Rot and fungus resistant variety - cucumbers Crocodile Gena f1: description

Cucumber Crocodile Gena f1 is a highly productive parthenocarpic that shows stable fruiting in regions with different climates.
Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Cucumber “Kuzya” F1 review and photo

  • Smooth beautiful cucumbers
  • They don’t outgrow for a very long time (for a long time this does not mean never, even as they outgrow, you still need to remove them on time)
  • I saw information that it is resistant to cucumber mosaic. No, that's not true!
  • Not bitter, tasty, but not enough juiciness for me
  • Ideal for canning

Cutaway cucumber “Kuzya” F1
Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:

Diseases and pests

Crocodile f1 has strong immunity to MR, LMR, VOM.

To prevent the invasion of pests (aphids, thrips, whiteflies), the bushes are irrigated with folk remedies. Actofit and Profi insecticides are used for control.

If there is no control over the growth of the plant, its stems can reach a length of more than 3 m. The indeterminate bush forms a highly branched stem that needs a garter. Flowers of different sexes are painted bright yellow. To form an ovary, they need cross-pollination. The productivity of cucumbers directly depends on the activity of insects. It can also be increased by forming a cucumber leaf. The side branches of the bush are pinched.

Cucumber “Crocodile Gena” F1 review and photo

  • Great taste
  • Juicy and crispy, sweetish.
  • Such a nice refreshing taste.
  • Mom asked him to mark it, she says the fruits are very beautiful and smooth, these are my mother’s favorite in taste and appearance
  • Small seeds, thin skin

Cucumber “Crocodile Gena” in a section
Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:

What does a hybrid look like?

The cucumber with the funny name Crocodile Gena F1 is recommended for growing in film greenhouses in various regions of the country.
In the south, the variety performed well in beds without shelter. General form:

  1. The cucumber is vigorous, with powerful, long stems. The central shoot does not stop growth on its own.
  2. There are many side lashes.
  3. The leaves of the hybrid are large and covered with hard fibers.
  4. Female type flowers.
  5. The cucumber forms 2-5 ovaries in each node.
  6. The fruits are shaped closer to a cylinder.
  7. The cucumber is covered with large tubercles with light spines (visible in the photo).
  8. The skin is thin, glossy. Small seed chambers are visible in the section.

Attention! The Sedek company produces a salad hybrid of the same name with large salad fruits (length 35-50 cm).

By type of growthlong-climbing
By type of branchingStrongly branched
By type of pollinationParthenocarpic
Planting scheme50x70 cm
Weight, length and shape of the fruit120-140 g, 12-16 cm, cylindrical with short neck, green
Ripening periodEarly ripening (36-42 days)
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew, and root rot
Flowering typeFemale
ProductivityIn a greenhouse up to 18 kg/m²; in exhaust gas – up to 16 kg/m²

Cucumber “Five Stars” F1 review and photo

  • Delicate, juicy, refreshing taste
  • Not sweet
  • Fruits for a very long time
  • Resistant to diseases, to cucumber mosaic I would not say that it is particularly resistant, but more than other hybrids from this post
  • They are good for preservation, they look very nice, dense, crispy

Bet on yield

The yield indicator for some farmers is decisive when choosing a cucumber variety. This allows them not only to consume the vegetable, but also to sell it. To find out which varieties for open ground have the best yield, you can familiarize yourself with the following record holders:

F1 athlete

A bee-pollinated, mid-season hybrid, the yield of which reaches 35 kg/m2. The bush of the plant is quite powerful, climbing, and requires abundant watering and feeding. Cucumbers of the Atlet variety are white-spiked, tuberculate, up to 20 cm long. The weight of one green cucumber reaches 200 g. Atlet cucumbers do not contain bitterness and are good both fresh and salted, canned.

Depending on temperature readings, seeds can be sown in open ground or for seedlings from March to July. Fruiting begins 50-55 days after sowing the seeds and can continue until mid-October.


The cucumber variety Salyut (35 kg/m2) is not inferior to the athlete in terms of productivity. This bee-pollinated hybrid has an average ripening period (50-55 days). If desired, you can use it to get an early May harvest by sowing the seeds in March. If you want to enjoy fresh cucumbers in October, then the best time to sow seeds is July. It is worth remembering that planting in open, unprotected ground should be carried out only at a time when night temperatures exceed +10 0C.

Salut cucumbers are gherkin varieties, their average length does not exceed 12 cm. The fruits are slightly ribbed with characteristic longitudinal white stripes. In addition to good yield, the variety has an excellent taste without bitterness, so it can be safely chosen for fresh use, as well as canning.


The cucumber variety has the best yield and is self-pollinating. Regardless of weather conditions, it is capable of delivering rafts in quantities of up to 46 kg/m2. Miniature cucumbers: length 10-12 cm, weight less than 100 g. They do not contain bitterness, can be used for pickling, canning, and have high commercial qualities.

The bush of this variety is massive with vines up to 3.5 m long, demanding soil nutrition and moisture. Seeds are sown in April, and the fruiting process begins 58-60 days after germination. The variety has better resistance to a number of common diseases.

In order to understand which varieties are the highest-yielding, you should not only be guided by the figures declared by the manufacturer, but also by consumer reviews, because in reality a variety can produce a much smaller volume of fruit. The given varieties of cucumbers with really high yields are adapted to open ground conditions and have excellent taste. Their excellent commercial qualities and portability allow not only the whole family to enjoy cucumbers, but also to sell the vegetable for sale.

Cucumber “Grandma’s Secret” F1 photo and review

  • Very sweet
  • My favorite in taste, they are sweet, very, not bitter at all, even when the conditions are completely unfavorable, cucumbers taste good! They had their first harvest this year (2018).
  • Fruits for a very long time
  • Delicate peel, very small seeds, do not outgrow for a long time
  • Cold-resistant

Cucumber “Grandma’s Secret” F1 in section
Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:

Agricultural technology

  • How to plant

    Sowing of seed material is carried out under cover in April-May according to a 50x50 cm pattern. The seeds are placed in small holes to a depth of 3-4 cm, sprinkled with soil on top. Sowing seeds in open ground is possible when the possibility of frost is completely excluded and the soil is warmed to a temperature of at least +10°C.

  • Growing

    The hybrid is not susceptible to many diseases, including root rot. During the growing process, timely, abundant watering is important. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, preventive treatment against insect pests, and weed removal are carried out. As the cucumber vines grow, they are tied up in a vertical position.

  • Harvest (flowering)

    The first fruits on a climbing plant can be observed already 5-6 weeks after germination of the seedlings. On average, the yield is 15 kg per square meter. m. On one plant there are up to 30 fruits of an elongated cylindrical shape at the same time. The weight of each varies from 120 to 140 g. The length of the cucumber with a tuberous surface is about 15 cm.

Cucumber “All in a bunch” F1 photo and review

  • Juicy
  • Moderately sweet
  • Crisp
  • Melts in your mouth
  • Thin peel, invisible seeds
  • Good in salads and preserves

Cucumber “All in a bunch” F1
Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:


As a rule, the taste characteristics of a cucumber and the presence of any diseases directly depend on the work carried out to care for the Crocodile plant. The hybrid requires standard procedures: watering, fertilizing and hilling the soil, forming and tying up bushes. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the description of recommendations for agrotechnical procedures.


Crocodile f1 needs to be watered once every 3 days. During drought, watering works become more frequent to daily. Like other varieties, cucumbers are watered in the evening with warm water that has warmed up in the sun, or independently.

When watering, vegetable growers recommend making sure that the watering liquid does not get on the leaves of the plant. Otherwise, the Crocodile bushes weaken and become susceptible to disease.

Garter and bush formation

It is necessary to form a cucumber bush into 1 stem. As a rule, cucumbers are fixed to vertical trellises. The main stem must be tied. During formation, it is important to pay attention to ensure that the stem is not too tight. Vegetable growers also suggest shortening cucumber shoots by 3 leaves.

Top dressing

Crocodile f1 needs 5 feedings throughout the entire season. As a rule, the variety is fed with organic components, which contain manure or droppings. The variety also needs minerals - complex fertilizers containing potassium, saltpeter, superphosphate and potassium magnesium.


It is recommended to hill up and loosen the soil of the beds once every 7 days. The procedures are carried out strictly after watering the plant. Loosening and hilling the soil helps remove the stagnant layer of soil, which does not allow moisture and oxygen to reach the Crocodile roots.

In addition, hilling helps to improve the root system and the development of new roots, and loosening ensures the removal of weeds that carry various diseases.

Cucumber “Beam landing” F1 review and photo

  • Tender pulp
  • Juicy
  • Thin peel

Cucumber “Beam landing” F1
Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:

Rules for growing cucumbers in open areas

In order to grow the best varieties of cucumbers in open areas and get the desired vegetable with excellent taste and the highest yield, you must follow some rules:

  • Cucumbers prefer to grow in nutritious soil, however, fresh manure causes a bitter taste in vegetables, so it should be added to the soil in the fall for partial rotting, or in the spring in the form of compost.
  • The vegetable loves high humidity conditions, however, when grown in swampy areas, it is necessary to provide drainage - high ridges.
  • Cucumbers are sown in open ground no earlier than May, since the crop is afraid of frost. To obtain early harvests, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings.
  • Seedlings with three developed leaves are planted in an open bed. After adaptation, the plants are pinched (if necessary for the variety). This will allow you to get 3-4 side shoots on which cucumbers will form.
  • It is recommended to pinch off the first flowers and ovaries so that the young plant can gain vitality.
  • Watering cucumbers should be done with warm water at the root during the day in the absence of direct sunlight or before sunrise or after sunset. This will prevent the accumulation of bitterness in vegetables and rotting of fruits.

In order to become a successful gardener, it is not enough just to have a plot of land. It is necessary to stock up on knowledge about which varieties of seeds are considered the best for growing in certain conditions, how to choose them correctly and how to care for the plant.

Cucumber “Jolly Dwarves” review and photo

  • Delicious cucumbers
  • Very juicy and crispy
  • Sweet
  • Small seeds, even in cucumbers that have begun to outgrow
  • Cucumbers outgrow quite quickly

Photo of the packaging, click on the photo to enlarge, it will open in a new tab:

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Description and characteristics of the variety

Green crocodile F1 from “Gavrish” belongs to the mixed type hybrids due to the nature of the flowering process. It is a bee-pollinated and high-yielding cucumber. The bushes grow according to the indeterminate type, reaching 3 and 3.5 m. The central trunk is powerful.

Ripening begins in the middle period - 50-57 days from full germination.

Description of fruits:

  • length 20-23 cm;
  • diameter 4-4.5 cm;
  • weight 160-220 g;
  • elongated cylindrical shape;
  • dark green color;
  • light stripes up to the middle of the fruit;
  • the tubercles are large;
  • pubescence is white.

Salads, slices, and snacks are prepared from aromatic greens.

Distinctive features

High yield: 1 sq. m can produce up to 16 kg of cucumbers. From 6 to 8 fruits are formed on one plant at the same time. They are easy to transport and do not lose their appearance. The hybrid is resistant to major stresses during cultivation.

Composition, properties, benefits

The calorie content of cucumbers is approximately 14 kcal per 100 g. They contain vitamins A, K, C, and the minerals fluorine, copper, magnesium and calcium, which improve the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Identified advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a hybrid:

  1. High taste characteristics. The cucumber is juicy, not bitter, with a pronounced aroma.
  2. Moderate climbing allows you to grow cucumber in limited space.
  3. The culture does not die with a lack of sunlight.
  4. Natural immunity to frequently occurring cucumber diseases
  5. Significant yield indicators. The bush is capable of producing up to 7 kg.
  6. Transportable and good keeping quality.

Characteristic disadvantages include:

  • the seeds do not produce similar fruits, since the Green Crocodile F1 cucumber is a classic hybrid;
  • it is necessary to ensure that bees and other insects enter the greenhouse;
  • bushes need to be tied up or strengthened with a trellis

Attention! Cucumber can be grown on the balcony. Here, insects only need to open the window to gain access.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first week of May. Select voluminous peat pots or cassettes. Seed the seeds to a depth of 2 cm.

During the growing period, seedlings need:

  • before germination the temperature is 25-27 degrees, after germination within 20-22 degrees;
  • humidity about 70-90%;
  • feeding at the stage of 2 true leaves.

Bushes are transplanted into greenhouse beds at the end of May, beginning of June (if there are 3-4 leaves)

Seeds are sown in a greenhouse or hotbed when the soil has warmed up steadily. For temperate regions, the period falls in the last week of May.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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