Rules for pruning columnar apple trees in the fall for beginners

To obtain a good result and preserve the decorative appearance of the tree, you should regularly trim the columnar apple tree and shape it. This type of apple tree began to appear in our country quite recently, but very quickly became popular. This is probably due to their growth and originality, because the plant does not have a crown in its usual form. Apple trees of this type take up little space on the site, but at the same time they produce rich harvests, which can be achieved by properly caring for the plant. We will tell you in this article how to prune a columnar apple tree, what pruning affects, when to carry out this procedure and what care is necessary to obtain stable, rich harvests.

How to prune a columnar apple tree or how pruning can be the start to big harvests

Pruning a columnar apple tree: photo

Tree pruning must be approached with all responsibility, given that the columnar apple tree is a unique species. It does not form a crown; the trunk is covered with leaves and fruits growing directly on it. Thanks to this, plants can be planted densely and good harvests can be harvested. Since there is no crown, pruning becomes unusual.

There are no classical rules here and the decision whether to carry out this procedure or not is made by the gardener himself. Taking into account the fact that the buds on such a tree are located on the top of the head and they should not be damaged under any circumstances, it is not advisable to carry out formative pruning of the crown.

Pruning is carried out primarily to remove annual shoots that prevent branches from developing. Such shoots absorb many useful substances, which is why the fruit ovary is formed in a smaller volume. To prevent sessile sprouts from becoming tangled, it is important to thin them out. If you do this kind of work, the yields will become noticeably higher, and the apple tree will acquire a decorative appearance.

What tools will you need?

To form a proper columnar crop, you must use sharpened pruning shears or garden shears. These tools will be enough to remove all unnecessary shoots. There is no work with thick branches, so a more serious tool like a saw or ax is not useful.

Garden pruning shears in action.

Is it possible to prune columnar apple trees?

The columnar apple tree is a low-growing tree, and when caring for it, it is important to take this factor into account. Thanks to a special artificial gene, the plant has a columnar shape.

If a type of columnar apple tree grows in natural conditions, then they form a pyramid shape on which lateral branches develop. Their appearance is similar to cypress and poplar.

In fact, by growing such an apple tree in your garden, you don’t have to participate in the process of its development. It will be enough to only occasionally pinch the lateral shoots. But it is worth knowing that pruning helps preserve the unique appearance of the tree, preventing it from becoming an ordinary dwarf tree with a spreading crown.

Why is pruning needed?

In order for the column to have a classic shape, it needs help, which consists in trimming the side shoots that grow in the spring. This helps regulate their growth and forms the shape inherent in a columnar apple tree.

In addition, pruning will help prevent branches from tangling with each other if the plants are planted very tightly. The emerging branches will become stronger, and the weak, old ones will change into new shoots. Thanks to this procedure, light and nutrients will penetrate to a greater extent into the crown.

All these factors will lead to an increase in the yield of tasty apples.

Columnar apple trees have weak growth; this, perhaps, can be considered their main feature. This is due to the fact that growth hormones are contained in small quantities in the plant. But flower buds appear on the tree in large numbers and cover the entire trunk. This completely compensates for the disadvantage associated with slow growth.

To create a strong and strong trunk that can hold many fruits, it is necessary to remove the side branches that weaken the apple tree.

By planting trees one meter apart, the planting will be fairly dense and require certain conditions to be met.

Basic Rules

A true columnar culture grows in one trunk, practically without forming side shoots. But if you don’t take care of the apple tree, the trunk will turn out to be neglected.

Pruning side shoots

How to cut off side shoots? Only those layers that are not older than 1 year are shortened. At the base of each layer, 2 buds are left. In summer, the branches are also pinched to get a normalized harvest of large, juicy apples.

A similar procedure is carried out every year. The cut must be made evenly, without shaggy bark, so as not to destroy the apple tree.

Trimming the crown shoot

The top is the most vulnerable part of the apple tree of this variety. For normal development of the culture, it is necessary to protect the crown bud. To prevent it from freezing in winter, it is better to cover it.

This is done in regions with frosty winters. The top must be covered starting from the first year of planting. After all, it is the top that makes the apple tree columnar.

What to do if the top is frozen on a young tree? Just below the top, quite a few strong shoots usually begin to grow. It is necessary to choose the strongest of them, leaving it as the main one, and shorten the rest to 2 buds.

The upper part of the crown with the frozen bud must be cut off exactly to the shoot that was left as the main one

Sanitary pruning

Caring for columnar apple trees includes mandatory sanitary pruning. Most often it is held in October or November, when the entire harvest has already been harvested.

During sanitization, it is necessary to remove dry, broken and intertwined branches. The shoots spoiled by pests must also be removed.

The shoots should be cut to the base, but not “to the ring”; it is recommended to leave a small stump about 0.5 centimeters high.

In this video, plant breeder and plant pathologist Yulia Konratenok talks about pruning a columnar apple tree.

Rules that are important to know before forming a columnar apple tree

Pruning a columnar apple tree: photo

One of the main tips is to cut through more branches, as this will help more active development of those that remain. It is important to know that it is necessary to prune columnar apple trees and form a crown before the active movement of sap in the tree begins. If this could not be done, then pruning should be postponed until the first days of summer or until the plant begins to prepare for the winter cold.

Forming a dwarf tree is quite simple. It just requires some diligence and care. Gardeners who grow apple trees professionally talk about the need to prune in stages in the spring. It is important to remember the characteristics of the plant during its development and its age, and they must be taken into account.

In order for the active development of new strong, abundantly fruiting shoots to occur, when pruning, it is necessary to leave no more than 4 buds on the branches, removing most of them. Don't waste time on small cuts. Since in this case, the active growth of weak branches will begin on the apple tree, which will not bring satisfaction when harvesting. Sometimes when forming plants, gardeners create not just one column, but about three strong trunks.

Mistakes of novice gardeners

The top is the most delicate part of the tree. In order for the trunk to develop and grow normally, it will be necessary to preserve the crown bud. Its main enemy is frost - the main shoot damaged by cold is subsequently quickly thickened with young branches, and the tree dies. Therefore, do not allow the top to freeze or damage it during pruning. This material will tell you about the columnar Decorah pear.

In the spring, the gardener must accurately identify the strongest shoot and leave it for subsequent development. The remaining shoots are removed.

But even knowing the purpose and timing of pruning side shoots, you can harm the tree if you ignore the technique of doing the work.

The main mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners and their consequences:

  1. If after pruning a long stump remains, it will die off in the future. Stumps that are too short interfere with normal bud growth.
  2. Shaggy, oblique cuts cause injury to the bark. Make sure that the cut after trimming is perfect.
  3. During the formation of lateral branches, bud pruning is used.

Achieving an ideal cut is not so difficult - the main thing is to follow a number of rules. First, the work is carried out from the base to the top. Step back two fingers from the bud, cut straight, make sure there are no burrs or burrs. Be sure to leave three buds on each shoot when pruning. The growth of the branches in the future will depend on how strictly you follow these recommendations. To carry out the procedure, use only well-sharpened special garden tools.

How to properly prune a columnar apple tree?

During formation, shoots of the first year of life must be trimmed so that no more than 2 buds remain on them.

The procedure must be carried out annually. By doing this, a fruiting unit will be formed, which will consist of a fruit-bearing branch located horizontally and two young shoots. Fruiting lasts for 5 years. Next, the tree is cut down to the very base.

During summer formation, the young shoots are shelled and nutrients are redirected from the side shoots to the plant.

A columnar-type apple tree has a weak point in the form of a crown. Freezing in the winter, young shoots appear on it in the spring. In this case, the strongest one is selected among them, the others are shortened so that no more than two buds remain on them.

Scheme for pruning

Scheme for pruning a columnar apple tree: photo

There is no need for fanaticism when pruning dwarf trees. This procedure is aimed at balancing growth and increasing yield with minimal losses for apple trees.

When forming, it is important to remember the features characteristic of low-growing crops. The shoot located in the center is a rod that never shortens. Branches located on the sides can be in a vertical or horizontal position. This is where you should pay maximum attention to pruning. The foundation for the formation of those zones where fruiting will occur are the lateral branches. By pruning them correctly, it will be possible to obtain consistently high yields for 5 years.

Pruning includes 2 steps:

  • During removal, the branch is cut to a certain length.
  • The entire branch is cut off.

To form the right tree, you need to pay attention to it for several years. The formation of an apple tree must be carried out in stages:

  • In the first year of life, the trunk must be shortened immediately after the tree is planted in the garden, and the side shoots must be completely removed.
  • After a year, young shoots that have reached 30 centimeters in length must be pinched.
  • The shoot located at the very top does not need to be cut, as it will serve as a continuation of the trunk.
  • In the third year of the plant’s life, the lateral branches must be shortened so that about 40 centimeters remain. The shoot located at the top must be pinched 25 centimeters from the main trunk.
  • In the fourth year, it is necessary to thin out all the branches, leaving only young, strong and properly growing ones.

Throughout subsequent years, it is necessary to remove branches that bear fruit poorly or dry out. This will stimulate new growth and increase yield.

How to avoid mistakes

Pruning a columnar apple tree: photo

It is very important that after the formation procedure there are no too short or, conversely, long stumps left. In the first case, this will serve as an obstacle to the growth of the buds, and in the second, it will cause possible death.

Also, a shaggy or oblique cut should not be allowed, as this will injure the wood. The cut must be smooth, so sharp and sterile instruments should be used. When forming side branches, bud pruning should be used.

Cutting rules:

  • The cut must be made starting from the base and moving towards the top.
  • It should be directed in the opposite direction from the kidney.
  • The cut should be two fingers higher from the bud.

When pruning shoots, it is important to leave three buds on each. This is necessary for the growth of branches.


  • Pruning should only be done with sharp and clean tools.
  • After the procedure, you need to treat the sections with green varnish.
  • You can safely remove small green shoots growing on the trunk, as this will not be harmful to the tree. On the contrary, this will be one of the reasons for the formation of a powerful column located in the center and will contribute to an increase in fruits on the tree.
  • When pruning branches in the future, you should leave those whose age does not exceed 4 years.

If you are unsure about pruning, you should pay attention to the branches. If their thickness is equal to 1/2 of the trunk located in the center, then they must be removed.

Schemes and forms of correct pruning

How is a columnar apple tree formed so that it grows correctly? Vertically growing branches grow more than others during the season. Horizontally directed sprouts grow slowly, but most flower buds appear on them.

Therefore, it is worth removing annual vertical shoots that do not allow the layering to develop properly. They absorb the main nutrition, thereby reducing the number of ovaries on horizontal branches.

Pruning technology in stages over several years:

  1. In the first year of the apple tree’s life, 2 buds are left on the side branches, which are located closer to the main trunk.
  2. It is imperative to form a central shoot. It is usually formed in the second year, without touching the topmost sprout, which in the future will become a continuation of the trunk.
  3. In the third year, the non-central upper shoot is cut 25 cm below the central trunk. The branch on which the fruits have ripened is removed. Looking through the remaining branches, you need to select the layer on which apples will ripen in the next season.
  4. The same operation is repeated in the 4th year.
  5. To renew the tree and stop its growth, in the fifth year of the tree’s life, you should cut off the top at a height of 70–100 cm. Then, when young branches grow from dormant buds, choose the healthiest one and remove the rest.
  6. In all subsequent years, weak shoots are removed, leaving vertical ones, pruning them into 2 buds.

How to prune a columnar apple tree throughout the year?

The timing of formation depends on what variety the columnar apple tree belongs to.

Four stages of pruning an apple tree:

  • Winter. It is considered the main one and is held at the end of winter. This is the best time for this procedure.
  • Spring. This pruning will help identify the central shoot. It should be done after the tree stops blooming.
  • Summer. The period is most suitable to remove excess, newly formed shoots.
  • Autumn. During this period, it is necessary to cut off shoots located vertically and thin out dense areas.

All these stages are different and have their own characteristics.

Winter pruning of a columnar apple tree

There are no permanent branches on a columnar apple tree. Its cylinder-like shape creates poor conditions for the branches located below, as they do not receive enough sunlight.

Winter pruning helps shape the zones where fruits develop, moving them to the top. It is at this moment that all dry, damaged and weak branches can be removed. This helps to significantly reduce the load on the plant, which will bear fruit in the future.

How to prune a columnar apple tree in spring

During this period, the most important thing is to prune before the sap begins to flow. If you can do this, the plant will develop much faster. This is due to the fact that each bud remaining on the branch after pruning produces a new shoot.

This type of pruning is called shelling or pinching.

Spring pruning serves not only for the appearance of new shoots, but also for removing frozen tips and renewing the apple tree.

How to prune a columnar apple tree in summer

During the summer procedure, all excess green shoots that managed to grow this year are removed. They are located on the central conductor, so they are difficult to miss. For summer pruning, you do not need to use pruning shears, as regular plucking is sufficient.

You should be careful not to damage the bark when removing small growth. Even large wounds in small numbers are not as bad as small wounds in large numbers.

How to prune a columnar apple tree in the fall

When the sap flow ends and the entire harvest is harvested, it is necessary to carry out autumn pruning. It is also called sanitary. During this period, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary, damaged, including pests, dried or tangled branches. By ridding the plant of them, it will be easier for it to survive the winter. When removing growth in the summer, you need to understand that by autumn it may appear again and will also need to be removed.

Each variety of columnar apple tree needs the care it needs. It is necessary to take into account the age of the apple tree and the specific situation. The most important thing is to prune trees at a young age.

Caring for a columnar apple tree after pruning

This includes watering, fertilizing and mulching, and treating pests.

Features of crop care

  • Due to the location of the roots close to the surface of the earth, apple trees require frequent watering;
  • It is impossible to loosen, also due to the close location of the root system;
  • Apple trees require feeding to give the apples time to ripen during the season;
  • You can plant lawn grass under the trees, which will protect the soil from drying out;
  • Mulch will also prevent the soil from drying out. Sawdust, peat, humus can become excellent mulch.

Top dressing

What to feed? The best fertilizer for apple trees is mullein infusion. In the spring you can apply nitrogen fertilizers, but in the summer - potassium and phosphorus.

In the fall, too, potassium and phosphorus will help boost your immunity to survive the winter. The same fertilizers increase the productivity of columnar apple trees.

If apple trees do not bear fruit as you would like, it means they are deficient in phosphorus. Do not forget that all fertilizing must be applied after good watering, so as not to burn the roots.

Rules for thinning the crown to obtain large fruits

When planting young trees in the garden, it is necessary that the width between the rows does not exceed one and a half meters. This way the branches will grow more actively, the flowering will be abundant and the fruits will ripen faster. New shoots must be regulated, leaving the stem bud located at the very top. In order for growth to continue. The rest must be cut at a thirty-degree angle so that the second bud is at a distance of 3 centimeters from the trunk. After 12 months, strong, young shoots will appear here.

How to prune a columnar apple tree in the fall: video During the next spring pruning, the shoot that has grown next to the horizontal branch remains. The one that is located vertically is trimmed in the same way as last year. Flowers will begin to form on a short branch positioned horizontally. And the one that is vertical will have new shoots, 2 of them.

One stronger one is left, and the other is cut off. Over the next 5 years, the pruning principle will remain the same. The cut area needs to be lubricated. Garden pitch, clay or oil paint are suitable for this.

It is important to know that pruning the top occurs only if the upper shoot freezes, from which other shoots begin to appear.

The formation of the crown can also take place in another way, but this method is considered the most difficult. It involves both pruning and pinching. In this way, you can turn ordinary apple tree varieties into a columnar apple tree. Or, on the contrary, you can plant a columnar apple tree and deeply immerse the dwarf rootstock into it. In this case, roots will appear at the top, and the apple tree will grow to its usual size.

A seedling is a rootstock with a scion that takes root in the nursery. Related to this is the need to prune a young plant during its first life after planting, when it has not yet had time to take root. Further trimming is carried out according to the scheme that was described earlier.

Hilling up an apple tree and pest control techniques

Small pyramidal apple trees contain a huge number of ovaries, which take a lot of energy from the plant. The gardener needs to control their number in order to normalize the yield:

  • in the first year after planting, all flowers of the ovary are plucked, especially if the apple tree is planted in the spring;
  • the next season, when the tree has fully adapted, leave a few (3–5) flowers;
  • then the number of fruits is increased to 15;
  • in the future, their number is regulated depending on the size (if the fruit has decreased in size, the ovary is plucked again).

To leave one apple in the fruit chain, half of the inflorescences are removed. When their volume is comparable to the size of the cherry, a couple of ovaries are left in the bouquet. The last fruit is harvested when it reaches twice its size.

All clonal rootstocks have a superficial rhizome without a taproot. The roots of the column are fragile, delicate and extend 20–25 cm from the trunk. They are easily damaged when trampling or loosening the soil, which is why experts practice tinning the soil around trees. To do this, cereal crops are sown between the rows and mowed.

In small gardens, cereals are replaced with herbs (dill, mint), this helps repel pests. An alternative to grassing is the use of mulch. Often gardeners combine both methods.

The plantations are watered regularly; columnar trees respond well to drip irrigation. Once every 14 days, a complete rinsing is carried out: the soil is watered abundantly so that the moisture reaches its lower horizons and enriches the soil with oxygen.

If drip irrigation is not organized, the tree trunk areas are moistened once every 2–3 days. At the same time, the area is mulched with straw. It allows liquid to pass through well, retains its shape, and does not deteriorate for a long time. As winter approaches, the material is removed so as not to attract rodents.

Fighting parasites and infections

When growing crops, insecticides are used that can neutralize adult parasites, their clutches and larvae. Fungicides are used to prevent fungal infections.

Spray apple trees in the spring, before flowering begins, regularly shaking the composition of the substance used. Without such actions, the liquid will separate, and the treatment will not bring the desired result. Before complete disinfection, testing is carried out on one tree. The appearance of burns on the leaves indicates a high concentration of the drug. In the worst case, it must be replaced with another substance.

Traditionally, complex fertilizers or single preparations are chosen for spraying:

  • copper sulfate (eliminates rotting and stops the development of fungal diseases; heals wounds, destroys pests);
  • colloidal sulfur (prevents the appearance of powdery mildew, scab, anthracnose; kills plant mites).

After flowering is completed, in May, the procedure is repeated. This time they use solutions of chlorophos and Lepidocide, which fight against geese, aphids, moths and other insects.

How does proper pruning affect the duration of fruiting?

Pruning a columnar apple tree: photo

At the moment of flowering, the entire columnar apple tree is completely covered with flowers, but not all of them turn into full-bodied apples. This is due to the inability of low-growing crops to provide the necessary nutritional composition to all their numerous fruits.

In the first year of life, many buds will form on the tree, which must be completely removed. After a year, only a small part is left, which will bring about 5 apples. The buds form bouquets, arranged in groups of several on the branches. Leaving them all, clusters of fruits will grow on the trees.

For standard fruiting, one horizontal shoot is enough. When flowers appear on it, you need to remove everything, leaving only two bouquets.

The trunk is cleared of inflorescences following the same principle. It is important to know that the number of fruits on the plant is half as large. Therefore, this should be taken into account when you remove inflorescences from the tree.

An adult apple tree can produce up to 15 kilograms of apples.

When the ovaries form, you need to thin out the plant again, leaving one bouquet on the branch. The trunk is also cleaned, half of the buds that were untouched the previous time are removed from it.

As soon as the fruits reach the size of a cherry, no more than two apples should be left in each bunch and the rest should be removed. When their size matches the size of the walnut, you need to remove all the fruits, leaving only one in place of the bouquet.

With this thinning, you will help the plant redirect all its energy to ripening the fruits.

Sprouts that bear fruit are cut off with the onset of spring. For 5 years, all work is carried out in the same way, and the branches are cut to the ground, since all resources have been used up.

Trimming Features

The apple tree needs to be pruned in calm and cool weather to give it time in a calm environment to heal the wounds.

Pruning must be effective, so you should not spare those parts of the tree that feed on its juices, but do not bring benefits

How to thin out the crown to get large fruits

To obtain large fruits, the plant must receive proper care. In the case of a columnar apple tree, in addition to watering and fertilizing, proper pruning is very important. For a good harvest, you need to preserve the crown bud, the absence or damage of which will significantly affect the health of the crop. The crown bud also suffers from low temperatures, and when it becomes sick or dies, young shoots thicken the crown and take away the juices. Because of this, the fruits become smaller and the tree degenerates.

Find out how to make an apple tree bloom and bear fruit.

How to achieve long-term fruiting with proper pruning

Those apple trees that grow in light and loose soils bear fruit for a long time. If a gardener knows how to properly care for trees - water, fertilize, prune, hill, then the life of the plant can be significantly extended (even up to 100 years). Pruning should be aimed not only at the beauty of the crown, but also at removing parts of the crop that can take away excess juice.

Is it necessary to wrap the tops of a columnar apple tree?

To prevent the crown bud of the plant from freezing, it is wrapped in rags during the winter cold. For many gardeners, this issue is controversial, since the crop will continue to bear fruit even with a frozen bud, but its shape will change - horizontal shoots will begin to appear, which will require a lot of time to combat.

We advise you to learn how to properly prepare apple trees for winter.

But the main trunk will stop growing, which will affect the yield, the size of the fruits, and their taste. In order for the tree to survive the winter and continue to delight with beautiful flowering and a bountiful harvest, its crown should be covered for the winter. And the seedling itself should be well tied to a reliable support that will prevent it from breaking during winter storms.

In addition to rags, you can use several layers of paper or natural fabric


  1. Pruning of columnar apple trees is carried out to form the crown, increase yields, and avoid thickening of the branches.
  2. Types of work – spring, autumn, winter, summer.
  3. Pruning requires considerable effort, but only individual work with each tree gives good results.
  4. Be sure to strictly adhere to spring and fall pruning schedules.
  5. Proceed carefully so as not to damage the crown, bark, or other parts of the apple tree. Make sure that the pruning shears are well sharpened.
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