Another representative of greenhouse tomatoes - Darenka: full description of the variety and characteristics

Darenka is a mid-season tomato that is suitable for growing in a greenhouse.
The bush is medium-sized, reaching a height of 1.2 m. The fruits are oval in shape, similar to a plum. The pulp is fleshy with a small number of seeds. The average weight of a ripe tomato is 150-200 g. Some specimens can reach a weight of 300 g. The fruits have a fairly dense peel, so they are perfect for pickling. They are also used in fresh salads due to their fragrant and tasty pulp. Productivity is about 3.5 kg per bush.

Description and characteristics of the Darenka tomato variety, reviews, photos

Mid-season, medium-growing, productive variety of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground.
The bush is up to 1.2 meters high in the greenhouse, slightly lower in the greenhouse. Requires gartering and pinching. It is best to form 2-3 stems.

In 2008, the Darenka tomato was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film covers in private household plots.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are elongated cream (5-6 pieces in a cluster), dense, red in color at maturity, weighing 150-200 grams, fleshy, very tasty. The pulp is dense, but tender and fragrant, with few seeds. These tomatoes are good for both fresh consumption and canning (they don’t spread, the skin is thick).

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse


Experienced gardeners do not recommend watering tomatoes during the first 10 days after planting in the soil. For this, the water should be warm - +20-+22 degrees.

During the period of active growth of tomatoes, watering is carried out every 4-5 days, approximately 4-5 liters of water are consumed. per 1 m2. During flowering, the water consumption rate should be increased to 10-13 liters.


Optimal humidity and temperature are important conditions for growing tomatoes. Plants are not afraid of drafts, so they need ventilation. It is important to do this after watering.


Darenka grows up to 1.2 meters and needs to be tied to a support. Linear or frame trellises are suitable for the greenhouse.


For tomatoes, it is extremely important to remove the shoots in a timely manner, all because the side shoots can shade the bush, which significantly increases the ripening time of tomatoes.

Top dressing

10-15 days after planting the tomatoes, the first feeding should be done. To do this, you can use the following solution: 10 l. water, 1 tbsp. nitrophoska and 0.5 liters of liquid mullein. For one bush you need 1 liter. solution.

The next feeding is carried out 10 days after the first. To do this you should take 10 liters. water, 1 hour. l. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. fertilizers "Fertility". You need 3-4 such feedings over the entire season.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 3 plants per meter of land.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew Darenka tomatoes, please write what you liked about them and why you were disappointed. What was the yield and taste of the fruit under your conditions? Will you grow them again? If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Darenka tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

All gardeners love the Darenka tomato. This mid-season variety pleases with fruits of universal use. It works great indoors and in outdoor beds. The fruits are tasty in salads and canned food.

How to determine if a plant is missing something

  1. Nitrogen deficiency is characterized by a change in the color of the stem, as well as leaves and fruits. The leaves become smaller and acquire a yellowish tint, and the fruits become much harder and smaller.
  2. When there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, the leaves curl.
  3. A lack of potassium is characterized by curly leaves.
  4. If there is a lack of calcium in the soil, the leaves become covered with yellow spots.
  5. The lack of sulfur manifests itself primarily on young leaves. They become light green, then turn yellow. In this case, the stems become excessively brittle.
  6. A lack of boron is characterized by blackening of the stem at the growing point, and the fruits may become covered with brown spots.

Why do gardeners love fruits?

Breeders offer many varieties of mid-season tomatoes. But Darenka stands out for her features. She combines polar qualities.

Description of tomatoes grown by summer residents:

  • fruits of an elongated cylindrical shape with a “spout”;
  • the weight of the tomato reaches 200 g (the first one grows to 300 g);
  • unripe green tomato with a light spot in the stalk area;
  • The color of the ripe berry is deep red;
  • the skin is dense;
  • fruits do not crack in wet weather;
  • the pulp is tender, aromatic;
  • the number of seeds is insignificant.

In warm, sunny summers, Darenka pleases with sweet fruits. Berries planted in the shade are sour and smaller.

Juiciness depends on regular watering.

Gardeners begin to enjoy the Darenka harvest in mid-August. Many varieties and hybrids have already been grown and tested. But the quality of the fruit does not disappoint. They are perfectly transported without loss of marketability.

Basic growing rules

This variety can be grown in open ground, but only in regions with a moderately warm climate. In cool summer conditions and lack of sunlight, it is recommended to grow plants in a greenhouse to avoid loss of yield.

Even with no experience, you can successfully grow Marfa F1 tomatoes and get a good harvest. But if you follow a few of the rules and recommendations described below, the plant productivity will increase several times. Let's take a closer look at the main features of growing Marfa F1 tomatoes.

Growing seedlings

The process of growing Marfa F1 tomatoes begins with proper planting of seeds and caring for seedlings.

The seeds of this variety have good germination, but for the best results it is recommended to carry out several additional steps to prepare them:

  • warm the seeds on a radiator for several days, placing them in a small fabric bag;
  • disinfect the seeds using a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • treat planting material with growth stimulants (for example, Epin);
  • Dry the seeds slightly at room temperature before planting.

Read more about when and how to plant tomato seedlings correctly.

The soil for growing seedlings must be loose and contain the nutrients necessary for the sprouts.

You can use a ready-made store-bought substrate or prepare the soil yourself from the following components:

  • turf land;
  • garden soil;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions for planting seeds and rules for growing tomato seedlings:

  1. Make small holes in the soil surface about 1–1.5 cm deep.
  2. Place the tomato seeds into the prepared holes and sprinkle with a small layer of peat.
  3. Lightly spray the soil with the seeds with warm water and cover with film. Keep the container in a room with a temperature of about +25 °C.
  4. After the seeds sprout green shoots, remove the film. Place the seedlings in a well-lit place with an air temperature of about +16°C for about 1 week. Then increase the air temperature in the room with the seedlings to +22°C.
  5. When a couple of green leaves appear on the seedlings, pick the seedlings. Apply complex liquid fertilizer.
  6. As the top layer of soil dries, moderately water the sprouts with warm water from a watering can. Grow seedlings away from drafts.

Did you know? The leader in growing tomatoes is China. About 16% of the world's total tomatoes are produced here.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings

It is not recommended to plant tomatoes two years in a row in the same place - this will lead to soil depletion and a decrease in yield. The area for growing plants needs to be changed every year. And in order for the seedlings to take root well on the site and produce a high yield, the soil must first be prepared.

This procedure consists of several stages:

  • in the fall, dig up the soil and then pour it with a warm aqueous solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp of the substance is needed for 10 liters of water);
  • in the spring, add organic fertilizer consisting of peat, humus and sawdust with the addition of superphosphate;
  • 10 days before planting the seedlings, dig up the area again and treat the ground with a lime solution;
  • To disinfect the soil, pour it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

Technology of planting seedlings

Young tomato seedlings are usually planted in a greenhouse when the sprouts reach the age of 60–65 days. At this time, the plants have already formed 3-4 pairs of green leaves and at least one flower cluster. Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out a little later and only after the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting seedlings are presented below:

  1. Dig holes in the soil about 8 cm deep. Place nitrogenous fertilizers at the bottom of the hole.
  2. Carefully remove the young sprout from the individual container along with the earthen lump.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole and cover its roots with soil. Lightly compact the soil around the sprout stem.
  4. If the soil is not moist enough, you can water the seedling at the root with a small amount of warm water.

Important! Planting of seedlings is carried out according to the 50x40 scheme; no more than 3 plants can be placed per 1 m²

How to get the desired result?

Compared to other tomatoes, Darenka is an unpretentious variety. But in order to obtain the yield specified by the breeders, it is recommended to comply with the growing requirements. The gardener should:

  • sow seeds for seedlings in the third decade of March;
  • the material from the manufacturer does not require testing for germination, disinfection, or stimulation;
  • It is recommended to check the seeds you collected yourself for germination (dipped into a glass of water, empty ones float up);
  • wash your material in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, soak in potassium humate for 2 hours;
  • use fertilizers for seedlings (at least twice before planting in the ground);
  • place on ridges after late spring frosts;

How to prepare a greenhouse

To be able to plant seedlings in the soil in May, you should stretch an additional layer of film over the greenhouse.

Advice! To increase the temperature in the greenhouse, you need to leave a layer of air between two layers of film.

To improve ventilation, it is necessary to build vents on all edges. Also, in order to protect the bushes from the appearance of diseases, a layer of soil measuring approximately 10-12 cm should be removed. And the one that remains should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate to prevent diseases.

Important! You should not plant tomatoes in the same greenhouse for two years in a row. This is because the infection can persist in the soil and infect fresh bushes.

The beds should be prepared 10 days before the intended planting in the soil. To do this, they are loosened, the remaining weeds are removed, and humus is added.

What do they think about Darenka?

Gardeners like Darenka. Reviews about her are good. Gardeners gave a positive rating for taste, marketability, transportability, and universal use.

I wasn't happy with the size of the bush. Summer residents complain that covering tall plants outdoors is inconvenient.

The Darenka tomato, with medium fruit ripening, is gaining popularity among gardeners due to its high yield and ease of plant care. Tomatoes are distinguished by their taste, have a dense peel, and retain their shape after pickling and canning.

Features of choosing tomato seeds for the Moscow region

When choosing tomato seeds for growing in the Moscow region, you need to proceed from the following climate features of this area:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • early autumn frosts (can begin in the first ten days of October);
  • increased air humidity (above 70%).

In such conditions, many varieties of tomatoes will not grow and bear fruit well, in particular, tomatoes with late ripening periods.

Therefore, experts recommend growing early or mid-early varieties of this vegetable crop in greenhouses in the Moscow region - and no more than 90 days should pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest. Typically, summer residents in the Moscow region first grow tomato seedlings at home or in greenhouses, which are transplanted to a permanent place when 5-6 permanent leaves appear on the plants, and the air temperature in the region remains stable at +15+16⸰С.

Typically, such weather conditions are established in the second ten days of May, and seeds for seedlings should be planted approximately 60 days before transplantation - in the second ten days of March.

Benefits of tomato

The Darenka tomato is a mid-season variety intended for cultivation in greenhouses and temporary shelters. During the growing season, a bush 1.2 m high is formed.

  • Up to 6 red tomatoes ripen in a bunch.
  • The fruits of the variety are calibrated, oval in shape, and resemble plums in appearance.
  • The weight of the tomato reaches 150-200 g.
  • The skin is dense, the flesh is fleshy, delicate in taste, with a distinct aroma.
  • When cutting horizontally, chambers with a small number of seeds are observed.
  • The yield per bush reaches 3.5 kg.
  • In cooking, tomatoes are used fresh, for canning and pickling.

Agrofirm Siberian Garden: tomatoes

Agro has been a leader in the seed sales market for many years. Anyone can buy seeds from this manufacturer. The main guideline in the choice should be the description of the variety. Thus, the company sells many seeds belonging to different varieties of tomatoes. Let's look at the Siberian Garden tomatoes.

The best varieties of tomatoes Siberian Garden

All tomatoes can be divided into several categories: early-ripening, tall, medium-sized, suitable for pickling. There are a lot of these groups. Before purchasing seeds, you need to study the description of each variety and select Siberian Garden tomato seeds for your garden.

There is another popular agricultural company - Partner. In this article you can find out what varieties of tomatoes she offers.

Pink large f1

A fairly new hybrid that combines several main qualities: early ripeness, large fruit and high yield. This variety also has a low bush type, which is important for gardeners.

Tomato Pink large f1 Siberian Garden is intended for growing in greenhouses or film shelters. The time from seed germination to final fruit ripening varies from 90 to 97 days. The weight of large fruits reaches 300 g. The tomatoes are fleshy, have a round shape with irregularities.

Regimental commander

Mid-season and large-fruited variety. Designed for planting in film shelters or in open ground.

  • The fruits are quite large, the weight of individual specimens reaches 0.5 kg.
  • The bush grows up to 0.8-0.9 meters, the foliage is dark green.
  • Tomatoes have an intense red color, fleshy texture and round shape.

Tomato Regiment Commander Siberian Garden is quite popular among farmers.


Tomato Casanova Siberian Garden belongs to the category of mid-season, high-yielding and indeterminate. Designed for greenhouse cultivation. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters, so it requires support and a garter. The formation of a bush must be done in 1 or 2 stems. The fruits are juicy and oblong in shape.

Ultra early ripening

From the name it is clear that this variety belongs to the category of early ripening. Thus, fruit ripening occurs within 67-70 days after sowing. The Ultra Early Siberian Garden tomato is quite resistant to temperature changes, so it can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

The height of the bush varies from 50 to 60 cm. The fruits have a bright red color and a perfectly round shape. They are formed with tassels, and the weight of each tomato does not exceed 100 g.

Stellate sturgeon

Mid-season, has very large fruits. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. With proper care, the fruits can grow up to a weight of 1.5 kg. The pulp is fleshy, sugary, and has an excellent taste. Color - bright red.

Wonder of the earth

Mid-season tomato Siberian Garden Miracle of the earth with large crimson-colored fruits. The plant reaches a height of 2 meters. The taste of the fruit is delicate, the yield is high.


Mid-ripening variety (112-116 days), the fruits are quite large. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. It is recommended to plant in greenhouses or closed ground. Tomatoes are great for fresh consumption and for making salads. The Siberian garden tomato Tolstushka, according to reviews, is considered one of the most favorite tomatoes among summer residents.

Mystery of nature

Large-fruited, mid-season, indeterminate variety. Tomato Mystery of Nature Siberian Garden is recommended for growing in greenhouse conditions. The plant is quite powerful, up to 2 meters high. The foliage is dark green and medium in size.

Agricultural cultivation technology

Depending on the growing conditions, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 50-60 days before transplanting to a permanent place. To speed up germination and improve plant health, seeds are dipped in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

In order to improve fruit set, it is recommended to treat the seed with a growth stimulant before planting it in the ground. The seeds are placed in containers with soil to a depth of 1.5 cm, after watering with warm water using a sprayer, the container is covered with film until shoots appear.

The optimal temperature for seed pecking is 23-25 ​​°C. In the phase of formation of 2 true leaves, diving is carried out in separate containers with a soil mixture. For this purpose, it is better to use peat pots, in which they are planted in a permanent place.

How to grow seedlings

For sowing tomatoes, use special dishes. These can be containers or plastic boxes, cassettes and much more.

Important! It is advisable to disinfect any container before use. To do this, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Any container for growing seedlings must have holes for drainage. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of “black leg”.

For seedlings, you can use special soil, which is sold in specialized stores. You can also use a mixture of peat and sand in equal quantities.

Important! You should not sow tomatoes very thickly, as this can lead to excessive elongation of thin sprouts.

Before you start sowing, you should moisten the soil well. Also, do not forget about preparing the seeds: to do this, you need to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry them.

Immediately after sowing, the containers should be covered with film and stored in a warm room. The temperature during this period should be +23 degrees.

After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the temperature is reduced to +8-+9 degrees, at night +10-+15. And mandatory additional illumination with a lamp.

Advice! Thin sprouts should be watered with a stream from a spray bottle.

Then, when the first true leaves appear, they are picked into larger containers.

Opinions and recommendations of vegetable growers

Reviews from gardeners cultivating the Darenka variety indicate the excellent taste of the tomato and the universal use of the fruit.

Daria Emelyanova, 46 years old, St. Petersburg: “When choosing a tomato for growing in a greenhouse, my attention was attracted by the description of the Darenka variety. I planted the seeds for seedlings, after soaking them in aloe juice. To form a healthy plant, it was additionally treated with a growth stimulator. In the phase of 2 true leaves, she dived into pots.

During the growing season, the bushes reached a height of over 1 m. Clusters of tomatoes grew on the stems. At first the tomatoes were a rich green color, and then acquired a dark red color. The aroma is amazing, the flesh is fleshy and tender in taste. When canned, the tomato retains its shape and does not crumble into mush.”

Anatoly Andreev, 56 years old, Krasnodar: “The seeds of the Darenka variety were suggested by a neighbor in the country. The characteristics of the fruit and the ability to grow under film cover attracted attention. The seeds were sown 2 months before transferring to a permanent location. Before placing them in a container with a soil mixture, the seeds were treated with special preparations to improve growth.

The seedlings were transferred in mid-May to prepared holes with compost. Additionally, complex mineral fertilizers were added. Before planting, I watered each hole so that the root system did not experience a moisture deficiency. I formed the bushes into 2 stems, so some fruits reached a weight of 300 g. The tomatoes have a rich taste, the flesh is fleshy, and there are few seeds in the fruits. When canned, tomatoes retain their shape due to their thick skin.”

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Conditions for growing tomato seedlings

Attitude to light: very light-loving.
Particularly in need of good lighting are plants grown in protected soil, as well as varieties of southern origin. Southern varieties are short-day, while northern varieties are long-day or undemanding in terms of daylight hours. A necessary condition for growing tomatoes is providing enough light. Lack of lighting is especially dangerous for tomato seedlings: the plants become elongated, lag behind in development, and have few buds. Due to a lack of light, mature plants bloom poorly and their ovaries fall off. Lighting also affects the taste of fruits. Tomatoes grown in film greenhouses often develop leaf mold, which can be eliminated by reducing watering of the plants and disinfecting the greenhouse. In addition, you can treat the plants with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap and 10 liters of water.

Attitude to heat: thermophilic. Ambient air and soil temperatures most directly affect the rate of growth, ripening and yield volumes. One of the main conditions for growing tomato seedlings is the creation of optimal temperature conditions. The minimum temperature for germination of tomato seeds is 10-12°C, the optimal temperature is 20-25°C. The most favorable temperature regime for plant development is 22-24°C during the day and 16-18°C at night. When the temperature drops to 15°C, flowering stops; at 8-10°C, bush growth and pollen ripening stop. Heat is also harmful to tomatoes: at temperatures above 30°C, growth stops and the ovaries fall off.

Relation to water: moisture-loving. However, water is not as important for tomatoes as heat. The plant most urgently needs moisture during the initial period of growth and during the period of mass formation and ripening of fruits.

Tomatoes cannot tolerate water getting on their leaves.

Optimal soil moisture is 70-80%.

Air humidity should be no higher than 60-65% in the first 11-12 weeks of plant development and 50-60% in subsequent periods.

Soil type: tomatoes are not picky about soil, but grow best in sandy loam and light loamy, highly fertile soils.

Soil acidity: should be at least pH 5.5, and best pH 6-6.7. Acidic soils are limed every 3-4 years.

Good predecessors: zucchini, cabbage (sown after green manure), potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin.

Bad predecessors: eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, physalis.

Many plants inhibit or enhance the growth and fruiting of others due to root secretions. Tomatoes grow well next to onions, gillyflowers, calendula, nasturtium, asparagus, celery and parsley, as they have a beneficial effect on each other.

It is not recommended to place beds with tomatoes next to beds of other crops belonging to the same Solanaceae family (cabbage, potatoes, peppers, etc.). They are affected only by diseases and pests. In the case of such a neighborhood, the risk of their occurrence increases.

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