Russian beauty pear: how to get a good harvest

Multi-baker Redmond RMB-611
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Multi-baker Redmond RMB-611

2172 ₽ More details

Washing machines

Of the varieties of pears by breeder Semyon Fedorovich Chernenko, the Russian beauty can be found most often in gardens. This is facilitated by the good taste of the fruit, a fairly long shelf life for an autumn variety, and good winter hardiness. To understand what other advantages it has, you should carefully study the description of the variety, photos and reviews of the Russian Beauty pear.

Description of the pear variety Russian Beauty

The Russian Beauty pear variety was created by S. F. Chernenko at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants named after. I.V. Michurin and originally bore his name - Beauty Chernenko. The parents were the varieties Bere Ardanpon and Daughter of Blankova. The variety has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements since 1996. It is recommended for cultivation in the Central regions, but is also found further south - in Ukraine, Belarus, and the Caucasus. The description of the Russian Beauty pear shown in the photo should begin with the characteristics of the tree.

Its appearance is characteristic:

  • the branches stretch upward, reaching a height of five meters in an adult plant, the width of the crown even at the base is small, in general it has a pyramidal shape;
  • This variety of pear is no different in its thickness;
  • the shoots have almost no bends, they are red-brown, covered with a large number of lentils;
  • large leaves with a well-defined central vein of an elongated shape, dark green, with barely noticeable serrations along the edge;
  • fruit buds are large, cone-shaped and chestnut in color;
  • The flowers are large and bloom at the end of May, starting with ringlets and ending with twigs.

Advice! In order for the crown of the Beauty Chernenko pear to form correctly, for the first few years of the plant’s life, the shoots are bent, forming an inclination angle of 50 °.

Despite the fact that Russian Beauty is zoned in the Central District, its winter hardiness is at an average level - in severe winters shoots may freeze.


Variety - Elena

Elena - the variety was bred by amateur fruit grower F. K. Gregoire in 1840 from a grain of the Pastoral variety.

Tree of the Elena pear variety has moderate or weak growth vigor, the crown has a compressed pyramidal shape. Trees develop average productivity.

The variety is classified as early winter in terms of ripening. The fruits can be collected from the end of September. The fruits last for quite a long time; they can last until January.

The fruits grow medium or large in size. Weight reaches 150 or 200 g. The fruit is short pear-shaped, greenish-yellow in color with a red-brown blush. The pulp is white, somewhat dense, juicy, semi-oily, melting, fine-grained, sweet and sour, but somewhat tart, with a pleasant delicate aroma. The taste of these fruits is excellent.

The use of fruits is universal. They can be consumed fresh. You can prepare sweet or savory salads and snacks from them. Many people make compotes, jams, preserves, and juices from these fruits.

The variety begins to produce crops starting from 5 or 7 years from the moment of planting. The yield of trees is moderate, about 40 kg per tree.

The frost resistance of the Elena pear is average. In this case, frost resistance depends on the sufficiency of watering. If the trees did not receive enough moisture in the summer, and the yield was good, this will deplete the plants. Exhausted trees are less resistant to frost. This variety is not susceptible to fungal diseases.

Among the advantages of the variety are: excellent taste, versatility of use, fairly high yield, sufficient resistance to frost, good resistance to fungal infections.

Based on the above, it is clear that if you follow the rules for planting and caring for the Elena pear, this variety has almost all the same advantages, without any disadvantages.

Fruit characteristics

Without information about the fruits, it is impossible to describe the Russian Beauty pear variety; reviews from gardeners say that they are both tasty and beautiful. Not every variety can boast of pears weighing 300 g; however, not all fruits reach this weight; they are not one-dimensional; on one tree the weight can vary from 160 to 300 g.

The taste of pears is also excellent - they have tender, slightly oily pulp with a lot of juice, it contains much more sweetness than acid. The skin is loose.

The appearance of pears is also beautiful. During the period of removable ripeness, the greenish-yellow color is only slightly diluted with a light reddish-brown blush. During storage, its intensity increases.

The shape of the fruit is regular, elongated, the tuberosity is clearly visible. Pears ripen in the last ten days of August or a little later, the timing depends on the growing region and weather. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 45 days.


According to numerous reviews from amateur gardeners, this type of pear has high productivity, which gradually increases every year. The plantings begin to bear fruit already in the 7th-8th year of cultivation. After 3-4 years of fruit formation, pear yield reaches its maximum level, which lasts for three decades, subject to the necessary agrotechnical conditions of cultivation and care.

The amount of harvest from one tree reaches up to 80 kg. The harvested fruits have good shelf life, and subject to optimal conditions for this process, namely at temperatures from 0 to -1°C and high humidity of 94%, they can be stored for 2-3 months.

It should be noted that only high-quality pears that are free from various stains and minor damage are suitable for long-term storage. They are placed in 2-3 layers in boxes or boxes, covered with non-rigid paper.

Optimal growing conditions

In order for the Russian Beauty pear variety to fully reveal its full yield potential, the following conditions must be created for it:

  • full sunlight throughout the day;
  • planting in places where there is no strong wind on a flat surface or in the middle of a southern, southeastern or southwestern slope;
  • good supply of moisture - the Krasavitsa Chernenko pear does not tolerate drought, the skin of the fruit becomes coarser with a lack of water;
  • an area where there is no stagnation of water in the spring and the groundwater level is low (no higher than 2 m);
  • fertile soil when planting - non-acidic loam is best;
  • regular and timely feeding;
  • correct crown formation and timely pruning;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

Advice! You cannot plant this variety of pear in lowlands - in winter it is several degrees colder there, and the tree will freeze even in mild frosts.

Skorospelka Sverdlovskaya

Skorospelka Sverdlovskaya is a variety resistant to severe frosts (up to -50 °C) and spring frosts, one of the best for breeding in Altai. In terms of winter hardiness, it resembles the Flute variety. An important point: Skorospelka grows rather long branches, which is bad for fruiting. It is important for a young tree to undergo formative pruning.

The fruits are small, weighing 80–110 g, juicy, tender, very tasty - honey-sweet with harmonious sourness. The smell is pleasant, pronounced. The skin is rough, light yellow, covered with dots.

Pros and cons of the Russian Beauty variety

Like any tree that produces fruit, this variety has its pros and cons:

pros Minuses
High yield Begins to bear fruit late
Good taste, excellent presentation of pears Requires careful care
Sufficiently long storage period Average frost resistance
Resistance to diseases caused by fungi Not the one-dimensionality of pears

Another drawback is that the tree grows strongly, making it quite difficult to collect fruits from it.


Summer variety.

The trees are vigorous. The crown is medium dense, broadly pyramidal.

The fruits are above average in size, truncated-conical in shape, with an average weight of 160 grams. The main color is greenish, there is no cover color, a slight pink blush is possible. The skin is shiny, dry, smooth, medium thick. The pulp is greenish in color, sweet, juicy, semi-oily, fine-grained, with a medium aroma (tasting score - 4.6 points).

Ripening date - August. The period of consumption and storage is August. Winter hardiness is high.

The variety is early ripening, winter-hardy, and begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. Precocious. Productivity is high (up to 20 t/ha). Relatively resistant to disease.

Soil: undemanding to soil, but grows better in well-drained, fertile soils. Does not tolerate heavy moisture and stagnant moisture.

Advantages of the variety: good taste of fruits, early fruiting.

Disadvantages of the variety: short consumption period.

Planting and caring for pear Russian beauty

Without careful care, a high yield from the Russian Beauty pear cannot be harvested - it is demanding in compliance with agricultural technology. The most important thing is to organize the planting correctly; the successful development of the tree will largely depend on this.

Landing rules

Planting dates depend on the region and weather conditions. A frost-free period of 3 weeks is required for the tree to take root. It is planted only in a dormant state - with the leaves already flown in the fall and the buds not yet swollen in the spring. For the southern regions, it is preferable to plant the Russian Beauty pear in the fall, and for the northern regions - in the spring.

As with all fruit trees, it is better to prepare a hole for planting a pear and fill it with prepared soil in the previous season, observing the following conditions:

  • dimensions: width and depth 70-80 cm, the walls are steep, they are notched with a shovel;
  • the top fertile layer 20 cm high is laid separately.

Important! If the soil is very poor, the size of the hole for the pear is increased to 1 m, and sometimes more; if the groundwater is high, planting is carried out on a mound of at least 40 cm in height.

Further actions depend on the timing of planting the tree:

  • in the fall, the deposited fertile soil is mixed with humus (2-3 buckets) and a pear is planted in it, and fertilizers - 200 g of double superphosphate and 60 g of potassium sulfate are added to the top layer of soil; in the fall the seedling will not need them, and by spring melt water will deliver them to the roots;
  • in the spring, the planting mixture is prepared from all components at once, so that the growing root system of the Russian Beauty pear can immediately use them.

Landing algorithm

  1. Select a 1-2 year old pear seedling with a well-developed root lobe and an intact trunk.
  2. The central root is trimmed by 10 cm, and the root system is immersed in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 3-6 hours.
  3. At the bottom of the planting hole, a mound is formed from the prepared mixture.
    Advice! Experienced gardeners advise placing 10 raw chicken eggs at the bottom of the hole or adding a handful of rye seeds under the roots.
  4. Drive a peg into the bottom of the hole on the south side.
  5. Install a Russian Beauty pear seedling and straighten the roots.
  6. Sprinkle them with planting mixture, shaking the seedlings slightly so that the soil adheres more tightly to the roots.
  7. Particular attention is required to the location of the root collar (the place where the roots enter the trunk) of the pear.
    It should be 2-3 cm above the edges of the pit. After the soil settles, its location will be level with the ground. Advice! A landing board, which is placed from edge to edge of the hole, will help you avoid mistakes.
  8. When half of the pear roots are covered, moisten the soil with a bucket of water and pour in 2 or 3 more after they are completely covered with soil.
  9. The trunk circle is carefully compacted by trampling to form a hole with an inclination towards the center. It is mulched with any organic matter, but it is best to use humus or peat in a 5 cm layer, 2-3 cm away from the trunk.
  10. The trunk of the pear is tied to a peg using soft material.
  11. For a one-year-old seedling, the central shoot is cut off by about a third; its height should be from 80 to 90 cm; for two-year-old seedlings, the side shoots are also shortened.

Watering and fertilizing

After spring planting, Russian Beauty is watered weekly with a bucket per plant.

In the absence of rain, mature trees require watering 6-7 times per season:

  • when protruding buds;
  • immediately after the petals fall;
  • from 3 to 4 – in the summer season;
  • in autumn after leaf fall.

One watering will require up to 4 buckets of water. It is carried out in 2 stages - 2 buckets in the morning and the same amount in the evening.

Fertilizing begins a year after planting. For an adult pear per 1 sq. m of trunk circle required:

  • in spring - ammonium nitrate 30 g per 15 liters of water;
  • when the petals fall - in June, 15 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate, loosen the soil and water it;
  • in the fall - 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate, at the same time the tree trunk circle is mulched with humus, in the spring it is dug up and embedded in the soil.

If the tree is young, the fertilizer rate is halved


Pruning is mandatory for Russian Beauty; it will prevent the crown from gaining height, which makes harvesting easier.

  1. In the spring - sanitary, dried and frozen branches are cut out, and forming prunings, in each tier the 4 strongest shoots are left, growing horizontally to the ground, the central conductor is shortened, cutting all the branches into a ring.

  2. In summer - pinching, pinching unnecessary growing shoots to the hard part.
  3. In autumn - continue sanitary and formative pruning, if necessary.

It must be remembered that in the fall pruning should be gentle so as not to weaken the Russian Beauty pear tree before winter. Only young trees need active formation. In old ones, branches that are too long are shortened and those that grow inside the crown are cut out.


It is not carried out for aesthetic reasons, as many believe. This is an excellent way to protect the pear bark not only from sunburn and subsequent frost damage, but also from pests and pathogens.

Whitewashing is carried out in 2 stages:

  • in autumn, October or November - the main one;
  • in February, towards the end - renewal.

In this case, not only the trunk is whitened, but also a third of the lower skeletal branches of the pear and their forks. First, the bark is cleaned with a soft, non-metallic or plastic brush, or better yet, with gloved hands to remove lichens, removing the exfoliated parts. Then it is disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or ash solution and the cracks are sealed with garden pitch or a special paste.

For whitewashing, special mixtures are produced with the addition of adhesives so that it does not wash off longer.

Important! If a lime-based solution is used for young pears, its concentration should be half as low to avoid burns.

Preparing for winter

Of course, it is not possible to cover a mature Russian Beauty pear tree for the winter due to its size, but something can be done to insulate it.

  • They rake debris and fallen leaves from the tree trunk circle and dig them up.
  • Mulch it with humus or peat with a layer of about 20 cm.
  • After whitewashing, the trunk is tied with spruce branches and burlap.

Important! Don’t forget to shake off the stuck snow from the branches in winter so that they don’t break under its weight.

Diseases and pests

The Russian Beauty is affected by scab extremely rarely; other diseases of a fungal nature do not bother her too much, provided that the planting site is chosen correctly and care is carried out properly.

  1. Powdery mildew on pear can be identified by a gray coating on the fruit and leaves.

  2. When affected by brown spot, spots of the same color increase in size.
  3. Fruit rot manifests itself as brownish-brown spots with white spots in the form of dots.

The measures to combat these fungal diseases of pear are the same - spraying with copper-containing fungicides according to the instructions.

Pests also love to feast on the delicious fruits of the Russian beauty.

The fruit gall midge is a dangerous monophage that only harms pear trees.

The larvae settle in the ovaries in the spring, causing the pears to grow ugly or dry out completely. They fight it with the help of Karbofos.

Caterpillars of another monophage, the pear codling moth, gnaw holes in the fruits, which leads to their rotting, and the presentation of the pears is lost.

Non-chemical methods include a variety of traps and foliar feeding with fertilizer solutions. The choice of insecticides is quite wide: Agravertin, Kinmiks, Iskra are used.

Isetskaya juicy

Isetskaya succulent is distinguished by high levels of winter hardiness, productivity and immunity to scab. Susceptibility to pear gall mite and leaf spot is average. The crown shape is almost round.

As the name suggests, the fruits are especially juicy, yet sweet and oily. Weight up to 110 g. When ripe, they acquire a thick cream color and blush with a pink tint, sometimes a coral tint. The harvest is harvested in the second half of September. Can be stored for about a month.

Reviews of the Russian Beauty pear variety

Andrey Semenikhin, 54 years old, Vyazma.

I have a large orchard. I don’t chase new products too much; old varieties, about which everything is already known, are more reliable. I planted a lot of apple trees. But with pears it’s more difficult; there aren’t many varieties that will please you with both taste and look beautiful. Ten years ago, while looking through the new items included in the State Register, I noticed the Russian Beauty pear. I read reviews from gardeners and realized that this is my variety. Large beautiful fruits with good taste - what more do you need? True, the average winter hardiness of the Russian beauty was alarming. But I already have such pears in my garden. Until they froze. I bought a two-year-old from a Smolensk nursery and planted it according to all the rules. We had to wait a long time. Formed the crown as it should be. 2 years ago my pear blossomed. I left a few ovaries for testing so as not to weaken the tree. The whole family liked the taste.

Igor Dunaev, 46 years old, Bryansk

There can never be too many pears in the garden. It’s just that the area of ​​the site doesn’t allow you to turn around. Vaccinations help. This is how the Russian beauty came to me. I was looking for cuttings for a long time, the variety is not very common. I grafted it into the crown of Muscovites - they bloom at the same time, which means they will pollinate each other. There is no need to wait as long as you have to when boarding. The established grafted branch of the Russian beauty bloomed in the second year, the buds were torn off. In the third year I already tried a new variety of pears. The taste is quite good, but the size is much larger than Moskvichka.


The variety is zoned for the eastern and western Siberian regions. Average winter hardiness. The harvest is annual, approximately 45 kg per tree. Prefers loam.

Fruits from 65 to 100 g, yellow-green with a pronounced blush. Ripen at the end of August. When choosing this variety, keep in mind that the fruits are stored for a very short time, only up to a week in a cool place and 2-3 days at room temperature. However, their juiciness, tenderness and excellent taste (sweet and sour, slightly spicy) make this variety very popular.

Seedlings are planted both in autumn and spring, the main thing is that there is no threat of frost. In order for them to grow well, they require plenty of watering for some time after planting.

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