Yakovlevskaya pear variety - botanical description and characteristics of the variety

Grusha Yakovlevskaya.

Description of the variety

The Yakovlevskaya variety is winter, with large fruits and large tree sizes.

Characteristics of wood

An adult tree grows up to 10 meters, but the height depends on the rootstock on which the plant is grafted. The crown is wide-pyramidal, of medium density, medium growth vigor, annual height growth is 25 cm, and crown width is 15 cm. The shoots are straight, dark red. The leaves are green, medium-sized, oblong-oval. Mixed fruiting type.

Description of fruits

Pear variety Yakovlevskaya.

Pears are regular in shape, elongated, average weight 120-220 grams. The skin is waxy, smooth, and of medium thickness. When picked, the color of the fruit is green, with a red blush on the sunny side; after picking, during storage they become greenish-yellow.

The pulp is creamy, tender, semi-oily, with a small amount of granulation, sweet and sour in taste, with a light fruity aroma and floral notes. Tasting score – 4.5 points out of 5.

Varietal feature and characteristics

The Yakovlevskaya pear begins to bear fruit at a later stage; during the first 5 years of its life it develops the root system and crown. The variety produces stable yields, the fruit weight reaches 210 g.

Tree dimensions and height

The variety is characterized by an average tree height. 5 m, pyramidal crown.

The branches are upright, the ability to form shoots is low, which leads to the formation of a sparse crown.


Under favorable conditions, cultivated varieties of pears live up to 90 years. After 45 years, a tree loses its yield and mass of branches.

To maintain productivity, the crown is rejuvenated by pruning branches or the tree is uprooted.


The variety begins bearing fruit from the 6th year of growing season, increases its yield up to 20 years, and with good care up to 40 years, consistently produces the maximum number of large fruits.

In private gardens, under good weather conditions and proper care, you can collect up to 50 kg of pears from a tree.

When growing fruit on an industrial scale, Yakovlevskaya’s yield reaches 180 c/ha.

Flowering and pollinators

Yakovlevskaya pear is self-fertile, pollination occurs with pollen from its own flowers. Growing trees in the garden with simultaneous flowering times increases the yield. Such varieties can be Saint-Germain, Saratovka, Pervomaiskaya, Nika.

Ripening time and harvest

Warm summers allow harvesting in the first ten days of September. Rainy, cold summers slow down the ripening of fruits, and mass harvesting occurs at the end of September. In a warm, dry autumn (without nighttime drops in temperature), pears ripen on the trees, gaining sweetness and juiciness, until mid-October.

Tasting qualities and uses of fruits

Ripe pears have tender, buttery, juicy flesh with a slight graininess. The content of sugars and ascorbic acid is 11-10%, which determines the balance of sweet and sour taste. The pear aroma contains floral notes. The taste qualities of the variety are rated by tasters at 4.5 points on a 5-point scale.

See also

Description of the Forest Beauty pear variety, specifics of planting and care


Application of fruits:

  • fresh consumption;
  • obtaining dried fruits;
  • winemaking;
  • making preserves, jam, confiture, marmalade, compote, juice, nectar.


In special storage facilities, the variety does not lose its presentation and retains its taste for up to 6 months.

Pears are transported in wooden or plastic containers with slits for air access, wrapping each fruit in parchment paper.

Drought and frost resistance

The Yakovlevskaya variety is frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures of -38 C with minimal damage and subsequent recovery, which is not typical for other varieties zoned for the Central Black Earth Region.

Pear is demanding of moisture. In hot and dry summers, the variety requires frequent and abundant watering, otherwise it reduces the size of the fruit and reduces the yield.

Immunity to diseases and insects

Yakovlevskaya pear has a stable complex immunity to diseases and pests, which must be maintained and strengthened throughout the growing season of the tree.

The variety is resistant to diseases and pests:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot;
  • cytosporosis;
  • copperhead;
  • leaf flea beetle;
  • codling moth;
  • flower beetle.




The Yakovlevskaya pear produced its first fruits in the 6th year, but they are very tasty and can be stored for a long time. Caring for it is not difficult; in the spring I prune it, feed it, and treat it against diseases and pests.



Winter Yakovlevskaya pear grows in our dacha. In our area, it tolerates winter well and is not affected by scab. The tree produces a good harvest, the pears are tasty and aromatic. We make jam and compote from them. But, of course, we eat fresh ones right away.



I bought a Yakovlevskaya pear from a nursery. She is already bearing fruit. I trim it every spring so that the crown does not thicken. We collect 5-6 buckets of pears, they can be stored until January. The taste is pleasant, the flesh is juicy and tender, melts in the mouth.

Harvesting and preparing for winter

The fruits are harvested when the skin color has reached a green-yellow color and the pear size is more than 7-8 centimeters. The pear should be firm to the touch. The collection is carried out 2-3 times per season. Pears stay on the tree perfectly and don’t fall off for a long time, however, you shouldn’t hesitate. The collected fruits are stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months. The pear should be clean and dry.


For long-term storage, pears can be placed in a cardboard box or wrapped loosely in paper.

When ripe, Yakovlevskaya pears do not need to be covered for the winter. The main procedure for preparing for winter is mulching the soil. It is better to cover a young tree up to 5-6 years old with agrofibre or fabric, especially for the northern regions. The soil is also mulched with peat or humus.


Planting the Yakovlevskaya pear follows a standard algorithm. It includes the selection and preparation of a site, seedlings and timing. By following the links to the articles below, you can familiarize yourself with all the requirements in more detail.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

At what distance to plant pears?

How to choose pear seedlings

How to replant a pear

History of selection and region of breeding

The pear variety was obtained by hybridizing the varieties “Daughter of the Dawn” (high-yielding with small-grained, aromatic fruits) and “Talgarskaya Krasavitsa” (frost-resistant variety with elongated amber fruits).

The originator of the variety is GNU VNIIG and SPR named after. Michurina. Authors: Stanislav Pavlovich Yakovlev, Anatoly Pavlovich Gribanovsky, Nikolai Ivanovich Savelyev, V. V. Chivilev. Included in the state register of the Russian Federation in the early 2000s.

The variety has gained wide popularity in the central part of the country. The first growth occurs in the Black Earth zone of the Russian Federation.

The variety is suitable for growing in the Moscow, Yaroslavl region and nearby cities.

The pear tree can also be found in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Estonia. The variety is ideal for a temperate continental climate with mild winters.

In these regions, pear varieties of Cathedral, Krasnobokaya, Vernaya, Lesnaya Krasavitsa and Moskvichka thrive well when grown.


The tree is unpretentious and easy to grow. The main requirement is to adjust the density of the crown so that the fruits do not become smaller. Agricultural technology is described in more detail in the linked articles.

How to care for a pear Pruning a pear Pruning a columnar pear Treating a pear from diseases and pests Feeding a pear How to water a pear

Agricultural technology

Pear Packham

Yakovlevskaya pear is unpretentious in cultivation.

Selecting a location

When choosing a planting location, you need to take into account the degree of illumination. The variety needs to be placed in a well-lit area. A lack of light energy will lead to the formation of unsweetened fruits and their small quantity.

Soils must be well drained

Soils must be well drained. If water stagnates in the upper layers of the soil, it will harm the tree. This variety is often planted in hilly areas to prevent stagnation. Groundwater should pass no closer than 2-2.5 meters.

The best soil for planting is chernozem sandy loam. The variety also grows well on loamy and sandy soils when fertilized. In general, Yakovlevskaya pear is not very demanding on soil composition. The variety cannot be cultivated on clay soils. However, if there is only one on the site, it is necessary to equip a planting hole according to all the rules and fertilize it well. The required pH level is 5.6-6.0 (slightly acidic reaction of the medium).


The seedling should not be buried too deep into the ground, otherwise it will die. The root collar should rise 5 cm above the soil surface. The roots cannot be cut, and they must be straightened when planting. Only the above-ground parts of plants are allowed to be trimmed.

Important! The site requires the presence of other pollinating varieties, since the Yakovlevskaya pear is only partially self-fertile. Pollinator varieties should have the same flowering time.

Fertilizers such as superphosphate, potassium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate are added to the planting hole. In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic matter is also used. Further fertilizing is carried out depending on the type of soil. Fertile soils are fertilized infrequently, while less fertile soils are fertilized every year.

Plant care

In order for the fruits to be large, you need to pick off the flowers. In the first year, almost everything is picked; in subsequent years, only half of the flowers are removed.

Watering is carried out every week - in the morning and evening, a bucket per tree. The critical period of water consumption is the fruiting period. At this time, the tree also lays buds for the next year. If there is a lack of moisture, there will be a shortage of crops this year and next. Watering should end in August, except during dry seasons.


One of the mandatory techniques for caring for a pear is mulching the tree trunk. Before the start of winter, the trunk is covered with rotted horse manure. Mulch will serve as additional nutrition for the plant. The use of this agricultural technique will reduce the risk of trees being damaged by diseases and pests. Mulch prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil, protects plant roots from low temperatures, and suppresses the growth of weeds.

Pruning plays an important role in crop formation and also helps prevent disease infection. It should be done every year. You need to start early in the spring, before the buds open. Weak and crooked branches are removed.

Important! In one pruning, you cannot cut off more than 25% of all branches. The tree will become stressed if too many branches are removed.

Autumn pruning is not recommended.

Rodents can cause great damage to plants. To combat them, special nets are used. There is another way - they tie the trunk with nylon tights.

Don’t forget about constant weeding and loosening. This is necessary to destroy weeds and improve soil properties.

Harvesting takes place in the second half of September. At this point, the pears reach technical ripeness and are convenient to transport. When aging, the fruits are able to acquire their best taste properties. Should be stored for about 4-6 months in refrigerated areas.

Diseases and pests

Yakovlevskaya pear is resistant to scab and entomosporium. To prevent insects and diseases, which will help maintain immunity, it is necessary to carry out a series of sprayings.

Dangerous Pear Pests

Pears often suffer from pests, they affect the leaves, bark and fruits.

In this article, we have selected 11 of the most harmful insects that harm pear trees, and also ways to destroy them.

Diseases of pear trees

To get what they cherish, gardeners have to work hard, and the reason for this is pear diseases.

Read about 19 common pear diseases and how to combat them.

History of creation

At the end of the 90s of the twentieth century, a group of scientist-breeders of the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Fruit Plants named after.
Michurin, based on crossing the pear varieties Tolgarskaya Krasavitsa and Daughter of the Dawn, a whole line of hybrid varieties was obtained: Nika, Chudesnitsa, Feeriya, Yakovlevskaya and others. After numerous tests, all these fruit forms received the status of different pear varieties with somewhat similar, but still individual characteristics. The following scientists took part in the development of the Yakovlevskaya pear variety: S.P. Yakovlev, V.V. Chivilev, N.I. Savelyev, A.P. Gribanovsky. In 2002, this variety was officially included in the State Register and zoned in the following areas:

  • Belgorodskaya;
  • Voronezh;
  • Kursk;
  • Lipetskaya;
  • Orlovskaya;
  • Tambovskaya.

Judging by the reviews of gardeners, the Yakovlevskaya pear has taken root well and produces excellent harvests in more northern regions, such as Moscow, Yaroslavl and even Leningrad.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pear Rainbow

Like any variety, Yakovlevskaya pear has both positive and negative characteristics. Large fruits, good taste, and transportability can be attributed to the pronounced advantages of the variety. Plants are not demanding to grow and care for, and are also weakly affected by pests and fungal diseases. In addition, the variety is high-yielding, especially with proper care. High sugar content in the fruit compared to other pear varieties. Keeping quality is another big plus of Yakovlevskaya. The fruits become tastier and softer after they sit for some time. Trees do not need winter shelters. In this Yakovlevskaya is very similar to the Pamyat Yakovlevskaya variety.

The disadvantages of the variety (there are few of them) include the low level of precocity. Also, with irregular pruning and thickening of the crown, the fruits may develop small in volume.

We can conclude that the Yakovlevka pear is perfect for amateur gardeners. Almost everyone recommends this plant for growing in their gardens. You just need to plant it in a well-lit place and in a few years you will be able to get large harvests of tasty and aromatic pears. Recommended for cultivation in the central part of Russia.

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Characteristics of Yakovlevskaya pear variety

Yakovlevskaya pear is a hybrid variety of pears, the fruits of which begin to ripen only in the second ten days of September. Characterized by a high level of productivity.

Characteristics of Yakovlevskaya pear variety

Characteristics of the variety

Yakovlevskaya pear is grown in central Russia. The first pear harvest can be harvested in 5-6 years. One of the main advantages is resistance to sudden temperature changes. Withstands frosts down to -35 °C.

Yakovlevskaya pear is resistant to pests. It is not damaged by scab and entomosporiasis. In addition to ascorbic acid, the Yakovlevskaya winter pear variety is rich in P-active substances and tannins, which makes the fruit dietary.

The Yakovlevskaya pear variety needs pollinators. It can be any fruit tree with the same flowering period that grows nearby.

Description of the tree

The tree is not tall - up to 10 m in height. Pear blossoms in May.

This variety is not characterized by rapid growth vigor. The growth of branches per year is 20-25 cm. But the shoots of the Yakovlevskaya pear are powerful and even. They are chocolate brown in color with a reddish tint.

The leaves are smooth, with a shiny surface. The end is long-pointed, with serrations along the rim of the leaf. The buds have a pointed shape and a smooth surface.

The branches and shoots of the tree form a pyramidal crown or a cone shape. If you don’t trim the tree’s crown every year, it will thicken, which will have a bad effect on the size of the fruit. The shoots grow quite quickly. Every year the crown needs to be thinned. It is necessary to remove not only damaged branches, but also those that interfere with normal air circulation between other branches.

Description of fruits

The fruits of this species are medium in size. The weight of one pear reaches 130-220 grams. The fruits of the Yakovlevskaya pear are often used to prevent seasonal colds.

Pear is useful for vitamin deficiency and in the fight against bronchitis, thanks to its rich vitamin composition. If harvested correctly, the fruits can be stored all winter.

  • oblong shape;
  • tender and smooth skin;
  • waxy shine;
  • yellow-green tint with a slight blush.

These fruits need to be harvested when their color is still green. This will increase their shelf life by 2 times. The seeds are hidden in closed brown boxes. The pulp has an oily, creamy consistency.

The pear has a medium density. Thanks to this it is juicy and has a honey-floral aroma. It has a sweet taste with a slight sourness.

The fruits of this tree can be used to make delicious desserts. Can be consumed fresh or dried. Yakovlevskaya pear is a common ingredient in canned products. The fruits are used to make sweet jam, marmalade, and confiture.

Caring for a tree is not difficult

The Yakovlevskaya pear variety is easy to grow. But planting is preferable in previously prepared soil.

A healthy seedling with a well-developed root system is optimal for planting. It should have a straight trunk, without knots. Other requirements for a seedling are the presence of several shoots.

Do not leave seedlings in water before planting. Overmoistening of their root system leads to rotting processes, and such seedlings are not suitable for planting. It is advisable to choose a place for planting a new tree in a sunny part of the garden.

For seedlings of this variety, planting in autumn and spring is allowed 3-4 weeks before the arrival of frost. They are immersed in a hole 90-100 cm (pre-fertilized with manure) and carefully covered.

Basic care is as follows:

  1. Daily watering is carried out in the first week after planting. Then - once a month.
  2. Young trees are fed with organic and nitrogen fertilizers, which are applied until mid-summer. Mature trees are fertilized with nitrogen agents in the spring, and with potassium or phosphorus agents in the fall.
  3. During cold weather, the newly planted plant is covered. For this purpose mulching is carried out. The process uses grass, straw, sawdust, and leaves.
  4. The soil for planting is dug up. Be sure to remove the rhizomes of perennial weeds on it.
  5. Branches are pruned once a year. Remove damaged, dry branches. It is also necessary to thin out the living ones, which create too thick a crown.

If water stagnates or the soil is very wet, drainage must be constructed. This variety does not tolerate high humidity.

Pests and diseases

This type of pear is resistant to most diseases, especially scab and ethnomospoiasis. However, it may be affected by rust. Light yellowish spots appear on the leaves. Over time they become dark orange in color. Fruits affected by rust are removed from the branches. If a tree is affected by this disease, then in early spring it is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Yakovlevskaya pear resists insects and pests. But due to poor quality care of the plant, it can be affected by pests:

  1. Gall mite. Parasites are 0.1-0.3 mm in size. They do not allow the plant to fully develop and damage the buds and fruits. Trees affected by the gall mite bear fruit poorly, and buds and new shoots rarely appear. Fallen, damaged leaves should be removed and burned. The plant itself is pollinated in the spring using acaricidal agents.
  2. Aphid. These insects suck the juices from the leaves. As a result, they curl and become unsuitable for photosynthesis. If a sticky coating becomes noticeable, it is worth treating the leaves with a soap solution. For 1 liter of water you need 100 ml of liquid soap. You can fight aphids with another folk remedy. Suitable decoction of celandine or dandelions, potato infusion.
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