Is it possible to treat tomatoes with furatsilin against late blight and what will be the effect?
Since the middle of the last century, late blight has become the sworn enemy of vegetable growers who grow tomatoes. Breeders are working
Lapis lazuli is a reliable weed killer
Lapis lazuli against weeds on potatoes: reviews and analogues, instructions for use
Gardening » Weeds 1,486 Article rating Kira Stoletova Lapis lazuli is a super effective remedy for
The drug Oxychom: instructions for use, reviews, when to use
The therapeutic and prophylactic eradicating two-component fungicide Oksikhom appeared on sale relatively recently and is more or less trusted
Plan and get a harvest: what to plant next year after garlic
Home / Vegetable garden / Bulbous Back Published: 06/27/2020 0 Rate this post Complain about
Thin out the dill
How to quickly germinate dill seeds and how to treat them to speed up the germination of greens
What to do so that dill sprouts quickly. Preparation of planting material begins a week before planting.
how does broccoli grow
Growing broccoli: tips for beginning gardeners
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: April 28, 2016Last edits: January 06
Photo of cabbage seedlings
How to feed cabbage seedlings for growth after germination, picking to make them plump
Like any other seedlings, seedlings of white cabbage, cauliflower or Chinese cabbage need feeding
Description of the hybrid Miracle cherry and its pollinators, features of planting and care
The miracle cherry or Duke variety (prunus cerasus “chudo vishnya”) is a wonderful hybrid of cherry and
Growing tomato seedlings at home (step-by-step master class with photos)
Good day to you, dear readers! Today we will talk about one of the
elegant cucumber
Characteristics and description of cucumbers of the Graceful variety, yield and cultivation
Cucumbers are the most important part of summer-autumn preparations for any housewife. And those lined up in long rows
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