Description, characteristics of the Pink Pear tomato, features of the variety

Description of the tomato variety Pink Pear with photo

Vegetable growers are always attracted to varieties that have some unique characteristic. For example, pink pear-shaped tomatoes are very popular among lovers of original shapes. These tomatoes have a corresponding name - Pink Pear. The hybrid was bred by Siberian scientists by selecting seeds. The Pink Giant tomato was chosen for the work.

An external description of the plant will help you get to know the Pink Pear variety better and in more detail:

  1. Bush of indeterminate type. Such tomatoes are not limited in growth. They consistently form clusters, so their fruiting period is extended. The first cluster of the Pink Pear variety is tied above the 8-9 leaf. The next ones are three sheets apart. With good care, the bush produces more than 12 brushes. Experienced gardeners recommend leaving no more than 7-8 brushes. The height of an adult plant reaches 160 cm (open ground) and 200 cm (greenhouse). Important! A tomato variety with these parameters requires tying and shaping.
  1. The stem is not very powerful. Foliage and shoot formation are moderate, internodes are long.
  2. The leaves are tomato-type, green, slightly corrugated, ribbed, with long petioles. The leaf structure allows the variety to resist pests well.

The originator established a greenhouse method of cultivation. However, vegetable growers in the southern regions get a good tomato harvest in open ground.

In addition to the description, a photo of the Pink Pear tomato variety:

With proper care, tomato bushes are completely covered with delicious fruits.

Description of fruits

Pink pear is an extraordinary tomato. In addition to nutritional value, the fruits of the variety have other attractive characteristics. For example, the high decorative effect that the form provides. Basic parameters of Pink Pear tomatoes:

  1. The shape is elongated, slightly ribbed, reminiscent of a pear.
  2. The weight is small, the average value is about 100 g (greenhouse) and 75 g (open ground).
  3. The color is deep pink, with a slight pearlescent tint. Unripe fruits are light green, with a dark spot near the stalk. When the tomato ripens, the stain disappears.
  4. The skin is strong, medium density, glossy.
  5. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The number of seed chambers is no more than two.
  6. The taste is tomato, the combination of sweet and sour is well balanced.

The fruits ripen in clusters, each consisting of 5-7 tomatoes.

Uniform coloring of fruits is the result of compliance with agricultural technology requirements

The benefits of this variety

Among the pear-shaped varieties of tomatoes, the pear-shaped ones are the most attractive. This happens due to their shape. It is important to note that not all tomatoes of this shape are hybrids. These tomatoes have high yields. The weather does not affect their ability to mate. They can retain their properties and shape for a long time. When recycled they have the least amount of waste.

The hybrid species is perfect for growing in a greenhouse, under film. Pink pear has the property of early ripening. This makes it possible to obtain a large amount of high-quality harvest.

Characteristics of the pink pear tomato

The list of characteristics of a variety is very important for farmers. It gives a complete picture of the expected result. The most significant parameters are considered:

  1. Transportability and keeping quality. Both qualities are excellent due to the dense skin of the fruit. The Pink Pear tomato tolerates transportation and storage very well, while completely retaining its taste and presentation.
  2. Tomatoes do not crack when ripe.
  3. The variety has good adaptability to changes in weather conditions.
  4. High percentage of seed germination. The value is at least 80%-90%.
  5. Resistance to major crop diseases.

In addition to the listed characteristics, the Pink Pear tomato variety is valued for its productivity and wide range of uses.

Pink pear tomato productivity and fruiting

The variety belongs to medium-ripening tomatoes. The first harvest can be harvested 110-120 days after emergence. This figure may vary slightly due to the climatic conditions of the region. The productivity of Pink pear on open ridges is about 3 kg per bush. From an area of ​​1 sq. m you can collect from 6.0 kg to 6.7 kg of tasty fruits. When grown in greenhouses, the yield is 9-10 kg. Productivity increases when the bush is formed into one stem and timely pinching. The second condition is for 1 sq. m should grow no more than four plants.

The yield indicator makes it possible to grow the Pink Pear variety on an industrial scale

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomato variety Pink Pear for universal use. They are very good fresh. When added to salads, they not only improve the taste of the dish, but also decorate it perfectly. Due to their low weight, they are used for whole-fruit canning. Pear-shaped tomatoes produce rich juices, excellent vegetable preparations, and spicy adjika.

The fruits of the Pink Pear are extremely tasty even without cutting.

Resistance to diseases and pests

According to the description and reviews of vegetable growers, the Pink Pear variety exhibits good resistance to the main diseases and pests of nightshades. However, this characteristic may differ in regions with different climates. For example, growing outdoors in an area with cold, rainy and short summers will result in late blight.

Some information about the plant

The characteristics and description of the Pink Pear variety are as follows:

  1. The plant produces its first harvest 120 days after planting the seeds in the ground.
  2. In the tomato variety Pear Pink, the height of the bush ranges from 140 to 180 cm. When propagated in a greenhouse, the plant stretches up to 210 cm.
  3. The formation of bushes is carried out in 1 stem. As one of the farmers notes, when seedlings of this variety are planted, it is worth removing all the stepsons except one. This gives a higher yield.
  4. It is necessary to tie tomatoes of this variety to a vertical support or to form them on a trellis. Gardeners strive not to leave more than 8 trusses when growing this tomato.
  5. Pear tomatoes, slightly elongated, pink in color.

Reviews, photos and comments received from farmers about the Pink Pear tomato show that the yield of the variety when planted in a 1 m² bed with 3-4 plants reaches 9-10 kg. Tomatoes weigh up to 80 g in open ground, and in greenhouse conditions the fruits weigh up to 90 g.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, gardeners note the tendency of fruits to crack, the need to eliminate excess stepsons, and the use of special supports. It is necessary to protect plantings from garden pests. To do this, it is recommended to spray plants with solutions that kill insects. Gardeners note that the described variety often suffers from fungal infection or rot. To eliminate diseases, special drugs must be used.

Due to the large mass of fruits growing on the bush, it is necessary to tie or install durable stands. If this is not done, the branches may break off at a time when the fruits have not yet ripened.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to its extraordinary name, the Pink Pear variety has remarkable characteristics. They fully correspond to the description and are confirmed by reviews of vegetable growers.

Timely loosening of the soil and removal of the lower leaves will prevent tomatoes from cracking near the stalk


  • uniformity of fruit mass;
  • originality of the shape of tomatoes;
  • versatility of use;
  • resistance to nightshade diseases;
  • good taste;
  • high and stable yield;
  • ability to bear fruit in open ground;
  • good transportability and keeping quality.


  • the need to garter the bush;
  • in dry times, roots may crack due to lack of moisture;
  • the plant needs to be planted in a timely manner;
  • sensitivity to lighting and ambient temperature;
  • the variety’s tendency to certain diseases depending on the growing region.

Features of cultivation

The mid-season hybrid is grown in seedlings. To get high-quality seedlings, the gardener needs to perform several steps sequentially:

  1. Purchase and prepare planting material. You need to buy seeds in a specialized store. A hybrid grown from seeds collected by oneself will not have all the varietal characteristics. The next step is to treat the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Some gardeners also use the preparations Virtan-Micro or Potassium Humate, which improve germination.
  2. Prepare soil and containers for seedlings. There are two options - purchase a ready-made soil mixture for vegetable seedlings or make it yourself. In the second case, you need to mix turf soil, peat and humus in equal proportions. It is better to take a container of a size that easily fits on the windowsill.
  3. Meet the deadline. It is recommended to start sowing seeds for planting seedlings in greenhouses in early March. For open ground - at the end of the same month.

The sowing process is standard. Fill the containers with soil and lightly water them. Place the seeds in the furrows to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm, cover with a thin layer of soil. Moisten the surface with a spray bottle, cover with glass or film, and place in a warm place.

Ventilate the greenhouse periodically, moisten the soil and remove condensation. Shoots of the Pink Pear variety appear in 7-8 days, and after another week, leaves form on the seedlings. Pick seedlings when two true leaves appear. You can transplant tomato seedlings into separate cups or into one larger box. In this case, you need to leave a distance of 10x10 cm between neighboring plants. At the time of picking, deepen the seedlings of the Pink Pear variety to the cotyledon leaves. Indeterminate tomatoes need a second picking, which is recommended 14 days after the first. Now each bush needs a separate container with a volume of at least 1 liter.

During the period of growing Pink Pear tomato seedlings, two feedings should be carried out, preferably with Nitroammophoska.

Be sure to regulate watering. Make sure that there is no crust on the surface of the soil, but the plants also do not need excess moisture.

Two weeks before transplanting to a permanent location, Pink Pear seedlings need to begin hardening off.

Healthy tomato seedlings take root very quickly

Disembarkation times:

  • unheated greenhouse – May;
  • open ridges – June.

The planting pattern is 40x50 cm. The beds should be well lit. Caring for the variety consists of several points:

  1. Watering. Regular, but dosed. The water should be settled and moisturized at the root.
  2. Loosening and weeding. It is important to proceed carefully so as not to damage the roots and only after watering.
  3. Stepsonning. Mandatory procedure for Indians. Form into 1-2 stems.
  4. Feeding - once every three weeks. Be sure to alternate mineral compositions and organic matter.

Important! Application of manure should be avoided.

Growing tomatoes for seedlings

The fruiting of the tomato and its taste properties depend on the quality of the seedlings, so you cannot do without following certain recommendations and features in this matter.

  1. The seeds differ from existing tomato varieties in a special preparation process. First you need to warm them up and treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate, since this is how antiseptic treatment is carried out to increase the hygienic safety of the plant and the absence of diseases during planting. To prepare the solution, 2 grams of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a glass of water, and then the seeds are immersed there for 20-25 minutes for impregnation.
  2. In order to increase the germination of a plant, potassium humate can be used, since in this case the seedling is fed with important substances and microelements for subsequent growth and fruiting.
  3. Prepared seeds are placed in gauze for germination before planting in the ground. It is worth remembering that ventilation is the best way to prevent the appearance of bacteria and ensure greater germination and strength of the root system.
  4. Sprouted seeds need to be planted in the ground to a depth of 2.0-2.5 centimeters, and for watering you need water at room temperature so that the root system is strengthened and the plant grows faster due to the absence of sudden temperature changes.
  5. Planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place for quick germination.

Pest and disease control

Problems with the variety arise for several reasons. For example, white rot is the result of a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the soil. This disease is also transmitted to tomato beds from other vegetable crops. Control methods include removing rotten shoots or the entire bush. To prevent the spread of fungal and viral diseases, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then, at the beginning of growth, the tomatoes need to be watered with the same mixture.

To combat the Colorado potato beetle, it is better to use chemical agents (Killer, Bankol, Karate). Hand picking can only be practiced in small planting areas. Copper sulfate or wood ash work well against slugs and caterpillars. To ward off pests, it is enough to dust the roots of Pink Pear tomatoes.

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