Cucumber “Diva f1”: description and advantages of the hybrid

Productivity and marketability are perfectly combined in the Primadonna f1 cucumber. Growing a high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid is nothing simpler. Cucumber rarely gets sick and can withstand bad weather.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalShort (gherkins) - less than 10 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Description of the variety

Plant of the Primadonna variety is female type, vigorous and highly climbing, yield up to 28 kg/m2. It is grown in open ground in different areas:

  • Tomsk;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Omsk;
  • Tyumen;
  • Kemerovo.

The variety has a number of features:

  • the shape of the fruit is elongated, slightly rounded, with a narrowed tip;
  • the size of the cucumber does not exceed 12 cm;
  • the seeds inside are small;
  • average cucumber weight – 100 g;
  • the skin of the fruit is dark green, lighter at the edges;
  • lack of bitterness.

The advantages include:

  • early ripening (about 40 days from the moment of the first fruit);
  • fetal growth even in the absence of unstable temperatures;
  • vigorous stem growth;
  • does not require insects for pollination;
  • require minimal care.

In terms of characteristics, the Primadonna variety differs significantly from its competitors. It grows tall, about 175-180 cm. The trunk is thin and flexible, but has many branches that spread widely, 90 cm in length.

Note! The crown of the plant is dense and has a dark green color, like the leaves located on the trunk. The ovaries are on average 4 units, but sometimes grow to 7-8.

The fruits form massive clusters. Ribbed, dense green skin - this is what a Primadonna cucumber should look like. A characteristic and distinctive feature of the variety is the absence of bitterness in the entire fruit. The taste is rich, the grains are small, the flesh is soft.

The best varieties of parthenocarpic hybrid cucumbers

Notes notations and tips:

  1. There are a total of 37 varieties in the table, initially 10 rows are shown
  2. Soil/greenhouse - open ground, greenhouse or greenhouse
  3. Fruit weight can vary greatly depending on conditions and care. In order to be able to sort the data, average values ​​were taken.
  4. Productivity in kg per 1 sq. meters (kg/m2).
  5. To the right above the table is a search filter in the table
  6. There is a scroll bar below the table if all the columns do not fit on the screen
Name of variety/hybridopen closed groundripening periodapplicationYield (kg/m2)
Advance F1greenhouseearlyany12
April F1primingearlyany24
Balcony F1greenhouseearlyany10
Borisych F1greenhouseearlysalad16
Funny guys F1greenhouseaverageany14
Geisha F1station wagonlateany6
Hotel F1greenhousesearlyany12
Friendly family F1station wagonearlyany10
Zozulya F1greenhousesaveragesalad10
Zyatek F1greenhouseearlyany13
Kashmir F1greenhouseaveragesalad27
Quartet F1station wagonearlyany1
Fastener F1greenhouseaverageany7
Courage F1greenhouseaverageany17
F1 leaderstation wagonearlyany10
Lilliputian F1greenhouseearlyany10
Boy with Thumb F1greenhouseearlyany11
Mommy's favorite F1greenhousesearlyany13
Manila F1greenhouseaveragesalad8
Marawa F1greenhousesaveragesalad15
Masha F1station wagonearlyany10
Pavlik F1station wagonaverageany12
Robin Hood F1station wagonearlypickling6
Russian style F1station wagonaverageany10
North Pole F1greenhouseaverageany16
Siberian F1greenhouseaveragesalad13
Toropyzhka F1greenhousesaverageany15
Phillipok F1station wagonearlyany10
Shaolin F1greenhouseearlysalad17
Espagnolette F1station wagonearlyany14
Dapper F1greenhouseearlyany14
Nutcracker F1greenhouseearlyany16
F1 crewgreenhouseearlyany11
Eliza F1greenhouselateany5
Erica F1greenhouseaverageany5
Julian F1primingearlypickling5
Yurik F1greenhousesearlysalad16

Advantages of the variety

The fruits are used in culinary recipes. They can be eaten either in their natural form or pickled, frozen, salted and rolled into jars for the winter. Since sowing usually gives a voluminous harvest, some of the cucumbers can be selected for sale, pickling, and the rest can be consumed fresh.

Primadonna cucumbers tolerate transportation and storage well. In order to preserve the freshness and taste of cucumbers when there are large quantities of them, it is necessary to store them in a dark and cool place. When transporting, place the cucumbers in a heap to prevent the fruit from hitting a hard surface.

Why is Diva so popular:

  1. Cucumbers have an advantageous presentation. They look great on the table, in a jar or on the counter, and can be sold fresh on their own or in salads.
  2. Fast ripening of fruits. The first fruits can be harvested already in April, after frost. At the same time, they will be in excellent demand and at an increased price.
  3. The variety has excellent resistance to various infections that often affect plants. For example, infectious diseases;
  4. Cucumbers retain their freshness for a long time if properly stored.

Despite all the unpretentiousness, it is better to plant seedlings according to all the rules in order to get a large and tasty harvest.


Cucumber Herman F1

This hybrid Herman cucumber is counterfeited more often than others, which is the best proof of its popularity. Even reputable companies commit fraud. Genuine cucumber seeds must be expensive and green in color (although the color is also faked). If you planted Herman and were disappointed, it was not the real Herman. Authentic never disappoints.

Cucumber Herman F1 was created by the Dutch company Royal Slice, part of the Seminis concern, which recently merged with the global corporation Monsanto. The cucumber packages may bear the name of one of these brands. The year of registration in the Russian seed register is 2001.

Parthenocarpic variety. It is distinguished by the highest plasticity - that is, suitable for any climate and microclimate. It begins to bear fruit earlier than anyone else (sometimes earlier than the stated 38 days) and continues to bear fruit the longest. The resistance of vegetables to powdery mildew, mosaic, and cladosporiosis is officially declared. In reality, it ignores downy mildew and has a certain resistance to root rot.

The growth of the Herman cucumber bush can be described as average. The ovary is bundled (up to 7 pieces). Simultaneous filling of fruits is observed - one at a time in several nodes. After harvesting, the next day, new greens grow in the same nodes.

Cucumbers have an excellent presentation: dark, shiny. White-spined tubercles are usually medium in size. The weight of each cucumber is about 80 grams, maximum length is 10 cm. The preserved pulp is dense and crispy. There is never bitterness.

Cucumber Masha F1

In the state register since 2000. The manufacturer is similar to Herman, to whom Masha is similar in many respects. The differences are manifested in appearance: Masha’s cucumbers are several millimeters thicker and shorter, the tubercles are spaced out less frequently, and the light stripes are more pronounced. The branching of the plant bush is more moderate, the foliage is slightly smaller.

Cucumber Marinda F1

This is an old vegetable hybrid from the same manufacturer. It was declared in the Russian register almost a quarter of a century ago. Still popular, although there are many counterfeits floating around.

Self-pollinating. The harvest begins to be harvested forty days after germination. The plant is stress-resistant, with strong growth, not too leafy. Five or even more embryos can form in one node. The cucumber greens are dense, not thick, the length varies about 10 cm. The tubercles are quite large, slightly prickly, and white-thorned. There is no bitter taste observed. Marinda is very good marinated.

Cucumber Zena F1

Salad-type parthenocarpic with smooth skin. This is a selection of the French branch of the Japanese corporation Sakata, and the seeds are produced in Chile. In the Russian register since 2009. This is a great representative for growing in the south in open ground (the best results are achieved there!). Xena is the result of targeted selection for endurance to critical heat.

Ripening period is early. Cucumber bushes are characterized by long-term growth; the side branches are not too long. Vegetable fruits reach a weight of 115-135 grams and a length of up to 16 cm. The plants do not suffer from powdery mildew, as well as downy mildew, and are resistant to viruses.

Seeds must be treated with a disease control chemical (pesticide) such as thiram.

Another salad hybrid from Sakata, entered into the Russian register in 2009. This type of cucumber is called a slicer - an American salad cucumber. Slice King (“Salad King”) grows in open ground, but is in dire need of pollinating insects. Almost no male flowers are produced. Increases yield when planting several non-hybrid varieties with male flowers. It is pleased with its early period of fruiting (from 37 days) and high resistance to various infections.

The fruit of the vegetable slows down in growth only when it reaches a length of 20 cm. It is covered with sparse small tubercles, on which we will see light pubescence. Weight can reach a quarter of a kilogram. The type of greens, tenderness of taste and aroma are reminiscent of our old popular hybrid of the Timiryazev Academy - Zozulya. It does not turn yellow for a long time and does not become flabby for a long time after harvesting. The taste is very pleasant.

Popular Semko cucumber hybrids - Temp and Paratunka - are safer to purchase in Semko branded packaging. When packaging by other companies, counterfeits are possible and the yield may be less than expected. But good quality o.

Cucumber Paratunka F1

This self-pollinating hybrid was declared in the state register in 2006. An important feature: the plant does not slow down in growth and fruit production even under conditions of temperature changes. Tolerant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, and bacteriosis. Bush of medium height, medium branching. Fruit harvesting begins on the fortieth day.

Cucumber Espagnolette F1

Early (40 days) parthenocarpic with bouquet ovaries (up to 5 pieces) in some nodes. The product is leveled and transportable. Gherkins are 7 cm long, with brown pubescence on large tubercles, with sweet and dense flesh. The bush is of medium height, medium branching, with resistance to major diseases. Registration in the register - since 2010.

Included in the register in 2007. Recommended for the Middle Zone and Siberia. Capable of simultaneously filling dozens of fruits, very productive. Returns begin within an average period (50 days). The plant bears fruit for a long time and is not afraid of infections and weather stress. Forms up to 4 fruits weighing 70 grams in each bosom. They are crispy, with medium-sized, white-spiked bumps. The branching of the bush is weak, the main vine is of moderate growth.

Cucumber Spring F1

A very early (37 days) hybrid for frequent harvesting of gherkins and pickles. The harvest of vegetables is quick, friendly, and plentiful. The growth of the bushes is low. They are not sensitive to powdery mildew - downy and real. Gherkins are 7 cm long, with small, not too thick brown pimples. They are all leveled, high-quality, sugary. Entered into the register in 2006.

Greenhouse hybrid of medium height, moderate branching. On the central stem, up to 4 greens grow at the nodes, on the side branches - a couple of times more. The ripening period for cucumbers is mid-early (45 days). Pickles 4 cm long, gherkins 7 cm long, and greens 10 cm long are collected from the bushes. The tuberculation is medium, the spines are white. Resistance to real and downy mildew is excellent. The yield is surprising: 20 kg per square. On the register since 2003.

Cucumber Prestige F1

On the register since 2007. Zoned in Central Russia and Western Siberia. Suitable for open ground, even in regions where unstable weather is the norm. But it follows that the greenhouse planting option will be much preferable. Vegetables are not afraid of shading, cloudy weather, cold weather and disease.

It is also grown indoors. It begins to bear fruit early (from 42 days) and has a long-term yield. Medium sized bush. Ovary in a bouquet of up to 4 pieces. The gherkin fruits of cucumbers are 8 cm long, weighing 70 g, excellent presentation. They are white-pubescent, large-pimpled, dark green, without internal voids. Productivity is high.

Landing rules

You need to choose a landing site. It should be well lit and protected from strong winds. The soil should be well warmed up, preferably about 20 °C, so planting should begin after frost.

Recommendations for landing activities:

  1. The soil must be thoroughly loosened; it is advisable to use humus or mature compost.
  2. It is better to start planting seedlings a month or two in advance. This is necessary so that the seedlings have at least three leaves of at least 20 cm.
  3. You need to take two seeds for regrowth. When the first leaf grows, it is best to leave the stronger plant; the other can be cut with scissors.
  4. After planting, the plant must be watered; you can add a growth stimulator or an anti-stress drug for plants.
  5. The bed must be covered with light lutrasil for several days to protect the fruits from direct sunlight.
  6. It is advisable to mulch to retain moisture and get rid of weeds.

These are general rules that will help beginners better navigate when planting fruits. But for those who are already familiar with these “laws of gardening,” it will be interesting to learn a few additional tips that will make your garden the most productive and worthy of pride.


Gardeners fell in love with this hybrid for its high fruit yield, ease of care and resistance to weather conditions. Not everyone shows such productivity. Due to its good taste, Primadonna is used for preservation; any housewife will be happy to take this variety for preparing salads.

Elena Rudneva, 45 years old

I tried this variety for the first time this year and I really liked it. I was surprised that cucumbers appeared much earlier than I could have imagined. If you monitor their development and approve, as recommended, then the cucumbers grow evenly, do not turn yellow and do not overgrow. I planted this variety in a greenhouse. I used them for canning and salad. Not tough, tasty. Lots of vitamins that children and adults need.

Savina Marina, 54 years old

I have been planting this variety of cucumbers for several years now. If you take care of the fruits, the cucumbers grow evenly, almost the same size. They do not taste bitter, they are tasty and crispy. I liked it. That there are no voids inside. I counted 8 pieces in one ovary. I tried planting different varieties, but I liked this one the most because it ripens early. The preparations turn out excellent.

Konina Svetlana, 37 years old

Who doesn't like to prepare for the winter? In my opinion, every housewife cans cucumbers. In my case, I manage to preserve not once, but twice. This variety of cucumbers grows quite quickly, so much so that I have time to pickle cucumbers much earlier than I could afford with other varieties. I'm very pleased with the result.

With quality care, you can get a very good harvest of cucumbers from this variety. Diva f1 differs from others in its early ripening; the cucumbers themselves look good, both on the store counter and in a jar. Many people recommend them not only because they ripen early, but also for their sweet taste.

Further care

As soon as the first wave of the lash appears, it must be cut off. If there are yellow leaves, they need to be removed. After a few days, add nitrogen fertilizer for better plant growth. After 7 days, you need to repeat all procedures until the first fruits appear. The prima donna will bear fruit until the first frost.

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Many people are accustomed to using manure as fertilizer. You can use mullein infusion for this purpose. They often confuse the benefits of manure and infusion, or try to convince them of the same effect on the fruit. However, their properties are very different.


Manure is used as a base and will not bring particularly significant results without additional feeding.

Mullein infusion should be used approximately once a week. It needs to be done weakly; plants do not like strong concentrations. At the same time, it is better to water the beds with slightly warm or cool water, but in no case with cold water, in order to prevent hypothermia of the fruit. In hot weather, it is recommended to water not only the fruits themselves, but the ground nearby (in the case of a greenhouse, water the path). This will provide enough moisture for plant growth.


  1. If a cucumber fruit comes out of the ground during growth, you should not cover it with soil on top. It’s better to just cover it in a circle with mowed grass. This way you can avoid the appearance of rot on cucumbers.
  2. It is best not to water the plants before harvesting. This will help avoid softening and the cucumbers will retain their fresh smell and appearance longer.
  3. It is necessary to separate strong seedlings from weak ones and, without sparing, get rid of the latter. In this case, the plants will grow dynamically, delighting with large fruits. They will not interfere with each other, so the likelihood of a good harvest will be higher.

When planting, it is necessary to immediately form the plant. Cucumbers should not have active foliage, so as not to overwhelm the plants and interfere with the development of the fruit. Remove newly emerging buds to help the plant grow faster.

For rapid growth, in addition to the vitamin complex and infusions, you can use various fertilizers and sprays. Also spray the leaves with sun and insect repellent spray. Since the variety was bred by breeders, it is already protected from many fungal and infectious diseases. But prevention doesn't hurt.

When planting, the holes must be placed at a sufficient distance from each other to ensure comfortable growth of the fetus. This allows the plant to receive more sunlight and nutrients from the soil. You can immediately add mineral supplements to the hole, and after sowing, water generously.

Summer residents have noticed an interesting fact - you can harvest starting from 8 cm fruits. Such cucumbers can be pickled like gherkins, they will have the same taste as 12 cm fruits. When pickling, such cucumbers do not have voids.

Productivity and stability of the cucumber hybrid “Primadonna f1”

The variety was bred by breeders of the Sedek company (Moscow agricultural company).
Authorship assigned to I.N. Dubinina, M.I. Kirillov, S.V. Dubinin. The hybrid ripens early - this is its advantage. The leaves are large. The color is pale green. The crown is of medium density. The most popular means of fruit formation is the ovary. There are 3-4 of them, sometimes their number reaches 8-9.

  1. Ripening speed: early, 35-45 days.
  2. Curvature: Rare.
  3. Fruit formation: clusters
  4. Shape: oblong cylindrical.
  5. Average weight: 90-120 g.
  6. Length: 10-12 cm.
  7. Diameter: 2.8-3.5 cm.
  8. Color: dark green, with small tubercles
  9. Ribbing: slight, almost unnoticeable.
  10. Taste: no characteristic bitterness. The taste is pleasant, rich, the flesh is dense and crispy.
  11. Culinary use: slices, salads, for freezing, salted and sealed in jars. Young fruits are covered with 250-330 ml.

Productivity of marketable fruits: 260-416 c/ha. Productivity in greenhouses reaches: 25-28 kg/m2. Develops until frost. In the early stages (gherkins): (5-8 cm) harvest.

  1. Marketable condition.
  2. The taste is good and sweet. Widely used in cooking.
  3. Early maturation. Summer residents enjoy fresh vegetables already in April. Such cucumbers sell well on the market in the spring.
  4. Good immunity to most fungal and infectious diseases.
  5. Excellent lightness. Storage is possible from autumn to late winter.
  6. The process of fruit development is maintained regardless of air temperature, light intensity and watering intensity.

Cucumber Athos

Atos cucumbers are a hybrid variety recently bred by Russian breeders. The seeds have recently appeared on the market; the species is intended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses. The characteristics of the hybrid, its qualities and properties, reviews from summer residents and vegetable growers make it possible to classify it as promising for cultivation not only in the south.

Characteristic properties of the variety

Atos cucumber is an early variety with high seed germination; the first harvest is harvested 35-40 days after germination. The bush grows more than two meters in height, the variety is frost- and heat-resistant, and tolerates a lack of moisture.

A high-yielding hybrid, up to 20 fruits ripen on one bush, up to 12 kilograms of cucumbers are harvested from one square meter.

The fruits are up to 10 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. Weight varies from 70 to 100 g. The size of the fruit allows them to be collected at the pickle stage, up to 5 centimeters, and at the gherkin stage, up to 9 centimeters.

Note! The dense arrangement of small tubercles and thin skin, combined with the dense and durable pulp of the cucumber, make it suitable for pickling and pickling. The hybrid is pollinated without the participation of insects, fruiting occurs in a bouquet of 5 to 7 flowers

The hybrid is pollinated without the participation of insects, fruiting occurs in a bouquet of 5 to 7 flowers.

Growing cucumbers

Atos hybrids of domestic selection grow well both in greenhouses and in open ground. In Russia, cucumbers grow in open ground in the southern regions; for the middle zone, film coverings are needed. It is recommended to plant the seeds under the film by cutting holes and planting 2-3 seeds there to a depth of 2 cm.

Planting is possible with seeds or seedlings.

  • Seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm, the optimal temperature when planting seeds is 25-30 degrees, but they germinate even at 13 degrees. Seed germination depends on soil temperature; if planted in soil heated to 20 degrees, seedlings will appear in 5 days. At a soil temperature of 18 degrees, seedlings will appear in 10 days. The optimal temperatures for growing are 22 degrees during the day and 19-20 degrees at night.
  • Cucumber seedlings are planted in the ground when consistently warm weather sets in at a distance of 1/2 m from each other.

Planting care:

  • Soil cultivation, regular loosening and weeding every 10 days.
  • Watering plants with warm water (20 degrees) in the evening or morning every day, sparingly, to avoid the formation of puddles, can cause rotting of the roots.
  • Regular removal of side shoots above the fourth leaf.
  • Tying to trellises.
  • Periodic feeding, 3 times per season.

Loosening should be done immediately after watering, this improves growth, protects against pests, fungal infections, and gets rid of insects living in the weeds.

Advantages of the variety

For the Atos variety, a varietal technology for growing in open ground for large areas has been developed, which allows farmers to collect up to 100 tons of fruit per hectare.

On a note. The plant has all the necessary qualities for hybrids: early ripening, productivity, disease resistance, marketable appearance and excellent taste in fresh and canned form.

Atos cucumbers have a whole range of qualities, from productivity to the possibility of processing into canned food, which makes them welcome guests in summer cottages and large fields of farms.

The best varieties of parthenocarpic hybrid cucumbers

Cucumber Primadonna f1 is intended for planting in greenhouse conditions and in open soils. It is also actively cultivated on balconies and window sills. The variety does not require pollinators, as it belongs to the line of self-pollinating parthenocarpics.

The hybrid from the originator “Sedek” (Moscow agricultural company) has the following features and characteristics:

  • medium-sized strong bushes;
  • shoot height is within 1.8-2 m;
  • side stems up to 80 cm;
  • in 1 node there are 3-4 fruits and 7-8 (in lateral bundles);
  • dominance of female inflorescences.

Early ripening - the first fruits are harvested 39-42 days after germination.

Gherkin cucumber f1 has the following characteristics and description:

  • length up to 10-11 cm;
  • weight 90-115 g;
  • diameter within 3 cm;
  • flattened, cylindrical shape;
  • ribbing is weak;
  • the flesh is crispy and juicy;
  • tubercles are moderate;
  • pubescence is white.

Fruiting lasts until autumn frosts.

Cucumber variety Trilogy (F1)

Trilogy is a mid-early ripening cucumber hybrid supplied to the Russian market by the Dutch company Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel BV. In 2011, it was added to the state register of the Russian Federation in two regions - Central (Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk and Tula regions) and Northwestern (Vologda, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver and Yaroslavl region). Authors of the variety: M.G. Kudryavtsev and E.I. Golovatskaya.

The variety is parthenocarpic (pollination is not required), gherkin type. Designed for growing in open ground.

The plants are low-growing, medium-branched, exclusively with female flowers, generative type, indeterminate (the growth of the central stem is not limited). In one leaf axil 3 - 4 fruits are laid.

In this hybrid, the main harvest comes from the central stem. Therefore, up to the horizontal trellis, all lateral stepsons are removed, leaving only the ovaries. At a height of 40 - 50 cm from the ground, not only the side shoots are removed, but also the ovaries (blinding is carried out)

When the central stem reaches the trellis, it is carefully wrapped around it and pinched after 50 - 100 cm, leaving 2 - 3 side shoots at the nodes at this interval. The remaining shoots of the 1st and 2nd order are pinched after the 4th leaf

The plant regulates the number of ovaries on these shoots independently.

Cucumbers are cylindrical, finely tuberculate, 8 - 10 cm long; the ratio of length to diameter is 3.1:1. The mass of the greens is 65 - 75 grams. The skin is dark green, spotted, with short light stripes. Pubescence of medium density. The spines are white. The yield of marketable fruits is 330 - 660 c/ha, while for the standard varieties Izyaschny and Scorpion this parameter is only 140 - 550 c/ha. Trilogy produces the main harvest in the first month of fruiting, so at the initial stage of cultivation, increased doses of fertilizers are required.

Universal type variety. Great for preserving gherkins.

This hybrid is highly resistant to brown spot (cladosporiosis), cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew, and moderately resistant to downy mildew. It also has high stress resistance.

Advantages of the Trilogy cucumber: excellent taste, high yield, comprehensive disease resistance.

Siberian Express – plant variety Cucumber

Information about the admission of Cucumber Siberian Express from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 73097, registered 2017-11-09. The Cucumber Siberian Express variety is included in the register of those approved in 2022. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Cucumber Siberian Express variety is:

Other plant varieties Cucumber

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Resistance to diseases and pests

Gardeners note the resistance of this variety to powdery mildew, root rot, mosaic and cladosporiosis. When grown vertically, cucumbers of the Primadonna variety are better resistant to diseases, since this method of cultivation reduces the contact of the plant leaves with moist soil.

The most commonly used remedies for diseases:

  1. For powdery mildew, it is recommended to use fungicides or a prepared solution of colloidal sulfur for subsequent treatment.
  2. Cladosporiosis - the plant must be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture from a spray bottle and watering must be reduced for a while.
  3. If there is a whitefly invasion, you should apply tobacco leaves and carry out regular weeding.
  4. When ants appear and to eliminate them, it is necessary to treat the soil with boiling water or chlorine-containing preparations.

Major diseases arise due to improper care or lack of mineral and organic substances.

Powdery mildew - the formation of white spots on leaves and fruits. Which indicates a disease and occurs due to temperature changes or increased humidity. The diseased plant should be removed, and neighboring bushes should be sprayed with infusion of cow manure (200 g per 10 liters of water).

On a note!

White rot - the formation of spots on the leaves, mixed with mucus. May appear in dense plantings. To combat it, the beds must be weeded and drained, and watering should be reduced for a while.

Root rot - with this disease, the root of the plant rots. It can occur due to watering with cold water and sudden temperature changes, especially at night.

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