Tomato Flame F1: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews with photos

Flame tomatoes are distinguished by their early ripening. This variety is often grown by vegetable growers. The plants are compact and the yield is high. The fruits are pleasant to the taste, beautiful and smooth. The harvest is used for winter preparation and fresh consumption. The shrubs are unpretentious in care and easily take root in any soil.

You cannot plant tomatoes in the same place for 2 years in a row.

History of selection

The Flame variety entered the industrial market in 2022. Scientists have long tried to obtain tomatoes with high yields and early ripening. The Flame tomato inherited the best qualities from its mother varieties. It is also highly resistant to major nightshade diseases.

The mark on the package “F1” means that the bush bears its characteristics only in one generation. The seeds collected from the plant will not have the same qualities as the mother crop.

Description of the tomato variety Flame F1

This is an early ripening variety, ripening occurs in 85-90 days. Planting of seeds begins at the end of March, they germinate quickly. The seedlings are transferred to the ground after the soil has warmed to 10 0C. The first inflorescences appear after the germination of 6 true leaves. The bushes grow up to 1 m in height. A large number of ovaries are formed. Flame is suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Bushes of the Flame variety grow compact; 5 bushes are planted per 1 m2

The height of the stem varies from 0.8 to 1.2 m. In cross section, the shoot has the shape of a rectangle and is covered with small white hairs. The foliage is large, cut, characteristic of tomatoes. It has a small fluffy hairy coating. On the inside the leaves are light, almost white.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes of the Flame variety grow evenly, the same size and shape. Their weight ranges from 90 to 120 g. The fruits are dense to the touch and fleshy inside. The peel is rich red. At the site of attachment of the stalk with a green corolla, a small brown depression remains. In cross section, the tomato is fleshy, the flesh is bright red, the seeds are small, located in the center.

Fresh harvest of the Flame variety begins to be harvested at the end of July

The tasting rating of the fruits of the Flame variety is 4.8 out of 5 possible. Experts characterize the tomato as pleasant to the taste, juicy, and sweetish. It is often used for cutting fresh salads and winter preparations.

Growing seedlings

Sowing of seeds is carried out 50-55 days before planting seedlings in open ground.

Numerous reviews about this variety indicate that the seeds have excellent germination and there are no problems with growing seedlings.

Seeds can be prepared for sowing as follows:

  1. Soak the planting material in a weak solution of manganese for 30 minutes. This will further improve the plant’s resistance to pests and fungi.
  2. You can activate seed growth using a growth stabilizer. The seeds are kept in the solution for about 20-30 minutes, then dried well.

Planting material is planted in boxes with special soil. You can cook it yourself. To do this, you should take ordinary soil, peat and coarse river sand in equal proportions. Next, the soil is moistened and each seed is placed in it to a depth of 1 cm.

The container is then covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. As a rule, these are window sills or heated loggias. Such a home greenhouse needs to be ventilated every day; for this, the film should be peeled back in the morning and closed in the afternoon. You can water the sprouts with a spray bottle. It will gently moisten the soil and will not damage the shoot.

As soon as two strong leaves appear on the plant, you can start diving. Peat pots are well suited for these purposes. When planting seedlings in beds, they can be deepened into the ground along with the plant. This way there is a greater chance that the fire tomato sprouts will quickly take root and adapt to the new location.

See also

General description of the Palace tomato and cultivation features


Characteristics of tomato Flame

According to the photo, the Flame tomato has a bright red color, it looks like fire. How did the variety get its name? Gardeners share good impressions of tomatoes. Characteristics of tomatoes include descriptions of yield, disease resistance, and uses of the crop.

Tomato yield Flame and what affects it

From 1 m2 of plantings up to 15 kg of ripe fruits grow. This is a high figure. Tomatoes are removed from the bush in a timely manner so that they do not begin to become rotten and overripe. The fruits can be picked green; they ripen on their own on the windowsill.

Flame tomatoes have an elongated oval shape; when cut, the flesh is dense, red, with seeds.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Since the Flame has a short gestation period, many diseases do not have time to begin their active period. Therefore, the bushes of these tomatoes rarely get sick. They are resistant to:

  • late blight;
  • verticillium;
  • fusarium;
  • Alternaria blight.

Pests do not have time to eat tomato plantings, since young individuals begin to hatch from eggs towards the end of the ripening period. Some insects live in the soil and feed on plant roots. If they settle in the garden bed, the plantings will develop poorly. The following signs of infection are observed on plants:

  • short stature;
  • dry leaves;
  • lethargy of shoots;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries;
  • fruit drop.

Fungal diseases rarely affect the foliage of this variety. Their spores begin to reproduce in mid-June. By this point, the Flame bushes are already beginning to slowly dry out. This is a physiological state towards the end of the vegetative period.

The first signs of damaged roots are yellowing of the shoots

Area of ​​application of fruits

The fruits of tomatoes of the Flame variety are used for different purposes:

  • sale;
  • fresh consumption;
  • preparing preparations for the winter;
  • use in vegetable salads;
  • stuffing with various fillings;
  • making tomato soup and juice.

Tomatoes have a presentable appearance and tolerate transportation well. They can be used for sale; the fruits are quickly sold out. Especially at the beginning of summer, because the main varieties of tomatoes ripen by the beginning of August.

Flame tomatoes crack slightly when canned. The skin bursts due to boiling water

Tomato "Sparks of Flame" in the garden

Today is another tomato that can rightfully be called unusual and good. What is its highlight, you ask? Yes, at least in appearance. And we’re talking about the “Sparks of Flame” tomato, the reviews will please you about it, but the photos of who planted them speak for themselves. Agree, tomatoes look aesthetically pleasing; moreover, this is not their only advantage; more on that later.

general description

Summer residents love this tomato. He has many positive qualities. It is intended mainly for greenhouses made of polycarbonate or film, but if you live in regions with a warm climate, as well as in Ukraine or in the same latitudes in our country, then you can easily grow the variety in open ground. What are the advantages of “Spark of Flame”? Well, the first thing is, of course, his appearance. Tomatoes are similar in shape to peppers or the flames of a fire; what’s more, the orange stripes along the skin give them an even greater resemblance to the elements. The variety grows large, which is a disadvantage for many, because it needs to be shaped and tied up, but not for those who love gardening. Yes, and productivity and resistance to all diseases can compensate for this time spent on unnecessary agricultural techniques - this is the second and third plus.

“Sparks of flame” tomato. Description of the variety and reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

The Flame tomato variety has its own positive and negative characteristics.

The advantages include:

  • unpretentious care;
  • high endurance to temperature changes;
  • grows well with a lack of sun;
  • wide use;
  • good taste;
  • early ripeness;
  • high productivity;
  • marketable condition;
  • transportability;
  • short stature and compactness of the bush.

Among the shortcomings, I note the cracking of fruits during canning. The skin is dense, but due to sudden contact with boiling water, it begins to separate from the pulp.

Early ripening varieties of tomatoes do not last long, so it is better to immediately send them for processing

Features of planting and care

The Flame variety is unpretentious in care. The basic rules for keeping tomatoes in your own garden also apply to it.


Shrubs are watered daily in hot weather. With frequent heavy rains, the amount of liquid is limited. Water the soil as it dries out.

Irrigation is carried out at the root. The water is pre-settled in a barrel. Its temperature should not be lower than 23 0C. 5-10 liters of liquid are consumed per plant.

Weeding and loosening

As weeds grow, they are removed from the garden bed using a hoe or other equipment. This process is combined with loosening. The top layer of soil is slightly raised to improve the air supply to the root system.

The bushes form even clusters with fruits that are arranged alternately


The plants are fed three times a season. For this purpose, ready-made formulations are used, which are sold in agricultural stores. For tomatoes, mixtures containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are suitable.

Some gardeners prefer to use organic fertilizers. For tomatoes you can use:

  • compost;
  • mullein;
  • chicken droppings;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • wood ash;
  • humus.

All fertilizers are applied three times per season. The first time before planting, the second time during budding and ovaries, the third time during fruit ripening.

How is the variety grown?

The plant is grown by seedling method. Planting of planting material begins in the first half of May. A mandatory requirement is sufficient nutritional value of the soil, which is recommended to be prepared from equal proportions of turf and humus. For disinfection, treatment is carried out with manganese or special devices.

Experts recommend planting seeds in peat tablets in an amount of 2 or 3 pieces, which allows you not to pick the seedlings in the future and leave strong shoots. When planting in a container with soil, deepening is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, sowing is carried out at a distance of 2 cm.

The optimal temperature for seedling growth during the day is considered to be 21-25 C°, at night from 15 to 18 C°. Watering is carried out only with warm water, and the room is periodically ventilated. Thinning is carried out after the appearance of 2 leaves, and after the formation of 3 leaves, diving is carried out. When transplanting sprouts after 10 days, it is necessary to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizer. 3 weeks before transplanting into permanent soil, the bushes are hardened off.

Bushes are transplanted when the seedlings reach a height of 30 cm, since during this period the plant is able to form a sufficient root system. 6-8 plants are planted per 1 m2. A good place for planting is considered to be the soil after growing cucumbers, pumpkins, legumes and cereals.

Planting in soil with previous cultivation of tomatoes, potatoes or peppers is fraught with diseases of the shoots, since such species have a similar tendency to be affected by pests and diseases.

It is recommended to form bushes into 2 stems with periodic removal of stepsons up to 5 cm. Timely carrying out of stepsons helps to avoid dense plantings and increases productivity. The plant requires sufficient watering. To maintain soil moisture, it is recommended to use mulching with humus or straw.


Pest and disease control methods

To combat pests and diseases, they use traditional methods and specialized preparations designed to protect tomatoes. To combat fungi and infections, Tridex, Ridomil, Ditan, Trichopolum and Metaxil are used.

To control pests, specific insecticides with a paralytic effect on insects are used, such as Lapis Lazuli, Sukhovey, Tornado, Escudo.

Some gardeners are afraid that chemicals penetrate into the pulp of tomatoes, so they use folk remedies. The most working methods:

  1. Mustard plants are planted next to the tomato plantings. They repel harmful insects.
  2. For prevention and protection, shrubs are sprayed with a decoction of garlic and onions.
  3. Wormwood solution repels insects.
  4. The iodine composition protects against fungal diseases.
  5. 1 liter of milk is dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed on the plantings.
  6. The soap solution protects the foliage from attack by beetles and fungi.

Preventive spraying is carried out before the formation of ovaries

Flame tomatoes are rarely affected by pests or fungi. This phenomenon occurs under uncharacteristic weather conditions at the beginning of spring, when summer comes earlier than usual. Fungi and harmful insects begin to awaken ahead of schedule.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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