Pear variety Elena (18 photos): description, pollinators, characteristics, planting and reviews from gardeners

This pear variety was bred in the third quarter of the last century, when Russian breeders tried to develop varieties that were highly resistant to frosty winters. Such pears could be cultivated in most Russian regions with difficult climatic conditions.

This is how the Elena pear was developed - a variety with high yield and excellent taste of ripe fruits, which is still popular among Russian gardeners, despite the presence of more modern varieties with improved characteristics.

Botanical description

The Elena pear variety was bred by a group of breeders led by P. G. Karatyan from Armenia at the beginning of the third quarter of the last century. To obtain a new winter-hardy variety, experts crossed the Lesnaya Krasavitsa and Bere Zimnyaya Michurina pears.

Varietal testing of the Elena pear was successful, but it was added to the Russian state register only in 1990.

This pear belongs to the winter varieties in terms of fruit ripening - the harvest from these fruit trees is harvested in the last ten days of September - the first ten days of October.

The trees are compact in size, growing up to 3-3.5 meters in height; when the crown is formed correctly, its shape becomes narrowly pyramidal. Therefore, such trees can be grown even in small areas; such pears are easier to care for and easier to harvest.

Characteristics of the variety

The Elena variety was developed 50 years ago, but has not lost its relevance to this day. Pear is characterized by its content of nutritional and beneficial elements. Common among amateur gardeners and agronomists. Large, juicy fruits are used commercially.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Pear Elena is a moisture-loving crop. Especially during the process of fruit formation and ripening, watering should be plentiful. Drought adversely affects the condition of the fruit tree.

The hybrid variety Elena has difficulty overcoming harsh, long winters. Frost resistance indicators are average. They depend on the amount of moisture received during the season. Insufficient watering depletes the tree, it may die during the cold period.

Pear pollinators Elena

Flowering occurs in May-June. Lasts up to 10 days. The inflorescences are densely arranged. As a rule, they are bisexual. Therefore, the Elena pear does not need pollinators. In order to obtain a high yield, gardeners plant other varieties of pears nearby: Kudesnitsa, Feeria, Yanvarskaya or Dubrovka and Zolotoye apple trees. It is important that pollinators bloom at the same time as the fruit crop.


The first fruits of the Elena pear can be tasted 6-7 years after planting in a permanent place. The approximate date for fruit readiness is the last ten days of September. Depending on climatic conditions, this moment may come a month earlier or later. Harvesting should be carried out within 10-15 days after ripening. Otherwise, the fruits fall to the ground and lose their presentation. One mature tree of the Elena variety can produce up to 40 kg of pears.

Attention! The yield indicator directly depends on the volume of fertilizer applied and the frequency of watering.

Application area

Elena pears are consumed freshly picked or stored for future use. Jams, jams, wine, and marmalade are also prepared. The fruits have a universal purpose. The shelf life of ripe pears is 4 months without loss of consumer properties. Fruits can be transported, but over short distances.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the photo, description of the variety and consumer reviews, the Elena pear variety has positive and negative qualities.


  • self-pollinating;
  • keeping quality of fruits;
  • compact dimensions of the tree;
  • marketable condition;
  • long shelf life;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • good immunity;
  • late fruit ripening.


  • dropping of pears after ripening;
  • variety of fruit sizes with a large harvest;
  • average frost resistance.


The Elena pear was specially bred to grow in difficult weather conditions, so it can withstand sudden changes in temperature and humidity, just like the Novella pear. One of the main advantages of this fruit tree is its late flowering period; the buds bloom in the last ten days of May, when the return spring frosts have already passed.

Pear withstands sudden changes in temperature and humidity

Drought and frost resistance

This variety is not drought-resistant, however, the soil can remain dry for a couple of weeks, and this will not affect the condition of fruit trees and their fruits.

The frost resistance of the Elena pear is slightly above average, but if it is provided with proper care, then even with a small amount of snow in winter, the tree can withstand cold temperatures down to -30 ºC.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of the Elena variety are always large, uniform and pear-shaped, and ripen by the end of September. There is a bumpy surface, the skin is soft and tender to the touch, sometimes sticky. The average weight of the fruit reaches 200 g. Unripe fruits are yellowish-green in color, fully ripe ones are bright yellow with a pleasant aroma. Gray subcutaneous dots are visible, the stalk is shortened and slightly curved.

The pulp is snow-white when cut, oily and juicy. Tasting score – 4.7 points on a five-point scale, characteristic sourness and sweet aftertaste are felt. The fruits are consumed fresh and often prepared for the winter. The fruits of the Elena variety contain:

  • acid – 0.2%;
  • sugar – 12.2%;
  • fiber and vitamin C – 7.4 mg.

Important! Untimely harvesting reduces the shelf life of fruits and the availability of nutrients in them.

Pros and cons of the variety

The main advantages of this pear variety include:

  • compact crown size;
  • It does not require special care;
  • adapted to sudden changes in temperature and humidity;
  • flowers bloom after the end of return frosts;
  • high level of productivity;
  • wonderful taste of fruits;
  • when harvesting fruits at the stage of technical maturity, transportability and further storage of the crop are quite high;
  • resistance to most diseases.

Among the disadvantages of this fruit crop, it should be noted that it has average resistance to cold and low drought resistance, as well as the tendency of the fruit to fall off after full ripening and deteriorate its presentation and taste.

But still, the Elena pear has many more advantages than disadvantages, which is why this variety is still popular among Russian gardeners.


At a young age, the pear shows active growth, but by the fruiting period it slows down. As a result, the site will be decorated with a short, beautiful tree about 3 meters high, sometimes a little higher. The crown is compact, not dense, pyramidal in shape, with medium foliage.

The fruits have an attractive appearance due to their rounded pear-shaped shape. The color is dull, the main color of the pear is green; when full ripeness occurs, the shade changes to yellow-green or warm yellow. The integumentary coloration is insignificant, appearing from the sunny side in the form of a blurry dull blush. The subcutaneous points of the variety are small and gray in color. There are also small rust-colored specks scattered across the surface. The peduncle is strong, thick, short, and has a slight bend. The pulp of Elena fruits is quite dense, semi-oily, juicy, melting in the mouth, fine-grained consistency, and white. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight tartness, the aroma is delicate and pleasant. Taste qualities are rated very highly - 4.6 - 4.8 points. The fruit sizes are from medium to large, weight from 140 to 220 grams. The pulp contains vitamins, pectins, tannins and biologically active substances.

Optimal growing conditions

The optimal conditions for growing this fruit tree include:

  • good lighting of the area;
  • the soil should be loose and fertile with a low acidity level;
  • compliance with the irrigation regime;
  • regular fertilizing;
  • constant loosening of tree trunk circles and simultaneous removal of weeds.

If you follow the basic rules of care, the pear yield will be high.
If these measures are followed, the yield of the Elena pear will be high every year.

Planting and care

Tiger tomato: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews from gardeners with photos
Young pear plants are planted both in spring and autumn. The most optimal time is the end of April (the severe frosts have already passed) and the first and second ten days of October (about a month before the first frost).

Trees of this variety prefer loamy soil. Such soil allows plants to produce the best (in terms of quality and quantity) harvest. Other types of soil (clay or sandy) need to be improved before planting.

Heavy soil (to increase air conductivity) is diluted with peat, coarse river sand and compost. Sandy soils are improved by adding plenty of humus, compost and peat.

A hole for planting a young tree is dug at least 70 cm deep and about 1 m in diameter. You can throw small tin cans and walnut shells at the bottom.

Particular attention should be paid to planting pears in areas with close groundwater. Excessive flooding of the root system can lead to the death of the tree

Excessive flooding of the root system can lead to the death of the tree.

To prevent this, additional grooves are dug in the area to drain excess moisture.

Another option for growing trees in wet areas is to plant them on hills or create artificial hills on which the seedlings are placed when planted.

Tree care:

  • Pruning Trees are pruned in early spring.
    The most acceptable time for work to be carried out is the month of March. The purpose of this procedure is to remove dried and dead parts of the tree and branches with old flower buds. A characteristic feature of the “Elena” pear variety is the ability of young branches to produce a full harvest. Pruning branches also allows you to shape the crown of the tree and control the degree of plant density.
  • Spraying The main preventive treatment (against pests and diseases) of trees is carried out in the spring (April-May) during bud break and after the appearance of pear buds.
    The trees are sprayed for the third time 2-3 weeks after the secondary treatment. In the future, during the summer, therapeutic measures should be carried out only if there are obvious signs of disease.

Attention! All types of spraying of trees with chemicals must be stopped at least a month before the expected harvest. Feeding In the first year, the pear seedling does not need to be fed.

They begin to fertilize it in the second year after planting. In May, the first fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers - urea or saltpeter. Microelements are also added at the same time. At this time, green manure (plants that improve the soil structure and enrich it with nitrogen) can be sown around the tree. The most suitable plants for pears are mustard, phacelia, lupine, clover and legumes. During the fall, the plants decompose and supply the pear with a lot of nutrients. The main feeding of pears is carried out in the fall. At this time, phosphate-potassium and organic (compost, ash, humus, lime, table salt, etc.) fertilizers are applied under the tree crown

Feeding In the first year, the pear seedling does not need to be fed. They begin to fertilize it in the second year after planting. In May, the first fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers - urea or saltpeter. Microelements are also added at the same time. At this time, green manure (plants that improve the soil structure and enrich it with nitrogen) can be sown around the tree. The most suitable plants for pears are mustard, phacelia, lupine, clover and legumes. During the fall, the plants decompose and supply the pear with a lot of nutrients. The main feeding of pears is carried out in the fall. At this time, phosphate-potassium and organic (compost, ash, humus, lime, table salt, etc.) fertilizers are applied under the tree crown.

Watering This variety of pears is very demanding of moisture.

In the summer months, it is important to prevent the soil under the trees from drying out and to regularly water them abundantly. In the fall, before the first frost sets in, the trees are rehydrated. For this purpose, the tree trunk circles are watered abundantly to a depth of 50-80 cm. This event allows the trees to tolerate frost well - the moist soil does not freeze deeply, the soil breathes and the root system receives water all winter

This event allows the trees to tolerate frost well - the moist soil does not freeze deeply, the soil breathes and the root system receives water all winter.

The following pear varieties exhibit frost resistance: Uralochka, Quiet Don, Tema, Perun and Pamyati Zhegalova.


The further development of this fruit crop and its fruiting in the future will depend on how correctly all the rules for planting Elena pear seedlings were followed.


It is recommended to plant planting material in the south of the country in early spring after the snow has melted, but before the sap begins to flow. And in regions with colder climatic conditions - in the middle zone and areas with similar climatic conditions - seedlings are planted in September–early October. It is important that there is up to 1.5 months left before the onset of cold weather, then the trees will have time to take root in the new place and get stronger before the onset of frost.

Selecting the best seedlings for planting

The choice of planting material should be taken seriously - how strong and healthy it is will determine its proper development and abundant fruiting in the future.

Therefore, you should not purchase seedlings near the road - you need to go to a nearby nursery to get them. It is there that sellers will offer the best zoned trees, which they will dig up in front of the buyer. In this case, the plant is guaranteed to be healthy and of exactly the variety that the gardener needs.

Seedlings should be purchased at 2 years of age from a nursery

You should buy seedlings at 2 years of age - these are the plants that take root well in a new place, unlike older trees.

Before purchasing a plant, you should carefully examine its root system and vegetative mass - they should be elastic and resilient, without dry areas, signs of damage and diseases. There should also be no growths on the root system.

If there is foliage on the branches, it should also be healthy in appearance, rich green in color, and free of symptoms of disease or pest damage.

Site selection and soil preparation

The site for planting this variety of pear should be chosen correctly - it depends on whether the tree will take root in this place.

It is important that the area is well illuminated by the sun during the day and is protected from strong winds and drafts. Therefore, it is better to plant this pear near outbuildings or fences - they will be a natural protection.

It is better to plant this pear near outbuildings or fences

It is also important that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil. Therefore, whenever possible, pear trees are planted on natural or artificial hills. They should not be planted in lowlands, swampy areas or where groundwater comes closer than 4 m to the surface of the earth.

The soil on the site must be prepared in advance, at least a few weeks before planting the trees. All remnants of vegetation are removed from the site, organic matter is added and the site is dug up, while simultaneously incorporating fertilizer into the soil.

Direct landing

Planting holes are dug on the site at a distance of 3-35 m from each other. Their depth and diameter should be 0.5-0.7 m.

At the bottom you need to pour a layer of drainage, the thickness of which is at least 4-5 cm. For this you can use crushed stone, expanded clay or pieces of broken brick.

Then the nutrient substrate is prepared. To do this, the top layer of soil dug out of the hole must be mixed with equal parts of compost or humus. River sand or peat should also be added to heavy soil. And clay is added to sandstone or other light soil. Fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium or wood ash are added to such a soil mixture.

Each hole is filled with such a nutrient substrate to the extent of 0.3 m, and left for a couple of weeks so that the soil in the holes settles.

The roots of the seedlings are inspected, the dried areas are cut off, and before planting they are dipped in clay mash.

Then a mound is formed from the substrate, on which the tree is installed, and a peg is driven in next to it, which will serve as a support for the planted fruit crop.

Scheme of planting a pear seedling

The tree must be installed in such a way that the scion is 4-6 cm above the soil level. Then the roots are straightened along the diameter of the hole and covered with soil, while the seedling should be shaken periodically.

After planting, each tree is watered abundantly, the tree is tied to a peg, and the tree trunk circle is mulched with a layer of peat or sawdust.

Further care

Pear for the Leningrad region: the best varieties

For pears, irrigating watering is ideal when small droplets of water fall on the entire tree. If this is not possible, you can dig a small ditch about 10 cm deep around the tree and pour water into it as needed. Watering is carried out 2-3 times in spring and autumn, and on hot summer days it should be increased to several times a month, depending on weather conditions.

Fertilizing influences high yields. Its necessity is determined by the condition of the tree itself. Characteristics of signs, what kind of feeding is needed:

  • leaves are underdeveloped - lack of nitrogen;
  • low frost resistance and poor ripening - excess nitrogen;
  • shoots fall from the bottom of the pear, bud formation is delayed - lack of phosphorus;
  • leaves turn brown and dry quickly - lack of potassium;
  • spotting of leaves and their gradual death is a lack of calcium.

It is recommended to feed the pear from time to time so that the tree regularly receives a full portion of all the necessary minerals. Experienced gardeners also advise fertilizing in the autumn after harvesting, as this will better prepare the tree for the winter.


The further fruiting of this pear variety directly depends on proper care.

Watering and fertilizing

Young trees of the Elena variety are watered more often than mature trees, as the top layer of soil dries. And moisture is added to the trunk circles of adult fruit trees before flowering, during the formation of ovaries, during the ripening of fruits, and also in the fall in the process of preparing the pear for the winter season.

In the first 4 seasons, there is no need to fertilize the trees if all the necessary fertilizers are added to the holes when planting. Then fertilizing is applied according to the following scheme:

  • in the spring and autumn periods, organic matter is introduced into the tree trunk circles;
  • in the summer, mineral complexes with phosphorus and potassium are added to the root zone several times a season.

Mineral complexes with phosphorus and potassium are added several times during the summer.
After each watering or rain, you need to loosen the root circle and at the same time remove all weeds along with the root system. And then you should mulch the soil with a layer of peat or humus.

Trimming methods

In the first 5 seasons, these trees are subjected to formative pruning to form a narrow pyramidal crown. This procedure is carried out in early spring, until the buds swell.

In the future, the trees are subjected to sanitary pruning twice a year - in early spring and in autumn after the end of leaf fall. During this procedure, you should remove all damaged, dry, frozen branches, as well as those shoots that grow inside the crown and thicken it.

General principles of pruning fruit trees


The trunk and bases of skeletal branches should be whitened at the end of autumn. This procedure is carried out so that in winter they may become sunburned.

Preparing for winter

When preparing pear trees for winter, you need to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation, and add organic matter (compost or humus) to the soil before the leaves begin to fall. When growing this fruit crop in regions with a temperate climate, it is recommended to mulch the root zone of trees with a layer of peat or sawdust 12-15 cm thick.

For young trees, the trunk should be wrapped with agro-canvas to protect its bark from rodents.


Caring for the Elena variety pear is easy. It is only necessary to comply with the timing of agrotechnical measures.

Young and mature trees love moist soil. Therefore, it is worth moisturizing it constantly. In summer, it is important to water every two days. There should be no excess liquid. Pour water only after the mulching circle has dried. The norm for an adult pear Elena is 3 buckets.

In the first year after planting, you can do without fertilizing. Starting from the second year, useful substances are added to the soil. At the beginning of the vegetative phase, they are fed with nitrogen-containing preparations. The main feeding occurs in autumn. Then mineral, potassium-phosphorus elements and organic fertilizers in the form of wood ash, humus, compost, and table salt are added to the soil.

The photo shows that the Elena variety pear has a lush crown, so pruning is necessary. It is recommended to carry it out in early spring. The main goal of the procedure is to remove dry, diseased, poorly overwintered shoots and form skeletal branches. It is equally important to control the density of the tree, which affects the quality of fruiting.

After the leaves fall, the pear needs to be prepared for winter. To do this, the circle around the trunk is cleared of dry leaves, sticks, and branches. Water generously. Thinning pruning is carried out. The young tree is covered with agrofibre or other airtight material. The trunk of adult specimens is insulated with burlap or cardboard. Mulch with straw.


Pear Elena has good immunity. The variety is resistant to scab and some fungal diseases. For the purpose of prevention, regularly spray the tree. The first treatment is performed at the moment of bud break, the second time - during the formation of buds. The third procedure usually takes place 15-20 days after the second. Use systemic fungicides. If dangerous symptoms are present, the number of treatments may be increased.

Damage to the crop is caused by harmful insects such as aphids, tubeworms, and pear mites. The fight against them involves the use of solutions of sulfur, soda ash, and Bordeaux mixture.

Attention! Spraying with chemicals must be completed 30 days before harvesting.

Diseases and pests

Over the entire period of growing this variety, gardeners note that the Elena pear is practically not susceptible to diseases.

However, if the weather is rainy and cold in the summer, fungal diseases may appear on the pear. The most dangerous of them can be scab and fruit rot. To prevent the occurrence of these diseases, pear trees are treated for preventive purposes with appropriate fungicidal preparations during bud break, after the trees have flowered, and also after harvesting the fruits.

Trees are treated with fungicidal preparations for preventive purposes.

Among the pests, this fruit tree can be attacked by aphids. If there are few of these pests, they can be washed off with a soap solution. If the aphid colony has grown, it is necessary to use insecticidal preparations. But it is advisable to carry out such treatments in early spring or after harvesting.

Reviews from gardeners

The Elena pear hybrid is an old and popular variety that is popular among gardeners and summer residents. It is loved for its decent yields and excellent quality of fruit.

Olesya, 40 years old

“The Elena pear has been growing in my garden for more than 10 years. The variety has never failed. Gives high yields every year. The quality of the fruit is very high. I like the fact that they last until spring. My children love to eat fresh pears. With Elena, this is available to them all winter.”

Ivan, 61 years old

“I’ve been growing pear trees for a long time. Among all the types of this crop that grow in my dacha, I would like to highlight Elena, which produces very remarkable fruits, in which absolutely everything admires: size, taste, and presentation. There is often a surplus that does not even reach the market. Neighbors and friends are happy to take them apart.”

Harvest, storage and transportability

Ripe fruits, due to their too soft skin, do not tolerate transportation well even over short distances, and are not stored for too long - no more than a month, and then they begin to deteriorate, their appearance and taste deteriorate.

Therefore, it is advisable to harvest at the technical maturity stage. In this case, the collected fruits are easily transported, and they need to be stored in a cool, dry place, where the pear can remain until the New Year.

This variety of pear has been grown in Russia for several decades and during this time it has been appreciated not only by summer residents, but also by owners of larger plots. They value the Elena pear for its good yield and pleasant taste of the fruit.

Reviews about the pear variety Elena

Polina, 32 years old, Kostroma Elena received the pear as an inheritance from the former owners of the dacha. To be honest, I am far from gardening myself. But I can handle growing it quite well. I especially like its compactness. You don't need a stepladder to collect fruits. Minimal pruning. The tree is mature. In winter I just shovel the snow towards the trunk. Pears are very tasty. Soft and juicy. Children like it.

Olga, 50 years old, Pskov I remember the Elena variety from childhood. Therefore, when they chose a pear with a long shelf life for the plot, I didn’t doubt it for a minute. Yes, it is not entirely suitable for our latitudes. But the shoots do not freeze, and the roots are easy to cover. But until February we have ripe pears. The main thing is not to miss the moment to collect. I store slightly unripe fruits when their skin is still thick. Then they are stored well and for a long time.

Basics of pear care

Caring for a planted tree is very simple. Keep the tree trunk area clean, remove weeds and fallen leaves in a timely manner. The pear variety Elena loves watering, especially by sprinkling. Water consumption depends on the age of the tree and the amount of natural precipitation. Remember that you need to irrigate the pear when it blooms, when greenfinches appear and when next year's buds are being laid (during the fruiting period).

Read also: Pear Memory of Zhegalov: description and characteristics of the variety

Before wintering, moisture-recharging watering is required - up to 100 liters of water for each specimen. Such abundant irrigation prevents freezing.

Elena’s good immunity needs to be supported by spring treatment with fungicides. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before growth is activated. Damaged, diseased, old shoots must be removed. Thinning the crown and removing excess greenfinches will help produce evenly developed fruits. The description of the pear variety Elena told us about the average winter hardiness of the crop, so even in the recommended region, young seedlings need shelter:

  1. Tie the spruce branches to the trunk;
  2. Wrap the trunk with covering material;
  3. Mulch the tree trunk space with manure or humus to a height of 25 cm.

With normal fertility, fertilizers are applied only 2-3 years after planting. Every year, organic or nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, potassium complexes in the summer, and phosphorus complexes in the fall.

Do not allow nutrients to come into contact with the wood. Chemicals and organics cause severe burns.

An Elena pear planted on your plot will give you many pleasant moments, because caring for it is easy and the fruits are incredibly tasty. Numerous positive reviews from gardeners indicate that this cultivar is ideal for the garden.

Protecting pears from pests and diseases

Pears, like other pome fruit crops, are affected by fungal, bacterial and viral diseases and sucking and gnawing pests. Moreover, the diseases affect pear leaves and fruits separately.

To harvest a full-fledged harvest, crop protection must begin in early spring, using all recommended agrotechnical measures, and be carried out before harvesting. Preventive protective measures play a huge role in maintaining the health of the pear, and therefore in obtaining a high-quality harvest.

Preventive actions

Preventive and agrochemical protection measures include: maintaining the site without weeds, timely fertilizing, watering, and treating trees. Timely collection of carrion and leaf litter. All leaves are taken outside the garden plot and used: healthy ones - for laying on compost, for digging, and sick leaves are burned or placed in a separate compost pit for rotting, sprinkled in layers or spilled with anti-disease solutions.

When pruning, all waste should be removed and burned. After complete leaf fall, treat trees with copper or iron sulfate (2-3%) or 3% Bordeaux mixture. Repeat treatments in the spring until the buds awaken from winter rest. Timely and high-quality implementation of preventive measures reduces the likelihood of diseases or pest damage to trees by up to 70%.

Types of pear diseases and protective measures

Pears are affected by diseases that are also common to other pome crops. The most common and harmful are:

  • scab (leaves and fruits),
  • moniliosis (leaves and fruits),
  • black cancer (leaves and fruits),
  • stem rot (cytosporosis),
  • bacterial burn,
  • powdery mildew,
  • leaf rust,
  • white spot (septoria),
  • milky shine.

Among the protective measures, the safest on private property are the treatment of horticultural crops with biological products. They can be used for treatments throughout the growing season, from leaf blooming to harvesting, and some biological preparations are also used to treat fruits during winter storage to prolong their shelf life.

Some gardeners in a hurry use chemicals. Yes, using chemicals, 2-3 treatments are enough and the disease will be defeated, but... If chemicals are used incorrectly or carelessly, you can get poisoning and damage to the internal organs of both the handler and family members, cause the death of domestic animals and useful animals. insects

Therefore, it is practical and safe to use the following biological products in tank mixtures against diseases: trichodermin (gliocladin), phytolavin, gamair (bactericide), planriz, pentofag-S, phytosporin-M, pharmacoid, alirin-B, gaupsin. The last drug has a double effect. It is a good fungicide and insecticide. All of the listed biological products interact well in tank mixtures and are broad-spectrum drugs, destroying up to 4-9 types of diseases. They destroy, in particular, fungal, bacterial and viral infections.


Pear variety Elena has medium yield. With timely collection of fruits from 1 sq. m, gardeners harvest up to 40-50 kg. Overripe fruits fall to the ground and lose their presentation due to crumpled sides. Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 4-5 months at a temperature of + 5-10 ° C. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of September, but, depending on the region of planting, the period varies a month earlier or later. The yield of the Elena variety directly depends on the amount of fertilizer and soil moisture.

Full description of the Vidnaya pear variety

The most famous and popular variety of this culture has become in the Moscow region and the central part of Russia. The variety was developed in the second half of the 20th century, in 1958. But to this day it is still successfully grown by many gardeners.


  • The authors of the variety are Yu. A. Petrov and N. V. Efimova, who were involved in development on the basis of the Moscow Breeding Institute.
  • For breeding, hybrid VI - 53 - 67 was pollinated with a mixture of collected pollen from forms intended for cultivation in the south.
  • This pear has another name - Lumpy, since the fruits do not really have a smooth surface. The variety has become a favorite for a very long time and is included in the elite list.

Morphological characteristics of the tree

  • The tree is quite tall - 5 - 6 m. At the base the crown is spreading, and in the upper part it becomes pyramidal. Its density is average.
  • The skeletal branches and trunk have a powerful and strong structure (they have a large number of ringlets), but the annual branches on which pears are formed, on the contrary, are thin in diameter.
  • The foliage is small in size, the ends are pointed and curve slightly upward. The upper part of the sheet plate has a smooth structure, the edge is jagged.

Description of fruits

The fruits have a “recognizable” surface: an elongated shape, with an uneven surface on which small irregularities and tubercles can be seen.

The skin has good density. At the ripening stage it has a classic light green tint, and during the period of technological ripeness it acquires a pleasant yellowish-golden color with a delicate light orange coating.

The weight of the pear is about 150 grams, the flesh is dense, juicy and oily, and does not include granular fibers. Taste qualities have only positive characteristics. The fruits are sweet, dessert sweet with a slight sourness. The fruits of this variety are famous for their delicate nutmeg aroma.


  1. The fruits are not stored very well and are not recommended for transportation over long distances. The yield level is very high. From one tree you can get 40 - 60 kg, and if grown on an industrial scale, the yield is at least 100 centners per 1 hectare. Active fruiting begins 4 - 5 years after planting the seedling in the ground.
  2. Fruiting is uneven and extended; from mid-August the first fruits can be watered. Experienced gardeners advise harvesting fruits in several stages. You should first collect the fruits from the most illuminated side, and then the rest. If you collect all the fruits at once, they subsequently become mealy. The pause between periods of fruit collection is 2 - 3 weeks.
  3. One of the serious disadvantages is poor keeping quality. Although on the branches of pears it is good to stay on short stalks and do not fall off. Can be stored for approximately 7 days after harvest. Then they begin to rot.

Brief description: advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages include constantly abundant fruiting. There are no breaks. The variety also tolerates temperature changes, cold and frost (up to -25 degrees).

The variety has good resistance to various viruses and infections, as well as fungal diseases. The variety is self-fertile and does not require pollinators.

The flowering period begins quite late - in the second half of May. For this reason, residual night frosts are not terrible for this pear.

A special advantage of this culture is its absolute unpretentiousness, undemandingness to the soil, unlike many other varieties of pear. The fruits of the Vidnaya variety are large and tasty. Received 4.4 points out of 5.

The disadvantages include the poor ability of fruits to be stored for more than a week. Also, the high crown is quite difficult to care for. Some gardeners shorten the center conductor to stunt the tree's growth a bit.


The Elena variety is valued by gardeners for its ease of care, resistance to disease and excellent taste.

Taras, Tambov: “I really like this late variety of pears. The fruits ripen in October, have a round shape, a rich yellow color and blush on the sunny side. If you do not neglect proper pruning, pears grow large, weighing about 250 g. They are juicy, simply melt in your mouth, moderately sweet, with a slight sourness. For the winter, they must be covered with a tarpaulin, and the roots are insulated with straw. In our area, these pears do not freeze.”

Inna, Bryansk: “An excellent late-ripening variety, suitable for cultivation in our region. I know that these pears cannot be grown in harsher conditions; their winter hardiness is average. According to the recommendations, we spill the soil generously before wintering, and then cover it with an awning. Trees do not get sick if you care for them properly. We trim and whitewash every year. Pears can be stored in the basement for 3-4 months if picked early. We eat ripe fruits right away, make compotes and jam.”

Advantages and disadvantages

The Elena variety has many advantages:

  • high quality fruits (excellent taste and beautiful appearance, long shelf life and excellent transportability);
  • decent harvests;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • self-fertility;
  • disease resistance;
  • unpretentiousness in cultivation and care;
  • compact size of trees.

The only disadvantage noted is the tendency for fruit to fall off.

In order for trees of the Elena variety to bear fruit adequately, several conditions must be met when planting:

  • Plants must be planted either at the end of April or in October;
  • choose a place for the seedling that is bright, dry and well protected from the wind;
  • groundwater should not approach the surface of the earth closer than 2 meters;
  • pear prefers fertile, loose soil - loam or chernozem;
  • the site is dug up ahead of time, cleared of weeds and roots, organic fertilizers and mineral complexes are applied;
  • the pit is prepared 30 days before planting the seedling. Its dimensions should be 70 x 100;
  • Broken bricks are placed at the bottom, then fertile soil taken from above, mixed with humus, compost and wood ash, is poured halfway;
  • a hill is formed on the surface of the mixture, a seedling is placed on it, the roots of which are properly straightened;
  • the hole is filled up, the soil around the tree is compacted and watered;
  • To prevent moisture from quickly evaporating, the space around the tree is mulched with humus or peat.

By following simple care rules, you can provide your pear with favorable growth conditions. Then she will delight with rich harvests:

  • Elena loves abundant watering. Water the trees as the soil dries out. Over-watering should not be allowed, otherwise the tree will die. Do not forget about autumn moisture-recharging irrigation, carried out before the onset of cold weather;
  • Feeding begins in the 3rd year of growth. The trees are fed three times. In the spring, preference is given to carbamide (urea), in the summer they add nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and in the fall they add organic matter (humus, rotted cow manure or bird droppings);
  • for free access of oxygen to the roots, the soil must be loosened periodically;
  • the distance around the trees must be kept clean, removing weeds and organic debris. It is there that pest larvae, fungal spores or harmful bacteria can live and reproduce;
  • with the help of pruning carried out in the spring, trees are thinned out and their crown is formed;
  • In winter, tree trunks are covered with whitewash and wrapped in burlap or covering material. Young trees provide shelter.

Description of the variety

This species was obtained by crossing two varieties: Bere Ardanpon and Daughter Blankova. The variety has been zoned and has proven itself well in gardening in the Central regions of Russia. The Russian Beauty pear is a tall fruit tree, which many gardeners attribute to its disadvantages, since this makes it difficult to care for.

The tree has a narrow pyramidal crown, which is quite rare for this type of plant. The shoots are slightly curved, of medium thickness, with slight geniculation. They are colored reddish-brown, shiny, and hairless. The fruit buds are large and have the shape of a cone. The leaves are elongated, large, pointed, dark green in color with a wedge-shaped base. The plate is weakly folded, curved, finely serrated at the edges, uneven. The petiole is of medium thickness and length, without pubescence.

The fruits are very large. On average, their weight is 180 grams. They have an elongated shape, somewhat lumpy, and have a medium-thick skin covered with a slight waxy coating. At the stage of removable maturity they are colored greenish with a slight outer blush. A greenish-yellow color with a reddish-brown blush appears during the period of consumer maturity. The fruit pulp is white, slightly matte, extremely juicy, with a semi-oily consistency. The taste is sour-sweet, with a delicate aroma.

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