A guiding star for gardeners throughout the country - the Canopus tomato: characteristics and description of the variety

Benefits of Canopus tomatoes

Those who have already planted plasma seeds of a variety popular among gardeners focus on the following advantages:

  • large size of the fruit;
  • juiciness of already ripe tomatoes;
  • high taste compatibility with other products;
  • possibility of conservation, processing;
  • simple care procedures;
  • resistance to long-term absence of water;
  • normal perception of adverse weather conditions.

In addition, the description of the Canopus tomato contains another clear advantage of the variety - endurance, resistance to diseases, including:

  1. Late blight, which annually destroys millions of hectares of crops. Universal symptoms are the appearance of gray-brown spots on the leaves that look like mold. The fruits and stems of the plant are also susceptible to the disease.
  2. Tobacco mosaic virus is a rod-shaped RNA virus that stains fruits and leaves with yellowish spots. The bizarre patterns of the disastrous mosaic provoke deprivation of their presentation, the previously red tomatoes become spotted, and the taste deteriorates.
  3. Bacterial spotting, destroying vegetation with rusty spots, unaesthetic spots on the greenish layers of leaves, rounded borders of an appetizing fruit.

Canopus tomatoes are resistant to these diseases; the rich yield of the variety will not be threatened due to the bacterial attack of parasitic diseases.

With proper care, the harvest will surprise you with the abundance of red fruits, their colorful visual characteristics, and taste qualities worthy of the best dishes of elite restaurants.

Growing seedlings of their seeds

Seeds are placed in ready-made or home-made boxes with soil for tomatoes, in holes to a depth of 3-5 mm. It is recommended to pre-treat the entire seed fund with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. This will improve the immunity of future seedlings and disinfect the seedlings from fungal or bacterial infections.

Then the planted seeds are covered with thick paper sprayed with water from a spray bottle. After the bushes germinate, they need to be watered with warm water and fed with microfertilizers. When 2-3 leaves appear on the sprouts, the plants dive. The seedlings are planted on permanent soil after 50-60 days. Before this, it is recommended to harden the seedlings for a week.

The bushes are planted in the ground, where nitrogen and organic fertilizers are added. The planting pattern is standard - 0.5x0.5 m. To get an early harvest, the farmer can remove the shoots. This operation allows you to increase the weight of fruits when growing them in a greenhouse. For open ground it is not necessary.

The stems are tied to supports or trellises, otherwise, when large fruits develop, the tomato branches may break off.

This is interesting: The Chinese method of growing tomato seedlings - we describe it in detail

How to grow seedlings

For planting, select strong seeds without any damage. Before planting, the seeds are soaked and disinfected. They are sown in a common wooden box in pre-made shallow grooves at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Before planting seeds, the soil is loosened and disinfected.

Do not forget about maintaining regular humidity: the easiest way to do this is with a spray bottle. The optimal air temperature is at least 25 degrees. Also, seedlings should not suffer from a lack of light, so in the daytime the containers are placed on the windowsill, and in the evening they are illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

After 60 days, the seeds turn into young bushes, ready for transplanting into open ground.

Important ! This variety of tomatoes needs picking.

Picking is the transplantation of seedlings from a container common to all seedlings into individual pots (plastic cups). Accompanied by truncation of the main root by 25-30% of its length.

Harvesting and application

Since the tomato is mid-season, ripening occurs towards the end of summer. The main thing is to ensure that the fruits do not overripe, otherwise, being heavy, they can break the bushes. If, due to the large volume grown, the bushes are not tied up, the tomatoes are collected from the surface of the ground. In this case, it is also necessary to monitor the ripeness, otherwise they will crack and rot from overripeness.

The fruits are distinguished by excellent presentation, long storage and good transportability. However, this is not surprising, given that this particular species is preferred as a crop that generates income through sale.

These vegetables are also versatile in cooking – they are good both fresh and in preparations for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like the star Canopus, the vegetable crop named after it has its light and dark sides.

Let's look at the positive characteristics first:

  • unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • resistance to many diseases and pests;
  • high quantitative indicator;
  • possible large fruit sizes;
  • their unusual shape;
  • presentation and long-term storage, good transportability;
  • productivity in any region of the country;
  • versatility in cooking.

There are many times fewer negative sides, but they exist:

  • dependence of the quality characteristics of fruits on growing conditions;
  • bush garter;
  • average ripening speed.

Description of the variety

Tomato “Pink Treasure F1” is a first generation hybrid variety. A determinate bush when grown in greenhouses can reach a height of 1.5 meters. In open ground, tomatoes grow more compact and shorter.

IMPORTANT: To improve the yield of tomatoes, it is recommended to plant seedlings.

Main characteristics of the fruit of the variety:

  • Large, flat-round tomatoes;
  • The stalk has noticeable ribbing;
  • Unripe tomatoes are light green in color;
  • Ripe fruits change color - it becomes raspberry-pink;
  • The pulp is dense, juicy and fleshy;
  • The fruit produces a small number of seeds;
  • The taste is rich, sweet, without sourness;
  • High content of vitamins and minerals;
  • Average weight is about 600 grams.

REFERENCE: The largest fruits ripen on the lower branches of the tomato. Their weight can reach 1.5 kg.

Due to their high sugar and beta-carotene content, Pink Treasure F1 tomatoes are recommended for making baby food.

Typical mistakes when growing

This variety is resistant to drought, cold and weather changes, but it is not shade-loving.

It would be a mistake to plant it in a poorly lit area - tomatoes often become smaller and become sour. In addition, lack of light negatively affects the overall yield.

In such cases, tomatoes spoil, are damaged by insects, and provoke diseases. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to put supports under heavy branches or fruit clusters.


This variety of tomato got its name from a star from the Southern Hemisphere. Canopus is a yellowish-white star, a supergiant in the sky, captivating with magical light, and in the garden there is a special variety of tomatoes that organically combines excellent taste with ease of care.

The Canopus tomato comes from Siberia (from Novosibirsk), so it is quite suitable for the difficult conditions of the Siberian summer and other regions that differ little in climatic conditions. However, it also takes root well in greenhouses. It is classified as determinant because it has limited growth.

Description and photos of the best hybrids

For open ground, breeders also offer species with high yields of hybrid origin; they are resistant to diseases and temperature changes. The best tomato varieties of 2020:

  1. Intuition F1 is one of the best tomato hybrids for picking with trusses, mid-season, from germination to harvesting the first vegetables - 110 days.
  2. Katya F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits weigh 90-130 g and ripen simultaneously. From 1 m² you can harvest more than 10 kg of fruit per season.
  3. Search F1 – unpretentious and at the same time tasty tomatoes. The hybrid withstands cold weather and is immune to most diseases. The bushes are strewn with small red fruits, which are excellent for pickling and canning.
  4. Blagovest F1 is an early-ripening hybrid. The fruits are round, glossy, with slightly pronounced ribbing. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of fruit.
  5. La la fa F1 - has excellent consumer qualities, high yield and unpretentiousness. The average weight of the fruit is 140-170 g. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 20 kg.
  6. Vladimir F1 - has a high yield and is suitable for cultivation in any type of soil. High productivity throughout the entire fruiting period.
  7. Beef King F1 is an early maturing Dutch hybrid. The tomatoes are round, dense, smooth. From one bush you can collect up to 4-5 kg. Resistant to low temperatures and diseases.
  8. Ashdod F1 – tomatoes with smooth, dense skin. Fruit weight is from 110 to 140 g. The pulp has a bright burgundy color.
  9. Tanya F1 is a hybrid from the Netherlands with excellent immunity, dense structure, and good yield. The fruits have a regular round shape, weighing 150-200 g. They tolerate transportation well.

If the designation on a bag of planting material is F1 – hybrids of tomatoes (or other plants) of the first generation, F2 – of the second, and so on.

Exceptional taste, fruit weight, constant yield, disease resistance, adaptation to weather conditions are the advantages of hybrids over tomato varieties.


Tomato The effect is mid-season, the yield is not very high, about 5 kg/m2, but this is typical for tasty salad varieties. The plant spends all its energy to produce juicy tomatoes, losing slightly in yield to other less tasty varieties for canning. Fruiting is reliable and stable until the onset of cold weather.


In mid-March, seedlings are sown. The soil mixture is prepared nutritious and loose.

It is best to take garden soil from the future garden bed as a basis.

This will make it easier for the seedlings to adapt after transplantation. You need to add organic components to the soil: compost, humus. For looseness and lightness, add a little sawdust, peat and sand.

Sawdust should always be steamed with boiling water before use.

The soil is brought into a warm place at least a day before sowing the seedlings and watered with boiling water.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 10 mm at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The boxes are covered with film and placed in a warm place. The optimal germination temperature for tomato seeds is 24-25 ℃. When the shoots appear, the film is removed and the temperature must be reduced to 20-21 ℃. Tomatoes The effect is ensured by illumination with fluorescent lamps for 2-3 evening hours so that the sprouts do not stretch out.

After 1-2 true leaves appear, the tomatoes dive.

If space allows, it is better to transplant each sprout into a separate pot with a volume of 2-3 liters.

This will allow the plant to develop a normal root system and make it easier to transplant to the beds. Water the tomatoes moderately, allowing the soil to dry sufficiently, but not allowing the sprouts to wilt. Seedlings are fed 1-2 times with complex mineral fertilizers or mullein infusion.

Hardening of seedlings

If the weather is good and the temperature rises to 20-24 ℃ during the day, then at the age of 5 weeks the seedlings can begin to harden. First, the plants are taken out for 30-40 minutes during the warmest hours, shaded from direct sunlight. Every day the time is increased by 1-2 hours. During the second week, the seedlings are accustomed to direct sunlight. Temperatures below 14-15 ℃ are undesirable for tomatoes; during cold weather, you can simply arrange long-term ventilation.

If the weather permits, during the third week of hardening the plants are left outside around the clock. Depending on the region, transplanting seedlings is possible from mid-May to early June, at the age of 60-65 days.

Effect tomatoes belong to the determinant type of growth, so they do not need a garter. The height of plants usually does not exceed 65-80 cm. No more than 3-4 plants are planted per 1 m2. It is useful to mulch the soil with sawdust or peat; this will eliminate the need for frequent loosening.

Water the tomatoes sparingly, allowing the top layer of soil to dry. This will give the plant a signal to develop the root system and not overgrow the green mass to the detriment of yield. Increase watering only when fruit is filling.

Feed the Effect tomato variety 3-4 times, if possible alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizers.

Features of growing the variety

The Canopus tomato is grown in the traditional seedling way. Seeds begin to be sown in mid-March. You must first hold them in a 5% salt solution and discard any that float. A few hours before planting, they are kept in a growth stimulant - for example, in Epin or Kornevin.

The soil should be prepared in advance - for example, make a mixture of garden soil, compost and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1, or buy universal soil for seedlings. The mixture is disinfected with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.

Growing instructions are quite simple:

  1. The soil is placed in containers or boxes.
  2. The seeds are buried 1-1.5 cm.
  3. The surface is sprayed with water.
  4. Cover with a transparent lid.
  5. Place the containers in a warm place (24-26 degrees).
  6. If necessary, install a phytolamp to provide additional illumination until the total daylight hours are 14-15 hours.

After 3 leaves appear, Canopus tomato seedlings are transferred to plastic glasses or peat pots and grown at room temperature. A few days after picking, they can be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. 10-15 days before transferring to the ground, containers begin to be taken outside or onto the balcony to harden the plants.

Canopus tomatoes have time to ripen on a branch

Transplantation is carried out in the second half of May or closer to the beginning of June. Canopus tomato bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, leaving a distance between plants of 50 cm and between rows of 70 cm. Watered 2 times a week with warm water, complex fertilizer is applied up to 4 times per season (every 2-3 weeks). The soil is mulched and, if necessary, loosened and weeded. The bushes are formed into 3-4 stems, the stepsons are removed up to the first cluster, and also tied to a support.

Growing and care

In open ground, the variety does not require pinching. They are tied as necessary so that the bushes do not break from the weight of the fruit. In the greenhouse, plants are led into 2 stems and tied.

Although the variety tolerates drought, it benefits from moderate watering. Tomatoes are watered once a week, being careful not to over-moisten the soil and prevent moisture from getting on the leaves and stems. It is better to water in the morning or evening when there is no direct sunlight. The water is slightly heated.

Feed 3-5 times. The following supplements are useful:

  • mullein solution 1:10 (about 0.5-1 liter for each bush, but only in the early periods of development);
  • solutions of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, etc.) according to the instructions;
  • special complexes for tomatoes - Kemira, Signor Tomato, etc.;
  • spraying the leaves with solutions of boric acid, iodine or mineral fertilizers.

You should not get carried away with fertilizing from manure and bird droppings at the expense of mineral fertilizers. Moderate fertilizing with chemicals is not harmful to tomatoes, but beneficial. Toxic substances do not accumulate in fruits unless overdosed.

Farmer reviews

The following estimates are collected from different cities, but despite the weather vagaries of different regions, this vegetable crop pleases tomato lovers equally.

Antonina, 52 years old, Yaroslavl: “They recommended seeds of a new type of tomato for me in the store. I grew them in a greenhouse and really liked them. There were a lot of fruits on each bush. They are tasty, meaty, aromatic. I made tomato juice out of them for the winter, made adjika, lecho and other preparations. And they are very good in salads anyway. Next year I collected seeds and will definitely grow them from my own seeds. In all respects, this is a wonderful variety!”

Victor, 63 years old, Izhevsk: “Canopus is an ideal species for beginners or lazy gardeners. I practically didn’t water or fertilize, but I’m still happy with the result. Of course, the variety pleased me with its high yield. At the same time, it is possible to obtain large and very tasty fruits.”

Germislav, Magnitogorsk: “I’ve been working on this tomato for three years. I sow seeds in the second half of March. When three true leaves appear, I pick, placing each plant in a separate cup. Then I place the seedlings in open ground. After 10 days, I water it using fertilizer for seedlings. After another two weeks I water it with urea. I am fertilizing for the third time using fertilizers with microelements. The result is excellent."

How to grow tomatoes

Seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse at the end of April - beginning of May, into open ground - no earlier than mid-June. By this time, the bushes will have at least 6 true leaves and one flower cluster.


Planting pattern: 40 cm – distance between seedlings, 50 cm – between rows. For 1 sq. m place no more than 4 seedlings.

They are planted in pre-prepared holes 20 cm deep. Before transplanting, a little wood ash or sawdust is placed at the bottom of the holes and filled with warm water.

After planting, the holes are compacted, watered with warm water and left to adapt to new conditions for 10 days. During adaptation, young plants are not watered, as the roots do not absorb moisture.

Further care

After rooting, establish regular watering at least 2 times a week. On dry days, the amount of watering is increased, and on rainy days, on the contrary, it is reduced. The main indicator of the need for watering is the top layer of soil. Water only with warm water, as cold water can cause the root system to rot. To heat the water in barrels, expose it to the sun.

To retain moisture, the beds are mulched with straw. Mulch also performs a preventive function, protecting plantings from pests.

After watering, the soil is loosened and all weeds are removed. Weeds take from the soil many nutrients necessary for the development of tomatoes.

Seedlings are fed throughout the growing season once every 14 days. The necessary elements for full development are phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Nitrogen is introduced at the initial stage, as it stimulates the growth and expansion of green mass. Potassium is needed at the time of fruiting, and seedlings constantly need phosphorus. The full complex of minerals is alternated with organic matter - bird droppings or mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:15.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

To get maximum results, the bush is formed into 2 stems. All other stepsons are regularly removed to prevent the plantings from becoming dense. All lower leaves up to the first fruitful branch must also be removed.

The pinching procedure is carried out early in the morning. The shoots that have reached 3 cm are removed, the cut areas are sprinkled with ash or treated with a manganese solution for disinfection. When removing shoots of more than 5 cm, pinching is painful for plants.

Tall seedlings need to be fixed to a support, otherwise the branches will not withstand the weight of the fruit. When transplanting into the ground, wooden stakes or metal rods are installed next to each plant, to which the stem and branches are fixed as they grow.

Also, in greenhouse conditions, they are tied to a trellis. This is the most convenient garter option, as it is less traumatic for plants.

Diseases and pests

According to reviews, the Neighbor's Envy tomato is distinguished by its stable immunity to major diseases, so preventive measures are sufficient. When transplanting, young bushes are watered with a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Strong-smelling herbs prevent many flying and ground pests from approaching the beds, so marigolds, mustard bushes and calendula are planted in tomato beds.

Spraying with Fitosporin not only protects plants from fungal spores, but also increases their immunity.

Reference. "Fitosporin" is a systemic fungicide. It is used not only for prevention purposes, but also for the treatment of diseased plants.

Regular loosening and weeding prevent the proliferation of pests in tomato beds. Ventilation of protected structures performs the same function, destroying the usual habitat of greenhouse pests.

Among insects, the Colorado potato beetle and mole cricket are dangerous. The mole cricket moves underground, so it is difficult to notice. To scare it away, fish heads and chopped garlic cloves are dug into the beds. The Colorado potato beetle is collected by hand, carefully inspecting each seedling. When there is a large concentration of the pest, the drug “Prestige” is used.

Care tips: how to plant and grow Canopus tomatoes

Undemanding tomatoes still need basic care from summer residents, the manifestation of which will not take a lot of time and physical resources. Neighbors and “urban” household members will be amazed by the harvest of ripe fruits if you follow some tips:

  1. You should not dig a deep hole for seeds; it is better to plant future tomatoes in a shallow (3-5 mm) funnel.
  2. You can cover the soil with thick paper or newspapers. The paper cover should be sprayed with a spray bottle; such simple manipulations will ensure uniform watering and excellent air access.
  3. Canopus tomatoes take microfertilizers very warmly; among the variety of chemical fertilizers, give preference to ready-made mixtures.
  4. The soil can be covered with a thin layer of organic fertilizer, such as bird droppings.
  5. Organic fertilizing will not only have a positive effect on the growth of the variety’s stems, but will also attract earthworms, which will actively loosen the soil.
  6. Worms are a universal way to give future tomatoes enough air, but you should adhere to the thin boundaries of the norm, because primitive animals are food for moles.
  7. Tie graceful stems to stakes, focusing on the process of bush formation.
  8. Those who want to get an early harvest of bright fruits can resort to the pinching procedure. For open ground, such an operation is not necessary.

Tomatoes should be watered once a week, try to control the flow of moisture, because a large amount of liquid can radically spoil the future harvest . The water should be barely warm; you can dilute the solution with fertilizer.

Description and characteristics of the tomato Flash

The bush is low (40–50 cm), standard, with shortened internodes, and belongs to the determinant type. Such plants are limited in growth by apexing - the formation of a flower cluster at the top of the stem. The variety does not require pinching. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. The first inflorescence is formed above the fifth or sixth leaf, the subsequent ones are not separated by leaves. The inflorescences are complex, the stalk has articulations.

The fruit is round, maybe with slight ribbing. Weight is 80–120 grams. Unripe tomatoes are light green, while fully ripe tomatoes are red. The number of nests is at least four, maybe more. The pulp is dense, the skin is quite thin, but the fruits do not crack.

Flash tomato fruits are round, medium in size, rich red in color

The taste is excellent: according to gardeners, the pulp is juicy, not watery, sweetish, and sugary when cut. There is an increased content of lycopene and vitamins.

Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that determines the color of fruits. However, it does not have A-vitamin activity, but functions as an antioxidant in the human body. Lycopene is believed to be useful in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases.

The fruits are most often used fresh for salads, in cooking, and also for processing into tomato products: juice, puree, paste, etc. There are different opinions regarding their suitability for whole-fruit canning. According to some reviews, when rolled into jars, tomatoes may spread due to their thin skin.

From the fruits of the tomato Vshlyshka we obtain rich tomato juice of excellent taste.

The variety is ultra-early (up to 95 days), the originator claims that such a short growing season makes it possible to grow tomatoes without seedlings even in problematic climates. You can collect 4.8 kg of fruit per square meter, ripening is smooth. The yield of marketable products can reach almost 100%. Resistance to extreme growing conditions is noted, as well as relative immunity to late blight.


There is an opinion among many gardeners that when caring for tomatoes, you only need to water them and loosen the soil under them. This is not enough and it is unlikely that you will be able to get a good harvest if you limit yourself to these actions.

The care required by the Canopus tomato involves a whole range of agrotechnical measures.

  1. Selection of seed material. Strong, healthy seeds should be selected for planting, without visible signs of damage.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the seed for planting. To do this, the seeds must be soaked and disinfected.
  3. It is necessary to create conditions that will be optimal for the growth and development of seedlings (temperature, light, humidity).
  4. Performing picking of seedlings.
  5. It is necessary to choose a place for the garden bed and prepare the soil accordingly.
  6. Regular watering.
  7. Adding fertilizer to the soil.
  8. Preventive measures to prevent diseases
  9. Weeding and loosening the soil.
  10. Performing actions to form a bush (stepping, tying).
  11. Harvest activities.

Sometimes a number of additional measures are required to increase productivity:

  • mulching work;
  • treatment of seedlings with growth stimulants;
  • protection from spring frosts;
  • placing plants that repel insects near tomatoes.

Although the Canopus tomato variety does not have any increased care requirements, you should take care of the soil in advance. This is evidenced by the reviews of those who planted and the characteristics. Growth will be best observed in loose soils with sufficient moisture content. The medium should not be acidic. It is better if it is neutral in nature.

The Canopus tomato responds well to the application of fertilizers to the soil. Tomato grows quickly in soils rich in phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium compounds. To ensure the required amount, fertilizers are applied. They can be organic in nature or take the form of mineral mixtures.

Before planting a Canopus tomato, you should pay attention to what was growing on the site before. Precursors can play a significant role, which subsequently affects the quality of the crop

Tomato grows well after cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkin. You can’t plant them where potatoes grew before.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

When grown in open ground, the crop does not require either formation or pinching.

For those who want to increase the number of tomatoes on their plots, a number of the following activities are offered:

  • mulching the soil;
  • protection from spring frosts;
  • treatment of seedlings with growth stimulants;
  • placement of plants that repel pests near the vegetable crop.

In greenhouse conditions, the plant is best formed into two stems. This allows you to achieve maximum effect in terms of fruiting and ripening time. In greenhouses, bushes are planted for the same purposes.

The weight of one fruit ranges from 120 to 180 g. But knowing and using special techniques (shaping, pinching, obtaining the required amount of light and moisture, feeding), it is quite possible to obtain fruits weighing up to 400 g each.

Characteristics of tomatoes

According to the characteristics of tomatoes declared by the originator, the Canopus tomato belongs to a relatively rare type - it has oblong or almost oval fruits of quite large sizes. True, the shape of the fruit can vary greatly under different growing conditions. The very first or largest tomatoes on the bush often have a more traditional flattened shape. The smooth surface of the fruit may change and become slightly folded at the base of the stalk.

Most often, the average size of the fruit is small; the weight of one tomato can vary from 110 to 180 grams. But when using special growing techniques (forming into one stem, constant pinching and, of course, providing the maximum amount of sunlight and plenty of nutrition), you can get fruits from these tomatoes weighing up to 400 grams, or even more, each.

The color of Canopus tomatoes at the stage of technical maturity is green with a pronounced dark green spot in the area of ​​the stalk. Fully ripened tomatoes are bright red in color.

Each tomato has more than 4 seed nests, the skin is quite dense, the flesh is elastic, fleshy, with sufficient juice content.

Canopus tomatoes have good taste characteristics; some are completely delighted with them, while others consider them ordinary and even sour. In any case, the taste, as well as the size of the fruit, is significantly dependent on the growing conditions and the quantity and quality of the added nutrients.

Comment! But producers of agricultural products fully appreciated the good preservation of tomatoes of this variety and their high suitability for transportation over long distances.

By purpose, Canopus tomatoes belong to the universal type. They are good for salads in the summer, they make wonderful tomato products, such as ketchup, adjika, juice. And thanks to the relatively small size of most of the fruits, they are great for pickles and marinades.

general characteristics

The plant has a neat stem 40–60 cm long. The leaves are medium-sized and rich green. During the flowering period, many simple inflorescences appear on tomatoes of this variety. The place where the first inflorescence is located is the area located above the 6-9 leaves. The next inflorescence is located at a distance of 2-3 leaves from the previous one.

Tomato Canopus has certain advantages:

  1. The fruits are large in size
  2. Ripe tomatoes have pronounced juiciness
  3. The taste goes well with other products.
  4. Tomatoes can be canned and stored for future use.
  5. Easy to care for.
  6. The variety is resistant to lack of moisture.
  7. Tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

Characteristics and description of the Canopus tomato variety, yield

The name of the famous variety is consonant with the name of the star of the southern hemisphere, a bright giant that illuminates the night sky with a fabulous brilliance. Like its “cosmic namesake,” the Canopus tomato is a guiding star in the “garden universe” of experienced summer residents. Even novice gardeners can cope with growing this unpretentious tomato variety!

People who have already been lucky enough to plant hybrid tomato seeds note not only its excellent taste characteristics, but also its ease of care. Canopus tomatoes need minimal amounts of mineral fertilizers, regular watering with warm water and sunlight.

Increased yield

The level of tomato yield depends not only on the varietal characteristics, but also on compliance with the technology for growing this vegetable crop. Quite often, a decrease in the overall yield of tomatoes, regardless of the growing method, is a consequence of gross violations of agricultural technology. This can be avoided by following the recommendations:

it is very important to remember that the implementation of irrigation measures on the above-ground part of the plant and using too cold water most often causes a loss of up to 30–35% of the total yield; even with a sufficient level of soil fertility, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting activities both in open and protected ground; preliminary deep digging of the soil must necessarily be accompanied by careful removal of weeds and the application of basic complex fertilizers, and, if necessary, improvement of pH values ​​through special soil-deoxidizing compounds;

An increase in overall yield by approximately 15–25% is facilitated by twice spraying the above-ground parts of tomato bushes with a solution based on 10 g of boric acid diluted in a bucket of warm water; when growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is very important to periodically shake the flower clusters, which improves the pollination process and helps increase the yield; to improve illumination of plants and to lengthen daylight hours, experienced vegetable growers recommend placing ridges in the direction from east to west;

  • It is recommended not to neglect the periodic hilling of the stem part of the tomato, which is a way to increase the root mass of the plant and helps to improve the nutrition of the above-ground part of the garden crop;
  • at the final stage of the growing season, the lower part of the tomato bush should be completely freed from leaves, which will speed up the ripening of the bulk of the crop;
  • mulching the soil around tomato bushes with organic matter, including hay, straw, compost, wood shavings or sawdust, newsprint, fallen leaves, grass clippings, pine needles or peat, also helps increase productivity.

Description of the hybrid tomato Pablo, rules for growing the variety in seedlings and without seedlings

Tomato Pablo f1 is an early ripening variety of hybrid origin. The fruits have excellent external characteristics and good taste. The bush is tall and requires staking to supports.

It takes 105-115 days from seed germination to ripening. It has high productivity, but is demanding on agricultural technology. When cultivated in open ground, the yield is 11-12 kg per 1 m².

The greenhouse crop produces a yield of about 8 kg per 1 m².

Characteristics of the Pablo variety

Description of Pablo tomato:

  1. The tomatoes are large, dense, and the flesh is juicy and red.
  2. There are 5-6 tomatoes on one bunch.
  3. The shape of the fruit is round.
  4. Product quality and taste are excellent.
  5. Transportable.
  6. Tomato is resistant to most fungal diseases, such as verticillium, tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis.
  7. Tomato Pablo F1 has an advantage over other varieties and is able to withstand sudden temperature changes.

Features of growing tomatoes: planting density 3-4 bushes per m². It is recommended to grow in open ground in warm regions of Russia. Hybrid varieties combine the genes of the best varieties and therefore have many positive characteristics.

Advantages of the Pablo tomato: adapts well to any area, the fruits have excellent taste and commercial qualities, ripen early, the plant is resistant to diseases, a high percentage of fruit set even in unfavorable weather conditions.

Disadvantages of the variety: it is impossible to preserve a set of genes. As with all hybrid plants created artificially by breeders, seeds collected from fruits will not produce parental characteristics, so planting material will have to be purchased every year.

Reviews from gardeners about this variety are positive. They leave their comments and photos of grown tomatoes on the Internet. In their opinion, seed germination is high, about 95%. Productivity largely depends on care. Ripens early. In the Krasnodar Territory, harvesting begins around June 15. Tomatoes picked brown are stored for 1.5 weeks. Suitable for transportation and canning.

The second method is seedling. First you need to prepare the soil: fertilize it with humus, peat, dig it up. The soil should be loose. In dense soil, the germination rate of seeds will decrease and the plants will be weak. Before sowing, it is necessary to disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or special preparations (Fitosporin, Trichodermin).

The disinfection depth is 30-40 cm. This procedure is necessary to prevent plant disease at the beginning of growth. Before sowing, seeds must also be placed for 1 hour in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate or another special disinfectant. Before sowing, the soil is watered with warm water and compacted.

The distance between plants is 3-4 cm. This density will allow plants to develop well and not shade each other. After sowing the seeds, the soil is watered again with warm water. For the entire period of 50-60 days of growing season, the optimal temperature for seedling growth is +22...+25ºС, air humidity 60%. Within ten days of planting in the ground, seedlings must be hardened: periodically reduce the temperature to +15ºС.

The bush of the plant is tall, so it requires a garter. 2 weeks after planting, it is necessary to prepare a support (wooden pegs or iron rods). The plant is formed into 2 stems, the stepsons break off.

Side shoots (stepchildren) interfere with the normal growth of the plant.

The frequency of watering depends on soil moisture. Water consumption per plant is about 5 liters. It is impossible to over-moisten the soil, as conditions are created for the development of diseases and the growing season is delayed, and, as a result, the yield decreases. The plant needs to be fertilized every 2 weeks. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is always loose.

To reduce labor costs, soil mulching should be used. Mulching prevents the root system from drying out and reduces the appearance of weeds.

Description of the Canopus tomato and growing the variety in seedlings

The Canopus tomato belongs to the group of hybrids with medium ripening periods. They require less fertilizer to grow. Canopus tomatoes are large in size. They can withstand adverse weather conditions and are resistant to fungal diseases. They are used for processing into sauces, tomato paste, ketchups, and juices.

Canopus can be preserved for the winter. Tomato can be transported over long distances. The disadvantages of this variety are considered to be not the best aroma and taste of the fruit, so most of the resulting berries go to processing plants.

Some information about tomato

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. Harvesting after planting seedlings is possible in 100-120 days.
  2. The bush of the plant grows up to 0.4-0.6 m. An average number of leaves are formed on the stems, colored in a rich green color.
  3. Canopus has simple inflorescences. The very first of them appears above the 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th leaf, all subsequent ones appear after 2-3 leaves.
  4. The description of tomato fruits begins with their shape, which looks like an elongated cylinder. Ripe berries are colored in a contrasting red color, which stands out sharply against the background of the green leaves of the plant.
  5. That part of the farmers who planted the described variety in open ground claims that Canopus easily tolerates a lack of water. In this case, the weight of the fruit ranges from 0.1 to 0.25 kg. Another part of the gardeners, who planted this variety in full compliance with the recommendations of experts or in greenhouses, indicates that the weight of the fruit reached 0.35-0.4 kg.

Reviews from gardeners show that tomato yields reach 3-3.5 kg of berries per 1 m² of bed when sown in open soils. From the same area in the greenhouse, up to 5 kg of fruits are obtained.


The variety is resistant to various diseases. It has good resistance to late blight, tobacco mosaic virus, and bacterial spot. Most garden pests avoid the described tomato, so there is no need to purchase chemicals to kill insects and their larvae.

To grow tomatoes in the southern regions of Russia and in the vast expanses of the middle zone, greenhouses are not required, since tomato grows well in open areas. In Siberia and the northern regions of the country, it is recommended to plant in well-heated greenhouse complexes.

Seeds are placed in ready-made or home-made boxes with soil for tomatoes, in holes to a depth of 3-5 mm. It is recommended to pre-treat the entire seed fund with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. This will improve the immunity of future seedlings and disinfect the seedlings from fungal or bacterial infections.

The bushes are planted in the ground, where nitrogen and organic fertilizers are added. The planting pattern is standard - 0.5x0.5 m. To get an early harvest, the farmer can remove the shoots. This operation allows you to increase the weight of fruits when growing them in a greenhouse. For open ground it is not necessary.

The stems are tied to supports or trellises, otherwise, when large fruits develop, the tomato branches may break off.

Characteristics of Canopus tomato variety

Canopus tomatoes are formed 4 months after the seedlings emerge. At this moment, they reach the stage of technical ripeness, after which they can be removed from the branch and sent for ripening (they ripen very quickly). Fruiting begins in July, the main wave occurs in the second half of summer.

Canopus tomato yield and fruiting

According to the register of selection achievements, the yield is 3.1 kg per 1 m2. Moreover, we are talking specifically about marketable fruits. If we talk about the total number of Canopus tomatoes, then from 1 m2 you can harvest up to 3.5 kg.

Growing methodIn the greenhouseIn the open ground
From 1 bush, kg1-1,20,7-1
From 1 m2, kg*3-3,52-3

*For 1 m2 you can plant 3-4 Canopus tomato bushes.

Maximum yield can be achieved by growing Canopus tomato bushes in a greenhouse, as well as by following basic care rules:

  1. Regular but moderate watering.
  2. Application of balanced complex fertilizer.
  3. Forming a bush with 3 or 4 stems.
  4. Ventilation of the greenhouse.
  5. Preventive treatment against diseases and pests.
  6. If necessary, tie the bushes to a support.

Attention! There is evidence that in good weather and when optimal conditions are created, the yield of Canopus tomato can be increased to 5-6 kg per 1 m2.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomatoes have a universal purpose. They can be plucked from the bush and eaten fresh, cooked in various dishes (sauces, tomato juice, soups), and also sent for processing to prepare:

  • lecho;
  • tomato puree;
  • vegetable caviar;
  • pickles.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tomato Canopus has very good immunity to the main diseases of Solanaceae:

  • late blight;
  • bacterial spot;
  • tobacco mosaic.

As a preventive measure, experienced summer residents advise carrying out a one-time treatment of seedlings in mid-May (before transferring them to the ground). In the summer, if necessary, the bushes are sprayed with insecticides and homemade solutions to kill insects.

Advice! As a preventive measure, you should also regularly ventilate the greenhouse. It is advisable to disinfect the greenhouse the day before (in autumn or spring) with a liquid solution or using a smoke bomb.

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