Pepper Winnie the Pooh: reviews, photos, yield, characteristics and description of the variety, advantages and disadvantages

Pepper Winnie the Pooh reviews photo yield characteristics and description of the variety which are presented in this article, is a hybrid of Moldavian selection.

The hybrid variety of pepper Winnie the Pooh was bred by breeder Yuri Ivanovich Panchev by crossing 2 varieties of sweet peppers Lastochka and Buketen-3. In 1980 the variety was registered. Next, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the variety and fruit, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the characteristics of cultivation.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Advice! In central Russia, seeds must be sown for seedlings in February or March. Then in June you can enjoy sweet peppers.

  • Suitable for growing indoors and outdoors, but the greatest yield can be obtained when cultivated in greenhouse conditions.
  • An early ripening variety, the fruits reach technical maturity 100 days after emergence.
  • Standard type of bush, branches at the top.
  • Bushes 40 cm high. All shoots are tightly pressed to the main stem, they have few leaves.
  • The fruits are formed in bunches, thanks to which the bushes produce a rich harvest.
  • Peppers ripen in large batches, so the harvest can be harvested in several batches.
  • High yield . From 1 sq. m of plantings, you can collect 5 kg of ripe fruits. There are a lot of them, but they weigh little.
  • Has good immunity to major diseases.

The hybrid is resistant to aphids. This pest practically does not affect the Winnie the Pooh pepper variety. However, even with a small number of aphids, they must be combated by spraying. To do this, use an infusion of onion peels, a solution of tobacco and wood ash, or an infusion of potato and tomato tops.

It has good immunity against verticillium wilt, which is caused by a fungus in the soil. This disease can affect bushes at any time during the growing season and destroy them in almost a few days. As a preventive measure against this disease, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil and remove all plant debris so that the fungus cannot survive in the winter. It is also recommended to treat the soil with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux mixture, Hom, Oksikhom).

Important nuances of planting and growing

Winnie the Pooh does not make any special demands on the gardener when it comes to agricultural technology. But you will still have to devote a minimum of time and effort to planting if you do not want to be left completely without a harvest.

Most gardeners prefer to grow bell peppers using seedlings. Winnie the Pooh does not like picking, the roots of the plants are still too weak, so it is better to immediately plant the seeds in individual containers. This is done in the last ten days of February. Seedlings are transferred to closed ground at the end of April or early May, to an open bed - in early June. Its minimum age is 60–65 days, height is 20–25 cm, preferably the presence of 8–10 true leaves.

Do not rush to plant pepper seedlings in the garden; they should grow to the required dimensions.

Video: growing pepper seedlings

When planting in an open bed, be sure to wait until the threat of return frost has passed. To make it easier for plants to adapt to new conditions, cover the bed for a week with any covering material on the arches or cover the plants individually. This will protect the plantings from both low temperatures and sunburn.

Immediately after planting in the ground, it is advisable to protect pepper seedlings from adverse weather conditions.

Seeds need preliminary preparation. They are germinated for a week, wrapped in damp cloth or cotton wool, then soaked in a solution of any biostimulant. This way the shoots will appear faster. To enhance immunity, it is also recommended to treat with any fungicide of biological origin or in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

To germinate pepper seeds, you can use purchased biostimulants (Epin, Kornevin, Heteroauxin) and folk remedies (honey solution, aloe juice, succinic acid)

The “small size” of the bushes makes it possible to cultivate Winnie the Pooh peppers when there is an acute shortage of space in the garden plot. Up to 25 plants are planted per 1 m². Even with such frequent placement, they will have enough space for food. It has been noticed that increased density of plantings has a positive effect on yields, slightly increasing the indicators.

No one forbids planting Winnie the Pooh peppers according to the standard 30*30 cm pattern for most varieties, but if you compact the plantings, you can significantly save space in the garden bed

Video: planting Winnie the Pooh peppers in the ground

It is not recommended to plant bitter peppers next to bell peppers. When cross-pollinated, Winnie the Pooh fruits can acquire uncharacteristic bitterness and pungency.

Bitter and bell peppers in the garden are placed as far apart as possible

Care during the active growing season includes keeping the bed clean, loosening it, regular watering and timely application of fertilizers. Timely weeding is especially important. Weeds can easily choke out small plants.

Obtaining a bountiful harvest of Winnie the Pooh peppers is impossible without competent agricultural technology

Winnie the Pooh is watered exclusively with heated water. The frequency is determined by the weather and growing conditions, but on average once every 3-5 days is enough. Approximately 0.7 liters are consumed per plant before fruit set, then the rate is increased by 1.5–2 times. After this, the substrate in the garden bed is loosened. Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil for a long time and prevent the appearance of weeds.

Darkened and slightly drooping leaves indicate that the Winnie the Pooh pepper needs watering.

Pepper Winnie the Pooh will gratefully respond to any feeding, organic or mineral. For the first time, fertilizers are applied 12–15 days after planting the seedlings in the ground, then at intervals of 2–2.5 weeks. It is advisable to alternate natural and store-bought fertilizers.

Store-bought fertilizers for peppers have a balanced composition, taking into account the need for certain macro- and microelements for the crop

Mineral fertilizers can be applied separately (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) or as part of special fertilizers for peppers and nightshades. A natural source of nitrogen is infusions of bird droppings, cow manure, nettle leaves, dandelion, potassium and phosphorus - a solution of wood ash. Plants need nitrogen only during the period of active growth of green mass. When applied at a later date, it weakens the immune system and provokes the bushes to actively form greenery to the detriment of fruit ripening.

An infusion for feeding peppers can be prepared not only from nettle or dandelion, but also from any other weeds; it is also useful to add a little stale rye bread to the container

Video: folk remedies for feeding bell peppers

Winnie the Pooh doesn't need any shaping. But it is necessary to regularly remove the stepsons growing below the first fork on the stem. They won't bear fruit anyway. Experience in growing this pepper shows that productivity can be increased if fruits that have reached technical ripeness are harvested. This stimulates the plant to form new ovaries.

Stepchildren take away nutrients from the bush that could ensure the ripening of more fruits

To prevent the development of diseases, annual treatment of the beds before planting seedlings and after harvesting is sufficient. The soil is shed with a thick crimson solution of potassium permanganate or treated with any biofungicide.

Potassium permanganate solution is one of the most common and affordable disinfectants, effective against pathogenic fungi

To protect the plantings from pests, any herbs and other plants with a characteristic odor are planted nearby. They can also be used as raw materials for preparing infusions and sprinkled on peppers during the summer.

Marigolds in the garden are not only beautiful, but also useful; their pungent odor is unpleasant to many harmful insects

Video: recommendations for growing sweet peppers

Fruit characteristics

  • The fruits have the shape of a pointed cone and reach a length of about 10 cm.
  • The average fruit weight is approximately 50 g, however, according to gardeners , it can grow up to 100 g.
  • The color of the fruit changes depending on the stage of ripening. Ready-to-eat peppers turn red. At the stage of technical ripeness, vegetables have a green or waxy color.
  • Peppers are juicy, sweet, suitable for consumption fresh and processed.
  • Great taste.
  • The flesh is fleshy, the wall is at least 5 mm thick.
  • Resistant to long-term transportation.
  • They have good keeping quality.

Diseases and pests of Winnie the Pooh pepper

The most common pests of pepper are aphids and whiteflies. They pose a real threat to the harvest. If these pests are not identified in time, the harvest results will not be encouraging.

Protecting plants from pests is the use of tobacco dust or wood ash. A good remedy is also to prepare and use an infusion of onion or garlic, liquid soap and water. Of the chemicals, the most effective are “Oxychom”, “Barrier”, “Fundazol” and “Zaslon”.

Another most common pest is the spider mite. To protect plants from mites, the use of insecticides is recommended. In order to cure a plant from spider mites, spray with a solution of onion, garlic, dandelion and liquid soap.

A remedy that makes plants grow by leaps and bounds! Just water your plants with this Read more…

The cause of plant wilting is the occurrence of verticillium disease. This disease leads to a change in the color of the leaves, gradual drying and soon the plant dies completely.

To get a good harvest, you need to use high-quality seeds. The most productive varieties are possible. Large selection of varieties for every taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sweet bell pepper of the Winnie the Pooh variety has many advantages:

  • Good seed germination. Compared to other varieties and hybrids, the percentage of seedlings sampled is much lower.
  • Strong seedlings that take root well.
  • Correspondence of the dates of the first harvest with the data on the seed package.
  • Excellent fruit taste and presentation.
  • Often the fruits can gain weight up to 100 g.
  • Up to 8 fruits are formed on each bush.
  • You can harvest until the end of October even in unheated greenhouses.
  • Resistance to pepper diseases: verticillium wilt and aphid damage.

Despite all the positive qualities of this hybrid, some gardeners note the height of the bushes as one of its main disadvantages.

  • Most often, pepper grows to 40-60 cm, despite the manufacturer’s stated 25-30 cm.

However, even these dimensions make it possible to grow this variety on the balcony. Many gardeners recommend using seeds from and “Aelita”.

Sweet pepper disease

The most common disease of sweet peppers is late blight. It appears as dark spots with a green outline on leaves, stems and fruits. If measures are not immediately taken to stop the disease, it will subsequently lead to rotting of the fruit. Late blight is a common disease of tomatoes, so sweet peppers are not recommended to be planted after or next to tomatoes. The disease occurs due to a sharp decrease and increase in temperature, as well as high humidity. The disease often affects plants in greenhouses when the temperature regime is not observed. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, spraying with Bordeaux mixture will help get rid of late blight.

Features of cultivation

In order to get a rich harvest of peppers, it is necessary to properly grow the seedlings. To do this, seeds begin to be sown in February. Before sowing, they must be culled and prepared:

  • 7-14 weeks before planting, pepper seeds are placed on moistened cotton cloth. This procedure lasts 1-1.5 weeks and is necessary in order to select healthy and high-quality seeds. After this time, good seed material will swell and begin to germinate.
  • Swollen and hatched seeds are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes for disinfection. Then they are washed well with warm running water.
  • The prepared seeds are planted in separate containers with soil, covered with film and left in a warm place until shoots emerge. Then the film is removed for the full development of the seedlings.

Important! Young pepper seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well, so they are immediately planted in separate containers.

To grow seedlings, empty milk cartons and peat pots are used.

The seedlings should be kept in a room with an air temperature of 20-24 degrees during the day. At night, it is advisable to lower the temperature a few degrees.

The seedlings are watered regularly with warm water as the soil dries. Also, seedlings must be hardened off before transplanting to a permanent location. To do this, at night the air temperature is lowered to 11-13 degrees. Thanks to this procedure, young pepper seedlings do not stretch in length and adapt better after transplanting into the ground.

Dates for planting sweet pepper seedlings:

  • The seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse from April 20 to May 10.
  • Seedlings are planted in open ground from June.

Important! You can plant seedlings in open ground only when the risk of return frosts has passed.

Read in another article: When and how to plant pepper seedlings: planting seeds, timing rules, preparing seeds and soil, care rules

You might be interested in: Secrets of growing bell peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse and in open ground from seeds and seedlings

Growing Winnie the Pooh pepper seedlings

In order for the cultivation of the Winnie the Pooh vegetable crop to be successful, it is recommended to competently approach the sowing of seeds for seedlings. It is recommended to start planting in February-March.

Advice. It is worth sowing the seeds of the Winnie the Pooh pepper 2 months before planting the seedlings in a permanent place.

Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate. The product is prepared in the ratio of 1 small spoon of the drug per 200 g of clean water.

Pepper bushes grow up to 25 cm, so there is no need to tie them up

After processing, the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth. It is necessary to leave them in this position until full germination. As a rule, this does not take much time: only 10-12 hours.

During this time, gardeners can make the optimal soil mixture for vegetables. You can buy ready-made soil. It is very important that the substrate is not very dense and has excellent moisture permeability. It is recommended to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate before using it. You can thoroughly warm the soil.

The seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 cm. The planting material is lightly sprinkled with soil on top. The optimal conditions for growing Winnie the Pooh pepper seedlings are:

  1. Good lighting.
  2. Warm enough.
  3. Weekly watering.

When all the sprouts sprout, it is recommended to reduce the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are located to about +15 degrees. If the above conditions are not observed, the seedlings can become very elongated and become unhealthy and frail.

Pepper "Winy Pooh" is resistant to various diseases


It is recommended to feed the soil with mineral and organic fertilizers no more than once a week. But you need to weed the ground and remove unnecessary weeds several times a week. This procedure will help air currents to saturate the soil, and moisture will reach the root system faster.

Also in (types of fertilizer), a homemade mixture called “green kvass” is perfect. To prepare it, a large container is filled with green grass, bread and yeast. The highest point of the container should be closed in order to avoid various insects getting into the middle. Within 7-8 days, the product should ferment under the influence of sunlight.After the period has expired, 1-1.5 liters of fertilizer are taken into one bucket of water and the pepper is watered.

Gardeners recommend cutting off the lower ovaries on shrubs. Thus, all the growth force will rush to the upper fruits.

Seedling care

Containers with Winnie the Pooh seeds should be kept in a warm, well-lit room.
The sprouts will emerge in about a week, after which the temperature must be reduced to 15 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the seedlings will be frail and overly elongated.

Peppers are watered weekly. After the appearance of two full-fledged leaves, you need to pick the pepper seedlings, placing them after the procedure in separate boxes or cups. Don’t forget about feeding peppers with fertilizers.

Pepper: choosing a variety (video)

  • to prepare the soil yourself, you should mix two parts of turf or leaf soil, one part of humus, two parts of high-moor peat and one part of coarse sand;
  • the soil mixture must be disinfected by treating it with a 1–2% solution of potassium permanganate, after which it is advisable to add a solution of trichodermin or planriz.

From sowing until the emergence of mass seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the soil mixture at 20–28 °C. Throughout the first month of cultivation, the temperature at night should be at 15–17 °C, and during the daytime the temperature should be 20–22 °C. To prevent seedlings from stretching before hardening, the air temperature at night should not exceed 11–13 °C.

Watering is carried out every other day with warm water. The first feeding is carried out at the stage of two true leaves using fertilizer based on 25 g of granulated superphosphate, 15 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of chlorine-free potassium, diluted in 5 liters of warm water. The second feeding is carried out a week before planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Before planting, it is recommended to subject the seedlings to hardening measures. High-quality seedlings of sweet bell pepper have a height of 18–20 cm, as well as about 8–10 well-developed leaves.

How to transplant pepper seedlings into open ground (video)

The fruits have fleshy pulp, are very aromatic and quite large. Often specimens are formed whose length reaches 15 cm with a diameter of 8–10 cm. The last fruits are collected in a greenhouse without heating in the last ten days of October, which makes it possible to recommend the variety for cultivation in risky farming areas. Thus, the majority of amateur vegetable growers speak positively about this variety and characterize it as very worthy for growing in home gardening conditions.

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