Processing and fertilizing garlic with ammonia in spring

With the start of the new summer season, gardeners and gardeners head to hardware stores to purchase fertilizers for their plants.
And it is right. After all, to get a good harvest, you need to apply fertilizers. Dear readers!
For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format! But there is an excellent, affordable fertilizer that costs mere pennies, is available to everyone and, at the same time, is very effective. This is ammonia, which can be not only a fertilizer, but also an insecticide.

This time we will tell you how ammonia can help in feeding garlic and controlling pests.

Precautions when working with ammonia

Ammonia is a gas that cannot be seen, but can be easily identified by its smell. Ammonia, ammonia are names of the same chemical preparation containing ammonia. Medicines are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The main use is to bring a person to his senses when he faints.

Can you tell what garlic and vegetable garden have to do with it? After all, plants do not need to be brought out of a fainting state. Yes, this is true, but plants need ammonia like air. Ammonia is an excellent nitrogen-containing fertilizer. The substance contains a large amount of nitrogen, it is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll in the green mass of plants. Despite the fact that this element is present in large quantities in the air, plants cannot absorb it; they need nitrogen contained in the soil.

For plant crops, ammonia is a nutrient, but safety precautions should still be observed during processing. Using a caustic composition for fertilizing without protective agents can cause harm to the body, since the substance is prepared in large volumes for spraying.

If ammonia vapor gets on the skin or in the respiratory tract, it can cause serious damage to health. For such activities, personal protective equipment is required. Before processing, wear special overalls and rubber gloves. The hair is tucked under a headdress, and all parts of the face, eyes and mouth are covered with a special mask and glasses.

Onions and garlic are healthy and irreplaceable vegetables in the human diet. Ammonia greatly facilitates the care of crops and helps to obtain a good harvest of greens and root crops.

Nutrition is the basis of life

For normal growth, plants need carbohydrates, which are formed during photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and water in the light with the participation of the green pigment chlorophyll. Its molecule contains four nitrogen atoms - this element is vital for the nutrition and growth of plants. Our green friends get carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

But only a select few can absorb nitrogen from the air (although it occupies 78% of the volume) - mainly legumes. The quality of nutrition of all other plants depends on whether there is enough nitrogen in the soil. Onions and garlic, which have structural features, are especially sensitive to this:

  • Fibrous thin roots of low thickness . A weak root system cannot always provide the necessary nutrition for the plant. Nutrients and moisture must be close to the surface - only in this case can they be absorbed.
  • Onions and garlic do not have a clear division into roots, stems and leaves , so all parts of these crops are interconnected. The deterioration of one of them immediately affects the entire plant. Ultimately, the lack of essential macronutrients, of which nitrogen plays a major role, will jeopardize the entire crop.

Benefits of nitrogen

Is everyone familiar with the pungent smell of ammonia, which is used to revive a person who has fainted? This is what the invisible gas ammonia, which is part of ammonia, smells like. Ammonia benefits not only humans, but also vegetables, as it is an excellent nitrogen-containing fertilizer, without which it is difficult for plants to form chlorophyll.

Yes, we know that nitrogen is in the air, but plants cannot obtain it this way, so it must be introduced into the soil. Here ammonia comes to the aid of gardeners, which has many advantages:

  • It costs less than nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  • Makes garlic and onion plumes appear brighter and healthier.
  • It is impossible for them to overfeed the vegetable, since it will take exactly as much nitrogen as it needs.
  • The productivity of beds enriched with nitrogen increases significantly.

As soon as the feathers turn slightly yellow, you should immediately apply fertilizer based on ammonia, since then it may be too late to save the harvest.

In addition, ammonia improves the composition of the soil, reducing or increasing its acidity within normal limits. At any pharmacy you can buy a nitrogen-containing drug that will say “Ammonia” or “Ammonia”. Essentially it's the same thing.

Improving plant growth is the main reason for fertilizing onions and garlic with ammonia. These plants readily absorb nitrogen compounds; the alcohol composition will help the gardener obtain nutritious greens throughout the season.

The solution is also used if the green mass loses color and turns yellow. The changed appearance of the feather indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil, and for onions and garlic such treatment would be the best option. But you should not plant vegetable crops. For prevention, it is worth watering the onions with ammonia in advance.

How to understand that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil and garlic needs fertilizer. Like any other vegetable crop, it signals a problem through external manifestations. Here are the main signs of nitrogen deficiency:

  • small feathers;
  • slow head formation;
  • limp, yellowed feather;
  • pale color of the stem.

The yellow color of the leaves sometimes signals a lack of iron, and also if the gardener rarely waters the garlic bed and the soil often dries out. The difference between nitrogen starvation is the yellowing of old leaves first and young leaves second.

Let's figure out why a lack of nitrogen is dangerous for crops. You won't be able to get a good harvest. Due to the gradual yellowing of the leaves, less nutrients reach the head; they are not enough to form a full-fledged head.

Reference. In soil with low nitrogen content, weeds have red streaks.

Nitrogen deficiency is most common in acidic soils. Finding out the pH of the soil in your area is easy. Litmus paper is commercially available for this purpose. It’s even better if you have a special device in use to determine acidity. They are inexpensive and always on sale. Adjusting soil acidity will help increase garlic yields.

Agronomists call nitrogen the bread of plants. When using nitrogen-containing fertilizers, nitrates accumulate in plants. As for fertilizing with ammonia, there are many positive aspects:

  1. First of all, plants do not have ammonia depots, so they cannot accumulate nitrogen obtained from ammonia.
  2. Secondly, using ammonia is much more economical. Today fertilizers are very expensive.
  3. Thirdly, the nitrogen received by plants when feeding activates the growth of the green mass of garlic, it becomes rich, bright green.
  4. Fourthly, there is no risk of overfeeding garlic with ammonia.

You should not wait until the feathers begin to turn pale and yellow, that is, to signal that the garlic lacks nitrogen. Timely feeding of the plant will help avoid troubles. In addition, once in the soil, ammonia improves the structure of the soil and normalizes its acidity.

The importance of the role of nitrogen in the formation of a plant can be understood from the following chain: lack of nitrogen in the soil - little chlorophyll - leaves turn yellow - the process of photosynthesis is weak - not enough organic substances are formed - crop growth slows down.

Stages of feeding onions and garlic

Most often, in a garden plot, both garlic and onions are located nearby. They are similar in care, including feeding. This allows you to consider feeding them simultaneously.

It is highly desirable that fertilizing be carried out according to all the rules, in accordance with the growing season of plants, taking into account the time of year. Compliance with systematic and cyclical feeding, using the indicated dosages, helps to obtain a good and tasty harvest.

It is recommended to fertilize garlic and onions three times during the season:

  • After the formation of seedlings, 14 days later, they are fed for the first time. By this moment, the arrows should already have grown to a height of 10 to 15 cm. In terms of time, the first feeding of onions is carried out around May.
  • The second feeding is applied after 12 - 15 days.
  • The third application of fertilizer occurs during the active growth of the bulbs. For the middle latitudes of the country, the last feeding of onions is done in June, approximately in the middle of the month or at the very end. For northern latitudes - in July.

Superphosphate Fertilizer Azofoska Fertilizer Nitrophoska
Each of the above periods requires the application of certain fertilizers. The first feeding of garlic and onions should be carried out with nitrogen,

since at the initial stage the plant requires a lot of nutrition. It promotes the growth of strong, green, succulent foliage.

At the second stage, shoots are formed. complex or mixed fertilizing with potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen comes into play

At the last stage, when the bulbs are actively growing, potassium and phosphorus come to the fore.

The bulbs will begin to grow faster.


Minerals must be used carefully, in precise dosages. If the norm is exceeded, nitrates will begin to accumulate in the bulbs, which is extremely undesirable.

Signs of need for treatment

We know that there is almost no overdose of ammonia in vegetables; you can feed them all summer long, but it wouldn’t hurt to know the signs that indicate that onions or garlic simply need fertilizer:

  • Yellowing of feathers.
  • Thinning of plant stems.
  • Lack of flowering on plants.
  • Poor fruit growth.
  • The tips of the feathers began to curl and turned white.
  • The stems have turned white, in which case fertilizing is urgently needed.

But if the color of the greenery has not changed, but only the tips of the feathers have turned slightly white, then no additional feeding is needed. This is the normal state of an already ripe vegetable. You can only water between rows with copper-based fertilizer.

If the soil turns out to be too acidic, then it can be mixed with ash, lime or dolomite flour, which will slightly reduce the acidity, since onions and garlic prefer low-alkaline soil. Therefore, at the beginning of summer, it would be useful to water the entire bed with a solution of two glasses of wood ash and a ten-liter bucket of liquid.

Why feed onions and garlic

Planting and care alone in the form of systemic watering is not enough for onions and garlic. Why?

Top dressing for garlic and onions - video

For the garlic

There are 2 types of garlic:
winter and spring. As for the first type, such garlic is planted in the autumn. Planting of the second type is carried out in the spring when the soil has sufficiently warmed up.

Each type needs to be fed:

  • for garlic planted before winter, minerals are used that help healthy formation and growth;
  • For spring feeding, it is necessary that the formation of the bulbs begins on time and that they are healthy and strong.
  • In summer, fertilizers are applied to increase the immunity of the crop.

For the bow

Onions are known as a very unpretentious crop. Can grow in almost any soil. However, it is the application of fertilizers that contributes to obtaining a higher quality harvest, improved taste characteristics, and a higher concentration of nutrients.


Even very careful care of garlic and onions without fertilizing will not give the desired result.

Planting and care

Garlic, like any cultivated plant, needs feeding. In order for the plant to develop normally, you need to start feeding it from the moment of planting. There are a number of fertilizers that are commonly used to feed garlic during vegetative development. They should not be neglected.

After the bed has been prepared, it must be watered with a solution of ammonia to enrich the soil with easily digestible nitrogen. To do this, prepare a composition of 10 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia. The planted cloves will not only receive additional nutrition, but also protection from pests.

When the first two feather-like leaves appear, another feeding is carried out. Add two tablespoons of ammonia to a ten-liter bucket of cold water. This will be foliar feeding.

The following fertilizing can be done every 10 days with a less concentrated solution. Even if the plant does not give a signal, prevention never hurts. After watering and fertilizing, the soil in the garlic bed needs to be loosened.

Feeding onions and garlic: reviews and tips

Tatyana Vasilievna, Leningrad region. In my garden plot, a significant part is reserved for onions and garlic. The size of the bed is 1.5 x 12 m (width and length respectively). According to an already established family tradition, I plant onions in the spring and garlic in the fall. I carefully prepare the soil for planting. I add humus and bird droppings. In my opinion, this is better than mullein or horse manure. I carefully dig everything up and leave it to soak properly. Around mid-October, you can safely plant garlic. Same thing with onions. I also prepare the soil for it in the fall, and also add chicken manure and humus. During the winter period, the soil is very well saturated with fertilizers. Onions and garlic grown in such soil do not get sick and have excellent taste.

Leonid Vladimirovich, Vologda I am a supporter of exclusively natural, organic fertilizers. In the fall I sow green manure, and when spring comes, I flavor it very well with organic fertilizers. I sow mustard from green manure. By the way, not only for onions and garlic. This applies to the entire garden area. When the first frosts come, I mow down the grown greenery and leave it on the surface of the ground. With the arrival of spring, I scatter the nutrient mixture. It contains an equal amount of compost and manure (chicken and rabbit). After applying this fertilizing, you need to properly dig up the garden and arrange the beds. The method, of course, is not for the lazy. If you want a good, high-quality harvest, it's worth the effort.

Lidiya Sergeevna, Mari-El I have been growing onions for a very long time, since the purchase of a summer cottage. Recently I decided to experiment and plant the Dutch variety Exhibition. Feeding Exhibition onions is quite simple. The first thing that is important is to grow the seedlings correctly so that they are not elongated. It is from such seedlings that a decent volume of bulbs is obtained from 500 to 700 grams. Don't get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers at the very beginning. Everywhere you can see recommendations to do the first fertilizing with nitrogen. Here it is worth adhering to the rule: “More is not better.” High nitrogen content worsens the taste. But it is precisely its unique taste that the variety is famous for. Indeed, at first it is unusual to eat onions without bitterness. I recommend it to all gourmets and vegetable growers.

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How to spray

Because ammonia is a gas, which means it evaporates quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to use a solution based on it immediately. The watering can must have small holes so that the solution does not burn the greens. You can spray the entire greenery; during this procedure the weather should be cloudy and windless.

If the weather is hot for a long time, then spraying is carried out in the evening after the sun has set. For watering, another watering can is used, without a sprinkler.

Water only at the roots, being careful not to get on the greens, so that the leaves do not get a chemical burn. After watering with a solution containing nitrogen, the beds are additionally filled with plain water in large quantities.

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These very prolific pests are very difficult to get rid of. Fortunately, they do not tolerate strong odors, so ammonia will perfectly help destroy these insects. To do this, you need to make a solution that is sprayed on all plants affected by aphids.

To do this, pour 20 milliliters of a pharmaceutical bottle of ammonia into a ten-liter bucket of water. Mix well and add 100 grams of grated laundry soap as an adhesive. Thanks to soap, this solution will not be washed off just after rain. After this, leave the solution alone for two hours.

Spraying of affected plants is carried out in cloudy and windless weather in the early morning. On hot days it is done in the evening after sunset.

Where there are aphids, there will always be ants, which cause no less damage to the future harvest. Therefore, it is also necessary to get rid of them. It’s better to start with an anthill, which is usually located nearby. And in this case, a regular bottle of ammonia will come to the rescue.

To do this, pour 40 milliliters of a nitrogen-containing preparation into one liter of water. Then carefully remove the top from the anthill, after which the entire ant house is watered with this solution, especially the places where the eggs are located. After this, the ants will leave here.

When else does garlic need ammonia?

Every vegetable crop growing in the garden requires attention and care. Onions cannot be called capricious and picky, but they also have problems. Quite often, the feathers of the green part of the plants turn pale and yellow, this is a sign that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. Experienced gardeners have good ways to maintain crops, some of them quite unusual.

Ammonia is considered a product that is used only in medicine, and for some summer residents it is a discovery that the substance is used in the garden as a fertilizer for bulbous crops and protection against insects. Ammonia is a source of nitrogen; it does not turn into poison after processing and is necessary for many plants.

Watering garden plantings with a prepared solution of alcohol preserves the intensity of chlorophyll formation, active growth of vegetable crops, lush leaf mass and rich color of the above-ground parts of plants. Onions and garlic respond especially well to such feeding.

Without knowing all the intricacies of caring for plants, you can confuse the ingredients and use ammonia or ammonium nitrate to water the onions. But you should know that ammonia is a solution of ammonia gas in water, and ammonium is ordinary ammonia, which is practically not used in agricultural technology.

Ammonia solution is the most easily digestible form of nitrogen fertilizer. Professional summer residents have long come to the conclusion that using ammonia for garlic and onions preserves not only the leaf mass, but also ensures the formation of large and juicy heads.

Ammonia should be used as a fertilizer when there is a need to urgently add nitrogen to the soil. Nitrogen starvation in plants manifests itself in various forms; at the first signs of the disease, measures should be taken immediately and the causes should be identified.

If the tips of the arrows have brightened and lost their brightness, and the stems have become yellow, this is a sign of a lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Plants are fertilized once every ten days. Start with a small concentration. With each treatment, the dose is increased and the recommended dose is reached.

For preventive purposes, fertilizing onions and garlic is carried out in the spring, immediately after the first shoots appear. The point of spraying is to ensure that the substance acts and stays on the feathers for as long as possible.

When growing onion crops to obtain root crops, the plants are initially fed by applying the composition under the roots. The second and third time, ammonia is used for onion stems in the form of foliar treatment and regular watering is carried out with the addition of ammonia.

Gardeners without experience are interested in how much ammonia is needed for processing and how many parts of water are used in the composition. The caustic substance can burn the stems and turnips of the crop, so it is extremely important to calculate the correct dosage. Usually, a 25% preparation is taken from the pharmacy for the solution. The proportions of alcohol are always determined by the purpose of use, but the acceptable composition is one teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water.

In order for the onion to have a juicy and thick feather, for spraying you need to dilute 5 tbsp. spoons into a bucket of water. To obtain large root crops, fertilizing is carried out at the root. For irrigation, dilute 3 tablespoons of alcohol per 10 liters of water. The crop is watered once every ten days; after such treatments, the yield increases significantly.

Ammonia is a volatile compound; it is not recommended to water onion feathers with ammonia from a sprayer. It is better to carry out the procedure with a watering can with small holes. The splashes should be visible, but not very small.

Foliar feeding is carried out in good weather without rain and wind. For the event, choose the morning or evening time of day. The watering agent is kept low, so that the substance falls on the greenery of the plant.

If the concentration of the composition is exceeded, the feathers can be burned. To prevent this from happening, half an hour after treatment, the greens are sprayed with clean water.

Some parasites are sensitive to ammonia vapor, and the best means of protection against pests is ammonia. Small onion flies are difficult to notice, but they cause a lot of damage. On parts of the bulb, the insect lays larvae that can spoil the root crops in a short time.

Onion fly larvae are treated with ammonia immediately after emergence. Prepare a concentrated solution, which is applied under the root, so that it does not get on the feather. The next day after treatment, the soil is loosened to prolong the unpleasant aroma. Secondary treatment is carried out after a month.

It is necessary to feed garlic with ammonia every 2 weeks, without waiting for signs of nitrogen starvation. During the summer, alternate root and foliar forms of fertilizer application. For example, winter garlic (planted in the fall) is watered with ammonia in the spring 2 weeks after the feather appears. At the end of June, water the garlic bed for the last time.

To prevent nitrogen starvation, prepare a low concentration ammonia solution. 2 tablespoons of the drug per bucket of water is enough. Water the garlic early in the morning or in the evening after 17-00, this also applies to treating the feathers against pests. Watering in sunny weather can cause leaf burn.

How do you know that garlic needs to be fed with ammonia? The plant itself will “tell” about it.

The tips of the feathers, regardless of the fact that the plants are constantly watered, become yellow and the greenery fades. This is the very first distress signal. The plant needs urgent help. This can be achieved by foliar feeding of garlic. To do this, prepare a solution in a ten-liter watering can with the addition of 60 ml of ammonia. It is advisable to spray garlic in the evening, after watering the ground with clean water.

Pests may be the cause of yellowing of garlic feathers. So, ammonia not only replenishes the lack of nitrogen, but is also able to repel harmful insects with its specific smell:

  • onion fly and carrot fly. She also lays eggs in garlic;
  • aphids, capable of sucking juice from green mass;
  • wireworm, eating passages in the tender pulp of the cloves;
  • secretive proboscis or weevil, it can destroy the green feathers of garlic by eating the passages in it.

Timely root and foliar feeding with ammonia will rid garlic of these pests. To do this, prepare a weak ammonia solution - 25 ml per 10 liters of water. To prevent the solution from immediately flowing onto the ground, dissolve laundry soap.

How to properly prepare a soap solution:

  1. The soap is ground using a grater and poured into hot water.
  2. When the soap solution has cooled a little, pour it little by little into water, stirring constantly. Stir until the gray flakes disappear. Rainbow bubbles should form on the surface of the water.
  3. After this, ammonia is poured in.

Garlic should be watered and simultaneously fed with ammonia once a week or every 10 days throughout the growing season. Only in this case can the harvest be saved.

This medicine is an excellent fertilizer for vegetables and flowers, a rich source of nitrogen, which, in turn, is part of lipoids, chlorophyll and plant organelles. It is thanks to it that the growth of the green part of plants is activated, the leaves acquire a rich green color.

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Plants can only absorb it from the soil. This explains the answer to the question why it is necessary to water garden plants with ammonia - to maintain the high intensity of chlorophyll formation, vigorous growth and rich color of the above-ground part of the crops. Onions and garlic respond best to such fertilizing.

One of the main reasons for feeding garlic and onions with ammonia is to improve the growth of these crops. The nitrogenous compound is perfectly absorbed by plants, and especially readily by onions and garlic. If you want to use the juicy shoots of these vegetables all summer, use ammonia fertilizers.

It is also worth considering a similar procedure if the arrows of already mature plants have lost their color and turned yellow. This is direct evidence of a lack of nitrogen in the soil, which requires feeding onions and garlic with ammonia.

However, you should not let the situation get to this point. It is better to apply fertilizer to the beds in advance to eliminate the lack of nitrogen and ensure the proper level of chlorophyll formation in the green part of the plants. In addition, with such fertilizers, bulbous crops develop better in the underground part.

Experienced gardeners have long noticed that ammonia applied to onions and garlic on time and in the proper quantity ensures the formation of large and fleshy heads. After all, such a solution is one of the most easily digestible forms of nitrogen fertilizer.

In addition, the drug helps fight a number of pests that cannot stand its pungent odor. Among the most dangerous pests that can be controlled with this product are: mole crickets, carrot flies, wireworms, secretive proboscis flies, and onion flies.

We have figured out how useful ammonia is for garlic and onions, now let's figure out how to use this product.

In order to protect the crop from pests, onions and garlic are sprayed with an ammonia solution, but diluted in certain proportions along with soap. To prepare the composition for spraying, grate 100 g of 72% laundry soap or any other soap, but without fragrances, on a fine grater. Pour a liter of hot water over it and stir until dissolved.

The resulting mixture should be used immediately by spraying the plants. The procedure is carried out every few days. Subsequently, after such spraying, the green part of the plants must be washed well before use.

The product is also used for fertilizer. In this case, the dosages differ slightly depending on the purpose of the solution. So, if plants show acute signs of nitrogen starvation, pour a tablespoon of 25% product into a liter of water. This is the maximum dosage that, in principle, can be used to feed plants with ammonia.

Preparing fertilizer

It is necessary to feed garlic with ammonia every 2 weeks, without waiting for signs of nitrogen starvation. During the summer, alternate root and foliar forms of fertilizer application. For example, winter garlic (planted in the fall) is watered with ammonia in the spring 2 weeks after the feather appears. At the end of June, water the garlic bed for the last time.

To prevent nitrogen starvation, prepare a low concentration ammonia solution. 2 tablespoons of the drug per bucket of water is enough. Water the garlic early in the morning or in the evening after 17-00, this also applies to treating the feathers against pests. Watering in sunny weather can cause leaf burn.

Security measures

We already know that ammonia does not accumulate in vegetables, which means it is safe for humans. But in its pure form it can be harmful to humans, so you need to work with it very carefully:

  • If a gardener has high blood pressure, then he is strictly prohibited from working with ammonia, since inhaling the gases will further increase his blood pressure.
  • Any ammonia-based treatment is carried out only in calm, cloudy and dry weather.
  • If the pure composition comes into contact with a person’s skin or eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of clean water. If the burning sensation continues, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Before working with ammonia, you should protect yourself with waterproof gloves and a protective mask to avoid gas poisoning. Hair must be covered with a headdress.
  • During the procedure, do not allow children and pets close to the beds and the bucket with the drug diluted in it.
  • Keep this product away from children and animals so that they cannot accidentally or intentionally open it. Because breathing may stop if you inhale this gas. And if it gets into the mouth, it causes a severe burn.

Ammonia does not accumulate in the heads of garlic, that is, the grown products are safe for humans. But when working with it you need to be careful and follow safety rules.

Let's look at this issue in more detail:

  1. If a gardener has hypertension, then he is prohibited from working with ammonia. Acrid fumes can cause it to rise sharply.
  2. Nothing should be added to the ammonia solution.
  3. Root or foliar feeding of garlic with ammonia should be carried out in calm weather.
  4. If ammonia gets on your skin or eyes when preparing the solution, you should quickly rinse with plenty of clean water. If the burning does not stop, you should seek help from a doctor.
  5. When fertilizing garlic with ammonia, you must use gloves and a mask.

To store ammonia, you need to choose a place where children and animals cannot reach. The fact is that a sharp inhalation of ammonia can cause a reflex cessation of breathing. If, through negligence, ammonia gets into the mouth, it causes a severe burn.

General recommendations for the use of ammonia water in garden plots

How not to use ammonia water! Applying by regular watering is completely useless; due to high evaporation, it is better to use fertigation.

On large-scale agricultural fields, fertilizers are applied using special equipment that introduces liquid between the rows. If work in a private garden is carried out manually, a regular watering can or a sprayer with a jet sprayer is used for fertilizing. To prevent the nozzle from clogging, you need to filter the solution before pouring it into the tank.

A distinctive feature of ammonia water from other fertilizers is that this substance can retain nitrogen for a long period, while, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate quickly lose the active element.

In order for fertilizing to bring benefits and not harm, it is important to follow these recommendations:

Fertilizers should not be applied during the growing season of plants, otherwise it will burn the roots of the plants. The product is used in advance of planting or sowing seeds. Unlike other fertilizers with unstable nitrogen, ammonia water retains the element for a long time. Most often, autumn application is recommended for spring planting or sowing.

  • Ammonia water is a ready-made fertilizer that does not require preliminary preparation. Dilution with water does not make sense; this reduces the effectiveness of the substance.
  • At the same time, it is unacceptable to exceed the application rate indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. A high concentration of the substance per unit area leads to the death of crops.
  • The content of volatile nitrogen in ammonia form does not allow the fertilizer to be used at high temperatures. Optimal mode, no higher than +10, but no warmer than +13.

Secretive Proboscis

If a secretive proboscis is infested on vegetables, you will have to treat everything with a solution based on a nitrogen-containing preparation every week until harvest.

To do this, pour 25 milliliters of pharmaceutical ammonia into a bucket of water. After harvesting, be sure to remove all the husks from the beds, dig everything up thoroughly, then the beetle will have nothing to eat and will finally leave this area.

A nitrogen-containing preparation diluted in water will help get rid of mole crickets. To do this, pour 10 milliliters of a nitrogen-containing preparation into a ten-liter bucket of water. After which it is watered strictly at the root, trying not to get on the feathers of the onion vegetable. After this, additional watering of the soil with ordinary liquid is not required.

Application errors

Foliar feeding is aimed at giving plants specific elements.

If it is phosphorus or nitrogen, then you need about 25 feedings to give the garlic these necessary elements.

If the plant needs other substances, then foliar fertilizers are combined with root fertilizers. Let's look at the main mistakes in using foliar fertilizers.

Exceeding the concentration of the solution

If the consumption of working fluid on 1 hectare of territory is more than necessary, then the processing time will be violated. After this, the operation time is delayed, and it is necessary to use solutions that are very rich in microelements.

These products can cause burns to the leaves.

Mixing with other products

Great garlic

Many summer residents mix different chemicals to get the effect faster. But if you do not know the properties of fertilizers and their interactions with others, you can harm the plants.

You should always carefully study the compatibility options for various fertilizers. It is necessary to take into account the dose and concentration of the drugs so as not to damage the foliage or stems, but to destroy the weeds.

Uneven application of fertilizers

It is known that different fertilizers behave differently inside plants. Mobile elements such as phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium move from top to bottom from the point of impact.

Whereas elements with low mobility - iron, calcium or manganese - will only move upward. It is important to remember these features and process all the leaves, otherwise some elements may not “reach” the lower sheets.

Incorrect determination of the timing of deposits

With foliar fertilizer, it is not possible to supply elements in reserve, because everything that falls on the leaves is very quickly absorbed into the garlic. Therefore, it is imperative to know when such periods occur in a plant when it experiences a deficiency in microelements.

Uncertainty in choosing a drug

Today there is a very large selection of fertilizers. Products for foliar fertilizers differ significantly from each other in price, quality, composition and even form.

Be sure to read the composition of the drug. You must always take into account the growth phase of the plant and its needs in order to choose the right nutrition.

Let's sum it up

So, the proper use of ammonia on a personal plot or dacha helps solve a dual problem: it is used as a universal fertilizer to obtain a rich harvest, and protects plantings from harmful insects.

The reason gardeners love ammonia is that it is harmless to plants and humans. After all, nitrogen does not accumulate in garlic, onions, or other fruits after feeding with ammonia. The same cannot be said about many nitrogenous fertilizers.

Experienced vegetable growers can determine by the condition of the plant whether the garlic needs further feeding. This is not always possible for beginners. Overfeeding with nitrogen can cause growth retardation. Therefore, we recommend feeding garlic no more than once every 10 days with a not too concentrated solution.


Ammonia is produced by combining ammonia with water. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a very unpleasant odor. You can buy a bottle of ammonia at any pharmacy. It is produced in the form of a 10% solution. The label may say “Ammonia” or “Ammonia”. In both cases it is the same remedy.

From the formula of ammonia NH₄OH it is clear that it contains nitrogen (N). This chemical element is necessary for all plants to grow. Vegetables can absorb nitrogen from the soil, not in pure form, but in the form of a compound.

Yellow leaves on garlic are the first sign that there are pests in the garden. Using ammonia water you can solve two problems: feed the growing garlic with nitrogen and rid it of pests.

In gardening, advice from experienced summer residents will never hurt. Sometimes little things make a big difference. Ammonia fertilizing has such features. Knowing about the high volatility of the substance, experienced gardeners sprinkle the garlic bed with soil immediately after watering with fertilizer.

Garlic can be winter (planted before winter) and spring (planted in spring). The timing of watering them with ammonia varies. Winter crops are fertilized for the first time when they have just hatched from the ground; spring crops are fertilized only after 5–6 feathers have formed.

In emergency cases, with acute signs of nitrogen starvation, it is recommended to apply a fertilizer containing a loading dose of ammonia once. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. l. facilities. Watering is carried out between rows. This measure is resorted to in the most extreme cases.

We suggest you read: When and how to plant winter garlic correctly in the fall of 2019

One more tip regarding landing. Garlic does not grow well in heavy soils with a high clay content. Sand can improve the situation. It can be added to the bottom of the hole when planting and the head covered on top. The trick is small, but effective.

To do everything right, you need to know these rules:

  • To improve the growth of garlic, water the entire soil with a bucket of liquid in which 60 milliliters of ammonia is diluted. After this, fruit growth will improve and its resistance to insect pests will also increase.
  • After each procedure, be sure to water the entire soil with regular liquid. This is done so that the nitrogen penetrates deep into the ground and does not evaporate from its surface.
  • The first treatment is done in the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up. This is done to prevent pest insects from laying eggs on the soil.
  • To ensure that the crop is saved, watering or spraying with this nitrogen-containing preparation is done every ten days from planting to harvest.
  • It is not recommended to feed plants more than once every ten days. And the solution should always be as dilute as possible.
  • If the onion vegetable is grown for eating green feathers, then after treating with nitrogen, always water the entire soil with a solution of dry mustard, which will wash away the nitrogen from the feathers.
  • If the feathers will not be eaten, then for better adhesion of ammonia on the greens, grated laundry soap is added to the composition. It must be remembered that greens after this treatment are unsuitable for food.
  • After the tops have acquired a dark green color, fertilizing is stopped for a while or completely.
  • Garlic or onions should not be grown on the same soil for more than two years. It will be better if you alternate beds with cabbage and onions every two years.

Ammonia can be obtained by combining water and ammonia. Ammonia itself has no color, but has a rather unpleasant aroma. Ammonia is sold in the form of a ten percent solution, which is sold in any pharmacy and is available without a prescription. The presence of 82% nitrogen in the composition explains the benefits of this fertilizer in the garden - it almost immediately promotes active plant growth, helping to form chlorophyll in the green parts.

Usually crops consume it directly from the soil, but if it is poor, then you have to add it yourself. In addition, ammonia has a beneficial effect on onions and garlic because it repels traditional pests with its smell: aphids, onion and carrot flies, weevils and wireworms. Thus, ammonia has a dual use: it helps to feed the crop and protect it from insects.

It is important to note that using ammonia as a fertilizer allows you to rid vegetables of nitrates. Nitrogen does not accumulate in garlic and onion heads, but is quickly absorbed - it makes the fruit itself large and significantly improves the characteristics of the feathers. Ammonia is quite cheap, and besides, not much of it is consumed, so such feeding will not hit the gardener’s wallet too much. It is important to add that overfeeding crops with ammonia is simply unrealistic. It has been noticed that in beds artificially saturated with this element, the yield almost doubles.

You should also understand how ammonia, which is the basis of ammonia, has little in common with ammonium nitrate. Due to the specific chemical composition, ammonia is easier to penetrate into the soil and is better accepted by plants. Ammonium nitrate, also known as a salt of nitric acid, takes much longer to be absorbed by both onions and garlic, and, in addition, forms nitrates that can subsequently harm human health.

Simple rules for feeding onions and garlic

There are several simple rules before applying fertilizers:

  • Never use fresh manure to feed onions and garlic;
  • when fertilizing with nitrogen, the permissible norm must not be exceeded;
  • excessive feeding of onion sets with minerals is fraught with the accumulation of nitrates;
  • avoid getting the product on green parts;
  • Fertilizers should be used comprehensively;
  • It is worth fertilizing onions and garlic only after the soil has been moistened, since the absorption of substances occurs better in this case;
  • dry mixtures are simply scattered over the surface, embedded inside to a depth of 3–5 cm.

Following these simple rules for fertilizing onions and garlic will help you get a decent harvest.

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How to process crops?

Primary processing of winter garlic planted in the fall occurs when it first emerges from the ground. If the crop was planted in the spring, then the beds will need to be processed after the first five or six feathers appear. Watering should be done from a watering can so that, for different purposes, the solution can get into the root zone and onto the green feathers.

From pests

Many insects cause significant harm to onions and garlic. Flies, both carrot and onion, leave eggs inside the crops, aphids consume all the juices from the green parts of the plant, wireworms gnaw holes in the fruits, and weevils in the feathers. Ammonia can also help in these situations.

A weak solution is used once a week or once every ten days throughout the growing season. If the plantings are attacked by aphids, then you will need approximately half a standard package of ammonia, which will be dissolved in 10 liters of water. It's a good idea to add 100 grams of soap shavings, which will allow the fertilizer to stick to the leaves better. After all the components are mixed, you need to wait about half an hour and then start spraying.

A whole bottle is mixed in a liter of water, and all this is poured into the ants’ habitat, from which the top earthen layer has been removed. After this, the surface is processed.

When onions are being chased by flies, the ammonia is often supplemented with salt. 250 grams of salt and 10 milliliters of alcohol are mixed in 10 liters of water. First, the beds are sprayed with the resulting solution, and then regular watering is carried out. Preventive treatment is applied once every ten days.

Finally, if the garlic is being pursued by a nematode, then ammonia must be mixed with iodine. Iodine in the amount of three drops is supplemented with 40 milliliters of ammonia and everything is diluted with 10 liters of water. The finished volume should cover two square meters of beds. Again, after “anti-pest” watering, you need to irrigate the beds with regular settled liquid. The procedure is carried out every ten days.

For feeding

You will have to feed the garden bed with ammonia for the first time before planting. Typically, at this stage, 50 milliliters of easily digestible nitrogen is dissolved in 10 liters of settled liquid. The next treatment is carried out after the appearance of two feathers. This time the concentration should be lower - only two tablespoons of ammonia for the same 10 liters. The ammonia solution will need to be watered on the previously irrigated soil.

Then you can use ammonia once every ten days, making sure that the concentration of the solution gradually decreases. After each watering and fertilizing, it would be good to loosen the beds.

Among summer residents, the popularity of folk recipes for caring for vegetables is growing. Feeding garlic with ammonia helps many people grow vigorous heads. Many people will need useful information about how to use an inexpensive pharmaceutical drug.

Video: how to feed garlic in spring

The spicy vegetable will definitely please you with a good harvest if you follow all the simple rules for caring for this crop. Spring fertilizing is an obligatory part of agricultural technology, because it is during this period that the plant accumulates all the necessary substances for laying large heads. Timely and competent application of fertilizers will allow you to successfully grow crops even on less fertile soils.

  • Author: Svetlana Lukyanova
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Why do many people choose ammonia?

Someone will disagree and say that there are a large number of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and various insecticides to solve these problems. This is true, but the main advantage of feeding garlic with ammonia is the absence of nitrates in the crop. For many, the desire to grow organic vegetables is the main goal, so they choose ammonia.

Let's list the advantages they receive:

  • there is no accumulation of nitrogen in the heads;
  • saving money, since the drug is cheap, its processing costs are low;
  • the nitrogen contained in ammonia is easily absorbed; this can be seen from the juicy, bright green feathers and filling heads;
  • You don’t have to worry about overfeeding the garlic with nitrogen, this 100% won’t happen.

The main rule of an experienced gardener is not to eliminate the problem, but to prevent it. Don’t wait until yellow garlic feathers appear in your garden bed, use our recipes for treating garlic with ammonia and forget about your problems.

Signs of the presence of pests on garlic

The most dangerous pest of garlic is the onion fly. Its presence is easy to detect - adult individuals begin to fly around plantings around mid-May, when the time comes to lay eggs.

Ammonia is one of the means of combating it, and it will be effective to combine the processing of green mass and watering, since the clutches are made between the primary scales of garlic. The solution is prepared according to the schemes described above using laundry soap as a fixing component.

Another malicious pest of garlic is aphids; it can be very difficult to get rid of them, but among all the folk remedies, a solution of ammonia is considered the most effective by summer residents. To prepare 10 liters of a solution suitable for processing garlic, you need to add 50 ml of a 25% ammonia solution to this volume of cold water. You can also add a soap base (only laundry soap that is as concentrated as possible, without fragrances and dyes) is suitable for this, previously prepared in the manner described above.

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