Tomatoes and cucumbers, loved by many - is it possible to plant them together? Tips for gardeners

Is it possible to plant these crops side by side?

Many gardeners do not recommend growing vegetable crops such as cucumbers and tomatoes in close proximity. Their incompatibility is quite obvious:

  1. The homeland of the cucumber is Ancient India. Like its historical relative, the cucumber prefers sunny, warm, but not very hot weather. However, it is very demanding on air and soil humidity. Therefore, this vegetable requires frequent watering. For cucumbers, constant ventilation and drafts, which are necessary for tomatoes, are detrimental.
  2. According to some sources, Peru is considered the birthplace of the tomato. This vegetable is very unpretentious to grow. Only, unlike cucumbers, he does not like frequent watering and abundant sun, preferring fresh air and diffused light. Otherwise, the tomato loses its exquisite taste.

The best neighbors for cucumbers

Cucumbers can be planted next to the following crops:

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • bell pepper;
  • eggplants;
  • cabbage;
  • kohlrabi;
  • broccoli;
  • beets;
  • salad;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • fennel;
  • onions;
  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • calendula.

Peppers, like cucumbers, prefer warm, stuffy air and do not like drafts. The best way to combine eggplants, peppers and cucumbers in the garden is to plant the pepper seedlings and eggplant seeds on the sunny side, and place the cucumber seeds a little further away. The proximity of cucumbers to dill has a good effect on their productivity. Cucumbers grow best next to cauliflower and early white cabbage.

What to consider?

To get a good harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers when planting together in a greenhouse, you need to take into account the following features of joint cultivation:

  • The greenhouse should be high and wide enough. Sometimes a second entrance is made in it.
  • The greenhouse should contain a large number of vents for drafts in the “tomato” section.

You also need to select certain varieties of crops:

  • among cucumbers, these should be disease-resistant hybrids or varieties that are tolerant of coolness;
  • For tomatoes, good tolerance to moisture and heat is a prerequisite.

It would be better to place the greenhouse in the direction from west to east. Thus, the southern side of the greenhouse will be well lit.

about the vegetable garden Is it possible to plant tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes in one greenhouse?

Alexander Shelokhov

Not recommended. grapes need to be separated


No, they will cross-pollinate and become winemakers! ! But seriously, why would there be grapes in a greenhouse? Do you live in the North? Tomatoes and cucumbers get along well in the same greenhouse.

Anastasia Raspopova

Tomatoes and cucumbers are ok, but it’s better to wait until it’s warmer and plant grapes without a greenhouse


It is possible, but not advisable because cucumbers and tomatoes require different conditions. As a result, the yield will be significantly lower.

The feasibility of joint planting

Growing tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse is very troublesome and difficult. These vegetable crops are absolutely incompatible in their climatic requirements. Constant drafts and coolness can ruin the yield of cucumbers. While a tomato with high soil and air humidity may completely die.

But there are two undoubted advantages of joint cultivation:

  • saving space and sufficient crop yield (although the latter will require some experience);
  • As a rule, cucumbers and tomatoes have different diseases.

Needs of cucumbers

To get a large harvest of vegetables, certain conditions must be met:

  • Cucumbers should be planted at 10-15 degrees Celsius.
  • The plant and fruits develop better at 25-32 degrees Celsius.
  • The growth of cucumbers stops if the air temperature is below 10 or above 40 degrees.
  • Fruits stop developing at 35 degrees Celsius.
  • The soil temperature may differ from the air temperature by no more than 2-3 degrees.
  • Soil moisture should be at least 85-95 percent.
  • Soil moisture should be 75-80 percent.
  • In dry weather, cucumbers need to be watered frequently.
  • It is not advisable to fertilize young inflorescences in the early stages of growth. It is also not recommended to use large amounts of fertilizer for cucumbers growing on sandy soils.
  • The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.

Tomato needs

  • Planting tomatoes is possible already at 8 degrees Celsius.
  • The best temperature for the development of sprouts and fruits ranges from 18-25 degrees.
  • Development slows down at temperatures below 15 and above 35 degrees Celsius.
  • The tomato can withstand up to -1 degree cold.
  • Air and soil humidity should be no higher than 45-60 percent.
  • Vegetables need to be watered generously, but not more than 1-2 times a week.
  • In the hottest weather, you can water up to 3 times a week.
  • Tomatoes love a slight draft, but do not tolerate wind.
  • The acidity of the soil, as for a cucumber, should be slightly acidic or neutral.

Should you plant cucumbers and tomatoes together?

Experienced gardeners believe that growing cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse is not the best option to reap a large harvest.

The fact is that tomatoes and cucumbers are completely different crops with distinctive needs. The differences are in the need for lighting and humidity levels.

Planting cucumbers and tomatoes together can lead to a problematic situation. Summer residents strive to meet the needs of each crop, but this leads to a decrease in yield.

Increasing the level of humidity in the greenhouse slows down the growth of tomatoes and reduces their immunity, increasing the risk of late blight affecting tomatoes. The seedlings' pollen becomes damp and the inflorescences stop pollinating. As a result, new ovaries do not appear on plants.

If, on the contrary, you create comfortable conditions for tomatoes, this will reduce the yield of cucumbers.

Low air humidity, irregular watering, and ventilation of the greenhouse can slow down the growth of vines. Under such unfavorable conditions, the plant may die.

Comfortable conditions:

  • Tomatoes : low air humidity, infrequent watering, frequent ventilation and drafts, application of fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  • For cucumbers : air humidity above 85%, frequent watering, air temperature at least + 22 degrees, application of fertilizers containing nitrogen.

How to find a middle ground if it is not possible to grow two different vegetable crops separately? Tomatoes and cucumbers can still grow together in the same greenhouse. However, to do this, several conditions must be met.

It is important to understand! It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each culture. What atmosphere in a greenhouse is optimal for the growth of both tomatoes and cucumbers.

Combination conditions

The main condition for combined planting of vegetables is the need for zoning. Moreover, it is advisable to divide not only the perimeter of the greenhouse in order to be able to create a separate microclimate, but also the soil between the beds. This is necessary so that abundant moisture from watering the cucumbers does not reach the roots of the tomatoes. For planting in open ground, tomatoes should also be separated from cucumbers using:

  • zucchini;
  • corn;
  • beets;
  • grapes or any other “harmless” plant crop.

Is it possible to plant tomatoes along with potatoes?

Tomatoes cannot be planted next to potatoes. Since they belong to the same group - Solanaceae, they suffer from the same diseases, for example, late blight.


When planting these crops close together, usually if one vegetable gets sick, the other will also start to get sick.

In this case, late blight will be very difficult to get rid of, so the development of this disease can destroy both potatoes and tomatoes.

Selection of varieties

For the joint cultivation of such different crops as tomato and cucumber, it is better to choose tomato varieties that are high-yielding, disease-resistant and do not require special care. Among the tomatoes it is.


Tall variety with bright orange fruits. Productivity can reach up to 8 kg.


This variety is characterized by large, red, fleshy berries. This species is very disease resistant and easily tolerates high humidity and low temperatures.


A tall, mid-ripening variety has medium-sized red or burgundy fruits. Subject to proper care conditions, it produces about 12 kg of yield.

Crimson Giant

The variety is famous for its huge pink fruits. The species is resistant to diseases and pests.


It is distinguished by its high growth, up to 1.5 meters, and medium-sized elongated red fruits. This species practically does not get sick.

We invite you to watch a video about the Diabolic tomato variety:


An early ripe variety with bright red fruits that do not crack. More suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

Before planting seedlings, the soil should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Among cucumber varieties, they are distinguished by high yield.


Tall early ripening species. Not suitable for canning.

Vyaznikovsky 37

One of the early ripening varieties. Resistant to various infections, including powdery mildew.


A universal type that is suitable for both greenhouses and open planting. It matures for up to two months.


A high-yielding variety that does not require frequent watering.


Famous for its high yield of up to 30 kg per square meter.


As a rule, it produces high yields and is resistant to diseases. More suitable for a greenhouse.


An early ripening variety with large, medium-sized, tuberous fruits. Tolerates early frosts well and is not susceptible to disease. This type has no bitterness.

Is it possible to plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other in a 2*5 greenhouse?

Arsene Lupine

Experience shows that if you really want it, you can! The second question is what will we collect, cucumbers or tomatoes? If there are cucumbers, then the tomatoes will all be affected by late blight from the dampness, which, by the way, will then climb onto the cucumbers. If you buy resistant tomato varieties, zoned in the northwest - Red Riding Hood, Nevsky, Dubok - then they set fruit in damp air, De Barao, Bull's Heart and other liana-shaped ones do not set fruit because the pollen “dies” from the dampness and the flowers fall off . On the other hand, the cucumber varieties Libella + Rodnichok (they must be planted together) tolerate dry air well. The fontanelle is Libella's pollinator in these “hellish conditions,” although Libella is usually prone to parthenocarpy. There is a compromise option: plant “Little Red Riding Hood” on one side of the greenhouse (along) and Libella + Rodnichok cucumbers on the other. The condition of the compromise is to frequently ventilate the greenhouse, it is better not to close it at all for a day, then both cucumbers and tomatoes will be equally “sucky”, but you will harvest both cucumbers and tomatoes by 40% - the yield is less than with monoculture. That is, you deliberately lose quantity but gain in “quality.” And if you make the bed higher for tomatoes and lower for cucumbers, then you won’t need a partition and the harvest will be better. Good luck!

Svetlana Klochkova

Undesirable, because they have different requirements for air humidity. Or block off the greenhouse

Valentina Morozova

Cucumbers need moist air and abundant watering, while tomatoes need dry air and infrequent watering. And how to combine this in one greenhouse?

Yulia Ivanova

Of course not!!


peppers grow well with tomatoes, and eggplants with cucumbers, we also have one large greenhouse, but for cucumbers there is a compartment separated by frames on one side with greenhouses, or with film


I have to fence off cucumbers that don’t like drafts with agrill. They love it to be warm and damp.

Svetlana Burova

tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant and watermelon grow together in my greenhouse this year I’m also planning a melon there, I have enough of everything, everything is growing

Galina Logacheva

I have a large greenhouse. That's why I have cucumbers on one side and peppers on the other. Good neighbors They love moisture and fertilizing are almost the same. But tomatoes don’t like to sit with cucumbers; their growth conditions are a complete contradiction. I also always plant cucumbers in open ground. It doesn’t change from year to year, but I always have cucumbers. Not in the garden, but in the greenhouse or vice versa. Have a good harvest.

How to sow correctly?

A successful harvest depends not only on compliance with all climatic conditions, but also on how to properly plant seedlings previously grown from seeds. Before this, you need to properly prepare the greenhouse:

  • carry out complete disinfection (read more about how to treat tomato seeds before sowing in a separate material);
  • prepare soil;
  • at a level of 1-2 meters from the bed, pull the fishing line for a leash;
  • form beds in the greenhouse about 40 cm high and about 90 cm wide.
  • How to fertilize the beds.

You may be interested in looking at our materials about other methods of growing tomato seedlings: in twists, using peat tablets, without picking, and also in the Chinese way.

The technique of planting vegetables is not much different from each other. This happens according to this scheme:

  • holes are dug in the beds, slightly larger than a seedling;
  • a seedling with soil from a pot is planted in a hole;
  • seedlings are planted at a distance of up to 50 cm from each other in a checkerboard pattern;
  • then the seedlings are sprayed with a special solution against root rot.


You can divide the soil between the beds in the greenhouse using an iron sheet along the entire planting. This will help avoid water “flowing” when watering cucumbers to tomatoes. There is another way to divide the plot. To do this, you need to create three beds:

  1. The northern part of the greenhouse is suitable for cucumbers. It is the coolest and dampest.
  2. Planting tomatoes is optimal in the middle part, as it is best ventilated here.
  3. In the southern bed, where there is a lot of sun and warmth, you can plant any type of pepper (how to grow peppers and tomatoes together?).


To create your own climate, which is required for these vegetables, you need to create an artificial barrier between them. You can stretch regular cling film between the beds from the soil level to the very top of the greenhouse. Before zoning the room, it is advisable to make another entrance on the opposite side of the greenhouse. This will allow you to easily move from one artificially created “compartment” of the greenhouse to another.


Another way to avoid excess moisture getting into the tomatoes when watering cucumbers is to use a hydrogel that contains polymers. When wet, it absorbs liquid and expands greatly. Adding it to the soil when planting cucumbers will make caring for vegetables easier.

How to get a harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

To achieve good results when growing cucumbers and tomatoes together, it is important to correctly arrange the seedlings according to the pattern worked out by experienced gardeners, and also follow their advice. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of varieties and conditions for their cultivation.

Compromise terms

The conditions for reaching a compromise include:

  • Application of the zonal principle. It is better to place cucumbers in the northern part of the structure, and tomatoes in the southern part. Zones should be divided:
  • a partition made of polymer film in the upper part of the greenhouse - to control air temperature and humidity;
  • ground metal or plastic partition - to control soil moisture in the beds.
  • Use of the internal space of the greenhouse, taking into account the selection of mutually compatible varieties: tomatoes that are immune to fungal diseases and cucumbers that are resistant to drafts.
  • Construction of separate ventilation systems for plants; in the sector:
  • for cultivating tomatoes, it is advisable to build 2 windows to ensure through ventilation;
  • Growing cucumbers will require one window.

While caring for different species of plants, it is advisable to adhere to the following constants:

  • The 24-hour temperature should be between +20…+25 °C.
  • The optimal 24-hour air humidity should be 70%.

Varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers for cultivation in the neighborhood

Properly selected varieties are of great importance. In relation to tomatoes, hybrids that are resistant to high humidity and late blight deserve attention: “Gnome”, “New Year’s”, “Lyubasha”, “Soyuz 8”, “Lark”, “Dubrava”, “Metelitsa”.

When selecting cucumber varieties, pay attention to their resistance to low temperatures and drafts. The main threats to pumpkins are “powdery mildew”, “anthracosis” and “bacteriosis”, which can also be transmitted to tomatoes. Gardeners should focus on the following hybrids: “Masha”, “Benefit”, “Herman F1”, “Tom Thumb”, “Sister Alyonushka”, “Murashka”, “Crane”, “Natalie”.

Correct planting scheme for cucumbers and tomatoes

It is recommended to use the seedling method. Before planting, two ridges with a width of no more than 90 cm are formed. For both crops, separate areas should be prepared, separated from top to bottom with plastic film, as well as a sheet of slate, which prevents excessive moisture in the root system of tomatoes. The distance between different types of plants should exceed 1 meter. It is better to place seedlings in a checkerboard pattern.

It is better to grow cucumbers in the northern part of the greenhouse, protected from drafts. Immediately after planting, they need to be fed by adding 10 ml of wood ash, 200 ml of compost and about 100 ml of hydrogel to each hole, which increases soil moisture, preventing the migration of water towards the tomatoes. The distance between cucumber seedlings should exceed 30 cm.

On the eve of planting tomatoes, it is advisable to create a drainage layer in each hole, the role of which will be well played by gravel, and also add 10 ml of superphosphate. The beds can be bulk-height, 30-35 cm higher than the soil level. The distance between tomato sprouts should exceed 40 cm. If we are talking about tall crops, it should be increased to 60 cm. The depth of planting tomatoes should correspond to the place where the first leaf grows.


Proper care of joint plantings

General requirements include:

  • regular treatment of plants with special compounds in order to combat insect pests, as well as prevent infectious diseases;
  • control over:
  • temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse;
  • frequency of fertilizing of grown varieties.


Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop. On the eve of watering, the water must be settled, and during irrigation, a sprayer must be used for the green part of the plant. The optimal greenhouse humidity level is 85%, and the air temperature is +22...+28 °C.

It is important to remember that drafts are detrimental to cucumbers. Seedlings should be fed regularly and watered frequently, but not abundantly. The average number of feedings during the growing season is 6. After the fruits appear, the intensity of irrigation must be increased. The recommended width of passages is at least 40 cm.


It is better to cultivate tomatoes in polycarbonate structures. The desired parameters of the beds are 90*90*40 cm. The passages between the beds should exceed 60 cm.

10-14 days after planting the seedlings, be sure to add soil to the holes. At this time, the plant should not be watered abundantly. As the stem grows, it is tied to a trellis.

In addition to watering, tomatoes need systematic ventilation (for these purposes, it is recommended to separate the neighboring cucumber crop with film). The average number of feedings during the growing season is 4. Practice shows that the most promising is an ovary of seven racemes with inflorescences. It is recommended to remove excess stepsons.

Film separation

Polyethylene is stretched from the roof of the greenhouse to the ground, including the division of the beds. Each sector has its own microclimate. Tomatoes like regular ventilation.

Separate landing

This method involves planting tomatoes on the south side, and cucumber seedlings on the north. The pumpkin culture is more suitable for a cool climate, which reduces the amount of evaporated moisture.

How to care in a greenhouse and in a garden bed - step-by-step instructions

With complete zoning of the greenhouse area, caring for tomatoes and cucumbers planted together is no different from usual. To get a good harvest of tomatoes, you should:

  • for the first two weeks after planting, maintain a temperature regime of 20-22 degrees;
  • if the sun is too active, the seedlings need to be slightly shaded;
  • the first watering is carried out no earlier than 10 years after planting;
  • Plants should be watered early in the morning or late in the evening;
  • the water temperature should not differ from the soil temperature;
  • water the tomato right to the root;
  • after watering the vegetable, the greenhouse compartment needs to be ventilated;
  • it is necessary to provide access for insects and bees to pollinate tomato seedlings.

Caring for cucumbers in the garden beds is quite simple; you only need to follow a few rules:

  • young seedlings are watered with warm water, about 25 degrees;
  • after watering, it is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse, avoiding drafts;
  • when the first ovaries appear, the temperature in the greenhouse needs to be raised to 28 degrees Celsius;
  • To prevent the plant from growing, pinching should be done in a timely manner.

Hydrogel - water substitute

This polymer crumb will help avoid frequent watering of vegetables, which will make caring for them much easier:

  • for 10 grams of hydrogel you will need approximately 3 liters of water;
  • before planting the seedling, a small amount of polymer is added to the hole;
  • then sprinkle the planted plant with ½ cup of the prepared gel;
  • The crumbs can be dissolved either in water or in a weak solution of organic or mineral fertilizer.

Mulch to retain moisture

Another way to make caring for vegetables easier is mulching. The beds are, as it were, “covered” with a layer of mown grass or weeds at a level of 8 cm, which is added as it dries. Mulch retains moisture, thereby reducing the number of waterings. In addition, by rotting, the bottom layer of such a blanket retains heat, which is so important for cucumbers.

Top dressing

One of the most important conditions for high vegetable yields is properly selected fertilizer. It helps plants be strong and resistant to bad weather or disease. What and how best to fertilize cucumbers:

  • The first feeding is done two weeks after planting. A liter of slurry is diluted in 8 liters of water and sprayed on the inflorescences in the beds.
  • The second time the vegetable is fertilized during its flowering period. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of ash in 10 liters of water and spray the cucumbers.
  • The third time fertilizing is applied when the fruits ripen. The preparation “Gummi” is well suited for this at a rate of 2 liters per 10 liters of water. The roots of the plant should be sprayed.
  • The fourth fertilizer of the vegetable allows you to prolong its fruiting.

Important! You need to stop feeding cucumbers 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Fertilizers are applied to tomatoes using special mixtures, which are then watered onto the roots of the plants:

  1. Feeding is carried out in early June. To prepare the solution you will need:
      1 tablespoon of nitrophoska;
  2. 0.5 mullein;
  3. 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid;
  4. 2 microfertilizer tablets;
  5. 10 liters of water.
  6. Fertilizer is applied in the first days of July. To prepare the mixture you need:
      2 microfertilizer tablets;
  7. 0.5 mullein;
  8. 1 tablespoon potassium sulfate;
  9. 10 liters of water.

Conditions for growing crops

Techniques for growing cucumbers

In a polycarbonate greenhouse:

  • Pour drainage from stones and expanded clay. Drainage is necessary to ensure that excess water does not linger.

  • To create soil in a greenhouse, you need to use peat and sawdust in a ratio of 10:2. Next, 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate and nitrate are added to 10 kg of the mixture.
  • After two weeks, this mixture must be moistened with water. Next, the seeds are soaked for about 12 hours.
  • Seeds need to be planted in holes about 1 cm deep. If the greenhouse is heated and grown in winter, then the seeds do not require germination. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots will appear after a week.
  • In a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to follow the watering regime. It is worth abandoning frequent irrigation of the beds. If these nuances are observed, the plants will develop inflorescences, and, therefore, you should expect a good harvest.
  • After the fruits appear, watering must be increased.

Tomato growing technique

For tomatoes, it is necessary to create completely opposite conditions. The lack of a ventilation system and high humidity will lead to late blight. Brown spotting and gray rot appear on plants. Such diseases are dangerous for seedlings.

Tomatoes are rarely watered, as they do not tolerate high humidity. The ideal frequency of soil moistening is once a week. It is important to follow proper watering techniques. Water should fall under the root, and not on the leaves and stems of the plant. This is necessary so that evaporation does not occur, and the water goes directly into the ground.

Tomatoes cannot tolerate heat. If the air temperature exceeds +25 degrees, then the fruits stop developing and ripening. It is for this reason that during the day the greenhouse must be opened, or an artificial draft must be created using vents.

Tomatoes do not require nitrogen-based fertilizers. On the contrary, you should give preference to fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium.

Watch the video! How to grow cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

Control and prevention of pests and diseases

Like many other plants, cucumbers and tomatoes are susceptible to various diseases and insect attacks.

  • Pests often settle on weeds growing in close proximity to vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to remove excess grass from vegetable beds and around the greenhouse.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes should be periodically treated with special solutions that make the plants unattractive to insects.
  • Also, timely removal of diseased leaves will help avoid complete plant death.

Still, if the garden area allows or there are two greenhouses, it is better to grow cucumbers separately from tomatoes. Or choose plants and vegetables that are more compatible with each of them. For example, cucumbers “feel” great next to peppers or legumes, while tomatoes “prefer” being next to white cabbage.

What can you plant with cucumbers in a greenhouse? What can be planted with cucumbers in a greenhouse and 4 risk factors

Growing cucumbers is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. After all, it is necessary to maintain ideal conditions in which there should be a stable temperature and high humidity. Germination of this crop in open ground is impossible and therefore a greenhouse or greenhouse is required. As a rule, greenhouses are large in size, and gardeners combine several types of plants. However, is this correct, and what crops can be planted in the same greenhouse along with cucumbers?

How can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Mostly, beginning gardeners have one greenhouse installed, in which they strive to plant as many crops as possible. The main argument in favor of such an activity is the saving of space and the minimum cost of maintaining the structure. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to plant many crops in one greenhouse, as this can cause them: death, low yield, cross-pollination, which will lead to the formation of hybrids with far from the best characteristics.

Risk factors include:

  • Different temperature requirements;
  • Different humidity levels;
  • Use of different fertilizers;
  • Spread of pests from one crop to another.

In other words, if vegetable crops are placed incorrectly, both work and time can be wasted, since the harvest will be small and may be defective. In addition, the development process of each plant will begin to slow down and a massive shedding of ovaries is quite possible. In one greenhouse you can place only those vegetable crops that are related to the same family or have similar maintenance requirements.

For example, cucumbers require high humidity and warmth, as well as long daylight hours.

It is worth choosing neighbors for them based on precisely these criteria. When choosing certain crops, you need to pay attention not only to the species themselves, but also to their varieties. For example, very often cucumber hybrids are planted next to eggplants. Both types of plants are resistant to temperature changes and changes in air humidity.

Recommendations: what can be planted in a greenhouse along with cucumbers

There are a number of vegetable crops that can be planted next to cucumbers in the same greenhouse.

These include:

  1. Sweet peppers require a humidity of at least 80%, warm air and good lighting. It is strictly forbidden to plant sweet peppers next to hot ones, as they are cross-pollinated and the sweet fruits begin to taste bitter.
  2. Eggplants are considered excellent neighbors, since for excellent development they require heat of at least 28 o C, as well as increased soil moisture.
  3. White cabbage is considered to be very moisture-loving, but it needs a lot of light. The early variety can be planted in mid-April, and after the fruits have been collected, re-planting of the late-ripening variety is permissible.
  4. Radish is an early crop, and it is not demanding of heat, but prefers moisture. If you plant it along a bed of cucumbers, it will not only make the harvesting process easier, but will also contribute to the excellent development of cucumbers.
  5. Zucchini, no less than cucumbers, require warmth and high humidity, but they need a constant flow of air, and if they are grown in a greenhouse, they need regular ventilation. It is best to plant zucchini next to crops that are hybrid and have excellent resistance to temperature changes.

How to achieve a good harvest when growing together

To get a good harvest, it is important to create a warm and humid microclimate for cucumbers, and a well-ventilated and dry one for tomatoes. This can be done in two ways:

Advice from experienced agronomists

To create a microclimate suitable for both crops, vegetable growers advise using hydrogel when planting cucumbers. Its crystals quickly absorb excess moisture.

If the cucumbers are already planted and the hydrogel is not applied, mulching is used. After the cucumber sprouts appear, mown grass is scattered around them - mulch. This helps reduce the frequency of watering for cucumbers while retaining heat and moisture.

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