When to plant petunia after germination, how to plant seedlings correctly? Aftercare

Why is it necessary to pick petunia seedlings?

Petunia is sown for seedlings in late February - early March, this makes it possible to get flowering plants as early as May. And if an adult flower steadfastly endures the vagaries of nature and the influence of external factors, then picking tiny petunia seedlings requires patience and painstakingness.

Fine, almost dusty, seed material cannot always be distributed fairly evenly over the soil surface, so petunia seedlings look like a continuous carpet. Soon the sprouts will begin to compete for nutrients, light and moisture. A deficiency of at least one of the listed factors leads to seedlings stretching out, they become tall and thin.

The root system in such conditions is also not able to develop fully due to lack of free space.

On a note. Piping is the truncation of the main taproot to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots. This word also refers to the transplantation of young seedlings into individual or common containers, but of a larger size.

In addition, dense crops are unevenly illuminated by sunlight, and there is no air circulation among the sprouts. And this can provoke diseases.

Petunia sprouts from common seedling containers should be first picked into individual containers at the stage of 2-4 true leaves. For the first dive, these can be disposable cups with a volume of 0.15-0.2 liters.

Petunia seedlings grown by sowing seeds directly into separate pots or peat tablets are also subject to picking, but it is much easier to work with.

What is picking and why is it needed?

Picking seedlings is transplanting them from a common container into separate containers while simultaneously pinching the roots of the sprouts. Most often, pinching is done 2/3 of the length of the spine. This procedure is necessary so that the roots of the sprouts can fully develop, receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and increase green mass.

Picking has a positive effect on seedlings:

  • stopping the growth of seedlings if they have outgrown;
  • removal of weakened, thin and frail sprouts;
  • acceleration of the growth of the root system, thanks to the accelerated growth of lateral leaves and stems.

Picking not only stimulates the growth of the root system, but also increases the resistance of seedlings to negative weather conditions, diseases and pests.

Without picking, the growing roots of petunia seedlings will lack nutrients, being in cramped conditions. Growing seedlings block each other's sunlight and begin to stretch upward, becoming thinner and weaker.

The roots of the seedlings also suffer, as they have catastrophically little room to grow. It is these problems that picking petunia seedlings is designed to solve.

When to pluck petunia seedlings after germination

When observing the development of petunia seedlings, it is necessary to control the level of soil moisture, temperature and light levels. It is these 3 components that are responsible for seed germination and the growth of green mass.

Petunia is sown superficially, i.e. without digging into the soil. The crops are moistened with a spray bottle; this must be done extremely carefully so as not to wash off the tiny grains in one heap. Then the containers are covered with transparent film and placed in the light. At this time, the air temperature should be 23-25⁰С. Every day the crops are ventilated and condensation is removed from the film.

After 7-12 days, the seeds will begin to hatch and with the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 18-20⁰C during the day and 15-17⁰C at night. Daily ventilation is repeated, but the time spent in the open air is gradually increased. By the time the first true leaf appears, petunias must be adapted to the environment - the shelter is completely removed.

When 2-4 true leaves appear on the bushes (this will take 3-4 weeks from the moment of sowing the seeds), you need to be ready to dive - this is the main guideline in determining the timing of the work.

Diseases and pests of seedlings

As a rule, diseases and insects affect petunia seedlings only when there are errors in care:

ProblemCausesCorrective measures
  • Lack of nutrients: iron, zinc, magnesium, lime, sulfur.
  • Infection carried by insects, fungal spores, viruses.
  • Damage to roots, poor soil, lack of drainage, etc.
  • Heredity.
  • Adjust the conditions of detention.
  • Change the top layer of substrate.
  • Water with salt water.
  • Add purchased medications to the root: Agricola, iron chelate, Antichlorosine and others.
Spider mite
  • The air is too dry or warm.
  • Accumulation of dust on the above-ground part.
  • The presence of dried leaves in neighboring pots.
  • Wipe the leaves and stems with soapy water.
  • Apply insecticides: Fitoverm, Neoron, Fufanon, Agravertin.
  • Excessive waterlogging.
  • Dense sowing.
  • Lack of fresh air.
  • Lack of lighting.
  • Destroy the affected sprouts and thin out the remaining ones.
  • Dry the substrate, pour in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Place containers in bright light.
  • Ventilate.
  • Use copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.

How to properly pick petunia seedlings - step-by-step instructions

Planting petunia seedlings at home involves providing the plant with a larger area of ​​nutrition, and you need to prepare for this in advance.

  • Make your own or buy nutrient soil at the store.
  • Carry out preventive treatment of the soil mixture against diseases and pests.
  • Prepare separate cups, plastic cassettes or larger boxes. Wash with hot water and soap or an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. All containers must be equipped with drainage holes.
  • On the eve of the dive, water the petunia seedlings.

The picking process itself should not cause difficulties for the grower. All that is required of him is accuracy and patience, especially if the petunia seedlings are thickened.

Picking from general containers into cups

  1. Fill cups or other containers with soil mixture, compact them slightly so that 0.5-1 cm remains to the edges.
  2. Using a blunt peg, 1-2 cm in diameter, we make indentations in the center of the planting container. Pour in a small amount of water.
  3. Carefully, using a teaspoon or a flat ice cream stick, remove the sprouts from the general container, holding them by the cotyledon leaf.
  4. We transfer the plant to a new container, keeping the earthen lump on the roots if possible.
  5. Place the sprout in the recesses up to the lower leaf blades. Carefully fill the voids around the stem and water a little.

Transplanting petunias grown in individual containers looks somewhat different.

Picking petunias after germination from peat tablets

Growing petunia seedlings in peat tablets is very convenient. This is especially true for expensive varieties and seeds in granules.

For sowing petunias, tablets with a diameter of 3-4 cm, which are pre-soaked in warm water, are suitable. After saturation with moisture, the tablets turn into small barrels, about 5-6 cm high. The diameter does not increase, because it is held back by a special mesh.

If the seeds are coated, then they are laid out one at a time in special recesses and sprinkled with water to destroy the shell.

Regular seeds are attached with a toothpick so that there are no more than 3-4 grains in one barrel.

Single petunia sprouts experience virtually no stress during transplantation. You just need to trim the mesh at the base and along the edges so that the plant can grow roots beyond the allotted volume of the peat tablet.

Pour a little prepared substrate into a glass and place the barrel so that the cotyledon leaves are above the level of the planting container. Fill the voids around the barrel with petunia with the same soil, lightly compact and water.

On peat tablets with several sprouts, the mesh is carefully cut along its entire height. Then they open it and select the sprouts one by one along with part of the peat. Further actions are similar to transplanting from a common seedling box.

Transshipment of petunia seedlings

Petunia seedlings often require double picking. This applies to a greater extent to seedlings from early sowings. If the first transplantation of tiny sprouts can be carried out in 150-200 ml cups, then after some time the roots will entwine the entire earthen lump and the development of the plant will stop. But there is still a long way to go before planting seedlings in open ground. This is where the method of transferring petunias into a larger container comes in handy.

  1. Moisten the soil in the containers with the flowers you are going to replant.
  2. Take a pot, cut-off juice box or other accessible container with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.
  3. Provide drainage holes and add a layer of expanded clay 1 cm thick.
  4. Place a little nutrient soil on top of the drainage, taking into account the height of the earthen ball of the transplanted plant.
  5. Holding the flower by the stem at the very base, turn the container over and remove it along with the earthen lump, lightly pressing on the walls.
  6. Place the flower in a new container and fill the voids with the existing nutrient soil mixture.
  7. Compact the soil around the perimeter of the pot and water.

After a short time, the roots will feel free, and the petunia will continue its development with renewed vigor.

Is it possible to replant a petunia if it is so small?


Very similar to zinnia, petunia is completely different, the leaves are thinner. I transplanted the petunia with howling, when the second leaves appeared, it tolerated the transplant very well. After transplanting, I always cover it with film for 1 day, this makes it easier for the seedlings to recover.

Anastasia Bokova

Petunia is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Both methods are quite simple. The timing of sowing varies depending on the use of the plants. In southern conditions, in order to obtain early flowering petunias in pots, they are sown in early February. If you need to prepare material for open ground, then sow at the end of February (for early flowering), or at the beginning of March (for planting in flower beds after bulbous ones). They are usually sown in boxes (50X30X6 cm) in light (for example, greenhouse) soil. The seeds are slightly pressed to the surface, lightly sprinkled with sifted substrate and watered from a watering can with a fine strainer. Fresh seeds germinate well at a temperature of 20-22 C, and if they have been stored for 2-4 years, it is better to increase the temperature to 25 or even 30 o. For early sowings, double picking is usually necessary. When you need only a few seedlings, you can plant them once, but provide sufficient feeding area (6X6 cm). Our experience has shown that young plants grown in 7-centimeter pots feel great in open ground - the roots tightly entwine the entire plant. Transplantation does not affect them, even if the buds are already blooming. Adult flowering petunias are much more sensitive when they need to be transplanted from a ridge or flowerbed into a pot in the fall. Therefore, from seedlings intended for flower beds or balcony boxes, it is better to immediately select and plant several strong specimens in pots. These plants will bloom all winter and are suitable for winter-spring cuttings.

Leysan Safina

it is possible, only carefully, without damaging the root system...

Tatyana Glushkova

Can. Just disconnect very carefully.


And you leave one plant at a time. The second one can be pinched. I’ll also try to sow petunia in peat tablets. Liked. But I’ll put one seed at a time.

Botanical drinking buddies =)))

Of course it’s possible, and even more so they’re already doughy there, but be very careful, don’t damage the root system)))

Svetlana Klochkova

Let it grow like that! Then place the tablet in a larger container with soil. When they grow up, they go to the garden, depending on the weather, of course.


Of course you can, only when the moon is waxing, then it will go well

Irina Masyna

You can, just wait for the real leaves.


I love these flowers...)))))))))))))) Every year I grow them on the loggia...))))))))) wait a little, let them grow up, petunia itself is not whimsical, but in your photo she is still very small... -it’s too early to replant...)))


I don’t know how, but I replanted it immediately after germination and now for the second time in small cups, then it will be easier to plant for permanent residence. And that’s a lot of 45 glasses.


I wouldn’t risk it, but wait for two or three real leaves. The root system of your plants is not yet well developed and it will be difficult for it to take root. Why is she stretched out like that? You probably don’t use backlighting, but it’s a waste... Don't be lazy to do this. And you will enjoy the beauty until the frosts. And if you like them too much, you can save them in the winter.


Petunia does not like transplanting and is not a petunia in the picture.


Let at least a few true leaves grow.


you need to either transplant it into a pot like this. or wait for real leaves. I don’t recommend disconnecting, the root system is weak

Galina Kaysina

It’s too early to replant, but it’s not petunia


Indeed, these sprouts do not look like petunia. They probably sold you something else instead of petunias. What shape were the seeds? I'm really torn by doubts! The shape of the sprout is completely different! Petunia seedlings don’t stretch like that, firstly, and secondly, its stem is too thick for petunia! More like a cucumber.


No you can not. It’s better to wait until the second leaves appear, then replant. it is dived up to 3 times

Caring for petunia seedlings after picking

To bring petunia seedlings to high-quality and abundant flowering and to reveal the entire color palette inherent in them by nature and breeders, a little more effort will be required.


Planted petunias need increased care and attention. For plant adaptation to be successful, it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature conditions within 20-22⁰C for the first two weeks in a new place. Drafts are not allowed.

Between cold stone window sills and seedling containers, insulating foam pads or wooden stands are made.


For petunia, sunlight plays a primary role, starting from the moment the seeds are sown. So after picking, the pots with seedlings are placed on light windowsills. A lack of natural light causes plants to stretch out, making them more vulnerable to care. Fragile, tall and thin stems fall and break easily if the plant needs to be turned the other side towards the light or tilted for loosening.

Additional illumination with fluorescent lamps or specially designed photo lamps will help correct the situation. They are installed in close proximity to plants, and on short days they are turned on for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening.

On a note. Daylight hours for petunias should be at least 12 hours.

On gloomy spring days, the lamps are left on all day.


All plants need moisture, but its supply should be moderate. Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature and only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out. Water is supplied until it begins to ooze from the drainage holes. Excess liquid from the pan is drained.

However, it should be remembered that frequent and unregulated watering can lead to blackleg and root rot.


Petunia seedlings begin to be fed 2 weeks after transplanting or transshipment. For these purposes, you can use Crystallon or Uniflora micro, according to the attached instructions.

If it is noticed that the leaf blades are not sufficiently saturated green, this means that the petunias are deficient in iron. In this case, foliar feeding of petunias with iron-containing substances will be necessary, these are:

  • Iron chelate;
  • Micro Fe;
  • Ferovit.

In an accessible liquid form, iron is easily absorbed by plants, and soon the color of the leaves of diseased petunia will not differ from healthy seedlings.

Subsequent fertilizing is carried out at intervals of 10-14 days with complex fertilizers with microelements for flowers.

  • Agricola;
  • Kemira Lux;
  • Ideal;
  • Uniflor.

At home, when growing petunia seedlings, you can use an infusion of wood ash. It will not only enrich the plant with potassium and phosphorus, but will also serve as protection against fungal diseases and repel pests. Dry ash can be scattered over the surface of the soil around the stem or an aqueous solution can be prepared, using 0.5 tbsp. sifted ash per 3 liters of water.

With proper and timely feeding, petunia seedlings will grow healthy and will have time to form flower buds by the time they are planted in open ground.

Pinching and shaping

Flower growers grow petunia to decorate their summer cottage or garden plot, terrace or balcony with this beautiful annual. To achieve maximum benefit from a flower, it must be formed in a timely and correct manner.

The first pinch, i.e. Removing part of the main stem is carried out on rooted and strong seedlings after 5-6 leaves. This operation will give impetus to the growth of shoots from the axillary leaves, which will make the petunia bush lush and allow the formation of new flower buds in large quantities.

On a note. Truncation of the main stem will somewhat delay the beginning of flowering, but in the future the petunia will delight you with the abundance of blossoming buds and the duration of flowering.

The subsequent formation of petunia will most likely be carried out in open ground. If a gardener wants to see a neat petunia bush, then it is advisable to shorten the side shoots above 6-8 leaves, giving the plant the desired shape.

You should not throw away cut petunia shoots - you can grow a full-fledged plant from them. The lower leaves are torn off the cuttings, placed in water and waiting for roots to form. When they appear, the petunia bush is planted in fertile and light soil. This would be a good option for increasing the number of seedlings.

How to grow petunia from seeds - from a tiny seed a beautiful flower!

Soil requirements - sowing petunia seeds according to the rules

As already mentioned, petunia is an unpretentious plant. It does not require a special type of soil. To plant this flower, you can use ordinary black soil for plants. Street soil tends to contain a large number of larvae of various pests. In addition, it may also contain fungal diseases. Therefore, before use, the soil must be doused with boiling water to eliminate microbacteria harmful to the plant.

  • Growing petunia seedlings in tablets
  • Planting and caring for petunias

We recommend that you read

For convenient and more comfortable planting, peat tablets are used. They contain all the essential minerals that petunia needs. Replanting a plant is very convenient in this case; a tablet with a sprouted flower is simply planted in a pot of soil or soil.

How to grow petunia from seeds - the secrets of long-lasting flowering

First of all, seeds must be purchased of good quality from reputable manufacturers. After the substrate is disinfected, pour it into the prepared container. It should be at least 10 centimeters. But we fill it with earth at a level of 8 centimeters, not to the very top. Growing from seeds is a rather painstaking process, since the petunia flower produces very small seeds. And you need to arrange them evenly in the container. To do this, pour the seeds onto a sheet of paper.

An ordinary toothpick, which should be moistened in water, will help to catch the seed - thanks to this technique, you will be able to plant the seeds in the substrate at the same distance from each other.

After all the seeds are planted in the ground, it is necessary to water them with water, but not in a direct stream, but from a spray bottle. The water should be at room temperature. It is worth noting that the seeds do not need to be planted deep into the soil or sprinkled with soil on top. It will be enough just to lightly press down each seed so that it penetrates a little into the substrate. After the seeds are planted and watered, cover the container with a lid and place it in a warm room. The air temperature must be at least 25 degrees.

Proper care of petunia from seeds is the key to a beautiful plant.

Having figured out the question of how to grow petunia from seeds, let's consider the rules for caring for this plant. Sprouts usually appear within 15 days. After they appear, the container can be moved to a temperature range of 16–19 degrees, and when the first leaves appear on the sprouts, the plants can be transplanted into separate small pots or plastic cups. Later, when the petunia becomes larger, you need to plant it in a larger container.

It must be remembered that replanting must be done with a lump of soil so as not to damage the roots. In spring, on sunny days, you can take pots of petunias outside. And later, when a constant positive temperature is established, the plant is planted in the beds. It is necessary to fertilize the soil into which the petunia will be transplanted.

The main care for petunia is regular watering. It can be done daily. On cloudy days - every other day. Petunia will begin to bloom, as a rule, after 70 days. Flowering continues until autumn. In order for new buds to form on the bush, flowers that have bloomed must be removed in a timely manner. If heavy rain or hail damages the flower petals, you need to carefully remove them. And very soon new ones will grow in this place. To prevent disease, the soil in which petunia grows must be fertilized periodically.


What mistakes are made when diving?

Since petunias grow at a very tender age and look very fragile, the grower will need maximum care and patience in order not to injure the seedlings and avoid mistakes that can lead to the death of the sprouts.

  1. Diving should be carried out only in a disinfected and loose soil mixture, since weak roots will not be able to master heavy soil, and the lack of preventive soil treatment can lead to diseases and, as a result, the death of sprouts.
  2. No watering during a dive. Having survived the stress of transplantation and getting into dry soil, the fragile sprout with equally fragile roots dies almost immediately.
  3. Do not hold a small plant by the stem - the difference in temperature between the person and the sprout has a negative impact on its health.
  4. Do not plant petunia inside the cup, filling it only halfway with soil. Soon it will begin to produce side shoots, for which there will be no room, and they will stretch upward. This type of planting makes watering difficult and creates increased humidity inside the plant, which can lead to diseases.

Selecting petunia seeds for germination

Choose only high-quality seed material. Then there will be no need for pre-processing. You cannot buy seeds from little-known sellers.

Seeds are sold in two forms: regular and granules. In the first case, they are very small, and in the second, they may not germinate due to the dense shell (usually this happens with weak watering).

Petunia: description, methods of reproduction

The nightshade family has amazing flowers - petunia. Breeders have been improving the varietal and species characteristics of the plant for more than a century. Thanks to their efforts, flower growers have a huge selection of petunias to decorate garden plots, houses and city streets.

Planting petunias according to the rules and caring for flowers in pots makes the flowering plant mobile. It is carried, transported and planted in certain places. Often a flowering bush is left in a pot to create hanging phytocompositions.


You will recognize Petunia by the following signs:

  • bush with creeping or erect stems 15–70 cm;
  • leaves are oval, 5–12 cm in diameter;
  • funnel-shaped flowers of various bright shades;
  • inflorescences are fringed, double, terminal, axillary and simple.

The popularity of the flower is added by long flowering and different forms, which allow petunia to be planted in pots or in a flower bed. They are divided into two types: bush and hanging. But there are universal varieties of petunias (“tango”, “avalanche”, “ramblin”) that look beautiful anywhere.

Petunia: YouTube/Garden Without Secrets

Reproduction methods

Petunia, planted from seeds or seedlings, blooms all summer until the first frost. Planting material is harvested throughout the summer. Then seedlings are grown from small grains, starting sowing in February. Bush species are sown directly into the beds.

Petunia propagation by cuttings is used to preserve the species characteristics of hybrid varieties. To do this, a mother plant is left in the fall, from which cuttings are cut for young bushes.

Optimal timing for picking petunia in 2022

Choosing the right timing of gardening activities is very important for the well-being of seedlings. When do you need to pluck petunia seedlings? This should be done when the young plant has three or four true leaves . This time usually occurs a month after planting.

It is important not to miss the right time for replanting, since due to the great density and growth of roots, the seedlings may wither, stretch out, and weaken.

You can also choose favorable days for the procedure using the 2022 Lunar calendar:

  • in February: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
  • in March: 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29;
  • in April: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25;
  • in May: all days except the 15th and 29th.

Preparing seeds for planting

To improve germination, petunia seeds should be prepared. First, disinfection is carried out by keeping them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Since they are very small, you can pour them into a linen napkin or bag, tie them and place them in the solution. After 20-30 minutes, the seeds are washed in the same bag under running water.

"Ribav-Extra" - growth regulator and root former

The next step is to start the germination process. Energy for growth can be obtained by soaking seeds in the growth regulator and root former "Ribav Extra" from the August company. The product contains a unique amino acid complex that stimulates phytohormones. The drug activates enzyme systems in seeds, as a result of which their germination occurs quickly and smoothly.

To soak in Ribav Extra, just dissolve three drops of the product in one liter of water, and then place a bag of seeds in the resulting solution for half an hour. There is no need to rinse them after the procedure; you can immediately begin sowing.

Before purchasing, or if you have your own planting material, you need to consider the expiration date. Petunia seeds remain viable for two years.

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