The perfect variety from sunny Turkey - Capricorn F1 cucumber: description and characteristics of the hybrid

Capricorn is an early ripening cucumber hybrid obtained by breeders of the Turkish seed company Yuksel Seeds. Designed for cultivation in open and protected ground.

The variety is parthenocarpic (does not require pollination by bees), female type of flowering. Suitable for growing in spring-summer and summer-autumn rotation.

The plants are powerful, with moderate growth vigor and short internodes. The side shoots are short. The leaves are medium to smaller than medium sized. From 2 to 3 fruits develop in one sinus. Plants are very thermophilic, so the soil temperature should not fall below 15 °C. When feeding, preference should be given to potassium fertilizers (ratio N: P:K = 2:1:3).

This cucumber is formed into one stem. The first three leaf axils are blinded (all stepsons and ovaries are removed). In the next 7 - 8 axils (at a distance of up to 1 meter from the ground), the ovaries are left, removing only the stepsons (side shoots of the first order). Further, up the main stem, the stepchildren are also left, pinching them after the 2nd - 3rd leaf (all ovaries are left on them, and shoots of the second order are removed). Once the main vine reaches the horizontal trellis wire, the stem is carefully wrapped around it a couple of times and lowered down. When it grows to 1 - 1.5 meters, pinch off the top.

Zelentsy are cylindrical in shape, with a short neck, weighing 100 - 120 grams, length - 12 - 14 cm, diameter - 3 - 3.5 cm. The skin is dark green in color, with short white stripes. Pubescence is frequent. The tubercles are medium in size. The spines are white. The pulp is dense and aromatic. Capricorn produces its main harvest in the first month of fruiting.

The variety is universal - used both fresh and for canning. The taste of the fruit is high.

This hybrid is characterized by high resistance to root rot, cucumber mosaic virus and only moderate resistance to powdery and downy mildew. Also resistant to elevated temperatures. Since the plants are powerful, plantings should not be thickened - this can lead to diseases.

Advantages of the Capricorn cucumber: early ripening, keeping quality, transportability, high taste.

The variety "Capricorn F1" is considered one of the best for cultivation in summer cottages and is especially recommended for beginning gardeners. High yield, excellent taste, ease of care - these are the main advantages of these cucumbers. But, perhaps, the main advantage of the variety is its ability to perfectly tolerate moisture deficiency. Let's look at the description and reviews of this type.

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumbers of the Capricorn F1 variety belong to the gherkin type, which is most in demand among summer residents today. Like all representatives of this family, the fruits grow neat and small in size: it is rare that the length of cucumbers exceeds 9 cm. But the greens must be collected quickly and on time, otherwise they will outgrow and lose their beautiful shape.

The variety is a hybrid and was bred in Turkey by agro collectors. It belongs to the parthenocarpic type, that is, it does not need bees to pollinate flowers.

“Capricorn” is an early variety that can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground, although growing in greenhouse conditions is preferable.

In closed ground conditions, this variety grows well and bears fruit both in spring-summer and winter-spring rotation.

The plant is characterized by sparse foliage, with short side shoots. The fruits grow in clusters, so the harvest will need to be harvested almost every day. One bush produces approximately 3 kg of fruits, distinguished by neat shape and size (see photo).

Cucumbers have excellent taste characteristics, in comparison with many greenhouse varieties, which have a somewhat muted and faintly pronounced cucumber taste. “Capricorn F1” can be consumed raw, pickled, or pickled. The variety is not afraid of transportation and is perfectly stored at home at room temperature.

Features of cultivation

Gardeners who have been planting ordinary cucumbers in their gardens and greenhouses for a single year will not experience any difficulties in growing parthenocarpics. The agrotechnical requirements for planting a new type of cucumber are almost identical, with the exception of small nuances. They mainly concern the formation of bushes at the beginning of the growing season.

Formation rules

The work of forming bushes must be completed in a timely manner; the shoots must not be allowed to grow and turn into a tangled tangle. In this form it is difficult to care for them, remove weeds, and harvest.

  1. Parthenocarpic cucumbers begin to form when the main stem grows more than 2 meters long. At this time, the upper growth point is completely removed.
  2. In the lower part of the plant (first tier), 5-6 side shoots, which by this time have reached a length of 30 cm, are pinched, and the rest are disposed of. Leaves and flowers are torn off or cut off, leaving no “stumps”.
  3. On the second tier, the growth of side lashes (4-5 pieces) at a length of 40 cm is stopped.
  4. On the next “floor”, shoots about 50 cm long are pinched.

The lashes are carefully tied to the trellis at a distance of 10-15 cm from the main stem and from each other

Bush care

Caring for parthenocarpic cucumbers is not difficult; these plants do not cause any special problems. The main thing is to form the bushes correctly, tie the lashes to supports, arches or trellises in order to be able to:

  • Water them daily with warm water at room temperature or warmed in the sun. About 2 liters of water is enough for 1 bush;
  • feed the plants at least once every 2 weeks;
  • loosen the soil, remove weeds;
  • carry out protective treatments against diseases and pests.

Attention! You need to use fruits of a certain variety for winter preparations. Information about their suitability is available on the seed packaging

Cucumbers that are not suitable for processing after heat treatment lose their taste, become soft and quickly deteriorate.

Prevention from diseases and pests

If the parthenocarpics do not grow normally or the plant develops alarming symptoms, this means that they are diseased or are being infested by harmful insects. For treatment and prevention, chemical preparations or folk remedies are used, as for ordinary cucumbers: Cucumber Rescuer (insecto-fungo-stimulator), Fitosporin-M, Trichofit, Glyokladin.

The drugs are diluted in the required concentration, without exceeding the dosage specified in the Instructions, which is available on each package.

Fruiting and yield of parthenocarpic varieties

The beginning of fruit ripening depends on the variety, timing of sowing seeds and the conditions in which cucumbers are grown. The timing is determined by the duration of the growing season of varieties:

  • universal types (super early, middle, late) - from 39 days to 50 days;
  • for greenhouses and closed beds (on a warm balcony or in a house) - the duration is the same, and the sowing time is all year round.

The weight of the harvest also depends on the indicated indicators. Proper care of plantings will ensure stability and increase productivity, which varies from 10 to 27 kg per 1 m2.

Why don’t cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, even though there are a lot of ovaries? Cucumbers are grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse. A common phenomenon when growing in a greenhouse...

Harvest and storage

Fresh cucumbers are harvested:

  • in open beds - from the end of July to August-September;
  • in greenhouses and conservatories - before the onset of frost;
  • on balconies and in houses - all year round (depending on the time of sowing the seeds).

Fresh parthenocarpic cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. For the winter, they are canned, pickled, salted, and winter salads are prepared. Canned food can be stored for up to 1 year in cellars, basements, and pantries.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers are small, but not inferior in quality and taste to a vegetable familiar to every gardener. They are better than ordinary cucumbers in terms of yield, appearance, ease of care, and disease resistance. Gardeners are happy to grow such vegetables in their gardens, on balconies and in apartments. Their number increases every year.

Rules for planting and care

The technology for growing these cucumbers is simple. When planting “Capricorn F1” on the site, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Like all cucumbers, this variety does not like cold weather. Low temperatures can negatively affect fruits and destroy plants. Ideal temperature is +15 degrees.
  2. Plants love soil with an acidity of 6-7 pH. It has been proven that this type of soil retains moisture well.
  3. You can water Capricorn F1 cucumbers once or twice a week.
  4. Despite the fact that cucumbers are very light-loving plants, it is not recommended to leave seedlings in the open sun in the heat. In the heat, the bushes can simply burn.
  5. Immediately after planting cucumber seedlings, the soil needs to be fed with organic fertilizers. Use compost or manure for these purposes.

  6. Do not thicken the plantings - the bushes grow powerful, and an excess of “neighbors” can provoke various diseases.

You need to be extremely careful with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Excess nitrogen can provoke active growth of the cucumber bush itself and significantly reduce its yield.

General description of cucumbers of the Capricorn F1 variety

Brief description of the variety:

  • The type of variety is early ripening.
  • Country of origin – Türkiye, Agro.
  • The diameter and weight of the fruit is 3 cm, 100-150 g.
  • Fruit length – 10 cm.
  • The structure of the pulp is hard.

The Capricorn F1 variety is distinguished by high resistance to many diseases, including the cucumber mosaic virus and root rot. However, plants are not so resistant to true and downy mildew. With proper care, the first harvest can be expected within 40 days after germination.

Popular varieties

Work on developing new hybrid and varietal cucumbers does not stop. Every year, the register of breeding achievements is replenished with new developments from leading agricultural firms and experimental stations at research institutes. However, among the many varieties, there are those that have earned recognition from vegetable growers of various agroclimatic zones.


Bee-pollinated varietal cucumber. Ripening time is 50-60 days after emergence. The scourges are short and up to 1 m long. After the fruits reach technical ripeness, the shoots are harvested with greens weighing 120 g and a length of about 11 cm. With timely watering and fertilizing, up to 12 kg are collected from an area of ​​1 m². “Droplet” cucumber plants can tolerate short-term frosts.


The result of the work of domestic agricultural specialists was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2002. The bee-pollinated variety of cucumbers “Solnechny” is valued for its high yield of marketable products - up to 98%, excellent taste and transport qualities, and a long period of fruit yield weighing 95-130 g. The length of the greens is 12 cm, the diameter is up to 3.4.

"Abundant F1"

Short-fruited hybrid of the first generation. The type of flowering is predominantly female. Successful pollination requires the participation of insects, as well as placement of a variety with male inflorescences nearby. The “Izobilny F1” cucumber has gherkin-type greens. The weight of the marketable fruit does not exceed 90 g. The peel of medium density is covered with tubercles with black spikes and short stripes of light colors.

"Stella F1"

Parthenocarpic hybrid with large fruits. At technical ripeness, which occurs on the 50-60th day after emergence, smooth green shoots without pimples are removed from the vines over a period of 2.5 months. The length of the commercial fruit reaches 25-28 cm, and the weight is 250-300 g. The taste is sweet without bitter notes. The purpose of Stella F1 cucumbers is universal. However, due to their large fruit, green vegetables are not suitable for classical pickling in their entirety.


A varietal representative of a vegetable crop, which was added to the State Register back in 1994. The plant has powerful vines covered with medium-sized bright green foliage. On the 50th day after emergence from the shoots, ellipsoidal fruits weighing up to 100 g are ready for harvest. The dark green peel is covered with vague stripes. The marketable yield of gherkins is 1-2 kg/m².

For information! According to the description of the variety, the “Stork” cucumber is tolerant to powdery mildew and downy mildew - the absence of the need for treatments with expensive fungicides significantly reduces the cost of plant products for commercial production.

"Antoshka F1"

The hybrid is represented by indeterminate plants. Branched, medium-leafed bushes demonstrate the best productivity when cultivated vertically, since the type of fruit formation is bunched. In each leaf axil, 1-3 flowers are formed, mostly female. Pollination by bees is not necessary. The “Antoshka F1” cucumber has a productivity of 13/14 kg/m², subject to cultivation rules. According to reviews from vegetable growers, the hybrid is valued for its short fruiting and characteristic tuberculation.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground: characteristics and description

"Annika F1"

Parthenocarpic hybrid plant with unlimited growth. To form a harvest, the bushes are pinched and the lower leaf axils are “blinded.” The slightly ribbed fruit of the Annika F1 cucumber is short, with a dark green peel covered with tubercles and short stripes. The pubescence is weak, white. The weight of a commercial gherkin is 75 g. From an area of ​​1 m², using the trellis cultivation method, about 6 kg are collected.

"Rais F1"

Late-ripening cucumber is the result of the work of seed production. The hybrid is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and high yield. From an area of ​​1 m², on which 3 plants are planted, you get up to 25 kg. The bushes are medium-branched, indeterminate - to limit growth, cucumbers are pinched. More than 3 inflorescences are formed at each node. The weight of short cylindrical greens is 120-140 g.

When properly cultivated, late varieties of cucumbers in open ground demonstrate high yields. Almost before frost, delicious cucumbers of universal use are collected from the vines.

Description of the variety

"Capricorn" refers to hybrids with early ripening. The first green plants are picked 32-35 days after the appearance of full shoots.


  • They have a leveled, cylindrical shape and a short neck;
  • Dark green in color, no white stripes;
  • With a thin, medium-tubercular skin, with frequent pubescence and white spines;
  • With dense, aromatic pulp;
  • Gherkin type;
  • Length - from 12 to 14 cm;
  • Diameter - 3-3.5 cm;
  • The average weight varies from 100 to 120 grams.


  • Powerful, moderately tall, sparsely leafy;
  • With shortened internodes and short side shoots;
  • Leaves are medium and small in size;
  • In each leaf node, 2 to 3 ovaries are formed;
  • Bouquet type of flowering;
  • With female flowers.


The main advantage of the Competitor is rapid maturation. When planting in spring, the harvest can be harvested after a maximum of 50 days, and with later sowing (when stable warmth has already established), fruit ripeness occurs on days 32–35. Since the variety does not tolerate cold weather well, planting material is planted in the garden bed no earlier than the end of May.

The development of a cucumber begins with the root system, so at the first stage of the growing season its size is 2–3 times greater than the volume of the above-ground part. Then the shoots grow rapidly and by the period of active fruiting the dimensions of the bush and rhizome are equalized. Simultaneously with growth, tendrils are formed on the lashes, with which they cling to any support.

During the flowering period, approximately the same number of female and male flowers are formed on the bush. With normal pollination (by wind and insects), ovaries form in their place after a maximum of 2 weeks. When grown in a greenhouse, flowers have to be pollinated artificially, which is a very labor-intensive process. Therefore, this variety is grown mainly in open ground.

According to the degree of growth, the Competitor is an indeterminate cucumber - its main shoot can reach up to 2 m in length. Powerful lashes are moderately branched, but the bush requires formation by pinching and reducing the number of ovaries (primarily at the base of the shoots to the level of the sixth leaf).

Advantages and disadvantages

Hybrid "Capricorn" can be characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • Ability to self-pollinate;
  • Early ripening;
  • Good keeping quality and transportability;
  • Excellent taste characteristics;
  • Resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • Immunity to typical cucumber diseases;
  • Excellent tolerance to lack of moisture;
  • Lack of predisposition to overgrowth;
  • Good germination of seed material (from 85 to 95%).

Agricultural technology or proper cultivation

Growing through seedlings:

  • You can sow seeds for seedlings in April;
  • Seed material is buried 1.5-2 cm in separate cups;
  • Required temperature for germination is +25 degrees;
  • As soon as the frosts pass, cucumber seedlings are planted in the ground.

Sowing seed directly into the ground:

  • Sowing seeds in open beds is carried out in soil heated to +14...+15 degrees. Approximate dates: second half of May - first ten days of June;
  • Sow seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm;
  • Recommended planting pattern - 70-90x30 cm;
  • When the shoots reach a height of 3-5 cm, the plantings are thinned out, leaving 3-4 of the strongest seedlings in each hole.

The seed material is pre-treated by the manufacturer and therefore does not require disinfection, soaking or germination.

Cucumber culture must be grown in soil with a pH of 6-7, this is the kind of soil that retains moisture well. Cucumbers are a light-loving crop, but you should avoid areas with constantly scorching sun.

Further care for the Capricorn hybrid:

  • The frequency of watering is once or twice a week. The best option would be to install a drip irrigation system. It is advisable to apply overhead spraying in the first half of the day, this will allow the foliage to dry out in the evening. The soil is constantly kept moist;
  • Immediately after planting cucumber seedlings, organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Compost or manure is used as organic matter. You need to be especially careful with nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • The formation of a hybrid is carried out in one stem. The first three leaf axils are blinded, removing all the stepsons and ovaries. In the next 7-8 axils (at a distance of up to 100 cm from the surface of the earth), the ovaries are left, only the stepsons (side shoots of the first order) are removed. Further, up the central stem, stepchildren are also left, pinching them after 2-3 leaves (all ovaries are left on them, and shoots of the second order are removed). As soon as the main vine reaches the horizontal trellis wire, the stem is carefully wrapped around it several times and lowered down. Upon reaching 100-150 cm, the top is pinched;
  • Warm weather conditions contribute to the rapid growth of cucumber crops. The green harvest is carried out every day. The optimal time for harvesting is early morning hours.

The perfect variety from sunny Turkey - Capricorn F1 cucumber: description and characteristics of the hybrid

Cucumber Capricorn F1 is a Turkish hybrid with excellent aroma and taste. It ripens quickly, and the fruits are suitable for both preparations and fresh salads.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

The hybrid has tall, powerful bushes with short internodes. The fruits grow in small bunches - 2-3 pieces in each node. The flowers do not require pollination and set fruit themselves. Ripening occurs one and a half months after germination.

The fruits are medium-sized, 10-14 cm in length and 3-3.5 cm in diameter. Their weight is from 100 to 120 g. There are many small tubercles and white spines on the skin. The pulp is dense, juicy, crispy, with a pleasant taste and aroma. Universal use.

  • excellent taste;
  • early maturation;
  • excellent presentation;
  • resistance to heat;
  • immunity to mosaic virus and root rot, average resistance to common and downy mildew.


From each bush you can get about 3 kg of greens.

Cucumbers are planted as seedlings in April, directly into the ground in May-June. Seedlings require small individual containers and a nutrient substrate. After germination, it is kept on a well-lit windowsill at a temperature of +18-21.

They are transferred to a permanent place after 25-30 days.

Water the bushes 1-2 times a week, but more often in hot weather. The water should be warm. On hot days, the bushes are artificially shaded.

Feed with mineral and organic fertilizers 2-3 times per season. Use weak solutions of manure, chicken droppings, superphosphate, and potassium nitrate.

Bushes are formed by removing all ovaries and lateral shoots from the axils of the three lower leaves. The remaining stepsons are pinched, allowing them to produce 2-3 leaves. At a height of 1-1.5 m, the main stem is also pinched and guided along a vertical support.


Gherkin cucumbers are the most popular among gardeners today. This plant crop differs from ordinary vegetables in appearance, taste, characteristics of cultivation, and care. There are a lot of varieties. The article will tell you how to choose suitable gherkin cucumbers, varieties of which are not difficult to care for and will produce a rich harvest of tasty fruits.

Many people believe that gherkins are a separate family of cucumber crops. But this is a misconception. The peculiarity of these fruits is their small size. Usually their size does not exceed 9 centimeters. To obtain gherkins, ordinary bush cucumbers are used, but they are harvested much earlier than ripeness - immediately after the start of flowering.

However, not all bush cucumbers for open ground are used for growing gherkins. Only narrow-fruited varieties are suitable.

General characteristics of gherkins are given below:

  • The culture does not tolerate cold well. Already at +5 degrees, destructive damage appears.
  • The acidity of the soil for such a plant should be in the range of 6.5-7 pH. This will ensure good moisture retention.
  • Care must be special. After planting, organic matter is added to the ground. For example, compost or manure. You need to be extremely careful with nitrogen fertilizing. An excess of this substance provokes the growth of green vegetation and a decrease in yield. The bush should be watered at least 2 times every 14 days. These cucumbers love moisture. They also love the sun. However, in extreme heat it is necessary to shade the plant.

Despite the fact that gherkins are small in size, they have much more beneficial properties than larger fruits.
This is explained by the fact that part of the water in them is not 97%, but only 90%. The vegetable helps normalize the digestive tract, has a diuretic effect, and removes stones from the kidneys and gall bladder. The product is rich in macroelements such as sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Regular consumption of gherkins has a strengthening effect on the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Cucumber also contains vitamin C, which is so important for the formation of strong immunity. We advise you to look at the article about various diseases of cucumber seedlings.

Gherkins are available in different varieties. For example, Hummingbird, City Cucumber f1, Bouquet f1, Maryina Roshcha f1, Metelitsa f1, Salinas f1, Uranus, Pasamonte f1, Grandma's granddaughter and many others. It is impossible to consider all of them within one article.

Each gardener chooses the most suitable type for himself, but there are varieties that are most popular.

By choosing several options from them and planting them in the garden, you can easily decide which variety you like best.

Below are the most popular gherkins:

  1. Bush.
  2. Parisian gherkin.
  3. F1 is the envy of everyone.
  4. F1 perfection.
  5. Lilliputian F1.
  6. RMT F1.
  7. Caesar F1.
  8. Grandson of F1.
  9. Capricorn F1.

Let's consider the description of the Kustovaya cucumber as one of the varieties popular among summer residents.
This is a bee-pollinated variety. Designed for cultivation on open ground. The bush grows no higher than 70 centimeters. Gives small fruits. Their length varies from 9 to 12 centimeters. Weight reaches 90-110 grams. The shape is elongated ovoid. The surface is lumpy. The taste is excellent, there is no bitterness. The variety belongs to the early ripening varieties. The first harvest is harvested 46 days after germination. The Bush cucumber has a number of advantages: the harvested crop does not turn yellow and tolerates transportation well. The vegetable is universal. It is consumed fresh. They make salads from it. Used for pickling and salting.

The Parisian gherkin cucumber is a bush variety with early fruit ripening. From germination to harvest, only about 40 days pass. Bee-pollinated variety. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and open areas. The culture is medium-sized. Needs pinching.

Considering the description of the Parisian gherkin cucumber, one cannot help but note the high yield. Summer residents get up to 4 kilograms of vegetables per square meter. The taste of the fruit is excellent. The pulp is dense, crispy and juicy, without bitterness. The cucumber grows from 5 to 7 centimeters long. Its mass is 50-85 grams. The shape is spindle-shaped.

It should be noted that growing the Parisian gherkin cucumber is not accompanied by any serious problems. The variety is resistant to drought and has immunity to mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, and powdery mildew.

Almost all reviews about the Parisian gherkin cucumber are positive. Farmers note the excellent taste of the fruits, their presentable appearance, the ability of the crop to be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well. The Parisian gherkin is the number one choice not only among experienced, but also among beginning gardeners.

Numerous positive reviews about the Envy of Everyone F1 unique cucumber indicate the high popularity of this variety. This is a gherkin hybrid. It is grown in spring greenhouses and on unprotected soil.

The main advantages are early ripening and high yield. Also, considering reviews of cucumbers Everyone is the envy of F1, it is worth saying that the culture is resistant to a number of diseases. Feels great in unfavorable environmental conditions. In any weather and climatic conditions, the plant bears fruit stably and abundantly. Moreover, active fruiting continues until the first frost.

A ripe cucumber, the envy of everyone, F1 has a length of 9-12 centimeters. Its color is bright green. The flesh is dense and crispy. The taste is excellent. The vegetable is well suited for pickling.

Some successfully grow to the envy of everyone indoors. And all thanks to the fact that the shrub does not need strong lighting and actively bears fruit even with a lack of sunlight. The variety is quite reliable, resistant to diseases and bad weather. And the reviews about cucumbers are proof of this to everyone’s envy.

Hybrid cucumbers Sheer perfection is distinguished by early ripening. They are grown in glass and film greenhouses, as well as on unprotected land. The variety does not require pollination.

The shrub produces medium-tubercular, cylindrical fruits. Each cucumber grows up to 8-9 centimeters in length. The color of the fruit is light green, there are longitudinal white stripes. The pulp is dense, aromatic and crispy. There is no bitterness. Cucumbers Sheer perfection have a universal purpose. They are consumed fresh and used for canning.

Mostly reviews of cucumbers Sheer perfection F1 are positive. Many summer residents note high yields. With good care, at least 28-30 kilograms of fruit are usually collected per square meter. The hybrid is easy to grow. He is not afraid of elevated temperatures and tolerates stressful conditions well. However, it requires abundant irrigation. Farmers say the only drawback is the high cost of seeds. And since perfection itself belongs to hybrid forms, it is not possible to use seeds from ripe fruits to grow a new crop. You have to purchase seed material from a specialized store.

Liliput F1 cucumbers are loved for the excellent taste of the fruit, their versatility, and the ease of growing the plant. The shrub is early ripening. The harvest is harvested 2 months from the date of planting. The culture is low. The vegetable has a cylindrical shape. Its length reaches 9 centimeters. And the average weight is 90 grams. The productivity is quite high. With proper care and favorable weather, about 11 kilograms of vegetables are harvested per square meter.

The main advantages of the Liliput hybrid include the following: the ability to self-pollinate, early ripening of fruits, the presentation of cucumbers, their ability to be stored for a long time, the bush’s resistance to a number of diseases, and ease of cultivation.

The variety does not require pollination. It is early ripening. The fruits ripen 40 days after germination. The bush is medium-sized. Each one produces 20 to 30 cucumbers. The vegetable has a cylindrical shape, its surface is a rich green color with whitish short stripes, and is covered entirely with tubercles. The mass of greens varies from 80 to 100 grams, and the length reaches 11 centimeters.

The pulp is crispy and has no bitter aftertaste. The hybrid is universal. The fruits are consumed fresh, as well as processed. An excellent vegetable for canning. Among the advantages of RMT F1, it is worth noting high yield, resistance to drought and heat. Fruiting lasts until autumn frosts. Cucumbers ripen together. The harvested crop is stored for a week without losing its presentable appearance or taste.

The hybrid form Caesar is loved by many beginners and experienced farmers. To understand why, it is worth considering the description of the Caesar F1 cucumber in more detail. This variety is grown both under cover and in unprotected garden plots. The plant is pollinated by bees. The shrub is vigorous and well developed. Is immune to tobacco mosaic virus, brown spot and powdery mildew.

Fruit ripening period is average. Typically, 50 to 55 days pass from germination to harvest. Cucumbers grow up to 8-12 centimeters long. The weight of each specimen reaches 200 grams. The vegetable has a rich green color. There are light streaks and small tubercles on the surface. The flesh is dense and crispy. Caesar is an ideal option for pickling. It is also consumed fresh. Also among the advantages, summer residents note the friendly ripening, presentation of cucumbers, and reasonable price for seeds. The only disadvantage is the short fruiting period.

Summer residents highly value the Vnuchok variety. Numerous reviews about the Grandson F1 cucumber indicate the presence of the following advantages: increased yield, resistance to common ailments, early ripening, long-term fruiting, excellent taste, keeping quality and presentability of the fruit.

The bush is indeterminate, branching is weak. Cucumbers ripen on the 45th day from the moment the seedlings are planted. Farmers harvest from 12 to 13 kilograms of crop per square meter. Each specimen weighs about 85-100 grams. The shape of the vegetable is cylindrical. The pulp is devoid of bitterness.

Good reviews of the Capricorn F1 cucumber also indicate that such a hybrid is considered a good choice for beginning gardeners. Productivity is high. One bush produces up to 3 kilograms of fruit. The taste of the vegetable is excellent. The value of Capricorn is that it is highly resistant to major diseases and tolerates moisture deficiency well.

There are different varieties that allow you to grow small, but tasty and healthy gherkin cucumbers. The varieties differ in color, fruit shape, weight and ripening time. What exactly to choose depends on the preferences of the summer resident. Check out the article: How to grow Herman F1 cucumber and what are its advantages?


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Planting depth3-4 cm
The soilMoist, loose soil
LandingSoil from 14 degrees
Ripening periodEarly ripening
Package10 pieces
Productivity7-10 kg/m
PeculiaritiesSuitable for spring and autumn growing
Mass/Weight120-140 gr
Length12-14 cm

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Reviews about the variety from those who planted

Review from a gardener:

Of all the many positive characteristics of the Capricorn hybrid, gardeners highlight excellent immunity and resistance to moisture deficiency. The variety was especially appreciated by novice vegetable growers due to its ease of care.

The distinctive features of the Capricorn hybrid include good productivity, high regeneration, and versatility of cultivation (both indoors and outdoors). Even if the agrotechnical rules for growing the Capricorn hybrid were violated, the yield remains consistently high.

Review of the variety:

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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