Fitolavin: use of the drug for plants, reviews, beneficial properties

The action of the fungicide Fitolavin

At its core, Fitolavin is an antibiotic that belongs to the category of both systemic and contact fungicides of biological origin.

This is more of a medicinal drug, although it is good as a preventative measure. Phytolavin quickly suppresses the activity of fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms that can attack plants and harm them.

The main bactericidal effect is exerted by phytobacteriomycin. In terms of its chemical “influence” it is equal to biomycin and streptomycin.

Description and chemical composition of the product

By purchasing Fitolavin 300, the farmer receives a substance that is capable of protecting plants. Fungus on land is becoming more common. Diseases of this class quickly become accustomed to protective measures. And with further use of the product, the product does not bring any benefit. This will not happen with Fitolavin.

The drug is suitable not only for open ground, but also indoors. Recommended for use in the garden, vegetable garden and for house plants on the windowsill.

What is the fungicide Fitolavin? This is a dosage form that can remove fungal spores. This may be due to the active component of the fungicide – phytobacteriomycin. It also contains streptocide. This substance eliminates infectious diseases. And at the same time it works as a prophylactic agent.

The following description is suitable for the fungicide:

  • antibiotic drug;
  • systemic;
  • contact;
  • biobactericide.

In short, it can be described as follows: bactericidal fungicide or biological pesticide.

Fitolavin is recommended for use in private and subsidiary farming as a therapeutic agent for eliminating infectious and fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug Fitolavin has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages:

  1. the necessary disinfectants enter the plants quickly enough, and therefore within 10 hours after using Fitolavin the result is noticeable;
  2. beneficial insects are not harmed by the use of the drug;
  3. broad spectrum of action, that is, the substance copes well with most fungi and bacteria;
  4. At the moment, Fitolavin is the only officially approved antibiotic for use on any plant crops;
  5. after preventive treatment, the plantings are guaranteed to be protected for a long time;
  6. application for planting material;
  7. affordable price Fitolavina.

Photo of the drug Fitolavin

Disadvantages of Fitolavin:

  1. may harm bees within 12 hours after treatment;
  2. does not work in alkaline environment.


This substance is a natural antibiotic. It is used to protect vegetable, fruit and grain crops from fungal damage and other phytodiseases caused by pathogenic microflora. The active ingredient of the drug is phytobacteriomycin, which is produced on the basis of excretions of soil microorganisms.

Fitolavin has the following properties:

  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial.

Phytolavin is produced in the form of a water-soluble concentrate, which facilitates its use in different ways:

  • spraying;
  • root irrigation;
  • drip irrigation.

The concentrated substance does not clog the nozzles of irrigation devices, as it is designed for comfortable use by gardeners. The substance is packaged in containers of various volumes - from 2 ml to five-liter canisters. This allows you to use Fitolavin to work with indoor flowers and large garden areas.

Phytolavin is safe for plants, humans, and pets. It is recommended to be used as a prophylactic against various rots in plants. Dangerous to bees within 12 hours of spraying.

Phytolavin helps gardeners rid plants of such phytodiseases as:

  • blossom end rot in tomatoes;
  • alternaria, fusarium in potatoes;
  • black leg of seedlings.

The listed diseases are the most common among garden crops, so the effect of the drug literally saves the crop from damage. With blossom end rot, tomatoes do not gain starchy substances and are not stored for a long time. Infection of potatoes with phytofungi impairs its taste and can destroy almost the entire harvest.

However, the scope of application is not limited to the listed diseases: it fights almost all pathologies caused by pathogenic bacteria and phytofungi. Treatment of crops is mandatory if plants in a neighboring area have been damaged by phytofungi or bacteria.

For what plants is Fitolavin used? They are processed by:

  • vegetable crops;
  • berry bushes;
  • fruit trees;
  • cereals;
  • ornamental crops;
  • houseplants.

The scope of application is very wide, covering the entire range of plant crops in open and closed ground.

Release form

As already mentioned, the drug can be used for both large-scale agriculture and household use.

In this regard, the manufacturer has provided several forms of release of the fungicide Fitolavin for each individual species:

  • 2 ml in small ampoules, which is very convenient for use at home or in a small garden plot;
  • bottles with a capacity of 50, 100, 400 ml. This is the best option for garden plots with a small area;
  • in canisters of 1 or 5 liters - this is the optimal and economical option for large farms, because it is much more profitable for them to buy the Fitolavin fungicide in such a volume.

Composition and dosage form

Biological pesticide "Fitolavin, VRK" belongs to the group of bacterial fungicides

Active ingredients - FITOBAKTERIOMYCIN (Fitobakteriomicin) - a complex of streptothricin antibiotics. This is an antibiotic-fungicide (or rather, a mixture of substances with an antibacterial effect). Concentration - 32 g/l (calculated as streptothricin complex sulfate), biological activity of the drug is not less than 120,000 EA/ml.

“Fitolavin, VRK” - water-soluble concentrate, packaged in 2ml, 4ml, 10ml, 50ml, 100ml and canisters of 1l and 5l.

Registrant Pharmbiomedservice LLC is a Russian company, a large manufacturer of preparations for disinfection, disinfestation, plant protection and veterinary products.

Line of produced bactericides "Fitolavin, VRK"

Indications for use

The range of applications of Fitolavin is quite wide:

  • bacterial rot;
  • root neck rot;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • burns;
  • blackleg;
  • leaf spot;
  • root rot;
  • stem necrosis;
  • black spot;
  • moniliosis;
  • Alternaria blight.

Purpose and use of the drug "Fitolavin, VRK"

The fungicide is used in private household plots and in agricultural production for the preventive protection and treatment of cultivated vegetable and fruit crops from diseases caused by bacterial (sometimes fungal) infection.

Examples of tomato diseases are bacterial black spot, bacterial wilt, blossom end rot.

Protected soil cucumber

Root collar rot, bacterial soft rot, bacterial and tracheomycosis wilt, angular leaf spot

Protected soil tomato

a) PROTECTED SOIL - root rot, soft bacterial rot, bacterial wilt, bacterial cancer, necrosis of the stem core; b) OPEN GROUND - bacterial blossom end rot, Alternaria blight, bacterial black spot

Winter wheat and barley

Root rot, basal bacteriosis, black bacteriosis

Apple tree, pear tree

Bacterial burn, moniliosis

Examples of diseases of pome crops are moniliosis and fire blight.

Fitolavin: instructions for use for plants

When carrying out work, you must carefully observe all the drug consumption rates specified in the instructions in each individual case.

The use of a fungicide is permitted at any stage of crop development, from the seed stage to fruit harvesting

. You can spray and soak at the seedling stage in a freshly prepared solution. And so, when the disease is first detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.


During treatment, when the plant is damaged, it is necessary to spray the soil with Fitolavin.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer

Reviews about the effectiveness of the drug "Fitolavin"

The average cost of 50 ml of “Fitolavina” is 130 rubles.
A liter canister of the drug will cost approximately 750 rubles. Monitoring reviews of Fitolavin demonstrated high ratings for this drug. Reviews from summer residents are purely positive:

“My pears were literally dying from fire blight. Anyone who has encountered this infection knows how difficult it is to treat. The erwinia bacterium gets deep into the wood, and it cannot be reached by conventional means. In the spring, having severely pruned the damaged pears, I treated them with Fitolavin. Then I sprayed it 3 more times, as was written in the instructions. The next year the situation was already easier, but I did control treatments. So far I haven’t seen any signs of illness” (Olga, Kaliningrad).

Treatment time with Fitolavin

The fungicide is used according to a certain scheme so that the substance does not accumulate in fruits and in the soil. In one season you can do no more than 5 treatments. And the drug is used twice every 30 days, making sure to observe the same intervals.

Every year it is recommended to use the drug Fitolavin only when the plants are regularly sick

. If such systematic treatment is necessary, then take longer breaks in use, equal to 30-60 days, based on the advanced state of the disease.

When the plants do not get sick for a couple of years or longer, there is no need to use the product next year. Prevention is required when plants in a nearby area are sick.

Fitolavin. Useful tips for summer residents - video

Operating principle

How does the substance work against parasites and fungi? It affects microbes through contact and systemic action. This functionality is very convenient, as it does not limit the gardener’s actions. The active substance is very quickly absorbed into plant tissue, from where it penetrates into the gastrointestinal tract of parasites. The poison paralyzes the vital processes in the parasite’s body, blocks protein synthesis and causes death. Moreover, the effect of the drug is prolonged, that is, it kills parasites for quite a long time.

The use of Fitolavin not only destroys parasites, but also increases the yield on the site. The active substance stimulates the development and growth of garden crops in favorable conditions.

By using Fitolavin, you can forget about plant diseases for a long time and increase fertility in the area. The cost of the drug is low, since it is produced in Russia and is the development of Russian scientists.


However, the drug has one drawback: it has a depressing effect on all bioflora - including beneficial ones. Therefore, after treating the area, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of beneficial bioorganisms. Simply saturate the soil with biological solutions containing microflora beneficial to the soil or organic substances such as humus or vermicompost. Plants need to be watered with bioactive liquid at the roots.

It should be remembered that any antibiotic can accumulate in the soil and fruit pulp, therefore it is not recommended to use Fitolavin annually. It is not recommended to treat plants more than twice during a season, with the exception of fruits with thick skins such as apples.

Apple trees can be treated for fungal damage every two weeks. In one season, 5 treatments are obtained.

You can also spray seedlings and indoor flowers without fear: they do not accumulate harmful substances and are not used for nutrition. Flowers can be watered with a weak solution regularly (weekly).

When to use

When does Fitolavin start to work? This depends on the ambient temperature. The duration of exposure is also determined by the outside temperature. At +12-10 C the drug will be active for 50 days in a row, at +30 C its effect is limited to ten days.

When is it best to use? Farmers recommend treating green spaces when the first signs of pathogenic late blight appear.

Fitolavin: consumption rate and dosage

To obtain a positive protective effect, it is worth knowing how and in what quantities to dilute Fitolavin

Usually this is a standard dosage of 2 ml per 1 liter of water
. Some crops may require a higher concentration.

This is always specified in the instructions for use of Fitolavin. For example, to treat a potato crop you will need a much larger amount of the drug in the amount of 20 to 50 ml per 10 liters of water.


The Fitolavin solution prepared for spraying must be of uniform consistency and used exclusively fresh.

Fungicide Acrobat MC Fungicide Horus Fungicide Azophos
Consumption rates Fitolavina:

  • seedlings: from 30 to 45 ml for each seedling;
  • shrubs - from 1.5 to 2 liters per planting;
  • trees - from 3 to 5 liters;
  • vegetables and grains:
    20 liters per 100 m2.

To treat indoor plants or vegetation in the garden with Fitolavin, you will need from 210 to 220 ml, and for small flowers - from 100 to 110 ml.

Fitolavin - WHAT IS IT? - video

Preparation of a working solution of the drug "Fitolavin"

If there is a pond with fish on the site, Fitolavin cannot be used in its vicinity.
Phytobacteriomycin is highly toxic to aquatic biota. Since Fitolavin is available in liquid form, preparing working solutions of this drug usually does not cause difficulties:

  • a plastic bucket with a volume of 10 liters is filled with clean water without chlorine - settled tap water or rainwater;
  • 20 ml of the drug is poured into water and stirred.

This working solution with a concentration of 0.2% has a universal purpose. It is used for all crops and against all of the above infectious diseases. Application methods may vary:

  • leaf spraying;
  • watering;
  • application through drip irrigation systems.

Some inconvenience of the drug is that it is very poorly stored. Once the bottle is opened, all its contents must be used immediately. The working solution should also be consumed entirely within 3 hours after preparation.

Methods of treatment with Fitolavin

There are several ways to treat with Phytolavin, in particular, spraying and watering, soaking seeds. Ideal for tuber "bathing".


As a preventative measure, it is sufficient to spray the outer parts of the plant with a solution of Fitolavin from a spray bottle.

The frequency of spraying is as follows:

  • first treatment – ​​at the stage of bud formation;
  • the second - during the flowering period;
  • the third - after the ovaries have already formed;
  • fourth - when the fruit size is 3-4 cm.

Especially weakened, diseased plants require complex treatment. They require both spraying and soil treatment nearby.


Soil moisture goes down to the root.

The use of Phytolavin under the root is as follows:

  • seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers - 50 ml at the stage of 3 formed green leaves;
  • 14 days after planting in a permanent place of growth - increase to 100 ml.

Watering with Fitolavin is good both as a preventive measure and when rot appears, which is often caused by excessive soil moisture.

Pests in the garden!
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Soaking the seed requires 2 hours or more. This measure reduces the likelihood of root rot or bacterial rot (soft), as well as stem necrosis.

Seed dressing

There are two options for treating planting material:
aerosol spraying and soaking in a prepared solution.

Characteristics of the fungicide

"Fitolavin" is part of the group of streptothricins, a subgroup of antibiotics. It acts on fungi by contact, that is, only through direct interaction. According to the chemical component (class), the drug belongs to biological pesticides and systemic fungicides. The main active ingredient that is included in the base is phytobacteriomycin.

The drug copes well with all groups of fungal diseases; it prevents the penetration of various bacterial and viral infections that can get on the surface of the outer shell of plants. The streptothricin complex, when sprayed onto the surface of soil or vegetation, destroys the shell of fungi, which die after a short time.

The systemic drug allows you to cope with:

  • rot of bacterial origin and root collar;
  • wilting of various types;
  • cancer;
  • bacterial burn;
  • black leg;
  • necrosis of the plant vascular system;
  • various types of leaf spots;
  • Alternaria blight.


The substance must be dissolved in water at room temperature.

Release form

The use of biofungicide is carried out in households and industrial farmers, therefore, for convenience, product manufacturers began to produce it in several forms of water-soluble concentrate:

  • in ampoules of 2 milliliters. Convenient format for use for indoor ornamental crops or for processing a small amount of vegetables in the garden;
  • in bottles with a volume of 50 ml, 100 ml and 400 ml. Ideal for agronomists with small plots of land;
  • in canisters with a volume of 1 liter or 5 liters. An economical option for large farmers, for whom it is much more profitable to buy the drug in large quantities.

Many manufacturers have begun producing fungicide. Most often in the store you will find a drug produced by companies such as: “Green Belt”, “Eco Master”, “Pharmbiomedservice”, “Green Gardener’s Pharmacy”, “Letto”.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

“Fitolavin” consists of biologically active substances that give it an advantage over chemicals. In addition, it has other advantages:

  • destroys fungi and bacteria in a short time;
  • acts not only on the surface of plants, but also penetrates the vascular system;
  • the effect of the drug lasts up to one and a half months;
  • does not harm the environment, does not accumulate in the soil;
  • acts as a catalyst for plant development. Increases the stability of the root system.

Disadvantages of biofungicide:

  • if the dosage is incorrect, it can harm plants;
  • causes allergic reactions in humans if basic safety rules are not followed.

Precautions when processing plants

Despite the non-toxicity of Fitolavin (hazard class 3),

It is still necessary to observe basic protective measures and wear at least gloves, goggles, and protect the respiratory tract with a bandage. The drug should not be allowed to get on mucous membranes or inside.

The best time to treat plants with Fitolavin is
in the evening, when there is no strong wind.
It's better to have no wind at all. When processing will take place in greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to wear a raincoat or disposable robe over clothing. This is necessary due to the warm atmosphere in the greenhouse, which only enhances the effect of the substance on the human body. The processing process must be continuous. After completion, you must thoroughly wash your hands and rinse your mouth.


Once again, it is worth noting for beekeepers that when there are bees near them, they should not be allowed to plant for 12 hours after treatment; Fitolavin is toxic to them.

However, during the treatment process, it may also happen that the drug ends up on the surface of the skin or even gets inside.


What to do in such cases:

  • eyes and skin are thoroughly washed with water;
  • if ingested, drink as much liquid as possible to induce vomiting, take activated charcoal, consult a doctor;
  • In any case, you need to be careful with the product.

Plant diseases:
Gray rot on vegetables, fruits and flowers Mosaic virus Powdery mildew

Fitolavin - description of the drug

The product in question is a systemic and contact biobactericide. Fitolavin has the following effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antivirus.

The drug is versatile and can be used to treat all types of plant crops. Fitolavin successfully copes with root rot, blossom end rot, moniliosis, blackleg, leaf spot, Alternaria blight, necrosis of the stem core.

Active ingredient and composition

The active substance of Fitolavin is phytobacteriomycin. This compound is a combination of streptothricin antibiotics isolated from the soil bacteria Streptomyces griseus.

Fitolavin has the following characteristics:

The bactericide looks like a water-soluble concentrate (WRC), intended for spraying, irrigation, and application through drip irrigation. The drug Fitolavin is available in 2 ml ampoules, 50 or 100 ml bottles, 1 liter bottles, 5 liter canisters.

Advantages and disadvantages of Fitolavin

The positive aspects of the fungicide include:

  1. Wide spectrum of action. Phytolavin is active against most bacteria and fungi that infect vegetation.
  2. Versatility. This product is the only antibacterial agent approved for use in any crop.
  3. The presence of not only medicinal, but also preventive properties. After treating plants with Fitolavin, a long-term absence of harmful microflora is guaranteed.
  4. Lack of phytotoxicity, can be used for pre-planting seed treatment.

Fitolavin vrk has a minus - the ability to harm bees. A similar risk is present for 12 hours after treatment.

Fitolavin is one of the rare products that can be used both in the garden and in the vegetable garden. With all the positive qualities, this product has an affordable price, which allows you to purchase it for different budgets.

Compatibility of Fitolavin with other drugs

Fitolavin is well compatible with other drugs that help eliminate existing diseases or prevent their occurrence. It can be perfectly combined with most fertilizers, with approximately 85% of the total. Among them are the same fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides.


There is only one contraindication when Fitolavin cannot be used with bacterial agents such as Gamair, Tsidoks, Lepidotsid. The reason for this is a significant reduction in the effectiveness of each drug when used together.

Phytolavin for orchids before transplanting phalaenopsis - video

Toxicity and safety precautions

Follow safety precautions!
Phytobacteriomycin belongs to hazard class 3 (“moderately dangerous”). If the substance enters the digestive tract, it can cause poisoning; if it comes into contact with the skin, it provokes allergic symptoms: rash, itching, burning. Getting Fitolavin into the eyes is irritating and can cause conjunctivitis.

Polyethylene protective suit

Therefore, when working with the drug, precautions should be taken:

  • Manipulate with gloves, a respiratory mask and goggles.
  • When working in a greenhouse with high humidity, wear a plastic protective suit (in extreme cases, a raincoat).
  • After handling plants, wash your hands and face thoroughly.

If FTM does come into contact with the eyes or skin, they should be washed immediately with running water. If swallowed, rinse the stomach and take the sorbent.

Beekeepers should use FTM with special care. The substance may be hazardous to bees and other pollinators. Therefore, during the flowering period (as well as near reservoirs and rivers) it is not recommended to spray the drug.

Pregnant, lactating women and allergy sufferers are prohibited from contacting Fitolavin.

Fitolavin's analogs

There are several Fitolavin substitutes that also work well against fungus and pathogenic bacteria.

Analogues of Fitolavin:

  • Alerin-B
    fights root rot and blackleg.
  • Gamair
    is ideal for eliminating necrosis, cancerous formations, and eliminating burns of a bacterial nature.
  • Baktofit
    helps with most bacterial infections.
  • Kasugamycin
    has an antifungal effect and is used for prevention and treatment.
  • Kazumin
    is a biological product against harmful bacteria.
  • Skor
    is an excellent prevention and treatment of plants at any stage of development.

Another worthy analogue of the drug Fitolavin is Fitosporin.


  • Purpose and use of the drug "Fitolavin, VRK"
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action of "Fitolavin, VRK"
  • Application regulations
  • a) Regulations for the use of “Fitolavin, VRK” for private farms
  • b) Regulations for the use of “Fitolavin, VRK” for agriculture
  • Compatibility and analogues of "Fitolavin"
  • Restrictions and security
  • Benefits of use

"Fitolavin, VRK" is a biological product with protective and therapeutic action against plant diseases caused by bacterial infection. The material contains purpose, composition, regulations for use, compatibility, analogues, restrictions and safety.

Which is better: Fitolavin or Fitosporin

Main differences:

  1. Fitolavin is produced only in one form - a concentrate, soluble in water, and Fitosporin - in the form of a paste, liquid, powder;
  2. Fitolavin acts longer and is a chemical preparation containing an antibiotic, and Fitosporin is a completely biological agent;
  3. the cost of Fitolavin is 102 rubles, while Fitosporin is 27-28 per package.

It is worth trying both drugs, because it is impossible to say for sure which is better.

Correct use of phytoverm, pharmaiod, phytolavin for protection against diseases and pests - video


Along with the Pharmbiomedservice enterprise in Russia, Fitolavin is also produced by Green Pharmacy.

The drug "Fitolavin-300" has been discontinued.
As an alternative, you can use Fitolavin-VRK. Other drugs with similar effects that can be found on store shelves include:

  • "Trichodermin" . The main active component of the product is the fungus Trichoderma viride. Once on a plant, its spores germinate and release substances that are harmful to other microorganisms. In addition to spores, Trichodermin contains a nutrient substrate (for the fungus) and a complex of vitamins.
  • "Pseudobacterin-2" . Fungicide with a growth-stimulating effect based on a strain of fungi Pseudomonas aureofaciens. It is used mainly for grain crops. It is most effective in the fight against fusarium and helminthosporium root rot.
  • "Fitosporin-M" . A biofungicide containing cells of soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Indicated for treatment against blackleg, bacteriosis, resectiniosis and other diseases. It copes best with ailments in the root zone of the plant.
  • "Gamair" . Antifungal antibacterial agent created on the basis of soil bacteria. The main advantage is the absence of negative effects on the plant in case of overdose, as well as safety for bees.
  • "Mycoplant" . Powdered growth stimulator. Used for pre-sowing treatment of seedlings. Has a protective and restorative effect.

Expert opinion

Yulia Safronenko

Big fan of experiments and personal gardening techniques

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The main distinguishing feature of “Fitolavin” from most existing analogues is its systemic action, due to which FTM acts both on the surface of plants and in deep tissues.
If there is no farm store nearby, you can try replacing Fitolavin with folk remedies:

  1. Spraying with garlic or onion infusion (1 head of garlic and 15 grams of onion peel per 1 liter of water). The infusion is effective against spotting, rust and late blight in the early stages.
  2. Potassium permanganate (2-3 ml of permanganate per 100 ml of liquid). A simple and cheap antiseptic that copes well with pre-sowing disinfection of tubers and the prevention of soil infections.
  3. Infusion of nettle, horsetail or wormwood. 700 grams of fresh raw materials are poured with 5 liters of boiling water and kept covered for 5 days. The fermented mixture is diluted 1:20 and used for spraying plants. The infusion destroys small populations of pathogenic microbes and has a moderate immunomodulatory effect.

Storage conditions

To preserve the properties of the drug, it must be stored in a cool place where there is no sunlight at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees. Children and animals should not be allowed into this place. Cannot be frozen.

Fitolavin is a fast-acting fungicide,

capable of quickly eliminating many plant diseases caused by fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. This is the only antibiotic whose duration of action is 21 days.

Compatibility with other substances

The biobactericidal agent Fitolavin 300 can be combined with a large number of different agrochemical preparations. Combinations with highly alkaline compounds (pH above 8.5) are excluded.

Also, the drug is not used with some biological compounds, but is effective when used with Fitoverm, Alirin. After treatment with Fitolavin, it is recommended to treat the soil with Gamair or add any EM products.

Release form

Fitolavin is available on the market from two manufacturers (Russia):

  • GreenBelt company produces a water-soluble concentrate, form – 2 ml, intended for treatment of indoor plants;
  • Pharmbiomedservice LLC, volumes 50, 100, 400 ml (bottles), 1 and 5 liters (canisters) for garden and vegetable crops.

Analogues of the product

The following drugs are similar to Fitolavin in their mechanism of action on pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Fitosporin (against fungal infections);
  • Planriz (bacterial diseases);
  • Baktofit (bacterial diseases);
  • Gamair (against cancer, burns, necrosis);
  • Alerin-B (root rot).

The drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions, taking into account toxicity and effectiveness.

Fitolavin: reviews from summer residents about use

Vladimir Ivanovich, Vologda Treated apple trees with Fitolavin because the trees began to dry out and plaque formed on the leaves. After spraying, the effect appeared on the second day: the trees perked up, the leaves began to gain color. I now use it as a preventive measure.

Veronika Pavlovna, Krasnoyarsk Territory Last year, rot on the trunks appeared on blackcurrant bushes, and the leaves began to curl and turn yellow. I still didn’t understand the reason, it was necessary to urgently start processing. A friend recommended Fitolavin as a fast-acting remedy for various plant diseases. After a couple of days the bushes were healthy. Now this tool is always in my “arsenal”.

Tatyana Andreevna, Novosibirsk region I was extremely surprised when I noticed that the tomatoes on my plot began to wither. She always looked after it carefully: watered it in a timely manner, applied fertilizer, etc. Apparently some kind of fungus or something else. On the advice of the seller in the store, I took Fitolavin, sprayed the tomatoes with it, and everything returned to normal: the bushes began to come to life and, in my opinion, began to grow even better. Good product!

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How to use Fitolavin

Let's consider how to use Fitolavin to treat various cultivated plants. For a summer cottage, it will be enough to use a minimum volume of Fitolavin - 2 ml. This amount is enough to process ten potato/tomato bushes, 50 seedling bushes, 10 m2 of vegetable beds, and one fruit tree.

If you take 10 ml of the substance, you can treat 2-3 fruit trees, up to 400 seedlings, 50 beds, 50 potato/tomato bushes. If you need to treat 12 or 10 fruit trees, then you should take a 50 ml bottle of Fitolavin.

Since the drug contains live cultures, the bottles should be stored in a darkened room and at a stable temperature not higher than +30 C and not lower than +5 C.

After opening the bottle, the substance should be immediately diluted with water and used to treat plants, otherwise living microorganisms will die. The instructions indicate that the maximum period of use of the substance after opening the bottle does not exceed three hours. But it is better to use the working solution immediately after preparation. The shelf life when sealed is 3 years; it should be stored in a dark, cool place away from children and pets.

The fungicide can be used at any stage of the vegetative development of the plant, even before harvesting. Gardeners widely practice soaking seeds in a solution.

This remedy is used as a preventive and therapeutic measure. If the plants become infected with pathogenic microorganisms, everything is treated - the bush, the soil around it. The soil should become well wet around the affected plant, only then will the fungicide have an effect.

Application diagram

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the fungicide application schedule so that the antibiotic does not accumulate in the soil and fruits of plants. If you are treating a flower bed or indoor flowers, these recommendations may not be followed. Flower growers use Fitolavin for regular watering of ornamental plants. However, it is not recommended to water flowers with a concentrated solution more than twice a month.

Fungicide application scheme:

  • budding;
  • bloom;
  • appearance of ovaries;
  • fruit formation.

How to use the product when soaking seeds? To do this, keep the seeds in the prepared substance for two hours. This time is enough to prevent various pathological conditions of future seedlings.

Is it possible to combine Fitolavin with other agrochemicals and organics? The substance combines well with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides in one tank mixture. Fitolavin should not be combined with drugs based on live bacteria: they reduce effectiveness.

Pumpkin crops

For processing pumpkin crops, the working solution is created in a ratio of 2:10. That is, 20 ml of concentrate goes into a bucket of water. As soon as the first 2-3 leaves appear, the plant is treated with the prepared solution. At least 50 ml of the finished substance is required per bush. In a couple of weeks, one bush will already need 100 ml of the finished substance, and after another 2-3 weeks the volume will increase to 200 ml.

What it saves from:

  • root rot;
  • bacterial rot;
  • blackleg;
  • bacterial wilt;
  • angular spotting.

For seedlings, a single root watering is sufficient. After planting the crop in a permanent place of growth, root watering is required - up to five times per season. The first preventative watering is carried out 2 weeks after transplantation.

Pumpkin and melon crops (melon, cucumbers, squash) are treated every 2 weeks. The warmer the air temperature, the less frequently spraying should be done.

Tomatoes, potatoes

The drug is used in greenhouses and open ground. The substance penetrates the structure of the plant and protects against diseases for about three weeks. After spraying, pathogenic microorganisms die within 24 hours.

Dosage for greenhouse treatment of crops - 20 ml of product per bucket of well-settled water. About 100 ml of the prepared solution is consumed per bush. The interval between treatments is 2 weeks. Phytolavin for tomatoes prevents the development of bacterial diseases, the appearance of rot and leaf wilting.


Houseplants should be treated in the bathroom. To create a foggy cloud effect, use a fine mist sprayer. Phytolavin for orchids is used as a prevention and treatment of putrefactive diseases. When processing, all parts of the flower and the earthen ball in the pot are sprayed. If there is excess moisture, the excess water is allowed to drain, and excess moisture is removed from the stems and leaves with a paper towel.

If you water the orchid at the root, then the earthen ball in the pot must be pre-moistened. This is a general rule for using solutions for fertilization and disease control.

Frequency of processing of vegetable and horticultural crops

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the crop that you will treat with Fitolavin.

Name of culture Biofungicide treatment method
cucumbers The drug is used in cases of all types of spotting and root rot. When leaves are damaged, the green mass of the plant is sprayed; in case of root rot, a solution is applied under the root. Prevention of root rot is carried out when the first three leaves appear, and watered a second time under the root during the period of bud setting. The first spraying is carried out after the first 5 leaves appear, and the second after three weeks.
Tomatoes To prevent and treat root rot, water tomatoes when 3 leaves appear (50 milliliters per plant). The second time after transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse (100 milliliters per bush). When fungal diseases appear on the leaves, spraying is carried out at the rate of 10 liters of working solution per hundred square meters. Apply no more than twice per plant, with a frequency of 2 weeks.
Fruit trees (apple trees, pears) Used when fungal diseases appear on leaves and bark. The working solution is sprayed over the entire surface of the garden crop. Consumption per adult tree is 2-5 liters. During the season, it is recommended to spray no more than 4 times. Spraying scheme: budding phase, flowering, ovary formation, 20 days before the fruits fully ripen.
Potato The drug is used for spraying leaves for preventive purposes and treatment. To strengthen the immunity of the vegetable before planting, the planting material is sprayed half an hour before planting. When the first signs of disease appear on the leaves, spray throughout the entire green mass. You can treat with the drug no more than 3 times per season, every three weeks.
Indoor flowers For treatment and prevention, watering under the root system is used.

Properties of the drug

The fungicide has the following effects on the plant:

  1. Antibiotic.
  2. Preventive.
  3. Antifungal.
  4. Systemic.
  5. Biobactericidal.

Fitolavin fights infectious and fungal diseases, parasites, larvae on the leaves and fruits of plants.

Mechanism of action

According to the instructions for the drug Fitolavin, due to the active components in the composition, the fungicide has a positive effect on plants, blocks the symptoms of infectious and seasonal diseases, and prevents their subsequent appearance.

This drug gently treats plants without damaging them

Phytolavin helps restore the properties of the root system, fertilize the soil, influence the growth of fruit and vegetable crops, and also improve the quality of the future harvest.

Storage rules and expiration date

In order for Fitolavin to retain its properties, it is placed in a dry, dark place, at the maximum distance from food and medicines. The fungicide is stored at temperatures from 0 to +30°C. Freezing is unacceptable.

The inaccessibility of the biobactericide to children and pets should be monitored. The shelf life of the product is 12 months from the date of release.

Fitolavin is one of the drugs worthy of the attention of homeowners and agricultural workers. Due to its moderate cost and high efficiency, this product can be called one of the best modern antibiotics used in plant treatment. If you follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations, Fitolavin will provide reliable protection of vegetation from infections and will help increase the yield several times.


"Fitolavin" is compatible with 85% of existing fertilizers. Combinations are not allowed:

  • With Lipidocide.
  • With drugs of similar action (except Fitoverm or Alirin).

Expert opinion

Chernyaeva Tatyana Dmitrievna

Absolutely loves gardening and grows only organic vegetables

Ask a Question

To restore the soil microflora after using Fitolavin, it is advisable to add preparations with effective microorganisms (EM) to the soil.

Do you use Fitolavin on your site?

Constantly! I want to try


Evgeniy Skvortsov


For the third year now, I have been treating tomato seeds with phytolavin before planting. The seedlings stopped suffering from rot and blackleg in principle. In addition to seeds, I spray seedlings a week before planting and a week after. One of the main advantages is that there is no addictive effect.

Irina Korneva


I bought phytolavin 2 ml to revive my orchid. I pulled it out, washed the roots, cut off the rot, then diluted the solution according to the instructions and put the flower in it for about 20 minutes. After replanting, the orchid bloomed like new. I am very pleased!

Makar Sannikov


I spray the preparation on cucumbers in the greenhouse. I used to spray it if fungus started, but now I started spraying it prophylactically - I spray it 3 times a season. The drug is excellent! The only negative is that it is not sold in all stores.

Ivan Ignatiev


As an amateur gardener, I use different preparations, but Fitolavin is of particular importance to me. Last year it turned out to be the only remedy that saved the mulberry, and this year I use it to treat rust on an apple tree

Elena Lipin


We have a large vegetable garden (10 acres), which we completely sow with potatoes (we sell). For the past 5 years I have suffered greatly with spotting - it was just some kind of attack. But when we tried phytolavin, it just went away. No problem now. I recommend it to everyone!

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