Baby-Strong F1 will appeal to lovers of gherkins, which can be prepared for the winter and eaten fresh. U
In recent decades, due to the spread of diseases of stone fruit crops, gardeners have faced a sharp drop in yields.
I order seeds in the fall, before the new year and before the start of the new sowing season.
Samurai has been included in the hit parade of high-yielding and tasty tomatoes for several years now. The variety is different
Preparing the site for planting cilantro About two weeks before planting, preparatory work begins. Determined
Long-bearing cucumbers are a common garden crop, growing in open soil, which grows quickly,
3 Prepared by: Marina Krasilnikova 08/30/2019 Cooking time: 3 hours 0 minutes Save I
Karataya Eggplant F1 was created in France. The manufacturer, Vilmorin, is famous for the quality of its hybrids, their early
History of grape selection Senator Grapes created by Pavlovsky are the result of crossing a gift from Zaporozhye and Maradona
TV presenter and author of books on vegetable growing, experienced gardener O. Ganichkina, caring for cucumbers in