Lapis lazuli against weeds on potatoes: reviews and analogues, instructions for use

Gardening » Weeds



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Kira Stoletova

Lapis lazuli is a super effective weed killer in the garden. The herbicide has a selective effect and helps fight various weeds.

Lapis lazuli is a reliable weed killer

Instructions for the drug

Lapis lazuli is a universal remedy and belongs to the group of Herbicides (chemistry).

  • It is used in industrial and private cultivation of potatoes and tomatoes.
  • Not suitable for beds where you plan to plant cucumbers, carrots, beets and other vegetables.

Chemical composition

The main active substance is metribuzin (70%).

It is selective in nature, selectively affecting certain weed species and not affecting cultivated plants from the nightshade family, which have a similar cellular structure of vegetative parts - stems and roots.

It is poorly soluble in liquid and remains in soil layers for up to 2 months. In some cases, it precipitates and remains in the ground for up to a year.

Release form

Available in powder form. It is packaged in bags for single use in private households of 10-20 g, for industrial purposes - in boxes and bags of 0.5-10 kg.

Cost and analogues

The price depends on the volume of packaging. Average. is 65-100 rubles.

The inexpensive drug has analogues that can be bought at the agricultural market:

  • domestic - Excellent from, Miura, Lazurit-SP from the company August;
  • foreign Zenkor.

The principle of action of the drug against weeds in potato fields

Herbicide Lapis lazuli destroys weeds thanks to a special active substance in its composition. This substance is metribuzin. The concentration of the substance in the preparation is quite decent: 700 grams per kg of the finished solution. But you cannot treat the soil with concentrate: it must first be diluted with water.

When watering with a herbicide dissolved in water, the solution enters the weed “organism” through the roots. In addition, “external” use of the composition is possible: by spraying foliage. Even if weeds have already heavily infested the area, the herbicide Lazurit will completely destroy them in two weeks. You might also be interested in learning about how it costs and how you can use a Tornado weed extractor with your own hands.

The duration of exposure to the drug is 30-60 days. This period largely depends on the weather: if there is no rain, the effect of the herbicide lasts longer, and vice versa. If it rains, you will have to repeat the treatment in a month.

Impact principle

Metribuzin acts as a photosynthesis inhibitor. In the absence of this process, weeds do not develop, stop growing and die without interfering with the normal development of cultivated plants.

Attention! Lapis lazuli is not a fertilizer and does not increase productivity.

The drug has a destructive effect and destroys all vegetative parts of weeds - the root system, seeds, stems and foliage, entering plant cells through their surface.

Dried grass is removed by raking and burned.

The product simultaneously has a detrimental effect on the pathogen late blight.

It is an effective alternative to manual weeding, which often damages the root system of immature shoots and drains the soil layers.

Operating principle

The active ingredient of the drug is metribuzin. The chemical is aimed at destroying weeds through their sprouts, roots and foliage. This is a fundamental difference from mechanical treatment, in which only the surface layer of weeds is removed, while the root system remains intact. The very first rain will again bring the “pests” into activity.

Once in the soil, the poison acts directly on the root and also blocks the process of photosynthesis, depriving the weed of sunlight. It begins to fade and gradually dries out completely, allowing the potatoes to breathe freely. Many species are sensitive to the weed killer Lapis Lazuli, such as dicotyledonous annuals and cereals (chamomile, quinoa, dandelion, ragweed, sow thistle), as well as perennial herbs. Used by gardeners to protect potatoes and tomatoes from weeds by controlling them. The farmer must remember that the drug helps clean the field, but is not a fertilizer, and therefore will not help the growing process in empty soil with a low humus content.

One of the main advantages of this herbicide is its safety for the crop itself with an effective destructive effect on the weed. However, for the drug to work correctly, the user must strictly follow the instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Selective impact, having a detrimental effect only on weeds, without affecting the health of cultivated plants.
  2. Active substances do not accumulate in vegetables;
  3. Does not have negative consequences on the condition of soil layers;
  4. Helps get rid of more than 50 varieties of weeds from the class of cereals and dicotyledonous annuals, including ragweed, shepherd's purse, wild oats, bristle grass, loach, wild onions, thistle, etc.;
  5. Shows high efficiency, intensively affecting not only the above-ground vegetative parts, but also the root system of weeds, leading to complete wilting;
  6. The powder is easy to dilute and use;
  7. Low price;
  8. Damaged weeds act as organic fertilizers after rotting.
1. Failure to comply with the standards provided for in the instructions leads to a reduction in the shelf life of vegetables and their rapid spoilage.
  • If it is more, the potatoes become blue-black during cooking. In addition, above-ground vegetative parts can be burned, the leaves and stems may turn yellow.
  • If it is less, it is not effective and causes resistance in the weed.

2. Failure to apply regularly leads to negative consequences - the accumulation of metribuzin in vegetables, which is toxic to humans.

Rules and time

Suitable for use throughout the entire growing season.

The optimal time for treatment with Lapis Lazuli is the development phase of vegetable crops (from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first shoots) up to the 20-30-day age of the sprouts.

Weed control

This is explained by the fact that at the early stage of growth the susceptibility to the active substance is the least.

Basic Rules:

  • Before use, the soil is moistened and the bushes are hilled;
  • processing is carried out on a windless day;
  • the optimal ambient temperature is not lower than 15°C; in cooler weather, the active component loses its effective properties;
  • if there is heavy rain immediately after the procedure, it is repeated;
  • the minimum dosage of the drug is used on light soils, the maximum - on heavy soils;
  • The beds are sprayed with a liquid working solution immediately after its preparation, because during long-term storage it loses its effective properties;
  • it is necessary to spray directly on the bush, without getting on other crops;
  • Before using a herbicide, preventive procedures against pests are initially carried out, for example with Komandor.

To protect potato bushes

One-timeAny time0.7-1.4 kg per 1 ha10 g per 3 liters of water
DoubleUntil the moment of germination500 g-1.0 kg per 1 ha10 g per 3 liters of water
Treat the hilled potato tops (no later than when the seedlings germinate 5 cm in height)Up to 0.3 kg per 1 ha10 g per 9-10 liters of water

For spraying tomatoes

WayFit typeDosage
One-timeSowing seedsup to 7 g per 10 liters of water
Seedlingup to 15 g per 10 liters of water
DoubleSowing seeds1. At the stage of appearance of 2 sheets: up to 2.5 g per 10 l of water
2. When forming at least 3-5 sheets: up to 5 g per 10 l of water
Seedling1. After planting in open ground: up to 15 g per 10 liters of water
2. After 2 weeks: up to 10 g per 10 liters of water.

Instructions for using Lapis lazuli

In order not to be left without a harvest when using lapis lazuli, you need to understand that this drug helps the gardener get rid of weeds that take away nutrition from the potatoes and suppress their growth and development. However, it is not a fertilizer. If there are not enough nutrients in the soil, then the harvest will not please even in the absence of weeds. Treating potatoes against weeds is not a fertilizer. On sandy, thin soils, this drug does not have a visible effect.

In order to correctly and effectively use herbicides against weeds on potatoes, it is important to have a clean field and follow the instructions for use of the drug. From the user manual it will become clear:

  • processing time;
  • concentration of the drug used;
  • drug consumption for single and double treatment;
  • waiting time for the drug to act;
  • safety measures when working with the chemical and its hazard class.

The question of how to get rid of weeds in a potato field has been resolved. Herbicide applied to the soil on time destroys not only the first weeds, but also maintains the cleanliness of the field until the second wave, suppressing its development. In the future, the tops on the potato bed will close together, and annual weeds will no longer have time to develop. Minimum doses when treating potatoes against weeds are recommended for early varieties of root crops. The greatest consumption should be on dense clay soil when cultivating late potatoes.

The calculated consumption of the diluted substance used by spraying is:

  • for potatoes 200 - 300 liters per hectare;
  • on tomato seedlings – 500 l/ha;
  • on tomatoes from seeds – 300 – 400 l/ha.

This does not require dilution of the mother solution. The drug was obtained with nanoparticles and is perfectly soluble in water with vigorous stirring. The solution is used, like all herbicides for weeds on potatoes, in freshly prepared form. Lapis lazuli is the only herbicide approved for use on private farms and for summer residents.

The maximum concentration of the working solution should not exceed 0.5% solution of the active substance.

As a result of the use of lapis lazuli, the soil is freed from weeds for a long period. However, this is not its only useful effect. In the absence of quinoa as a result of treating potatoes for weeds, during cold weather, potato bushes are less susceptible to late blight, which significantly reduces the yield and impairs the storage of root crops. The disease begins to develop on weeds.

The time to enter the treated field for agricultural work is possible no earlier than 3 days.

When not to use

  • When the soil contains less than 1% humus;
  • On plantings that have suffered from plant diseases or have suffered from frosts or have mechanical damage, through which the active ingredient can penetrate into the cellular layers;
  • When cultivated plants were planted early in the garden;
  • On dry soils.

For small amounts of weeds, it is recommended to limit the use of herbicides, replacing them with manual weeding and subsequent mulching.

Precautionary measures

The toxicity of Lapis lazuli is low, the drug belongs to hazard class 4.

It does not harm beneficial insects, incl. bees. However, during use it is necessary to observe the following precautions:

  • use personal protection, covering open areas of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract from contact with the active substance;
  • do not open sealed packages during transportation;
  • exclude joint storage with food, drinking water and animal feed mixtures.

Safety precautions for use

The drug only affects weeds . Vegetables treated with Lazurit do not pose a danger to people and animals. To prevent the chemical from damaging the potato tubers, they are deepened by 15-20 cm.

The herbicide has been assigned a third hazard class - harm to health can be caused during the treatment of beds.

Security measures:

  • the procedure is not carried out if the wind speed reaches 5 m/s;
  • It is prohibited to prepare the working solution in food containers;
  • processing is carried out in protective equipment - mask, goggles, gloves, gown;
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while working with the drug;
  • after the procedure, you need to take a shower, wash your work clothes and wash the spray bottle;
  • It is prohibited to stay in the treated area for more than four hours.

The herbicide is of low risk to pollinating insects . But in order to avoid poisoning of bees, it is recommended to carry out treatment 2-3 km from the hives. The drug is prohibited to be used in the water protection fishery zone.

Providing assistance in case of defeat

In cases of metribuzin poisoning during treatment, general signs of malaise appear: headache, sore throat, hoarse voice and dizziness.

If such symptoms are present, you should immediately stop the procedure, leave the area and provide access to fresh air.

If the solution gets on a part of the body:

  • on the skin - wash off with plenty of soapy water;
  • into the eyes - wash with running water at room temperature for at least 0.5 hours;
  • inside - wash the stomach and drink absorbent medications.

Preparation of the solution

The working solution should be prepared in a large container (for example, a bucket).

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a container and dissolve the drug package in it.
  2. Mix the contents of the bucket thoroughly and add another 5 liters of water. This solution is sufficient for initial treatment (even before the potatoes sprout).
  3. To repeat the procedure, the herbicide package should be dissolved in 20 liters of water.

Important! The solution cannot be stored! Must be used immediately.


The herbicide Lazurit is intended for weed control. It has a selective method of action, destroys selected types of weeds without affecting the vegetative parts of cultivated plants from the nightshade family.

Actively used for tomatoes and potatoes. Requires compliance with the dosages specified in the instructions and regularity of application, because may accumulate in vegetables.

The pesticide is harmful to humans. According to customer reviews, the herbicide poison effectively copes with the protection of root crops.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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