Cherry resin or gum: causes of appearance, control measures

Treatment of gum disease in cherries using folk remedies and chemicals

Gum discharge (gommosis) of cherries is a common phenomenon found in all regions where the crop is grown. There is not a single gardener who has not encountered this problem, which can lead to the death of an entire tree. Therefore, at the first symptoms of gum disease in cherries, it is necessary to promptly treat them using effective methods of control.

What is gommosis?

Gommosis is a common disease of cherries, which manifests itself in the form of gum, which is a light brown jelly-like substance, appearing on the trunk and branches of the tree.

Gum bleeding is the last cry for help, since the formation of glue on the branches signals their death, and on the trunk - the death of the entire tree.

Causes and factors provoking gum development

Gommosis is a reaction of cherries to unfavorable factors, the main of which is considered to be mechanical damage to the trunk and branches.

The reasons for the appearance of gum discharge include the following.

Fungal infection

Hommosis is mainly a consequence of a fungal infection. On cherries, gum is formed due to diseases such as clasterosporiasis and moniliosis. The lesions are located on the trunk, on young shoots.

Also, the culprits of the disaster are pests that act as carriers of diseases.

Climatic conditions

Cherries often suffer from low temperatures. After winter, the trunks become covered with cracks and burns. Prolonged thaws provoke warming, which provokes gum formation.

The development of the disease is influenced by factors such as planting in cold, windy areas. Also the cause of the disease is the wrong variety, which must be zoned frost-resistant, less susceptible to frostbite, sunburn, and resistant to high humidity.

Errors in agricultural technology

The cause of the appearance of gommosis is considered to be a violation of agricultural technology during cultivation, namely: increased doses of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, untimely and severe pruning, poor-quality watering, and neglect of preparations for winter.

Why is it dangerous for the tree?

The formation of gum on the trunk or branches of a cherry tree is a signal to the gardener about the condition of the tree or a symptom of a disease. Therefore, it poses a great danger to the plant, since the affected branches die, sometimes very quickly. Normal tree growth is disrupted. As a result of improper branching of an infected cherry, the crown takes on an unsightly shape.

How is cherry resin useful for humans?

Cherry resin is often used as a medicine, as it can:

When using this potent substance, it is important to know when to stop, since excessive consumption of gum can cause flatulence and vitamin deficiency.

How to treat

If gum disease is detected in cherries, treatment should be started as early as possible. This will prevent the plant from weakening and dying. Control measures include removing young damaged branches and cutting the protruding gum back to healthy tissue using a sharp and disinfected knife. Then treat the cleaned areas with a solution of potassium permanganate, iron or copper sulfate. After drying, apply garden varnish to the entire cut surface.

Preparing the brew

Garden varnish, which you make yourself, is popular as a disinfectant in the fight against gum disease.

Preparation: combine the melted lard with the remaining ingredients, then place the resulting mixture on the stove and boil for 20 minutes, let cool, then stir so that the finished mass does not have lumps.

Resin Application

Another effective remedy in the fight against gommosis can be made at home:

Preparation: heat the resin over low heat, add linseed oil and wheel ointment. Boil the mixture for a long time, then cool and combine with turpentine. Mix everything thoroughly.

How to prevent the recurrence of gommosis

Gum development is easier to prevent than to treat for a long time. Knowing the reasons, you can quickly take measures to prevent its recurrence:

How to store for the winter?

There are several ways to store cherries for a long time:

  1. Freezing. Frozen cherries are the most preferable, as they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, and dietary fiber. An important condition is to avoid re-freezing!
  2. Drying. Drying significantly increases the calorie content of the berry (up to 500 calories per 100 grams). But in general, dried cherries are also considered healthy. It is not recommended only for persons with obesity or glycemic pathologies.
  3. Options with excess sugar. Jam, jelly, and cherries pureed with sugar are the least preferred options. A large amount of sugar negates most of the healing properties of the berry. Such options are prohibited for persons with impaired glucose metabolism or obesity.

Proper freezing

The proper freezing process looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to select the best berries (large, without damage), wash them, remove the seeds and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Place on trays; if there are several layers of berries, make a plastic layer.
  3. Freeze for 12 to 18 hours.
  4. Then pour the berries into a bag and store in the freezer. Shelf life – up to 12 months.

What to do if gum growth appears on a cherry, treatment and control measures

Many gardeners, when growing fruit trees in their garden plots, are faced with the problem of cherry gum disease and the need for treatment. The appearance of viscous transparent drops is a kind of signal about the presence of a disease in the plant. When gum deposits are detected, a number of urgent actions need to be taken, so it is worth learning about the reasons for the appearance of gum formations, existing methods of treatment and prevention.

Definition of gum discharge

Gum disease or gommosis is a tree disease, the main symptom of which is the appearance of gum. Resinous discharge can be found on the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits. In childhood, many tried to try such formations as chewing gum. The taste of the gum is bitter, and after it is in the mouth there is an unpleasant aftertaste. Gum deposition in cherries requires timely measures, since delay can be fraught with the death of the tree.


The appearance of gum on a cherry is considered a bad symptom. In most cases, gum formation is a plant reaction to unfavorable factors. The main reasons include:

The most common cause of gum bleeding is considered to be damage to the bark, the wound from which the plant tries to heal with resin. Insects and pathogens of various diseases are able to penetrate deep into the plant through the gum, which further aggravates the situation and weakens the plant. At the same time, the cherry tries to secrete even more gum and, in the absence of timely measures, may die.

Treatment methods

The method of treating gum disease involves the use of a radical “surgical method”, which involves complete removal of the affected area with a sharp knife. How to treat gommosis:

Next, take garden varnish and coat all areas treated with vitriol with it. If the resin on the cherry tree has been cleared from a large area, then apply a bandage from a garden bandage. Some people use nigrofol or Kuzbasslak putty for such purposes.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend abandoning the traditional remedy, since the solution is cheaper, more effective, safer for plants and people, and at the same time easy to use.

Gum treatment can be carried out at any warm time of the year. In late autumn, at low temperatures, such work is not carried out, since the wound may not have time to dry out and heal, which will lead to the cherries freezing in winter.


To combat gum deposition, “surgical” operations are not enough. Prevention of the disease includes a whole range of measures:

Timely pruning helps prevent gum growth. Experienced gardeners recommend removing “hatched” young shoots during the summer, preventing them from reaching the stage of lignification. Small wounds heal much faster; removing stronger branches will be more painful for the cherry in the future.

To increase the stress resistance of a tree and improve the quality of its survival, do not neglect fertilizing, and do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers. Timely spraying with fungicides and insecticidal preparations will help prevent the invasion of pests and fungal diseases.


Glue flows from a young cherry tree. How to save a tree?

Glue flows from the trunk of a young cherry tree. A lot of. I read that it needs to be treated with copper sulfate and then with garden varnish. I did everything as written, it still leaks. Who can tell me effective ways to save a tree?

Resin may appear on fruit trees such as cherry, apricot, and plum. This process is called gum bleeding, it indicates a tree disease.

we clean until healthy wood tissue appears and go deeper another five millimeters. Next, this place should be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate. The solution is made as follows: dilute 10 grams in 10 liters of water.

1) a large number of fruits on the tree;

2) The tree froze, or there were sudden temperature changes in spring or autumn;

3) The sun could burn the tree,

4) Damage to various pests, fungal diseases and viruses;

5) Untimely or excessively severe tree pruning.

I remember eating this resin as a child. I don’t remember whether it was tasty or not. This resin or glue is called gum. It usually appears when trees are pruned late. In your case, since the tree is young, you are unlikely to have cut many branches. Most likely this is a disease. Treatment.

In our garden, cherries and cherries had the same problem and we didn’t know what to do, because several trees had dried up. We had to seek advice from experienced gardeners, we also turned to a familiar agronomist. And here’s how we solved this problem. If The tree trunk began to secrete glue, and this disease is called gum disease.

Firstly, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of gum disease. To do this, it is necessary to protect trees from sunburn, frost damage - carry out spring and autumn whitewashing with lime or whitewash containing acrylic paint. Also, take protective measures against pests and diseases that cause damage to the trunk and branches. It is necessary to carry out the correct When pruning, be sure to cover the cut area with garden varnish and water in a timely manner.

It is very important to carefully treat wounds that secrete gum. To do this, we cleaned the gum with a sharp knife to healthy tissue, grabbing 1-2 cm on both sides and disinfected it with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, after which we treated the wounds with garden pitch. To save the tree, both after the onset of disastrous consequences, and to avoid and prevent such consequences, high-quality and timely whitewashing will help

To save the tree, both after the onset of disastrous consequences, and to avoid and prevent such consequences, high-quality and timely whitewashing will help.

Whitewashing especially needs to be carried out in those moments when the weather is humid, and the wood itself, as a rule, cannot withstand it and cracks.

This process in plant growing is called gum explosion.

If this process is already aggravated to the limit, then spraying the tree with a solution of copper and in particular Bordeaux mixture is used as therapy.

First you need to identify the cause. This could be: a lack of potassium in the soil or excess lime. If this is the case, then the situation should be corrected. Perhaps there is a reason to transplant the tree to another place (if it is not very large).

Cherry moniliosis

Moniliosis or monilial burn is caused by the ascomycete fungus Monilia cinerea, which infects cherries, usually during the flowering period. The fungus penetrates through damage to the tree bark. Inexperienced gardeners, faced with this disease, may think that the cherry was damaged by frost.

The disease can be recognized by the following signs, which usually appear 15 days after infection:

The infection spreads best at a humidity of 95-100% and an air temperature of about +20°C.

What to do for treatment and prevention

In order to detect the disease in time and begin to fight the infection, cherry trees must be regularly inspected.

The fungus overwinters in the above-ground parts of trees, and with the arrival of spring its spores are carried by precipitation, wind, and insects.

Measures to prevent moniliosis:

If cherry branches dry out due to moniliosis, you can use such a folk method of fighting the fungus as treating the trees with a urea solution. To treat one bush, 0.5 kg of urea is diluted in 5 liters of water; for better adhesion, soap is added to the solution.

Application of gum

When ingested, cherry gum creates a feeling of fullness because it is not absorbed by the intestines, but mixes with liquids and forms a jelly-like substance.

At the same time, some scientists claim that consuming gum helps lower blood cholesterol levels.

Cherry resin is popular for use both in folk medicine and in the manufacture of various medicines. The chemical composition of cherry gum shows its content of arabane, pentose sugar, about 55% arabinose, about 25% galactose and many other substances.

It is known that it also has highly effective enveloping properties for various inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Considering all the positive characteristics of the gum, you should be careful when consuming it, as abuse can cause a feeling of nausea or stomach cramps.


This disease of stone fruit crops, in which cherry leaves dry out, is caused by the marsupial fungus Sossomyces hiemalis. It came to Russia from Europe in the sixties.

Reddish spots form on the leaves, and then through holes; a white or pinkish coating becomes noticeable on the underside of the leaf blade. Leaves may begin to fall off as early as mid-summer, and young trees affected by the disease stop growing. Cherries may die in winter as their resistance to frost is lost.

The fungus multiplies especially actively in damp, cold weather, at air temperatures from +18°C to +21°C. The parasite overwinters in fallen leaves and plant debris; in the spring, the spores are carried by the wind throughout the garden. Therefore, all litter must be removed from under the trees and burned. To prevent coccomycosis during bud swelling, cherries need to be treated with copper-based fungicidal preparations, and after 15 days the procedure is repeated.

In addition to the leaves, with this disease, the stalks and berries are damaged, and brownish-brown dents are formed on them as a result of the activity of the fungus.


Experience of foreign gardeners

Gardeners whose plot is within walking distance may benefit from the experience of French farmers: 3-4 times a year (including twice in winter) they spray stone fruits

. Solution concentration: 3% in winter and 1% according to the “green cone” in spring.

They say that with the help of this procedure it is possible not only to destroy pathogens, but also to increase the immunity of plants, and in conditions of iron deficiency - to provide additional fertilizing. After all, iron sulfate combines the properties of a fungicide, insecticide and microfertilizer.

What is the cherry “crying” about? Preventing and treating stone fruit gums

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Amber droplets of gum appearing on the bark of a tree are an alarming sign that indicates that something is wrong with the tree. What is gum bleeding and how to deal with it?

Gum formation, or gommosis, is a very common phenomenon. Most often it can be observed in cherries, plums, apricots, peaches and other stone fruits. It manifests itself by the release of a viscous brown liquid, which appears on cracks in the tree bark and hardens over time. Sometimes droplets of gum can be seen on the leaves or fruits of plants.

What is gum therapy

Gum discharge is not a disease, but a symptom of an infectious disease or the result of a violation of agricultural practices. The gum itself is a liquid released during the process of inflammation of those tree tissues that ensure the transport of photosynthetic products from the leaves of the plant to its roots.

As a result of disease or mechanical damage, healthy cambium tissue is replaced by cells containing gum, a special high-molecular carbohydrate that is eventually released from the cell membrane and fills individual vessels. At some point, the vascular tissue begins to die, and the necrosis spreads further and eventually reaches the cortex, through cracks in which it pours out.

Among the most common causes of gum formation are:

Cherry ingredients

If there are any contraindications to consuming the fruit, but a person needs cherries as a medicine for other diseases, then you should pay attention to the leaves, branches and seeds.

  • Cherry leaves can relieve inflammation and act as a natural antiseptic. You can make infusions, decoctions, and brew tea from them. Decoctions can be either independent or in combination with other components. For example, if a person suffers from anemia, then you need to brew tea with rowan leaves. A decoction of milk treats hepatitis and crushes gallstones. You can dry the leaves for the winter to stock up for future use. Just don’t pick them straight from the branch - only those leaves that fall off after flowering are useful.
  • Cherry pits are a rather specific component. They help very well with gout if you grind them into crumbs and apply them to the affected areas. But sometimes they can be dangerous due to the hydrocyanic acid they produce.
  • Cherry twigs help with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and also relieve joint pain and relieve swelling. They are brewed and drunk as tea. You can pamper yourself with this drink all year round - you just need to dry the young, thin branches.

Prevention of gum development

We have already found out that gum bleeding is not a disease, but only a signal that the tree has been injured or has become a victim of disease. Therefore, it is very important to follow the care and cultivation techniques. Our tips will help you avoid gum development.

1. Choose the right tree varieties. The battle with gommosis can be lost even before you plant a seedling on your site, just because you chose the wrong variety. It doesn’t matter whether you are planting cherries or plums that are familiar to your region, or you decide to experiment with cherries, apricots or peaches - in any case, you should rely on zoned varieties of stone fruit crops.

2. Follow the rules for pruning and grafting trees. Failure to comply with pruning deadlines, poorly processed tools or an incorrectly selected scion, not to mention poor pruning or grafting technique, can weaken the tree and make it extremely vulnerable to diseases and pests. Be sure to inspect trees for frost wounds and, if necessary, take measures to heal cold injuries.

3. Regularly treat your garden against diseases and pests . The first measures to protect the garden from diseases can begin in early spring, when sapwood, bark beetles and other stem pests are especially active. During the season, such treatments are carried out repeatedly.

4. Protect your garden from rodents. It is believed that mice, rats and hares are not too fond of the bark of stone fruit crops because of its slightly bitter taste, but hunger is not an aunt, and in the event of a hungry winter, no one can guarantee that an animal suffering from malnutrition will not “disdain” the tender bark of young cherries or plums.

5 . Prevent sunburn. Autumn whitewashing is the simplest and at the same time the most cost-effective way to protect your garden from the bright winter rays. Please note that trees need to be whitened only in the fall or, as a last resort, in winter, and only at above-zero temperatures! An alternative to whitewashing is to wrap the bottom of the tree trunk with white natural cloth or parchment. The use of synthetic materials like plastic foil can lead to the bark heating up, therefore, as soon as the snow melts under the trees, such protection must be removed.

6 . Follow the feeding schedule. Excess potassium and magnesium, which is often associated with calcium deficiency, can lead to changes in the structure of the cambium, and as we remember, this is what provokes the formation of gum. Excess nitrogen, especially in the summer months, negatively affects the quality of the formed wood. The latter becomes thinner, and therefore more vulnerable to weather conditions and various injuries.


- a thick yellowish sticky substance that is released from cracks and wounds on the bark of trunks, trunks, skeletal branches and even fruits.

This is how plants try to heal on their own, but they do not always succeed.

Plants must be handled with care! Some gardeners fanatically remove old dead bark, forgetting that it protects the underlying living tissue of the wood. As a result, the plants go into winter with unripe bark.

  • Place your bet on zoned varieties

Warm-loving crops especially suffer from frost, sunburn and damping off. Droplets of gum also appear at the site of damage. Recently, in the gardens of the Middle Volga region, amateurs have been trying to grow

. Most often, plants survive only until the first severe winter, and if they survive (winters have been warm lately), then the buds, flowers and ovaries die from returning spring frosts. They happen with enviable consistency!

For each region, there are zoned, resistant varieties of stone fruit crops. You need to bet on them.

Sunburn threatens plants in winter and early spring. To prevent this trouble, conscientious gardeners

three times a year - in autumn, mid-winter and summer.

But the majority do not have this opportunity, so they bleach only in the fall, and before winter they wrap the trunks with burlap, non-woven material, and spruce branches. This, by the way, can protect plants from the sharp teeth of mice and hares. In the spring, it is important to remove the bandage in a timely manner and, if necessary, to heal the damaged areas as quickly as possible, without waiting for the gum to develop. For some reason, apple trees are more often protected, although cherry trees, and even more so heat-loving plum trees, also need whitewashing and insulation.

  • Trim correctly and on time

Cherries, apricots, plums and cherries can “respond” with gommosis to severe and untimely pruning. It is better to break out unnecessary shoots in the summer when they are still green and not lignified. Small wounds resulting from such a “green operation” heal painlessly.

  • Take care of the soil in the garden and the nutrition of the trees

, every self-respecting gardener knows. But research by scientists has shown that gum disease in trees can also be caused by a lack of calcium, which occurs with excessive fertilizing with potassium and magnesium fertilizers. In this case, it is recommended to spill the soil with a large amount of clean water, and then water the trees several times a season with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

To help plants, it is also recommended to feed them with calcium chloride (10 ml per 10 liters of water). For each adult tree you will need 10 buckets of this solution.

Our garden is located on the mountains of the Middle Volga region, formed, in the language of geologists, by the interlayering of multi-colored clays, limestones, gypsum, sands...

That is, calcium deficiency does not threaten plants, and indeed, there are no special problems with gum production. It’s not for nothing that our places have long been famous for their orchards! But these ways to help trees should still be kept in mind.

To prevent gum bleeding, experienced gardeners advise furrowing trunks and skeletal branches in the spring at the beginning of sap flow. Furrows are made on the trunk along the circumference every 15-18 cm, and on skeletal branches - vertically parallel every 8 cm from one another. This operation is repeated after 1-2 years, as soon as the previous furrow widens by more than 4 mm. New furrows are placed between the old ones.

The edge of the garden knife should be thin and sharp, and the gardener’s hand should be confident, because the bark is cut almost down to the wood. If at least one of these conditions is violated, the operation may cause harm instead of benefit.

Cherry gommoz

Gum treatment

There is an opinion that it is better to leave the gum on the bark, since it itself is a natural protection for the tree. However, you should consider this approach seriously only if you know for sure that the cause of gommosis is mechanical damage, and not a disease that “corrodes” the tree from the inside. But even in this case, we should not forget that sweet gum will attract the attention of pests.

Treatment tactics can only be determined by removing the gum and assessing the condition of the wood underneath. If the cut of the trunk or shoot remains uniform in color, with a high degree of probability some “physical” factor led to gommosis. In this case, it will be enough for you to clean the wound with a clean knife, capturing another 4-5 mm of healthy tissue, then treat it with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and cover it with garden varnish.

Treatment with garden pitch is carried out only after the copper sulfate applied to the wounds has dried.

If you start cleaning off the gum, and the wood underneath is noticeably different in color from the surrounding tissues and looks uneven and loose, then this part of the wood is almost certainly affected by a fungus. In this case, “healing” pruning is supplemented with measures to protect the garden from diseases.

Gum discharge is a serious problem, but it is completely solvable, and most importantly, it is easy to prevent. Take care of your trees, devote time to prevention, and, of course, follow our advice, and then this scourge will bypass you.


What to do if gum appears on apricot

Tree treatment involves complete removal of damaged areas. Using a sharp garden knife, cut off all the gum, strip the bark and wood down to healthy tissue so that not even traces of gum-forming cells remain.

Next, the wound is disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, which will prevent fungal spores from entering it. The solution can be prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon per one and a half liters of water. Some gardeners practice rubbing the wound with a paste of sorrel leaves.

Don't leave the gum problem unattended

After 2-3 days, when the wound has dried, it is covered with a layer of infection-proof putty, which can be:

  • garden var;
  • a mixture of 70% nigrol and 30% crushed and sifted wood ash;
  • oil paint with the addition of a fungicidal agent;
  • Kuzbasslak (varnish BT-577), used in construction as an unsurpassed anti-corrosion coating.

Attention! Such a surgical procedure cannot be carried out later than the beginning of September, otherwise the wound will not have time to heal and gum production will resume in the spring

Causes and factors provoking gum development

Gommosis is a reaction of cherries to unfavorable factors, the main of which is considered to be mechanical damage to the trunk and branches.

The reasons for the appearance of gum discharge include the following.

Fungal infection

Hommosis is mainly a consequence of a fungal infection. On cherries, gum is formed due to diseases such as clasterosporiasis and moniliosis. The lesions are located on the trunk, on young shoots.

Also, the culprits of the disaster are pests that act as carriers of diseases.

Climatic conditions

Cherries often suffer from low temperatures. After winter, the trunks become covered with cracks and burns. Prolonged thaws provoke warming, which provokes gum formation.

The development of the disease is influenced by factors such as planting in cold, windy areas. Also the cause of the disease is the wrong variety, which must be zoned frost-resistant, less susceptible to frostbite, sunburn, and resistant to high humidity.

Errors in agricultural technology

The cause of the appearance of gommosis is considered to be a violation of agricultural technology during cultivation, namely: increased doses of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, untimely and severe pruning, poor-quality watering, and neglect of preparations for winter.

How to treat

If gum disease is detected in cherries, treatment should be started as early as possible. This will prevent the plant from weakening and dying. Control measures include removing young damaged branches and cutting the protruding gum back to healthy tissue using a sharp and disinfected knife. Then treat the cleaned areas with a solution of potassium permanganate, iron or copper sulfate. After drying, apply garden varnish to the entire cut surface.

Preparing the brew

Garden varnish, which you make yourself, is popular as a disinfectant in the fight against gum disease.

Preparation: combine the melted lard with the remaining ingredients, then place the resulting mixture on the stove and boil for 20 minutes, let cool, then stir so that the finished mass does not have lumps.

Resin Application

Another effective remedy in the fight against gommosis can be made at home:

Preparation: heat the resin over low heat, add linseed oil and wheel ointment. Boil the mixture for a long time, then cool and combine with turpentine. Mix everything thoroughly.

Why does glue appear on trees?

Probably, many gardeners, in childhood, especially when there was no “chewing gum” in stores, tasted the “resin” that comes out from under the cracked bark of stone fruit trees: cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peach or plums. This “resin” has a viscous taste with a woody undertone. But what children like, the tree itself does not like. This “resin” is scientifically called “gum” and its appearance indicates the disease gommosis. It is difficult to find a stone fruit tree that is not affected by this disease. The scientific literature mentions a figure of 50.%, although it seems that in amateur gardens this figure is close to 100%. What is the mechanism of gum formation? There can be many reasons for gum secretion.

This includes mechanical damage to tree trunks and branches, too abundant harvest (tree overload), freezing or sharp temperature fluctuations, especially in spring, sunburn, pest damage, fungal diseases and viruses, improper agricultural technology, incompatibility of the scion with the rootstock, as well as untimely or excessive tree pruning. But to the greatest extent – ​​excessive air humidity. In foggy conditions, especially in spring and autumn, as well as in winter during thaws, there is literally an “outbreak” of gum production. Sap constantly leaks from under the damaged bark of trees, congealing on the surface of the bark in the form of sticky growths of amber or brown color. The plant seems to be trying to close the wound on its own, and it turns out that gum production is the plant’s response to various types of damage or general weakness.

Almost any mechanical damage to the bark that reaches the cambium can cause gum formation. But the trouble is that many pathogens easily penetrate the gum and quietly penetrate deeper into the plant tissue. Gum production intensifies, and the plant gradually becomes weaker and may even die. If you find trees or individual branches in your garden with too much gum secretion, you should know that this is a sign of their imminent death.

Gum treatment

But don't despair!
It is better to take measures for timely treatment of this disease. The main treatment method is surgery. All cracks and damage to the bark, places where gum appeared, must be healed during spring, summer and early autumn (later the wounds will not have time to heal before winter). They should be carefully cleaned with a sharp garden knife. In this case, the gum itself and some healthy tissue surrounding it are removed, covering approximately 4-5 mm. All cleaned areas should be disinfected. Disinfection of wounds should be carried out with a 1% solution of copper sulfate - a tablespoon (15 g) per 1.5 liters of water (standard plastic mineral water bottle). Other available means can also be used (for example, rub the wound with sorrel leaves, horse sorrel leaves will do). After treatment with copper sulfate, you should allow the cleaned area to dry for about 2-3 days and then thoroughly cover the wound with garden varnish. Don't be afraid to do this with your finger. Firstly, the varnish is completely harmless to the skin, and secondly, you can better fill all the unevenness with the varnish using your finger. Do not strive for a thick layer, 1 mm is enough. You can also use nigrol putty, consisting of 70% nigrol (automobile gear oil) and 30% well-sifted wood ash, or use “Kuzbasslak”, which has an effective healing effect and promotes rapid healing of the wound. If the wound is very large in area, you can apply a garden bandage on top.

Of course, the gardener must understand that surgical intervention alone without following the agricultural techniques for growing a particular crop cannot lead to the desired results. In the fight against this disease, it is necessary to apply the entire range of measures. Thus, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or other copper-containing preparations 2 times a year can help: in the fall after leaf fall and in the spring before the buds swell. You can spray at low temperatures, but always positive ones, so as not to cause even more harm to the tree. Indeed, during night frosts, water that gets into the depressions of the bark can lead to its rupture and, therefore, the appearance of a new wound.

Why do cherries ooze gum?

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Droplets of amber-colored resin can appear not only on pine, but also on fruit trees such as cherries, sweet cherries, and apricots. This is a gum, and many gardeners are familiar with it. Let's try to understand the causes of the problem.

It’s not for nothing that gum is called the “tears” of trees. This is their response to injury, which can be caused by adverse weather conditions, rodents or fungi. Sometimes plants can heal themselves, but more often they need help to cope with the damage.

What are the benefits of cherry resin?

The gum contains various beneficial substances - galactose, glucuronic acid, arabinose and many others. Chemists call this substance “soft fiber” and a high-molecular carbohydrate, as it contains valuable sugars and pectins. Therefore, cherry resin has good anti-inflammatory properties, can benefit the human body and is often used for medicinal purposes.

Animals also know about the healing properties of cherry resin. Rodents and other animals eat it to strengthen their bodies, and bees add it to propolis.

Causes of gum development

Most stone fruit trees suffer from gum disease. But most often it occurs in cherries. Gummosis, also called gum secretion, can weaken the tree. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence and take timely measures.

Gum discharge due to bad weather

Most often, the cherry bark is damaged and “tears” flow due to unfavorable weather conditions. Low temperatures lead to the formation of frost holes, and due to the activity of the sun, sunburn appears.

When gum appears, it is recommended to carefully cut it off, capturing 3-4 mm of healthy tissue, disinfect it with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and seal the wound with garden pitch or special putty. For large damage, apply a garden bandage.

To prevent such damage from reoccurring, trees should be whitewashed in the fall.

The appearance of gum due to calcium deficiency

Gummosis of cherries and cherries is also caused by calcium deficiency. Therefore, once every 5 years in the fall or early spring, add dolomite flour (200-300 g per 1 sq.m.) to the tree trunk circle for digging. When the fruit begins to grow, treat the crown with a fertilizer high in calcium and microelements.

Excessive nitrogen fertilization with a deficiency of potassium and phosphorus can also cause gummosis.

Gum discharge due to improper pruning

Too much or untimely pruning can lead to gum release on the branches of fruit trees. Sweet cherries are pruned in the spring (before buds open) or in the fall from September to November. Formative pruning occurs in the spring (before the sap begins to flow), and sanitary pruning occurs in the fall. Moreover, the warmer the autumn weather, the later it is worth starting to shorten the branches.

Falling leaves are the main sign that you can pick up the pruning shears. In this case, pruning should be completed before frost to allow the cuts to tighten.

To reduce the risk of infections, trees should be pruned in dry weather. If frost is predicted, then the procedure should be postponed until spring.

Carry out pruning with well-sharpened and disinfected tools. Shorten shoots that have grown significantly over the year by 8-10 cm, remove all dry and damaged branches that can become a source of infection. Don't forget to treat the cuts with a special putty.

Gummosis of cherries and sweet cherries due to fungal infections and viruses

Gum formation in stone fruit trees also occurs due to their infection with fungal infections. Thus, cherries can develop cytosporosis, which causes the death of bark, wood and cambium. Fungal spores penetrate through wounds in the bark, causing it to separate from the wood and cause abundant gum production.

Whitewashing trees will help prevent the disease, which will protect them from sunburn. It is also necessary to combat stem pests that damage the bark. Spraying trees before the buds swell with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture will protect against fungi.

Cherries also have other dangerous infections that produce gum. Clusterosporiosis and moniliosis can lead to complete death of branches. To prevent diseases, you need to annually collect and burn rotting fruits and fallen leaves outside the site, as well as cut out dry branches. It is also necessary to combat pests that damage shoots.

How to prevent non-communicable disease

Compliance with agricultural technology and the use of simple tips from professionals will help prevent the development of the disease, and therefore preserve the varietal tree:

  • Careful handling of the plant. Do not injure is the main rule of growing not only cherries, but also any other fruit plant. Some gardeners, especially beginners, fanatically tear off the old bark on the trunk and cut off the branches on a large scale. Stop this kind of treatment! The bark is a natural protector, and removing dead tissue leads to damage to living fibers. As a result, cherries are more susceptible to the negative effects of sun and frost.
  • Competent selection of varieties in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the region. Professionals recommend giving preference to zoned varieties.
  • Whitewashing trunks and skeletal branches is a reliable protector from the scorching spring sun. Wrapping the trunk in the winter with covering materials - burlap, spruce branches - will also help prevent gum deposition in cherries (what to do with this method).

Competent pruning in a precise time frame. Damaged branches and thickening during the dormant period should be pruned. The cut must be covered with a special garden varnish.

Administer recommended medications in controlled doses in a timely manner. Watering with a manganese solution will help strengthen the plant's supporting forces. The product is used 2-3 times a year. Calcium chloride should also be used (10 ml of the substance per bucket of water).

Treatment of the disease

What to do if resin appears on the cherry? Sometimes discovering the cause of a disease is the main factor in recovery. Still, to treat tar deposits you will need a sharp knife (disinfection in a manganese solution is required), a solution of copper sulfate and garden pitch.

Stages of treatment:

  • Clean the affected area on the trunk or branch. The cut is carried out right up to the appearance of healthy wood.
  • Treat the cut with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. After 10 minutes, repeat the procedure.

Cover the “wound” with garden varnish. Observe the condition of the cut site.

Prevention of gum development

To avoid gum disease, plant only zoned frost-resistant varieties with immunity to fungal diseases. Choose areas for seedlings with light, loose soil and good aeration, with deep groundwater. When planting, do not bury the root collar.

Some experts suggest not cutting the gum, because... it is a kind of protective agent for the tree. Instead, it is better to support the green space with immunomodulators, for example, Zircon, Previkur Energy, the solution of which is watered at the roots of the trees during the period of sap flow. The drugs increase the immunity of seedlings and block the proliferation of bacteria.

Prevention and treatment of gum disease are the main measures in the comprehensive care of cherries. A problem noticed in a timely manner and timely measures taken will protect the trees from more serious consequences and provide you with a good harvest of tasty berries.


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