What is this beet called Pablo F1? Description of the variety, advantages and disadvantages, cultivation features

Today, many varieties and hybrids are being created, one of them is very popular among our gardeners, this is Pablo F1 beets. This hybrid was created by breeders from the Netherlands. Its main purpose was for industrial cultivation, however, the high yield of this hybrid made it in demand among ordinary vegetable growers.

Pablo F1 beet seeds can be purchased today in an electronic store or in gardening centers. In our country, this hybrid began to be grown quite recently. The excellent results did not leave summer residents indifferent and the fame of this beet variety quickly spread.

Characteristics and description of the variety

First of all, it is worth noting that this variety is a hybrid and was first bred in Holland . Recently it has been grown quite often on a large scale. The growing season lasts approximately 105 days. Low temperatures will not harm the plant; it is also resistant to low temperatures, lack of humidity, many major diseases, and also grows well in almost any type of soil.

After harvest, the fruit of the crop can be stored for quite a long time and retain its positive properties; it is also good for transportation.

Experts note a fairly high level of beet yield, approximately 700 centners per hectare. The fruits have a hard wall, the average weight of the fruit reaches about 180 grams, has a round shape and a purple hue.

Useful qualities of beet hybrid Pablo F1

This beet is simply a storehouse of healthy vitamins and minerals.

  • Pablo's hybrid contains a large amount of magnesium, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • It is a source of iron, therefore useful for anemia.
  • Indispensable in the treatment of diabetes. A large amount of its sugars do not harm the body.
  • This beetroot is recommended for gastritis, gastric ulcers, wound healing and restoration of damaged tissue.
  • It has a laxative effect, eliminates constipation problems, and improves digestion.
  • Beta-carotene contained in beets cleanses the liver and improves its functioning. It is useful for eye diseases.
  • Favors the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Supplies vitamins B1, B2, C, P necessary for the body.
  • It is very useful to eat raw beets, along with the skin. It does not lose its beneficial properties even during heat treatment.

Fertilizers play a very important role in growing Pablo beets.


Check out the photo of this type of beet.

Advantages and disadvantages

In total, this type of beet has only one immediate drawback. But the number of positive qualities is very large. Let's start by examining what is more, that is, with positive qualities:

  • First of all, it is worth noting resistance to moderate lack of moisture;
  • the fruit of the crop contains a large amount of positive substances, namely sugar and betanin;
  • high percentage of yield, about seven kg per square meter;
  • the plant does not require the use of special soil for growth;
  • the crop and its fruit retain its beautiful appearance for a long time;
  • high resistance to various types of diseases;
  • the plant's root can be recycled after it dies.

The only drawback in this case is that the plant can still be damaged by certain diseases. But this deficiency plagues almost all garden crops.

Where to buy, how much it costs

You can purchase seeds in agricultural markets or online stores. Due to the novelty of the variety and its unique qualities, the cost of a bag of seeds ranges from 200-300 rubles.

Pablo varietal beet represents a successful combination of unpretentiousness in care, high adaptability to dry conditions and temperature changes. High yield along with positive taste characteristics allows the variety to be exported on an industrial scale.

A combination of characteristics that is unique in description helps to popularize the variety in all climatic zones of Russia. Pablo beets are a nutrient-dense root vegetable pictured that are low in calories, fat and cholesterol, making them heart-healthy.

Step-by-step instructions for growing

Next, we will consider the method of growing a plant, and we will analyze each process in turn. We will look at the method of growing a crop using seeds.

  1. Where and for how much can I buy seed material? For sowing, material can be purchased at any relevant store. In Moscow, a bag of seeds is slightly more expensive than in St. Petersburg, 36 and 24 rubles, respectively.
  2. Boarding time . Experts recommend carrying out the planting process either in May or June. You will figure it out more specifically depending on the climate in your area.
  3. Choosing a landing site . It is very important to choose the right place for planting. The landing site should be well lit and also be as spacious as possible. After all, it is the sun’s rays that allow this variety to ripen as quickly as possible.
  4. What should the soil be like ? Regarding the soil, we have already said that the plant is unpretentious to a certain type of soil, but if you want to achieve maximum results when growing, you should listen to the recommendations. The soil on your site should not be highly acidic. If you improve the soil before planting with humus, this will help make the fruit tastier and more juicy.
  5. Landing . Planting seeds should be carried out if the soil is already sufficiently warmed up. The depth of the hole is no more than 30 cm, and the distance between the holes is no more than 20 cm. After planting the seeds, moderate watering is necessary.
  6. Temperature . It is also important to choose the right temperature when planting, which should optimally reach about 18-20 degrees above zero.
  7. Watering . It is worth noting that this beet variety is absolutely not afraid of major droughts, but again, when achieving maximum results, you should resort to rational watering. After all, moisture in moderation makes the fruit more juicy.
  8. Feeding . Pablo's beets do not require any additional type of nutrition. But if you have the desires and means, then you can add fertilizer to the soil, which contains potassium. This element helps to increase the amount of harvest and also reduce the time of ripeness.
  9. Other measures for caring for vegetables . Special attention should be paid to prompt weeding of the site and removal of weeds. This is especially important at first, when sprouts appear. In order for a plant to develop well, it needs a huge amount of humidity, sunlight and beneficial elements.

Landing dates

The timing of planting Pablo beets depends on the method of cultivation and the climatic characteristics of the region. If planted in open ground, you need to wait until the soil warms up to 8 degrees Celsius or higher. Moreover, according to the forecast, there should be no return frosts, since some of the crops may die due to them.

Therefore, most often, summer residents choose the following dates:

  • south - early April;
  • middle band – end of the month;
  • other regions – the first half of May.

If you plant Pablo beet seeds in a greenhouse, you can do this 7–10 days earlier. In the case of growing seedlings, they focus on the same periods, taking into account that the seedlings need to be transferred to open ground a month after germination:

  • south – beginning of spring;
  • middle zone – the last days of March;
  • other regions – the first half of April.

Advice! The seedlings are transplanted into the beds after four true leaves appear.

If the weather is unfavorable, you can wait a few days, but no more. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch, which will have a bad effect on the yield.


Pablo F1 beets ripen at the end of August or the first ten days of September. It belongs to the mid-early plants. Approximately 80 days pass between the emergence of seedlings and the ripening of fruits. From 1 m² they harvest 6–7 kilograms of crop.

It is possible to determine the period for harvesting root crops based on their volume and the condition of the tops. If the leaves become dry and begin to turn yellow, and the diameter of the beets reaches 15 cm, it is possible to begin work.

The fruits are dug out of the ground with a pitchfork or shovel. Next, they are cleaned of soil and the tops are trimmed at a distance of 1–2 cm from the beets.

Harvest storage

After harvesting, it must be stored at a temperature no higher than two degrees , and the humidity should be about 90 percent. To make storage as comfortable as possible for the fruits, they can be placed in boxes and covered with a layer of sand. Often the harvest is stored in cellars or in special pits, the depth of which is about two meters. It’s not difficult to dig a hole and then place it on the bottom of the board.

Farmer reviews

Many gardeners know about the Pablo variety .
Some summer residents have already tried to plant vegetables on their plots, while others are only planning planting for the next season. What do Russian farmers say about Pablo? Alexander, Saratov : “I plant only hybrids, they rarely get sick and show a stable harvest. Pablo always produces beautiful and smooth vegetables, some of which can be stored for six months. The taste is sweet, the flesh is dense and juicy.”

Marina, Orel : “I tried to plant Pablo’s beets with seedlings. After 10 days, the sprouts began to actively develop. Despite the cool summer, the harvest exceeded all expectations. I now advise all gardeners to plant Pablo’s beets.”

Ruslan, Tyumen : “In my opinion, the Pablo variety has average yield compared to other mid-late varieties. The taste is slightly bitter, although I watered and fertilized the beds according to all the rules.”

Diseases and pests

If the owner has violated the rules for caring for beets, then they may be exposed to certain diseases and pests:

  1. One of the most common diseases of this type of crop is mosaic. In this case, the leaves may become covered with different spots at the same time. In this case, no treatment has yet been discovered. Therefore, the plant simply dies.

  2. When rust-colored pads appear on the plant, this also indicates improper care. In this case, the leaves also dry out.
  3. Beetroot can be affected by a disease called peronoporosis. The leaves in this version acquire a lighter color, and the reverse side becomes purple.
  4. The most common beet pest is the beet aphid. In this case, the yield becomes much less, and the leaves simply curl. But in order to eliminate the pest, you can simply spray the tops with a soap solution.
  5. The so-called wireworm can also become a pest. Such a character, as a rule, feeds on beets, during which they begin to rot.
  6. Flea beetles are also negative characters for beets of this type. Such pests are capable of eating away the leaves of the plant. For preventive measures in this case, it is worth pollinating with DDT powder. It is also necessary to eliminate the weeds on which these flea beetles live.

Readers may find useful articles about other varieties of table beets: Vodan F1, Boro, Kestrel F1, Mulatto, Detroit, Bordeaux 237.

A little about the ancient history of beets

All crops were once discovered for the first time - some were bred by breeders artificially, others grew in the wild, and one day people found them. Beetroot was once used only for its tops, and later our ancestors learned that there was also a root vegetable that was healthy and tasty. This culture is very ancient - it was known four thousand years before our days; the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is considered to be its homeland.

The Phoenicians helped the culture spread from this fertile area to Rome and Gracia, and soon they learned about beets throughout Europe. Then the vegetable was discovered by residents of Arab countries. At first it was used only for food, and then people realized that beets could cure ailments. Many ancient references to root vegetables and recipes for all sorts of diseases have survived to this day. In Rus', beets appeared much later, but now the culture is considered one of the national ones. Well, we move on to the description of the Pablo variety. He is considered one of the best.

Preventive measures against damage

Many representatives select the Pablo variety for the reason that it is quite resistant to pests. Many diseases, which are even more serious in their severity than those listed above, are not capable of damaging the plant. But beets have been damaged by certain types of rodents. In order to scare them away, you need to sprinkle the soil with ash, or use the so-called tobacco dust. You can also reduce rodent damage in advance, for example, in the fall. This process can be carried out in this case if you do a deep digging of the soil.

A variety called Pablo F1 is a very productive crop . Due to the fact that the type of beet is quite stable in the cold season and also tolerates drought well, it has become popular in many cities of our country. The fruits of the plant are very tasty and are well suited for preparing many dishes.

Reproduction methods

Pablo beets are propagated by planting seeds. Unlike pure varietal lines, first-generation hybrids are not capable of propagation by their own seeds.

Royal beet plants grown in the second year of cultivation will produce seeds that differ unpredictably from the varietal characteristics. Therefore, for each planting you will need to purchase new planting materials, which significantly increases the cost of the harvest.

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