Tomato Scarlet Candles: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews, photos, advantages and disadvantages

In 2007, a new tomato variety was developed in Russia. It was the “Scarlet Candles” tomato with an unusual oblong shape. This variety will please any gardener, because its fruit set is 100%. The tomatoes themselves are so versatile that they are suitable for eating fresh, for snacks, and housewives will enjoy canning them, because tomatoes are conveniently placed in jars and combined with other vegetables. This assortment looks very beautiful and impressive. To learn everything about Scarlet Candle tomatoes, we offer a description of the variety.


  • mid-season;
  • elongated fruits with a pointed end;
  • tall, indeterminate;
  • productive;
  • rich pink fruits;

This variety gives high yield and fruit set. It is resistant to diseases such as late blight and root rot, but gardeners should treat plants for preventive purposes. The bush grows more than one and a half meters, so it needs support, which is better to take care of in advance. The description of the “Scarlet Candles” tomato includes only positive characteristics, since the only negative is that this variety requires shaping. What are the features of growing these tomatoes?

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Scarlet Candle tomato was developed by Siberian breeders. The variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2007. It is intended for cultivation in all regions of Russia (Siberia, Moscow region, Urals and Southern regions) in closed and open ground.

  • The variety is intended for greenhouses and film shelters. In regions with warm climates, it can be grown in open ground, but this will affect the amount of harvest.
  • Average ripening period. Pink tomatoes can be harvested 105-115 days after germination.
  • Indeterminate type, with unlimited stem growth. The bushes grow up to 1.8-2 meters in height.
  • It is not standard, so it requires the removal of excess stepsons. The main thing is to do it correctly, leaving a stump of 5-7 mm so as not to damage the main stem.
  • Stepchildren do not grow spreadingly, but almost parallel to the main stem. 3-7 fruits are formed on each brush.
  • Despite the fact that the bush has a powerful stem, it needs to be tied up, as it can break under the weight of the fruits that ripen at different heights of the plant.
  • It is recommended to form a bush with 2-3 stems.
  • The foliage is moderate.
  • Productivity is high - up to 12 kg per 1 sq. meters.
  • Long-term fruiting. Tomatoes are formed during this season.

Origin and application

A variety of Russian selection, intended for greenhouses and film shelters. In warm regions, outdoor cultivation is possible, but yields may be reduced. The fruits are well stored and can be transported . Green tomatoes reach full ripeness at room temperature.

The variety is universal; tomatoes are suitable for salads, fresh consumption, making soups, side dishes, and juices. Suitable for pickling and pickling, very beautiful as part of assorted vegetables. The weight of the fruit is 60-100 grams.

You can compare the weight of fruits with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Scarlet candles60-100 grams
Sensei400 grams
Valentina80-90 grams
The Tsar Bellup to 800 grams
Fatima300-400 grams
Caspar80-120 grams
The Golden Fleece85-100 grams
Diva120 grams
Irina120 grams
Dad250-400 grams
Dubrava60-105 grams

Fruit characteristics

  • The shape is cylindrical, with a pointed nose.
  • The skin is dense.
  • Not prone to cracking.
  • The unripe fruits are light green in color and turn pink as they ripen.
  • The taste is richly sweet.
  • The pulp contains a lot of sugar and microelements, so Scarlet Candles tomatoes can be included in children's and dietary diets.
  • Good keeping quality.
  • Resistance to transportation.
  • Tomatoes ripen well outside the bush, maintaining their appearance and taste.
  • Average fruit weight is 60-100 g.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • tasty and juicy beautifully shaped fruits;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • Suitable for salads and canning.

The variety has practically no disadvantages . The only difficulty is the need to form and tie up the bush.

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes of the Scarlet Candles variety are grown in seedlings. To do this, you need to buy tomato seeds Scarlet Candles . Seeds are sown in separate containers in early March. Before this, they must be soaked for 12 hours in Zircon growth stimulator or in freshly squeezed aloe juice.

The containers are filled with nutritious soil from equal parts of garden or turf soil and humus.

Important! The humus must be stale, otherwise it will harm the crops.

It is also recommended to add potassium-based fertilizer, superphosphate, wood ash and a little sand to the mixture.

Furrows 1-1.5 cm deep are made in the soil, seeds are placed in them and covered with a small layer of peat. Plantings are watered with warm water and covered with film or glass. The containers are left in a warm place (+25 degrees) for seed germination. As soon as shoots appear on the surface of the earth, the film or glass is removed and the containers are placed in a well-lit place. It is advisable that the room temperature be 8-9 degrees lower than before.

When the seedlings have formed 1-2 true leaves, they are planted in separate 0.5 liter cups.

The seedlings are transferred to the main place in early May. Before this, the ground is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate, and wood ash is added to each hole. After transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, they are tied to strong stakes or a trellis.

Since the bushes are of an indeterminate type, as the required height is reached, you will need to pinch the top.

More information about growing tomatoes is described in the article: Technology of growing tomatoes. Secrets of planting and care

You might be interested in: How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse: bush formation diagram, care features, photos and videos

Useful information: How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground: the best methods, step-by-step photo and video instructions

Pest Control

Several methods can be used to control pests. One of them is weeding the soil and mulching it with straw. It is better to collect any beetles and slugs by hand, without the use of drugs. In general, after flowering it is recommended to use only non-toxic products or an aqueous solution of ammonia.

“Scarlet Candles” tomatoes are very easy to care for and are rich in sugar and nutrients, making them recommended for dietary and baby food. We have collected reviews for you from gardeners about these wonderful tomatoes.

“Last year I planted this variety of tomatoes for the first time. I was a little late with pinching, but this did not affect the yield. Fruited until late autumn. I was pleased with both the shape and the taste. Elastic and meaty. Next year I will definitely plant it” (Arina, Krasnodar region)

“I’ve been wanting these tomatoes for canning for a long time. I used to use the “Lady Fingers” variety, but it was already boring, “Scarlet Candles” became an excellent replacement for it. I planted a lot, I didn’t expect such a good harvest! The tomatoes are very tasty!” (Sofia, Ural)

“Last year I planted “candles” in the greenhouse. Requires garter and feeding. They started well, quickly began to gain power and grow. Since I didn’t go into the greenhouse often, I had to tinker with them, but we made a lot of twists this year” (Vladimir, Minsk)

“This year I discovered the Scarlet Candles variety. I planted only two bushes and at first I thought it was in vain. For a long time they were frail and did not grow well, but in July they gained strength and bloomed. It’s October now, and we still have fresh, delicious tomatoes on the table. Everything in the greenhouse has already been removed, they are the only handsome ones standing and delighting with the harvest. The fruits are fleshy, sweet and quite large. What was especially surprising was that it was the only one (variety) that did not suffer from late blight. I will plant more!” (Natalia, Vladimir region)

See also

Description of the Gunin tomato variety, yield, cultivation featuresRead

“I’ve been growing this variety for several years solely for its shape. They fit in any jar, and I absolutely love canned food. I combine it with cucumbers and bell peppers, sometimes I make assorted sliced ​​vegetables” (Larisa, Smolensk)

“I’ve been working on tomatoes for many years; there are more than 20 varieties in my greenhouse, including Scarlet Candles.” I love them very much for their shape and unpretentiousness. They never get sick. It is convenient to harvest because the fruits are formed in clusters. It always bears fruit until late autumn. I recommend everyone to try growing this tomato” (Lyudmila, Voronezh)

Tomato care

Scarlet candle tomatoes are grown through seedlings. Sowing - in early or mid-March, so that in May the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Growing seedlings

Prepare all the materials necessary for sowing in advance:

  • nutrient soil;
  • boxes, cups, pots;
  • tomato seeds.

ON A NOTE! It is not advisable to take soil from the garden for sowing seeds and growing seedlings. For seedlings, prepare a special fertile mixture or purchase soil in the store.

Soil composition:

  • turf land;
  • peat, humus;
  • baking powder (sand, vermiculite).

The soil is spilled with potassium permanganate, fertilizers are added (superphosphate, ash), and only then, after 2-3 days, the seeds begin to be sown. Peat soils from the store in their pure form are not used for tomatoes. They are mixed with turf soil, sand or any other baking powder is added, and only then the boxes are filled.

Before sowing, seeds are also disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and germinated in a damp cloth. To improve germination, soaking in growth stimulants (aloe juice, Epin) is recommended.

Tomatoes are sown in common boxes, followed by picking in separate cups, as well as immediately in separate containers. Diving allows you to slow down the growth of seedlings and helps build a powerful root system.

After diving, the tomatoes are fed 1-2 times, for which complex fertilizers (for example, nitrophoska), or ready-made purchased formulations of Kemira, Agricola for seedlings are suitable.

10-14 days before transplanting into the ground, hardening is required and the plants are taken out into the fresh air. If this is not possible, then the tomatoes are taken out onto the balcony, veranda with open windows or vents.


Tomatoes are usually planted in shelters in the first week of May (middle zone), and in the middle or end of May - in the ground. In regions with a harsh climate, the timing is decided and determined by the weather, waiting for the soil to warm up to 14ºC.

In the greenhouse there are 3-4 plants per square meter, in open ground they follow the same scheme. Immediately install stakes or trellises so that after a few days you can tie up the plant’s stem.

The seedlings are not watered for about 6-8 days, then standard care is continued: watering, fertilizing, loosening.


The first time after planting tomatoes in the ground, they are fed after 16-18 days. Fertilizing with diluted mullein (1:10) and bird droppings (1:15) is effective. Before flowering, tomatoes are fed with a pre-prepared green herbal infusion (nettle and other weeds are fermented).

From the moment the fruits form and ripen, potassium and phosphorus should predominate in fertilizing. An excess of nitrogen leads to the “fatification” of bushes, the growth of green mass of plants, and a decrease in color and ovaries. Spraying tomatoes with a superphosphate solution will correct the situation.

Foliar feeding is useful for plants, for which they use:

  • iodine solution (take 3-4 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water);
  • ash infusion;
  • boric acid solution (take 15-20 grams of the drug per bucket of water).

Fertilizing with humates (applied according to instructions) gives a good effect.

The Scarlet Candles variety is most often formed into two trunks, leaving one additional stepson. All other stepchildren are removed, carrying out the procedure 1-2 in 10 days.

ON A NOTE! Plant tomatoes in the morning so that all wounds after pruning heal faster and do not become infected.

The productive variety grows well on trellises; in this case, the tomatoes receive sufficient light, there is no thickening of the plantings, and it is convenient to care for the plants.



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Another important indicator for tomatoes is yield. You should take proper care of them, only then demand a return from them. From one plant of this variety you can collect about 5 kg of fruit. In this case, 1 m2 will give almost 20 kg.

The hybrid is responsive to fertilizer and proper care, brings 4-5 kg ​​from 1 bush, 12-15 kg from 1 m2. The fruits are used fresh, preserved in pieces, and prepared in juices and ketchups.

  • Tomatoes ripen in clusters, the average weight of one tomato is 150-250 grams, the first ones on the cluster sometimes grow up to 400 grams.
  • The variety is high-yielding, from 3.5 to 5 kg per plant.
  • Under favorable conditions, up to 25 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from 1 m2.
  • The harvest can be eaten fresh, stored, or rolled into pickles and marinades.

The fruits are rich dark red in color and have thin, durable skin. The shape is round, the weight varies from 10 to 20 g. The size resembles a large grape. The yield per 1 m2 reaches 3.5 kg. This figure is considered above average among cherry tomatoes. The pulp is sweet, juicy without a sour tomato taste. The skin is strong and does not crack.

The approximate weight of each tomato is 100-130 grams. When growing tomatoes under a film cover in compliance with the rules for caring for the plant, 12-15 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter.

Tomatoes bear fruit for a long period. The first ripe tomato can be harvested in April, and the last one from the same bush ripens closer to October.

from germination to the beginning of ripening 102-108 days. Fruit: fruits are flat-round, slightly ribbed, red, weighing 170-180 g, do not crack. The taste and quality are excellent. Resistance: resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and Alternaria.

The excellent quality of the fruit is maintained during storage and transportation. The excellent taste of the fruit makes the Scarlet Sails variety irreplaceable on your table, especially in early summer, when the lack of vitamins is most acute.

Greenhouse tomatoes

All varieties of tomatoes

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