An unusual variety with exotic notes - tomato Vostok F1: description and characteristics of the hybrid

Tomato Vostok F1 got its name for its incredibly tasty tomatoes, not inferior to oriental exotics. A reliable hybrid produces excellent yields year after year. It is one of the ten best mid-early tomatoes. Marketability and ease of cultivation are not all the advantages.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageHybridFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Vostok F1 is intended for growing in open areas in the southern regions; in the middle zone and in the north it is recommended to plant under film covers.

It is a determinate hybrid. The bushes grow compact and medium-sized. The height of the shoots does not exceed 70 cm. In greenhouses, the stems can grow up to 1 m. The foliage is below average, the vegetation is moderate.

Tomatoes Vostok F1 gardens of Russia – a new generation of selection. They belong to the early ripening group. Ripening begins 95-100 days from germination. The average fruit weight is in the range of 200-250 g.

Tomatoes have juicy, fleshy flesh, with sugary flesh at the edges. The taste is sweetish, delicious, with a gentle sourness.

Productivity of the variety "Vostok"

Vostok tomato seeds give excellent yield. Of course, when growing this variety, it is important to follow certain rules and conditions. One bush, subject to all standards, can produce about eight kilograms of ripe and juicy fruits.

Ripe tomatoes store well and can be easily transported. The fruits can be canned or juiced. They have a pleasant taste and are recommended for fresh consumption.

Features of cultivation and storage

The seedlings are transplanted into beds at a temperature of 15 degrees. If the temperature is lower, it may cause flowering to stop.

The optimal age of plants is 50-55 days from germination. The bushes should have 7-8 true leaves and 1 flowering raceme.

To increase the yield, be sure to fertilize 1-2 times a month:

  • during the growing season;
  • at the flowering stage;
  • during ovary;
  • with redness and increase in size of tomatoes.

Phosphate extract, a liquid solution of 1:10 chicken manure, and humus are used as fertilizers. Ready-made solutions “Kemira” and “Agricol” are effective.

They form bushes with 2-3 stems and plant them once every 10-12 days. Water 2-3 times a week directly under the root. The water requirement for 1 bush is 5 liters.

Ripe tomatoes can be stored for up to 3-4 weeks. Choose cool and dark rooms without drafts and dampness.

Features of agricultural technology

Growing the Vostok tomato does not require excessive effort, provided that the soil is prepared in advance and basic recommendations are followed.

  1. The soil. To ensure that the plant has enough nutrients, feeding during growth is not enough. It is necessary to take care of future beds and dig up the soil in the fall. Pre-treatment of the garden with diluted bleach will also increase survival rate and productivity.
  2. Fertilizers are welcome, but don't overdo it. A “fed” plant will direct its forces to the leaves instead of the fruits. The optimal amount of fertilizing per season is 3. Ready-made compounds or manure, bird droppings and peat are suitable.
  3. It is recommended to grow the bush with 3 stems. The remaining shoots must be removed so that the yield does not decrease.
  4. It is possible to increase the size of the fruit by thinning the inflorescences. The fewer tomatoes left on the bush, the larger they will be.
  5. Plants require space and ventilation. 3 tomatoes per m² are enough.

Advice. To better ventilate the bushes, the deciduous rows are reduced. Especially the first ones lying on the ground. But it is important not to remove too much, otherwise the plant will stop its development.

The hybrid is suitable for cultivation throughout Russia.

For canning

When choosing tomatoes for canning, several nuances are taken into account:

  • fruit size and shape;
  • skin density;
  • small seed chambers;
  • fleshy walls.

Modern breeders have developed a huge number of varieties and hybrids suitable for canning:

  1. Adam's apple is an indeterminate greenhouse variety with round, perfectly even fruits weighing about 130-180 g. It is characterized by high yield, good immunity to disease, and the simultaneous ripening of a large number of tomatoes.
  2. Barnaul Canning is a determinate, early-ripening variety for open ground, tomatoes weighing 40-60 g, ripe together. An ideal variety for canning.
  3. Tanya F1 is a mid-season hybrid of a determinate type, the fruits are round, weighing 150-170 g. It does not require special care, is resistant to tomato diseases, does not require pinching, and produces a high-quality harvest.
  4. Pickling Delicacy is considered an ideal variety for canning.

Fruit characteristics

A month before the end of tomato ripening, flowering shoots should be removed, this will help the main fruits ripen better. After all the tomatoes have been collected, you need to put them in a dry box so that they ripen. In order for tomatoes to ripen better, it is important to store them in a place where oxygen is constantly supplied.

Description of the tomato fruit “Star of the East”:

  1. The Eastern Star variety of tomatoes has a round shape, they are very dense and weigh up to 300 grams.
  2. The color of the tomatoes is pink.
  3. The plant grows tall, reaching 60-80 cm in height, which is why it is necessary to fix the bushes on any support in the form of a stick to avoid their death.
  4. Tomato fruits are collected in clusters of 5-6 pieces.

tomato Zhorik obzhorik - description and characteristics of the variety

Growing rules

In order to have a rich harvest of tomatoes, you need to take proper care of the plants. The “Star of the East” variety is very light- and moisture-loving, so it should not be planted in a dark place, but where the light falls well, and you should also water the plant abundantly with warm water. But gardeners say it's best to do this when the sun has already set.

This plant requires constant loosening of the soil, as well as the use of fertilizers. The best fertilizers are those that contain potassium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the growth of tomatoes. Also, the bush germinates best in climates where air humidity is at 60%

It is important not to forget to weed the plant, as it does not like weeds.

It is best to start planting seeds in early March, but before that you should treat the seeds with growth stimulants. When they sprout and have 2-3 leaves, the seedlings should be transplanted into different pots. Tomatoes should be transplanted into natural soil in early May. Plant bushes should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, the distance between rows should be at least 70 cm. Tomato fruits can be harvested at the end of July. This variety of tomatoes can be grown not only in garden beds, but also in greenhouse conditions. Surprisingly, despite all these requirements for proper care of the plant, it can germinate on its own and produce high-quality fruits even without favorable conditions.

Advantages of the variety

There are many reviews from gardeners about this hybrid, which allows us to highlight its main advantages. These include:

  • High and stable yield;
  • Immunity to diseases;
  • Good taste characteristics;
  • Resistance to stressful conditions.
  • Thanks to its excellent characteristics, the Eastern Star hybrid quickly gained popularity among vegetable growers.

    READ MORE: Long purple eggplant variety description, characteristics and reviews

    We present to your attention several of his assessments.

    • The description of the “East Star” variety is practically no different from the characteristics of other hybrids, but from year to year I choose it. Firstly, it produces an excellent harvest; secondly, very tasty; thirdly, it is suitable for any experiments in the kitchen. For those looking for a really good tomato, I recommend choosing “Star of the East”. (Olga Dmitrievna, Voronezh region, Liski)
    • I heard only positive reviews about the Eastern Star f1 tomato. I haven’t planted it myself yet, I’m just planning to. But the neighbor gave me a few tomatoes to try. The taste is unusual, pleasant, slightly sweet. The salad variety, as I understand it, is exactly what I was looking for. I will plant next season. (Svetlana Arkadyevna, Kostroma)
    • Just a great hybrid! Unlike some neighbors in the greenhouse, he did not catch the tobacco mosaic, which we were immensely happy about. As for taste, the variety also showed good results here. The taste is very delicate and sweet, with barely noticeable sourness. (Valeria Andreevna, St. Petersburg)
    • How I love hybrids for their amazingly large yield. 35 kg per square meter is a serious indicator. Particularly almost picky, does not require complex care. I also liked it because it stood up well to long-term storage in the refrigerator. (Valentina Vasilievna, Tambov)
    • There are no comments about the tomato. Beautiful, tasty, unpretentious. We will plant more if we don’t find something better. (Olesya, Obninsk)

    Description of the Donald tomato hybrid

    The hybrid belongs to the group of not just early, but ultra-early tomatoes, so it can also be grown in regions of risky farming. In the south, the hybrid grows well in open ground, in the middle zone, as well as in the Urals, Siberia, and regions of the North-West, it is recommended to cultivate tomatoes under shelters.

    The bush is compact, medium leafy. Usually the height of the plant does not exceed half a meter. The leaves are of a regular shape, rich green in color. The fruits are round-oval in shape, formed in clusters. The average weight of tomatoes is about 50 grams; up to 5-6 fruits ripen in one bunch.

    The skin, like the pulp, is dense, but not hard. There are several chambers inside and few seeds. The fruits have a good taste and a pleasant aroma. The tomato is suitable for canning whole and for fresh use. You can make juices, pasta, lecho, ketchup.

    The hybrid retains all its taste even after heat treatment. This tomato is delicious in pickling and marinades. Assorted preparations look beautiful, and the fruits in jars with brine or marinade do not crack.

    Donald is a shelf-stable tomato, which is also suitable for long-term transportation. It does not lose its commercial qualities and retains its taste for a long time. This makes it especially attractive for cultivation in various farms for sale.

    Tomato Star of the East: characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photos

    Tomato “Star of the East” f1 is an early-ripening (90-95 days from germination to ripening) indeterminate hybrid, intended for growing indoors. The variety is tall and requires the formation of a stem and tying to a support.

    Features of cultivation

    “Star of the East” loves light and moisture and requires proper care. Care includes the following activities:

    • Regular watering with warm water (best after sunset);
    • Fertilizing with high-quality mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus;
    • Timely removal of weeds;
    • Loosening the soil.

    Fruit characteristics

    The fruits of the Eastern Star hybrid are dense and smooth, have a round shape and weigh from 200 to 300 g. The color is rich crimson-pink. Tomatoes grow in clusters of 5-6 pieces. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing into tomato products.

    Advantages of the variety

    There are many reviews from gardeners about this hybrid, which allows us to highlight its main advantages. These include:

    • High and stable yield;
    • Immunity to diseases;
    • Good taste characteristics;
    • Resistance to stressful conditions.

    Agricultural cultivation technology

    Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the first half of March.
    Before planting in the ground, the seeds are treated with a growth stimulator. In the phase of formation of 1-2 true leaves, seedlings are picked into separate pots. Plants are transferred to the ground in mid-May. The bushes are placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, maintaining a distance of 70 cm between rows. Ripe tomatoes are harvested in July and August.

    Hybrid Star of the East is demanding of sunlight. Heat is one of the main factors determining the rate of crop growth and fruit ripening. For normal tomato development, air humidity is of great importance, which should be at the level of 50-60%.

    It is recommended to regularly water with warm water after sunset. To ensure high crop yields, it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

    Caring for the plant involves timely weeding and loosening the soil. To ensure a balance of moisture and air near the root system, the soil is mulched using last year's grass, leaves and special fiber.


    What is a Kasamori cross?

    This species is not limited in its size or height, but has short internodes. This arrangement is very space efficient. For growing the variety, greenhouse conditions are recommended, although planting in open ground is also possible. The huge advantage of the hybrid is its lack of thought; the fruits ripen within 3 - 3.5 months. According to the gardeners who have now tested it, we can say that the fruits are large, about 200 grams, and have a bright pink color. Great for salads and for sale.

    The fruit has a round, flattened shape. It has six nests with seeds in round numbers. Approximately 5-6 fruits ripen on each cluster of plants. On average, the weight of each tomato ranges from 270 to 300 grams, the largest weight was recorded at 550 grams.

    Along their structure, the tomatoes are even and smooth; no green spots are formed near the base and no cracks were noticed in the fruit.

    Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers allegedly talk about the positive aspects of the hybrid:

    1. The fruit ovary is formed regardless of external conditions.
    2. The fertility of the variety is average - up to 4 kg of harvest can be obtained from each bush.
    3. The versatility of growing in a variety of conditions: balcony (glass and film), in open ground.

    A special feature of the Kasamori tomato is its ability to grow and bear fruit at any time of the year under the created greenhouse conditions. The production time does not last long, which makes this type stand out among other tomatoes.

    Experienced gardeners give advice: plant Kasamori seedlings at different times. Alternatively, plant the seeds in open ground. If you follow these recommendations, you can only enjoy tomatoes on the table until mid-autumn. At the end of September, you can harvest the previous harvest and leave it at home to ripen. The taste of the tomato is preserved throughout its entire life.

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