Hybrid tomato Nastena F1: description, agricultural technology, reviews

general information

As you can already understand, this tomato has early ripening periods, which is preferred by many summer residents. Such tomatoes delight with their vitamins already at the beginning of summer. In addition, “Nastena” can also be planted for sale, since it has excellent yields and can be stored for a long time. Breeders from Russia bred the hybrid and it is included in the state register. It is quite unpretentious in cultivation; it has its own requirements, but they are easily met. You don’t have to tinker with the bushes much; the hybrid grows both on the street and in greenhouses. Gardeners praise “Nastena” and choose it year after year.

Growing rules

The agricultural technology of the Nastena-slastena tomato, according to reviews from those who have been involved in the crop for a single year, is practically no different from other varieties:

  • growing seedlings;
  • landing in a permanent place;
  • watering and weeding;
  • loosening the soil and mulching;
  • feeding and protection from diseases.

Planting seedlings

Tomatoes of the Nastya-slastena variety are best grown in seedlings, despite the early ripeness of the plant.

Sowing is scheduled for mid-March or early April. It all depends on the climatic conditions of the region. You just need to count 60 days from the intended planting of seedlings in a permanent place.

Preparing containers and soil

You can plant seeds in different ways:

  • into containers;
  • into the snail;
  • in peat pots or tablets.

You can take ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. You need to take equal parts of ordinary soil and humus, add sand and wood ash.

Before sowing tomato seeds, the container and soil are spilled with boiling water, adding several crystals of potassium permanganate to it. This is a necessary measure for the prevention of fungal diseases and the destruction of pests.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

Before planting, seeds are soaked for 30 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or in any growth stimulant in accordance with the instructions.

The seed is buried 1 cm. The distance between the furrows is 3 cm. The soil is moistened, the container is covered with film and placed on a lighted window. The best temperature for seed germination is 22-24 degrees. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed.

Further care for Nastya-slastena tomato seedlings comes down to watering and superficial loosening of the soil. You can feed the plants with a solution of wood ash.

Comment! Under no circumstances should excessive watering be allowed, as this may cause damage to the root system by blackleg.


Transplanting tomatoes is a necessary condition for obtaining plants with a powerful stem and a well-developed root system.

When the 3rd leaf appears on the Nastena-slastena tomato, it’s time to pick. It is advisable to use the same soil as when sowing seeds. The seedlings are watered and selected with a clod of earth. Make a hole in the pot and place the seedling up to the cotyledon leaf. After transplanting, water the soil with warm water.

2 weeks before planting in a permanent place, seedlings of the Nastya-slastena variety are hardened off. They are taken outside and gradually accustomed to new conditions. As a rule, at the time of planting, the bushes have the first cluster of green fruits.


If the greenhouse is heated, Nastya the Sweet Tomato seedlings can be transplanted into it in mid-May. As usual - in early May. These terms are approximate, since they depend on the climate zone in which the gardener lives.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground after a stable positive temperature has been established. And, most importantly, the morning frosts will not return.

Planting pattern for tomatoes Nastya-slastena 30x50 cm in a checkerboard pattern.

Landing rules

The holes are prepared 14 days before planting so that the soil has time to settle. You need to add humus to each hole and pour it well with hot water and potassium permanganate.

Attention! Nastya does not recommend fresh manure for fertilizing tomato seedlings, as it promotes the growth of green mass. The seedlings are watered to make it easier to remove from the cup

Plant in the center of the hole, compact the soil and water

The seedlings are watered to make it easier to remove from the cup. Plant in the center of the hole, compact the soil and water.

Important! The leaves under the first brush need to be torn off to speed up the establishment of seedlings


The formation of Nastya-sweetness hybrid bushes is carried out after 2 weeks, when the plants take root. The best harvest is obtained on bushes grown in 2 or 3 stems. Stepchildren must be removed throughout the growing season.

The description says that the Slastena tomato is a tall plant, so you will have to take care of tying it up. To do this, immediately after planting, install long stakes or stretch a trellis. It is necessary to tie not only the stems, but also the brushes themselves, as they can break off under the weight of the fruit. The first time they grab the stem at a level of 20-30 cm.

All other activities are the same as for other tomatoes: watering, loosening, removing weeds, mulching and fertilizing.

To feed the bushes, you can use an infusion of mullein, chicken droppings, and green grass. Wood ash is sprinkled under each bush as a top dressing and prevention against diseases. It is useful to sprinkle the leaves with this substance.

You shouldn’t forget about foliar feeding either. The Nastena sweet variety responds well to boric acid and iodine. This is not just additional nutrition. The plants' immunity is strengthened, the fruits fill and ripen faster.

Characteristics and description


“Nastena” has a bush up to 1.2 meters high, of a determinate type; on the street it often does not exceed a meter. There are few leaves on the branches, but the bushes themselves are quite powerful and stable. Leaf color is dark green. The hybrid does not require pinching; therefore, it does not need to be formed either. If we talk about supports, then each summer resident decides for himself whether to tie up the bushes or not, since on the one hand they are strong and low, but on the other hand, if the region is often windy and taking into account the high yield, it is better to play it safe.

Few leaves on the branches also have their advantage - the fruits ripen quickly, evenly, and there is no excess moisture. That is, due to its characteristics, a tomato will help save you energy and time. But it is quite demanding when it comes to fertilizing, in the sense that complex fertilizers will have to be applied both at home - 1-2 times for seedlings, and outdoors - up to 3-4 times. But more on this in agricultural technology, but for now we continue to get acquainted with the characteristics and description of the Nastena tomato variety.


Many gardeners prefer this hybrid precisely for the performance of the tomatoes themselves. They are quite compact - 150-200 grams, that is, very convenient for canning in their entirety, but, according to reviews, specimens up to 300 grams can be aged. But there are other advantages.


  • The remarkable thing about tomatoes is their very good keeping quality and transportability;
  • fleshy tomatoes;
  • there are very few seeds in them, which is another plus for the hybrid, because its seeds are still not suitable for collection;
  • tomatoes have a red tint to the skin, the stalk does not have a green spot, there is no ribbing;
  • shape – round, slightly flattened.

Many people believe that hybrid varieties, although unpretentious, are much inferior in taste to their counterparts, but this is not so. Now breeders have already bred many tomatoes with excellent taste.


We have already mentioned several times that “Nastena” tomatoes, both according to reviews and according to manufacturers, are an early ripening variety. That is, you will receive your first fruits approximately 90-100 days after the seedlings emerge.

In each region, the timing is, of course, different; it also depends on the conditions in a particular year and the availability of nutrients in the soil.

Previously, you could also get a harvest if you grew the crop in a greenhouse.

Variety care

Nastenka tomatoes are cared for according to a certain scheme, which includes watering, fertilizing and tying up. The variety responds well to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Watering tomatoes

The Nastenka variety needs moderate watering. With a lack of moisture, tomato leaves curl and inflorescences fall off. Excess moisture also negatively affects plants: fungal diseases are activated and the root system rots.

Tomatoes are watered with warm water that has settled in barrels. Moisture should not get on the roots and leaves of plants. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening so that the water does not evaporate, but goes into the ground.

Regular watering is carried out a week after planting tomatoes. Until the inflorescences appear, the tomatoes are watered every 3 days, using 2 liters of water. When inflorescences form, the tomatoes are watered every week and the volume of water is increased to 5 liters.

During the fruiting period, tomatoes need to be watered every 4 days, the water consumption should be 3 liters. When the fruits begin to turn red, reduce watering and add moisture once a week. According to reviews of the Nastenka tomato, excess moisture during this period causes cracking of the fruit.

After watering, the soil under the bushes is loosened and the trunks are hilled. This procedure ensures air exchange in the soil and improves moisture absorption.

Fertilizer application

Tomato feeding is carried out using mineral fertilizers and folk remedies. Treatment begins a week after transferring the plants to their permanent location.

First, tomatoes are fed with phosphorus, which promotes the growth of the root system. To do this, a 5-liter bucket of water requires 15 g of superphosphate. The resulting planting solution is watered at the root.

After 10 days, potassium fertilizer is prepared, which has the property of improving the taste of fruits and increasing the immunity of tomatoes. Measure 15 g of potassium sulfate per 5 liters of water. The solution is used when watering tomatoes.

Wood ash will help replace mineral fertilizers. It is embedded in the soil under tomato bushes or an infusion is prepared for watering. For the infusion you will need 3 liters of ash, which is poured with 5 liters of water. A day later, the resulting product is diluted with the same amount of water and used for irrigation.

Read also: Tomato Tyler F1 description of a hybrid tomato variety

Pinching and tying

According to the photo and description, the Nastenka tomato variety is low-growing, so it does not require pinching. The plant develops 3-4 stems.

It is recommended to tie the plant stem to a wooden or metal support, especially when grown in areas exposed to wind and precipitation. Tying does not allow the tomatoes to fall to the ground and makes them easier to care for.

Resistance to diseases and pests

For every summer resident, this information is very important, because parasites and illnesses can ruin the entire harvest and work in a couple of days. But with “Nastena” you have nothing to fear - the hybrid has excellent resistance to the most common diseases, and insects do not bother it due to its early ripeness. To eliminate all risks, for prevention, the site is well prepared before planting and sprayed with a weak solution of manganese once every couple of weeks.

Experienced summer residents always remember to observe crop rotation. “Nastena” is best planted after cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, herbs, herbs, and carrots.

Another Nastenka

The wide selection of varieties is sometimes misleading with similar names. Summer residents are often confused. For example, along with the Nasten hybrid from the Russian Seeds company, there is the Nastenka variety from.

Authors of Nastenka: M. A. Kotelnikova, S. N. Kondakov. This variety was included in the state register in 2008. It can be grown both in the ground and in any type of greenhouse. The purpose of the fruit is universal. Usage options:

  1. In raw form.
  2. In pickling.
  3. In canning.

The plant is mid-season with a standard, determinate bush that requires staking. The bushes are covered with small leaves, the flowers are collected in simple inflorescences.

Description of fruits

The fruits are multi-chambered (6 chambers) heart-shaped and pink when ripe. The pulp has excellent taste, medium density. The average weight of a tomato is from 120 g. A tomato yield of up to 2 kg is obtained per square meter.

Description of fruits

Advantages and disadvantages

As you understand, the hybrid is quite good, and so that you can accurately decide on your choice, we will once again mention point by point what you should pay attention to.

Advantages of Nastena tomatoes:

  • productive tomato - according to reviews, it can produce, with good care, up to 18 kg per square meter;
  • saves time - there is no need to pinpoint, shape, thin out bushes, supports - as desired;
  • does not get sick and is not afraid of insects;
  • the fruits are very tasty and suitable for both canning and eating fresh;
  • can be stored for a long time and transported well;
  • has good resistance to low temperatures.

But does this wonderful hybrid have any negative sides? If you can call it that, that is.

Cons of tomatoes:

  • any hybrid variety does not produce a good harvest in the second year, so there is no point in collecting seeds;
  • demanding on the amount of fertilizing, but you can use conventional complex preparations throughout the entire growing season;

So, as you can see, a decent tomato. If you are interested in it, then we advise you to also get acquainted with the method of growing it; it is quite simple, but still everyone should study it.

Taste qualities of fruits

Experts note that the Nastena hybrid is a high-yielding variety. Each flower cluster can produce 6 to 8 delicious fruits. The peel is quite thin, but at the same time dense, it allows Nastena to be transported over long distances. The fruits have a rounded-flattened shape; the weight of one tomato can reach 300 grams.

The purpose of the fruit is universal. The main direction is salad, but tomatoes are also good when pickled. The shape of Nastena tomatoes is flat-round with slight ribbing. The fruit size is closer to average. The fruits weigh from 90 to 150 g.

The fruits are perfectly stored. In a cool room or in the refrigerator, ripe tomatoes do not lose their presentation for 1.5 months. When harvested, 70-90% of tomatoes are marketable. The declared yield is from 170 to 500 c/ha.

Bushes of the determinate type grow in the soil slightly higher than 1 m, with little foliage. The leaves are green, not large. In terms of ripening, the hybrid is early ripening. You can expect ripe tomatoes 3 months after germination (95-100 days). From 6 to 8 tomatoes are formed in the brush. When pouring fruit, the bush needs support in the form of a wooden or plastic stake.

The taste of the fruits of the Nastena F1 variety is assessed as good. Tomatoes have a universal purpose. They are used for salads, first and second courses. Due to its good density, the pulp does not soften during heat treatment. Nasten's tomatoes are suitable for whole-fruit canning and other homemade preparations.

Nasten's tomatoes are among the first to bear fruit. The period from the appearance of sprouts to the ripening of tomatoes is 95 - 98 days. The harvest begins in July. Fruiting is extended, lasting until September.

From 1 sq. m of planting, 16 - 18 kg of fruits are harvested. The yield from one bush of the Nastena F1 variety is 5 - 8 kg. When grown on an industrial scale, you can harvest from 176 - 507 c/ha. These are high indicators compared to standard varieties. For example, the famous tomatoes Nepravda and Dar Zavolzhye under similar conditions bring a yield of about 159 - 495 c/ha.

Nasten tomatoes are picked ripe or at the stage of technical maturity. The crop ripens without problems at room temperature. The yield of marketable products ranges from 69 to 90%. Due to the compacted skin, Nastena F1 tomatoes are well transported. The shelf life of the crop at home is up to 45 days.

Tomato Nastena F1 is one of the most popular early ripening varieties. The variety received love from gardeners for its high yield, small, compact bush and ease of care. Due to its high yield, the variety is grown on an industrial scale and in summer cottages.

For most summer residents who grow tomatoes, it is important how many tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. In search of the necessary information about the variety, you have to spend a lot of time on the Internet.

For many new varieties it is very difficult to find reviews and verify its value.

Agricultural technology "Walls F1"

Sowing seedlings

They begin to sow seeds in March, so that by the time of planting they have reached the age of 50-55 days, while the weather has already settled and frosts have passed. For most regions, transfer will be carried out at the end of May and June in open ground and two weeks earlier in the greenhouse. You can do pre-sowing treatment or not. That is, if you are afraid of diseases, then soak the seeds in a manganese solution for half an hour for 2-3 days, or you can put them in a growth stimulator for a day.

The lunar sowing calendar provides significant assistance to the summer resident; do not forget to look into it every year.

Sowing is done in purchased soil or a mixture of equal parts of humus, soil from the garden and sand is made. Each soil is watered with boiling water, then dried, the seeds are buried 1.5 cm and sprinkled with a layer of peat. Moisten and cover with film, place in a warm room at a temperature of 25 degrees.

The film is removed after germination on about 5-7 days. Afterwards, the seedlings need watering and sun. Fertilizing is carried out 1-2 times with a full complex of fertilizers. They dive in the phase of 3-4 true leaves, the first feeding is applied only 10-14 days after thinning.

Growing tomatoes

For cultivation, only the seedling method is used.

Sowing seed material


  1. Seeds are sown in late March;
  2. Picking is carried out after the formation of a pair of true leaves.

Rules for planting seedlings


  • Transplanted into a greenhouse structure in May, into unprotected soil after the risk of return frosts has passed;
  • 14 days before planting, each planting hole is filled with humus or compost, wood ash and watered abundantly. It is not recommended to use fresh manure, as it will cause rapid growth of green mass;
  • Immediately before planting, tear off all the lower leaves down to the flower cluster;
  • Planting is carried out following a 30x50 cm pattern;

It is advisable to use a checkerboard pattern to facilitate further maintenance.

The planted seedlings are watered again and pegs are installed, which are used for tying up the seedlings.

The largest tomatoes for open ground on video

If you grew Nasten tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit was in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits you grew. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Nasten tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

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