Drogan cherry is yellow. Description of the variety, photos, reviews

Photo and description of the Drogana yellow cherry variety

Drogan's cherry is a vigorous tree, the crown has a round or pyramidal shape, and the foliage is high. The branches are smooth, light brown in color with a green tint and a coniferous bloom. Vegetative buds are brown and cone-shaped. The leaves are large, average size 7x17 cm, smooth, elongated oval in shape with a pointed tip. The flowers are medium in size, collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The corolla is saucer-shaped, the petals are white, touching.

Description of the fruits of the Drogana variety:

  • average dimensions 22x25x22 mm;
  • weight from 6.5 to 8 g;
  • rounded heart-shaped;
  • yellow color of the skin;
  • light yellow dense pulp;
  • clear juice;
  • elongated bone, difficult to separate from the pulp;
  • long stalk, easily separated from the fruit.

The taste qualities of the Drogana variety are rated at 4.3 points. The taste is good sweet. The fruits are used universally: fresh consumption, drying, making compotes.

Mature tree height

The Drogana variety is distinguished by its great growth vigor. It reaches a height of 5-6 m.

Flowering and ripening period

Cherries bloom late in mid-to-late May. Fruit ripening begins simultaneously and quite late: at the end of June–beginning of July. Fruiting begins at the age of 4-5 years.

Pollinators of the Drogana yellow cherry

Cherry is a self-fertile crop that bears fruit in the presence of pollinators. On the site they are planted at a distance of 3-4 m. For cross-pollination, at least one variety of yellow, red or black cherries is required, blooming at the same time as Drogana.

Suitable pollinators:

  • Bryanochka. Late-ripening variety for universal use. A medium-sized tree with a sparse crown. The fruits are dark red, weighing 5 g, and very sweet. Frost resistance is high, susceptibility to diseases is average.
  • Revna. Mid-late sweet cherry is partially self-fertile and produces a high yield. The fruits are round, weighing 4.7 g. The skin is burgundy, almost black, and quite dense.
  • Bagration. A variety with large fruits weighing 7.3-8 g. The color of the cherry is light yellow with a pinkish blush. The skin is dense, the flesh is yellowish, juicy and sweet.
  • Franz Joseph. Mid-late productive variety. The fruits are large, weighing 6-7 g, the skin is light yellow with a pink blush. The pulp is juicy and sweet. Included in the state register in 1947.


The yield is stable, in some years reaching 100 kg per tree. The productivity of the variety is maintained for 25 years. Ripe fruits stay on the tree for a long time and do not fall off.


Due to the loose skin, the transportability of the fruits of the Drogana variety is low. It is recommended to use cherries immediately after picking.

Drought resistance

Drought resistance is high. Watering is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Frost resistance

The Drogana variety is characterized by average frost resistance. Shoots and wood are rarely damaged due to frost. Due to late flowering, cherries do not suffer from spring frosts. More information about the variety is in the video below.

Harvest and storage

The fruits ripen at the same time and should be collected in late June - early July. The berries have thin skin, so they do not tolerate long-term storage and transportation. When frozen, the drupes crack and lose their shape. The fruits can be eaten fresh, dried, or used to make compotes, juices, jams and wine.

Important! To prevent the fruits from cracking, you must stop watering the cherries 3 weeks before harvesting.

Drogana Yellow is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the soil, frost resistance and high yield. Using in practice all the recommendations for caring for it, you can easily grow cherries of this variety and enjoy the taste of its fruits.

How to plant Drogana yellow cherries

The procedure for planting cherries includes several stages: choosing a place and seedling, preparing the soil and pit.

How to choose a seedling

High-quality seedlings of the Drogana variety are purchased from nurseries. It is better to choose a one- or two-year-old tree 0.8–1 m high without any defects. The seedling must have a strong root system, a 2 cm thick conductor and several shoots. Before planting, remove all leaves. The roots are immersed in clean water.

Planting dates and scheme

In the south, cherries are planted in the fall, when leaf fall has ended, but the soil has not yet frozen. The plant will take root before the onset of cold weather. In the middle zone, planting is postponed to spring. Cherries should be planted when the soil warms up, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. The crop is placed in groups of 2-3 varieties. It is removed from apple, pear and other fruit trees by 5 m or more. It is better to choose a sunny place on a hill or flat area.

Pit preparation

The planting hole for Drogan cherries is prepared in 1-2 months. If work is carried out in the spring, it is better to dig a pit in the fall. During this time, the soil will shrink, which can damage the plant. The culture prefers fertile, loose soil. Coarse sand must be added to heavy clay soil, and expanded clay or crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pit.

Cherry trees are planted according to the following algorithm:

  1. A hole measuring 80x80 cm and 70 cm deep is dug in the area.
  2. To fill the pit, mix compost, fertile soil, 190 g of superphosphate and 90 g of potassium sulfate.
  3. The substrate is poured into the hole and 2 buckets of water are poured.
  4. After the soil has settled, a small mound of earth is poured into the hole. Place the cherry on top and straighten its roots.
  5. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly. The tree trunk circle is mulched with peat.

Reproduction methods

Drogana yellow cherry belongs to crops that are propagated by vegetative methods:

  • By cuttings. To obtain seedlings, a strong, healthy shoot is cut off from an adult tree at the beginning of summer and divided into equal parts. Each one should have buds or leaves. The cuttings are placed in containers filled with nutritious soil. The seedlings will get stronger and take root by autumn. After this, they are transplanted to the site.
  • Taps. Cherries are propagated by air layering. To do this, you need to select the strongest shoot and make a circular cut on the bark on both sides. Treat it with a powder that stimulates root growth and wrap it in film, on which to lay fertile soil, securing it with tape or tape. In the fall, remove the bandage, and separate the rooted cuttings from the mother plant and plant them on the site.

Caring for Drogana yellow cherries

The further development of cherries largely depends on care. It is regularly watered, fed and pruned.

Feeding and watering

During the season, it is enough to water the cherries 3-4 times. Moisture is necessary during flowering and fruit ripening. 5-10 buckets of water are poured under the tree. 20 days before harvesting, watering is stopped so as not to cause cracking of the fruit. It is convenient to combine watering with fertilizing. In spring, 20 g of urea, superphosphate and potassium salt are added to 10 liters of water. Summer feeding is carried out without urea and other components containing nitrogen. Every 3 years, they dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle and add up to 10 kg of humus per 1 square meter. m plot.

Weeding and loosening

Weeds are regularly weeded under the cherry tree. The greatest danger to the crop is stagnation of water in the soil. Therefore, after rain or watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 cm. This way, the earth is saturated with oxygen, and the roots of the trees better absorb nutrients and moisture.

Crown formation

Due to pruning, cherry yield increases, fruit quality improves and the risk of diseases decreases. Within 5-6 years after planting, the tree forms a tiered, sparse crown. The central conductor and shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length. Every year a new tier is laid. Pruning is carried out in spring or autumn, when the trees' sap flow is slow. Sick, broken and frozen branches must be cut out.

Planting time and technology

The planting date for Drogana Yellow is determined taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area where they plan to grow the plant. Thus, in regions where early autumn frosts are observed, seedlings are recommended to be planted in the spring, in early May. Plant cherries at least a month before the onset of the growing season. In the south, planting can be carried out in the fall until the end of September. To grow the Drogana variety, it is preferable to choose areas that are well lit by the sun.

Ideally, the tree should be warmed by it for at least 16 hours a day. In this regard, the best option for planting is the south side of the garden plot. It is advisable to have protection on the north side that will protect the plant from cold winds. It is recommended to plant rowan and apple trees nearby, but it is better to plant currant and gooseberry bushes further away. It is also undesirable for cherries to grow nearby.

This is due to possible cross-pollination, which may result in the formation of tasteless and small berries. The optimal soil for this variety is sandy loam or loamy soil. The occurrence of groundwater must be at least 2 m to the surface of the earth. If there is a risk of flooding of the growing area, it is necessary to equip a drainage system in advance. Soil acidity is neutral.

On heavy soil with a high level of acidity, as well as in the case of close groundwater, the tree will not be able to grow and bear fruit normally. Planting yellow Drogan cherries begins with the selection of planting material. Young plants, up to 3 years old, take root best.

It is recommended to purchase seedlings from specialized nurseries, where they can provide quality certificates for planting material. A young plant should have at least 3 roots, as well as several buds. All leaves on seedlings must be trimmed before planting so that all moisture reaches the roots.

Instructions for planting yellow Drogan cherries:

  1. The first step is to prepare holes for planting trees. They must be at least 70 cm deep. To increase soil fertility, lay a 15 cm layer of humus on the bottom. Another option to improve the soil composition: add rotted grass mixed with manure infusion into the planting hole. In addition, it is recommended to add a composition of mineral fertilizers to the substrate, which includes: 100 g of potassium sulfate and 500 g of superphosphate. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and moisten it generously. Leave for 2 hours for the substrate to settle.
  2. Place the yellow cherry seedling on a nutrient mixture of soil, after straightening the root shoots. It is necessary to ensure that the root collar remains at least 5 cm above the ground level.
  3. Place a stake next to the seedling, to which the young seedling is subsequently tied. This is especially important if the growing region experiences strong winds.
  4. Fill the remaining space of the pit with prepared fertile soil. The earth must be lightly compacted and 15 liters of warm water poured in.

  5. The soil surface around the young tree must be mulched; mown grass or peat are ideal for this.

Diseases and pests of Drogana yellow cherry

The Drogana variety is resistant to major fungal diseases. In rainy weather, the fruits crack and are affected by fruit rot. The first sign of the disease is small dark spots on the skin of the cherry, which gradually grow. The pulp turns brown, softens and becomes unsuitable for consumption. To combat fruit rot in the spring, plantings are sprayed with copper oxychloride. In the fall, after harvesting, treatment is carried out with copper sulfate. To prevent the disease, fallen fruits and leaves are removed from the site.

Advice! During the fruiting period, do not use chemicals. Therefore, special attention is paid to disease prevention.

Cherries are susceptible to attack by aphids, leaf rollers, and moths. Yield losses are often associated with cherry fly damage. Its larvae feed on fruits, which change color, rot and fall off. To get rid of cherry flies, use a solution of the drug Confidor. The tree is sprayed up to 3 times per season with an interval of 2 weeks. Traps help control flies: bright yellow pieces of plastic are coated with Vaseline or another sticky substance.

How to plant

Planting time, planting method, and soil quality depend on the region. Cherries of this variety are not capricious, but they also need to create at least minimal favorable conditions for growth.

Recommended timing

In the south, planting is carried out in the fall, and in the north - in the spring. This allows you to avoid the death of the tree due to frost.

It is optimal to plant in the fall at the end of October, and in the spring at the end of March. In this case, the soil for planting is prepared in the fall.

Choosing a suitable location

Plant on a sunny hill or knoll. Cherries do not like soil that is sour or oversaturated with water. The roots must be removed from groundwater at a distance of at least 2 meters.

See also

Description and cultivation of the Bryansk pink cherry variety, pollinators


Requirements for neighbors

You can plant other fruit trees next to this variety of cherries, but not apple or pear trees. They will take all the bees for themselves, and the cherry tree will be left without pollination.

How to select and prepare planting material

2-3 year old seedlings with generative buds and a well-developed root system are suitable for planting. It is necessary to purchase planting material from trusted gardening farms.

Before planting, remove all leaves from the tree and lime the soil for planting. This is necessary for the normal development of the seedling.

Planting scheme

Cherries are planted according to the following rules:

  • in the selected area they dig a hole 0.7 meters deep and 0.8 meters wide;
  • gravel mixed with lime is placed at the bottom of the hole as drainage;
  • Dolomite flour is placed on top of the gravel (needed to reduce soil acidity);
  • place the seedling in a hole, dig a peg next to it, to which its trunk is tied (fixation helps protect the tree from damage);
  • The roots of the tree are covered with soil mixed with compost or humus.

The tree is watered until water stops being absorbed into the soil.

Processing Drogan yellow cherries in spring

Spring treatments protect the Drogana yellow cherry variety from diseases and pests. They are carried out when the snow melts and a stable temperature of 5-6 °C is established. Tree shoots are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (10 g per 1 liter of water). Treatment with urea (70 g per 1 liter of water), which provides plants with nitrogen, is effective. The liquid should not get on the kidneys. Cracks in the trunk, where insects often hibernate, are also treated. All damage is disinfected and sealed with paste. If the cherry tree has already been attacked by pests, then it is worth treating it with insecticides.

Pollinators and care

Yellow drogana definitely requires planting a pollinator nearby. Many varieties can act in this capacity, for example Aelita, Donchanka, Sestenka. The hybrid quickly begins to bear fruit; the first small harvest is usually harvested 3-4 years after planting the grafted seedling in a permanent place. Productive age is estimated at 25-30 years.

The winter hardiness of the wood is high, and that of the buds is average. The variety tolerates dry periods and windy weather well. It is also resistant to major fungal diseases that spoil the harvest and health of cherry trees.

Drogana yellow is propagated by grafting, the rootstock most often being Magaleb. Seedlings obtained in this way are famous for their unpretentiousness to soil, powerful root system and drought tolerance. However, trees need to be watered, especially newly planted ones. Subsequently, they move on to several waterings per season: in May, when the plants are actively increasing their vegetative mass, in June, when the fruits are filling, and in late autumn, to wet the soil before the onset of frost.

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