Apple tree variety Spartan - a profitable purchase with excellent taste

The Spartan apple tree variety is an excellent representative of winter varieties with a long shelf life of delicious, beautiful apples. Unfortunately, Spartan does not have high winter hardiness, as a result of which its cultivation is limited to regions with a relatively mild climate. But where it does well, this variety is highly popular among gardeners.

  • 2 Planting a Spartan apple tree: step-by-step instructions
  • 3 Features of cultivation and subtleties of care
  • 4 Diseases and pests: main types and solutions to the problem
  • 5 Reviews about the variety

Description of the variety

The Spartan apple tree is high-yielding and fast-growing. The tree begins to bear fruit in the third year, but produces the maximum amount of fruit after 8 years. Technical maturity occurs in September, and consumer maturity – after two months if properly stored.

The tree is medium-sized, with a wide spreading crown. It requires formation because it can become overgrown. The leaves are dark, glossy, leathery and slightly curved. Flowering is lush and abundant, Spartan is an excellent pollinator for many apple trees.

The fruits are flat or slightly rounded, medium in size. Their hue is green-red, during storage they become burgundy, and the coating makes the hue darker, even purple. The taste of the firm pulp is sweet and rich. The taste is quite unusual, a sort of mixture of notes of sweetness of melon and fresh sourness of strawberries. The description of Spartan apples does not end there.

Preparation of planting material and propagation

The Spartan apple tree (description of the variety, photos, reviews will tell novice breeders how to prepare planting material for planting in open areas) is propagated in two ways: by seeds and cuttings.

To obtain healthy and high-quality seedlings from seeds, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. All large seeds must be removed from a fully ripened fruit. The color should be dark brown and uniform.
  2. The planting material must be rinsed several times in warm water.
  3. Then the seeds should be dipped in liquid for swelling for 3 days. After the specified period of time, a stimulant intended for root growth must be added to the water.
  4. The blanks must be sent to the refrigerator compartment for 3 months. The seeds must first be mixed with sand and sawdust.
  5. Upon completion of the hardening process, the planting material must be sent to a plastic container or pot.
  6. The base of the container will need to be covered with pebbles or expanded clay. The top should be sprinkled with black soil, which will contain the nutrients necessary for the seedling.
  7. The seeds should be distributed over the ground at a distance of 3 cm. The distance between the rows should be about 15 cm. At the end of the procedure, the planting material will need to be irrigated abundantly with water.
  8. When 4 leaves are formed, it is necessary to sort the seedlings.

If you cannot propagate an apple tree yourself, it is permissible to purchase a ready-made seedling from specialized nurseries.

When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • It is advisable to purchase annual seedlings for planting;
  • the bark should be colored dark cherry;
  • the root system must be strong and free of deformations and growths;
  • the trunk must have no branches.


The Spartan apple tree has some features that need to be considered before deciding whether to plant it on your site. Wood has a lot of positive properties, but it also has a number of disadvantages.


The appearance of the apple tree is quite attractive. The fruit tree is of medium height and has a rounded crown. The inclined branches are completely covered with beautiful fruits of an unusual violet-gray hue.

Leaf color and shape

The leaves are small and many are very small. Their surface is wrinkled, leathery, the leaf itself is slightly curved, glossy. They are wide, rounded, with serrated edges.

Spartan apples on the tree.

Tree height

An average height apple tree can reach 6 m. But the standard size is 4-5 meters. However, depending on the rootstock and if properly shaped, the height of the tree may be lower.

Crown width

The crown is quite lush. The branches that are located downwards in large numbers only make it even thicker.

Disadvantages and advantages

The variety gained popularity due to a large number of positive properties. Particularly worth noting:

  • high productivity;
  • regularity and abundance of fruiting;
  • excellent taste;
  • long shelf life of fruits and the possibility of transportation;
  • immunity to many diseases.

But there are also negative properties that should also be taken into account. One of them, and a very important one, is the instability of the Spartan apple tree to low temperatures. It cannot grow in the harsh Northern regions, and in normal temperate climates it requires shelter.

The tree has many branches that grow quite quickly. Therefore, pruning should be a regular and mandatory procedure. Some gardeners note this as a drawback.

Tasting assessment

The taste of the fruit is very high. Their taste is almost perfectly sweet, with light sourness and wonderful fruit and berry notes of melon and strawberries. For such a bright bouquet, Spartan received an organoleptic rating of 5 points. And this is the highest result!

Fruits of the Spartan apple tree.

In addition to taste, there is also a rich composition. The fruits are very useful. They contain many vitamins, including ascorbic acid, minerals and trace elements.

Frost resistance

The apple tree does not like severe frosts; spring frosts and sharp autumn cold snaps can be destructive for it. Therefore, Spartan is not grown in northern latitudes, but requires shelter in others.


The variety is self-fertile and does not need the company of other apple trees in the garden. But the flowering is so gorgeous and abundant that it not only attracts the eye, but also attracts many insects. Spartan is an excellent pollinator for other apple trees that bloom at the same time.

Apple tree Spartak

Very often, beginners in gardening confuse dwarf apple trees with columnar ones. But these are completely different cultures. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing varieties, you need to know the difference.

On a dwarf rootstock

The Spartak apple tree on a dwarf rootstock is a low-growing crop. An adult tree reaches no more than 3 meters and has a spreading crown.

The advantages of this rootstock include the following indicators:

  • Precociousness;
  • High yield;
  • ease of care;
  • Decorative type of tree.

In dwarf apple trees, the root system is located near the surface of the earth, so the plant can be planted in an area with close groundwater.


There is no variety of columnar apple tree Spartak. Let us describe the general features of columnar apple trees.

The main distinguishing feature of columnar apple trees is the appearance of the tree . The fruit crop has one powerful trunk with fairly short lateral fruit branches. Thanks to this structure, the apples are located along the entire trunk , which significantly saves space on the site for other fruit crops.

The advantages of columnar apple trees are:

  • Fruiting in the first year of planting;
  • High yield;
  • Good frost resistance.

The short fruiting period is considered a disadvantage At the 15th year of life, the tree should be replaced with another fruit crop.


Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Kursk: “I heard a lot of good things about the apple tree, but they also said other things. I was afraid that it wouldn’t take root here, because it gets quite cold here in the winter. But a wonderful apple tree has grown and produces a lot of fruits that have an interesting taste. The photo shows Spartan in bloom. I’m happy, however, my husband swears that I need to trim a lot and twice a year. But these minor difficulties do not upset me.”

Fedor, Ukraine: “I am an amateur gardener, I don’t have much experience. I bought Spartan apple tree seedlings at the market and listened to the seller. Excellent apple tree, I am very pleased. No worries or hassle. And what delicious apples!”

Vika: “This tree grows in our house, my mother takes care of it all the time. But I just love to eat delicious and beautiful Spartan apples in winter.”

Reward based on merit

So, if you responsibly approach the cultivation of the Canadian beauty, it will give you a bountiful harvest that will retain its freshness for many months. The fruits of the Spartan apple tree are especially useful: these apples are record holders for ascorbic acid content: 4.6 mg per 100 g . In addition, the fruits contain more than 11% pectin, P-active substances (more than 160 mg per 100 g), and tartaric acids (32%).

Spartan apples are a delicious low-calorie product that not only has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, healing the heart, blood vessels and digestive system, but also helps in the fight against excess weight.

Features of planting and care

Although planting and care activities are not particularly difficult, there are some subtleties that you should know.


It is necessary to plant a young plant in an area with fertile soil. The place should be well lit, it is better that there is protection from strong winds. It is important that groundwater is not located close to the site.

Planting a Spartan apple tree.


If an apple tree seedling is planted in the spring, this usually happens at the end of April. The exact date depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Autumn planting occurs in September-October.

Landing technology

Almost all apple tree planting technology is similar to the standard procedure:

  1. Prepare a planting hole measuring 50*100 cm in advance. Drainage must be poured into the bottom and fertilizer must be added.
  2. The seedling is installed and the roots are carefully straightened in the hole.
  3. Cover with fertile soil, water and mulch.

It is important to choose the right fertilizer for the soil type. If necessary, add sand, ash or peat.

Distance between trees

Spartan prefers to stay at a sufficient distance from other fruit crops: at least 4.5-5 meters. But if there are several trees of this variety on the site, then you can slightly squeeze them out and place them at a distance of 3 m from one another.

Features of cultivation

There are several nuances that need to be taken into account when planting. Among them:

  • the plant is quite sensitive to dry air. Therefore, in the hot season, sprinkling on the leaves and regular watering will be required;
  • in order to saturate the roots with oxygen, you need to loosen the tree trunk circle, but do this carefully so as not to damage the roots;
  • the fast-growing crown needs timely pruning so that the fruits receive enough sunlight and air circulates well among the branches.

If these procedures are carried out in a timely manner, the tree’s immunity will be strengthened and it will be healthy.

Watering an apple tree of the Spartan variety.

Pollinator varieties

The apple tree carries out more than 2/3 of pollination on its own. But if there are other varieties nearby, then the number of fruits will only increase. A useful neighborhood will be from McIntosh, Idared, Jonathan, Golden Delicious. Other apple trees will also benefit from this proximity.

Pruning and crown formation

Pruning is extremely important for representatives of the variety. But you need to do it correctly. Usually, only weak and crooked shoots are cut off, and those with the correct shape are left.

Canadian agricultural technology

The apple tree comes from Canada, and therefore it is worth considering the growing technology adopted at home. Surprisingly, in its homeland it is grown in a dwarf form and is absolutely not pruned. The apple tree is practically not watered and nitrogen is not added so that the vegetative parts do not grow in excess.

Among the agrotechnical measures in the homeland of Spartan, only fertilizing, regular careful loosening and monitoring of the condition of the tree are carried out to avoid the appearance of pests.

Pruning and crown formation

The first pruning is carried out immediately after planting the seedling , cutting off the branches by 1/3. In the future, to prevent the crown from thickening, pruning is carried out every spring, eliminating weak and crooked shoots.

Attention! You should not remove lateral, regularly shaped branches, otherwise the crown will be unstable.

Canadian agricultural technology

In Canada, the Spartan apple tree is most often found in a dwarf form. To develop this form, agrotechnical work should not be abused.

The tree does not need to shape or trim the crown.

Watering is carried out extremely rarely. Nitrogen fertilizers are also undesirable for apple trees.

And apple tree grotechnics include:

  • Feeding,
  • Pest detection,
  • Loosening the soil.

Features of ripening and fruiting

There are also nuances and features that gardeners need to consider before planting an apple tree.

Beginning of fruiting

The first fruits on an apple tree can appear already in the third year, because it is quite early-bearing. But a plentiful and maximum harvest can only be harvested after 8-10 years.


The flowers open in May, usually within a week of each other depending on weather conditions. Flowering is abundant, long lasting, with a persistent aroma.

Flowers of the Spartan apple tree.

Harvest time

Apples should be harvested at technical ripeness in September and even before mid-October. Ripening is friendly and plentiful, the fruits do not fall off.

Ripening time

Consumer maturity comes much later. Moreover, the longer the fruit is stored, the richer its taste. Some gardeners leave a few fruits on the tree until frost to enjoy delicious apples.

Features of fruiting

It should be borne in mind that the quality of the fruit directly depends on agricultural practices. If the crown is too thick, the fruit becomes smaller.

Typically, cyclicity is not observed in fruiting. But if the tree is exposed to low temperatures, the number of apples will decrease significantly. Cycling can also occur due to lack of fertilizer.

Why doesn't it bear fruit?

It happens that an apple tree blooms profusely, but does not bear fruit. There are several reasons for this:

  • The time has not yet come, the tree is quite young;
  • pests that eat flowers;
  • The apple tree suffered from frost.

If this did not happen, then perhaps the tree has already passed the fruiting age.

Shelf life

A special feature of Spartan apples is their long shelf life. Under the right temperature and moisture conditions, apples can be stored for about 7-8 months. During this period, the taste only becomes richer and more pleasant. Moreover, by the end of the storage period in the cellar, apples may lose a little appearance, but in the refrigerator they look perfect.

Spartan apple harvest.

Nuances and questions from readers

What is the difference between the varieties Spartak and Spartan?

To answer this question, we turned to gardening experts. This is what they told us: “Despite the fact that there are some similarities between the apple trees, there is still a visual difference. Thus, the central conductor of the Spartan apple tree has a strong slope, and the dark cherry-colored shoots are lowered to the bottom.

Apple tree Spartan.

The foliage of the tree also differs from the Spartak variety in its small size and peculiar twist. Although the fruits of apple trees are similar in appearance, in the Spartan variety they have a more intense color and purple hue, as well as a fairly long shelf life.”

Subspecies and options

There are several possible options for growing Spartan apple trees. Descriptions of these methods are below.


Choosing the rootstock on which the variety will be grown is an important and responsible matter. This may change some characteristics of the variety.


Grafting onto a dwarf rootstock, usually Budagovsky's red-leaved paradise, will give the variety several properties:

  1. The growth of the apple tree will reach 2 meters, no more.
  2. The fruits will appear in the third year.
  3. The root system will be frost resistant.
  4. The standard will need to be insulated; it may freeze.

But the size of the fruits will be much larger than with conventional cultivation, but only if there is a sufficient amount of fertilizer.


The variety is most common on a semi-dwarf rootstock in Ukraine and some parts of Russia. This type has a number of positive properties:

  • the apple tree becomes more resilient, tolerates drought and frost;
  • tree height reaches 3.5 meters;
  • The first fruits are harvested 4 years after planting.

Frost resistance and drought resistance make this variety more adaptable and in demand.


Despite the convenience of growing columnar apple trees, Spartan is not yet grown this way. Although this would be much more convenient, because columnar plantings are often winter-hardy.

Apple tree Spartan on a columnar rootstock.


The timing of growing the Spartan apple tree variety also differs.


The late variety is more productive, but the fruits are stored a little shorter. This does not change the commercial qualities, as well as the taste.

But late cultivation has a positive effect on the tree itself. It acquires frost-resistant properties and immunity to fungal diseases.


Since the tree is not resistant to low temperatures, it is practically not grown as a winter tree. But with proper preparation this is possible. Then the fruits can be harvested in October, but the apples will be smaller.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The Spartan apple tree is affected by pests and diseases standard for this crop.


  1. Fruit rot. The disease is manifested by the appearance of large rotten spots on the fruit. The defeat of this disease greatly affects the harvest.
  2. Powdery mildew. This disease does not often affect this variety. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the leaves, which over time affects the foliage so much that it acquires a dark brown color.
  3. Cytosporosis. A dangerous disease that poses a danger not only to the crop, but to the entire tree. The disease can be recognized by dark spots on the bark. At the first signs, you should immediately clean off the dark spots and apply garden varnish to the damage.
  4. Scab. Affects fruits. It is characterized by the appearance of black dots on the fruits. Such apples become unfit for consumption.


  1. Aphid. A small green insect with wings that feeds on the sap of tree leaves.
  2. Apple flower beetle. The pest beetle, with its sharp nose, pierces the buds and buds of the apple tree, thereby causing irreparable damage.
  3. Apple codling moth. It feeds on the pulp of fruits, causing severe damage to them.

All these diseases and pests are easy to avoid; you just need to carry out preventive measures and disinfestation of trees in a timely manner. At the first signs of damage, the tree can be saved using folk remedies. But, if the apple tree is already severely damaged, you will have to use pesticides and fungicides to save it.

Features of cultivation in different regions

There are some nuances when growing in different regions.

In outskirts of Moscow

The Moscow region is characterized by fairly severe and prolonged frosts. Therefore, it is best to grow Spartan here on a semi-dwarf rootstock.

It is important to fill the hole well when planting so that the seedling has something to feed on for the first year. Fertilizers and watering will be the key to the health of the apple tree.

In Siberia

Siberian frosts are not to the liking of many resistant varieties, and especially Spartan. Dwarf rootstocks that are grafted onto wild varieties or stale forms sometimes take root in this region. It will be necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the tree and follow all principles of agricultural technology.

Growing Spartan apple trees in Siberia.

In Belarus

The country's climate makes it possible to grow many different apple trees. But it should be borne in mind that in summer there is quite high humidity. Therefore, various fungal diseases can occur on the plant. When grown in Belarus, additional protection will be required.

In the Urals

Here the climate is close to Siberian, so growing is quite problematic. But with proper shelter, the apple tree can survive in cold conditions.

In the middle lane

The middle zone is characterized by low temperatures in winter. Therefore, it is better to grow a late variety here.

In North-West Russia

The winter variety of the Spartan variety takes root in the North-West. But here the apple tree is grown only in the stale form to protect it from the cold.

In Ukraine

The Ukrainian climate is excellent for the semi-dwarf variety. It has long been popular and widespread here.

Origin and zoning of the variety

The variety was bred by Canadian breeders in 1926 at the Summerland experimental station in Columbia (Canada) by crossing the McIntosh and Yellow Newtown apple trees. The high potential for cultivation on an industrial scale aroused the interest of Soviet VSTISP specialists and in 1971 “Spartan” was included in the state variety testing program in the USSR. After 11 years, it was officially registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

High yield and the possibility of long-term storage of fruits have ensured the variety great popularity among domestic summer residents

Due to its average winter hardiness, the plant could be zoned only for the Central and Central Black Earth regions of Russia. However, the taste qualities, yield, as well as the possibility of long-term storage of apples did not leave professional gardeners and amateur summer residents indifferent. Therefore, it is grown on personal plots in many regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in Europe (especially in Poland and Switzerland).

Through the efforts of breeders, “Spartan Late” and “Spartan Winter” were created - two more varietal subspecies with increased frost resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages

I would like to once again note the positive and negative properties of the apple tree:

  1. With proper care, the apple tree produces a lot of tasty fruits.
  2. The taste of apples is simply amazing, and they are also healthy.
  3. Fruits can be transported over long distances and stored for a long time.

Late apple variety Spartan.
In cold regions, the Spartan variety does not take root well. The tree will need to be covered or properly shaped to make it comfortable in cold conditions.

The fruits may become smaller if the apple tree has not been shaped and pruned correctly. And if the fruit crop is exposed to low temperatures, then the number of fruits will decrease significantly.

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