The ideal autumn apple tree variety for any garden - Uralets

There are many varieties of apple trees. Each variety has its own characteristics .

This may be the frost resistance required for a certain zone or area.

Early or late fruiting period. Self-pollinating or needing certain varieties of pollinators.

The ability of apple trees to resist various diseases and pests. Each variety of apple tree has its own all these qualities.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right variety that will satisfy all human requirements.

Breeders do not stand still and create more and more new varieties that can please almost every person.

In this case, the customer must know the growing conditions and climate of the place where the desired tree will grow. This is one of the important points in choosing the required variety.

Description of the Uralets variety

The originator of the variety is the Sverdlovsk Experimental Garden Station. The apple tree of this variety was obtained by crossing varieties such as Pink Striped Anise, Ukrainka Saratovskaya and with the help of Vostok varieties.

The fruits begin to ripen in early autumn , around the beginning of September. Well-ripened fruits can be stored for one to one and a half months.

Apples are delicious and can be eaten fresh. The fruits also make good apple jam, juice, marmalade and compote.

Dried fruits can be made from apples of this variety. You can dry it either in special dryers or under natural conditions.

trunk is strong and tall. The crown is often pyramidal. The bulk of the fruit is small and usually does not exceed 50–60 grams.

Uralets has fairly high winter hardiness and is also resistant to some dangerous types of diseases.

ATTENTION! If you choose the wrong variety, your tree may not meet the declared characteristics or may even freeze. The correct choice of planting site, the main points in caring for the seedling (feeding, crown formation and pruning, protection from pests and diseases) - all this needs to be known in order for the apple tree to feel comfortable and produce a stable annual harvest.

Apple tree Uralets: pruning and crown formation

Apple tree Uralets: photo of variety

  • Formative pruning is needed in order to remove those shoots that are directed into the crown. Branches that grow not at a straight angle, but at an acute angle, will also need to be removed. The fact is that after the formation of fruits, they very often break. Therefore, in the future you will still trim such shoots. So it’s better to do this in advance, so the plants will not waste their strength and internal resources. The crown is also formed so that the plant does not grow too high, since it will be more convenient for you to harvest on medium-sized trees, and it will be easier to care for such a crop.
  • Sanitary pruning is needed to remove all diseased shoots. In early spring, it is necessary to thin out the crown in a timely manner so that all branches are well illuminated by the sun. After all, in the future the abundance of fruiting depends on this. It is advisable to leave no more than 7 powerful and strong skeletal branches on each apple tree, but there should be one central conductor. It is advisable to remove the remaining shoots. Any dead or infected branches will also need to be pruned. You should also get rid of branches that grow in the center of the crown.

Avoid thickening, as the fruits on such branches do not ripen well and often fall off. It is recommended to shorten the shoots by no more than one third, this will make it easier for the tree to recover.

This variety is not considered self-fertile, so the apple tree needs additional pollinators. For Uralets, you need to plant another variety of the same crop nearby. This promotes better pollination, which means better yields.

The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of five, so you will not get fruits too early. Fruits ripen at the beginning of September, and sometimes at the end of August. It all depends on the specific climatic conditions.

If you properly care for your apple tree, it will bring you a harvest every year. Moreover, from one tree you can collect up to 60 kg of ripe fruit, and possibly more. Apples don't last very long. Therefore, they should either be consumed immediately or processed. They make excellent jam, compote, jam.

Main characteristics

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of the Uralets variety is its increased winter hardiness.

The apple tree can resist seasonal diseases and pests well. The tree has a compact crown and early fruiting period.

The advantages also include a fairly high yield, and the taste of the fruit and its appearance are also highly valued.

Apple tree in the garden plot.

In addition to the advantages of this apple tree, there are minor disadvantages. The fruits are small in size and cannot be stored for a long period.

Mature tree size

Basically, the Uralets apple tree is a tall tree . Its height can reach fifteen meters. However, it can also be formed in the form of a medium-sized tree, the height of which will not exceed four meters.

Annual growth

The growth of young branches can be from 50 to 70 centimeters. The minimum increase should not be less than 30 centimeters. If this situation occurs, it means that the tree is in uncomfortable conditions . Inadequate care may also affect it.

Another reason for a small increase may be damage to any type of disease. Pests can also affect this process.

If the growth is more than 70 centimeters, then the young shoot may not have time to mature.

In cold winters, these shoots can freeze. Therefore, it is important to monitor the state of growth of young shoots. The formation of the future apple tree harvest depends on this.

Frequency of fruiting

With proper care, an apple tree can bear fruit every year.

It is necessary to ensure that there are not too many ovaries . In this case, you need to regulate their quantity.

If in any year there are too many fruits, then the next year's harvest may be very small.

Advice! Timely feeding and the optimal number of ovaries will allow you to harvest a stable and tasty harvest every year.


Despite the small size of the fruit, the yield is high. The average yield is approximately 70 -80 kilograms . In some years it can reach from 100 to 120 kilograms.

Tasting assessment

The apples are cream-colored with a bright carmine striped blush.

The taste is sweet and sour, juicy pulp and fine-grained structure.

The tasting score of fresh fruits is 4.2 points . Tasting rating of compote – 4.7 points.

Winter hardiness

For this apple tree variety, winter hardiness is one of the main advantages. The apple tree can tolerate temperatures from -30 to -40 degrees Celsius . This is possible when the apple tree is properly cared for.

Disease resistance

The tree is highly resistant to disease . The apple tree is practically not affected by such a dangerous disease as scab. This is the value of this variety.

Maximum age

With good care, an apple tree can live up to 150 and 200 years. But abundant harvests will occur from 6 to 7 years of age until reaching an age of about 50 to 60 years.

Average life expectancy ranges between 70 and 90 years.

To which regions is the variety more adapted?

The Uralets variety was zoned for the Volga-Vyatka region, but it tolerates winters well and can be grown in the Urals, Eastern and Western Siberia, the Non-Black Earth zone, Northern Kazakhstan, and the Upper Volga region. The growth and fruiting of the variety largely depend on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology - you need to plant the plants correctly (before the onset of frost or after it ends), sufficiently (but not excessively) water and fertilize. Do not ignore scheduled pruning and rejuvenation activities. In harsh climatic conditions, fruits can reach full maturity only in early October. They should be removed carefully, since any damage to the peel will shorten the shelf life of the apples.

The winter-hardy variety Uralets tolerates frost very well, but trees must be covered for the winter. This especially applies to young crops that have not had time to take root well enough.

When to remove cover from apple trees in the spring, read here.


Eugene. “The Uralets apple tree has been growing on my site for a long time. The tree is already about 50 - 60 years old. The Ural climate is not very hot, and temperatures can reach -40 degrees. Uralets has increased winter hardiness and can withstand such temperatures well. At the same time, the apple tree brings a large harvest, the fruits are sweet and sour. Children especially love this variety of apples, as they are small in size. For me, this variety is one of the best.”

Alexander. “I like Ural because it brings stable and good harvests every year. Apples are tasty, juicy and practically not damaged by pests. I recommend to everyone."

Valeria. “I remember the taste of apples from childhood! Now I’m growing this apple tree in my garden; I bought it after seeing a description and photo at a fair. There are a lot of fruits and enough for the whole family. The tree itself is unpretentious and does not require special care. In addition, the fruit contains many useful substances and vitamins. This is evidenced by the sweet and sour taste of apples.

Grow Uralets in your garden and fill your body with bright taste and health!”

Step by step planting process

Plant apple trees at a distance of 3-4 m from each other and 5-6 m between rows if you are creating a garden. Remember, they should not shade each other and interfere with growth. This will reduce yields and increase the likelihood of pest damage.

Did you know? Apples will help maintain a healthy complexion and flawless skin. The vinegar contained in the fruit reduces skin oiliness, eliminating inflammation, pimples, and acne.

Planting technology:

  1. Soak the roots of the seedling for several hours before planting, and then dip them in a clay mash with copper sulfate.
  2. Dig a planting hole; size 0.7×0.7 m.
  3. Mix the removed soil with a bucket of humus.
  4. Add 100 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  5. Place the soil mixture at the bottom of the hole.
  6. Place the seedling in the center of the hole.
  7. Straighten the roots.
  8. Fill the hole starting from the sides.
  9. Compact the soil to eliminate air pockets.
  10. Make sure the point where the scion and rootstock join is above ground level.
  11. Water the tree with 2 buckets of water.

Proper planting of an apple tree: 1 - placing the seedling in a trench; 2 - seedling buried for the winter. Watering will also be necessary 2-3 times a week during the first months after planting. This will improve the conditions for the tree to take root. If the soil dries out quickly, you can cover it with a layer of mulch on top to retain moisture.

Features of planting and care


Carrying out landing.


Apple trees can be planted in autumn or spring.

In autumn , it is best to plant when all the leaves have fallen. At this point, the part of the tree above the ground will be dormant, while the root system is growing. This is the best time to land.

During the spring months, the best day for planting will be a damp and warm period. It is necessary to wait until the snow melts and there is no frost. You need to have time to plant the apple tree before sap flow and buds begin to bloom.


Sequential steps when planting an apple tree:

  1. The size of the pit is 50 by 50 centimeters. The depth of the hole is adjusted depending on the volume of the roots. When planting in spring, the planting hole is prepared in the fall. In the autumn, the pit is prepared in about one to one and a half months.
  2. In the center of the hole you need to place a strong stick or stake, the height of which should be at least 1.5 meters above the soil surface.
  3. Having straightened the roots of the apple tree, place it in a hole and cover it with fertile soil. In this case, the root collar should be at ground level .
  4. The soil around the seedling must be compacted and watered. When the soil settles, it needs to be added to the desired volume. The seedling is tied to a support.


The distance between apple trees when planting should vary from 5 to 7 meters.


Like all apple trees, the Uralets apple tree variety requires, although not ideal, minimal care.

For a tree, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 waterings per season in a timely manner..

Water directly into the holes, which are located at a distance of sixty centimeters from the tree trunk circle.

At the same distance it is necessary to fertilize in the form of fertilizers.

Fertilizers can be:

  • Mineral;
  • Organic.

It is better to use complex fertilizers from mineral fertilizers .

From organic:

  • Humus;
  • Horse dung;
  • A little chicken manure diluted with water and ash.

It is also necessary to carry out formative and sanitary pruning of the tree.

Advice! If these rules are followed, the apple tree will develop strong immunity, grow well and bring a rich harvest.


Apple tree blossoms.
An apple tree can be propagated by seed, layering and grafting:

  • Seeds. With the help of seeds you can get a good rootstock or grow a new variety;
  • Layerings. This method is used to obtain several cultivated apple trees from 1 seedling. In order to get several trees in the autumn, the seedling must be planted at an angle. When spring comes, the tree needs to be pinned to the soil and covered with earth. After this, the seedling needs to be provided with constant moisture. Before winter comes, it needs to be well covered so that the young roots do not freeze. After such a wintering, the apple tree can be replanted the next season;
  • Graft. To propagate Uralets by grafting, you need to grow or buy a rootstock. Typically, wild varieties are chosen for the rootstock, which have high winter hardiness and good resistance to diseases and pests. One such variety is Ranet Purple. The cultivated variety Uralets is used as a scion.

Agricultural technology

It is necessary to choose the right area where the apple tree will grow.

The tree should be well protected from the north wind and located either on a flat surface or at a slight slope of ten degrees.

The soil for apple trees is preferably medium loamy . It is able to accumulate and release the required amount of moisture and allow oxygen to pass through.

Attention! To prepare the soil for planting, the desired area is cleared of weeds. They loosen it a little and apply fertilizer. It is better to fertilize with organic fertilizers and place them half a meter below the root system of the seedling. It turns out that the tree will receive nutrition as it grows. Using this method, you can fertilize your apple tree for many years.

Planting is carried out at the right time, and after that it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil . It should be loose, fertilized and uncontaminated with weed seeds.

Fertilize in a timely manner for better growth and development of the apple tree.

FertilizerWhen making
annuallyafter 1 yearin 2 years
Ammonium nitrate, g12÷1520÷2525÷30
Superphosphate, g15÷2525÷3040÷50
Potassium chloride, g6÷810÷1515÷20
Humus or compost, kg2÷34÷67÷9

Water and properly care for the apple tree.

Crown trimming

Apple tree pruning can be formative or sanitary:

  1. Formative pruning . The point of this pruning is to shorten the shoots, cutting out shoots that are directed deep into the crown. And also remove branches that grow at an acute angle. Such branches can easily break under the weight of the fruit. It is necessary to remove branches that compete with the central conductor. And shorten skeletal branches to keep the tree compact. This apple tree is easy to care for and harvest.
  2. Sanitary pruning involves removing diseased and dry branches. And also by thinning the crown, so that the apple tree will be provided with the necessary access to light. This will affect the harvest.

Formation of a neglected apple tree

The formation of such an apple tree includes both formative and sanitary pruning. It is necessary to leave 5-7 of the most powerful and healthy skeletal branches and one central conductor. All other branches are deleted.

It is necessary to prune the branches, the direction of which goes to the center of the crown, as well as the removal of dried and infected branches.

Advice! You need to make sure that sunlight hits the center of the crown and remove branches that thicken it.

These rules allow you to restore the strength of the apple tree and direct all the nutrients to the formation of healthy branches and harvest.

Pollinator varieties

The apple tree does not have the ability to self-pollinate. Therefore, the best pollinator for the Ural will be the Uralskoe Nalivnoe variety.

Apples of the Ural bulk variety.

Care required by the Uralets apple tree

Apple tree Uralets: photo of variety

In order to get a good harvest, of course, you need to take good care of the plants. At least provide a minimum of favorable conditions.

  • If we talk about the watering , then it should be noted that in 1 season you should water mature trees 3-4 times. Moreover, you need to water the plant not at the root, but at a distance of about 60 cm from the trunk. It is at this distance that it is necessary to moisten the soil, since the root system of the apple tree spreads throughout the surrounding space quite intensively.
  • be fed with mineral, organic and complex fertilizers. If we talk about organic matter, humus, bird droppings diluted with water, and wood ash are suitable for feeding. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied to the soil in spring and summer. And mineral ones - in the fall.
  • Do not forget about formative and sanitary pruning of the tree. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, the tree’s immunity will be strong. This means that apple trees will bring you a high and abundant harvest.
  • are propagated in several ways. Of course, with the help of grafting, layering and seeds. From one seedling you can get several purebred apple trees at once if you propagate the crop by layering. This method is used mainly by experienced gardeners, but beginners can also try themselves in this matter.

In order to get a couple of seedlings, you will need to initially plant the tree at a slight slope. After this, in early spring the shoots must be bent to the soil and covered with earth on top. During this period, the soil will need to be moistened more than intensively. Otherwise, the root system of the shoots will not form.

to cover well . Any breathable, dense material is suitable for this.

Next spring the plants can be transplanted. The root system of the shoots will usually develop most intensively by this time. It is most common to propagate an apple tree either by seeds or by grafting.

In order to grow a new varietal plant, you will need to graft the Uralets cuttings onto any wild variety that will have the same high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to pests and diseases. You can try to graft this apple tree onto Ranet, but for the scion you should definitely use Uralets.

Subspecies and options

The Uralets apple tree on a standard is a beautiful and very neat tree. The crown of the apple tree is pyramidal. The characteristics of the variety and its care remain the same as for an ordinary apple tree .

Ural Liquid

The apple tree is medium-sized, the crown is drooping . The branches are drooping and elastic.

This will help to form a “weeping” apple tree, at the ends of the branches of which delicious apples ripen.

Has high productivity. Fruit weight is approximately 55-60 grams.

When fully ripe, the fruits turn yellow with a pale pink blush.

The pulp is yellow and juicy.

The tree bears fruit early, and the fruits can be stored for two months.

Uralets Assistant

Autumn vigorous apple tree with a powerful and pyramidal crown.

Like Uralets, Uralets' Assistant has excellent winter hardiness and fairly good resistance to scab. Fruits every year. Fruit weight is from 70 to 80 grams.

The apples are round, creamy in color, with a striped blush visible on them. The fruit pulp is juicy with a sweet and sour taste. The shelf life of the crop is no more than one and a half months.

Handsome Uralets

This is one of the newest varieties, which was developed by L.A. Kotov. According to him, this variety is similar to Uralets, only all the quality and taste characteristics are improved.

The apple tree is vigorous and has a pyramidal crown . It also has high winter hardiness.

Compared to the Uralets, the Handsome Uralets has an average fruit weight that is almost twice as large.

Their weight varies from 110 to 130 grams.

The color of the apples is creamy, which also has some blush to it. The taste of apples is sweet and sour with creamy and juicy pulp.

The variety also has a fairly high resistance to disease infection. The shelf life of fruits is from 1 to 1.5 months.

Ripening and fruiting period

Under normal conditions, fruiting begins in the 5th year.

If the region has low temperatures in winter, the first fruits appear no earlier than the 7th year.

Apples are fully ripened by the end of August or mid-September: it all depends on weather conditions. Uralets bears fruit regularly, the average yield is 60 kg per tree.

The apples ripen at the same time, but they cannot be left on the trees for a long period.

Store the fruits in ordinary boxes, which are placed in a cool, semi-dark room. It is better not to collect fruits of different crops in one box. The average shelf life is 2 months.

Collection and storage

Fresh apples can be stored for one to one and a half months. They must be placed in a cool room with high humidity. A cellar, basement, balcony or regular household refrigerator are ideal. Only apples with intact skins are suitable for long-term storage.

Attention! Apples are best preserved in boxes lined with some kind of lining material (for example, batting).

Plastic bags are suitable for storing crops. The fruits are placed in them and closed loosely.

If you additionally wrap each apple in paper, it will last longer.

The fruits of this variety are well transported.

Region of natural growth

The Uralets variety was obtained for use in Siberia, the Urals and the northern regions of Russia, in areas with poor soils and harsh climates.

Due to its unpretentiousness, frost resistance and resistance to almost all apple diseases , this variety can be grown in any region of the CIS and beyond.

With all its advantages, the Uralets apple tree variety also has high productivity.

Find out about the varieties of apple trees suitable for planting in the specified region: Gornist, Altynai, Lyubava, Bellefleur Kitayka, Phoenix Altai, Daughter of Pepinchik.

We plant Ural varieties of apple trees

What time should I choose to plant?

Both autumn and spring are suitable for planting Ural apple trees.

It is only important to take into account that planting in the fall should occur just before frost, in order to prevent premature growth of the seedling and damage to it by low temperatures.

In spring, the optimal time for planting is a few days after the final melting of the last snow and ice. Thus, before the onset of real warmth, the tree will gradually adapt to the new soil and begin to grow.

Soil requirements

These varieties of apple trees are not particularly demanding on the soil, but you still need to take into account several recommendations from gardeners. It is advisable to choose fertile soil. Acidic soils are very undesirable, but they can be extinguished with lime. For a young tree to grow, the soil must be saturated with nitrogen.

Do not forget that apple trees are very afraid of groundwater, as it can cause rotting of the roots. Therefore, if in your garden they come close to the surface, dig a hole or ditch, thus providing artificial soil drainage.

Now about the landing itself

Before direct planting, the seedling must be carefully inspected to check for damage. If any are found, they should be cut off and the root system should be soaked in a clay stain. After this, the seedling is planted in a pre-dug hole, at the bottom of which a mixture of topsoil and fertilizer should be poured.

It is very important that for tall trees and seedlings with a large root system, the hole should be up to 90 centimeters deep. For dwarf varieties, the hole can be only 40 centimeters deep, since their roots are located close to the soil surface

When planting an apple tree, leave the transition point between the trunk and the roots above the surface of the ground, so that when it settles, this place does not end up very deep in the ground

It is especially important for dwarf rootstocks that the grafting site does not touch the soil, since the varietal seedling can begin to grow independently and turn out to be a tall tree. After planting, compact the soil and thoroughly water it with 2-3 buckets of water.

Prevention from diseases and pests

With proper care, the tree does not get sick

Uralets has high resistance to diseases and pests. It is almost never subject to scab, for which it is especially valued among gardeners.

In rare cases, the variety is attacked by codling moths. At the first signs they are treated with systemic drugs: Binom, Atom, Fufanon, Sirocco, etc.

Despite its high immunity, the tree needs preventive measures against diseases and pests. Due to the fact that the causes of their occurrence are mainly weeds, fallen and rotting fruits, it is necessary to carry out sanitary cleaning of the area in a timely manner.

During the work, old bark and leaf litter are removed, and the space around the trunk is carefully dug up. If foliage is intended to be used as fertilizer, then it should be buried in the ground or in a separate hole for further reheating.

Winter and autumn varieties of apple trees for the Urals

The harsh climate of the Urals is not at all conducive to the growth of fruit crops. And therefore, for a long time, almost no one was engaged in gardening in this region.

True, there were rare enthusiasts who tried to plant fruit trees brought from central Russia. These trees rarely took root, as they were adapted to a milder climate.

Apple tree varieties for the Urals had to be more hardy.

But science developed, and horticultural breeding stations began to appear. Scientists worked there who successfully created new winter-hardy varieties of fruit crops.

And now the leading position in this region is occupied by “Gardens of the Urals” - a nursery that, under the leadership of Alexandra Miroleeva, has been engaged in the industrial cultivation of seedlings of berry, fruit and ornamental crops since 1980.

It is located in the Sverdlovsk region near the city of Artemovsk.

This is a modern and constantly developing enterprise, which occupies an area of ​​60 hectares, works productively and produces at least a million seedlings every year, among which are the best varieties of apple trees for the Urals.

These are Ural Bulk, Uelsi, Solntsedar, Uralets, Papiroyantarnoe, Silver Koptse and other well-known varieties.

The breeders of this nursery also grow many varieties of currants, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, honeysuckle and even grapes.

They are consumed in the form of dried fruits, as well as fresh. These apples are also suitable for processing. You can make compotes, juices, jelly and fruit wines from them. In addition, Solntsedar is an excellent raw material for jam and cider.

And thanks to the high content of pectin, this variety produces delicious jam, jelly, marmalade and mousse.

The Ural bulk apple has also taken root well in the Urals. This variety was developed by crossing red Papirovka with Ranetki. And the result was a very frost-resistant apple tree with small and round fruits.

The pulp of these fruits is tender, white, sweet and sour and juicy, with a very pleasant taste. In addition, the Ural bulk apple is well stored - 45-60 days. And the fertility of these apple trees is extremely high. They annually produce more than 200 centners per hectare.

It also happened that more than 250 kilograms of apples were collected from one tree.

Some varieties of apple trees for the Urals were brought to us from abroad. These include the Welsey variety, which was bred in the US state of Minnesota around 1860.

This apple tree has average winter hardiness, and its fruits can be stored until January. Welsey fruits are of medium size and weigh 100-150 grams, cherry-red. Their flesh is whitish, with a pink tint near the skin.

These are juicy and crispy apples with a pleasant sour taste.

And one of the most winter-hardy varieties of apple trees is “Uralets”. It was obtained after China Voskov was pollinated with a mixture of pollen from Ukrainka Saratov and Anise pink-striped.

And the fruits of the Uralets ripen in early autumn and are stored for up to one and a half months.

Winter varieties bred at the Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station.

Screen. A reliable variety, one of D. Telezhinsky’s most favorite varieties, the pulp is chipping, crispy, lasts until the New Year, very productive, moderately affected by scab, the pulp has red veins, the juice is reddish.

Persian. Lasts until the end of February, very winter-hardy, large-fruited, moderately resistant to scab. One of the parents is the Yantar variety. The trees form a crown with sharp angles and bear fruit very abundantly. Large-fruited, gristly flesh, average taste.

Sverdlovsk resident. Stored until February, valued for its taste and melting pulp. Size 100-120 g, moderately resistant to scab, tall, begins to bear fruit late (up to 7 years). At the beginning of consumption the flesh is crispy. Then it softens.

VEM-Pink. Size about 100g, very productive, immune to scab, lasts until March, taste 4.1-4.2

Isetskoe later. Size about 80 gr. Stored until March, affected by scab. Very winter-hardy, strong waxy coating, due to which the fruits sometimes stick together during storage.

Torch. Triploid variety, stored until March, size about 100 g, beautifully colored fruits. There is excess acid in the taste, the yield is stable. Flesh is medium firm

Kandil is scarlet. Beautiful fruits stored until March. The taste is purely sweet, dense pulp with a perfumey aroma. Forms a crown well.

The beauty of Sverdlovsk. Size up to 200g, capricious variety, but stored until April. Spicy taste, aroma. Medium juicy. Problems with the awakening of buds, it bears fruit at the ends of the shoots and, without shortening pruning and shaping, forms a very sparse crown with long-legged branches and low yield.

Pervouralskaya. Late winter large-fruited variety, size up to 180-200g. Immune to scab. Stored until May. The consumption period begins in December, before which astringency is felt in the taste. Winter-hardy. The pulp is dense, taste 4.1-4.2

Good news. Late winter, in the conditions of Yekaterinburg, a record holder for keeping quality. One of my favorites. Very beautifully colored, spicy aroma, size 80-90 g, immune to scab, moderately winter-hardy, even smaller than Krasa Sverdlovsk.

All about productivity

Productivity is one of the main characteristics of any variety.

When does a tree begin to bear fruit?

Full fruiting is expected from a tree only after 5-6 years, in some cases it may be delayed by a year.

Pollination and flowering

The variety is one of those that cannot self-pollinate. Pollen from a second apple tree is required for reproduction. Experts recommend using a variety that is close in performance: Nalivnoe Uralskoe.

The flowering period occurs at the end of May. The summer period is sufficient for complete pollination and fruit ripening. Apple tree flowers are white and small. Flowering is abundant.

Fruit ripening time

Fruiting begins in early or mid-September. The time period may vary depending on regional conditions. The fruits pull the branches towards the ground, but rarely fall off themselves.

Apple collection and use

Collection is carried out in dry weather, in the afternoon. Conditions allow you to avoid excess moisture, which can significantly spoil the preparation for storage. The fruits are suitable for making compotes, complement assorted jams, and are used to prepare fresh desserts.

Tasting qualities

Evaluation of a variety by tasters is a common procedure that involves comparison with many related crops. The Uralets received a score of 4.2 points.

Apple fruits are considered tasty, juicy, and sweet. The disadvantage may be the size of an average apple, it reaches 80 grams.

Frequency of fruiting

The tree is capable of bearing fruit annually. It is necessary to average the amount of ovary on the branches to avoid too large a harvest. This method will avoid alternating large and small types of yield.

Ural liquid in the regions

During breeding work, the apple tree variety was bred to suit the climatic conditions of the Ural and Siberian regions. There is initially a small selection of garden crops that could easily survive harsh winters with severe frosts. Therefore, the task was to create a reliable tree with tasty fruits and a good harvest. Apples began to be grown in Siberia relatively recently - about 50 years ago. The Ural liquid was a good match for the local semi-cultivated Sibirka variety. The result is an ideal apple tree that tolerates the local climate well and takes root in the local soil.

The option of grafting the variety into the crown of a local Siberian grass is used.

In the Tyumen region, apple trees bred by the Sverdlovsk breeding station grow. The trees here are grown in the form of stlanes. Standard forms with dwarf inserts are used. The low growth of trees protects them from strong winter winds.

Main advantages and disadvantages

This culture has characteristic features, among which are the following advantages:

  • winter hardiness, which allows the tree to more easily endure the cold period without prior preparation;
  • relatively small crown size;
  • immunity to some seasonal diseases;
  • early onset of fruiting and full ripening of fruits;
  • high taste qualities of fruits.

See also

Description and characteristics of the Stroevskoye apple tree, subtleties of cultivation


Culture also has the following disadvantages:

  • small apple sizes;
  • soft flesh of the fruit;
  • poor tolerance to long-term transportation and storage;
  • average fruiting rates.
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