How to get a rich harvest of Nozomi cabbage? Features of the variety and tips for gardeners

Botanical description and appearance

This variety is considered one of the earliest in terms of ripening. Its growing season lasts within two months.

Heads of cabbage usually weigh about 2.5 kilograms. Most fruits have an attractive presentation (almost 90%), and cabbage can be left uncut for a long time without losing its presentation.

Reference! This hybrid variety easily tolerates long-term transportation.

Characteristics of the variety

  • The leaf blades are gray-green, as if slightly bubbly. The edges of the leaves are distinguished by a slight wave, and a faint waxy coating can be seen on them.
  • The heads of cabbage are round in shape.
  • The density of the vegetable is rated 4.5 points out of 5 possible.
  • In cross-section, the heads of cabbage are characterized by a light yellow tint.
  • The outer stalk is considered long, and the inner stalk is considered short.
  • Cabbage is resistant to cracking, even despite intensive watering.
  • The average weight of one vegetable is 2 kilograms.
  • Reviews about the taste of this variety are only positive.

Description of Nozomi cabbage f1

This hybrid is consumed fresh, stewed or added to first courses. Nozomi F1 is suitable for growing commercially, but is not suitable for canning or long-term storage.

Origin and development

The Nozomi F1 hybrid was developed by scientists from the Japanese company Sakata Vegetables Europe in France. It was there that she opened a breeding station in 1998, and in 2003 she moved the main European representative office there.

The seeds of this company are produced in France and other European countries.

Reference. The Nozomi hybrid was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2007.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

100 g of cabbage contains:

  • carbohydrates – 5.8 mg;
  • proteins – 1.28 mg;
  • fats – 0.1 mg;
  • potassium – 170 mg;
  • calcium – 40 mg;
  • phosphorus – 26 mg;
  • sodium – 18 mg;
  • magnesium – 12 mg;
  • iron – 0.47 mg;
  • zinc – 0.18 mg;
  • vitamin C – 36.6 mg;
  • PP – 0.234 mg;
  • E – 0.15 mg;
  • B6 – 0.124 mg;
  • K – 0.076 mg;
  • B1 – 0.061 mg;
  • A – 0.03 mg.

Eating cabbage helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. Cabbage juice has antitussive and expectorant properties, and is useful for heart and kidney diseases.

Cabbage helps with insomnia, headaches and diseases of the spleen, increases appetite, enhances the secretory activity of the gastric glands, and has diuretic and mild laxative properties.

Features of application

Nozomi F1 is suitable for fresh consumption, it is stewed and used for preparing first courses.

Important! When pickled and salted, cabbage quickly spoils.

Ripening time and yield

This is an early ripening hybrid. The harvest is ready for harvest 50-60 days after planting the seedlings in the ground.

Marketable yield is 309-320 c/ha.

Resistance to disease and cold

The hybrid is resistant to Alternaria and bacterial rot, but as a result of poor care, the crop is affected by clubroot, blackleg or downy mildew.

Seedlings tolerate temperature drops down to -5...-7°C.

Description of appearance and taste

The hybrid forms dense heads of round or flat-round shape, the average weight of which reaches 1.3-2.5 kg.

The covering leaves are small, gray-green in color, bubbly, with slightly wavy edges, covered with a waxy coating, the intensity of which varies from weak to medium. When cut, the heads of cabbage are yellowish-white. The outer stalk is very short, the inner stalk is short or medium length.

Nozomi F1 tastes sweet, tender and juicy.

Growing regions

The hybrid is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation with permission for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Central Black Earth regions. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it is successfully cultivated in other areas, using film cover if necessary.

History of origin

The Nozomi variety was obtained by French breeders from Sakata Vegetables Europe. In Russia it was included in the state register in 2007.

Sometimes, when purchasing seeds, gardeners may notice on the packaging that the seed material was manufactured in Japan. There is nothing surprising. The fact is that for some time it was in Japan, later they opened a branch in France, and over time the company’s office moved there altogether.

Initially, Nozomi seeds were recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region , but they take root well in other parts of our country.

Tips and reviews from experienced gardeners about Nozomi cabbage

Experienced farmers recommend:

  • plant dill, carrots, celery, marigolds or calendula next to cabbage - they repel insects;
  • grow seedlings in outdoor greenhouses rather than at home - this way the seedlings will be stronger.

Gardeners speak positively about Nozomi F1.

Maria, Belgorod: “I have already tried to grow early cabbage several times, the experience was unsuccessful - the heads of cabbage were loose and did not set well. A neighbor offered to plant Nozomi, and I decided to take a chance. This cabbage pleasantly surprised me - with minimal care, dense, juicy heads of cabbage ripened in the beds at the beginning of summer. I also liked the taste of cabbage; it’s perfect for salads.”

Elena, Krasnodar: “What I like about Nozomi is its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases and pests; the main care consists only of regular watering. I protect the plantings from insects with lutrasil and treat them with wood ash, the result is excellent. The yield of cabbage is high, the heads of cabbage are very juicy and sweet.”

Roman, Voronezh: “ I have been growing early cabbage for a long time, including for sale. I tried different varieties, but after planting Nozomi, I settled on this one. This cabbage never fails - the yield is high, the heads of cabbage are formed dense, beautiful, do not crack, and I also really like the taste. Maintenance only includes watering and fertilizer.”

Distinctive features

The main distinguishing feature of Nozomi is its timing of maturation. As for cabbage, this is the bare minimum. This variety is also more popular than other types of cabbage due to its high yield rates - 315 c/ha.

Want to learn about other varieties of cabbage? From articles by our experts you will learn about varieties such as Valentina, Slava, Zimovka, Centurion F1, Vestri F1, Amager, Moskovskaya late, Podarok, Kolobok and Sugarloaf.

History of the origin of the Nozomi variety

Nozomi is of French-Japanese descent. Japanese, which has a hundred years of experience in breeding new vegetable varieties and producing seeds, has representative offices throughout Europe.

At the end of the 1990s. she opened her breeding station in France. There the first generation cabbage hybrid Nozomi F1 was bred. Since 2007, this variety has been included in the Russian State Register of Vegetable Crops. Its cultivation is recommended in the North Caucasus region, but is also practiced in other regions.

Did you know? There are only about 100 cabbage species worldwide, which are divided into 3 varieties: deciduous, cauliflower and cabbage.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include the following:

  • Fast maturation.
  • A bountiful harvest.
  • Immunity to many diseases.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Resistance to light frosts.
  • Does not crack due to excess moisture.
  • Excellent for sale, as it has excellent taste and appearance.

The disadvantages of Nozomi include the following points:

  • Short term storage.
  • More suitable for fresh consumption.

Reference! Although many gardeners claim that they use this variety of cabbage for preparing hot and pickled dishes. However, the shelf life of pickled cabbage is very short.

Pros and cons of the variety

The experience of growing the Nozomi f1 variety allows us to highlight a number of advantages of cabbage, thanks to which it is popular among experienced gardeners and vegetable growers. Let's consider a description of the positive characteristics of the variety.


  1. Early ripening of the fruits of the variety;
  2. High level of productivity (up to 13 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m2, and up to 32 tons from 1 hectare);
  3. Excellent presentation and taste characteristics;
  4. Resistance to transportability;
  5. Strong immunity of cabbage to many crop diseases;
  6. Versatility in use;
  7. Resistant to sudden changes in weather conditions.


The breeders who developed the Nozomi f1 variety and experienced vegetable growers note that the vegetable has no drawbacks.

Detailed instructions for planting and care

Seed cost

You can purchase a similar variety at any store that specializes in selling seed material. Moreover, this service is now available in online stores. Nozomi seeds cost approximately 1,900 rubles for 2,500 pieces.

When to sow?

You can sow seeds for seedlings in late February-early March . It is better to do this in an outdoor greenhouse - in this case the seedlings will be strong. But if sown at home, the seedlings will be too tall and thin.

Small shoots are moved into open ground at a time when the weather outside the window has calmed down a little - the air temperature at night should not fall below +10 degrees. In case of frost, it is better to cover the seedlings with film. However, if this fails, the cabbage can survive a slight drop in temperature.

Before planting, seedlings must undergo hardening . To do this, you need to periodically remove the film that covers it.

Selecting a location

Since Nozomi grows in early spring, it is better to choose the most illuminated place for planting seedlings. There should be no trees or other objects creating shadow. It is also necessary to ensure that the cabbage is well ventilated, but that drafts do not form - this is the most dangerous factor for young cabbage.

What should the soil be like?

The soil should be loose ; it is advisable to feed it with humus or manure before winter. But you can do this at the very beginning of spring. It’s good if the garden is dug up after the summer season; this also needs to be done before planting vegetables. This will allow the soil to become more breathable and also get rid of weeds.

Planting process

First you need to figure out when you can plant seedlings in open ground. This depends not only on the weather outside the window and the numbers on the calendar, but also on the condition of the cabbage itself. The seedlings must reach a height of at least 15-20 centimeters, have at least 7-8 leaves, as well as a good root system.

For planting, you need to prepare holes. Their depth should be approximately 15-20 centimeters. The planting pattern is standard and familiar to many gardeners - 50*50. This condition is necessary to ensure that each seedling receives full sun, as well as to ensure good ventilation.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place mineral fertilizer in the holes.
  2. Take out the seedlings, inspect their roots for pests, and dip them in a growth stimulator.
  3. Deepen the seedlings into the soil until the cotyledon leaves begin to grow.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with slightly moistened soil, and then compact it a little so that the seedlings stand steadily.


The minimum temperature after planting and strengthening seedlings should not fall below 14 degrees Celsius. If the air is cooler than this minimum, it is recommended to cover the cabbage with a special film.

Usually the weather in spring and early summer is not hot, but if the temperature rises beyond +25 degrees, it is better to spray the cabbage more often so that its leaves do not dry out.


Water is necessary for the formation of juicy and dense leaves. From 8 to 13 liters of settled water of average temperature are added per 1 square meter.

Watering is done every two to three days . Cabbage especially needs water during the period of setting heads and during dry weather.

In rainy weather there is no need to moisten the soil. 15-20 days before harvest, watering is slightly reduced to prevent cracking of the heads. Proper watering is very important for the growth of the vegetable and its further storage after harvest.

Top dressing

Fertilizer application increases the quantity and quality of the crop. Nozomi is fertilized three times during the entire growth period:

  • 10-15 days after planting in open ground . Manure (it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5) and bird droppings (proportions of 1:10) are perfect for this. A bucket covers 8-10 bushes. Urea can be used.
  • While tying heads of cabbage . They use the same fertilizer, to which you can also add 1-2 tablespoons of wood ash.
  • 25 days after the second . The same fertilizer is used.


After each watering, the soil is loosened by about 5 cm. This prevents the formation of a dry crust and promotes the free penetration of air. During this process, you need to immediately get rid of weeds.

You can replace loosening with mulching. To do this, before planting, lay a layer of peat 5 cm high.


2 months after planting the seedlings in open ground, Nozomi is ready for harvest. At the same time, carefully cut the fruit along the stem with a sharp knife. If the gardener delays harvesting for 5-8 days, nothing bad will happen to the cabbage.

Harvest storage

Since this variety does not store for very long (about a couple of months), it is better to provide it with optimal conditions. This should be a dry, cool room that is well ventilated. It is advisable to store the harvest in the cellar. But at the same time it needs to be inspected for pests.

If you are more interested in cabbage varieties suitable for long-term fresh storage, read our other article.


Despite the variety’s unpretentiousness to agrotechnical processes, Nozomi f1 cabbage requires systematic watering, feeding the plant, as well as loosening and hilling the soil. Let's consider the description of the above agrotechnical works.


Nozomi cabbage needs regular watering. As a rule, up to 3 liters of water are poured onto each bush. It is recommended to water the variety once every 3 days. During drought, watering work increases to 1 time every 2 days.

It is necessary to water cabbage in the evening, when the sun has set. The liquid should be poured under the root and reach room temperature. Adult bushes are watered much less frequently: once every 7 days. In sultry heat, the plant also needs sprinkling.

Loosening and hilling

It is recommended to loosen the soil after watering Nozomi cabbage. Loosening helps remove the stagnant layer of soil, as a result of which the necessary amount of moisture and oxygen is supplied to the root system of the plant. In addition, loosening helps remove all weeds that can carry various infections.

Top dressing

During the entire growing period, the Nozomi f1 variety is fed 3 times. The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into open soil. Feed the bushes with a solution of manure or urea. The second feeding is carried out after another 21 days. Cabbage is also fed with a solution of urea or manure. The third feeding occurs at the time of head formation. The bushes are fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

Experienced vegetable growers also recommend periodically spraying the plant with a solution of ammonia.

Diseases and pests

The following pests can attack Nozomi:

  • cruciferous flea beetle;
  • cabbage whites;
  • cabbage moth;
  • scoop.

To protect cabbage from such parasites, you need to plant celery, carrots, dill or marigolds between the rows. These plants repel pests.

This variety is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • black skin;
  • clubroot;
  • downy mildew.

You can fight such ailments with Bordeaux mixture or lime mortar.

Diseases and parasites

The breeders who developed the Nozomi f1 variety took care of the plant’s strong immunity. Therefore, cabbage is resistant to diseases such as bacterial rot and Alternaria blight.

However, the experience of growing the Nozomi variety shows that if agrotechnical processes are not followed, the plant still succumbs to cabbage clubroot, as well as to the invasion of pests such as slug and cruciferous flea beetle. Let us consider the description of these diseases and methods of combating them.

Cabbage clubroot

Cabbage clubroot is a disease in which growths and swellings form on the root system of the plant, which block the absorbent capacity of the roots. There is also the formation of growths on the lateral roots of the plant, a lag in the development of the fruit and yellowing of the leaves. To combat clubroot, it is recommended to use the chemicals Previkur, Fitosporin-M, Topaz, Trichodermin and Glyokladin.


Slug is a pest that lives in beds with moist soil. When a slug appears on cabbage leaves, small holes and silvery marks form on the leaves of the vegetable. The pest settles on the cabbage crop because it likes the leaves of the plant, which contain a large amount of juice and mineral components necessary for the life of the pest. To combat slugs, vegetable growers recommend using folk remedies: a solution of strong coffee, salt, mustard powder, ammonia, or vinegar.

Cruciferous flea beetle

The cruciferous flea beetle is a small pest with an elongated body reaching sizes up to 3 mm. The insect gnaws out small depressions in the cabbage that look like ulcers. As a rule, the cruciferous flea beetle is located on the young leaves of the plant. When a flea beetle infests, yellowing and wilting of the leaves are observed. To combat cruciferous flea beetle, “Decis”, “Karate”, “Aktara” and “Aktellik” are used.

Rules for planting in open ground

The area for cabbage must be selected in advance and its preparation must begin in the fall.

Location requirements:

  • sunny, but without drafts;
  • soil - light fertile loam with neutral acidity;
  • good predecessors are grains, legumes, pumpkin, cucumbers, root vegetables and onions.

The selected area is dug deeply in the fall along with organic fertilizer, for example, humus or compost.
And in the spring you need to fertilize the soil with mineral phosphorus-potassium additives. You can determine the right time for planting seedlings in the ground based on the night air temperature. If it does not consistently drop below +10°C, it means the ground is already warm enough and it’s time to plant seedlings. Depending on the region, this could be late April, early or mid-May.

You will be interested in learning how to properly plant and grow cabbage.

Seedlings are grown from seeds in advance in room or greenhouse conditions. By the time of planting in a permanent place, the sprouts should be sufficiently strong and formed.

Seedlings are ready for transplanting if they have reached 15–20 cm in height and have 7–8 leaves.

Planting technology:

  • suitable time - morning, evening or cloudy day;
  • diagram - 50x50 cm;
  • pit depth - 15–20 cm;
  • pour a little organic and mineral fertilizer (humus, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt) into the bottom of each hole if the land is infertile or has not been fertilized in advance;
  • add river sand if the soil is not loose enough;
  • bury the plants up to the cotyledon leaves, sprinkle the roots with soil and compact them slightly;
  • pour plenty of settled water.

Important! It is not recommended to plant cabbage in one place every year. Its roots release mycotoxins that will inhibit its growth over time.

Harvesting and storage

Dense, ripe forks are harvested at the end of May or beginning of June (different in different regions).

Experts know that early cabbage can produce two harvests. To do this, the head of cabbage is carefully cut off, leaving 6–8 lower leaves on the bush.

Feeding with mullein solution and frequent watering stimulates the formation of a new plug, which, with proper care, will grow full, large and juicy. Like other early varieties, Nozomi cabbage cannot be stored for long. It is not intended for storing for the winter, so immediately after harvesting it must be sold on the market or used for food.

Find out more about the timing and methods of harvesting cabbage.
Gardeners with experience in growing cabbage speak well of the Nozomi variety. It is unpretentious to soil and care, productive and tasty. It can be grown both for your own needs and for sale.

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