breeders in growing such berries, you will notice that they adjust the watermelon so that the stripes are positioned strictly vertically along the edges, and monitor watering and fertilizers to adjust the size. In addition, you need to remember that watermelon is a sunny berry, so it must be grown in a brightly lit place.

It is equally important not to miss the moment when the berry is ripe, but not too big, otherwise it will tear the box. When it reaches this size, the box can be disassembled (you can simply remove the lid from the reusable polycarbonate mold) and remove the quarrel by twisting the stalk three or four times

If you miss this time, all your hard work will be in vain.

It often happens that after removing the quark from the container, it is not bright enough in color. To restore it, it is enough to leave the berry in the sun for two to three days.

Pros and cons of growing unusual fruits

Square watermelons have certain advantages over round ones:

  • low risk of fruit damage during transportation;
  • the possibility of compact arrangement of berries during their storage;
  • convenient form for cutting portions;
  • long shelf life - as some sources say, such a watermelon can be stored for about a year without spoiling.

But this culture also has the following disadvantages:

  • unripeness of fruits associated with the berries being in a container for shaping;
  • the risk of being damaged upon contact with the container - if it is too tight, the berry, as it grows, becomes deformed;
  • decreased taste.

Taste characteristics and cost

Square watermelons, having taken the desired shape, do not have time to ripen. The cube-shaped berry does not have the taste of a ripe product. The seeds in the fruits also do not ripen.

In Japan, it is used to decorate shop windows and store shelves, where it will remain for a long time, or placed on a festive table. It looks great at events or weddings. The fruit retains its appearance throughout the year, which is convenient for display cases and advertising. But after cutting and tasting a watermelon, you won’t be able to taste the watermelon pulp.

At first, farmers explained the square shape for ease of transportation, when the “green cubes” were stacked one to one. In addition, they are convenient to place on the refrigerator shelf.

How much does a square miracle cost? In supermarkets in Japanese cities they sell it for 120-130 dollars apiece. Russia annually purchases 100 cubic watermelons. The domestic price for exotic berries is off the charts, reaching $500 apiece. Not everyone can afford an expensive product. This is an unusual decoration that can surprise friends or relatives.

Features of cultivation

In order for square-shaped watermelons to delight you with their harvest, you need to choose the right place to plant them. It should be sunny and unshaded. This melon crop does not like shade. The soil should be structured, rich in microelements and non-acidic.

If the soil does not meet these requirements, mix a little lime or wood ash into it. And add sand from the river to light and loose soil while digging.

Do not plant watermelons where other melons, cucumbers and cabbage previously grew. In this case, there is a risk of infecting the seeds with harmful viruses. Grow the crop where peas, potatoes, corn or sunflowers were.

Preparing and planting seeds

Most often, watermelons are grown from seedlings. The essence of this method is that in March the seeds are planted in small cups and after the sprouts appear, they are moved to open ground.

This method is applicable in those regions where the climate does not allow growing melons directly in the open air.

How to grow seedlings:

  • soak the seeds for 3 days in a growth stimulator;
  • put them in the refrigerator for 2 days;
  • sow the prepared seeds in cups with fertile soil;
  • cover the seedlings with film.

In order for the seeds to hatch on time and develop normally, water them regularly, ventilate them and maintain their optimal temperature of +25 degrees and above. Do not grow seedlings on a windowsill, as melons do not like temperature fluctuations.

After 1.5 weeks, watermelon sprouts will appear. Plant the crop in open ground at the end of the last spring month - beginning of summer. The seedlings should already have at least 5 leaves. The weather during planting should be warm and sunny. Add humus to the soil before planting.

Caring for seedlings before placing in mold

For the first 2 weeks after planting the sprouts outside, properly care for them:

  • regularly water the seedlings with warm water - once a week or once every 3 days if it’s hot;
  • cover them at night when the temperature drops;
  • systematically loosen the soil and feed the melon with liquid organic fertilizers;
  • ventilate the sprouts by lifting the film (if they are covered);
  • get rid of emerging weeds;
  • mulch the holes with a 10 cm layer of straw.

Growing in a greenhouse

If you live in a cold climate, grow watermelons in a greenhouse. The optimal height of such a greenhouse is approximately 1.7 m. At the same time, grow only melons and melons in it, since watermelons do not like other proximity in a confined space. The humidity in the greenhouse should not exceed 60%, and the temperature should not exceed +30 degrees.

Sow watermelon seeds, not seedlings, into the greenhouse soil. Water the crop regularly and ventilate the greenhouse. Despite the external protection, keep a watermelon cover at the ready in case the temperature drops at night.

When and how to put it in the mold and what to do next?

When the watermelon has grown to the size of a tennis ball (about 6-10 cm in diameter), place it in the container you made to give the fruit a square shape. Do this by threading the watermelon loop through the hole in the box.

What to do after placing the fruit in the container:

  • straighten the watermelon so that its stripes are located clearly vertically along its edges;
  • also water the crop abundantly;
  • Cover the container on top to prevent overheating.

Once the watermelon reaches the size of the container, it will begin to take on its shape. Typically, the ripening period for a crop after planting in the open air is approximately 95-100 days. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the watermelon is already ripe, but not too big. This cannot be allowed, otherwise it will tear the box.

After the berry reaches its ripeness, remove it from the garden bed by twisting the stalk several times and remove it from the box. For a reusable container, simply remove the lid.

It happens that after removal from the container, the watermelon is not bright enough in color. To fix this, leave the berries in the sun for 2-3 days.

Features of caring for seedlings before placing them in the form

Before growing square watermelons, you need to organize appropriate care. After transplanting, the holes need to be watered periodically. The soil must be moist all the time.

Place and lighting for culture

Choose a well-lit location facing south with minimal shading. It is advisable to organize the beds with a slight slope to the south, so the earth will warm up deeply.

Climatic conditions

Seedlings are transplanted into open beds in early June, when the risk of unexpected frosts is minimal. The climate required is dry, warm, the weather during planting should be sunny.

Soil requirements

Plants require structured soil with a large amount of nutrients. It is advisable to add a handful of wood ash to each hole.

Harvest and storage

Watermelons can be harvested 95-100 days after they are planted. If you are going to store the fruits for a long time, pick them during the first stage of ripeness. You can cut the fruits with a knife or pruning shears. In this case, leave the tail at least 5 cm long.

Store watermelons on a thin layer of straw in a dark place. Place the berries on racks or in earthen trenches. If the fruit has any damage, it will not be able to be stored for long.

Watch the video below on how to grow, select and store a square watermelon:

Sequence of manufacturing the structure

  1. First, prepare 6 square sheets of 20x20 cm from the material.
  2. Using fasteners, connect the sides of the cube.
  3. Then the lid is made. A circle with a diameter of 25 cm is drilled in the center of the square. Starting from points of the circle opposite in diameter, parallel lines are drawn to one of the sides of the lid. After making the cut, a wide gap is left.
  4. The lid and bottom plane of the cube are attached using rotary hinges. They are equipped with loops with a fastener.
  5. From an aluminum corner cut into 4 parts you will receive additional fasteners for fixing the walls of the mold.

Buying a ready-made form is quite difficult. The designs are sold in specialized stores in large cities. The number of form copies will be small. If you decide to make square watermelon production part of your business, you will need to specially order molds.

Reviews from gardeners and consumers

Yuri, 49 years old, builder, Armavir. I tried to grow square watermelons - it didn’t work out very well.
Many of the containers I bought were deformed under the influence of the growth force of the berries, and the watermelons themselves cracked. The shape was still more round than square. Disappointed. ★★★★★
Victoria, 38 years old, manager, Dmitrov. I think that when growing such watermelons, you need to take the most rigid container possible.
For example, glass flasks. In this case, there is a chance that they will withstand the growth of fruits. I tried this watermelon - in principle, the taste is interesting, but for me, it’s a little dry. Hide

Add your review

The secret of the appearance of square watermelons turned out to be quite simple. However, without following the cultivation technology and proper care, an attempt to grow such a fruit on your home plot may not be entirely successful. Consider the climate of your region and be sure to choose a rigid container to create the mold.



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How are they grown?

Compliance with certain conditions helps to achieve the expected result and grow not only beautiful in appearance, but also sweet berries. Watermelons are suitable only for southern climatic regions where the weather remains consistently hot and dry.

For planting, choose well-lit areas - shading is strictly contraindicated for the plant. Only non-acidic, fertile soil with added sand and lime is suitable.

Reference. Watermelons cannot be grown in areas where other melons or cabbage previously grew. Optimal predecessors are potatoes, peas, tomatoes and wheat.

At a certain stage of development, the young berry is enclosed in a rigid mold , which reliably fixes it on all sides. In this way, the specified geometric parameters are given. Enclosed in a cube, the fruit fills all available space as it grows.

Features of storing square berries

Late-ripening square watermelons are grown for long-term storage. After collection, they are laid out in a well-ventilated place on a layer of dry straw. The laying shape is a pyramid of 7-8 rows. Fence the area with fragile goods with boards. Scientists and plant breeders around the world undoubtedly continue to work on the creation of new bizarre forms of plants. The experiments concern many crops - melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, apples. Cone-shaped watermelons and cucumbers, which have a star-shaped cut rather than a round one, amaze the imagination of consumers.

If someone now decides that the square watermelon is a mutant fruit that genetic engineers have worked on, then they are mistaken. Anyone can grow a square watermelon if they really want to. Just think: the watermelon will not only have an unusual shape, but also get rid of its eternal property of rolling away somewhere like a bun.

What you will need: watermelon seed bed sun square plastic mold water for irrigation Almost everyone loves watermelons. This sweet and juicy melon crop is familiar to us since childhood. The taste of watermelon pulp is delicate and refreshing; we always associate it with summer time and relaxation. But maybe you're tired of round watermelons? Then it's time to experiment with growing a square watermelon.1. So, growing a square watermelon does not require any super special conditions. The same bed, the same watering and increased sun, as for all melons. Choose watermelon varieties that are adapted to your climate zone. The most important thing is to choose a square shape for growing. Here the following conditions must be observed: the form must be of the appropriate size, no less than 20X20 cm, and allow light and air to pass through. The size of the form determines the size of the fruit in the end, good light transmission allows the fruit to ripen, we want a ripe watermelon, and the possibility of ventilation is necessary so that the fruit does not rot. Also keep in mind that the stiffer the shape, the more correct the contours of the fruit. The ideal option is a plastic transparent container in which frequent holes are drilled in the upper part. Make the container collapsible, then you can use it more than once. At the top there should be a hole for the “tail” of the watermelon, with which it is attached to the vine.2. We start by growing seedlings. We germinate a watermelon seed, grow a watermelon seedling to 5 strong leaves in a seedling pot, then plant it in a prepared bed in the sunniest place. The land should be well fertilized with humus or manure. If the nights are cool in your area, then we cover the seedlings, creating the effect of a greenhouse. Water with sufficient quantities of non-cold water and wait for the ovaries to form.3. After flowering, the ovaries of future watermelons are formed. When the fruit is the size of an apple, place it in a plastic box. We monitor watering, the soil should be moist. Watermelon ripens approximately 90-100 days after planting in the ground. As the fruit grows, it will fill the square container and take its shape. All that remains is to disassemble the container and surprise your friends with an unusual fruit. In the same way, you can shape zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin and other vegetables. Try experimenting!

How to make a polycarbonate cube for melons

The process of making a plastic cube looks like this:

  1. Take one of the polycarbonate sheets. Using a drill or hole saw, drill a hole 2.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Using a hand hacksaw or jigsaw, make 2 cuts in the direction from the hole to one of the edges of the sheet. Remove the cut piece. This is the hole for the watermelon tail.
  3. Now make the side. Attach it to the lid, blocking the end. Connect both sheets with gate loops.
  4. Do the same on the opposite side.
  5. The two remaining side inserts need to be adjusted in size so that they fit snugly into the remaining openings. Accurately measure the length and width, if necessary, file.
  6. Use a drill to make pilot holes in the sides so that they go deep into the ends of the inserts (at least two in each). Screw screws into the holes.

Advice. If the plastic sheets are thin, then the screws can be replaced with corners. But in this case, fix them very firmly, since under pressure the walls of such a box can bulge out from the inside and become rounded. Because of this, a watermelon cube will not work.

The final stage of manufacturing the box is to install the bottom. You need to cut it according to the insertion principle, adjusting the size. The principle of fastening is similar to the lid (hinges). All loops should be secured with buckles. Place the latter opposite each loop. Finally, make sure that the finished form lets in not only light, but also air. Otherwise, the vegetable may rot.

Any variety of watermelon can be given an unusual shape.

Where do you buy it and how much does it cost?

If you want to purchase a square watermelon, the price will surprise you. For one fruit, the cost increases to 20 thousand rubles or even more. There are only a couple of stores that provide such watermelons for purchase. Accordingly, not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. The price includes the following:

  • uniqueness of specimens;
  • transportation from Japan;
  • customs duties;
  • services of breeders for cultivation.

Based on all of the above, one thing we can say is that there is no difference between taste and color. Accordingly, it’s up to you to decide whether to buy ready-made fruit or grow it yourself. And as they say, if there is no difference, why pay more.

How to choose a container

The container in which the fruit is placed must be made of transparent material. The container size is usually twenty by twenty centimeters. There must be holes in the top so that air gets to the fruit.

Collapsible forms for such purposes are sold in stores, but very rarely. Finding and buying such a form will be quite problematic. But if you are a jack of all trades, then there is an ideal solution for you. You can make the mold for the fruit yourself.

To make a container you will need:

  • Polycarbonate with a thickness of eight millimeters and a side of twenty in the amount of 6 pieces;
  • Gate hinges 4 pieces;
  • Two loops with strands;
  • Screws;
  • Nuts;
  • Steel corner with which the walls of the product are fixed;
  • The screws are ordinary and thin.

A screwdriver, drill and jigsaw are the tools you will need to complete the work. The polycarbonate is connected together with loops to form a box. That's all the wisdom in making a container.

How to determine the degree of ripeness of fruits

For an unnaturally shaped watermelon, determining ripeness plays an important role. They are recognized primarily by external signs:

  • the stalk of a ripe watermelon is dried;
  • the bark becomes softer and dull;
  • the part of the berry lying towards the ground becomes whitish.

As for determining ripeness by “ringing”, such a fruit will be overripe.

Why grow such a fruit at all?

The Japanese, who at one time were actively involved in the selection of this type of watermelon, claim that very often square watermelons do not ripen to the end. And due to the fact that such original exhibits are quite expensive on store shelves, these plants are most often used as decorative elements. A square fruit, if all storage conditions are met, can last about a year.

Such watermelons are often bought for major celebrations: anniversaries, weddings. Cubic fruits are not sold everywhere.

Square watermelons are very convenient for transportation. They can be placed quite compactly in the back of a car, with less chance of spoiling the goods while driving the car. The best thing about these berries is that they are grown in the usual way without the use of chemicals. Moreover, it is not even a genetically modified product. Square watermelon is the most common fruit with an unusual shape.

A few facts about watermelon breeding:

  • Japanese students have developed a variety of decorative watermelons that also have excellent taste. After this discovery was patented, and since 2007, square watermelons of the official trademark began to be sold in Japan.
  • Chinese scientists have developed watermelons with golden-colored flesh. Gold is highly revered in this country and is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In this regard, watermelon has become very popular.
  • In Israel, breeders are trying to cultivate seedless watermelon.
  • It is known that there are even low-calorie varieties of watermelon. With reduced sugar content and increased fructose content.

Growing watermelons is not easy. Requires endurance and a thorough approach. This applies to both cubic and ordinary plants. Starting from planting seedlings and ending with waiting for the formed fruits to ripen, the process requires complete dedication and optimism. But if you approach everything with the desire to achieve results, then you are guaranteed an excellent harvest.

How to grow cube fruit yourself

It is recommended to grow cubic watermelons in the southern regions, which are most suitable for this plant in terms of climatic conditions. If you decide to grow such a fruit yourself, then the first thing you need to do is decide on the plant variety. Now there are varieties climatically adapted to colder territories, but, nevertheless, watermelons in the middle zone rarely have time to grow large enough to allow them to form themselves into a cubic shape.

Once the plant variety has been selected, the next step will be planting the seedlings. This must be done in early May, otherwise the fruits will not have time to grow and there will be practically no chance of getting a decent harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

The internal contents of a watermelon are no different from the standard shaped mouth of berries. True, they may be inferior in taste standards. But such berries have a number of distinctive features:

  • convenient to store and transport, minimizing transportation costs;
  • convenient to place on the dining table and in the refrigerator;
  • square shape facilitates accurate cutting;
  • high cost on the market.

But the transformation affected only the external forms of the berry and did not affect the taste characteristics. For inexperienced farmers, the berries ripen unevenly or do not have time to ripen , so they are inferior in sweetness and richness of taste to their oval counterparts.

And also, each striped berry needs to be observed and cared for daily so as not to spoil the appearance and commercial attractiveness.

These two factors can be safely attributed to the disadvantages, which prevent the process of large-scale production from starting and displacing watermelons of the usual shape.


People who see a square watermelon for the first time are very surprised. After all, for our eyes the sight is quite outlandish, but not new. The very first specimen of the square berry was grown 30 years ago on a Japanese island. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this watermelon has gained popularity in the form of decoration or an original gift. Let's look at what the differences are:

  • First, it’s worth mentioning the form;
  • round watermelon is grown in open ground, and square specimens are grown in special forms;
  • The strange berry requires delicate care.

This is where all the differences end. As for the taste, it is the same in both cases. The square watermelon has the same red and sugary flesh. So you don’t have to worry about the taste.

The history of the appearance of unusual shapes of berries

In the 60s of the last century, the Japanese introduced the technology of growing square watermelons. Specialists pursued several goals - attracting the attention of buyers, increasing convenience during storage and transportation.

Practical-shaped fruits take up less space in warehouses because they are stacked more compactly. Less damaged during transportation. Large berries of unusual shape serve as a real decoration for shop windows and festive tables. The product is considered exclusive and highly valued.

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