Characteristics and description of the Golden Jubilee peach variety, planting and care

Main characteristics

The variety is very popular among gardeners. It is characterized by high productivity and adapts well to any climatic conditions.


Peach is characterized by large fruits that weigh about 140 grams. They are broadly oval in shape and have a rounded top.

On top there is a golden-yellow peel, covered with a small fluff. There is orange pulp inside. It has a pink tint around the bone. The taste of the fruit is sweet, with a slight sourness. The bone is medium in size and can be easily separated.


Flowering begins in mid-May and is abundant. The culture is characterized by bell-shaped flowers of a rich pink color. They have concave petals.

Frost resistance

The tree has excellent resistance to frost in those regions that are recommended for growing the crop. Good winter hardiness is also observed in the Crimean steppes, which are characterized by snowless winters.

Productivity and fruiting

From a 10-year-old tree you can get up to 50 kilograms of fruit. In the foothill areas it is possible to harvest a larger harvest - up to 66 kilograms.

Areas of application of fruits

Peaches of this variety are distinguished by their universal use. They are consumed fresh, canned, and used for making desserts or compotes. It is also perfectly acceptable to freeze the fruits. This is the simplest way to store fruits, which allows you to preserve the maximum nutrients.

Disease resistance

The plant has high resistance to diseases and harmful insects. It is characterized by resistance to clasterosporiosis and powdery mildew.


The description states that the Golden Jubilee peach is a table variety; the photo shows that it is a medium-height tree with a spreading crown. It grows quickly, reaching a maximum height of 5 m in a few years. The leaves are wide, yellow-green, with jagged edges. The flowers are bright pink, medium in size, bell-shaped, concave petals. Flowering is abundant and occurs in mid-May. The ovary is formed well.

The variety bears fruit in the fourth year of cultivation. Golden Jubilee peaches are large, average fruit weight 140 g, round with an oval top. The skin is medium thick, honey-colored with a characteristic blush. The pubescence is not strong. When cut, the flesh is bright orange, fibrous, sweet and sour, juicy. The stone is small, brown-red in color, easily separated. The stalk is small.

Important! To grow peaches weighing up to 300 g, you need good feeding.

The Golden Jubilee variety is zoned for the North Caucasus region. However, it showed good results when grown not only in dry and hot climates. It is successfully cultivated in damp and humid regions. The variety adapts well to any climatic conditions.

Pros and cons of the variety

The key advantages of the variety include the following:

  1. Early onset of fruiting. The tree begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting.
  2. High yield. It can reach 60 kilograms.
  3. Good commercial quality. Peaches of this variety have an attractive appearance and pronounced aroma.
  4. High winter hardiness. The culture can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees.
  5. Disease resistance. The plant practically does not encounter fungal infections.

At the same time, culture is not without its disadvantages:

  1. The need for insulation in the Middle Zone. The plant cannot be grown in northern regions as it will freeze.
  2. Not very good transportability. After transportation, ripe peaches become stained. Therefore, if it is necessary to transport over long distances, peaches should be picked in advance.
  3. The need for quality care. If agrotechnical recommendations are not followed, the fruits may become tasteless and the yield of the plant will decrease.
  4. Tendency to shedding. Ripe peaches can stay on the tree for a maximum of 3 days. After which they fall off and deteriorate.

See also

Characteristics and description of the Redhaven peach variety, planting and care


Characteristics of the Golden Jubilee peach variety

The Golden Jubilee peach is loved by gardeners due to its characteristics. It is hardy, with good immunity and stable yield.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The variety tolerates temperature drops down to -25 °C without serious consequences. The winter hardiness of flower buds and shoots is high. The tree is resistant to return frosts. Winters well in the steppe regions of Crimea, where winters are snowless. In the conditions of the middle zone and in the North, it is not worth growing without additional shelter for the winter.

Peach adapts well to hot conditions and does not require special care during the dry period.

Does the variety need pollinators?

The Golden Jubilee variety is completely self-fertile, but the yield without cross-pollination is lower than stated. To collect a lot of tasty fruits, you need to grow trees in the garden with a suitable flowering period.

Good pollinators for the Golden Jubilee variety:

  • Stavropol pink;
  • Harnas;
  • Volcano;
  • Inka.

Alone, they bear fruit unstably; when planted together, the results are much better.

Productivity and fruiting

The Golden Jubilee peach is very productive. With age, the indicators only increase. The average yield of a ten-year-old tree is within 50 kg. It is possible to collect up to 65 kg of fruits, but for this you need to properly care for the variety.

Important! In unstable climates, the yield is much lower, and the taste of the fruit is worse.

The Golden Jubilee peach variety bears fruit in the first half of August. The photo shows that the fruits are of high quality. The yield of the harvest is friendly; peaches must be collected within a week, otherwise they will fall off. Ripe fruits do not stick well to the branches.

Golden Jubilee peaches are fragrant, excellent taste, and have good commercial characteristics. The variety is suitable for industrial cultivation.

Area of ​​application of fruits

The fresh harvest is stored for no more than 5 days, so it is immediately processed. The variety is suitable for whole-fruit canning, making jams, compotes, and drying.

Ripe peaches are poorly transported; they cannot be transported over long distances. The fruits quickly lose their presentation.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Golden Jubilee tree is highly resistant to disease. He is not afraid of such diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • Clusterosporiosis.

However, the variety is severely affected by leaf curl. Needs preventive treatments.

Important! Peach is often affected by pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Among the advantages of the Golden Jubilee variety are high yields, good commercial quality of the fruits and their taste. The immunity and winter hardiness of peach depend on care.

Despite its good characteristics, the variety has a number of disadvantages that you need to know about before planting it:

  1. Low transportability of fruits and short shelf life.
  2. The tendency of the crop to shed.
  3. Average winter hardiness for northern regions.
  4. The need for preventive treatments against pests and diseases.

In general, the Golden Jubilee variety takes root well and grows in different regions of the country, but this requires some effort.

How to plant correctly

For the tree to fully develop, it is necessary to carry out planting work correctly and provide it with quality care.

Selection and preparation of planting material

First of all, you should pay attention to the choice of seedling. Only from high-quality planting material will it be possible to obtain a strong and healthy tree.

Root system

A plant with developed roots takes root most easily. It is important that there is no noticeable damage to the roots. They should not be dry or diseased. The roots should be white when cut.

Skeletal branches

They must be symmetrical. It is important that the skeletal branches have a healthy appearance and do not contain signs of disease.

Place of vaccination

It is recommended to pay special attention to the grafting area. A high-quality root collar should be solid. It is important that there is no juice or sagging on it.

Tree age

The age of the seedling is also important. An annual crop is best suited for planting in open ground.

Recommendations for choosing planting dates

It is permissible to plant this variety of peach in spring or autumn. The specific period is chosen taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region.

In the middle zone, it is best to carry out planting work in the spring - at the end of April. During the season, the tree will have time to grow stronger and accumulate strength to withstand the harsh winter.

In the south, plants can be planted in the fall. However, it is recommended to do this approximately 1 month before the first frost.

Location requirements

When choosing a site for planting peaches, you should give preference to lighted places that are reliably protected from the wind. If the wood is located in the shade, problems arise with the formation of generative buds. As a result, the fruits will be small and tasteless. It is best to plant peach in the southwest or south of the site.

The quality of the fruit is affected by the composition of the soil in which the trees grow. It is recommended to plant them in fertile soil. Loose and sandy loam soils are ideal for this purpose. The plant can also be planted in loamy soil. It is important that it has a high degree of aeration.

How to prepare the soil and site

Before planting the crop, the bed should be dug up. Thanks to this, it will be possible to saturate the soil with oxygen and clear it of weeds.

Planting scheme

To achieve good results in growing crops, it is important to carry out planting work correctly:

  1. Dig a hole for planting. The size of the recess must correspond to the root system.
  2. Make a hill from fertile soil. It is worth adding fertilizers with organic and mineral components.
  3. Place a 1 meter high peg in the central part of the hole.
  4. Place the seedling in a hole on an earthen hill. Then straighten its roots and sprinkle with soil. The grafting site should be deepened by 5-10 centimeters.
  5. The landing area should be compacted well. In this case, it is recommended to move from the outer part of the trunk circle to the base of the trunk.
  6. Attach the tree to a stake and water it. For 1 crop you will need 2 buckets of water.
  7. Cover the ground around the plant with a layer of mulch. Its thickness should be 6-8 centimeters. Sawdust, humus, and compost are suitable for this.


Golden Jubilee is considered a self-fertile variety. However, cross-pollination will help increase its yield. To do this, it is worth planting other peach varieties that bloom around the same time.

Stavropol pink

This culture was developed by Stavropol specialists. Each tree can produce up to 40 kilograms of fruit. Peaches have a sweet and sour taste and juicy white flesh. The fruits are often used to make jam and compotes.


This variety was bred by Canadian breeders. It is characterized by high productivity. The fruits have an excellent dessert taste. Each of them weighs up to 140 grams.


The plant was obtained by Canadian scientists. The fruits have an excellent dessert taste and tolerate transportation well over long distances. The variety is characterized by stable yield.


This is a Polish variety that was obtained through open pollination. The tree reaches more than 5 meters in height and practically does not encounter diseases. The fruits have a dessert taste and juicy pulp.

See also

How to treat a peach against aphids and the best methods of pest control


Rules of care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it should be provided with high-quality and complete care.


In the first years of life, peach requires mandatory formative pruning. Then only a sanitary or rejuvenating procedure is performed.


This manipulation is aimed at removing broken and diseased shoots. Also be sure to remove branches that interfere with each other. The cutting areas should be treated with garden varnish.


The procedure is carried out to rejuvenate the tree. It helps to increase its lifespan and abundant fruiting.

Fruit rationing

This procedure is performed after the end of flowering, at the stage of formation of fruit ovaries. First of all, you should get rid of weak branches.


The shaping procedure should be performed during the first 4 years of the tree’s life. The rules for its implementation depend on the desired shape of the crown.

Watering mode

The soil should be moderately moistened. The irrigation regime is selected taking into account the weather, soil type, and age of the crop. On average, 40-50 liters per week are poured under a tree. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Weeding and loosening

After moistening the soil, it should be loosened immediately. This will improve the flow of oxygen to the root system. It is also worth getting rid of weeds.

Top dressing

The first time to fertilize a peach is 3 years after planting. For this purpose, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. To increase the frost resistance of the tree, products containing potassium and phosphorus are applied in the fall.

Preparing for winter

To protect the plant from frost, it is recommended to cover it with special materials. It is important that they allow moisture and air to pass through. With the arrival of spring there is a risk of roots freezing. Mulch will help protect them from return frosts.

Mulching and tree trunk care

Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents the growth of weeds. Sawdust, peat, and humus can play the role of mulch.

Subtleties of crop care

The health of the peach tree, its growth, development and fruiting depend on the efforts spent by gardeners on important agricultural techniques. Proper care can increase productivity, extend the life span, give a beautiful appearance to the garden, and prevent the development of diseases.


To get a good harvest of peaches, you need to surround the fruit tree with care, which consists of carrying out such an important event as maintaining soil moisture conditions.

The soil should be moistened moderately, based on weather factors, soil type and age of the plant. On average, you need 40-50 liters once a week. The soil should dry out between waterings.

See also

How to care for peaches in summer, autumn and spring during the ripening and fruiting periodRead

Top dressing

It is important to provide the Golden Jubilee peach with nutrients. The first application of fertilizers should be carried out three years after planting, using organic matter and minerals depending on the time of year. To increase the winter hardiness of peach and stimulate the ripening of wood, apply fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium in the fall.


The Golden Jubilee peach needs to be pruned regularly. The procedure will regulate crop yield, sugar content and fruit size, and also facilitate access to trees when picking fruit.

Formation is carried out throughout the season:

  • in the spring, freeing from dry, broken, twisted shoots;
  • in mid-summer, for the purpose of sanitary cleaning, removing diseased branches;
  • in the autumn, forming the crown and removing shoots damaged by the harvest.

Preparing a tree for winter

Although the peach tree demonstrates high adaptive characteristics, withstanding temperatures up to 25 degrees below zero, it also needs reliable shelter for the winter, since it may not tolerate the harsh conditions of the Middle Zone. You can protect the crop from freezing in winter by covering it with special materials that allow moisture and air to pass through, thereby ensuring a normal microclimate.

With the onset of spring, the root system of the plant wakes up before the buds, which is why there is a threat of freezing during spring frosts. Therefore, in the fall it needs to be covered with mulch.

Diseases and pests

Despite the variety's resistance to disease, it is sometimes subject to fungal infections and pest attacks.


The disease is associated with infection by a fungus. At the same time, the leaves swell, acquiring a brown tint. Bordeaux mixture helps to cope with the disease. It is also allowed to use Oxychom, Skor.

Gum treatment

At the same time, a thick dark mass appears on the trunk and branches. Violation of pruning rules or pest infestation can lead to problems. Sometimes the violation is caused by excessive watering.


When aphids attack, small insects appear on the tree. To protect the peach, it is worth planting dill or other herbs around it.

codling moth

This is a dangerous pest whose caterpillars eat flowers, fruits and leaves. As a result, there is a risk of destroying the entire crop.


These are small beetles that eat flowers. As a result, there is a risk of crop loss. Insecticides help control insects.

Fruit moth

Insects eat buds, leaves and even seeds. Pests become active during budding.

Harvest and storage

In the south, the fruits are harvested in the first half of August. In the middle zone everything depends on the weather. In cool summers, peaches will ripen in late summer.

It is not recommended to keep the fruits on the tree for a long time, as they may fall off. The harvest can be stored for 8 days. If you pick the fruits a week earlier, this period increases to 20 days.

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