Preparing parsley for the winter. Recipes with salt, carrots, tomato paste, garlic, oil. How to dry and freeze

Classic recipe for parsley with salt in a jar

Parsley prepared in the classic way with salt is easy to store. The jars do not take up much space, the contents do not ferment, the aroma and color are preserved, and most importantly, the greens can easily withstand the whole winter.

Parsley for the winter in the form of preparation. Classic recipe

What ingredients will you need?

For the preparation you need to take:

  • parsley – 300 g;
  • rock salt – 100 g.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the parsley so that no soil fragments remain on it.
  2. Next you need to trim the roots, if any. Using a sharp knife, carefully chop the greens.
  3. As you chop the parsley, it is recommended to transfer it to a deep container, evenly sprinkling it with coarse salt. When the ingredients run out, you need to mix the contents of the container thoroughly.
  4. Then you need to transfer the greens with salt into jars and compact them well.
  5. Next, you should put the filled jars in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. There is no need to close the jars with lids.
  6. After waiting the specified time, you need to remove the jars from the refrigerator and compact the contents tightly again. For better compaction, you can transfer greens from other jars.
  7. Tightly sealed jars of salted parsley should be stored in a cool place.

Important: when using greens, keep in mind that they are quite salty, so the dish can only be slightly salted or not at all.

How to preserve greens for a long time

Fresh parsley can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month, and even then not always. At a temperature of +7 ºС, the grass gradually turns yellow and dries out. Even if you put the greens in a bag or wrap them in cling film, they will spoil after a while.

Other ways to keep parsley and dill fresh throughout the winter include:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • pickling;
  • storage in oil;
  • pickling.

Each of the listed options allows you to quickly and effortlessly prepare as much greenery as you need for the winter.

Freezing parsley

Parsley for the winter (prepared recipes are described later in the article) can be frozen in several ways.

When frozen, all vitamins, micro- and macroelements are preserved, which is very important in winter, when the lack of nutrients is especially acute. The only ingredient is parsley, but you can freeze it in several ways.

First way

A bunch of parsley should be washed and dried well. It is recommended to trim large stems, leaving only the leaves. Greens must be chopped at your discretion. Then you need to put it in a plastic bag and roll it into a “sausage” - this way it will be convenient to store it in the freezer.

The disadvantage of this method is that over time the greens will freeze. Foreign odors from other products tend to penetrate through cellophane.

They can absorb the smell of greens, and vice versa - the greens will absorb the smells of other products. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use alternative storage options. For example, plastic containers with lids are a great option. They fit conveniently in the freezer.

Another convenient option for storing frozen greens is a small plastic bottle with a wide neck. It is convenient to put greens in it, and it is also convenient to remove them from there. In addition, the container does not take up much space in the freezer. It is not recommended to compact the greens tightly.

Second way

This option involves freezing the greens in the form of ice cubes. The greens are prepared in the same way as described in the first method. Then you need to take ice molds, fill them with greens, compact them as tightly as possible and fill them with water.

After this, you should carefully place them in the freezer and wait until they are completely frozen. The finished cubes should be removed from the molds, transferred to a storage container, for example, a plastic bag, and used as needed. They are convenient to use when cooking first courses, adding 1-2 cubes to the pan to taste.

Third way

You can simply freeze a small bunch of parsley whole. The product frozen in this way is easily broken by hand or cut with a knife. The greens must be thoroughly washed and dried, collected in small bunches and frozen.

Then the frozen product is placed in plastic bags and stored in the freezer. Parsley frozen by any of the methods described above will be many times cheaper and healthier than that which is sold in winter, without losing its properties.

The first preparation method is freezing.

Perhaps the best way to prepare greens at home is to freeze them. When exposed to low temperatures, the usefulness, aroma, and taste of the herb are not lost. In addition, when freezing parsley in whole bunches or branches, the process requires a minimal amount of time and effort.

Freezing in whole bunches


  • Parsley – 5 bunches

The algorithm for preparing spicy herbs in bunches is as follows:

  1. Sort through freshly picked greens, remove dry, damaged and spoiled leaves and blades of grass.
  2. Cut off the roots from the greens.
  3. Rinse the grass under running water and shake off excess moisture.
  4. Spread the parsley on paper or cotton towels and dry.
  5. Divide the finished herb into small bunches necessary for preparing one dish.
  6. Wrap the bunches in cling film or place in plastic bags, releasing the air.
  7. Place the preparations in the freezer for storage. Properly harvested greens will maintain the health, appearance and texture of fresh grass throughout the year.

Freezing parsley

In the same way, you can freeze parsley roots by washing them, sorting them, drying them and packaging them in plastic bags.

Freezing chopped greens

When you need to prepare a small amount of parsley for portioned dishes, you can use the proposed recipe as a basis. To do this you need to use ice cube trays. After freezing, the grass will turn into spicy cubes for seasoning first courses, stews, and casseroles.

Attention! Cubes of frozen parsley are also used for cosmetic purposes to rejuvenate facial skin, get rid of age spots and freckles. In this case, it is better to replace purified water with lemon juice.


  • Greens – 2 bunches
  • Water – 100 ml.

Procurement process:

  1. Sort through, wash and dry the greens. Cut off the tails.
  2. Chop the harvested green part of the parsley with a knife or crush it with a blender along with the stems.
  3. Using a teaspoon, scoop the greens into ice containers. Add a teaspoon of boiled water to each serving to compact the greens.
  4. Place the ice trays in the freezer for long-term storage.

Attention! To make a spicy dressing for dumplings, fried potatoes, dumplings or pasta, you need to fill the molds with herbs with olive or melted butter.

The simplest way to freeze finely chopped greens is to separate the herbs into ziplock bags and put them in the freezer. The only downside of this option is that the parsley needs to be packaged in small portions for one dish, otherwise the preparation will turn into one big green “lump”.

Chopped greens

Preparing greens in oil

If there is enough free space in the refrigerator, or for some reason it is not possible to use the above methods, you can cook parsley with vegetable oil. It must be borne in mind that such preservation is stored only in the refrigerator.

What ingredients will you need?

For the preparation you need to take:

  • green parsley – 450 g;
  • Refined vegetable oil – as needed.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. A bunch of parsley must be thoroughly washed and chopped. Then the greens need to be poured into a deep container.

  2. At the next stage, generously pour the greens with a large amount of vegetable oil and mix everything well.
  3. The finished mixture must be placed in washed jars and compacted as much as possible. The parsley should actually float in the oil.
  4. The jars must be tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

Parsley for the winter (the preparations, the recipes of which are presented later in the article, are no more complicated than the previous ones), prepared using this method, are convenient to use when added to salads with vegetable oil.

Greens for the winter - 6 options for preparations

Common stage for all workpieces

So, I started by sorting out the greens. Since there was a lot of parsley and little time, I did not have time to process the greens right away. That's why some of it turned yellow. I took out a large colander and two plastic hearts, which I often use when cooking - they are convenient and... left over from my grandmother, which warms my soul. Every time I look at them and think about her... The yellowed greenery (as well as the litter found) was immediately selected for discarding into one heart. I did the following with the good one: I tore off the stems and put them into the second heart (we will need them later!), and good healthy parsley leaves into a colander.

Then I thoroughly washed the selected greens under cool running water.

I prepared a tray of suitable size and covered it with a clean and dry cotton cloth. A portion of the washed parsley that fits in the palm of your hand was carefully squeezed out of excess water and laid out on a towel. And so with all the greens. I spread it out not in a mountain, but in one layer and not tightly, so that the air could pass through unhindered and the parsley was ventilated.

It is better to dry it for 2-3 hours. With less time, water droplets may remain, especially in the foliage of curly parsley. This retained moisture will negatively affect the quality of the greens when frozen or otherwise stored. Is this what we need? That's right - no need! Therefore, we will not rush, we will do everything conscientiously!

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