Pepper Siberian Bonus - description and characteristics of a mid-season variety

Sweet pepper Siberian Bonus was purposefully bred for cultivation in the cold regions of Russia. Its fruits are brightly colored and attractive in appearance. Pepper can be grown in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses. Due to the large fruit size, the variety's high yield is ensured. The weight of individual fruits can reach 300 g. For the pepper to fully ripen, it is important to follow agricultural practices.


The pepper variety is mid-season, the fruits ripen 110 days after planting. The bush is compact, with dense foliage in which the ovaries are hidden. Plant height is 80-85 cm. The leaves are light green, slightly wrinkled.

Unripe fruits of the vegetable have a greenish tint. Gradually they become bright orange. The weight of one copy is about 300 g, the length is 10 cm. The pepper has thick walls, the thickness of which is 10 mm. Inside the fruit, 3-4 chambers are formed in which milky-white seeds ripen. Pepper has a characteristic aroma and sweetish taste. The pulp is tender but dense, making the vegetable easily transportable.


The variety has collected a considerable number of positive reviews. For example:

  • The Siberian Bonus pepper amazed me with its beautiful colors and wonderful taste - Tatyana from the Middle Urals.
  • The bushes under film coverings reached a height of 50 cm. The pepper was thick, even, weighed about 230 g. - Svetlana from Moscow.
  • The crop showed excellent productivity in the cold rainy summer - Ale from Bashkortostan.
  • The pepper simultaneously set 7 fruits with a bush height of 40 cm, the vegetables are very large - gardener Elena.

Siberian bonus – tasty pepper with thick walls. It grows well in open and protected beds and sets fruit despite sudden temperature changes.

Main characteristics

Siberian bonus has a number of distinctive features that characterize it as a unique variety:

  1. The bush is low, does not take up much space and does not require tying up.
  2. Looks beautiful on the site thanks to its bright orange fruits. Summer residents compare it to dwarf oranges.
  3. Does not contain capsaicin (an alkaloid present in hot peppers), but retains the pungency and aroma characteristic of this vegetable.
  4. Elastic, easily transported.
  5. Susceptible to diseases, therefore requires regular treatment with chemicals.
  6. For cultivation, the seedling method is used. If you plant seeds in open ground, they will sprout late and the pepper may not ripen.
  7. Harvesting takes place in August-September.
  8. Requires regular watering, like many pepper crops.

Related article:

Red, yellow, green: 7 best varieties of sweet peppers

Due to these characteristics, the variety is very common in the northern regions of the country.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Siberian bonus is planted in open ground at the end of May or beginning of June, when spring frosts have passed. The variety does not tolerate excessively dense plantings, so 4-5 plants are planted per 1 m2. Subsequent care consists of regular watering, hilling, loosening, and fertilizing.

There are no serious difficulties in the process of pepper cultivation. It is important to remember about the timely formation of bushes (the variety likes to grow strongly). Plants are tied to supports and side shoots are removed. With dense plantings, a rich harvest will be replaced by fungal infections and various pests.

Diseases and pests

Siberian bonus is more susceptible to diseases than hybrid varieties of peppers. Sometimes it is affected by gray or white rot, black leg, and Alternaria. To combat diseases, cuproxate, copper dioxide or Bordeaux mixture are used. If the bush cannot be saved, it is removed and burned.

The most dangerous pests are aphids, slugs, whiteflies and mole crickets. The latter destroy the roots of the plant. To get rid of mole crickets, each bush is protected with a plastic bottle, digging it 10-15 cm deep. You can soak the peas in a solution of beer and any insecticide for 2 days, then scatter the bait along the pepper beds. Crawling to the surface and eating peas, mole crickets die.

To combat aphids, slugs or other insects, use insecticides according to the instructions or prepare a solution of wood ash (2 tablespoons per bucket of water). Treatment is carried out at least 2-3 times per season.

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Growing seedlings

Swallow pepper: reviews, photos, description, characteristics and yield of the variety
Pepper seeds are sown 80 days before the intended planting in a permanent place - that is, at the end of February or early March.

Advice! It is recommended to treat planting material against fungal infections. In addition to the above remedies, Fitosporin and ash solution are used.

Planting pepper

Three methods are used to grow pepper seedlings. The technology of each of them has its own nuances:

  1. General box. This option is less suitable than others for growing peppers. Soil is poured into the soil so that there are three free centimeters left to the edge of the container. The earth is moistened abundantly with warm water. Seeds are laid out in rows on the soil. The distance between the rows should be 3 cm, and between the seeds - 2. The planting material is sprinkled with a 1.5 cm layer of earth on top. The plants are pricked after two true leaves appear on them.
  2. Peat tablets. The blanks are placed in a deep container with the hole facing down and filled with boiling water. As the tablets swell, the liquid is added. When the blanks turn into bags, they are turned over, but left in the container. Sow one seed into each peat tablet, deepening it 1 cm.
  3. Without land. Place two layers of paper napkins into a two-liter bottle cut lengthwise. They are moistened with warm water. Planting material is laid out in rows on top. Cover with two more layers of paper, which is moistened with warm water. Plants are planted in separate containers after cotyledon leaves appear on them.

In all cases, containers with planting material are covered with film and placed in a warm place. Plants do not need light until the first shoots appear.

Note! If you leave less distance between the seeds, the seedlings will be shaded and stretched

Further care

To grow healthy and strong seedlings, you need to properly care for them. There are several tricks that every gardener needs to know:

  1. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place. At this stage, the plants need room temperature.
  2. To prevent pepper seedlings from leaning to one side, you need to periodically rotate the pots relative to the light source.
  3. 21–38 days after the appearance of the first shoots, true leaves form on the pepper. At this stage, it is picked (if the seeds were sown in a common box). Drainage is poured into the bottom of individual pots and the plants are buried no more than half a centimeter. After picking, water the peppers generously. The next time the soil is moistened no earlier than 2 weeks later.
  4. During the entire period of growing seedlings, peppers are fed 2 times: 14 days after picking and 14 days after the previous feeding. Purchased products (“Krepysh”, “Mortar”, “Agricola”) or vermicompost are used as fertilizer.
  5. Water the pepper only at the root. The liquid should be at room temperature.
  6. 12 days before transplanting the pepper to a permanent place, the seedlings begin to harden. It is regularly taken outside or onto the balcony during warm days.

Pepper does not tolerate picking well. To speed up the adaptation of plants after the procedure, you need to know several nuances:

  1. When picking, hold the seedlings only by the leaves. This prevents damage to the stem.
  2. For picking pepper, it is recommended to use containers with a volume of 100–160 ml. Drainage (broken ceramics, small crushed stone, crushed brick) is poured into the bottom. This reduces the risk of seedlings becoming infected with blackleg.

Seedlings can be grown not only at home, but also in a greenhouse. In the first case, the plants turn out to be slightly elongated, and in the second, stronger.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Siberian bonus include:

  • high yield (up to 7 kg per 1 sq. m);
  • bright characteristic aroma;
  • juicy pulp, in which bitterness is almost not felt;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • compactness of the bush;
  • can be grown in cold regions;
  • ripening of fruits after harvest;
  • versatility of application.

Disadvantages include susceptibility to diseases and pests and the need for frequent chemical treatment.

The best varieties of pepper for open ground

This section is devoted to peppers of Siberian selection, which can be grown in open-air garden beds. Although it should be noted that yields under shelters will still be higher, especially if the climate is cold and it is difficult to predict what vagaries the weather will bring in the summer.

Firstborn of Siberia

One of the most productive peppers of Siberian selection is the mid-season variety Pervenets Siberia. Small peppers form on a compact bush up to 30-45 cm high. Their shape is pyramidal, weighing on average up to 70 grams. The skin is glossy, first yellowish and then red. Pericarp – 7-10 mm.

This variety is distinguished by stable (up to 10-12 kg per square meter) yield, resistance to many diseases, and high commercial quality of the fruit. Lightweight variety and suitable for transportation.

Peppers are used for preservation and preparation of various dishes.


Breeders developed an early variety of pepper called Shchegol for growing in garden beds. On low spreading bushes, beautiful cylindrical fruits weighing up to 120-130 grams ripen.

They are used in salads, for lecho, preservation, and above all, the variety is valued for the thick walls of the peppers (up to 10 mm). Another plus is Shchegol’s unpretentiousness, its resistance to temperature changes, and its stable yield.

The color of the fruits is first green, then, in the phase of biological ripeness, they become bright yellow. Productivity – more than 3.8 kg per square meter. meters.


A tiny variety that will delight you with fruits weighing up to 200 grams. Of the varieties of Siberian selection, this variety is considered one of the thickest-walled, the pericarp is 10-12 mm.

The bush is low, up to 45-50 cm, early in terms of ripening. The fruits are prismatic, with slight ribbing, slightly flattened. When fully ripe, the skin is bright red in color.

Features of the Tolstosum variety: unpretentiousness, compactness, increased content of vitamin C in the fruits.


The Kupets variety will also produce a good harvest when grown directly in the garden beds. This is an early pepper that produces fruits weighing up to 90-100 grams. The peppers are thick-walled, up to 7 mm, tasty and very aromatic. They have a pyramidal shape, which makes them suitable for any type of preservation and stuffing.

The bush itself is up to 90 cm, semi-spreading, and tolerates cold weather well. It is recommended to cover plants in beds with non-woven materials.

Apple saved

This variety of pepper is inferior to many in terms of bush height; it grows only up to 45 cm. But this does not prevent it from forming large and sweet peppers weighing up to 200-300 grams. The Apple variety saved well because it combines early ripening, plant compactness and large fruit.

It is for these qualities that he receives special attention from gardeners. The fruits are cube-shaped, initially dark green in color, then gradually turning red. The thickness of the pericarp is up to 9 mm, the flesh is very juicy and sweet. The yield of such crumbs is up to 1.5 kg per bush, while per 1 sq. You can plant up to 5 plants per meter. Ripening time is about 100 days, it is recommended for growing in beds, as well as in greenhouses and under arcs.


You will only need to wait a hundred days before harvesting the first fruits of the Novosibirsk pepper. Of course, you will have to work hard, but from one square. meter it will be possible to remove up to 10 kg of fruit.

The variety is very unpretentious, early, productive. The plant usually reaches 60-70 cm, the fruits are prism-shaped, grow in different directions, and are bright red. By weight, each pepper grows up to 120-150 grams; with good care, you can grow slightly larger peppers (up to 180 grams). Walls up to 7-8 mm thick.

The taste is very good, the aroma is present. This variety is suitable for both processing and salads.

Siberian felt boots

Cold-resistant and unpretentious are two parameters that distinguish this hybrid from a number of others. However, the Siberian felt boot is distinguished by its large fruits and excellent taste, while its peppers ripen already at 100-110 days.

The plant is up to 70 cm in height, recommended for growing in open ground (however, this variety, like others, can also be planted in shelters). The fruits are elongated, cube-shaped, weighing up to 180 grams, with red skin.

The thickness of the pericarp is 9-10 mm. The variety is suitable for salads, slicing, canning, lecho and freezing.

East market

This is a classic sweet pepper, with prism-shaped, slightly elongated red fruits and thick (up to 7-8 mm) walls.

The Eastern Bazaar variety is mid-early, bears fruit well in open ground, and has high yields (up to 4.5-5 kg/sq.m.).

It was bred by Siberian breeders, adapted for difficult climates, and is very resistant to diseases. The bush grows to about 70 cm, the fruits weigh up to 150 grams.

This pepper is used for stuffing (ideal), freezing, lecho, canning and salads.

Planting and care

Peppers are grown in seedlings. Young seedlings dive before rooting in the ground, but you can do without this procedure. Before planting, the seeds are sorted. If they were collected from your own plot, and not bought in a specialized store, you need to prepare a solution of 30-40 g of table salt and 1 liter of water. Seeds are poured into the salty liquid. After 5-7 minutes, empty specimens will float to the surface of the water. They are removed, and healthy ones are dried on paper.

Important! When to fertilize pepper seedlings

Then the seeds are soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and in nitrophoska for half an hour (1 teaspoon of fertilizer per 1 liter of water). For planting, prepare a soil mixture consisting of 2 parts humus and 1 part turf soil. You can mix humus half and half with peat. Be sure to add 3 tbsp to the substrate. l. dolomite flour or 1-2 tbsp. l. chalk per 10 cubic meters m. If seeds are planted in the ground from the site, it is first scalded with boiling water to kill parasites and fungal spores.

Related article:

How to fertilize peppers and eggplants

The container for growing seedlings can be small cups, boxes or peat bags. The seeds are deepened into the soil 1 cm and sprinkled with water from a spray bottle. The container is covered with polyethylene and left on the windowsill at a temperature of +26… +28 degrees.

The seeds are sown a couple of months before the seedlings take root in the ground. In the northern regions, this period occurs at the end of March - beginning of April. In the southern regions it can be planted at the end of winter.

Picking is carried out after the first two leaves appear. Each plant is given its own container and shaded from sunlight during the first week. You can water 6 days after picking with settled filtered water in the morning. After a couple of weeks, you can feed the plant with sodium humate or special fertilizers for vegetables. Subsequently, the culture is fed after 10 days.

If seedlings are grown without picking, you should pay attention to a number of features:

  • the polyethylene is opened slightly 2 days after the sprouts appear, then removed altogether;
  • Daylight hours are extended with the help of phytolamps;
  • after 4 leaves appear, the pepper is transplanted into a large container with a lump of earth and sprayed with honey water;
  • after a couple of weeks, the culture is watered with the settled liquid;
  • after 3 weeks you can fertilize with organic compounds or ash.

Pots with plants need to be turned on different sides towards the light so that the stem grows evenly and does not bend. When spring frosts pass (late April - early May), the seedlings are transferred to open ground. The distance between bushes should be 60-70 cm, i.e. per 1 sq. m there are no more than 4-5 copies.

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Folk remedies for feeding pepper seedlings

Water the transplanted bushes moderately in the morning and evening with settled warm water. After watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 3-4 cm, slightly hilling the bushes to stimulate the formation of additional roots.

As they grow, the bushes pinch the shoots. The cut areas are sprinkled with ash. To prevent the plant from breaking under the weight of the fruit, it can be tied to a peg.

It will not be superfluous to feed the plant. A couple of weeks after planting, the plantings are watered with a 1:15 solution of mullein. You can also use compounds with nitrogen: saltpeter, nitrophoska. Before flowering, be sure to feed with bio-infusions of nettles or weeds. During fruiting, use Potassium or other potassium preparations.

Caring for the plant after transplanting into the ground

After transplanting pepper seedlings into open soil, caring for the plants does not stop, but on the contrary, it must be done with even greater diligence.

To get a good harvest, it is not enough to plant the plants in a well-lit, sunny area; it is also important to organize watering correctly and timely hill up and loosen the soil under the bushes. Each of these actions has its own characteristics, which should never be forgotten.

Watering and fertilizing

The Siberian Bonus pepper variety is favorable to watering, but this does not mean that the plants need to be watered. Before adding the next portion of liquid, always evaluate the condition of the top soil layer, which should dry out at least 2–3 cm deep.

The optimal time for watering is early morning or evening, when the sun's rays do not have direct access to the pepper leaves, and therefore cannot leave burns on them. Water heated during the day is perfect for the role of irrigation liquid, but it is better not to use cold water. As for fertilizing peppers, nutrients should be applied several times a season, alternating mineral and organic compounds.

An approximate scheme for feeding peppers might look like this:

  • The first fertilization of the bushes can be done a few weeks after transplanting young plants into the garden bed, using chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15. The application of the nutrient composition must be combined with watering so as not to burn the delicate root system of the plants.
  • It is better to postpone the second application of fertilizers until the period before the pepper blooms, which will help it form large and strong ovaries. In this case, complex mineral fertilizers or mullein infusion, previously diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, can be used as a nutritional composition.
  • The third time nutrients are added to the soil during fruit set, this time using organic matter and potash fertilizers.
  • Sometimes, in the intervals between scheduled fertilization, it is useful to water with an infusion of weeds. To do this, wormwood, nettle and other herbs are poured with warm water and left in a warm room for a week. The prepared pepper solution should be poured under the root, at the rate of 2 liters per bush.

    Hilling and loosening the soil

    Hilling and loosening the soil are important components of comprehensive pepper care. These procedures are best performed a few days after watering, when the soil is easiest to process. However, when loosening, you should not deepen the tool into the soil more than 3–4 cm, otherwise there is a serious risk of damage to the roots of the plant.

    Hilling up the bushes will help make them stable and prevent moisture evaporation, so loosened substrate should be added to the trunks as often as possible. In general, it is advisable to perform these manipulations at least 3-4 times in one season.

    Did you know? Just 50 g of bell pepper provides the human body with a daily requirement of vitamin C, preventing the development of colds and infectious diseases, so daily consumption of this vegetable in the summer will make it easier to survive the season of respiratory viral infections in the fall.

    Formation and care of a pepper bush

    Considering the height of the bushes of the described pepper variety and its ability to grow, it is not surprising that the plants will have to be tied to a support and excess side shoots removed.

    There are no clear deadlines for performing this procedure, but during the work, be sure to use only sharp scissors and crushed charcoal, which should be used to treat the cut areas. After the formation of the ovaries, it is also necessary to remove all the lower shoots, which can excessively thicken and shade the bush.

    It will be useful for you to know whether you need to chop bell peppers.

Pepper Tequila F1

An original variety of pepper with an unusual color. I narwhaled it for my mother, but she couldn’t find my purple beauties among the eggplants) She says you didn’t give me peppers, you forgot. I barely convinced her to take a good look at the package.

The bushes are strong and spreading. There are not many ovaries - 5-6 pieces on one bush managed to form before autumn. There are still flowers, but they won’t have time to ripen, of course. The fruits are large, the package says cube-shaped, but mine are a little elongated. The wall thickness is good, the taste is also not bad, although it does not have such juicy meatiness as the Siberian bonus. The fruits are almost all the same size. The shape and size are perfect for stuffing. In general, I mark this exotic as a plus and add it to the white list. If I catch my eye again, I’ll sow it.

Sweet pepper Tequila

Sweet pepper Tequila

Sweet pepper Tequila

Sweet pepper Siberian Prince

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Thick-walled peppers for greenhouses

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In greenhouse conditions, crops with a pleasant taste and bright aroma are grown. In such conditions, this vegetable ripens quite quickly, so gardeners use this method to grow thick-walled peppers for sale.

Thick-walled peppers for greenhouses

“Red Star of the East” is a variety of thick-walled sweet pepper that ripens in 110-115 days. The vegetable can reach a weight of 260 g, cherry color. The size of the pericarp is 0.8-1 cm. Used for summer snacks and processing. Productivity is high - 7.5-8 kg/m. sq. After harvesting, the harvest can be stored for a long time.

  • “Barin” is an early species, ripening in 115 days on average. The fruits after full ripening are red, weighing 170-200 g and the wall is about 0.9 cm. There is immunity to the tobacco mosaic virus and blossom end rot. The use of the crop is universal.
  • “Golden Miracle” is an interesting type of yellow pepper. The ripening period is 110-115 days. Fruits can also set in cool summers. Pepper grows weighing 180-250 g. Wall size is 7 mm. The pulp has a pronounced odor and is juicy. Approximately 7.5 kg of fruits are harvested from a square of plantings. The harvest is good for summer salads and canning. There is immunity to fungi and resistance to changes in weather conditions.
  • "Gemini F1" is a hybrid resistant to many types of diseases. Can be grown in cool and warm climates. The vegetable ripens in 120 days. Pepper grows up to 300-400 g, the shape is elongated-cuboid. The wall size is 0.8 cm. The color after full ripening is bright yellow. Harvest of universal use.


Thick-walled varieties of sweet peppers require regular feeding. If they lack nutrients in the soil, they will slow down and may take longer to ripen. And the taste of such pepper is usually not very pleasant.

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