How long does it take for carrots to sprout in open ground? How many days does it take for carrots to sprout in open ground? Carrots did not sprout: reasons - what to do?

How many days does it take for carrots to sprout?

The surface of the seeds contains an essential oil, which is a germination inhibitor. That is, it inhibits seed germination. To speed up germination, it is necessary to stimulate the process and remove essential oils from the surface. It is worth adhering to certain rules.

How many days does it take for carrots to sprout?

  • The germination period depends on the ambient temperature and related factors.
  • If it is quite cool outside, then you should not expect the first shoots to appear earlier than in 20-30 days.
  • If the weather is quite warm outside, the daytime temperature stays at 12-15 degrees, then the first shoots will appear in a week or two.


Reasons for the slow development of carrot sprouts

It often happens that seeds, even prepared ones, germinate poorly, very slowly and at different times. It is not possible to produce young stems in a curly brush bed. Why does this happen, what else does the successful development of a young plant depend on?

There are several reasons for delayed growth of carrot seedlings. They can be divided into several categories:

Seed storage

Carrot seeds should be stored in a cool, dry place, as heat and moisture can cause them to germinate early, but frost will kill them. In addition, this seed can be stored for no longer than two to three years. Paper bags or the material of ordinary bags are best suited for their temporary habitat. The chances of life for seeds in plastic bags are minimal.

Soil features

  • For full and rapid growth of carrots, loose soil is required. Then the seeds will be able to quickly attach to the ground and, having received nutrition from it, sprout.
  • The composition of the soil is also an important point. Slow development can be caused by the heaviness of clay soil, which is why experts recommend adding sand to such soil so that the soil can breathe.
  • It happens that there is an excess amount of moisture in the soil. Even for moisture-loving carrots, this property will not be useful. The consequence may be a process of rotting.
  • It is not advisable to sow carrot seeds in soil that has recently been fertilized with manure. In this case, fresh “feeding” of the soil can become poison for them.

How many days does it take for carrots to sprout after sowing?

Despite the fact that carrots do not sprout well at low temperatures, you should not delay sowing the seeds.

How many days does it take for carrots to sprout after sowing:

  • It is best to carry out manipulation at the beginning of May or at the end of April. If the weather continues to be cold outside, it is necessary to use covering material.
  • The normal period for seed germination is 10-30 days. The warmer it is outside, the faster the seed will sprout. The first two or three leaves appear after 14-24 days.
  • After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to carry out care and weeding. Only after 20 days it is necessary to dive so that a distance of 6 cm remains between the crops.


Site selection

Before sowing carrots, you should choose a place to grow them. Planting should be carried out only in the most suitable areas. An incorrectly selected site increases the likelihood that the sprouts will not sprout.

The seeds should be planted in an area that receives good light throughout the day. If you germinate them with insufficient lighting levels, then because of this, seedlings appear much later. Areas with loamy and porous soils are ideal for planting material. Planting a plant in heavy soil can negatively affect root crops. In such soil they may form branched or have an irregular shape.

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How to fight aphids on carrots using folk remedies, how to treat themRead

What can I do to make carrots grow faster?

There are several ways to speed up the germination process of seeds. To do this, they need to be processed. Water and pre-soaking are required.

What to do to make carrots sprout faster:

  • At the initial stage, treatment with potassium permanganate is carried out to remove pests and microorganisms. To do this, prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to add 10 g of the product to 1000 ml of water. You need to pour the solution over the seeds and leave for about 30 minutes.
  • After this, washing is carried out to free the surface from residual potassium permanganate. Next, wood ash is treated to promote rapid rooting and seed growth. Pour boiling water over 200 g of ash and leave for about 2 days.
  • Metal ions and microelements contained in the ash will go into solution. Immerse the seeds in a gauze bag and place in this solution for 5 hours. After such manipulations, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in water at room temperature.


Preventing the problem from recurring

If June 10-15 has not yet arrived, then you can have time to plant carrots again by first digging up the bed. If you plan to plant a late-ripening variety, then the last planting is allowed on June 20-21.

A later sowing date will itself increase the chances of good germination due to factors such as warmer soil, warmer temperatures during the day, and a decrease in the activity of the carrot fly (if replanting occurs in June), which causes the most serious damage to the future harvest.

It is worth carrying out some preparatory measures, in particular:

  1. To weed out unsuitable seeds - to do this, fill them with warm water and leave for 10 hours. Bad seeds will float, and good ones will sink to the bottom.

  2. Additionally, you can prepare the seeds - soak them for several hours in a solution with microfertilizers or in a solution with wood ash. After soaking, the seeds are dried and planted. Also, on the eve of sowing, you can simply soak the seeds for a day in a wet cloth.
  3. Before planting, make sure that the soil is sufficiently moist. If not, then you need to water it, and only then plant the seeds.
  4. When planting, it is important to remember the optimal planting depth - 1 cm.
  5. If warm weather has not yet arrived, you can cover the beds with film, but at the same time check the condition of the beds daily so as not to miss the moment when the film needs to be removed.

If the carrots are disappointed by the lack of first shoots, it is worth understanding the reasons and correcting the mistakes made during replanting. Competently following the recommendations will increase the chances of success and enjoy the carrot harvest at the end of the season.

How to plant carrots so they sprout quickly?

Hot water can be used to remove essential oil from the surface.

How to plant carrots so they sprout quickly:

  • To do this, you need to warm the water to a temperature of 50 degrees, put the carrot seeds in a small bag made of bandage or gauze. Immerse the seeds in this solution for one minute.
  • Shake the bag constantly inside the hot water. This way you will wash the seeds from any remaining essential oil. It is necessary to soak the bag of seeds in hot water for 3 hours. After this, open the bag and place the prepared seeds on a dry cloth. Now you can sow and treat with potassium permanganate or other antiseptics.
  • To get good seedlings, it is necessary to sort the seeds. They choose one of the largest ones and put them in a separate container. After this, pour it into a bag made of linen or gauze and place it in a stream of hot water for about 10-12 minutes.
  • After this, you can wrap the seeds in a damp cloth for about 2 days. During this period, the seeds burst and the first sprouts appear on the surface. Prepared seeds can be placed in the refrigerator and continued storage until planting in the ground. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out; to do this, they must be moistened periodically.



To ensure seed germination, several useful methods are used to stimulate this process.


Pelleting is carried out to form a granule with a seed inside. This provides convenience in sowing. Regular seeds stick together and are more difficult to distribute evenly along the furrow. The pelleted ones are easier to distribute over the bed; they are used per sowing 1.5-2 times less than usual.

Pelleting rules:

  • seeds must have good germination;
  • must be fresh, seeds from previous years are not suitable;
  • use a ready-made solution for pelleting, which is sold in stores or prepare it yourself;
  • Ready-made pelleted seeds are sold in stores.


Germination of grains is carried out by three methods: in aerated water, in moisture, with the use of growth stimulants. For germination in aerated water:

  • It is necessary to prepare in advance a container with water and an aerator for the aquarium.
  • The seeds are poured into a container and filled with water.
  • Place an aerator there.
  • Oxygen is constantly supplied to the container.
  • The water is changed in the morning and evening.
  • The seeds will germinate after 2-4 days.

To carry out germination in moisture use:

  • A container with gauze lined at the bottom.
  • Pour out the seeds and spread them in a thin layer.
  • Cover the top with a second layer of gauze.
  • Wet the material thoroughly.
  • Leave in a warm place for 2-4 days.

The use of a growth stimulator germinates seeds quickly. The chemical composition includes a large number of micronutrients. The seeds are moistened with the solution and left in gauze for 10-12 hours.

Bubbling correctly

This is the treatment of seeds with oxygen or air in water. I keep the seeds in water at a temperature of 20 ° C with oxygen constantly supplied to the water. An electric aquarium compressor is used for these purposes. Seed germination occurs after 1-2 days.


Washing the material removes essential oils, which protect seeds from death and inhibit germination. To do this, they are lowered into a container with water at a temperature of 60 °C, kept for a couple of hours, then the water is changed to another with a temperature of 40 °C. The manipulation is carried out 3-4 times, then dried and sown.

Feeding with macronutrients to accelerate growth

To feed seeds with growth accelerators, ready-made preparations are used, which are sold in agricultural stores. The grains are placed in a container and processed according to the instructions. Using this method they germinate quickly.

How to prepare a bed

A plot of land for sowing carrots is prepared in early spring. It is dug up, fertilized if necessary, and drainage is formed for better soil aeration.

Coconut substrate

Coconut substrate is used for better germination. Seeds are distributed into the grooves, a substrate is placed under the seeds and sprinkled with soil.

When will carrot shoots appear if planted at home?

The fastest time for carrots to sprout is about a week. However, this happens in warm climates, when planted not in open ground, but on fabric or in water.

When carrot shoots appear if planted at home:

  • Therefore, do not worry if you have not seen the first shoots within 14-25 days.
  • You only need to worry if there are no sprouts 3-4 weeks after planting.
  • To prevent this situation, it is necessary to properly sort the seeds.


Improper watering

As mentioned above, in terms of soil moisture, carrots love the golden mean. And therefore it grows equally poorly in dry and damp soil.

Try to follow the watering schedule. In hot weather, water the beds three times a week. It is advisable to water abundantly, 3-4 liters per square meter.

In normal weather, when the tops have already grown greatly, you can reduce watering to just once a week.

Like most root vegetables, carrots begin to grow fruit after the tops have grown. It is at this moment that she needs more moisture.

And when the fruits have already grown, then excessive watering, on the contrary, will damage them. They will become brittle and begin to crack.

Carrots did not rise well: reasons

Carrots are very demanding on soil, its quality, and fertilizers. Therefore, the reason for prolonged germination is expired seeds. In this case, you risk getting areas or islands with sprouts and areas where nothing has sprouted.

The carrots did not grow well, reasons:

  • Bad seeds . To avoid this situation and get even beds, you can take the advice of summer residents and gardeners. You need to add a pinch of salt to a glass of water and immerse the seeds in it. Anything that floats up can be thrown away. Such seeds are empty and there is nothing in them except the shell. Carrots are very demanding on the soil, so you should pay attention to fertilizer. The culture loves humus, peat, sand, ash and mineral fertilizers, but is wary of organic components. This is mullein, or bird droppings. It is advisable to plant carrots in such soils no earlier than after one year.
  • Deep embedding into the soil. If you sow too deeply, you can get poor seedlings that appear too late. It is best to plant seeds in loose soil, because if a crust forms on the surface after planting, this prevents the emergence of seedlings. Do not cover the seeds with a large layer of soil. The optimal soil thickness is 1 cm. In this case, it is best to use a mixture prepared from humus, sand and soil in a 1:1:1 ratio to cover the seeds. You need to water not after the manipulation, but before it. That is, plant directly in wet soil.


What can go wrong with carrot growth?

Carrots prefer certain conditions in which they grow well with minimal care. This is loose, moderately moist, nutrient-rich soil and good lighting. In other cases, you will have to work hard to get the desired result.

Carrots grow poorly or not at all

Carrots grow poorly; they grow small, thin, clumsy, or do not grow at all.

After sowing, the carrots sprouted, but do not grow or grow, but very slowly. Look, the neighbors already have tall, strong tops, but ours are pale, thin, and short. What can I do to make carrots grow well?

First, you need to make sure that there really is a problem. Carrots are a vegetable with a long growing season. Even early-ripening varieties grow for more than 2 months; most popular varieties are mid- and late-ripening. Maybe you are expecting results too early and are sounding the alarm in vain? Maybe your neighbor planted carrots before you or he has an early variety, so the result is different.

If you are sure that something is going wrong, you need to do something about it, otherwise you risk being left without carrots. Below is a list of possible causes of poor carrot growth and ways to eliminate them, both at the pre-planting stage and in the middle of the season.

Carrots grow gnarled and horned

Instead of the smooth cylindrical root vegetables described on the packaging, we get crooked, split, oddly shaped carrots. There is a possibility that this is a characteristic feature of the variety, especially if you collect and sow your own seeds. But more likely reasons are insufficiently loose and moist soil and thickened planting.

small carrots

Gnarled Carrots: Meet Adam and Eve

Why didn’t the carrots sprout - what to do?

Do not think that if you place the seed closer to the surface, you will get good shoots. The fact is that if planted shallowly, the seeds can be washed away with water during rain. Therefore, take this into account and, if necessary, cover part of the plantings with film. The material may not germinate well due to lack of moisture, or when planting seeds that have not been previously treated. It is necessary to water the soil before planting and loosen it thoroughly.

Why didn’t the carrots sprout, what to do:

  • If the carrots have not sprouted within 30 days, you should not expect a good harvest.
  • The best way out of this situation is to dig up the bed and plant carrot seeds again.
  • However, in this case, it is best to follow all the rules and first germinate the seeds on cotton wool or a damp cloth.

First shoots

Why don't carrots sprout?

Carrots may not sprout for various reasons, but there are a number of main factors that have a negative effect:

  1. Violation of sowing deadlines. If the seeds are planted ahead of schedule (and it differs for different regions), then the material may freeze. If you plant them later than the appointed time, then in the absence of the required level of moisture in the soil, the seeds become barren. This happens because the shell does not dissolve, so the sprouts cannot hatch. When planting in the fall, you should not plant the seeds too early, as they will begin to germinate against the backdrop of warm weather, and when the cold weather sets in, they will die. If carrots are planted in early spring, then the first shoots can appear in 20 days; if in June, then in a week. That is, carrot grains require a favorable warm temperature.
  2. Unsuitable soil. It turns out that each carrot variety prefers a certain type of soil. That is why, when planting, it is necessary to carefully study the information on the packaging. However, there are also general requirements for the soil - it should not contain large amounts of organic fertilizer, namely manure and chicken droppings. It is also undesirable to plant the crop in the same place every year - you need to take a break of 3 years.
  3. Quality of planting material. Carrot seeds can remain viable for up to 4-5 years, but these indicators are conditional, so the choice should be made on a maximum of 2-year-old seed. It’s even better to buy pelleted grains (they are coated with a special coating containing nutrients, which makes them characterized by increased germination).

    Often carrots do not sprout due to low-quality seeds, which are barren inside. To check this, just pour them into a saline solution and leave for 10-15 minutes. The defective grains float to the surface of the water.

    Be sure to inspect the seed material before purchasing. High-quality seeds are dense, with a rich shade and without a wrinkled surface. A special feature is that carrot grains contain essential oils, so they have a pronounced aroma.

  4. Seed preparation. Due to the large amount of essential oils, moisture does not penetrate inside the seed well, so special preparation is necessary. After rejecting the material in a saline solution, the seeds are thoroughly washed under running water, after which they are placed in a well-moistened gauze cloth and placed in a container with water. The temperature of the liquid should be 55-60 degrees, the duration of soaking should be 10-20 minutes. Then the grains are dried and after 20-24 hours they are planted in the garden.
  5. Crop rotation violation. It has already been said that it is impossible to sow a crop in one place every year. This is largely due to the fact that harmful microorganisms and insects remain in the soil, which destroy carrots. The best predecessors for quick germination are potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage, garlic, and pumpkin. Do not plant after the growth of parsnips, caraway seeds, celery, parsley and especially beets.
  6. Planting depth. Carrots can be planted in autumn and spring. In the first case, to increase the level of germination, the seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm, in the second - a maximum of 2 cm.
  7. Improper care of seedlings. Carrots love moisture, so the main reason for lack of germination is lack of moisture. To retain moisture, after watering the seedlings are covered with plastic film or other non-woven material. But you can’t water the seedlings too much. Watering should be done from a watering can with a sprayer, otherwise the seed material is simply washed away. It is important to carry out weeding and remove covering material in a timely manner.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds?

There are several ways to promote rapid germination of carrot seeds. It is necessary to sort them out, select the densest, largest ones and fill them with hot water at a temperature of 70 degrees. Leave for 10 minutes, drain and transfer the seeds to a sieve, rinsing with regular warm tap water. After this, you can begin further preparation.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds:

  • Place the seeds on cheesecloth, moisten it, and cover the container with cling film or a plastic bag. Leave in this state for about one to two days. In about a day or two, the seeds will swell and become quite large. After this, you need to dry them and place them on a dry cloth. To remove excess moisture from the seeds, you need to sprinkle them with starch and do not rinse them again.
  • It absorbs moisture perfectly and makes dark carrot seeds visible. In this way, they can be planted even one at a time, despite their small size. Next, you need to prepare the beds for planting. Make small grooves, from below which compact the soil using a plank or the back of a shovel. It is necessary that the soil in this area be very dense.
  • Next, you need to thoroughly water the prepared hole and allow the water to completely absorb into the soil. After this, sow the seeds. It is necessary to cover the planting with a substrate that is very loose and will promote the germination of carrots. The ideal option is a mixture of soil with sand and peat. You can even use coconut fiber, which is available at garden centers.
  • There is one life hack. Dried coffee can be used as the soil used to cover carrot seeds. This is a substrate that repels flies and ants. In addition, it is quite loose and promotes rapid seed germination.


Carrot germination time

The standard period for the first leaves of a carrot plant to appear above the ground is about two weeks. In warm soil (80C is enough) they have more strength for this. Therefore, the most common time for sowing carrot seeds is from mid-April to mid-May . They can also be sown in cooler times, but in this case the growth process is delayed. It may take about 28 days before the first stalk appears. It happens that the germination of seeds differs: one germinates earlier, the other later.

In order to speed up the growth process, it is important to determine in advance a good place for carrot beds and properly fertilize the soil. The main requirement for the location of the grooves is open space and a sufficient amount of sunlight and water.

You need to dig up the ground in the fall; this applies not only to planting carrots, but also to many other vegetables. It is worth loosening it 1-2 weeks before sowing the seeds. This will allow them to take root well, and the root crop to grow evenly and beautifully. As for the soil itself, fertilizers for it are selected according to their qualitative composition: in clay soil, in addition to compost soil and mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to add sand, and in sandy soil, soil containing turf.

Carrots have sprouted and are not growing: reasons, what to do

Often after the first shoots appear, growth stops. There are several explanations for this.

The carrots have sprouted and are not growing, reasons for what to do:

  • Poor soil . Be sure to introduce fertilizers that contain nitrogen during this period. This will contribute to the growth of green mass. Fertilization with nitrogenous agents must be carried out until the first roots appear. After this, deposits of such funds will cease.
  • It is necessary to water the soil until many green sprouts and a few leaves appear. After the root begins to form, watering is reduced. To stimulate growth, it is best to use special products.
  • The quality of the soil is of great importance. It is believed that carrots grow much better in loose soil. Therefore, you should not sow root crops where parsley, carrots or lettuce grew last year. It is believed that these crops deplete the soil and are not suitable for carrot growth.


Hilling carrots

Everyone knows about hilling potatoes, but few people know about hilling carrots. But this method also has a good effect on the growth of carrots.

When the carrots increase in size and the part closest to the tops appears from the ground, hilling should begin. Otherwise, it acquires a green tint, solanine accumulates in it and the growth of carrots slows down. Try to carry out activities after rain or watering.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds: the starch method

The main disadvantage when sowing seeds is their small size. Therefore, they are usually sown in pinches, but as a result of this, the first shoots appear in whole bushes or piles, which must be partially removed. Shoots appear within the first month, but weeds grow much faster. As a result, some of the carrots disappear and their growth becomes clogged with weeds.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds:

  • In this case, it is necessary to spend a lot of time to completely remove the weeds and preserve the carrot plantings. To avoid this, you can resort to tricks. Take a cotton cloth, add carrot seeds to it and wrap it in a roll.
  • Secure with regular rubber bands or thread. It is necessary to get a tight package. During the day, every 2 hours, immerse it in very hot water, with a temperature of 50-60 degrees. There is no need to unroll the roll; it is necessary that the seeds are constantly in a wet place throughout the day. After this, put a liter of water on the stove and heat it to a boil.
  • Dissolve two tablespoons of starch in a glass and add water. Pour the starch mixture into boiling water, stirring thoroughly. Dilute the jelly with water until you get a fairly liquid substance.
  • When the jelly becomes cold, add the prepared seeds and stir. Now transfer the mixture with jelly and seeds into a watering can. Water the beds with the substance. In the jelly, the seeds are evenly distributed, as a result of which there is no need to thin out the seedlings, since they appear at a decent distance from each other. This type of planting eliminates inconvenience, because carrot seeds are very small and difficult to plant.



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Growing carrots is not difficult, but for some reason, some grow on their own, while others, no matter how hard they try, end up with stunted, uneven roots of a pale color. It's all about the soil.

Carrots need loose and sufficiently nutritious soil. On light loamy and sandy loam soils and peat bogs, the vegetable grows and develops well; heavy clayey and waterlogged soils are not suitable for it. And if the moisture stagnates for a long time, the carrots may even rot. On the other hand, with a lack of moisture, the root crops are formed that are rough and woody. The best soil for carrots is normally moist soil with deep groundwater. In addition, this vegetable does not withstand acidic soils and cannot be sown where fresh manure has been applied.

Carrots are a cold-resistant plant. It is usually sown in the spring - in April-May or November-December (in frozen soil and with dry seeds). Carrots do not like shade, so the beds should be illuminated by the sun throughout the day. And prepared in advance: coarse sand and peat (0.5 buckets per 1 sq. m) and mineral fertilizers are added to heavy clay soil; in poor sandy soil - 2 buckets of turf soil, peat, 0.5 buckets of humus or compost and mineral fertilizers.

In heavily moist areas, carrots are sown on high narrow ridges, in grooves located at a distance of no more than 10 cm from each other. The furrows are watered with hot water and sprinkled with chalk or ash, and after that the seeds are sown at a distance of 0.5–1 cm. It makes no sense to sow more often; you will still have to thin out the seedlings, and this is not only labor-intensive, but also harmful to the plants - pulling out one , we expose and damage the roots of the neighboring one. But you can’t sow less often: who can be sure that all the seeds will sprout?

Carrot seeds germinate slowly, taking up to two weeks from sowing to emergence, and even longer in cold weather. Germination is prevented by the essential oils contained in the seeds. To speed up the process, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours, changing the water several times. Then they are dried to a flowable state and sown.

Carrot seeds are quite small. To distribute them evenly over the beds, the seeds are glued one by one onto paper strips, mixed with sand, placed in a salt shaker and shaken over the grooves, etc. You can use any method, the main thing is not to forget about the norm: carrots are sown at the rate of 0. 5 g per 1 sq. m, to a depth of 1.5–2 cm on sandy, sandy loam and light loamy soils and up to 3 cm on peat soils. After sowing, the soil is slightly compacted, carefully sprayed with water and sprinkled with dry peat.

You have to wait quite a long time for carrots to sprout (at a temperature of +8°C they appear in 25–30 days), and in the meantime weeds are growing in the garden bed. To distinguish small shoots of carrots among them, they are sown together with the seeds of fast-growing lighthouse crops - lettuce or spinach (in a ratio of 3:1).

As soon as the first “beacons” appear, they can be weeded and loosened. Many people are in no hurry to thin out carrot shoots - they just want them to grow a little so they can eat them. But this is a big mistake: densely planted root crops interfere with each other’s growth, so it is necessary to thin out the carrots. And it is best to do this twice: when the first and second true leaves appear, leaving a distance of 3–4 cm between the plants, and after 25–30 days, increasing the distance to 5–6 cm. After each thinning, the plants are watered.

Carrots should be watered moderately and regularly. In warm, sunny weather, young plants are watered 1–2 times a week (3–4 liters per 1 sq. m), and then once a week (10–20 liters per 1 sq. m).

Feed 2-3 times during the summer with mineral fertilizers (nitrophoska).

The diligent and careful ones - seed by seed, others - a pinch, and the most impatient - straight from the bag... This is how gardeners sow carrot seeds.

It is difficult to obtain good seedlings - the essential oils contained in the seeds prevent rapid access of moisture to the embryo, slowing down their swelling and germination. Therefore, compared to the seeds of other vegetables, carrot seeds have a relatively low germination rate - 55 - 75%. Under normal conditions, they remain viable for 3 - 4 years, but quite often they lose their viability after two years. This is quite natural, so you shouldn’t blame unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers. You can sow thicker, with a reserve, but seeds are now expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them to throw away. As you know, there is no point in replanting weeded plants. No matter how good they look, root vegetables will grow ugly. It is very important to ensure that the seeds are distributed evenly in the garden bed. So gardeners come up with various ways to sow carrots. Our permanent consultant, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olga LEUSHEVA, tells KV readers about them today. HOPELESSLY OUTDATED - just a pinch. It is acceptable if there are doubts about the quality of the seeds (old or suspiciously cheap) and there is excess land. First, the largest seeds are selected by eye, placed in a fabric bag and washed under running hot (45 - 50 ° C) water for 10 - 12 minutes to wash off the essential oil that prevents germination. Then they are germinated for 2-3 days in a damp cloth until single sprouts appear. Store in this form in the refrigerator until sowing, avoiding freezing and drying out. Dry slightly before sowing. If successful, the seeds will sprout in a brush, the seedlings will have to be thinned out, carrot flies will flock to the smell - and the harvest will be in jeopardy. Sometimes when sowing, seeds are mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:5. The result is the same - the seedlings have to be thinned out. KISSELNY. Starch paste is used as a liquid carrier (30 g of starch per 1 liter of water). Sprouted seeds (1 - 2 g) are mixed with cooled paste (a glass) immediately before sowing. Stir until they are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of liquid and use a large medical syringe (or you can just use a kettle) to pour the solution in a thin stream into the grooves. The seeds are thus distributed fairly evenly. SORTY (FOR HARDWORKING PEOPLE). Cut a roll of toilet paper lengthwise into strips 1.5 - 2 cm wide and glue seeds with paste every 1.5 cm. Microfertilizers or ash are added to the paste as a nutritional additive. The tapes are dried and rolled into a loose roll. With this method, there is no need to thin out the seedlings. Specialized stores sell ready-made tapes with seeds glued to them. Convenient and practical, but there is no creative process. The bad thing is that with this method, the seeds end up in the ground not only ungerminated, but also simply dry. The ribbons should be laid out with the seeds facing down. DOTTED. The seeds are glued in pairs onto pieces of toilet paper measuring 3x3 cm. When the paste has dried, they are rolled into pea-sized lumps, put in a box and kept in the refrigerator until spring. Cone-shaped holes are made in the garden bed every 6 cm, 20-25 cm deep, filled with a mixture of equal parts of turf soil, sand and rotted manure, and watered. When sowing, the seeds are placed in a small hole and covered with the same mixture. Before sowing, the lumps are first soaked in a solution of some stimulant (according to the instructions). FOR ADVANCED. Sowing with pelleted seeds allows you to reduce the consumption rate of seed material by 2-3 times and ensure accuracy and uniformity of sowing. But such seeds, made using old technologies, give good results only if the soil is sufficiently (but not too) moist. Under unfavorable conditions, germination is even lower than that of simple ones. “Weekend gardeners” should not rely on pelleted seeds: they may not survive a week without rain or watering. FOR SMART LAZY PEOPLE. The secret of this technology is the polymer that envelops the seeds. Its gel components have the property of attracting water, and a water shell forms around the seed, even if there is a spring drought. Moisture is accumulated in such a way that neither seeds nor young shoots suffocate from lack of air. As a result, the germination rate of gel seeds is higher, and seedlings appear quickly and uniformly. And a strong and healthy body is known to be more resistant to stress and disease. Seeds from the “Lazy Bed” series allow you to set the distance between plants already during sowing. There is no need to pull out the seedlings, and the sprouts remaining in the garden are not injured, and the carrots turn out one to one - even and beautiful. Gel seeds are slightly more expensive than regular seeds. But they're worth it! With any method, the soil is dug deeply, and sown on sandy light soils to a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm, on loamy soils - 1.5 - 2 cm, on heavy soils - no more than 1 cm. Do not fertilize with unrotted manure, otherwise the root crops will turn out ugly.

How long does it take for carrots to sprout in open ground?

There is another unusual way to speed up the appearance of the first shoots. To do this, you need to take a canvas bag and pour the entire package of seeds into it. After the first melted snow appears, dig a small hole in the area, the depth of which is 20 cm. Now moisten the seeds, immerse the bag in the prepared hole. Bury it with earth and cover it with snow. Leave a mark to quickly find the resulting location.

How long does it take for carrots to sprout in open ground:

  • After 12 days, the seeds will swell and small sprouts will appear. It is necessary to remove the bag from the soil and mix it with dry sand.
  • After this, scatter the mixture on the garden bed. It is necessary to cover the crops with a thin layer of sand and cover with film. The first shoots will appear in 6-7 days.

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You can place the seeds on a cloth and spray a thin stream of water. Leave this preparation in a warm place. As soon as you see the first bursting seeds with sprouts emerging, you can transfer them to the shade to dry.

Soil preparation

When the preparation of carrot seeds for planting is completed, you should start preparing the soil. After all, it also depends on what day the first shoots will appear. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how to properly prepare the soil for planting.

Care must be taken that carrots are not planted in open ground with a small amount of nutrients. It is recommended to plant it in prepared soil. Therefore, you need to add a little granular urea with chicken droppings to the soil in advance. However, you should not add too much fertilizer to the open ground, as this may deteriorate the taste of the root crop.

Also, before planting, you should make the soil looser. To do this, special leavening agents are added to it, which include sand or peat. If the seeds are planted in such soil, it will be easier to germinate.

Sowing time

One of the most common reasons for poor germination of carrot seeds is failure to comply with planting deadlines. Usually sowing is carried out before winter and spring. Each period is characterized by a certain period of ripening of the variety.

Sowing before winter

When sowing before winter, frost-resistant varieties and hybrids are used. The optimal sowing time is late autumn (second and third ten days of November). By this time, light frosts have passed. In frozen soil, seedlings do not germinate ahead of time. Planting depth is 5-6 cm.

Sowing scheme for winter:

  • Sow dry seeds into the soil, sprinkle with fertile soil (chernozem).
  • Additionally, add humus soil: it promotes the friendly germination of seeds.
  • After the snow falls, sprinkle the bed with it. Such seedlings are not afraid of even the most severe frosts.

Sowing in spring

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out after the snow has melted and the soil becomes loose. 2 days before planting, cover the soil with film so that it warms up slightly. First, grooves are dug, they are spilled with water, then the seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm. The seedlings are sprinkled with fertile soil, then covered with film to protect them from spring frosts.

The germination time of carrot seeds during spring planting is 20-25 days from the date of sowing, provided that the temperature is maintained within 5°C-8°C.

For sowing, choose a warm, windless day. It is better to carry out this procedure in the morning or evening.

Planting granular seeds

Planting carrot seeds enclosed in granules is a modern method. It is very convenient, since the shell takes care of the nutrition of the sprout (the coating contains useful substances) and there is a good chance that the seeds will germinate and produce a pleasant harvest. But there are also nuances that you need to prepare for in advance. After all, whatever one may say, the seed is not free, which means that before it can germinate, the granule must dissolve in the soil. To do this, experienced gardeners saturate the future carrot bed with moisture before and after sowing. Carrots are watered about three times daily, depending on the influence of weather conditions.

Using the “pellet” method, the period of seed germination is slightly delayed, but if proper care is taken, seedlings should appear in 21 days.

The main reason for their poor germination may be a lack of moisture. And he, in turn, will not allow the beneficial shell of the seed to dissolve. There are times when, after harvesting, summer residents find whole granules in the ground.

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