Description of hybrid cucumbers of the Natasha variety, cultivation and prevention

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Description of the variety

This variety has the following distinctive features:

  1. It has a fairly short vegetation period: from 45 to 47 days. You can eat it fresh or process it in some way. This will not affect the strong taste.
  2. Natasha cucumbers are very resistant to many diseases characteristic of cucumbers. For example, to the cucumber mosaic virus, to powdery mildew.
  3. Must be pollinated by bees.
  4. The fruits are green, cylindrical, equipped with small spines. Their average weight is 120 grams. The average length of green grass is about 12 cm. But often, of course, you can find specimens that are smaller or larger than the average. This retreat is absolutely normal.
  5. Due to a number of factors (at least good appearance, its taste characteristics. For example, the fruits do not have bitterness and they have a pleasant smell) this variety is very popular in the vegetable market, in home cooking, in canning, and at vegetable processing bases. The fruits have thin thorns. It has already been said that they are small. But also sparse.

The length-to-thickness ratio index is approximately 3.

In general, cucumber is practically the only vegetable that is eaten in, in principle, unripe form. The variety "Natasha f1" is one of them. Those varieties whose fruits are eaten at the green stage.

Advantages and disadvantages of the cucumber hybrid “Natasha f1”

Cucumber Natasha is a unique salad type of gherkin, suitable for preservation. The variety received the F1 marking due to its hybrid origin. It was developed by crossing two early maturing species by breeding specialists in Holland 25 years ago. In 1996, it was included in the Russian state register of breeding achievements and began to be grown in different regions. It does not have the ability to self-pollinate; bees must help it with this.

Characteristics of the variety

The bush and leaves are light green. The height is no more than 40 cm. The bush grows to its maximum size in an average of 4-5 weeks. The thickness of the stem is 1.5 cm. There are many leaves, their number increases from bottom to top. The leaves are sparse below, and located very close to each other above.

During the flowering period, the buds are bright yellow with stripes up to the middle of the flower.

  1. Cucumbers are early ripening.
  2. After planting in open ground, they require at least 45 days to fully mature.
  3. The shape of the vegetables is cylindrical, slightly elongated.
  4. Spikeiness is reduced.
  5. Maximum length – 14 cm.
  6. A ripe fruit weighs 75-80 grams.
  7. The fruits are not very thick, but voluminous.
  8. The skin is soft and thin, rich dark green in color. The taste is as sweet as the whole fruit.

When cut, the flesh is a delicate light green color. There are no voids in the cucumber. There are seeds inside, but very few, so they are almost invisible. Due to their small size, shape and taste, the fruits are used in many types of canning, as well as fresh for making salads. The fruits are always crispy and juicy. This makes the variety a welcome guest in the garden. And the appetizing appearance of cucumbers allows you to grow entire plantations for sale.

Productivity and benefits of the variety

  • resistance to many cucumber diseases;
  • resistance to transportation and damage arising during it;
  • early ripening and long fruiting;
  • attractive appetizing appearance of the fruit.
  1. Bee pollination, which makes high-quality cultivation in a greenhouse difficult.
  2. If you still cannot do without a greenhouse, you will have to pollinate the bushes manually.

In general, the advantages of the hybrid outweigh the small disadvantage of pollination by bees.


To attract bees, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations. It is better to use pre-collected grass and manure. When feeding with these substances, the bees sense the aroma and quickly find the plants that need to be pollinated.

For successful formation of ovaries, it is recommended to plant pollinating varieties in close proximity to the Natasha variety. In this case, everything will happen faster and better.

Resistance to diseases and adverse conditions

Some diseases are not dangerous for the variety, while others can destroy more than half the crop.

  • olive spot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • downy mildew;
  • ordinary mosaic.

Below are the most serious diseases dangerous to cucumbers in general. Complete immunity to them guarantees a healthy harvest during epidemics.

Diseases dangerous to the Natasha variety include fungi:

  • white rot;
  • root and basal rot;
  • gray rot;
  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • peronosporosis.

To avoid the spread of fungal viruses, it is important to follow the watering schedule. Excessive humidity is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. It is necessary to ensure constant loosening of the soil, then the likelihood of the spread of fungi is reduced. It is also important to monitor the air temperature when growing in a greenhouse. It should not exceed 25 o C.

Properly organized space for growing this species:

  • well-lit place with shaded areas;
  • watering schedule no more than once a day;
  • regular loosening of the soil.

A dangerous pest for this species is aphids. To prevent and combat it, the use of special chemicals is required.

Unfavorable growing conditions include excess moisture, heat and scorching sun. Under such conditions, the fruits are small and dry.

Features of agricultural technology of the variety

To plant the Natasha F1 variety, only seeds are used; there is no need to grow seedlings. Planting is carried out in sufficiently warmed soil, although it may be cooler than necessary for other types of cucumber. The soil should be warmed up to 13 o C, the air temperature for 10 days at night should not fall below 16.

Lightly water the top, being careful not to flood the young seeds and shoots. Before germination, the seeds are covered with a thick film. It is important to remove it immediately after the first shoots to avoid rotting. Fertilizer application immediately after planting is not required. It is necessary to fertilize after the appearance of stable shoots.

Characteristics of the variety

The fruits have an excellent consistency. They are also distinguished by a high level of plasticity to completely different living conditions. But different in moderation. And also if you are interested in this variety, you will be interested to know:

  • That a good level of transportability is another characteristic of this variety. It is a powerful, well-leafed plant.
  • You won’t have to wait very long for the vegetables to ripen. And another plus is sufficient yield. Up to 8 kg/1 m2. In some sources, this figure is generally equal to 20 kg/1 m2. This is the main advantage of the variety. That is, a high level of productivity and ease of care. This is a very important quality. There is no need to do anything supernatural.
  • The fruits are dense in structure. They ripen approximately 45 days after the gardener discovers the sprouts.
  • The variety is resistant to a number of cucumber diseases. For example, to powdery mildew.
  • Farmers and gardeners buy the seeds of this cucumber for subsequent cultivation in open ground or under film. But no one talks about the impossibility of growing in a greenhouse.

In what regions is it best to grow it? In countries such as Ukraine and Moldova. That is, more likely in southern countries. Well, and the south of Russia.

It is flexible in relation to very extreme growing conditions. But you shouldn't bring it to them.

Why is the variety Natasha f1 valuable:

  1. I wouldn’t say that cucumbers are so nutritious, but they have excellent taste, and a lot of mineral salts and vitamin C. This promotes better digestibility of food, and thanks to the microelements it contains (mainly zinc and iodine), the functioning of the pancreas is normalized.
  2. Cucumbers also have dietary qualities. And they promote the body's absorption of proteins and fats.
  3. It also dissolves uric acid crystals and kidney stones, eliminates gouty tumors, prevents atherosclerosis, and regulates the functioning of the kidneys and heart.
  4. If we talk about the benefits of seeds, they are very rich in oil (up to 34%), which is essentially a complete food product.
  5. In terms of the amount of alkaline salts, cucumber is second only to radish. These salts prevent harmful crystalline compounds from depositing in the kidneys. Which, in turn, helps remove these deposits from the blood.

Cucumbers “Natasha f1”: a salad variety suitable for preservation

According to the description, the early hybrid variety of self-pollinating cucumber “Natasha” F1 has a high yield. They are used in salads and as pickling material, fresh. Resistance to cladosporiosis and the notorious cucumber mosaic virus allows you to obtain stable yields throughout the summer. The “Natasha” F1 variety constantly receives positive reviews due to the early ripening of greens. They are easy to grow and care for. Like all varieties of cucumbers, the culture needs warmth, sufficient humidity, and fertile soil.

Characteristics of the variety

The bushes are strong, medium-sized, with green leaves of medium size. It is recommended to plant seeds in open beds. When deciding to plant in greenhouse conditions, access inside is provided for the pollination process. With good care, 1 sq.m. You can collect up to 10 kg of adult quality cucumbers.

The shape of the fruit is oval-cylindrical. The peel is green and has thorns. In the flower area there are bright stripes that do not reach the middle of the fruit. The taste of the vegetable is sweet, there is no bitterness at all, and there are no cavities in the pulp when cut. The average weight of one fruit is from 60 to 80 grams. Cucumbers grow up to 9-11 cm in length. The seeds are small and barely noticeable.

The first fruits are harvested 45 days after planting. Among all the advantages, the main ones are:

  • high yields;
  • early fruit ripening;
  • beautiful presentation;
  • stable immunity to common viral infections;
  • pleasant taste;
  • They tolerate transportation well to other regions.

The Natasha f1 variety was liked by many owners of personal plots and farmers for its unpretentiousness and harvest volumes. Therefore, it is often used by entrepreneurs for cultivation and subsequent sale.


Seeds are planted in the soil when the frosts have already passed and the top layer of the earth has warmed up to + 10-12 ° C. The air temperature should reach +22 °C during the day, +16 °C at night. Seeds are planted to a depth of 3 cm. It is recommended to sow 2 seeds in one hole. Neighboring plants should be located at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and the distance between rows should be approximately 50 cm.

It is worth planting in light, loose and fertile soil. If humus is not made in the fall, then the soil must be fertilized before planting. After the seeds have been planted, it is best to cover the beds with foil or film. This is necessary for rapid germination.

Planting methods

Every year new ways of growing crops appear. They are all different, but each has its own positive sides. They plant vegetables in barrels, tie the plant to vertical bars, trellises, and make arbors from cucumbers. Scourges of this species grow well. For ease of cultivation and ease of care, it is recommended to tie the bushes to an installed trellis.

If you want to show your imagination and bring beauty to the site, then plants can be planted in bags or barrels. Each tank holds 2 seeds. As they grow, the vines fall down along with the fruits. From the outside it looks very beautiful.

To make a pergola out of foliage, you first need to make a pergola with a roof made of planks and install benches. Barrels or buckets with seedlings are placed around the building. As soon as the plants begin to develop, the vines are lowered, over time, they completely wrap around the arbor.

Agrotechnical measures

To get a large, healthy harvest of tasty cucumbers, you need to adhere to the basic rules of care, which are no different from caring for other varieties. It is recommended to water, loosen, and apply fertilizers on time. You need to water the bushes with water at room temperature. Cold water can overcool the roots of the bushes. It is better to carry out the watering procedure in the evening. It is recommended to use the drip irrigation method. This watering will give the root system the necessary moisture. Do not allow water to get on the leaves.

Loosening will allow air flow into the plant root system. In addition, various fungal viruses and pests will not develop. Periodically it is necessary to destroy weeds from the beds. Weeds take some of the food from cucumbers, which negatively affects the growth and development of shrubs and fruits. In summer, cucumber bushes are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. This is especially important to do during flowering, with active fruiting. Ashes, chicken manure, or diluted cow manure can be used as food additives.

Although the Natasha variety has good resistance to pests and diseases, treatment with special preparations is recommended for prevention. Plants are regularly inspected to identify affected areas. If inflamed leaves appear, they are removed and sprayed with insecticides “Aktara”, “Sherpa”, “Arrivo”.

To repel pests, they often resort to folk remedies. 20-30 drops of iodine are diluted in 1 liter of milk and sprayed. Garlic infusion is also used. The middle head is cleaned, washed and passed through a press. Afterwards, the resulting slurry is diluted in a glass of clean hot water and left to infuse for 1 day. Before processing the bushes, the prepared composition is diluted with a 10-liter bucket of water.


For me, “Natasha F1” cucumbers are a pickling, productive variety, but most importantly, they are disease-resistant. The fruits resemble gherkins - small with small spines. They have no bitterness. Very good for pickling. If someone decides to try it, they will be satisfied.

For diabetics, this variety of cucumber has a number of advantages. High taste qualities, contain mineral salts and vitamin C. Zinc and iodine contained in the fruits ensure normal functioning of the pancreas. Cucumbers are a dietary product. They promote the body's absorption of fats and proteins. The seeds of this variety are rich in oil, which is a valuable product.

Natasha F1 cucumbers do not require special care. Even a beginner can cope with all the procedures. To get high yields, you don’t need to waste time and effort. The result obtained completely justifies all the efforts. This variety is universal. You can make excellent vegetable salads from it, or put it in jars for the winter.


There are no special cultivation features; open ground is recommended. Such cucumbers are called garden cucumbers. Sowing should take place in March-April.

In the greenhouse

If you grow Natasha cucumber in a greenhouse, then you should take into account the fact that cucumbers in principle, and this variety in particular, grow greatly. Therefore, it should be as high as possible. Otherwise, the plants will be cramped. Literally.

For this variety, medium loamy soils with excellent air penetration are preferable. It is better if the predecessors are:

  1. onion;
  2. pepper;
  3. potato;
  4. cabbage.

The exact month of sowing may vary. Cucumbers should be planted after the threat of frost has passed. And the soil will warm up to at least a temperature of +10-12 degrees.

The sowing depth should be 3-4 cm.

Planting seedlings

Can be grown first through seedlings. Of course, seedlings need to be planted when the threat of frost has passed. The minimum soil temperature is +14-15 degrees.

The embedment depth should be at least a couple of centimeters.

It is important to cover the crops with film for the first time. If they are planted in open ground.


In the northern regions and the middle zone, seeds are sown for seedlings at the beginning of April, if planting in a greenhouse is planned, or at the end, if the seedlings are intended for open ground. In the southern regions, the crop can be planted without seedlings immediately in a permanent place. This is done at the end of May or June.

The air temperature at night should not drop to less than +16, and the soil temperature should be set at +15 at a depth of at least 12 centimeters.

When preparing the site, attention is paid to the predecessors of cucumbers. It is not advisable to plant after the following crops, as they deplete the soil and can infect plants with specific diseases:

  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

Nightshade crops - tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, physalis, as well as legumes and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage) are safe and leave behind suitable soil.

The soil should be loose, well aerated, enriched with organic fertilizers. Be sure to dig it up in the fall and add a bucket of compost or manure to every square meter of the plot. If necessary, add 1-2 cups of wood ash.

After applying fertilizers, measure the acidity of the soil. If it has risen to more than pH 6-7, add slaked lime, crushed chalk, wood ash or dolomite flour.

The site should be located on a hill, in the sun, and protected from the wind.

In the prepared soil, make holes according to a pattern of 30 by 50 cm and sow 1-2 seeds to a depth of 1.5-3 cm. Moisten and, if necessary, cover with film. When the sprouts hatch, you can remove it or make slits for the plants to protect the roots from the cold.


The same as for other cucumbers: weed the weeds as they appear, loosen the soil from time to time, water after the sun has set and only with warm water. Otherwise, diseases may occur. Feeding is also important. They need to be carried out a couple of times during the growing season. Or three.

You can find advice on the Internet not to loosen, but to add soil. Well, this advice is also worth paying attention to and taking into account.

When caring for cucumbers, what do you prefer?

LoosenAdd soil

Disease resistance

Diseases can significantly spoil the harvest, so you need to know the weak points of the variety chosen for planting.

Mix cucumbers are resistant to diseases such as olive spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew, and common mosaic. This is the decisive factor when purchasing seeds.

But there are diseases to which this variety of cucumbers is susceptible - a fungus. Because of it, gardeners lose up to 50% of their harvest. Examples are fungal diseases such as:

  • white rot;
  • root and basal rot;
  • gray rot;
  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • peronosporosis.

In most cases, diseases occur due to increased soil moisture. To avoid problems, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature in the greenhouse (20-25°C), air and soil humidity.


If the text is not enough for you, and you want to see the “Natasha f1” variety with your own eyes (which is absolutely normal), then these photos will help you:

Positive qualities of Natasha

Gardeners who planted this hybrid on their plots left positive reviews about the variety, among them the following positive qualities of the cucumber stand out:

  1. High yield.
  2. Excellent fruit taste.
  3. Resistance to many diseases.
  4. Excellent transport qualities.
  5. Good appearance of the fruit.
  6. Early ripeness.

As you can see, the cucumber is ideal for growing on a personal plot for home use and for sale. Therefore, a large number of gardeners and entrepreneurs use the hybrid.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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