Step-by-step instructions for beginner gardeners: how to tie cucumbers correctly, the best ways

Why tie up cucumbers?

The cucumber tying system is important for obtaining a high yield.

Why tie a cucumber:

  • due to the support, the bush is formed correctly;
  • a neatly formed plant is easier to plant;
  • the development of lateral shoots increases;
  • air exchange increases;
  • compact bushes are formed;
  • watering the plant becomes easier;
  • contact of diseased and healthy shoots is excluded;
  • convenient to collect fruits.

Stems creeping along the ground quickly dry out or rot. If the bush itself begins to weave haphazardly in a vertical direction, untied vines may break off under the weight of the fruit.

How to install a net for cucumbers: photos of designs

The technique for using a mesh for a cucumber trellis is simple:

  1. The material must be laid on the ground, folded in several layers. This must be done in such a way that the cells match.
  2. Seeds or seedlings are planted in the holes of the cells. Thanks to the mesh, planting the bed evenly is not difficult.
  3. Along the edges of the designated area, posts are installed on which the material must be secured as the seedlings grow.
  4. When the first shoots appear, lift the canvas and fix it horizontally above the bed. There is no need to tie up the plants: the cucumber clings to the support with the help of tendrils.
  5. The canvas is lifted vertically and secured at the required level on posts as the bushes grow. It is recommended to use special plastic clamps for fixation.

Layout of trellises for cucumbers with dimensions.
When the cucumbers reach the fruiting period, they will be securely fixed on the trellis. With sufficient watering, the bushes will produce a bountiful harvest.

Types of garters

A special structure is built for tying cucumbers. This process does not require much time or labor. The structure will not take up space in the garden bed, but, on the contrary, will help form a cucumber bush and free up space. Summer residents use different methods of tying cucumbers, each of which is horizontal or vertical.


This type of tying is traditional.

Basic steps for assembling the structure:

  1. Take a 150-200 cm support and drive it into the two long sides of the bed so that they hold firmly.
  2. Maintain a distance of 40-50 cm between supports.
  3. Take a strong rope and stretch it evenly between the posts.
  4. Make the distance between the rope rows 10-15 cm.

After making the structure, young shoots are directed to the lower tier. As the plant grows, it will crawl along the stretched rows of rope and take shape.

Important! The tiers of rope are pulled tightly parallel to each other.

Advantages of this method:

  • the design is easy to manufacture, even a beginner can handle it;
  • does not require effort in forming a bush.

The only drawback of this method is that when the cucumber vine reaches the first horizontal support, it does not try to weave upward, but curls along it. You have to direct the escape manually.


Vertical formation of a bush is a popular way of gartering cucumbers among experienced gardeners.

The difference between this type and the horizontal one is in the arrangement of the ropes.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling the structure:

  1. Take two supports 200 cm high and drive them into the center of the short sides of the bed.
  2. Using a rope and a crossbar, connect the pillars to each other. It should be a U-shaped structure.
  3. Plant cucumbers under the crossbar at a distance of 30 cm.
  4. When the plants begin to curl, take the tape and wrap it around the stem, pull it to the crossbar and tie it.
  5. Along a vertical fabric ribbon, the cucumber will cling to the mustache and grow upward.

Advantages of the vertical tying method:

  • easy to implement;
  • saves space on the site;
  • does not require additional effort to form a bush.

The disadvantage of the vertical method is that if it is not installed firmly, the structure will collapse and damage all the landings.

Important! The horizontal crossbar is often replaced with a strong rope. In this case, it is pulled tightly so that it can withstand the weight of an adult plant.

Draft protectors

Cucumbers should be planted in a place protected from drafts.

Corn and sunflower can serve as wind protectors for cucumbers. These tall plants will not only save cucumbers from unfavorable conditions, but will also serve as natural supports.

Powerful plants planted next to cucumbers can withstand such a load. You can properly tie cucumbers in a garden bed vertically using a rope stretched between two fruit trees.

Garter methods

Methods for tying a cucumber are variations of horizontal and vertical types. Each gardener chooses the method that best suits him. The choice depends on the time and materials available.


The V-shaped option refers to vertical types of tying. The difference lies in the possibility of forming a divided bush.

When using this method, a structure similar to the vertical tying method is built.

Stages of tying:

  1. Take two fabric ribbons and tie them at a distance of 20 cm from each other above the cucumber bush.
  2. Tie the ends of the ribbon at the base.
  3. Place the main shoot on one strip and a large side shoot on the other.

The plant itself will cling to the tape and grow upward.

Important! With a V-shaped tying, the thickening of the base of the bush is reduced, the plant is less sick and receives a sufficient amount of light.


The basis of the design in the mesh method is the mesh. Garden stores offer a huge selection of special nets made of metal and plastic. They are intended not only for cucumbers, but for all climbing plants.

The mesh is a horizontal and vertical garter at the same time. The mesh is placed between two supports or in another convenient way. The cucumber is directed onto the frame, and it weaves around the cells as it grows. The plant feels free, as it easily reaches all the cells.

Advantages of the mesh method:

  • robust design;
  • durable;
  • does not require effort to form a bush.

The disadvantage is the time and labor required to find and install the mesh.

In an arc

Garter on arches is an alternative method of the horizontal version. Arcs made of plastic or metal and rope are used as the basis of the structure.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the arcs and place them at a distance of 80-90 cm from each other along the ridge.
  2. Connect the arcs around the circumference with ropes.
  3. Place the rope tiers parallel at a distance of 20 cm.
  4. Plant the plants in the middle along the ridge.
  5. After branching begins, direct the bush to rope tiers.

For greater strength, the structure is reinforced with supports on the sides of the bed.

The advantage of this method is the ability to cover crops with covering material. Therefore, this option is relevant for regions with sharp changes in day and night temperatures.

The disadvantage of this method is that manufacturing the structure takes a lot of time.


This method is also called “herringbone garter”.

The basis of the structure is a pillar. It serves as a support, so it must be strong and stable.

Stages of tying with a pyramid:

  1. Install a support pole at least 1.5 m high.
  2. Tie ropes to the top of the support. The number of ropes is equal to the number of plants. The length of the rope is equal to the height of the pillar.
  3. Lower the ropes to the ground and tie them to the bases of the plants.

You don't need to do anything else. The cucumber itself will braid the rope until it reaches the top.

On the trellis

A trellis is a lattice with a frame that serves as a support for plants. It is made of metal or wood.

Trellis come in different shapes and types. This method of tying a cucumber is not only functional, but also beautiful.

Typically the structure is placed in an A-shape or U-shape. Cucumbers are planted at the base and allowed to weave around the mesh. This method is similar to the mesh method.

The advantage is the strength of the structure. The only drawback is the labor cost.

On the pegs

Garter on pegs is suitable for low-growing varieties.

The structure is based on wooden pegs. They are installed next to each bush. The length of the peg is measured based on the characteristics of the variety. It should be equal to the maximum length of the cucumber stem.

The main garter is located along the central stem. Ropes are also attached to the remaining shoots.

On the stairs

The main structural element is a wood or metal support, reminiscent of a ladder. You can make it yourself or buy it at a garden store. This method is similar to tying on pegs.

The structure is placed near each bush. As the plant grows, it rests on it and grows upward.

Other options

Depending on the type of vegetable, gardeners practice different methods of arranging supports and forming a garter. Some options allow you to beautifully decorate the site or require a minimum of preparatory work and materials.

"Cucumber Tree"

A support shaped like a “tree” looks impressive and beautiful. The essence of the structure is simple: vegetables are planted in a square-shaped bed. High poles are installed in the corners of the square, the tops of which are connected above the center of the bed. The strength of the structure will be ensured by rows of wire wrapped around poles (row spacing 30–35 cm). The wire will also serve as a support for the cucumber stems.

Barrel method

A non-standard and original solution is to use containers (barrel, bucket, large round flask). The advantage of the new method is mobility. Cucumbers planted in a small container can be carried by hand. As soon as the seedlings have grown significantly, the container is placed under the tree and the branches are used as a natural support for the cucumber vines. You can tie the stems to twine tied to a branch.

Natural trellis

Enterprising summer residents use the area along fences, arches, fences to decorate cucumber beds. At the same time, it is possible to decorate the fences in an extraordinary way and does not require special construction of supports.

To make it comfortable for the plant to weave, you can manually make support lines - stretch several rows of twine. A simple alternative is to attach trellis mesh or wire frame to the fence.

Hybrid method

If you do not plan to plant a large number of bushes or have a small area, it makes sense to use the hybrid method. A structure resembling a pyramid is built with your own hands: three support pillars are driven in, the tops of which are connected above the center of the triangular bed. The supports are braided with horizontal rows of twine. Cucumbers are planted around the perimeter of the garden bed. The stems will easily grow upward and attach to new levels of supports.

Application of plastic bottles

Summer residents suggest using plastic material to secure cucumber shoots as they grow. To do this, ribbons are cut from bottles, which are wrapped around the stems and fastened with a stapler. You need to tie the cucumber to the support using an improvised plastic “collar”.

The sharp edges of the plastic ring are a significant disadvantage of the method, since cucumber shoots can be easily injured when bent.

Tying under arches

Manufacturers suggest that summer residents use temporary structures that are easy to install every year. Metal arcs are dug in along the edges of the beds. A more rational solution is to use special tubes with holes for the arcs.

The bushes are planted near the base of the arches, and the cucumber loops naturally intertwine the curved support as they grow. The disadvantage of the structure is that the shoots of individual bushes intertwine, shading the bushes and making it difficult to care for plants and collect fruits.

Tying to ladders and arches

A creative option is to use cucumber vines as an ornamental plant decorating arches or stairs. In this case, you need to carefully choose the location of the arches, taking into account the special care of the plants. The best option is to decorate vegetable beds with arches or ladders.

Pyramid tying

The principle of the structure is reminiscent of a “cucumber tree”. The nuances of the structure - the beds are formed from several circles located on the same line. Six tall pegs are driven around the circumference, the tops of which are combined and tied above the center of the circle. The structure is braided with even rows of twine, which serve as supports.

An important point is that when cucumber vines grow, you need to constantly move the shoots outside the supporting structure. Otherwise, it will be difficult to tie up stems growing inward. And it will be difficult to get cucumbers.

Garter of cucumbers on pegs

The most common and budget option, suitable for growing bush cucumber varieties. As a rule, there is one peg for each bush. An important nuance is that the peg should be slightly higher than the longest cucumber stems. The main garter is to secure the trunk of the bush. Growing shoots are also fixed on a peg.

Unusual methods

Cucumber lovers from all over the world continue to modernize old and well-known garter methods and, at the same time, develop new, original ways of forming a cucumber bush.

Cucumbers in a barrel

The basis of the design is a barrel. Plants are planted in a container filled with soil. Due to the force of gravity, as they grow, the shoots begin to hang over the edges and grow vertically downwards. This method saves space on the site.

cucumber tree

The basis of tying is to form a bush into several shoots in such a way that it becomes like a tree . To do this, build a structure with horizontal crossbars. A rope is attached to it, which will connect the main stem and the crossbar. Ropes are also attached to the side lashes and spread to the sides. After the formation of female ovaries, the side stems are carefully brought to the main one. The angle between the central and side shoots is left at 60°, so the plant is not injured. The tendril from the central shoot is wrapped around the side shoot, and the remaining shoots are removed.

Plastic bottles

In this method, a plastic bottle is used to secure the cucumber stem to the structure. The bottle is cut into strips of the required size. A strip is wrapped around the stem and the structure at the attachment point, and the ends of the plastic are connected with a stapler.

Natural trellis

The fence serves as the basis for tying. Plants are planted along the structure, and if it is a chain-link, just point the cucumber, and it will begin to weave around the mesh itself. And if the fence is wooden or metal, string ropes from the top edge to the base of the bushes, and the cucumbers begin to weave around them.

Advantages of growing cucumbers on a trellis in open ground and in a greenhouse

The use of a trellis structure provides the plants with the maximum amount of light. Thanks to this, the cucumbers will grow well and will certainly delight you with a bountiful harvest. In addition, under such development conditions, vegetables have a uniform color.

Trellis are widely used both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Growing cucumbers using a trellis has other advantages:

  1. Using a trellis for cucumbers in a greenhouse or in an open space makes it possible to significantly save time, because the support will simplify the processes of planting, watering and feeding the plant. Water and fertilizer will immediately go straight to the roots, bypassing the leaves and stems.
  2. The stems of cucumbers will not break or become damp from waterlogging. This will help prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases that occur due to high humidity.
  3. The fruits will remain clean, because they will grow and ripen while above the soil.
  4. Harvesting cucumbers that are grown using a trellis method is as convenient as possible, since the bushes are clearly visible.
  5. When diseases or pests appear, it is much easier to treat the plant from all sides.
  6. The trellis design in combination with bright green plants can decorate any garden, summer cottage or personal plot with its appearance.

You will have to spend a little time and materials to create a trellis for cucumbers in the open ground or in a greenhouse, but in the future such a support will simplify caring for the plants.

Trellis for cucumbers can be bought ready-made or made with your own hands.

The disadvantages of supporting structures can be considered financial and time costs. But the advantages of using a cucumber trellis outweigh these disadvantages.

On a note! In spring, the soil under the cucumber bed must be treated with boiling water. Such actions eliminate all bacteria that were not killed by frost and activate the production of heat by manure and compost.

What you need to prepare in advance

The list of materials that will be needed to make the structure depends on the chosen method of tying, the capabilities of the gardener and the characteristics of the site.

Basic materials for popular types of tying:

  • metal or wooden poles;
  • twine or other strong rope;
  • strips of cotton fabric;
  • metal or plastic mesh;
  • arched arcs;
  • scissors.

To help gardeners, gardening stores have special clips for fixing plants. And for large-scale farms, a stapler that is charged with garter tape will be useful.

DIY metal trellises for cucumbers: photo of supports for cucumbers

To create a metal support, you will need certain tools and materials that need to be prepared in advance:

  • two metal pipes or pillars, the length of which should be 2 m;
  • one metal tube required for the crossbar, with a length equal to the length of the cucumber beds;

Often a metal mesh fence is used as a support for cucumbers.

  • metal stakes, their number depends on the size of the bed;
  • roulette;
  • twine or twine;
  • knife;
  • electric welding;
  • electrodes;
  • hammer;
  • shovel;
  • steel wire.

Creating a metal support for growing cucumbers consists of several main steps. First of all, you need to dig two pillars into the ground along the edges of the cucumber bed. The depth of installation of the support should be approximately 40 cm. This value makes it possible to guarantee the reliability and stability of the trellis. Gardeners recommend hitting the post with a hammer several times to firmly drive it into the soil. Next, you should fill the hole and thoroughly compact the soil around it. After this, you need to secure the crossbar using electric welding.

Then you need to install a pair of pegs at a distance of 15-20 cm on both sides of the bed. After this, we stretch the twine or twine - they will be the reliable support along which the bush sprouts will begin to curl. We tie the end of a coil of rope to the first peg. Next, we pull the twine vertically up to the crossbar, wrap it around and lower it vertically down, tie it to a stake on the other side of the bed.

Craftsmen have created many designs for trellises for cucumbers.

We repeat the procedure until we have tied all the installed pegs. As a result, we get a trellis for cucumbers in the shape of the letter “L”.

A metal support made by yourself has a significant drawback: it is susceptible to rust. This can be corrected by covering the product in several layers with a high-quality primer or other anti-corrosion agent.

In addition, the disadvantages of this type of trellis include the inability to disassemble the structure at the end of the season. To move it to another part of the bed, you will have to dig up metal pipes, and after that you will need to re-dig the supports or columns into the ground.

On a note! Instead of twine or twine, you can use steel wire. It needs to be secured to the pegs and crossbar. After the cucumber shoots completely weave around the trellis, it will look like a green tent or hut.

How to properly tie cucumbers - step-by-step instructions

Compliance with the rules of tying increases the productivity of the plant and improves the quality of the harvest.

Important! Tying begins when the plant has reached 30 cm in height and has at least four true leaves.

Features of tying a cucumber:

  • use soft cotton fabric so as not to damage the shoot;
  • the binding loop should not be tight, otherwise the stem will break;
  • control the process of bush formation and promptly guide the top around the support;
  • do not tighten the ropes too much when tying vertically;
  • overgrown bushes are tied up carefully so as not to damage the stem.

Failure to follow the rules leads to bush injuries that are not immediately noticeable. Subsequently, such a plant can become infected with a fungus.

In the open ground

Garter in open ground is especially important for plant development because:

  • a tied bush throws out long shoots, on which more inflorescences appear and more fruits are set;
  • a plant affected by a fungus or viral infection brings healthy shoots to the top, avoiding the spread of the disease;
  • a vertically tied bush takes up less space on the site;
  • It is more convenient to collect fruits without bending to the ground.

Without a garter, cucumbers in the open ground do not send out long shoots, thicken, rot and dry out, the stems break off under the weight of the harvest, and the fruits curl, wrinkle and lose their presentation and taste.

In a greenhouse, greenhouse

Reasons for tying a cucumber in a greenhouse:

  • plants receive more sunlight;
  • air exchange between bushes increases, and plants get sick less;
  • lateral shoots are formed more actively, and the productivity of the bushes increases.

If traditional methods of tying are used in open ground, then in closed ground they use other methods.

Methods for forming a cucumber in closed ground:

  1. Blinding cucumbers. This method is based on the vertical garter method. The main stem is fixed on a support, and all side shoots and tendrils located above 50 cm from the ground are removed. Thus, the central stem is strengthened and fungal diseases are prevented.
  2. Formation in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The fabric is cut into strips of length equal to the height of the greenhouse. They are fixed to the metal profile of the structure. For each plant, tie a rope and guide the cucumber along it. In the same way, instead of ropes, they use long stakes, sticking them into the ground near the bushes.

Trellis for cucumbers in a summer cottage: features of use

Cucumbers are one of the most beloved and popular vegetable crops among the people. They are widely consumed both fresh and canned.

The cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family and is capable of growing up to 2 m in height, while clinging with its antennae to everything that comes in its way. Most gardeners do not pay attention to this feature, believing that it will be easier to care for the plant without a garter. In addition, there is an opinion that without support, a cucumber bush receives more moisture from the ground.

Cucumber is a climbing plant and therefore needs support for best growth and development.

But cucumbers that grow without a garter try to find support for themselves, as a result of which they break and dry out. In addition, they begin to cling to neighboring plants, affecting their growth and development. Since this vegetable crop is a vine, the use of support is a prerequisite for the proper development of the plant. Gartering cucumbers allows you to give them the maximum amount of sunlight, which increases the number of ovaries and accelerates the ripening of fruits. Therefore, the question of how to make a trellis for cucumbers becomes very relevant.

On a note! Using a trellis for cucumbers with your own hands requires a minimum amount of space for a bed in the open ground or in a greenhouse. You can use such trellises for tomatoes, sweet and green peas, as well as for other climbing plants.

Advice from experienced summer residents

There are many options for tying cucumbers. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Advice from experienced summer residents:

  1. Tie in the evening or morning so that any accidental damage to the stem has time to dry before the scorching sun.
  2. Tie the side shoots to a separate rope. If this is not done, they will begin to curl around the central stem and cause damage to it.
  3. Pinch off the top. When the plant grows more than 2 m, it begins to cast a shadow, which slows down the growth of other cucumbers.
  4. For one of the horizontal methods, use any rope, and for vertical tying, use a piece of fabric 2-3 cm wide.

Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes made when tying cucumbers:

  • use of thin threads;
  • too tight;
  • early or too late timing of tying;
  • too frequent tying of new shoots.

Horizontal trellis for cucumbers: photo examples of design

This is the easiest option and is great for beginner gardeners. For such a garter you will need two metal pipes or wooden columns. They should be placed along the edges of the bed. Between them you need to stretch strong twine, twine, wire or rope. The optimal distance between stretched rows should not exceed 25-30 cm.

Next, you should carefully pull out the sprouts of the young cucumber towards the lower support and secure them to it. This support can be improved with vertical ropes, then it will be more comfortable for the plant to grow upward.

On a note! The horizontal garter of cucumbers has one single drawback: after reaching the top bar, the stems of the plant will fall down and shade the bush itself. But this can be avoided by making the support high enough or cutting off too long stems.

Cucumbers on a trellis are better ventilated and less susceptible to mold and fungal diseases.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew
  • a powdery coating appears on the bottom and top sides of the leaf;
  • the spots gradually merge and begin to darken;
  • the leaf wrinkles;
  • the edges of the leaves droop down and dry out;
  • if left untreated, the plant dries out.

How to fight:

  • iodine solution – 10 drops per bucket of water;
  • table soda – 1 tbsp. for 2 liters of water, plus grated laundry soap;
  • strong 5 - 7% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Preparations Novosil and Extrasol
Downy mildew
  • the leaf becomes covered with yellow spots;
  • yellow spots become covered with an oily coating;
  • the lower part of the leaves is covered with a dark gray, sometimes purple coating;
  • spots on the leaves dry out, crack and the leaves die within 2–3 days;
  • the disease affects the greenhouse, regardless of its size in a week.

How to fight:

  • trim and burn all affected leaves;
  • Use the drugs Novosil, Trichoderma, Extrasol, Ordan, Profit Gold, Abiga Peak
  • Brown spots appear on the lower leaves;
  • spots merge;
  • leaves dry out and fall off;
  • Spots also appear on the fruits and they die.

How to fight:

  • Use the drugs Fitosporin and Alirin B
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