"Siberian Express f1": bright taste and attractive appearance of fruits
Cucumber Siberian Express F1 will provide a harvest of delicious small cucumbers in a short time. Creating a hybrid
Use of whey and iodine for processing cucumbers, proportions and recipes
How to prepare the solution? To obtain a nutrient solution, use a product purchased in a store or obtained
12 early ripening varieties of tomatoes that can be sown in April-May
Alaska Seeds of the early ripening variety Alaska are sown for seedlings in early April, the seedlings are planted in
Cherry ovaries fall off: why does this happen and what can be done to treat it
Bad weather during flowering It is no coincidence that gardeners are afraid of the return of frost or, conversely, severe
Tomato Amur standard characteristics and description of the variety, care features with photos
Tomato Amur standard characteristics and description of the variety, care features with photos
What are standard varieties? When asked what a “standard” variety of tomatoes means,
large sizes
Tomato Main caliber f1: description and characteristics of the variety with photos
Tomato Main caliber F1 is a large fruit with very tasty and tender pulp.
TOP 11 tomato hybrids
Dutch tomatoes: TOP 11 tall and short delicious hybrids
Author: Valery https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=28 Category: Garden plants Published: January 03, 2022Last edits: January 03, 2022
Rules for growing eggplants from seeds at home: choosing a variety, when to sow, recommendations for care on a window, balcony, in a greenhouse
Eggplant is a berry from a plant of the nightshade family. Botanically, eggplant is a close relative of tomatoes and potatoes.
feed the currants
Fertilizing currants in spring, summer, autumn: schemes, features, recommendations
14524 Proper care of a currant bush is not only watering and preventive measures
Joint planting: neighbors of peas in a plot, what to plant next to
Observant gardeners have probably noticed that not all plants in the beds get along well with each other.
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