Cherry Teremoshka

Caring for Amber cherries

The development and fruiting of a crop largely depends on care. The tree is provided with fertilizing, watering, and weeding. To form the crown, shoots are pruned.

Feeding and watering

Yantarnaya cherries are watered three times per season:

  • during flowering;
  • when fruits ripen;
  • late autumn, before preparing for winter.

Be sure to take into account precipitation in the region. Up to 4 liters of water are poured under young trees. When the cherries begin to bear fruit, the water rate is increased to 15 liters. Irrigation requires warm, settled water. The tree is moistened in the morning or evening.

Fertilizing of the Yantarnaya variety is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • before flowering, the tree is watered with a solution consisting of 20 g of superphosphate, potassium salt and urea;
  • After harvesting, fertilizing is repeated, however, urea is excluded.

Complex mixtures developed for fruit crops are suitable for fertilizing plantings. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied only in the spring, as they promote shoot growth at the expense of yield.

Weeding and loosening

The soil in the tree trunk circle is regularly weeded to remove weeds. Loosening the soil improves the absorption of moisture and nutrients. It is recommended to cultivate the soil after watering and fertilizing. To reduce the amount of weeding, the soil in the tree trunk circle is mulched with peat or humus. Mulch is an additional source of nutrients for cherries that retains moisture in the soil.

Crown formation

By forming the crown, you can control the growth of cherries and get a high yield. Pruning is carried out in early spring, when sap flow has not yet begun, or in late autumn after leaf fall. Young plantings are pruned when they grow to 70 cm. Side shoots are shortened to 50 cm. If the branches grow at an acute angle to the trunk, they are completely cut out.

The crown is formed in the form of tiers consisting of skeletal shoots. The first tier consists of branches located at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other. 60 cm is left between the levels. The formation of the crown takes several years. When the tree reaches the age of 5-6 years, it is enough to maintain its height at 3 m. Be sure to remove damaged and improperly growing branches.

Pollinators of the Yantarnaya cherry

The Yantarnaya variety is self-sterile. To form ovaries, it is necessary to plant pollinators that bloom at the same time as the Yantarnaya variety. Species suitable for this purpose: Revna, Tyutchevka, Syubarovskaya, Severnaya, Ovstuzhenka. Amber cherry pollinators are placed in an area with a distance of 3-4 m. To attract insects, honey-bearing flowers are planted nearby.

How to plant Rechitsa cherries

Proper planting will ensure the development of Rechitsa cherries and a high yield

It is important not only to prepare the soil and plant, but also to choose a suitable location on the site

How to choose a seedling

High-quality planting material is purchased from nurseries or garden centers. Annual seedlings with a height of 80-110 cm and a trunk diameter of 2-2.5 cm take root best. The plant must have a powerful conductor and several side shoots. Cherries are assessed visually and checked for the absence of cracks, wounds, diseased branches, mold and other defects. When transporting, the roots are wrapped in damp cloth. If the root system of the tree is dry, then keep it in clean water for several hours.

Planting dates and scheme

The timing of the work is chosen based on the climatic characteristics of the region. In the south, cherries are planted in the fall after leaf fall. The plant will take root and survive the winter without problems. If there is a possibility of early frosts, then the work is left until the spring. If the seedlings have already been purchased, then they are dug into the plot and covered with a layer of mulch. In the spring, when the snow has melted but the buds have not yet begun to swell, the seedlings are dug up and planted.

Advice! The culture needs a sunny area, protected from the wind.

Cherry Rechitsa develops well in fertile light soil. Loamy or sandy loam soils are better suited for it. Peat bogs, sandy and swampy areas are unacceptable for growing crops. The Rechitsa variety is removed as much as possible from apple, plum, pear, peach and other fruit crops. Trees compete for water and minerals contained in the soil. It is best to plant 2-3 varieties of cherries in a group and leave a distance of 3-4 m between them.

Pit preparation

The pit for planting the Rechitsa variety is prepared in advance, at least 3 weeks before work. This is necessary for the soil to shrink, resulting in damage to the seedling. If planting is planned for spring, then the hole is dug in the fall.

The procedure for planting cherries of the Rechitsa variety:

  1. A pit with a diameter of 0.7 m and a depth of 0.6 m is being prepared at the site.
  2. To fill it, mix chernozem, 2 buckets of compost, 170 g of superphosphate and 80 g of potassium salt.
  3. The substrate is lowered into the pit, then 2 buckets of water are poured into it.
  4. When the soil settles, begin planting cherries. First, fertile soil is poured to form a small hill. A seedling is placed on top and its roots are covered with soil.
  5. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The positive aspects of Bryanochka include resistance to diseases to which many other varieties of cherries are susceptible. Also, the advantages of this type of culture are:

  • increased frost resistance;
  • high degree of productivity;
  • Great sweet berry taste.

A significant drawback of Bryanochka cherries is their susceptibility to gray rot. It can be caused by improper tree care and excessive watering.

In general, based on many reviews from gardeners, we can conclude that people like the Bryanochka cherry. From its fruits they make jam, cherry compote, jam, and enjoy the berries fresh. Sweet cherries are great for home canning for the winter, since their preparation requires a minimal amount of sugar. And all because the fruits of the Bryanochka cherry are already very sweet.

Description of culture

The Teremoshka variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region; now cherries have spread to the northwestern and southern regions. Gardeners fell in love with the tree for its compact, rounded and wide crown, the growth of which is restrained. The shoots of the Teremoshka cherry are large, spreading, and densely leafy. Fruit branches are noticeable with rounded tops. Vegetative shoots become pointed towards the apex. Elongated oval leaves of a dark green hue, the blade is jagged along the edges, the apex is sharp. They sit on a long petiole of medium thickness.

The fruit ovaries of the Teremoshka variety are formed from three large flowers with a free arrangement of white petals. The calyx with long stamens and pistil is shaped like a glass. The short, medium-thick stalk bears heart-shaped cherries with a blunt, rounded top and a narrow funnel. The size of the fruits of the Teremoshka variety is uniform, 2.1 x 2.2 cm, weight - 5 g, sometimes reaching 6.6 g. The dark red skin is dense, but pleasant when eating. The juicy flesh is fleshy, also dark red in color. The juice released is the same color.

The oval light brown seed weighs a quarter of a gram, which is 5% of the mass of the Teremoshka variety berry. It separates easily from the pulp.

  • In sweet berries, 17.5% of sugars and the same amount of dry matter are determined.
  • The fruit contains only 0.38% acids.
  • 100 g of Teremoshka cherries contain 14.5 mg of ascorbic acid.
  • Tasters rated the dessert taste of the fruits of this variety at 4.7 points.

Important! Under the sun, cherries produce more sweetness

Cherry care Tyutchevka

After planting, Tyutchevka cherries are provided with the necessary care. The tree is regularly watered and fed, the tree trunk is mulched, and the crown is trimmed.

Feeding and watering

Cherries begin to be fed 2 years after planting. In early spring, the tree trunk circle is watered with slurry with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. complex fertilizer. When the fruits of the Tyutchevka variety bloom and ripen, 20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt are added to the soil. After abundant fruiting, fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium is repeated.

Advice! It is convenient to combine fertilizing cherries with watering. The substances are dissolved in water, which is poured under the root of the tree.

On average, cherries are watered 3 times per season: during the flowering period, when the first fruits ripen and in late autumn before preparing for winter. During drought, additional moisture is allowed. Be sure to use warm, settled water.

Weeding and loosening

The soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened after watering or rains 3 to 6 times per season. As a result, the soil is saturated with oxygen, and the roots better absorb nutrients and moisture. Loosening is combined with the removal of root shoots and weeding, which take away useful elements from the soil. If the soil is mulched with humus or peat, then loosening is carried out only in spring and autumn.

Crown formation

By pruning the trunk and shoots, the yield and life of the tree increase. Treatment is carried out in spring or autumn, when the tree is dormant. The formation of a crown begins with annual seedlings that have reached a height of 60 cm. At the same time, 6 strong buds are left, from which skeletal branches will grow. In the second year, 3-4 shoots are selected to obtain the lower tier, the remaining shoots are cut off with a sharp knife. On the conductor, 3-4 buds are isolated to form the next tier, the remaining part is cut off. In an adult tree, it is enough to remove root shoots, dry broken and improperly growing shoots.

Pollinators of cherry Tyutchevka

The Tyutchevka variety has a low level of self-pollination. In the absence of pollinators, no more than 6% of fruits are set. Planting varieties that bloom at the same time as the Tyutchevka cherry helps to increase productivity.

Description of the best pollinators for Tyutchevka cherries:

  1. Odrinka. A mid-late variety, it bears dark red fruits with dense, sweet pulp. The variety is winter-hardy and is little susceptible to diseases.
  2. Revna. A variety with increased winter hardiness, partially self-fertile. The yield is plentiful, the cherries are of medium size, dense and juicy pulp.
  3. Annushka. Universal large-fruited variety. The tree is weak-growing, with a drooping crown. The harvest matures in the 5th year. The fruits are sweet, round and dark red in color.

Cherry Teremoshka: reviews from gardeners about the variety

  • Vasily Andreevich, 54 years old, Leningrad region: “The dacha plot is located in a quiet place. I decided to plant cherry trees, among them the Teremoshka cherry variety, the earliest. 2 harvests have already been collected. The tree is seven years old, not tall, but the crown is dense. Perhaps the influence was exerted by the fertilizers placed in the hole. A year later I add humus, and in the autumn season I mulch with horse manure and humus. I still cover all the plants for the winter. The kidneys were damaged by freezing temperatures, but only slightly. In the spring season, the trees were not damaged by cold weather, thanks to fumigation.”
  • Anna Mikhailovna, 50 years old, Orel: “We have been cultivating Teremoshka cherries since 2010. At that time, we planted a garden with mid- and late-ripening cherries. The variety did not surprise me with its yields; there are more generous varieties. However, fruiting is regular, the fruits do not crack, are easily transported, and can be stored for a short time. The berries of the Teremoshka cherry are delicious and dessert. Excess fruits are used for compotes and confitures, which are well sold. In order for the cherries to develop normally, we spray them regularly.”

Caring for the Yantarnaya cherry variety

Planting cherries of the Yantarnaya variety

In regions where there are no very frosty winters, it is better to plant Amber cherries in the fall, immediately after the leaves fall. And in the middle zone, it is advisable to plant cherries in the spring: by autumn the seedling will have time to take root and will survive the winter normally. If you plant a cherry seedling in the spring in the south, summer heat and drought can greatly complicate the rooting process for the plant.

It is best to grow Amber cherries in an open, sunny place, away from bodies of water.

The distance between neighboring trees or seedlings should be at least 5 m. The proximity of cherries to apple, apricot and peach is undesirable, since all these crops suffer from the same diseases. A pit for planting cherries is dug with a depth of about 9 and a diameter of about 80 cm. The soil mixture for filling the pit must be prepared in advance by mixing 2 buckets of fertile soil from the top layer of soil, 3 buckets of humus or compost, 1 kg of superphosphate and wood ash.

Then the tree is planted in this order:

  • a stake is driven into the center of the planting hole, which should protrude 50 cm above the surface;
  • a mound of soil mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit and a seedling of the Amber cherry tree is placed on it;
  • straighten the roots of the seedling, tie the seedling to a support and fill the pit with the rest of the soil mixture;
  • after planting, the plant is watered, and when the water is absorbed, the tree trunk circle is mulched with organic material.

Watering cherry varieties Yantarnaya

Amber cherry is resistant to both root flooding, which can occur in rainy summers, and drought. During the season with normal rainfall, Amber cherry trees should be watered no more than once a month. If the summer is hot and dry, water weekly, using water that has been settled and heated in the sun for humidification. However, newly planted trees need more frequent watering. After moistening the area near the trunk, you should loosen the soil in it, simultaneously removing the emerging weeds, but if the root area of ​​the cherry tree is mulched, then you will have to loosen and weed the weeds much less often.

Feeding and pruning of Amber cherries

Nitrogen fertilizers begin to be applied to cherries in the spring, two years after planting, and in the future this procedure should become annual. Organic matter (humus or compost) should be used in the form of mulch in late autumn to protect the root zone from the cold. Sometimes you can fertilize cherries with mineral complexes, and it is advisable to feed the tree leaves with microelements.

In early spring, before the sap begins to flow, cherries are pruned. First, dry, broken, crown-thickening, pest- or disease-affected branches and twigs are removed, and then the planned formative pruning is done. Cuts of thick branches must be treated with garden varnish, otherwise the plant may bleed juice. In the fall, if necessary, you can carry out sanitary cleaning of the crown so that the plant does not feed unnecessary shoots in winter. After the procedure, you need to remove all plant debris from under the cherries and dispose of them.

Prevention of Amber cherries from diseases and pests

Sometimes even a healthy cherry tree can get sick, and if there is a plant infested with pests next door, the insects can easily move onto the cherry tree. To prevent the tree from having to be treated and treated for pests, preventive treatments must be carried out regularly. For example, in early spring, it is advisable to spray Amber cherries with a seven percent urea solution: the drug will protect the tree from pests and at the same time feed the plant with nitrogen.

Preparing Amber cherries for wintering

The Yantarnaya cherry variety grows well and bears fruit even in areas with cold winters, where temperatures can drop to -30 ºC, but in the fall you should still mulch the root area with a thick layer of organic matter, and when it snows, it is advisable to throw a small snowdrift under the tree. It is advisable to dig a support pole near the seedlings and tie young trees to it, and the trunk should be wrapped in several layers of covering material.

Cherry 'Teremoshka'

Latin name: prunus avium 'teremoshka'

Main type: Cherry
Fruit size
  • large
Fruit shape
  • heart-shaped
Fruit color
Winter hardiness
  • high
Decoration of plants and fruits
  • Yes
Flower size
  • Not indicated
Brush characteristics
  • Not applicable
Berry/truss separation
  • easy
Nut kernel size
  • Not applicable
Blush (cover color)
  • No blush
Fruit pulp color
Density and character of the pulp (fruit/bush/yag)
  • dense
Fruit aroma
  • Not indicated
Frost resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Drought resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Beginning of fruiting after planting
  • 4-5th year
Ripening period (fruit/bush/yar)
  • average
Consumer maturity
  • Not applicable
Productivity (fruit/bush/yag)
  • average
Fruit shedding
  • Not indicated
  • Not applicable
  • No
Purpose of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • universal
Taste of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • sweet
  • very good
Soil pH requirements (fruit/bush/yag)
  • neutral (ph6.5-7)
Shelter for the winter (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Soil type (fruit/bush/yar)
  • sandy loam
  • loam/clay
Disease resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • average
Resistance to pests (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Habitus (fruit/bush/yag)
  • slightly spreading/compact
Growth form
  • spherical/rounded
Crown density
  • average
Thorns, thorns
  • Not applicable
Vitamin content (fruit/bush/yag)
  • high
Keeping quality of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • low
Cultivation region by origin (fruit/bush/yar)
  • central region

Expand all properties

Description of the plant:

Cherry 'Teremoshka' is the result of crossing hybrid forms 'CH 3–36' and 'CH 4–3'. Obtained at the All-Russian Lupine Research Institute. Author - M.V. Kanshina. The variety was accepted for state testing in 1998.

Recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Dimensions and growth form:

The 'Teremoshka' variety is represented by low-growing trees with a wide-rounded, raised, relatively dense crown. Fruiting occurs mainly on fruit twigs, as well as on bouquet branches.

Flowers and fruits:

The fruits are large, weighing 5.0–6.6 g, obtusely heart-shaped. The skin is dark red.

The pulp is red, dense. Separation of the fruit from the stalk is dry. The taste is very good, sweet.

The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Precocity, ripening time, yield:

Sweet cherry 'Teremoshka' is a medium ripening variety. Productivity is moderate. Precociousness is average. The variety is self-sterile.


Below are the characteristics of the Daibera Chernaya cherry variety as an assessment of the most important indicators of the crop.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

Cherry is a moisture-loving crop, and the Daibera Black variety is no exception. During a sustained period of drought, it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering.

Daiber Black cherry is not characterized by increased frost resistance - at temperatures below -30 0 C there is serious freezing of shoots, branches, and trunk, and at -24 0 C almost all flower buds are damaged.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening time

Depending on the region in which the summer cottage is located, the shoots of the Daibera Black cherry are covered with large white flowers in late March - early April. During the flowering period, the plant looks very decorative. Daibera Black cherry is self-sterile, so to obtain a high yield it is necessary to plant one of the pollinating varieties.

In terms of ripening time, this variety is classified as mid-late - the fruits can be harvested in late June - early July.

Productivity, fruiting

The impressive size of the tree and the size of the berries ensure its high yield. This indicator depends on the growing region and the age of the plant. Adult specimens are the most productive - 70-90 kg of berries can be collected from one tree. The Daibera Black cherry begins to bear fruit in the fifth year after planting the seedling.

Area of ​​application of berries

The berries of this variety of cherries are consumed mainly fresh. But they are also suitable for processing: you can make delicious compotes and jams from the fruits.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Daibera Black cherry variety has average resistance to diseases, so it is important to carry out preventive measures annually for protection. Since this cherry belongs to quite old varieties, it is often affected by coccomycosis, moniliosis (fruit rot), and clusterosporia (hole spot)

Especially great damage is caused to the Daiber Black cherry during rainy springs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Analyzing the above characteristics of Daibera Black cherries, we can highlight a number of its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high and reliable yield indicator;
  • size and dessert taste of berries;
  • the benefits and versatility of eating fruits;
  • decorative flowering;
  • friendly return of the harvest.

Cons of Daibera Black cherries:

  • average winter hardiness, due to which the plant can be grown in regions with mild winters;
  • poor resistance to common crop diseases;
  • limited time for harvesting fruits; if harvested too late, they are affected by gray rot.

Characteristics of the variety

Not much is known about the young Bryansk cherry variety: most gardeners who planted it on their plots have not yet had time to wait for the first harvest. However, some information is still available.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Like most Bryansk varieties, the Podarok Stepanov cherry, bred for cultivation in the middle zone, nevertheless has high resistance to a more severe climate.

  • The variety tolerates drought well; excess moisture is much more dangerous for it. During summer periods with minimal precipitation, it is recommended to water the cherries weekly in the amount of 3-4 buckets under the trunk; it is advisable to mulch the top layer of soil. If there is natural moisture, watering should be done only when necessary. If the tree receives enough moisture from rain, there is no need to water it additionally.
  • The variety has high resistance to low temperatures: the tree retains the ability to bear fruit well even in conditions of -30...-32 degrees in winter. The main thing is to prevent deep freezing of the trunk.

Cherry pollinators Gift to Stepanov

The variety is not capable of self-pollination, and if you do not plant suitable pollinating varieties next to the cherry, you may not expect a rich harvest.

The following varieties of cherries are ideal as pollinators for trees:

  • Teremoshka - cherry blossoms in the middle period, approximately May 10–15, and its fruits are harvested in mid-July.
  • Astakhov’s favorite - the variety blooms in mid-May, and begins to bear fruit abundantly after 2 months, in mid-July.
  • Bryansk pink - the tree usually blooms at the end of May, from the 15th to the 25th, berries appear on its branches at the end of July.


According to its properties, the Teremoshka cherry variety is suitable for growing on personal plots or on farms in the middle climate zone.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The Teremoshka variety tolerates frosty winters, which was proven in field tests. The wood was damaged by only 2 points after prolonged periods with low temperatures of -29...-34 °C. The buds of the variety suffered 40% damage, and after spring frosts of -5 °C, up to 30% of the flowers died. The Teremoshka cherry survives short droughts without consequences, but long periods without precipitation affect the next year's harvest.

Pollination, pollinating varieties, flowering period and ripening time

Like all cherries, the Teremoshka variety is self-sterile. Other cherries should grow nearby or on an adjacent plot for cross-pollination, up to 2-3 trees. It is believed that the following varieties cope best with this role:

In addition, cherries planted nearby, which bloom during the same period, have a positive effect on the fruiting of Teremoshka.

The Teremoshka variety blooms in the middle period, from May 10–15. The fruits ripen after 2 months, from the second ten days of July.

Productivity, fruiting

Teremoshka cherry trees bear fruit for 4–5 years. Up to 30% of ovaries are formed on bouquet branches. The main harvest is formed on annual shoots and fruit twigs. From a hectare of plantings of the Teremoshka variety, 50–55 centners of berries are harvested; if all agricultural technology requirements are met, the yield doubles. The berries are easy to pick, dry picking predominates. With improper, abundant watering and during prolonged rainfall, an acceptable small percentage of cracking is observed.

Area of ​​application of berries

The variety is universal. Dessert-type Teremoshka berries are a wonderful fresh delicacy that saturates the body with vitamins. They are also used to make various homemade preparations and drinks.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Teremoshka cherry variety has good resistance to moniliosis and coccomycosis. To an average extent, trees are affected by fungi that cause clasterosporiosis. Early spring preventive spraying is carried out against pests.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the Teremoshka cherry variety is the possibility of cultivation in relatively cold regions. Also note:

  • crown compactness;
  • winter hardiness;
  • stable yield;
  • high consumer qualities of fruits;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to major fungal diseases.

The Teremoshka cherry variety has no pronounced disadvantages, except for general species properties: self-sterility and susceptibility to attacks by insect pests.

Diseases and pests of Teremoshka cherries

The Teremoshka variety is resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis. These are fungal diseases that spread in high humidity. However, cherries are susceptible to clasterosporiosis or hole spot. The disease affects shoots, leaves and flowers, on which dark spots appear. Gradually the branches die, the fruits deteriorate and fall off. When signs of damage appear, trees are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Important! Chemicals are used with caution when fruits are ripening. 3 weeks before harvesting, spraying is stopped.

Cherry varieties Teremoshka are attacked by aphids, cherry flies, leaf rollers, moths and other pests. They feed on tree sap, transmit diseases, and spoil leaves and fruits. The insecticides Karbofos, Actellik, and Iskra are effective against insects. Based on them, solutions are prepared for spraying cherries. When the fruits ripen, it is better to use folk remedies: tobacco dust, wood ash, infusion of wormwood or onion peel. To avoid the spread of pests, in the fall they burn fallen leaves, clean and disinfect the tree trunk, and dig up the soil.

Harvesting, transportability and storage of crops

When collecting cherry fruits, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • You cannot pick unripe or overripe berries, this will negatively affect their taste;
  • the harvest is carried out during the period of technical maturity (the easiest way to determine the stage of ripeness is by tasting);
  • Cherries collected for sale and storage, unlike other stone fruits, are plucked together with the stalk.

If the fruits are cooled immediately after picking to a temperature of 0...+4°C, they can be stored for up to 1–2 weeks. Storing in perforated plastic bags that maintain high humidity also extends the shelf life.

Having figured out what variety of cherries to plant and how to grow them correctly, even a novice gardener will not have any difficulty getting a good and tasty harvest of sweet berries.

Growing cherries

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Share121-01-2011 23:29:33

  • Author: Bulgarian
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Anyone who grows cherries, please respond. I know what Alexey_Nsk grows. I wanted to hear the result.

Share201-02-2011 11:47:02

  • Author: Bulgarian
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Cherries were grown before our era in Ancient Greece. During the Middle Ages, cherry orchards spread throughout Western and Central Europe, especially in Germany, northern Italy and even southern Sweden. In Europe, this crop has been cultivated for at least 2000 years. There is no complete data on the history of cherries in our country. One can only assume that in the Caucasus mountains, where it grows wild, local residents long ago introduced it into culture. In Crimea, it was grown by Greek colonists. She was in Kievan Rus, as evidenced by references in ancient Ukrainian songs. The sweetness of cherries attracts not only humans, but also birds. This is where its Latin name comes from - Cerasus avium (bird cherry). There is a version that cherries came to Europe precisely thanks to birds, long before humans appeared here. Currently, there are up to 4,000 varieties of cherries in the world, but they all originate from one species - bird cherry. Now it grows wild in the deciduous forests of Western Asia, Southern Europe, North Africa, in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, and Ukraine. Sweet cherries are clearly more advantageous than cherries - in favorable years, the best varieties of cherries produce 12–15 kg of fruit per tree, sweet cherries - 25–35 kg (some varieties up to 100 kg). Cherries, unlike apple trees, do not have a periodicity of fruiting. It produces a harvest every year.

Edited by Bulgarian (01-02-2011 19:27:46)

Subsequent care of the crop

Agrotechnical practices, carried out correctly, can increase crop yields. First of all, you need to water the cherries on time. They do this four times per season:

  • Before the buds swell.
  • During flowering.
  • At the moment of formation of the ovary.
  • In the fall for a successful winter.

Of course, everyone does this when the weather is dry. If the summer is rainy, they focus on the condition of the soil.

Fertilization begins from the third year of the tree’s existence. During the growing season and flowering, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. When the fruits are formed and filled, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are required. Before wintering, you should also feed the cherries. To do this, use a complete complex fertilizer.

After watering, it is necessary to loosen the space around the trunk and mulch it with suitable materials.

Formative pruning of Bryanochka cherries is done for the first 4 years. When planting, the main shoot is shortened to 60 cm, and then a plant is formed into 3-4 tiers. Each tier should contain 4 skeletal branches. The height of the tree can be adjusted independently to a convenient size.

Important! We must not forget about sanitary pruning in the spring. By removing diseased and damaged branches, the gardener allows the cherry tree to develop freely and avoids unnecessary diseases

Young plantings of Bryanochka cherries are covered for the first 2-3 years. They wrap the tree with spruce legs, burlap or lutrasil. Peat or sawdust is poured around the trunk. An adult tree does not need winter shelter; it tolerates frosts of 30 degrees.

Pruning and shaping cherries:

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Brown spots appear on the leaves, then holes appear in their place. The shoots crack and gum flows from them

All affected wood elements are cut out and burned. Dig up the soil around the tree. Spray the tree and soil with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture at 3%

Gray rot (moniliosis)

Brown spots appear on the leaves. The fruits are covered with a rotten coating. This occurs in wet weather

The branches are cut 10 cm below the damage level. The tree is sprayed with fungicides: “Azotsen”, “Topsin”, “Horus”

Formation of brown spots on the front side of the leaf. Gradually they merge and the leaves dry out. The leaves fall in the summer, exposing the tree

Rake and destroy fallen leaves. The tree is sprayed with copper or iron sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, and fungicides. This is done after 10-12 days

Ways to destroy them

A small fly with yellow spots and striped wings. Lays larvae in green fruits. The larvae eat the pulp of the fruit, then, turning back into a fly, fly out

Treatment with Iskra-bio, Healthy Garden, Fitoverm products. This should be done during the period of full flowering before the petal fall phase. You can make traps from sticky tape

The beetle lays eggs on the leaves and seals them. The larvae eat leaves down to bare skeletons. Then they go down and bury themselves in the ground

Digging the tree trunk circle in spring and autumn. Treatment of wood with preparations “Karbofos”, “Aktara”, “Karate”, “Confidor”. Apply infusion of chamomile or ash

Cherry weevil

Green-red beetle with proboscis. Makes holes in fruits and ovaries, destroying them. Overwinters in the soil under a tree

Digging the soil in the fall, hunting belts, treating with insecticides

Small black bugs, curling leaves, a large number of ants on the tree

Spraying the lower part of the leaves with the following preparations: “Iskra”, “Intavir”, “Confidor-maxi”, “Fitoverm”


The soil around the tree trunk should always be clean; after rain and watering, it is loosened and weeded. After 2-3 years, the space between the rows can be sown with grass. Feeding must be carried out, which consists of several stages:

  • Every 3-4 years, apply organic fertilizers for digging in a proportion of 4-6 kg per m2. When the tree gets stronger and begins to bear fruit, the dose of fertilizer increases to 8 kg per m2;
  • Cherries are fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers 3 times per season: in early spring, early June and early July. Such fertilizers are applied liquid or dry, starting from the first year after planting, while loosening the soil;
  • Every autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied during digging. In the first autumn after planting, the dosage of potassium is 6 g per m2, after 3 years 9 g per m2, during the period of full fruiting 12 g per m2 are added. Phosphorus is added only from the beginning of fruiting in a dosage of 6 g per m2, after which, when the tree bears fruit fully, 9 g per m2 are added;
  • Soil liming is carried out every 5-6 years. Liming cannot be combined with the application of nitrogen fertilizers.

Watering is carried out especially often during the period of active shoot growth and fruit ripening. The first watering should be at the end of May, after the cherry blossoms, the second - in mid-June and the third in July, when the weather is quite dry. A tree with berries must be protected from birds, which can destroy the entire crop in a day. They use a special fine mesh that needs to be thrown over the tree.

Photo and description of the cherry variety Rechitsa

The variety was bred at the Lupine Research Institute by the famous breeder M.V. Kanshina. The parent form is the popular Bryansk pink cherry, resistant to diseases and frost. By free pollination, the best specimens were obtained and selected. In 2001, information about the hybrid was entered into the state register. The variety is recommended for planting in the Central region.

Mature tree height

The tree of the Rechitsa variety has medium dimensions, reaching a height of 3-4 m. The crown is pyramidal in shape and of medium density. The buds are ovoid, deviated. The leaves are wide, green, elliptical in shape. The leaf blade is flat, the tip is pointed, the base is rounded, and there are large teeth along the edges. The petioles are thickened and long.

Flowering and ripening period

The buds are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The flowers are medium-sized, saucer-shaped corollas. White petals are arranged freely. Flowering occurs in the middle period - the second ten days of May. The fruits are harvested in late June–early July.


The average yield of the Rechitsa variety is 82 c/ha, the maximum indicators reach 146 c/ha. Usually about 30 kg of cherries are removed from a tree. Maturation begins at the 5th year. The fruits have a mass of 5-5.8 g, dimensions 18x18x16 mm. The shape is round, the color is rich, almost black. The pulp and juice are dark red. The taste is sweet, dessert, rated 4.5 points. The stone is oval, light brown in color, and comes off well from the pulp.


When cherries are removed from the stalk, no juice is released, which increases the transportability of the crop. The fruits withstand long-term transportation well. The purpose of the Rechitsa variety is universal. The berries are consumed fresh, frozen or processed into homemade preparations.

Frost resistance

The Rechitsa variety has high winter hardiness. After severe frosts, slight freezing of wood is observed, which is estimated at 0.2 points. The plant is resistant to spring frosts. When the temperature drops, about 5% of the ovaries die.

Zoned varieties of cherries for Central Russia

Cherry variety Bryanochka

Late-ripening variety with high frost resistance of wood and flower buds. It has average susceptibility to moniliosis and perforated spotting, but successfully resists coccomycosis. The tree is pyramidal, of medium height. The berries are burgundy, transportable. Their weight is 4.8 - 5.2 g. The taste is excellent (5 points upon tasting). The pit comes away easily from the pulp.

Cherry variety Bryansk pink

Winter-hardy, late-ripening sweet cherry with tolerance to coccomycosis. The height of the tree is moderate. Round pink fruits weigh 3.9 - 5.1 g. The pulp is yellowish, dense, sugary. The bone is semi-detachable.

Cherry Gronkova

This is a cherry of Belarusian selection. It is early ripening, self-pollinating, productive. Excellent resistance to winter cold, attacks of harmful fungi and insects. The crown has the shape of a wide pyramid. The heart-shaped berries reach a weight of 4.3 - 4.7 g. They are burgundy, juicy, and sweet. The bone is free.

Cherry variety Lyubimitsa Astakhova

Late-ripening variety with large fruits (7.5 – 8.5 g). They are ruby ​​red, thin-skinned, sweet (4.8 points). The trees are spreading and of medium height. They survive harsh winters without loss and are rarely damaged by parasites.

We recommend: Pear varieties for the Moscow region description of varieties

Variety Gift of Ryazan

Mid-season self-pollinating variety. The fruits weigh 6.8 - 7.2 g. The surface is yellow with a scarlet blush. The pulp is yellowish, the juice is light. The taste is sweet (4.6 points).

Cherry Odrinka

Mid-ripening sweet cherry, resistant to pathogens and frost. The tree has the shape of a pyramid. The berries are round, burgundy-red, melting, sugary (4.8 points). Weight 6.6 – 6.9 g.

Cherry variety Gift to Stepanov

Mid-late cherry with a pyramidal tree shape. Tolerant to drought, frost, pathogenic fungi. The heart-shaped berries are not too large (4 g), but truly sweet (4.9 points). They are covered with delicate skin of a dark red hue.

Cherry variety Revna

The ripening period is medium-late. This cherry is partially self-fertile and demonstrates high fruitfulness. Frost resistance is tolerable. An important advantage of the variety is its genetic resistance to coccomycosis. The flat-round fruits fill up to 4.6 - 4.8 g. The skin is very dark (burgundy-black), strong; juice does not leak during transportation. The taste is excellent (5 points).

Cherry variety Rechitsa

This is a mid-season cherry variety that is not susceptible to frost damage and coccomycosis. Burgundy-black berries weigh 4.8 - 5 g. They are tender and sweet (4.5 points).

Variety Sinyavskaya

The ripening period is mid-early. Plants are low susceptible to pests and infections. Round dark red cherries reach a size of 5.9 - 6.2 g. The skin is quite dense and the pulp is sugary (4.8 points). The bone is small and detachable.

Cherry variety Teremoshka

Low-growing sweet cherry with medium ripening period. It overwinters successfully and bears fruit every season. Trees begin to bear fruit at the age of four. Burgundy-red sweet berries weigh 4.9 - 5.2 g.

Cherry Chermashnaya

This is an ultra-early winter-hardy variety, resistant to parasitic insects and fungal pathogens. The size of the berries is 4.3 – 4.5 g. The skin and pulp are yellow, tender, sweet and sour (4.4 points). The bone is detachable.

Photo and description of the Bryanochka cherry variety

The Bryanochka cherry variety, which appeared relatively recently, has become a favorite for many gardeners, both beginners and experienced agricultural technicians. Bryanochka is a universal cherry; this variety is perfect for making compotes, preserves, jams, confitures and juices. The berries are subjected to shock freezing and consumed fresh - the juicy sweet fruits have excellent taste.

The author of Bryanochka is M.V. Kanishina, a famous Russian agronomist, who developed this variety in 2006, and since then many gardeners have been able to successfully grow this wonderful cherry in their orchards.

Mature tree height

Cherry variety Bryanochka is a medium-sized fruit tree. An adult plant rarely grows more than 4 meters. The first full fruiting occurs in the fourth or fifth year of life. All depend on the quality of care and climatic conditions. Bryanochka is a late-ripening cherry; the berries will gain strength only by August.

The elongated oval crown is not thickened, the branches are moderately spreading, there is little foliage, thanks to which the berries have the opportunity to receive the maximum amount of sunlight when ripe. The leaf of the Bryanochka cherry variety is large, oval, highly pointed, jagged, and has a rich green tint.

Flowering and ripening period

In spring, Bryanochka is covered with many inflorescences, each with three stalks. The flowers are snow-white, consisting of five delicate petals spaced from each other; pistils and anthers are located at the same level. The fruiting of cherries directly depends on the pollinators growing nearby.

Ripe berries have a rich red color. The weight of the fruit is 4–7 grams and directly depends on the amount of sunlight received by the berries during the ripening period. Cherries have a wide heart-shaped shape, pointed at the tip, flattened at the base. The pulp is pleasantly sweet, dense and juicy. The small stone is easily separated from the edible part of the fruit.

The tasting indicators of Bryanochka are highly rated - 4.7 units. The sugar content is high - up to 12%, and ascorbic acid - almost 16 milligrams.


The absence of frosts and diseases during the spring-summer flowering period will allow you to collect from 20 to 40 kilograms of harvest from one mature Bryanochka tree. On an agrotechnical scale, the fruiting of this variety of cherries is considered average, and varies from 90 to 300 centners of berries per hectare.


The Bryanochka variety of cherries are quite dense and have an even, rounded shape, which allows them to maintain a good presentation for a long time. During transportation, the berries do not wrinkle if no more than 7 kilograms of fresh fruit were poured into the container.

Drought resistance

Bryanochka is considered a drought-resistant variety and will not tolerate groundwater close to the soil surface. However, during the flowering and ripening period, abundant watering of the tree 5–7 times per season is especially important.

Frost resistance

The main feature and advantage of the Bryanochka variety is its high frost resistance. The tree can withstand cold winters down to -30° C, and suffer minimal losses compared to other varieties. However, cold temperatures down to -3° C during flowering can greatly spoil yield indicators.

Preparing for landing and choosing a site

To plant the Yulia cherry variety, select a site based on the following parameters:

  1. Groundwater. Their proximity to the surface is undesirable, since there is a high probability of excess moisture accumulation. The optimal water level is no less than 2.5 m.
  2. Openness of the site. Such places create the preconditions for the negative influence of winds on the inflorescences and buds of the tree - they can be damaged by strong winds.
  3. Spacing between plants. Do not forget that an adult tree has a wide crown. Therefore, when planting, a free zone is left (minimum distance - 3 m).
  4. The soil. Suitable: light, fertile, with neutral acidity.
  5. Lighting. Constant access to light promotes active growth and development. It is not prohibited to plant a tree in partial shade.

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