Tomato Lazyr: description of a promising variety, photo of the harvest, reviews of cultivation

Ripening period:early, 95-100 days
Shape, weight of fruits:heart-shaped; 0.4 kg
Bush type:determinant
Growing regions:Siberia, Ural, central Russia
Productivity:up to 4.0 kg per bush, up to 15.0 kg per m².

For residents of regions with unstable weather conditions or cool climates, unpretentiousness is the main requirement for tomatoes. The large-fruited standard tomato Lazy is just one of these. Thanks to the breeding work of Russian agronomists, the variety tolerates cold well and also begins to bear fruit early. The species was bred taking into account the climatic conditions of Siberia, but is also suitable for other areas. Seeds from the agricultural company Siberian Garden are suitable immediately for sowing in open ground or under simple shelters.

Characteristics of the variety and description of the fruits

According to the characteristics and description of the variety Lentyayka, it belongs to low plants of the determinant type. The growth of the bushes stops when the tomatoes reach 60 cm. The high yield is explained by the large number of stepsons with fruit racemes. The height of the bushes can be adjusted independently by cutting the central stem at the level of half a meter. The Lazy Lazy tomato variety does not need to be pinched, but removing excess shoots located below the first bunch will allow you to get larger tomatoes. The fruits are capable of gaining weight up to 500 g. Although the average weight in open ground remains within 300 g.

The first tomatoes ripen at least 95 days after sowing, but a cold spring can delay the onset of fruiting.

A harvest of up to 4 kg is harvested from each plant, and about 15 kg of vegetables ripen on each square meter of planting.

The shape of the tomato is heart-shaped, which is clearly visible in the photo. The surface of the fruit is smooth, not ribbed. During the ripening period, the pulp and skin acquire a rich scarlet color.

Tomatoes withstand transportation and retain their presentation for a long time. The dense, sugary pulp of the fruit contains little free liquid, and minimal space is allocated to the seed chambers.

The advantages include the rich taste of tomatoes. During the tasting, experts rated this quality at 4.8 points from Large tomatoes are not usually canned; they are better used for summer snacks or salads.

Further care for Lentyayka tomatoes

Further care for this vegetable crop includes:

  • compliance with the irrigation regime. When growing Lazy Lazy tomatoes in the garden, you need to water them once every 3-4 days. Watering should be done strictly at the root and at the same time make sure that drops of water do not fall on the foliage. The sprinkling method when watering tomatoes cannot be used;
  • as they grow, the shoots of the bushes are tied to strong supports or trellises (when grown in greenhouse conditions);
  • The stepchildren of plants of the Lazyman variety are removed only up to the first cluster of inflorescences. Further removal of stepsons or formation of bushes is not carried out.
  • Loosening and removing weeds in beds with tomatoes of this variety may not be necessary. However, if these procedures are still carried out, this improves their yield.

TOMATO CARE. First IMPORTANT steps - video

Usually, if you follow all the rules for growing seedlings and further care after transplanting plants into beds, about 3 months pass from the moment the seed material germinates to the harvest of ripe produce.

Features of cultivation and care

According to their characteristics, Lentyayka tomatoes can be classified as unpretentious, since they are zoned for growing under film in the cool climate of Siberia, as well as in the Urals. However, the species does not tolerate heat and dry weather well. Therefore, it is advisable to plant this variety in unprotected soil no further south than central Russia.

Plants are able to withstand spring return frosts after planting in a permanent place. Typically, seedlings are ready to move at the end of May or the very beginning of June.

In the southern regions, Lazywort can be grown directly in the beds, but it is recommended to use the seedling method. Seeds germinate at 23-24°C and quickly form a strong root system. The sowing period begins on March 15 and ends on April 5, but the specific period depends on the area. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, the use of stimulants is allowed. If the weather permits, seedlings can be planted 1.5 months after sowing in a permanent place. The soil must be rich in microelements and nitrogen; fertilizers will have to be added regularly to poor soils. As predecessors, the tomato variety Lentyayka prefers:

  • onion or garlic;
  • roots;
  • cabbage

It is good to plant green manure before tomato seedlings, which are later planted in beds.

For free growth, tomatoes should be planted spaciously, no more than 4 plants per m². The culture prefers soil that is neutral in acidity. During the growth period, tomatoes require simple care in the form of regular watering, weeding and loosening. Fertilizers should be applied less frequently than 3 times during the growing season, alternately using minerals and organic matter.

Despite the fact that the stems of Lazyman tomatoes are strong and strong, especially large fruits can break the side shoots on which they grow, or press the branches to the ground. In such cases, it is recommended to tie the bushes to supports, for example, low trellises. If necessary, you can also carefully cut off the stepsons located below the first fruit cluster, but this procedure is not necessary.

Lazy Tomatoes: planting seedlings, growing, caring for tomatoes in the garden

In most Russian regions, all varieties of tomatoes are grown by seedlings, and the Lentyayka tomato is no exception.

You should plant seedlings of Lentyayka tomatoes at home for seedlings in mid-March. Calculating the planting time in such a way that strong seedlings can be planted in a permanent place approximately two months after the sprouts appear.

If summer residents want to get earlier production from a given variety, then they can plant seedlings in the beds about two weeks earlier than this date.

Lazy tomato seedlings - video

On a note!

Purchased seeds have usually already undergone all pre-sowing preparation, they are disinfected, so the only thing that can be done with them is to soak them for hatching so that seedlings appear faster.

Collected tomato seed material from your own beds must first be processed


  • first, the seeds are placed in salted water and all that float are removed - they will not sprout, since they are empty inside;
  • then the seeds are placed for an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After this procedure, the seed material must be washed;
  • then the seed material is placed in a solution of any growth accelerator, according to the instructions for its use for tomatoes.

Such pre-sowing treatment of seeds guarantees their high germination rate and also increases the plants’ resistance to diseases, pest attacks and stressful situations.

Soil for planting Lazy Lazy tomatoes is usually purchased in specialized stores - soil is taken for growing vegetable plants. This soil mixture already contains all the necessary fertilizers for the growth and development of tomatoes.

Seeds are sown in containers filled with such a nutrient substrate. The depth of their embedding is 1.5 cm.

After planting tomato seeds Lazyr for seedlings, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect inside the containers - in this case, seedlings will appear earlier. The air temperature in the room during seed germination should be approximately 20-25 degrees Celsius.

After most of the shoots appear, the polyethylene is removed, the containers are moved to a sunny place, and the room temperature is reduced to 14-15 degrees Celsius during the day and 12-13 degrees at night.

When the plants have 2-3 true leaves, you can pick the tomato seedlings of the Lazy Guy, replanting them so that the distance between neighboring plants is at least 3.5-4 cm.

Photos of growing Lazy Tomato

On a note!

Some gardeners immediately plant tomatoes in separate cups. Although tomatoes survive seedling transplants quite easily, unlike cucumbers.

During the growth of tomato seedlings, you can feed them a couple of times to make the plants stronger

. The first time Lazyki seedlings are fed a week before picking, adding an ammophoska solution to the containers.

Feeding with this preparation should be repeated a couple of weeks after picking, but no later than a week before replanting the Lazyman tomato seedlings to a permanent place of growth in a greenhouse or open ground.

12-14 days before transplanting plants to a permanent place, they need to start hardening off. To do this, containers with tomato seedlings are taken out into the fresh air, first for an hour and a half, gradually increasing the time the young tomatoes spend outside. A couple of days before transplanting the seedlings to the beds, you can leave containers with plants outside not only for the day, but also for the night.

You need to prepare beds for transplanting tomato seedlings in advance. Tomatoes do not like acidic soils, and this must be taken into account when choosing a place to plant them.

You also need to follow the rules of crop rotation and plant tomatoes after:

  • carrots;
  • Luke;
  • cucumbers;
  • any varieties of cabbage;
  • peas, beans, soybeans.

And after potatoes or bell peppers, tomatoes can be planted only after 3 seasons.


On one square of area you can place up to 5-6 Lazy tomato bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The value of Lazy Guy can be determined by considering the advantages of the variety:

  • Tomatoes produce a large harvest of large fruits.
  • Tomatoes have a very high tasting rating from experts.
  • Dense pulp and strong skin have a positive effect on storage and transportation.
  • The species is resistant to sudden changes in temperature and does not lose productivity in cool climates.
  • Standard-type plants are characterized by low growth, which eliminates the need for formation.
  • When growing Lazy Lazy tomatoes, you can do without pinching.
  • The early onset of fruiting allows tomatoes to ripen on the bushes.
  • Plants do not need much space to grow.

It should be noted that the variety has certain disadvantages:

  • The bushes do not tolerate high air temperatures well.
  • Plants require regular rationed watering.
  • Branches with large tomatoes need to be tied to supports.

During the entire growing season, with the exception of fruiting, the Lazy tomato needs to be fed with fertilizers.

Pest and disease control

The lazy tomato is highly resistant to late blight and macrosporosis. But when grown in greenhouse conditions, this tomato is often affected by fungal diseases due to too high humidity levels. To avoid these diseases, you need to ventilate greenhouses daily.

Of the insects, mole crickets and slugs can attack the lazy tomato. Traps and special insecticides must be used against the first pests. And the easiest way to deal with slugs is to pick them out by hand. You can also scatter tobacco dust between the rows or plant marigolds and marigolds, whose aroma repels these harmful insects.

Similar varieties

The lazy one has advantages over other tomatoes, however, the variety has competitors with similar characteristics:

  • Alsou;
  • Nobleman;
  • Pudovik;
  • Nastenka.

Determinate tomatoes Alsou of Russian selection are not standard, but do not grow higher than 1 m even in a greenhouse. The variety is resistant not only to cold, but also to drought. Heart-shaped fruits with a bright taste ripen 90-100 full days after sowing, and gain weight over 500 g. The yield per bush is higher than that of the Lazy Tree, but the plant needs more space to grow.

The Velmozha variety is characterized by a powerful bush of determinate type that does not require supports. Large fruits are collected in clusters, sit firmly on the branches, but may crack when ripe. Taste is rated 5 points, and transportability is below average. The growing region coincides with Lazy, but the ripening period of Velmozhi is longer by 10-20 days.

The Pudovik tomato variety has a rich fruit taste, high yield, which is combined with resistance to adverse factors. Refers to mid-season crops of determinant type.

Tomato Nastenka is an early-ripening determinate cultivar with heart-shaped raspberry fruits weighing up to 200 g. It stands out for its very tasty, sweet fruits.

Description of the Lazy Tomato

The Lentyayka tomato is a universal variety, the result of the work of Russian scientists and an example of Siberian selection. In 2010, it passed state registration. Due to the ability of tomatoes to maintain high yields in different climatic zones: in the regions of central Russia, in areas with colder climates, their growing area is wide. In the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, Kuban and the Caucasus, tomatoes are planted in open ground, in the regions of the Urals and Siberia - in greenhouses and under film.

Plants are determinate. Their growth continues until 4–6 inflorescences form at the top. During this period, tomatoes must be tied to a support, since with the development of ovaries and fruits and the growth of lateral shoots, the branches bend down and break.

Distinctive characteristics and description of the lazy tomato variety are short stature and compactness. This is important in cases where the crop is grown in greenhouses or in small summer cottages where planting area is limited. In the photo of Lazyman tomatoes, you can see that the trunks are straight and dense, their height reaches 40 - 60 cm. The bushes grow both upwards and to the sides. In this case, the side shoots grow along the entire length of the trunk, small clusters of 2–4 tomatoes appear on them.

Tomatoes of the Lazyman variety need to be planted only until the first cluster appears on them. Then additional shoots develop on the plant, and tomato bunches are formed on them.

Growing regions

The Lentyayka tomato variety was bred by enthusiasts specifically for the conditions of Siberia, the Urals and central Russia. It thrives in open ground and in greenhouses and bears fruit abundantly.

Additional Information! In the Urals and regions of Siberia, seedlings must be covered with film, and in the arid regions of Russia they must be watered abundantly.

"Lazy" - tomato for the lazy

Agro is known for the high quality of garden seeds and a variety of offers. Among the new tomatoes is the Lazy Guy variety, which is still little known to a large circle of summer residents, but already has its fans.

But in any case, to get a harvest, you will have to work hard: grow seedlings, provide watering and fertilizing for the tomatoes. And then Lazy Girl will surprise you and delight you with beautiful, delicious fruits.

A variety from the group of determinate tomatoes, height – 50-60 cm, which allows it to be grown in small greenhouses and tunnels. Standard type bush, compact, with regular leaves. The first fruits are harvested after 85-95 days, that is, an early tomato, ideal for regions with harsh climates.

The breeders' task was to develop a variety with large fruits and early harvest dates for cultivation in open ground, which in the end was quite successful. The tomatoes of the Siberian tomato variety Lentyayka are very large and have a rich crimson color. Weight – 300-380 grams, the skin of the fruit is dense and thin. The shape is heart-shaped, so when the crop ripens on the bushes, the appearance of the plants is very elegant.

The pulp is medium dense, there are 4-6 chambers inside, there are few seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet with a very slight sourness. Use – salads, fresh, also preparing pasta, juice, sauces. Only small tomatoes are suitable for canning and pickling; large specimens are cut into slices and rolled into assorted dishes, lecho, and pickles.

The Lazyman variety is a productive tomato; you can collect 4-5 kg ​​of fruit from a bush. Tomatoes are tastier from plants grown in beds, but a lot depends on care and weather conditions.

Exceptional tomato qualities

Tomatoes contain carotenoids, pectin substances, chemical and biogenic elements, and organic acids. In terms of vitamin C content, they are ahead of lemons and oranges, and in terms of potassium content, they have no equal at all. Tomatoes protect the body's cells from destruction by free radicals, from the development of cancer, and bone destruction.

Attention! Tomatoes should be consumed with caution by people with high stomach acidity, the presence of gallstones and allergy sufferers.

Today, this storehouse of vitamins can be grown in the southern regions and in areas with harsh climates. One of these tomatoes, which is able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations in northern latitudes, is the Lazy Guy variety.

Tomato variety Lentyayka is suitable for growing in any climate


In shape, and many specimens also in size, the fruits of the Lazy Guy tomato resemble the fruits of the Novosibirsk varieties Velmozha, Heavyweight of Siberia or Pudovik. However, unlike them, which are colored pink or raspberry-pink, the color of the Lazy Girl is closer to pure red, although in a certain state of ripeness it has pinkish tones. This is the kind of tomato that makes you want to cut it and eat it as quickly as possible, because it makes you confident that the flesh is sweet and tasty. Indeed, the taste of the Lazy tomato is excellent, but they say that some sourness is still present against the background of the main sweet taste.

The real Lazy Girl is painted bright red, but it is often said that she is almost pink: whether this is true or a mismatch is difficult to say.

Tomato bushes

The bushes are low-growing and compact (standard variety). Height - 60-65 cm. In this regard, gartering and the formation of bushes are not necessary, however, they are recommended and we will talk about this below. Therefore, not very experienced gardeners can safely begin their acquaintance with growing their own tomatoes with this variety.

With ideal care, we recommend pinching below the first brush and removing the top of the bush at the level of half a meter.

Up to six inflorescences are formed on the bush, the stem is straight and not subject to large growth, so it will feel great in unprotected soil and in low greenhouses. Brushes are formed on the side branches, so topping is necessary. And although the bush is not tall, due to the heavy fruits, in order to avoid breaking the stems, tying to pegs is required. In addition, if the fruits are in contact with the soil, they are more susceptible to diseases and pests can more easily reach them.

In general, the Lazy tomato is resistant to diseases, provided timely preventive measures are taken.

Description of fruits

The fruits of tomatoes of the Lazyman variety are set together. The ovaries are mainly formed on the lateral stepsons. The shape of tomatoes is heart-shaped, and the color can vary from bright red to close to crimson. The skin is smooth, dense and at the same time tender. Thanks to this, the fruits are well preserved during transportation.

A description of Lazy Guy tomatoes will be incomplete without an indication of their taste. The fruits are pleasant and sugary. Unlike many other varieties of tomatoes, Lentyayka does not have a pronounced sourness, so it is classified as a dessert variety.

If you cut a tomato, it reveals juicy, tender flesh of a rich red color with 4 to 5 partitions. The seed chambers are almost invisible. The density of the pulp is average, the proportion of dry matter is 4 – 5%.

Tomato transplant

Seedlings that are planned to be planted in open ground can be hardened off 50 days after sowing. To do this, containers are placed on the balcony. Tomatoes that will grow in a greenhouse can be transplanted to a permanent place 45 days after sowing.

It is recommended to prepare the soil for plants in advance. When digging, you need to add ash, humus, as well as mineral fertilizers: potassium and ammonium nitrate, superphosphate.

Planting holes for transplanting bushes of the Lentyayka variety can be placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. On an area of ​​1 sq. m fits 6 plants. Young shoots are placed in the holes, the roots are sprinkled, and watering is carried out.

Characteristics of tomatoes Lazy

The characteristic features of the variety are its early ripening and the combination of short stature and large size of tomatoes. And the fact that the crop can be cultivated in many regions without the use of artificial shelters makes it very attractive for gardeners.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The lazy tomato variety is resistant to such common diseases as macrosporiosis and late blight. This is one of the advantages of the plant. At the same time, slugs and mole crickets pose a threat to tomatoes. These pests usually appear on mature bushes.

Important! Tomatoes that grow in greenhouses and greenhouses are often subject to fungal diseases.

Productivity and fruiting

The Lazy Guy variety is early ripening. The period from planting to the ripening of the first fruits averages 95–100 days. With this growing season, the first tomato harvest can be harvested at the end of June.

The productivity of the variety is high. It is achieved due to the good immunity of plants and their resistance to diseases. I get about 4 kg of tomatoes from the bush. With the preferred planting scheme, 6 plants per square meter. m, the yield indicator is 20 kg.


Tomatoes of the Lentyayka variety belong to the category of large-fruited varieties. Although the bush of the plant is not large in size, quite large tomatoes grow on it. This is considered rare for determinate varieties.

On average, the weight of one tomato is 250-350 grams. With proper and regular care of the plant, the weight of the fruit can increase up to 500 grams.

The Lentyayka variety is distinguished by good fruiting. In good weather conditions, you can harvest up to 5 kg of tomatoes from one bush.

In unfavorable weather, yields are reduced. If you follow the proposed planting scheme of 4-5 bushes per 1 sq. meter, then you can collect more than 20 kg of ripe tomatoes.

Optimal growing conditions

In the northern regions, the Lazy Guy variety still needs a greenhouse. And when grown in the south and in the regions of the middle zone, it feels great in open ground.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Lazy tomato variety has gained many fans over the short time of its existence. Gardeners value it for the fact that:

  • the bushes are compact in size and at the same time have good productivity;
  • plants are resistant to temperature fluctuations and cool climates and have strong immunity;
  • tomatoes are large, juicy and tasty;
  • they can be used for fresh salads and for preparations;
  • The fruits ripen together, are stored for a long time, and can be transported without problems;
  • plants are able to bear fruit until the onset of frost.

Like any variety, Lazy Guy also has its drawbacks:

  • has difficulty withstanding dry, hot weather, during such periods it requires abundant watering, and with a lack of moisture, productivity indicators decrease;
  • needs strong supports during fruit ripening;
  • demonstrates active growth and good yield only on fertile soils with neutral acidity.

The number of advantages is noticeably greater than the disadvantages. However, the choice in favor of the tomato variety remains with the gardener.

Pros and cons of tomato

Early ripening Lentyayka tomatoes stand out among other varieties with the following positive qualities:

  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • good yield;
  • storage duration;
  • ideal for small gardens or summer cottages;
  • suitable for growing in small greenhouses;
  • rapid fruit ripening;
  • good transportability;
  • bushes do not need shaping;
  • do not require special care;
  • ripe fruits have an unusually pleasant taste, both fresh and canned;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • immunity to fungal diseases.

But besides the advantages, the Lazy tomato also has several disadvantages:

  • does not tolerate high air temperatures and drought;
  • needs a garter, otherwise the plant will break under the weight of the fruit;
  • not suitable for whole-fruit canning;
  • It develops well and bears fruit only on fertile soil.

If we take into account all the positive qualities of the variety, then its disadvantages will be quite insignificant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The name of the vegetable speaks for itself - the variety is easy to grow. Besides this, Lazy Guy has many other advantages. The strengths of the fruit are:

  • compactness (the bushes do not take up much space on the site or in the greenhouse);
  • heavy weight;
  • self-pollination;
  • resistance to temperature changes, pests and diseases;
  • ease of transportation;
  • rapid maturation.

Note! Although the variety is self-pollinating, pollination occurs better with bees.

The weaknesses of the variety include:

  • high growth - the need for tying;
  • intolerance to drought and heat - the need for additional watering;
  • low yield on depleted soils - additional fertilizers need to be applied.
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